98 Degrees and Bsb All Star Tour

By moc.liamtoh@amohalkoNrohtua

Published on Aug 19, 1999


These are fictional stories. I am not implying anything about the sexuality of the celebrities mentioned. This chapter and all other chapters linked to this storyline are fantasy. Please enjoy, but keep in mind these are stories from the mind of a fiction author and not drawn from reality. Please enjoy.

98 Degrees & Backstreet Boys All Star Tour Written by Ethereal

Jeff awoke and tried to rub the sleep out his eyes. He sat up in bed as a thousand thoughts flew through his head. It was hard for him to believe just a short 2 weeks ago he had gotten word from management they were joining up with the Backstreet Boys for a four month USA tour. But now, 2 weeks later he was waking up on the morning of the opening night of their show. Jeff scratched his chiseled chest, then stood and stretched.

A knock at the door startled him, but he quickly regained composure and ran over to answer it. He opened the door to a smiling Brian Litrell of the Backstreet Boys and Nick Lachey of his own band. Soon, their looks of displease at his tardiness turned into smiles and they both looked down at the fully exposed, and fully erect cock Jeff was showing off. Jeff was confused in why the gorgeous guys were laughing at him. All of a sudden he began having flashbacks to the previous night filled with fingering his own tight ass, and stroking his tremendous 8 inch cock. He looked down in horror as he remembered not putting his boxers back on. "SHIT!", Jeff said, and slammed the door. He could hear the roar of laughter from the hallway. Jeff hurried around the room looking for the silk boxers he had thrown off. He found them laying next to his suitcase.

Brian and Nick had let themselves in behind Jeff and watched the naked body struggle to put his boxers on over his erection. "Ahhmmmmm," Nick sputtered trying to let Jeff know of their presence in the room as Jeff began his search through his suitcase for a new pair of boxers, jeans and a T-shirt.

"I know you're there." Jeff said. "I could feel your eyes on my ass." Jeff joked as he pulled down the back of his boxers exposing his ass to them and walked into the bathroom to shower. "Wait in here, I'll be out in 5 minutes," Jeff said now short his boxers with only a wash cloth covering his large, now limp cock. Brian seemed happy and jumped high in the air, landing on Jeff's messy bed. He secretly took in the scent of Jeff's sheets and lusted to feel that large cock he had just seen in his hand.

"I guess we should just watch a little TV." Brian said as he rolled for the remote. "I am going to run down the room everyone else is eating breakfast in and tell them not to hurry, we aren't leaving on time," Nick said flabbergasted at Jeff.

"Okay. I'll wait here and make sure Jeff hurries." Brian said half distracted by the interview on MTV of the Backstreet Boys.

"Okay, see you in a few." Nick said and left the room letting the door slam slightly in his frustration with the always late Jeff.

Ten minutes passed with Brian thinking how much he wished he had could have been there for the MTV "Backstreet Boys TV" special during the shooting of their video "Larger Than Life." Brian was wrapped up in his thoughts, but was quickly brought back to reality by the sight of the naked Jeff walking out of the bath room drying his hair and not aware of Brian's presence in the room. Brian just sat with his jaw on the ground. He watched as Jeff's gorgeous biceps bulged and his cock hung. He watched as his glorious ass let each water drop run down to his massive thighs. "Jeff...Ummm......." was all Brian could stutter out. Jeff was again caught off guard, and quickly dropped the towel from his head to cover his crotch. The two men stared at each other in an awkward silence.

Jeff slowly cracked a smile trying to shake his embarrassment. "Well, if there is one person I would like to see naked twice a day....I'd go with Antonio Sabato Jr.......But, I guess you'll do." Brian said trying to lighten the mood.

"You'd choose a guy?" Jeff asked curious of Brian's comment. Brian was shocked. He hadn't meant to let his secret out to an almost complete stranger. It took him 5 years to admit it to his own cousin and best friend, Kevin.

