98 Degrees Is Hot

By Gay Night

Published on Sep 29, 1999


Disclaimer - This story contains gay relationships between the members of the pop music band 98 Degrees and a fictional character. This story in no way implies that any members of 98 Degrees is gay (but if they are they should feel free to e-mail me). If you are under the legal age to read pornographic material in your area please leave immediately. The author takes no responsibility for anyone's actions based upon this work of fiction.

Questions, Comments, Suggestions - e-mail GayNight@hotmail.com

Now that that is out of the way. Enjoy!!!

98 Degrees is HOT!!!

"What was wrong in the restaurant today?" Jeff asked after several minutes of utter silence.

"Well a couple of things actually. First of all that waiter. I felt like he was feeding off of you guys. He didn't want anything to do with Steve or I, it was like we were beneath his notice."

"That won't be a problem too much longer," Jeff joked.

"Yeah, well anyway I didn't like him. He was also flirting with Justin and Nick."

"So, you are kind of guilty of flirting with Nick and I now aren't you?"

"That's not what I mean," I said, getting frustrated. "Something about him just didn't bode well. I don't know, I'm probably imagining it. The other thing is, what is the deal with Justin? Is he gay, straight, what? Every time I think I've figured it out he does something to make me doubt my decision."

"You know, now that I think about it he never said that he was gay or straight or bi. I don't think he's really said anything. I mean, on television and in public he makes all the right comments, but when noone else is around he doesn't say much of anything about it. Actually he never says much of anything. He is very quiet."

"I wonder why he is so quiet. Maybe there is more to it then you think."

"I don't know. Maybe we should go talk to him."

"Why don't you let me do it," I said. "If I irratate him it won't fall back on any of you, and I don't have to live with him."

"Alright baby. Thank you. You know I love you!"

"How could you do anything else," I replied, smiling and leaning in for a kiss.

I got up off the bed and walked to the door. "Why don't you start packing. When I get back I want to have a little bit of fun before you have to leave."

"Sounds good honey," he said, jumping off the bed.

I walked out the door and down the hall to Justin's door. I knocked twice and waited for an answer. When I had waited a good minute or two I knocked again, and put my ear to the door. I could hear soft sobbing coming from the other side of the door.

Suddenly worried about his welfare I opened the door and ran into the room. My eyes bulged at the scene before me. Justin was lying on his bed naked, stroking his semi-hard member bawling. When he heard me enter his head whipped around, sending tears flying halfway across the room.

He face turned crimson and he thrashed about, trying to cover himself with the covers.

"Justin," I managed to get out. "What is wrong? Why are you crying?"

"Please just leave me alone," he gasped between sobs. He stopped thrashing and lay half covered in the bed.

I walked over to him and placed an arm around him. "I can't do that," I told him. "You see, I have noticed that you haven't seemed to happy the whole time I have known you, and you certainely don't look happy now. As a matter of fact you look quite distressed at the moment. When one of my friends is having problems I can't leave them alone. I have to help. If I didn't, I could never forgive myself." I stared into his eyes for a moment, to let him know that I meant what I had said. "I'm not leaving until you let me help you."

Slowly, slowly the sobs slowed and stopped. The tears turned to a trickle then ceased. His face lost its angry red glow. His lips ended their turn downwards. "I. . . I. . ," he tried to get out.

"Take your time," I said soothingly.

He closed his mouth and we sat in silence for a few long moments. Then he opened his mouth to speak again. "I don't know what to say," he told me. "I feel so alone in the world, and yet I'm surronded by a group of guys that love me like a brother."

"Is it because you haven't found anyone that you could fall in love with, yet?" I asked.

"That's it," he said. "I can't fall in love with anyone. I don't feel attracted to other men or women. I don't feel attracted to anyone."

I leaned back and let out a long breath. "Justin, there is nothing wrong with that. It is part of who you are. I've taken alot of psychology classes and I know exactly what it is. There are some people that just don't have any desire for sex, or romantic love, or anything like that. It doesn't make you wierd, or an outcast. It just makes you different, unique. You are still just as human as the rest of us. When you learn to accept it, and to love yourself you will be happy. And you'll never be alone again," I told him firmly.

"You kind of have an advantage over the rest of us, Justin," I continued. "I need Jeff to feel complete. Jeff needs me. Every other couple in love needs their mate. Once you learn to accept it, you will need only yourself. You can never be seperated from yourself."

Justin sat there for several minutes, taking everything I said in. "I think I understand, but it is so hard to believe," he said.

"I know," I replied. "It took me a long time to accept that I was gay."

He smiled. "Thank you so much. I don't know what would have happened if you hadn't stepped in today. Sometimes I scared myself."

"Do you want me to stay with you?" I asked.

"No," he replied, "I think Jeff would rather you went back to his room. You two don't have much time until we leave. I think you should spend it together, not waste it on me." He laughed softly.

