98 Degrees Is Hot

By Gay Night

Published on Aug 11, 1999


Disclaimer - This story contains gay relationships between the members of the pop music band 98 Degrees and a fictional character. This story in no way implies that any members of 98 Degrees is gay (but if they are they should feel free to e-mail me). If you are under the legal age to read pornographic material in your area please leave immediately. The author takes no responsibility for anyone's actions based upon this work of fiction.

Questions, Comments, Suggestions - e-mail GayNight@hotmail.com

Now that that is out of the way. Enjoy!!!

98 Degrees is HOT!!!

Jeff continued to stare at me unmoving for a few short moments, then his face twisted into a smile. "Ok, I'll take your advice. Besides everyone knows that I am much more desirable than Nick."

"You'd better hope you are," I said, getting up and walking out of the clearing.

Jeff trailed behind me for a few moments, before catching up. We walked back to the car making small talk.

"It's going to take forever to get back to the hotel," I said as we climed into the car. "Traffic this time of day is horrible."

I was right. After forty minutes of unrelenting traffic we finally reached the hotel. We walked into the lobby, joking. I spied Nick, sitting on one of the many sofas in the lobby. He had his head buried in a newspaper, and his back to the entrance. As he heard our approach, he quickly folded the newspaper and stood.

"Hi, guys," he said.

"Hey there Nick," Jeff and I replied at the same time. We turned to each other and began laughing.

"Great minds think alike," I said.

As our laughs subsided we turned back to Nick. His face was clouded with mixed emotions. I could tell easily that he was upset. "Nothing has been decided Nick. There's no need to worry," I said, taking a guess at what was troubling him. He returned my words with much the same look as Jeff had given me earlier.

"Tris here is psychic," Jeff laughed. "He did the same thing to me earlier."

Nick smiled wickedly, "Then what am I thinking now?"

"I don't think I want to know," I replied smartly. We all laughed. "Alright, lets go grab some lunch before this whole day disappears."

The guys quickly agreed and we began to walk towards the restaurant. We passed the elevator just as they opened. We stopped when we recognized Meg and Drew, leaning against the back wall of the elevator, kissing.

"Can't you two think of someplace better to make out than in the a hotel elevator?" I asked.

Meg reached her arm from around Drew and stuck up here middle finger in our general direction. "Oh fine, be that way," I said to her jokingly. She lifted her leg to the elevator controls and hit the close door button. We waved to them as the doors slowly shut.

"Well Nick," I said, smiling, "I think your brother is having the time of his life."

"I'd say the same thing about Meg, but I've heard that Drew isn't all that good a kisser," Nick replied. We all laughed before continuing our walk to the restaurant.

We were shown to a table in the back of the restaurant, and, thank the lord in heaven, we weren't stopped by any fans. A waiter quickly arrived at our table and took our orders, then ran away to fill them. The waiter left behind an eery silence.

"Look guys," I began, "I know that ya'll are gonna deny this, but I can tell, I'm creating tension between you." They both opened their mouths to interrupt. "Let me finish! I can feel it, it is there no matter how much you try to deny it. I will not be the cause of a breakup in this group. You are just too good a group, and you sound so great together. I wouldn't feel right knowing that I had some effect on the breakup of a group this good. So you two better snap out of it or I'm not even going to consider letting ANY of this go any farther. Got it?" I looked at them both for emphasis. They both nodded. "Good. Now lets eat, I see the waiter is bringing the food."

We received and ate our food, with a minimum amount of speech. I had given them alot to think about, so I didn't want to disturb their thoughts. When everyone finished I said, "Alright now, Nick lets get this show on the road. Jeff, it's about one forty-five now, we'll meet you upstairs or in the lobby around five. See yah then." We all waved and Nick and I proceeded to my car.

I started the engine and pulled away from the curb. "So Nick, where you wanna go?" I asked.

"I don't know. What kind of cool places do they have around here?"

"What do you consider a cool place?"

"Well. . . Something like a bowling alley, or a park, or a skating rink, just something fun."

"I could go for some skating myself. I haven't been in far too long."

"Then lets go skating. We can terrorize the young girls that skate in lines."

"Oh god!!! I hate that with a passion!" I vented.

"Me too!"

"Lets just try not to kill anyone."

I quickly drove out to the city's skating rink. Because mid-day traffic had ended, we had no problem getting there in no time. We walked to the entrance and paid for entrance and skate rental. We walked over to the rental booth and quickly got skates, then we rushed to put them on and get into the rink.