"Ummmm.....Yeah. I am gay, Jeff." Brian uttered awaiting Jeff's anger. Jeff stood in shock.

"Well, I leave the cap off the tooth paste?" Jeff joked.

"We all have our quirks, I guess." Brian agreed.

"I..I thought you had left, I heard the door shut while I was in the shower." Jeff said. "Oh, your Nick went to tell everyone not to hurry, you were running late. And I am supposed to kick you into gear." Brian explained.

"Okay, I'll be ready in 5." Jeff said grabbing the clothes he had picked out earlier. he turned and walked to the bathroom exposing his bare ass to Brian once more. Once inside Jeff tried to take it all in. Brian was gay. Brian was a nice guy. There was even something sexy about him. But Jeff had always considered himself straight. He had always dated women. There was just something about that deep, sexy, country accent and warm eyes that attracted Jeff to Brian.

"They're gonna start serving the guys dinner soon if you don't hurry up, tight ass." Brian teased Jeff from the bed. Jeff quickly dressed, combed his hair, brushed his teeth then shot himself one of his gorgeous smiles in the mirror.

"They're here!!" AJ belted out as Jeff and Brian entered the room set up for the guys' meals.

"Barely." Jeff said.

"Speaking of bare...." Brian teased Jeff. Jeff just smiled widely leaving Brian puzzled. 'Is he gay?' Brian questioned quietly while taking a seat next to Justin who was on the phone.

"All right guys, eat. Then we head to the JFK Center for sound checks then final wardrobe checks before we go interview with MTV and then kick off the tour at 6 sharp." Drew said from the couch on the opposite side of the room from where Brian and Justin sat. The men finished up their breakfast and headed down to the stretched limo that was to carry them to the JFK Center.

"Shit!" Howie blurted out as they approached rear entrance to the hotel and about 200 screaming girls came into sight. Brian searched his person for his favorite sunglasses who remembered grabbing from his dresser earlier in the morning.

"Crap, I forgot my shades." Brian said. "Jeff and I gotta run up and get them." Jeff looked at Brian with question in his eyes. "I left them in your room when it took you 20 years to get ready." Brian said sensing Jeff's nervousness.

"Hurry it up then!" a half asleep Nick Carter yelled out as the two walked away.

"You ready for more rehearsing?" Jeff said unenthusiastically as the two walked on to an elevator. " I guess, as long as you are there to walk out naked now and again to keep me and Nick laughing..." Brian said trying to get Jeff to blush. "I think you enjoyed that too much." Jeff answered. "Well, it was funny. But in all seriousness, you have a beautiful body, Jeff. And I don't mean that in an 'I want to hit on you' kind of way." Brain said trying not to blush.

"So you don't want to hit on me??" Jeff said trying to act hurt.

"What...I..." Brian was interrupted by the ding of the elevator indicating they were at their destination.

The two men walked to Jeff's room and entered without talking. They both were deep in thought. Brian walked to the bed, picked up his glasses and turned to leave. When he turned around, he saw bare chested Jeff unzipping his jeans.

"What are you doing!?" Brian said in pure shock.

"You said you would have fun as long as I walked out naked now and again.

This is 'now.'" Jeff said with a smile on his face, not loosing connection with Brian's eyes. "Jeff, we can't. You're not gay and everyone's waiting." Brian built confidence trying to argue with the one man he desired.

"Can't you feel the attraction here? Maybe this goes beyond 'gay and straight' to attraction and love?" Jeff argued not taking the hand off his undone zipper. Brian smiled.

"All right, but this can't happen now." Brian argued. Jeff walked over to Brian and pulled Brian's hand up onto his heaving chest. Brian closed his eyes and felt the warmth of the beating heart under his hands. Jeff began to kiss Brian's forehead softly and began rubbing Brian's back. Brian relaxed and let himself go with the moment. He led his hand down from Jeff's chest, past his chiseled ab's, through the few hairs sprouting from around his belly button. Jeff gasped lightly as Brian rubbed his cock through his boxers. Just when Brian was leaning up to kiss Jeff, Brian's cell phone went off.