"My time would, is not, and will never be wasted on you Justin. Always remember that. Always."

I walked slowly from the room and out into the hall. I closed the door behind me and leaned back against it. I closed my eyes and let out a long sigh. 'This has been one of the greatest and yet, longest weeks in my life.'

I peeled myself off the door and walked down the hall to Nick's room. I quietly opened the door and slipped in, closing it behind me. I walked silently into the main room. Nick and my Steve were nowhere to be found. I walked into the next room of the suite and once again they were not there. I walked to the bathroom door and put my ear to it. I could hear soft laughter coming from the room, along with playful splashes.

I smiled and gave them another couple of seconds before I flung open the door and yelled, "Caught you red-something or other-ed!"

Steve and Nick were up to there chests in the bubbling water. Steam was rising off the waters surface, and judging by the way it thrashed, they were either having REALLY kinky sex, or they had the jacuzzi turned on high.

They both turned and smiled at me. "You wanna join us?" Nick asked at the same time as Steve said, "You always spoil my fun!"

"No I don't want to join you, and what else is a twin brother for?" I answered them both.

"Well if you aren't climbing in here then you'll have to leave." Steve said.

"Yeah, we were just getting to know each other," Nick said seductively.

"Alright, I'll leave before I see something that I don't want to see!"

"What do you mean," Steve said. "It would be just like watching yourself!"

"Tell that to Jeff," I retorted. "Have fun you two!" I said, walking out and closing the door behind me.

I walked out of the room and down the hall to Jeff's room. I hadn't taken three steps into the room before Jeff called out, "Tris!?!"

"Yeah!" I replied.

"Paris wants to talk to you. Why don't you head down there and talk to him now. It will give me a little more time to finish packing," he yelled.

"Ok." I yelled back.

"Just don't take too long, I want to have a little fun before I have to get back on the bus without you!"

"I won't," I replied.

I walked back out into the hall and made my way to Paris's room. I knocked on the door and waited. The I heard him call out, "Come in, it's open." I opened the door and walked into the room.

He gestured for me to take a seat, so I sat in a chair across from him.

He looked up from the tablet he was writing in and opened his mouth to speak. "I have spoken with the higher-ups and it seems that having you and your brother will work out fine. They are going to give you a few days to work everything out with your previous jobs and schooling and say goodbye to your friends. Then you are going to fly out to L.A. and get right to work. Here are your tickets," He handed me two first class tickets. I looked at the date. We would be leaving in four days.

"They already have the lyricists working, but they will ask for your input. You can have as little or as much say so in what you sing as you want. I'm sure you'll want to use some of the songs you have written, possibly even write some new ones. You'll have to work that out with your manager. You'll meet her when you get to L.A. She can tell you whatever else you want to know. Any questions?"

I asked a few then left. I returned to Jeff's room. I was happy to see that he had finished packing and was lying back on the bed watcing tv. "Anything good on?" I asked.

"Nothing as good as looking at you," he replied, smiling.

"Ditto," I said.

I walked over to the bed and lay down next to him. He had his shirt off and his skin was still slightly damp with the sweat that had accumulated while he was packing. I placed my hands on his smooth chest and began to run them over his chest and stomach. "You're beautiful," I whispered into his ear.

"So are you," he replied.

"How about a little massage?" I asked.

"You think I could stop you?" he laughed.

"No! Now roll over," I commanded.

He rolled over onto his stomach. I took a moment to stare at the back of my Adonis before straddling his waist and begining the massage. I lightly place my hands on his shoulder and ran them over the taut muscle, mapping out the tight places. Then I really got to work. I applied firm pressure, squeezing and prying his neck muscles, eliciting a moan of pleasure from the god lying beneath me.

As I finished with his neck and shoulders I moved down to his expansive back. I played with his powerful muscles, causing Jeff to moan frequently and loudly. He was certainely enjoying this. I made sure to get up under the shoulder blades, a place that most people miss. I moved lower and lower until I reached those two mounds of flesh that we all know and love. Unfortunately they were covered with a layer of denim which would just have to go.

"Jeff, hun, we're gonna have to get rid of these jeans or you are going to miss the best part, or the second best part of this massage," I said quietly. He grunted affirmatively and lifted his hips off the bed. I reached around and unbuttoned his jeans then pulled them down to his ankles, which he then lifted allowing me to remove them. He wasn't wearing any boxers. "I see you decided not to wear the boxers I gave you earlier. Oh well, no loss there!" He smiled into the pillow. His body shook slightly with silent laughter.

I resumed the massage. I manipulated the mounds of his gorgeous butt. It took all my willpower not to lean down and begin to lick his warm flesh. When I finished with his ass I moved down and did his legs and feet.

"Alright baby, time to roll back over," I told him when I had finished. He moaned and rolled over. "It gets better from here on out," I told him, smiling evily. I stradled his waist, leaving his not so soft cock resting at the entrance to my love tunnel.

