A Dare Made Me See the Truth

By Lady Misterious

Published on Jul 17, 2002



The moonlight was shining through the window. The silence was still absolute. The deep blue gaze Brian and Nick shared was everything. Worth a thousand words that could never explain it all. I mean, did it really have an explanation?

Nick didn't care as long as he could feel Brian's hand caressing his soft hair. Brushing it away from his eyes. Suddently it was so perfect that they didn't think anymore. The touch was worth the thoughts, the eyes were worth the words, the truth was worth the fear.

Brian stood up and reached for the opened door. Nick felt a bit scared he'd go away, but this sensation didn't last coz he knew Brian was feeling it too. And he was right. His friend locked the door and came back to where he was. This time Brian sat between his legs, eyes still locked into each other's.

Only looking into Brian's eyes made the world around fade out for Nick. He could've been scared, but without even touching him Brian could make him feel safe. Nick let himself slide into Brian's arms and he responded by holding him even tighter.

Brian couldn't get enough of Nick's scent. How could he smell so good? And how could he taste so sweet? Brian put his hand on Nick's chin and brought his mouth next to his, so that he could feel that taste once again. He just loved to lick his lips, to hear Nick's body responding to his arousal. Nick was virgin and he knew it. He had never been touched. No one had ever been this close to him as Brian was now while running his hand over the skin under his shirt.

Brian laid him on bed and was now on top of him, kissing him gently, just taking time to touch everywhere, to kiss everywhere in his face and naked chest.

Nick sighed. If this was a dream he pleaded God he never wanted to wake up. He felt Brian's breath against his neck and later against his face. Brian kissed his mouth and kept him close, kept him warm. Not only did Nick feel safe... he felt loved.

"Brian..." - he mubled.

Brian felt his voice unsure. He needed to say that. Oh, God, he was also so afraid! But he couldn't hold it back. He needed to say that. Brian knew he would regret this later, and maybe till the rest of his life, but right now he had no strenght to listen to his brain, and all he could do was to allow his heart to come into his mouth and say those three words, looking into his eyes:

"I love you, Nick."

Nick felt like crying. Never in his life had he felt something like that. His heart was so overwhelmed with love, passion, desire that he was speechless.

Nick tried to pull Brian closer, almost like wanting them to be one unique body, and when his lips found his friend's ear Nick whispered:

"I love you too, Brian."

The heat was growing fast, they couldn't stand being this close without moving further. Nick helped Brian taking off his shirt and Brian unbuttoned his pants himself. When he was only in his boxers he began to remove Nick's jeans. When he pulled them off Nick's hands found his and Brian held them tightly. Nick was trembling.

Brian took his hand and kissed all his finger, taking time, going slowly, making Nick be the one to make the next move. And he did.

Nick found Brian's lips and began devoure his mouth, being in total control of the kiss. Slowly he moved to his neck till he could bite Brian's earlobe, causing him to moan softly.

Brian had one hand at the back of Nick's neck and the other caressing his chest, and the latter hand began to move down till he found his way inside Nick's boxers.

"Hm..." - Nick's moan sounded more like a whine and he reached desperately to Brian's neck to bury his head into. Brian kept Nick's face there playing with his hair, at the same time his other hand worked all the way up and down the growing hard on inside Nick's boxers.

"Brian... oh... God!" - Nick's breathing was really fast, and this was making Brian get even harder. Nick was there on his arms, so innocent, having never felt this kind of pleasure from someone else's body being close to his. And this Nick, the one Brian had ever loved as a friend was now making him go crazy. How could he want him so badly? That night Brian would've fought the world to shout out loud his love for Nick. How couldn't he have seen it before? Oh, God had to forgive him... But this wasn't lust, it was love. As he pulled both boxers off and stood on top of Nick he rested his cheek on his belly and let a few tears scape his eyes. He was so happy! All he wanted was to hold Nick through his life. All he wanted was to touch him as if he depeneded on that to survive, and above it all, all he wanted was to look into his eyes and see this love they shared, and know it was gonna last forever.

"Don't you be afraid, Nick. I love you... I'll be always here for you..." - for some reason he felt the need to say that and Nick gave him a large smile, pulling him close so that he could kiss him.

Never breaking the kiss Brian began to move quite fast on top of him, making their bulges rub against the other, causing several sounds to come out from their mouths, moans and sighs, crys out of pleasure.



Brian quickened the rhythm without never breaking eye contact with Nick. More than the feeling of their bodies rubbing together the best part of this was to watch Nick's face.

From time to time he'd bite his bottom lip when Brian pushed harder or lowered his hand to stroke him. Then Brian stopped and used only the tip of his finger to touch the tip of Nick's cock. Nick rolled his eyes and moaned his name, going back to biting his bottom lip.

Nick looked into Brian's baby blues. He loved him so much. If he could own time, this moment would never end. Nick's heart was beating more and more fast as Brian began to place butterfly kisses on his chest, taking time to lick his belly button and finally facing his cock.

"Oh, God!" - Nick screamed swallowing hard when he felt Brian's tongue work all the way on his lenght.

Brian didn't know what to do. But he was no longer a virgin and he supposed Nick would like the same things he had already had girls doing to him. And judging by the expression on Nicks face he was right.

Brian licked the head of his cock right before he put his lips around it and sucked lightly.

"Oh..." - Nick sighed deeply.

