98 Degrees Is Hot

By Gay Night

Published on Jun 29, 1999


Disclaimer - This story contains gay relationships between the members of the pop music band 98 Degrees and a fictional character. This story in no way implies that any members of 98 Degrees is gay (but if they are they should feel free to e-mail me). If you are under the legal age to read pornographic material in your area please leave immediately. The author takes no responsibility for anyone's actions based upon this work of fiction.

Questions, Comments, Suggestions - e-mail GayNight@hotmail.com

Now that that is out of the way. Enjoy!!!

98 Degrees is HOT!!!

The elevator dropped to the lobby and began to open it's doors. I peeled myself off the floor, straightened my cloths, and walked out into the lobby.

The lobby was strangely quiet. I would have guessed that a group of girls would be hangging around trying to catch a glimpse of the guys if they happened to come through. 'They must all be at school,' I guessed.

I walked down the street to where I had parked my car the morning before. It seemed to be unharmed, and had no ticket on the windshield. Thanks be to god for small favors. I had never meant to be at the hotel that long, it just sort of happened. Interesting how thing just sort of happen. I wasn't even trying to get to know 98 Degrees, but Jeff seemed to take interest in my work, and here I am with a possible job that most people can only dream of, not to mention I just had sex with the two hotest members of 98 Degrees. I wonder if I can make something more than just sex. If I get this job, I may even me able to go on tour with them, as a guest act. Then we would be together all the time.

I snapped out of my daydreaming, pulled my keys from my pocket and unlocked the door. I climbed in and started the engine, turned on the radio and moved out into traffic.

My mind kept wandering back to the last couple of days' events. I had to put extra effort into concentrating on the road, but still found my mind wandering.

I made it home safely, barely. I had several near misses with other cars, each one a little closer than the last. 'One of these days it's not gonna be a near miss,' I thought.

I opened the door to the house and hadn't taken two steps through the door when I heard my mother yell from the living room, "Where were you last night!"

"Good morning to you too mom!" I yelled back. I walked into the living room before explaining, "I spent the night with 98 Degrees at their hotel. We went to a club and it was really late. We didn't think it would be safe to drive so I went back in their limo and just stayed," I said, giving a small lie. It was better than telling her the truth, she would have flipped.

I walked out of the room and down the hall to my room before she could say anything else. I searched my chest-of-drawers and found some cloths to wear until the interview, and threw them on my bed. Then I walked into the closet and found a nice pair of slacks and good shirt and hung them on the door handle of my room.

I picked up the cloths on my bed and walked down the hall to the bathroom. I set the clothes down, stripped out of what I was wearing and began to adjust the water in the tub. I found an acceptable temperature and switched on the shower.

I jumped in the shower and just stood under the water remebering what had happened the night before. I remembered breaking the news to Nick and Jeff then them practically dragging me back to the hotel. I kept running the scene through my mind, trying to figure out if they just wanted the sex, or if there was a little something more in there somewhere. I couldn't decide.

I started soaping up then rinsed myself off. I turned off the water and stepped out of the shower, dried myself off, and jumped into the cloths I had picked out. I fixed my hair then picked up my dirty clothes, dropped them in the laundry room. I grabbed the clothes hanging from my door and began walking to the front door.

As I passed by the living room my mother called to me from behind her newspaper. "Where are you going? Why are you taking those clothes with you?"

"I'm going to Meg's house," I replied, irratated. "I'm taking these clothes because I have a job interview later, and I don't plan on coming home before hand. Do you want anything else, should I call you every five minutes, tell you exactly I am going to be at every single moment of the day. You're not my keeper anymore, mother, I'm not a child anymore, I can take care of myself."

She just sat there speechless. I wasn't going to give her any time to get past that stage so I quickly walked the rest of the way down the hall out the door.

I jumped back in my car and drove over to Meg's house, hoping she was home and not asleep. I pulled into her driveway and walked up the path to her front door. Before I even got to the door, it opened and Meg stepped out, smiling from ear to ear. "So. . .," she asked, "how did your day go yesterday?"

"Well," I replied, "we had a great time. They made me sing for them, and they obviously liked what they heard. They set up and interview with their manager at four o'clock. Which you are going to be coming to by the way. Then we went out to eat and then to a club. I broke down and decided to tell them at the club, and Jeff and Nick drug me back to the hotel and we. . .well, you know. I guess you were right."