"Last one in's the rotten egg!" Nick yelled.

"I guess that's you," I said racing to the nearest entrance.

Nick quickly skated to the wall and jumped over it. He met me at the gate. "What where you saying?" he said, smartly.

"Show off," I retorted, gliding out into the center of the rink.

I skated around the rink with everyone else, just to get the feel for the rink back into my system, before attempting any of the more fun stuff.

When I had gotten back into "the groove," I started to pour on the speed and juked between people, tearing around the rink at fast speeds. A couple of times I was almost called down by the DJ for skating to fast, but I knew the DJ, and he knew that I had no problems with control.

After a few laps I pulled up to the side of the rink and waited for Nick to catch up to me. He glided over to me, before coming to a clumsy stop beside me. "Who's showing off now." he said, smiling.

"I don't know, who could possibly be showing off," I replied, acting dumb. He reached around and pinched me on the behind, causing me to jump slightly. "Now you're gonna get it," I yelled over my shoulder as I launched myself back out into the rink.

I flew past Nick several times before I again came to a stop by the wall to wait for him. This time he skated over and stopped a little better, but it was still a little wobbly. "You need to work on your skating a little bit there," I observed.

"Yeah, don't get around much on tour," he said.

"I understand."

"You will."

"You're convinced I am going to be hired?" I asked.

"Absolutely," he replied smiling.

"Well lets get back out there, maybe I can teach you how to skate better," I smiled back.

Just as we began to move back into the rink the DJ stopped the music and began to talk. "Alright. Now we're gonna have a little race, so anyone interested needs to come over to the table. Everyone else, out of the rink!"

"Oh, sounds like fun. You wanna try?" I asked Nick.

"No, but you go ahead. I cheer for you," he replied.

"Oh, really. I always pictured you as an athelete not a cheerleader," I smiled evily.

"Now I'm gonna get you," he said.

He headed for an exit to the rink, while I skated to the DJ's table. The DJ was just starting to give instructions as I arrived. "Ok, here's the deal: Three laps around the rink. The first lap with both skates. The second lap you take off one skate and leave one on. The last lap you take off the second skate and run around the rink. The winner gets a free soda and candybar. Now go get over on the line."

As I skated over to he starting line I scoped out the competition. There were five contestants but only one of them actually worried me. I found a place on the line and waited for them to blow the whistle to start.

I concentrated my mind on the task at hand, blocking out everything but the rink, myself, and the ref, holding the whistle. As soon as I heard the whistle blow, I launched forward like a bat out of hell. I raced around the track on the first lap. As I reached the starting line I didn't bother to come to a graceful stop, I jumped down and started ripping my right skate off. Then I jumped back up and launched back into motion on the single skate. I raced around to the starting line again, and once again dropped removed a skate and ran around the rink. I made it back to the starting/finishing line before the second person got halfway around the rink on his last lap.

I waited for the rest of the contestants to finish. After everyone had finished the ref walked over to me and began to congradulate me. He gave me four coupons, two drinks and two candybars. "You deserve the extra he said, I've never seen anyone get around the rink that fast," he told me. I smiled at him.

I picked up my skates and walked over to where Nick was waiting. "Wow," was all he said.

"Pretty good?" I asked.

"That was amazing," he replied incredulously. "I thought you were good before, but that was something else. Where did you learn to skate like that?"

"I used to come here everyday after school. I got really good at it, I guess I never really lost it either."

"I guess not."

"Here, let me go use these coupons," I said, walking over to the refreshment stand.

The cashier gave me my drinks and candybars and congradulated me for a job well done. I walked back over to Nick and handed him and drink and candybar. "Those are for you. We'd better get going. It is three thirty and all those teen-age girls are getting out of school. If any of them come in here we'll hate a riot on our hands." We laughed at how true the statement was.

We dropped off our skates and headed back to my car. "Well we've still got an hour and a half," I said. "Where you wanna go. . ." My cellphone began to ring. "Hell! I hate this, it isn't fair." I took my cell from my pocket and flipped it open. "What?" I said into the moutpiece.

"Tristan, what are you so upset about, it is your mother for heavens sakes," my mother's voice rang all to loudly from the phone.

"Nothing mom, just wasn't expecting a call." Nick looked at me with curiousity blooming on his face. "What do you need?"

"I want you to go pick up your brother at the airport. His plane arrives in thirty minutes."

"Mom, can't you do it? I am kind of busy right now."

