Gay stories

820 Gay Military stories

Stories involving the Military and Armed Services

Apr 28, 2011


Coast Guard MWR Gym

By Will Cooper

2.3K words

Apr 26, 2011

2.6K words

Jan 22, 2011

4.7K words

Nov 11, 2010

864 words

Oct 9, 2010

4 chapters

24K words

Aug 26, 2010

6 chapters

14K words

Aug 21, 2010

2.1K words

Aug 12, 2010

2 chapters

14K words

May 3, 2010

27 chapters

70K words

May 3, 2010

3 chapters

6K words

Apr 22, 2010

3.4K words

Feb 4, 2010

3 chapters

13K words

Jan 17, 2010

5 chapters

15K words

Dec 7, 2009

2 chapters

8.4K words

Nov 13, 2009

2 chapters

10K words

Nov 3, 2009

1.9K words

Oct 14, 2009

701 words

Oct 10, 2009

1.1K words

Sep 13, 2009

1.9K words

Sep 5, 2009

3.1K words

Aug 1, 2009

7 chapters

23K words

Jul 19, 2009

3 chapters

14K words

Jul 3, 2009

7 chapters

67K words

Jul 3, 2009

1.7K words

Jun 11, 2009

4 chapters

15K words

May 5, 2009

1.3K words

Apr 26, 2009

11 chapters

34K words

Apr 17, 2009

4.6K words

Apr 2, 2009

2 chapters

4.6K words

Feb 12, 2009

1.4K words

Feb 12, 2009

1.2K words

Feb 9, 2009

3.7K words

Jan 23, 2009

6 chapters

49K words

Nov 3, 2008

4 chapters

10K words

Oct 30, 2008

4 chapters

10K words

Oct 15, 2008

2.9K words

Oct 2, 2008

2 chapters

5.8K words

Sep 14, 2008

4 chapters

19K words

Aug 12, 2008

12 chapters

156K words

Aug 10, 2008

11 chapters

53K words

Jun 26, 2008

1.3K words

Jun 16, 2008

7 chapters

7.8K words

May 12, 2008

1.2K words

May 2, 2008

4.5K words

Apr 19, 2008

21 chapters

61K words

Apr 4, 2008

3 chapters

11K words

Feb 16, 2008

2.9K words

Jan 29, 2008

22 chapters

292K words

Jan 6, 2008

5 chapters

22K words

Dec 8, 2007

11K words

Nov 28, 2007

2 chapters

16K words

Nov 10, 2007

8 chapters

21K words


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