Her smile broadened, if that was possible. "Yeah, I guess I was," she said. "Well, lets go inside, you're gonna have to tell me more about everything. What's the deal with this interview?"

We walked inside and sat down in her living room. Noone else seemed to be home. I filled her in on the happenings of the past day, and night. She was very happy for, and jealous of, me.

"Well, you're coming to the interview whether you like it or not, I need the support. Besides, you'll get to hang out with Drew some more while I'm actually in the interview, or audition, or whatever it is. You know he has about as big a crush on you as you do on him. Not to stick my nose into the matter, but I think you need to push him a little bit."

She reached over and smacked my, lightly, on the back of the head. "You're in over your head boy! Watch out, I'll hit harder next time."

"Uh,oh. I know when I've met my match," I replied, laughing.

We talked until 3:00. I looked down at my watch and noticed how fast the hours had flown by. "Meg dear, it's three o'clock, we need to get going soon."

"I hear yah, let me throw on some different clothes. I have to look good for Drew, if what you said is true."

"Oh it is, it is." I laughed at the thought of the two of them sitting together and making out. Then I amazed myself when my mind transformed the picture into Jeff, Nick, and myself.

"What's so funny?" Meg called from her room.

"Oh nothing," I said.

"Is that so. So you just like to laugh spontaneously, is that it?" she said, walking out of her room, still fixing her hair.

"You know me too well. No, I was thinking about you and Drew, you'd make a cute couple," I said, pinching her cheek. "Alright, now that you've taken too much time, let's get going."

We walked out and got in my car. Minutes later we were at the hotel, walking into one of the elevators. I pushed the button for the guy's floor and waited as the elevator started to rise. Neither Meg nor I said anything, we were to busy thinking about the guys.

The elevator stopped and opened its doors to let us out. We walked out into the hall and heard the guys' voices coming from and open door halfway down the hall. We quickly walked over to it. Meg walked into the room, with me just behind her.

Nick looked up, "We were wondering when you were gonna get here," he said.

I looked at my watch, "Hey now, I'm right on time," I said defensively.

I leaned down over Meg's shoulder to whisper in her ear, "Now's your chance hun." Then I pinched her.

She jumped forward and turned around. "Why you," she began while backing up, "no good--." She was cut off as she backed into Drew and landed in his lap on the couch. We all broke into laughter except for Meg. After a moment, even she joined in. There was no denying it, it was definetely funny.

When we had finally calmed down Nick and Jeff got up and walked over to me and proceeded to drag me out of the room. "Where are we going?" I asked.

"We've got to get you warmed up for the audition," Jeff said.

"Yeah, so you don't sound too bad," Nick joked, the rest of us laughed.

I flashed Meg an evil smile as I was pulled out of the room. I wasn't sure if she saw it or not, she was already deep in conversation with Drew, and somehow I didn't think that I mattered much compared to him.

Nick and Drew brought me across the hall to Nick's room. We started singing some basic scales. "Now sing us your entire range," Jeff said.

"Alright," I told him, "I'll start in the middle and go up as high as I can, then I'll come back down and go as low as I can. Sound good?"

"Yeah," Nick replied.

I started on middle C and progessed up, brought it back down then went as low as I could. When I finished they looked at me in shock. "What?" I asked.

"That was about two and a half octaves," Jeff said, amazed.

"What's you falsetto like?" Nick asked.

"Well, I dunno. Let's see." I proceeded to sing a few notes falsetto.

"Jesus, God!" Jeff said, when I had stopped. "That what VERY high. I think that was a G or maybe even A ABOVE the staff."

I just smiled, amused my their apparant surprise. "What can I say? They loved me in the church choir."

After several moments of silence Nick snapped back to reality, "So what are you going to sing as a 'prepared' piece."

"I didn't know I needed one," I replied.

"Hmmmmmm. You could use one of the ones you wrote," Jeff suggested.

"But, those aren't that good. . .," I began.

"Yes they are," Nick said before I could get any further.

We found one of my songs that would be good for the audition then I practiced it a bunch. "Alright," Nick said, "it's time, you need to get in there. Our manager won't like it if you're late."

We walked down the hall to their manager's room and knocked on the door.