"You can waste time with your friends after you pick up your brother, do you hear me?!?"

"Yes mother. Goodbye." She said her goodbyes then we hung up. "I'm sorry Nick, that was my mother and---"

"Go no further," he said. "I know how mothers can be. Yours isn't any different than mine."

"Sorry. I'll drop you off at the hotel, so at least you don't have to sit around the boring airport waiting for my brother to get off the plane."

"Hey, your brother? Why didn't you say so? I want to come with you, I'd like to meet him," Nick said enthusiastically.

"Uhhhh. Not right now Nick. Let me just drop you off at the hotel. I'll drop him off at home then race back on over and I can still make it for dinner. I don't want to add my brother to the equation just yet, you'll understand when you see him. I'll bring him over tomorrow."

"But we're leaving tomorrow."

"Yeah, but that may not be the end of it. If I do get hired and managment finds out about my brother, they will most likely hire him too. We have uh. . . similar talents." He looked at me suspiciously. "Trust me," I said.

"Alright, but you'd better call me as soon as you drop him off at home, then you'd better get right on back to the hotel or Jeff and I will have do something that you will regret," he said.

"There's nothing you could do that I would regret."

"We'll find something."

We got into my car and headed for the hotel. I quickly dropped Nick off and raced on over to the airport. I found a parking space just as my the clock read four o'clock. 'Hell I thought, I hope I'm not late.'

I quickly got out of my car and ran to the gate entrances. I found my brother's gate and looked for the arrival times. His plane was twenty minutes behind schedule. 'HELL!!!' I thought to myself. 'I rushed over here and he is late. Mom could have at least checked the arrival time before calling me. One of these days. . .'

I found a seat and sat down in it. I leaned back and closed my eyes. 'I wonder why I'm so tired. I'll just rest my eyes for a few minutes and then. . .'

I awoke to the feeling of someone shaking me. I slowly opened my eyes and look at the rude person who was shaking me. "Hey, Tris! You slept at all in the past week?" my brother smiled down at me.

"Hey Tev! Yeah, but it certainely doesn't feel like it. How long have you been waiting?" I asked.

"Not long, I'd recognize that face anywhere."

"Yeah, I'll bet you would. Let's go grab your luggage and get going, I have places I have to be tonight." We walked to the escalators and rode them down to the baggage claim area. "So what have you been up to at colledge."

"All kinds of stuff man. Working, partying, just hanging around with some friends. Just having a great time. What about you?"

"Not much, mostly working. Day before yesterday I made it to a 98 Degrees concert." I told him.

"Cool man. They are so hot."

"Yeah, I think that's why it is in the name. Anyway, I got backstage passes and ended up spending the night at their hotel with them."

Tev looked at me incredulously. "By spending the night you mean---"



"Jeff and Nick."


"Yeah. Actually I'm going to dinner with them tonight. As soon as we get you home."

"I don't think so," he said. "You're taking me with you."

"No, I don't think so. It is a long story, but after dinner one of them gets lucky. I'm too much of a romantic to keep it going with both so I told them I would choose one of them at dinner," I told him.

"Whichever one you let down I get."

"Why don't we let them make their own decision."

"If they like you they'll certainely like me," he said. "We are soooo similar," he laughed. "And besides I am the really fun one."

"Says who?"

"Says me," he joked.

"Alright, lets get you home."

We found his luggage and walked out to the car, making small talk. We got in the car and drove home. "Tell mom I'll be out late. I may not be home tonight," I told Tev.

"Will do," he replied. "Have fun." He smiled evilly before grabbing his bags and walking down the path to the front door. I gunned the engine and sped off down the street. I saw him waving at me through the rearview mirror. I laughed quietly to myself.

I pulled out my cellphone and dialed Nick's number. After a few rings he picked up. "Hello?"

"Hey Nick, it's me. I'm on my way over."

"Cool, see you in a little bit."

"See yah, bye." We both hung up. I checked my watch, it was nine after five. 'Man,' I thought, 'time goes by way to fast.'

It took me another ten minutes to reach the hotel. I found a parking place and ran into the lobby. The floor was crowded with fans, waiting to get some glimpse of the guys. I laughed to myself and worked my way over to the elevator.

I finally made it into and elevator and punched in the guys floor. In the silence of the elevator I took the time to take a step back and think, who did I want to make something with. They were both cute, both funny, both interesting. It was so hard to choose.

