98 Degrees and Bsb All Star Tour

By moc.liamtoh@amohalkoNrohtua

Published on Sep 1, 1999


------------------------------------------------------------------------------ These are fictional stories. I am not implying anything about the sexuality of the celebrities mentioned. This chapter and all other chapters linked to this storyline are fantasy. Please enjoy, but keep in mind these are stories from the mind of a fiction author and not drawn from reality. Please enjoy.

How is everybody out in cyberland? Well, I am good. These next few chapters should come at a quicker pace now that I have gotten more into a rhythm with school and all the other daily obligations. If you all have suggestions or comments (good or bad) PLEASE write me at "authorNoklahoma@hotmail.com". Every little comment helps and is appreciated. Thank you to C-Man for some friendly encouragement with some of the other characters involved in this series.


98 Degrees & Backstreet Boys All Star Tour (Brian & Jeff) Written by Ethereal

Jeff entered his room alone, flicked on the light and threw down his suitcase. He sighed when he thought about that cold bed waiting for him. He wanted to run to Brian's room and ask him if he could just sleep with him or hold him. Jeff knew he had to let Brian have his space or he would smother their love. He peeled off his shirt and undid his pants and kicked them off.

Jeff walked into the bathroom to take a leak when he heard footsteps followed by his door opening, then shutting. Jeff turned to see who it was when he felt a sharp pain hit him in the jaw bone. Jeff huddled over in pain as he saw two brown boots standing before him.

"Wh...What are you doing here?", Jeff asked gasping to catch his breath after the sharp pain.

"I came to see you, babe." Brian said holding his chin. "Some welcome, though."

"I'm sorry, I was turning to see who was there, I didn't realize you had snuck up behind me," Jeff answered moving closer to Brian.

"Well, next time I will announce my presence from the door way," Brian said and leaned in for a kiss with Jeff.

Jeff broke the kiss and stared into Brian's deep eyes. 100 thoughts flew through his head.

"Do you think we are moving too fast? Like are we going to regret any of this?", Jeff asked honestly and directly.

"No, to both. I really am falling deep in love with you. I never question my heart and what I think God is telling me, and he is telling me there is something here, Jeff," Brian answered never breaking his gaze into Jeff's eyes and soul.

"Then we have to tell the rest of the guys, and make sure everyone knows what is up and where we are headed," Jeff stated with no question in his voice.

"I agree, we'll do it at lunch that way Howie will be back with us," Brian agreed laying his head on Jeff's chest. The two men just stood there holding each other ignoring the pain their chin-to-jaw collision had caused.

"Will you sleep with me tonight? We don't have to have sex, I just want you to hold me," Jeff looked into Brian's eyes and pleaded.

"Babe, you never have to ask," Brian reassured Jeff and placed a tender kiss on Jeff's lips, then neck.

"Let's go, I am exhausted!", Brian sighed lowly and began walking backwards not letting go of Jeff. Jeff laughed out loud as the fumbled out of the bathroom and towards the bed room trying not to fall down as Brian walked backwards and kept stealing kisses from Jeff. They finally reached the bed and crashed down. Once the laughter subsided, Brian propped himself up on his elbow and stared at the still giggling Jeff.

"You know what?" Brian asked.

"What Bri?", Jeff answered curious.

"From the first day that I saw your smiling face.

Honey I knew that we would be together forever baby." Brian sweetly and softly sang to the man who quickly entered his life and heart. Brian looked down at the fast asleep Jeff. 'He is such an angel when he is asleep,' he thought then took his place in slumber next to Jeff.

The next morning Jeff awoke to the sound of the shower running. He rubbed his face then rolled to the edge of the bed and sat up. '9:00 am? Wow, we got to sleep in.' Jeff thought to himself sarcastically. Jeff walked towards the bathroom and went to turn the knob. Locked. 'Why would Brian lock the door on me?' Jeff thought. He sat awe struck for a moment before going over to his suitcase and pulling out Tommy jeans, a Disney T-shirt, some white CK briefs and an undershirt. He took all the clothes and walked over to the bed. He flipped on the TV to see what was on while he waited for Brian to get out of the shower. He flipped to MTV and saw the rerun of yesterday's TRL. He sang along as he watched N'Sync and Gloria Estefan's #1 video "The Music Of My Heart."

"You'll never know

What you've done for me

What your faith in me

Has done for my soul," Jeff sang as he thought of the first time Brian and him had kissed. Trying not to get all sappy and snap back to reality, Jeff stood and stretched. Jeff hadn't notice the water turn off. He stood and began flipping through the channels again.

"Morning babe." Brian said enthusiastically as he dried his hair in the door frame to the bathroom.