I ran my hands over his smooth, hard chest. "I don't know if I've said this enough today, but you are beautiful." He laughed quietly. I leaned down and kissed him deeply. Or tongues intertwined, searching each other's mouths for those pleasureful spots. We moaned together, eliciting giggles from the both of us.

"I like this new form of massage," Jeff said, laughing.

I joined him in the laughter, "I'll bet you do, but I think I'll get back to the traditional massage now."

"Ohhhhhhhhhh!!!" he whined.

"Sorry, but the sooner we get that done we can get to the REALLY fun part," I replied, grinning.

"Hurry it up then!" he replied enthusiastically.

I sat back up and resumed the massage. I began by working on his pecs. I kneeded his soft skin, loving the feel of his warm body against my hands. I moved down to his firm abs. As I moved down to work on his legs I raked my fingernails lightly over his member making him moan in ectasy. Then I began to work on his legs and feet.

When I had finished with his feet I moved up and resumed our earlier kissing. Our tongues fought for dominance. Wrapping around each other and pushing and pulling at each other. I almost came right there. But that wasn't until later. I moved down his neck and chest, licking and kissing my way to his nipples.

I licked and nibbled at his nipples until they were hard enough to cut diamonds. Then I licked down the crevice to his raging hardon. It was leaking copious amounts of precum. I leaned down and licked up a mouthful of the tasty fluid, moaning when I tasted his distinct essence.

Then I placed my lips around his bulbous head and stuck out my tongue. I raked the head of his cock, causing him to moan strongly and passionately. I slid down further and further down his member, taking as much of it as I could then taking a little bit more, then a little bit more, then a little more. Before I knew it my lips were wrapped around the base of his enraged cock and my nose was lodged deep in his pubic hair. The coarse hairs tickled my nose and face. I sniffed deeply of his scent. My brain was elevated to level of euphoria which I had never experienced before.

As my mind soared, my mouth shifted into overdrive. My tongue lashed out along his member and I swallowed again and again, causing my throat to milk his cock. Before long he was cumming. I pulled back allowing the sweet fluid to wash over my tongue, sending even stronger electric pulses directly into my brain.

We both moaned, the pleasure centers in our brains overloading. After his cock softened and we returned from or highs I pulled off his member and moved up to his mouth. I shared the remnants of his love juices with him.

"Alright, your turn," he said rolling out from under me.

He rolled me over onto my back before climbing on top of me and lowering himself to my semi-hard cock. I must admit, servicing him had drained me. Something which you must feel to really understand. But my body and I were more then willing to oblige him and soon I was as hard as I could be. He began to suck me off and I almost drowned in pleasure.

It wasn't long before I shared my essence with him. He climbed back up and shared my load with me.

We lay there in each other's arms for awhile, letting time slip away. Before we knew it there was a beating on the door. We heard Nick's voice, "I know ya'll are having fun but we have to get out of here or we are going to miss the bus!"

We rolled over to face each other. "Well this is it," he said.

"Yeah," I replied.

Nick started to beat on the door again. "Out in a second!" Jeff shouted. "According to our tour schedule," he told me, "we should be back in LA in a few weeks. You and Steve should be there recording or something, right?"

"Well Paris said that we would be heading out there in four days. But he isn't going to be our manager so he didn't have any more information. At this point I don't even know who our manager is going to be, much less what we'll be doing next month. My guess is that, yes, we will be recording, so we should see you there."

"I can't wait till we get back to LA. Then I'll be able to see you again."

"Neither can I," I replied. We kissed lightly. Not a deep passionate probing kiss, but a light airy loving kiss. "I love you," I whispered.

"I love you too," he whispered back. "But you know," he said much louder, "it isn't a secret!" We both laughed as he picked up his stuff and walked out into the hall. My laughter didn't subside until he left and I finally realized that they had just walked out of my life, if only for a few weeks, and I knew Jeff would call me. But he wasn't there for me to hold anymore.

I felt strangely empty as I walked into the hall. I don't know what I was expecting, maybe for Jeff to still be there, waiting for me. Steve and Meg were standing in the hallway, obviously as empty inside as I was. I walked down the hall to them.

"Well I guess that is it," Meg said as I approached.

"No," I replied, "Steve and I have both been hired by Motown records, and you are coming with us to LA and probably on tour too, if we can work it out."

She turned towards me with hope overflowing from her eyes, "You mean it?"

"Do I ever lie?" I asked.

She jumped forward the few feet between us and threw her arms around me. "I love you!" She yelled.

"Careful," Steve said from beside me, "Drew and Jeff might get jealous!" ------------------------------------------------------------------------- To Be Continued

Questions, Comments, Suggestions - e-mail GayNight@hotmail.com

Next: Chapter 9

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