The doors opened onto their floor. I began to walk down the hall. Two doors were open, I heard voices coming from both. I peeked into the closest of the two. Meg and Drew were sitting on a couch wrapped up in each other, talking. "Hey Meg, Drew. How ya'll doing? Have a good day?"

"Yeah," Meg said, not bothering to look in my direction.

"So Tris," Drew began, turning his head in my direction, "Who's the lucky guy? Jeff or my brother?"

"I haven't figured that one out yet Drew, just don't tell them that," I told him. We all laughed. "Well I'd better go find those two jokers before they decide to come after me. See ya'll around."

I slipped out of the room and walked down to the second door. Nick and Jeff were sitting on the bed talking quietly. I stood silently in the doorway, trying my best not to make a sound. I simply watched them for several minutes, not wanting to break the peace of the room. 'Oh well, her goes,' I thought.

I stepped into the room and jumped onto the bed between them. "I'm baaaaaack." I said. They laughed. "You two weren't talking about me were you?"

"Absolutely not," Jeff said.

"We were talking about how cute you are," Nick said into my ear.

"Yeah, I'll bet you were. Ya'll wann go grab dinner now? I don't know about you, but I'm starving," I said.

"Let's go," Jeff said.

"I'll second that," Nick chimed in. "How did it go with your brother?"

"Your brother?" Jeff asked.

"I had to pick him up at the airport and then drove him home," I told them.

"You should have brought him over," Jeff said.

"I'll bring him tomorrow. Tonight is just the three of us. Besides, I don't want him stealing anyone before I get to make my choice." They started laughing.

"Oh, you scared of losing us?" Nick mocked.

"We'll see," I replied, walking towards the elevator, Jeff and Nick trailing behind. I stopped in front of the doors and waited for the elevator. The doors opened and we got in. I pushed the button for the first floor.

"Why the first floor?" Nick asked.

"Because if you step out of this elevator on the ground floor you will never get out of the mob alive. So we are going to the first floor and then we can walk the rest of the way to the lobby down the steps. I like my men alive," I told them.

We got out on the first floor then found and walked down the steps. Then we snuck into the restaurant through a side entrance. Once again the host seated us in the back and we sat down and waited for our waitress.

After a few minutes the waitress arrived and we all ordered. The waitress left to fill the orders and we sat in silence for a few moments before Nick spoke up. "So who---"

"After dinner Nick. I want to have one last meal together before telling you my decision," I told them. The table returned to silence again.

After several minutes Jeff broke the silence. "So what did ya'll do today?" he asked.

"We went to the skating rink for a couple of hours then my mother called and needed me to go pick up my brother," I said.

"Yeah. Tris here is an excellent skater. We won a race that they had while we were there," Nick added enthusiastically.

"Cool!" Jeff replied.

"What did you do?" Nick asked.

"Well, we just went to a park and talked for awhile," Jeff said slowly.

"That's cool," Nick replied.

I could tell that he was trying to cheer Jeff up, he must be able to tell, as well as I could, that Jeff was having some serious doubts about his chances. 'If only you knew, Jeff,' I thought.

Our food soon arrived and we ate, making small talk. When we were done both Nick and Jeff looked at me expectantly. "Let's go up to someone's room. I think that will be a little more appropriate." I was dreading this as much as they were.

We walked back to the steps which we took to the first floor, then we got on the elevator and rode it the rest of the way. We stepped out into the hall and walked down to the room that they had been in earlier. They sat down, side by side, on the bed while I sat down across from them in an armchair.

I took a deep breath before starting. "I want to begin by saying that I think both of you are highly attractive, intellegent, talented men, either of whom I would be more than happy to try and kindle a relationship with. Unfortunately that is not to be. I enjoyed the time that we spent together earlier today, and hope that we can all spend more time together, because it really was fun.

"Nick I had lots of fun skating with you today, and I'd love to do it again. Jeff I really loved talking with you earlier in the park, it certainely made me understand both your positions better, and even helped me understand mine.

"Anyway, what this is all coming down to is. . . Nick, I think you are a great guy, but I don't think we were made for each other. Maybe if circumstances were different. . . But they're not. . ." I watched as his face slowly drained of that hyper energy that was so contagious. "Sorry guy," I said, then turned to Jeff. I expected to see a smile on Jeff face, but all I saw was a look of concern for Nick. I guess they were closer friends than I had thought.

"Jeff, remember earlier when I said that of all my friends, none of them completely understood me?" He nodded. "Well, I'd like you to be the one person that does, and I'd like to be the one person that completely understands you."