"Why did you lock the door? I was gonna hop in with you?", Jeff asked trying to act more hurt than he was.

"Oh, poor baby," Brian said making puppy dog eyes as he walked over to Jeff and embraced him comfortingly.

"A couple of the guys came by this morning to say they were going to pick up Howie and would be back in an hour. They saw you and I said we had been talking and watching movies late into the night and I fell asleep in your room. So I figured that if they came back and we were showering together...," Brian said seeing the disappointment in Jeff's eyes.

"So you lied about us?" Jeff asked.

"Well,.......I guess.....I just didn't know what else to do...," Brian said looking down.

"It's okay. This is a first for both of us, but from now on, we don't do cover UP's with our friends. It is bad enough not being able to tell the world," Jeff said putting his index finger under Brian's chin and pulling head up. Jeff leaned in and gave Brian a deep kiss filled with passion and love.

"Mmm...Save it for tonight sweetie. You need to shower. We have to get down to the bus in about 15 minutes." Brian said.

Within 20 minutes all the guys were assembling at the rear entrance of the hotel and waiting on Security to escort them out. They all quickly headed out the exit and onto the crowded bus as soon as the security officers decided it was safe and secure.

The guys got settled in and relaxed a little on the bus during the 15 minute drive to the venue. Brian and Justin shared a couch in one lounge area while Kevin and Nick Lachey sat on the opposite side. Brian looked over and saw that Kevin's was running his pinkie over Nick's hand as a slight sign of affection. Brian was in shock. Kevin felt someone's eyes on him but felt reassured that Brian and Jeff were the only other people in the room. Kevin met eyes with Brian.

'You two?' Brian mouthed to Kevin without making a sound and drawing the attention of Jeff or Nick who were staring at the TV blankly.

Kevin just smiled and put his hand all the way onto Nick's.

The bus arrived to a jerking stop outside the large arena. The guys filed off one by one and immediately entered into a press room set up for a press conference to discuss the tour, "Howie's Owie" as MTV was calling it and the plans for he future. The room fell quiet as AJ entered followed by Howie slowly, then Drew, Kevin, Nick Lachey, Nick Carter, Jeff, Justin then Brian. They all quickly took a seat at the long table with microphones in front of them. Charlie, the PR manager for the tour took a seat in the middle of the guys in between Nick Lachey and Nick Carter.

"All right, let's get this conference started so these boys can practice, sleep, then get ready for the show." Charlie said in an authoritative voice.

"How is Howie!", a reporter from Teen People asked.

"Howie, you wanna answer that one?", Charlie asked and flashed his gorgeous smile.

"Sure. I am fine, got a head ache and one stitch in my noggin', but I am fine," Howie assured the entire room.

"Is it true you got the cut stepping in during a lovers quarrel involving Brian Litrell and Nick Carter?", A Bop magazine reporter asked with a smile. Brian laughed out loud.

"No, I think the quarrel was between AJ and Kevin...Or was it Jeff and Justin?", Howie laughed. "No, seriously, though. We were horsing around and I got knocked into a wall. End of story. No, lover's quarrels here." Howie answered pleasantly.

"When will your opening act arrive, LFO, on the tour, and then when will Christina Aguilera replace them?" Serena from MTV asked.

"LFO will be in town in about two hours and will be opening tonight if all goes well with weather and flight schedules," Charlie answered for the guys. "As to when Miss Aguilera joins us, that will be decided when she is free to tour and LFO need to go back to the studios."

"How are all the boys getting along?" the young and attractive YM reporter asked holding her pen in a hovering position over her trusty note pad.

"Guys?", Charlie said looking around signaling

for them to answer.

"We get along great," Brian spoke up. "Except for Jeff and me. He is too buff. I feel inadequate around him!", Brian joked giving Jeff a grin. Jeff proceeded to flex for the reporters who just giggled at the men.

"All right, we need to let these guys get to rehearsing so they can rest up before the show tonight. Especially 'Holey Head Howie'," Charlie chuckled. "Thank you all for coming and we look forward to your continued support for this tour and these artists." Charlie closed before ushering all the guys out of the room.

"Get on stage and get working with Spencer. Then go to wardrobe and make sure everything got to this venue in one piece...oh, you guys know the routine. It's 11:00am now, you have an hour or rehearsal, then an hour to eat, then 2 more hours of rehearsal final checks, then you have 2 hours to rest before you have to be back here at 5:00pm.," Charlie said looking down at his watch.

"Work, work, work, blah, blah, blah!", AJ teased Charlie and punched him lightly in the arm.

"Get on stage and get rehearsing, I'll see you guys in a couple days. "Charlie said before shaking hands good bye with all the guys and watching them take the stage.

"Wait up!" , Brian yelled to Charlie as he walked away.