"Damn it." Jeff said obviously disappointed.

"Hello?" Brian said in an irritated tone. "We're on the elevator. We'll be there in a minute." Brian lied. "Okay, bye!" he said angrily.

"We have to go." Brian said trying to comfort Jeff, without turning him on.

"All right, but I have to do this first!" Jeff said as he fell to his knees. Before Brian could object Jeff had his cock out and was admiring what he had been fantasizing about. "It's gorgeous." Jeff uttered placing a kiss on the head. Brian moaned with thanks. Jeff replaced Brian's cock into his Backstreet Boy boxers and zipped Brian up. They headed out of the room once Jeff was fully clothed again.


98 Degrees & Backstreet Boys All Star Tour Written by Ethereal

"So.......?", Jeff said trying to get Brian to talk to him about what had happened. "So......?", Brian teased back.

"So....I want to see if there is anything behind this attraction, Bri." Jeff said quietly afraid of rejection.

"I just need time to think, honestly. It went from you being completely straight, to 'here I am naked, take me.'" Brian answered back softly.

"Yeah, I guess that wasn't the way to show my feelings," Jeff answered.

The two guys finally made their way out back and into the large stretched limo.

"What took so long fellas?", Kevin asked in an almost grumbling voice. "I couldn't find my glasses anywhere. I finally realized I had left them back in my room." Brian covered for them.

"Sure you did....," Nick Carter said giving Brian an evil stare.

The guys arrived at the rear entrance to JFK Center and quietly made their way out of the limo and quickly rushed into the large complex. Jeff waited for Brian to make his way in past the other guys. He finally caught a glimpse of Brian arguing with Drew of 98 Degrees.

"I don't give a care, it's none of your business!", Brian spouted in anger. He walked away from a red faced and obviously angered Drew into the complex and towards the awaiting Jeff.

Before Jeff could get a word out, Brian began walking past him. "Bri...!", Jeff called after him.

"It seems someone has a little crush on you,", Drew said walking next to Jeff and putting his arm around his neck.

"What did you say to him?", Jeff said in anger and pushed Drew off him.

"I told him what I told you two months ago.", Drew said softly changing his mood and sincerity level. "I love you...Jeff....", Drew began to sob.

"Look, Drew. I love you, too...but not in the same way. You know we can't let anything happen, anyway. What would happen if we broke up or whatever? It isn't fair to the rest of the guys, and I just don't think of you in that way.", Jeff said trying to be stern, but caring.

"So, you're just going to screw Brian?", Drew asked.

"No, if anything does happen, which I don't know if it will after whatever you said to him, it will be out of love and not just sex.", Jeff answered slightly angered with Drew's actions.

"Look, I'm sorry. I just care for you a lot. Sometimes I let that override my better judgment. I'll go talk to Brian, let's head into rehearsal in the mean time.", Drew tried to reprieve himself.

Jeff nodded in agreement and they restarted their entrance to the stage. Jeff saw Brian sitting on the edge of the stage talking to Kevin quietly. He walked over towards them and cleared his throat trying to get their attention.

"Not now, Jeff. Give us a few minutes.", Kevin said in a stern voice.

"If it's all the same to you, I'd like to talk to Brian right now...and alone", Drew added from behind Jeff.

"Thought of new ways to try and piss me off, Drew?", Brian spoke up angrily.

"I'm sorry Brian. I care for Jeff a lot, and I guess I was just trying to watch out for him in my own way. Don't be mad at Jeff. I'm really sorry, I don't want to start off our tour by having you pissed off at me.", Drew said whole heartedly.

"Let's go boys!! We need to get this rehearsal underway!!", Spencer the choreographer screamed from center stage.

"It's fine Drew, just try to keep your emotions in check and let me see what is building between Jeff and I.", Brian said sincerely. Jeff smiled when he heard Brian's words.

