Gay stories

1,514 Gay Athletics stories

Stories involving Athletics, Gyms, Sports, and Athletes

Dec 29, 2016


Jock's Awakening

By Bro Seller

2.9K words

Dec 15, 2016

1.8K words

Jul 15, 2016

5 chapters

44K words

Jul 6, 2016

3K words

Jun 20, 2016

5 chapters

29K words

Jun 19, 2016

2 chapters

30K words

May 23, 2016

10 chapters

41K words

200+ views

May 21, 2016

2 chapters

4.1K words

May 21, 2016

26 chapters

275K words

May 7, 2016

34 chapters

98K words

100+ views

Mar 13, 2016

6 chapters

17K words

100+ views

Jan 13, 2016

2.1K words

Jan 13, 2016

2 chapters

16K words

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