We sat still for a moments before Nick picked his head back up and looked at me. "Can I ask you for one last thing?" he asked.

"Sure," I replied, resisting the temptation to tell him he just had.

"Could I have one last kiss?"

"Sure." I stood up and walked over to him and sat down on his lap. I reached around his body to give him a hug then moved my lips to touch his. Our lips connected, exchanging heat and moisture between them. The kiss was an echo of passion and love, something containing both and yet lacking something to make it click. I could love him if it weren't for Jeff. Somehow I knew that he was thinking the same thing.

After a slow moment we both pulled back together, and I got up from his lap. "Don't worry Nick, you'll find someone for yourself. There is a special someone for everyone out there, I'm just not yours. I'm sorry. I hope we can remain friends." He nodded. "Good," I said.

"Tris," Jeff said. "Can I have a moment alone with Nick?"

"Sure Jeff." I walked out of the room, closing the door behind me, and waited in the hall.

After about five minutes the door opened and Jeff stepped out. "How's he doing?" I asked.

"I think he's ok. He'll get over it," Jeff said.

"Good, cause I have someone who'd love to meet him."

"That isn't why you choose me over Nick was it?"

"No, I meant everything I said in their."

"Ok. So who is it?"

"My brother."

"Your brother? You think Nick will like him."

"Yeah," I laughed.

"What's so funny?" he asked as he began to laugh as well.

"You'll see tomorrow. I'm going to bring him over. Jeff nodded his assent.

"You'd better be careful with that laugh, that thing is contagious," Jeff said, still laughing.

"I know," I told him, laughing as well.

"Well, I think I know a cure," he said before pulling me into a kiss.

Our lips danced together, striking up a kind of electricity between us. His tongue slid into my mouth through my parted lips and I gratefully welcomed it in. I reciprocated by tickling his tongue with my own, then sending mine into his mouth.

As we pulled back from the kiss, we both beamed at each other. "You can't promise something like that and not finish it off," I told him.

"Alright," he said, "lets take it in my room."

"Sounds good to me," I replied. "Let me go give my keys to Meg so she can get home, something tells me I'm not going anywhere tonight."

He smiled at me with a certain sparkle in his eye. "You've got that much right," he said seductively. "I'll wait for you in my room."

He turned and walked down to his room while I walked back to the room Drew and Meg were in. I poked my head in to make sure that it was safe. It looked like they hadn't moved at all. "You know," I called out, "if you don't move at all, you'll end up with some major cramps tomorrow."

"I'm willing to live with them," Drew responded.

"So am I," Meg said. "What do you want now Tris?"

"Well I was just going to give you the key to my car, for when you're ready to leave."

"Oh, so you're spending the night?" Drew joked.

"Who's the lucky guy?" Meg asked.

"Jeff. Anyways, if you could pick up my brother and bring him over tomorrow morning, and pick me up a set of cloths as well. And I want you to pick them out, you know Tev has no sense of style."

"Anything else?" Meg asked, acting annoyed.

"No, I think that is it. See yah tomorrow babe."

I walked out of the room and down the hall to Jeff's room. I opened the door to a gorgeous site. Jeff was sitting on his bed, with the lights dimmed, waiting for me.

"What to you so long?" He asked.

"You miss me already?" I taunted.

"What would you do if said yes?"

"I'd be forced to come over there and kiss you."

"Hmmmmm. . . This is a tough one but I think I'll say. . . yes!"

"Alright then."

I walked over to the bed and sat down on his lap. Then I placed my lips on his and continued what we had started in the hall. After several moments of passionate kissing I pushed him back onto the bed and climbed on top of him, grinding our bodies together.

Our hands roamed over each other's bodies. Our lips molded into one as our tongues explored each other's mouths. Jeff's hands moved down to my stiff member and began rubbing it through my pants.

"Jeff, babe. Maybe we'd better save that for later. I want to start this over right. I want to take our time before we get serious in the sexual sense."

"I agree," he replied. "We can build something much better if we hold off for now."

"Lets just keep it down to kissing and massaging for now. We can take it the next step when we know we're both ready.

"Agreed." He smiled up at me. "I don't know about you Tris, but I am a little tired. Why don't we catch some z's?"

"Sounds good to me, as long as we catch them together."

We snuggled up together and fell asleep, listening to the beat of each other's hearts, and the rythym of each other's breath. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- To Be Continue

Next: Chapter 7

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