"Come in," a muffled voice called.

"I'm nervous," I said.

"Don't be," Nick said, "you'll be fine!"

Jeff reached around and kissed me on the lips. "For luck," he said.

I was startled, and before I knew it they had opened the door, pushed me in, and closed it behind me.

"Have a seat for a moment," the manager said to me, gesturing to a chair and not looking up from his notepad. I walked over to the seat he had indicated and sat down in it.

After a moment he looked up, "Now, I'm sure you're nervous. I want you to just take a minute and calm yourself down. Have you warmed up yet?"

"Yeah, I just warmed up with the guys," I told him.

He nodded, "Alright, calm down and tell me when you're ready."

I took a moment to clear my head and focus. "Alright, I'm as ready as I'll ever be," I said.

"Well I can't ask for anything better. If at any time during the audition you need t stop, get something to drink, use the bathroom, or anything else, don't hesitate to tell me. It is no problem," he paused for a moment, letting that sink in.

"Alright, lets begin."

He had me sing some scales, sing him my range, sing some falsetto, then gave me some music to look at then sing. I didn't recognize all of the music, but a couple of the songs where from the 98 Degrees albums. I sang everything he gave me then we took a short break, to rest my vocal chords and get some water.

I had really calmed down as the audition progressed so I wasn't up tight when he asked me to sing a piece I had prepared. I brought out my piece and gave the copy to him so he could look it over. "You have this memorized?" he asked. I nodded. "Alright, whenever you're ready," he said.

I gathered my thoughts, concentrated on the words, closed my eyes, and let myself become a channel for the music. Before I knew it I had finished. I opened my eyes and looked at him. He wasn't showing any emotions on his face. 'Hell I thought, it couldn't have been THAT bad, could it?'

He looked up after a moment. "Have you taken as dancing classes, or anything of that sort."

"Yeah, I took a few classes several years ago, I don't know much but I pick it up fairly quickly." He nodded.

"Alright, I should be able to let you know in a day or two."

I got up and walked to the door. I opened it and walked into the hall, closing it behind me. I walked downt the hall and walked into the room where all the noise was coming from. Everyone was seated in a circle, talking and laughing.

Drew and Meg were sitting right next to each other, holding hands. I smiled at that. Justin looked up as I walked in. "How did you do?" he asked.

Everyone turned to face me. "I don't know, he didn't say anything."

"Well, that's just Paris. He likes to be VERY proffesional when it comes to things like that. You'll get used to it," Nick said, smiling.

"I'm really tired, and sore. I think I was holding more tension than I believed," I said.

Jeff smiled and looked at Nick. Nick smiled back then turned back to me. "I think we can relieve those sore muscles," he said.

Jeff and Nick lead me from the room again. As we walked out the door I heard Meg's laugh following us down the hall. They led me into Nick's room and sat me down on the bed.

"Alright," Nick began, "I have some training in sports medicine, so I'm sure I can loosen up those muscles. And I taught Jeff here everything I know so he's gonna help. Now, I want you to take off all your clothes."

I smiled at them then got up and began stripping. "Is this for my benefit or yours?" I asked sarcastically.

"Both," Jeff replied, smiling seductively.

"Well, if I can't have any clothes on then neither can you." They quickly undressed, and were both nude before I had even gotten my pants off.

I finished undressing and they lay me down on the bed, on my stomach. Jeff walked over to the radio and turned on some music softly. He walked back over to my side, opposite Nick. They reached out together and began kneeding my back softly, then with increasing pressure.

"If we ever press too hard just tell us," Nick said, comfortingly.

They massaged my back, getting as deep under my shoulder blades as possible. Then they moved down to my butt and began to play with the sinewy muscle, eliciting a moan from me. They proceeded to work on my upper leg in silence, save the music playing softly in the background.

As they went further down my legs, I felt waves of relief spread throughout my body. My mind fell into a trance-like state which was only interupted when they asked me to turn over.

Jeff began to massage my face, which if an excellent feeling if you haven't had it done, while Nick massaged the sides of my neck and shoulders. They moved down to my torso and resumed working on opposing sides.

I floated in my trance aware of nothing but the feel of their hands roaming up and down my body and the soft music in the background. They massaged the front of my legs from the bottom up. As they moved up to my inner thighs I felt my buddy begin to harden and stand on end.