"What's up Brian? And Jeff?" Charlie said as he stopped and turned around allowing the two men to catch up to him.

"Well, this is funny to say, but Jeff and I are.....dating and we felt as the PR guy, you should know. "Brian grinned as he said. That was the first time he had told anyone about the man he cared for and his special relationship.

"Well, how serious is this? Is it going to need special attention," Charlie asked giving the men his undivided attention.

"Well,......," Brian started.

"It's serious and we hope it continues to progress starting tonight in my room after the show!", Jeff blurted out with a huge smile and slapped Brian on the tush.

"Ha ha. Well, okay. I appreciate you guys keeping me informed and trusting me. I will have to think about what course we need to take if any and get back to you in a couple days," Charlie said and shook both men's hands.

"I wish you the best of luck, fellas," Charlie said and went on his way.

"Where have you been!", Spencer yelled from center stage as Brian and Jeff walked onto the side of the stage.

"We had a few matters to clear up with Charlie," Brian said shyly knowing his fate.

"Two laps around the back of the arena. Both of you. You know I don't get a lot of time with you, maybe you'll learn to value my time as much as the rest of the guys," Spencer said smiling evilly.

"Shit," Jeff said.

The other members of the bands laughed as Brian and Jeff took off towards the back of the arena.

"All right, let them run. You guys take your positions for the beginning of the show. It looked like crap last time. You all need to make sure you hit every beat with emphasis and don't just go through gestures. People are paying money to see you sweat and work you asses off to entertain them," Spencer lectured.

"We should just show them Brian and Jeff running their laps around the arena!", Nick Carter chuckled out causing the rest of the guys to laugh.

"Very funny Mr. Carter, why don't you join them! Is that funny?", Spencer said laughing at herself.

"Damn it!", Nick said as he headed off the stage to begin his laps.

An hour later the sweaty men piled into a large room lined on one wall with tables piled with food. In the center of the room was a large circular table. The guys quickly filled their plates and settled in seats around the table. Kevin was on the end with Nick Lachey sitting close to him. Next to Nick was Drew, then Justin, then Nick Carter, then Howie, AJ, Jeff and finally Brian. Within 15 minutes the food had all been scarfed down off their plates. Seeing everyone done, Brian looked at Jeff to get his attention and let him know it was time to talk to the groups.

"Okay boys, Jeff and I need to talk to you for a minute." Brian said in a shaky voice as his nerves rose.

"What's up Bri?", Howie asked.

"Well, this isn't easy for me to say. But I want to say it and need to. " Brian stammered out.

"I love Brian Litrell," Jeff blurted out before Brian could finish. "For those of you who don't know, Brian and I are seeing each other and falling deeply in love." Jeff stated without hesitation.

"Is that how you feel, too Brian?", Howie asked with anger in his eyes.

"Yes, nick. I am sorry I didn't tell you sooner. I just got caught up in it," Brian said sensing Howie's anger.

"You know how I feel about homo's Brian," AJ spoke up.

"How is that," Kev snapped at AJ

"I just don't feel comfortable being naked or in my underwear....I know it's a high school phobia, but it's part of me," AJ answered honestly.

"Well, AJ, brother. I have never, will never and don't want to ever look at you naked. I don't want to date you. I am in love here and you have nothing to worry about. I have always been gay. I have showered with you before. Nothing has changed, only I am being 100% honest with everyone now." Brian said getting a little choked up by the confession AJ had made.

"Well, I for one completely support ANYONE in this group who finds love and wishes to pursue it in the crazy position we are all in. I wish you luck, buds," Drew spoke up.

"I agree," Justin said. "Just don't try to seduce me. I see you thinking about it." Justin said with a grin.

"I think Jeff and Brian deserve our full support, here," Nick Lachey said secretly placing his hand on Kevin's muscular thigh beneath the table. Kevin gasped a little from the shock, but maintained his cool.

"Well, let's all just think about this. I think Jeff and Brian took a big step and leap of faith of sorts in telling us all and putting their relationship before us. Let's get back to rehearsing so we can go back and rest at the hotel. I don't know about you guys, but I am beat!", Nick Carter spoke up and stood from his chair.

Everyone slowly followed suit and stood from their chairs, stretched then dragged back towards the stage. This time Brian and Jeff walked hand in hand through the sparsely occupied halls and corridors.

"You're on time! My Lord! I think my heart stopped!", Spencer yelled acting out the words. "Let's get set for the 'Backstreet's Back/Our Name Is' medley," Spencer asked politely in a complete change of attitude.

The Backstreet Boys quickly took their places spaced out in a row across the front of the stage. Back about 3 feet in the openings between the Boys was 98 degrees.

