Lesbian stories

604 Lesbian Beginnings stories

Stories about Budding Adult Relationships between Strangers

Mar 1, 2003

The Wedding

By Real Org

2.1K words

Feb 15, 2003

2.6K words

Feb 10, 2003

2 chapters

4.3K words

Jan 20, 2003

6.4K words

Jan 8, 2003

2.6K words

Nov 18, 2002

4K words

Oct 31, 2002


1.4K words

Oct 30, 2002

7.3K words

Oct 17, 2002

2.7K words

Sep 9, 2002

1.3K words

Sep 3, 2002

3.2K words

Jul 27, 2002

14K words

Jun 21, 2002

3.4K words

May 27, 2002

5 chapters

11K words

May 12, 2002

16K words

200+ views

Apr 25, 2002

1.1K words

Apr 20, 2002

7.1K words

Mar 28, 2002

3.7K words

Mar 21, 2002

3.6K words

Mar 20, 2002

9K words

Mar 13, 2002

13K words

Mar 12, 2002

2.6K words

Mar 10, 2002

18 chapters

83K words

Mar 2, 2002

2.8K words

Feb 21, 2002

7.8K words

Feb 9, 2002

3 chapters

9.2K words

Feb 6, 2002

3.6K words

Jan 26, 2002

4.6K words

Jan 22, 2002

6.6K words

Dec 20, 2001

8.1K words

Dec 4, 2001

3K words

Nov 19, 2001

4.6K words

Nov 11, 2001

1.7K words

Oct 27, 2001

1.4K words

Oct 27, 2001

5.9K words

Oct 18, 2001

7.7K words

Sep 20, 2001

2 chapters

2.3K words

Sep 20, 2001

2 chapters

6.8K words

Sep 3, 2001

5 chapters

28K words

Aug 31, 2001

6.6K words

Jul 10, 2001

2 chapters

3.2K words

Jul 4, 2001

5 chapters

8.6K words

Jun 27, 2001

4 chapters

8K words

Jun 10, 2001

11K words

Jun 8, 2001

5 chapters

9.2K words

May 31, 2001

2.2K words

May 12, 2001

1.1K words

Apr 14, 2001

1.4K words

Mar 23, 2001

3 chapters

14K words


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