Nick grabbed onto my cock and began to manipulate it lightly. Jeff came up to my face and massaged my temples as he leaned down and kissed my softly. Jeff's kissing began more urgent and passionate while Nick rubbed harder and faster on my swollen member.

I let out a moan into Jeff's mouth as Nick slowly released my throbbing cock. "Let's take this somewhere a little more fun," Nick said, walking towards the bathroom. He disappeared for a moment, then I heard running water. I smiled up at Jeff who was still sitting on my chest. "We'd better get going before he thinks we're getting rowdy without him," I said quietly.

"I wouldn't mind having all the attention to myself," he replied, smiling. He got off of my chest and helped me up.

We walked into bathroom where Nick was waiting. As I took a look around my eye grew wider and wider. "MY GOD! Is this a bathroom or a whole Roman bath house?"

Nick and Jeff just smiled. "Like it?" Jeff asked. I gave him my best, 'Are you kidding,' look and marched over to Nick.

"Good idea," I said before kissing him deeply.

Jeff walked up behind me and began to taste the back of my neck. I moaned, loving the sensation. I pulled back from Nick, "Are we just gonna stand here or are we gonna use this thing. I could use the relaxation." I smiled at him, he reciprocated. Jeff ran his fingertips up my spine, sending goose-flesh crawling all over my body. "You're evil!" I said, turning to face him. He smiled and I couldn't help but kiss him.

Nick slipped out from behind me and climbed into the hot tub. Jeff and I broke the kiss then followed him in. We lay next to each other in the warm water, with me in between the two of them. For several minutes no one moved or spoke, we just lay there, reveling in the feelings of the water, and the attractive men in the tub with us.

I got up and turned around to look at the beauties before me. They were both leaning back with their eyes closed, savouring the moment. I laughed to myself, then reached out and ran my fingertips up their chests. They both jumped forward, snapping out of the moment. I couldn't help but laugh. Nick reached forward and grabbed me, while Jeff walked over to a side of the tub and flicked a switch.

"Man this is nice. A room complete with jacuzzi!" I said. They smiled at me. We played around a bit more before sitting back down. I was surprised at how tired I was, I really must have put more into that audition than I thought. Then my thoughts began to drift to more unpleasant things.

"Guys," I began.

"Yeah," Jeff said.

"I know that this is gonna sound really dumb but. . .I can't keep doing this."

"How so?" Nick asked, leaning forward with interest.

"Well, I've always told myself that I would never get into a relationship that I would regret. For me that includes a relationship that doesn't contain love. I wan't something substantial, something that will always be there when I need it. I need that confidence that no matter what happens there is someone there for me. I need more than a quick bunk up when we're all in a good mood." I said, forcing myself to go slowly and breath regularly.

We sat in silence for a moment. I could see that they were rolling what I had just thrown at them around in their minds. "I understand," Jeff began, "and I know that Nick does too. Actually, when we first met you, we figured that you were gay. We made a promise between us that we would not fight over you, or fight because of you if we turned out to be right."

"We didn't expect this to come so soon, but since it has, you need to make a decision: which of us to choose," Nick finished.

"I can't," I said. "I can't just choose. I don't even know you that well. We've only known each other a few days, how can anyone make a decision on as little as that. I could make the wrong choice and then where would we all be?" my voice faded to silence.

"Well, I have an idea," Nick said. "Why don't we each take half a day with you tomorrow, then you can decide what you want."

I could tell that this pained both of them, but I also knew that it would hurt much more later if something wasn't done now. Besides, I couldn't live with myself for too long if I kept on like this. "That sounds like a good idea to me." I told them. "Jeff?"

"Fine with me, but cutie over here is gonna be in for shock when he doesn't win," Jeff replied smiling. We laughed at his joke. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- To Be Continued

*Sorry it took so long to get this out, I've been exceptionally busy the past week. As much as I love to write, reality has to come first, unfortunately! Hope it doesn't take this long in the future.

**I would also like to take this moment to thank everyone who has sent me e-mail. I REALLY appreciate the responses, and suggestions. They are helpful, and make me feel like I am doing something right. Thanks and keep up the GREAT support.

Questions, Comments, Suggestions - e-mail GayNight@hotmail.com

Next: Chapter 5

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