"All right, give me audio," Spencer said into her radio.

Quickly the intro to "Backstreets Back" began to play as the Boys began to dance. The music slowly changed into a more R and B mode. 98 Degrees began their choreographed dance. The music faded back to Backstreet's Back.

"Everybody," Brian soulfully sang out as a spot light raised on him, then faded.

"Our name is (What!)," Justin and 98 degrees yelled out with energy.

"Rock you body."

"Our name is (Who?)"


"Our Name is (What?)"

"Rock your body right."

"Ninety-ninety-eight degrees!"

"Backstreet's Back...ALL RIGHT!" Brian sang aggressively as all 9 men began the dance moves similar to the video. After the first verse, the music switched again to the beat of "My Name Is" as Justin took center stage and rapped occasionally backed up by the rest of the guys. The song continued like this until the final closing with both Bands singing the final chords of Backstreet's Back.

Howie lead the way off the elevator as the men dragged to their rooms as normal.

"Come to my room and sleep by me," Brian whispered into Jeff's ear as he walked up and hugged him from behind.

"All right. I need to go call my Mom first, though," Jeff said.

"Call her from my room," Brian offered.

"No, I want to tell her about us, but I want to be alone when I do," Jeff answered trying not to hurt Brian's feelings.

"Okay. I'll leave the door open." Brian agreed placing a kiss on Jeff's neck and walking to his door.

"Be there in 15 minutes at most," Jeff turned and replied to Brian.

"Good luck, Babe," Brian said and winked at Jeff.

Jeff entered his room and kicked off his shoes. He sat down on his bed and picked up the phone. He quickly dialed the number and waited in anticipation.

"Hello?" A woman's voice asked.

"Hey Momma. Watcha up to?", Jeff asked as a smile spread across his face.

"JEFF!! Not much. It's good to hear from you babe. How is the tour?", Jeff's Mom asked.

"It's great, but that is not what I called to talk to you about. I need to tell you something and I need you to give it a lot of thought before I come home," Jeff got serious.

"What is it honey?", His Mom tenderly asked.

"Well, Mom. I have fallen in live with someone on tour," Jeff answered.

"Oh, someone on tour? But aren't you touring with the Backstree.......," Jeff's Mom trailed off.

"It is Brian Litrell. I have fallen deeply in love with him," Jeff said ready to cry.

"Does he know?", She asked.

"Yes, we both feel the same way about each other," Jeff said reassuring himself and her.

"Well,.....All I can ask is that you are happy. But don't ask me to be accept this right away. I need time, so will the rest of the family." She answered.

"That is why I called. We have 3 days off in 3 weeks and I want him to come home with me so you can meet him," Jeff suggested.

"3 weeks? Sounds okay. Call in a week or two and we'll make final plans," Jeff's Mom answered trying to sound happy.

"All right, I love you Mom. I am gonna go," Jeff said.

"Love you, too," The woman on the other end said then hung up the receiver.

Jeff sat there and listened to the dial tone for a minute before he remembered that Brian was waiting on him and they didn't have a lot of time to spend together before the show. Jeff hopped up and walked out of the room without his shoes on. He walked across the hall. As he approached Brian's room he heard shouting.

"I don't care if you approve, my life isn't about pleasing you, AJ." Brian yelled. Jeff quickly entered the room to see what was going on. Brian stood on the terrace outside his room with the door opened facing AJ who was standing just inside the door to the terrace.

"You're dick and lust for him is going to fuck up all our career's." AJ said in anger.

Before Jeff had processed the words AJ said, Brian swung and landed a fist directly on AJ's cheek bone. AJ fell to the ground.

"Don't you EVER talk about him or our love that way again, AJ," Brian said with rage in his eyes as he towered over the fallen man.

"Brian, stop it!", Jeff yelled catching both men off guard.

"I...I didn't see you...there..."Brian said in shock.

"I didn't mean for you to hear that Jeff." AJ looked down in shame.

"You guys are supposed to be friends. Friends are supportive." Jeff said and glared at AJ angrily. "And friends don't fight," Jeff said switching his glare to Brian.

Jeff quickly turned around and walked out of the room.

"Wait....Jeff....!", Brian said and chased after him while AJ collected himself from the floor.

Jeff entered his room and slammed the door in Brian's face. He quickly flipped the deadbolt so Brian could not enter after him.

"Jeff, open up babe." Brian said in a calm tone.

"Go to your room, Bri. I need time to think." Jeff said calmly.

------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ---- Well, how long was that? <whew!> Keep reading to watch not only Brian and Jeff's relationship progress, but possibly Kevin and Nick L.'s as well. PLEASE keep writing and giving my input on these stories! It makes a world of difference! I assure you!

Next: Chapter 4

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