After about 3 hours of nonstop rehearsing, Spencer finally called it quits and sent them over to wardrobe to do final checks to make sure everything fit right and there were no missing buttoned for their opening show.

"You have 2 hours to get done with wardrobe, then 1 hour to interview then 3 hours to rest before you all have to be back here.", Mark the tour manager barked at them.

"Let's go get undressed!", Brian whispered to Jeff and pinched him on his bottom. Jeff was completely caught off guard by Brian's forwardness, but smiled and ran to catch up with the man he was slowly starting to care more and more about.

They entered the wardrobe room which was piled full of plastic totes with hats, shoes, ties, socks and all kinds of accessories. On the far side of the room there were 9 racks with clothes. Each rack was on wheels and had the named of one of the guys on it. Kevin, Howie, AJ, Nick C., Brian, Jeff, Nick L., Drew, Justin. On each rack was enough costume changes to ensure the audience would be thoroughly pleased. On the top of each rack there was a shelf holding the hats for the notorious Backstreet Boy's Hat Dance done to during "All I Have To Give" only this time, it was a 9 man dance instead of a 5 man dance.

Lena the head wardrobe designer for the tour sat sewing a hem in a pair of shiny silver pants for the Backstreet Boy's performance of "Larger Than Life." It took her a moment to realize the guys were slowly filing in.

"Hey fellas!", Lena said with an enormous smile. "You know the routine. Try everything on, check for fit and cut, make sure nothing is missing. Write problems down on the pad of paper hanging off the side of your rack. I'll leave so you guys get started." Lena said winking at Nick Carter.

As soon as Lena exited, the men began stripping down. Soon all 9 gorgeous men were in boxers or less. Brian couldn't keep his eyes off of Jeff's beautiful physique. Jeff could tell Brian was watching him and was dead set on putting on a good show without letting the others know. He pulled on a pair of black slacks for 98 Degrees' number "The Hardest Thing."

The fit was nice. Tighter in the butt and thighs, just the way Jeff liked to wear them. He tried on the black wife beater and the blue see through shirt that went over it. Again, a nice fit. He stripped out of the shirts, still aware of Brian watching him and slowly dressing. As he removed his pants, he slid his thumb inside his boxers on both sides and pushed them down with the pants. Brian's jaw dropped as Jeff's manhood popped out. Jeff looked Brian right in the eyes, then pulled his boxers quickly back up as if he had pulled them down in error.

The men finished in about an hour giving them an hour to kill before they had to go interview. Howie, Kevin, Drew, Justin and AJ headed to the rear of the wardrobe room to catch a quick shower in the shower room so they wouldn't stink for the interview. The rest of the guys waited their turn as there were only 5 shower heads.

Brian and Jeff sat in a loveseat on the opposite wall of the 9 racks. Nick Lachey and Nick Carter shared a loveseat opposite Jeff and Brian. The men rested from the tiring workout they had just had, followed by the hour of trying on clothes.

Brian leaned in towards Jeff and laid a kiss on Jeff's forehead completely forgetting about Nick and Nick being 5 feet away. Jeff treasured the feel of Brian's sweet lips anywhere on his body, but this kiss was so soft and passion filled.

"When did you plan on telling me something was going on with you and Brian, Jeff?" Nick Lachey asked in anger.

Jeff was knocked back into reality. Why was he so mad? Jeff couldn't figure out. It had completely slipped his mind that the other two men were in the room. All he was thinking about was Brian and him. Him and Brian.

"I...I didn't even know until today, Nick. Calm down please.", Jeff answered trying to regain his wits.

"This will just complicate things. We don't date other performers. We all agreed.", nick answered in frustration.

"Who says we are dating?", Brian answered. As Jeff heard those words his heart broke. He wanted to believe that they were more than what they were. He wanted to believe they would spend every night holding each other. He wanted to believe Brian would be the one to slowly slip inside his warm ass, the follow into his heart.

"I do.", Jeff said. Everyone looked at him in shock.

"What?", Nick Carter asked.

"I want to go out with you Brian, and I know you want to go out with me. Forget what they say, only we know what is in our hearts.", Jeff answered staring Brian in the eyes. Jeff leaned in and placed a small kiss on Brian's lips.

"Look, you know I just want you to be happy, Jeff. But I am just looking out for the pain this can cause you and others." Nick Lachey objected.

"I know. But I have to follow my heart.", Jeff said.

"Do the others know?", Nick Carter asked.

"Kevin and Drew do.", Brian answered.

"Well, I think we need to let everyone know, including our managers and press relations people. This can't get out and they have to be ready to deal with this if it does.", Nick Carter said.

"I agree.", Brian and Nick Lachey agreed.

"I guess.", Jeff sighed wanting to concentrate on the romance and not the technicalities of his blooming relationship.

Forty-five minutes passed and the rest of the guys showered without incident, except Jeff sneaking over to Brian's shower and taking a few quick peaks unbeknownst to Brian.

They all got dried off and dressed and headed down the corridor to the press room where Ananda waited to interview the two groups. Jeff walked up to Brian and took his hand trying to get him to smile.

"Why so blue?", Jeff asked.

"I hate interviews. Having to lie about being gay. About who I am.", Brian groaned.

"Well, how about tonight you stay with me in my room and we will tell each other the truth all night long?", Jeff said with a mischievous grin. Brian smiled and released Jeff's hand as they turned the corner and made the final approach to the press room.

"Hey guys! Whew, I can feel my temperature rising...!", Ananda cheered out as Kevin, then Howie, then Drew, then Brian, AJ, Justin, Jeff, Nick and Nick entered the room. The guys quickly took their seats in the two levels of captain's chairs they had set up similar to the way the 4 chairs were set up during the "Backstreet TV" interview.

"Okay, how are you guys doing?", Ananda opened.

"Good, a little tired, but ready to kick this tour off.", Howie was the first to answer.

"Yeah, I am ready to get back on stage already!", Nick Lachey agreed.

"All right, I like the energy." Ananda said with a smile.

"Can you tell us a little about the format of the new tour? What songs are in..any collaborations?" Ananda asked trying to get the guys to be serious.

"Well, as you know we have LFO out as our opening act.", AJ said.

"Oh yeah! I love that one song...."I like girls that wear Abercrombie and Fitch.." Ananda began to sing.

"Yeah, well after they open, we do a medley of 'Larger than Life' mixed with 'Invisible Man.'" It should start the show off on the right foot. Then you never know! We might all just pop out on stage and try to catch each other off guard. You'll have to come to the show and see!", Kevin answered.

"I'm there!", Ananda said with enthusiasm.

"So, how do you think this tour will go? Aside from fifty-million screaming girls.", Ananda asked.

"I think it is going to be fun to share the spotlight with another headliner and to get to perform with another band who's music we admire.", Brian spoke up.

"That's awesome, Brian. What song of theirs would you really like to perform with 98° Degrees on?", Ananda asked inquisitively.

"I would like to sing 'I Do' with these fellas. The arrangement is excellent.", Brian answered without hesitation glancing over to Jeff.

"Well, I'm sorry but it looks like out time is up. I appreciate you talking with us. This is Ananda with Kevin, Howie, AJ, Nick Carter, Brian, Drew, Nick Lachey, Justin and Jeff otherwise known as The Backstreet Boys and 98 Degrees. They kick off their "All Star US Tour" tonight with a constantly changing list of opening acts sure to dazzle. So make sure and come and check this show out when they head your way. Right now we're going to send it back to Carson who's going to tell us a little more about today's edition of TRL and special guest appearances by N'Sync and Jewel. Thank you guys.", Ananda closed the interview.

"Well, thanks again guys and good luck tonight and on the rest of the tour.", Ananda said as she shook all the guys hands.

------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -------------------- Please write me at "authorNoklahoma@hotmail.com" and tell me what you think. The continuation of this story depends on feed back. Well, get to it! :)

Next: Chapter 2

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