Brian took inspiration from Nick's evident pleasure and closing his eyes he took as much of Nick as he could bear into his mouth. Slowly at first and harder after a couple of minutes Brian began to suck and lick Nick's cock, using his tongue to taste him, to massage the sensitive skin, causing Nick to cry out overwhelmed with new sensations.

Nick just couldn't think clearly, his mind had gone away time before and his instincts were ruling his body reaction's. He reached out to grab a pillow and bit it hard, suffocating a loud moan that would have sound more like a scream.

Brian was moving faster, and Nick could no longer help but thrusting into his mouth, one of his hands caressing the back of Brian's head, his neck, his hair... and the other grabbing hold of the sheets coz he needed desperately to hold on to something, that feeling was just so good that it hurt. So much pleasure that he had tears rolling down his cheeks.

As Nick's thrusts began to intensify Brian knew he was coming. But he didn't want it to end so soon. He stopped a little and went kissing all the way up to Nick's mouth, as soon as he found his lips Nick pulled him close quickly, kissing him so hard Brian's lips were swollen when they broke the kiss.

"Oh, God, please Brian... I can't take it anymore, I can't..." - Nick's voice was a pleading rustle and Brian smiled satisfied from this reaction.

"Its ok, Nick... I'll take care of you..." - Brian said smiling and running a hand through his blond hair.

After kissing his neck softly Brian went down again, taking time to trace all the way on Nick's skin with his tongue.

"Hmpf! Oh..." - Brian heard Nick's moan, his voice was trembling.

Brian kissed all the way from the base of his cock till the very tip of its head, sending Nick straight to heaven.

Nick felt Brian's mouth surrounding him once again. It was warm and it was wet. Brian used his tongue and lips, moving softly first and hard next. In a quick instant Nick's mind came back and he remember he thought this couldn't be real. How could he so much pleasure? How could he love someone so much? Again the thoughts fade when Brian put his hands around his cock and sucked hard on the head, making Nick bite his lip until the tasted blood. Oh, but it felt so good!

"Brian, I'm gonna... I'm going to... I can't take it anymore, I..." - Nick tried to warn him but Brian kept going up and down, sucking, fast, licking, kissing...

"OH, GOD!!!!!!!!" - Nick shouted as he came inside Brian's mouth, lifting a little from the bed and collapsing again, shivering all over.

Brian swallowed Nick's cum, as weird as it tasted he was ok with that. It was Nick and he loved Nick.

He came up and wrapped his arms tightly around Nick, pulling his body close to him, making him feel he was safe. Nick was shuddering, shivering, trembling, fighting to catch his breath with shut eyes.

"Shiiii..." - Brian whispered into his ear to a still closed eyes Nick. - "Its ok, I'm here with you... calm down, baby... I love you."

Hearing these sweet words Nick lost control again, he needed to hold Brian against him, he needed to feel him. Still not opening his eyes Nick reached out to his chest and wrapped his arms around Brian's waist, resting his face on his chest.

Nick could be such a child... needing care, needind love... needind safety as he hugged Brian tightly. This moment was perfect, and Brian held him close till Nick stopped trembling.

Slowly he reached out to his chin and forced Nick to open his eyes, which he hadn't done since his orgasm.

"I love you."

Nick said and they kissed softly.

The kiss lasted several minutes, none of them wanting to pull apart from each other, both boys trying to make it last forever.

"Nick..." - Brian began still brushing his lips on his. - "We have to get out of here... Lucy can be back at any minute, we can't let she see... what we did."

Brian had his hands on Nick's head, his forehead touching his friend's and lips still brushing against.

"I know... We better leave."

Nick kissed him softly and pulled apart right after, both guys finally standing up.

Brian made sure to straighten things up, like the sheets and the pillows and made sure there was no possible thing to indicate Nick and him had... made love? It didn't matter what they called that, to Brian it was love.

As soon as they were dressed they waited a little before opening the bedroom's door. There was no one out there. They walked out and crossed the living room. Neither Rachel nor Kevin were awake, thank God!

A few more steps they were in front of Nick bedroom's door.

They stopped and looked at each other. The night was still magic. Nick hands found Brian's and he looked at his friend, right after making a move with his head to throw his hair backwards, out of his eyes.

"You gotta go?" - he asked Brian in a low voice.

"I have to, but I wanna stay with you... - 'Nick' - ...love."

Nick smiled. Had Brian just called him love? Aw, that was so cute!

Seeing that gorgeous smile on his face Brian couldn't help but kissing him there, where anybody could have seen them.

"C'mon in." - Nick said indicating his room. It had only a single bed, but this would have to do it.

After a little more kissing and touching, hands, neck, hair... everything to show affection both guys just laid there. Quietly, sharing the same bed.

Nick was facing the wall, and Brian was behind him, wrapping his arms around his body. They didn't have much space.

"I love you, good night Brian."

"I love you too. More than I ever thought it was possible to..."

Brian kissed the back of Nick's neck having his blond hair brush softly against his lips. This was how they feel alseep. If that wasn't love, than living had no meaning.

Nine o'clock in the morning Lucy woke up at Joey's bedroom. As soon as she finished streching she went back to yesterday.

"Oh, God..." - a smile appeared on her lips when she remembered what had happened. If her mind wasn't playing games the Backstreet Boys had came back from tour and payed her a vist. The girls were also there. They talked, they laughed... and they played Truth or Dare.

Lucy grinned.

Brian and Nick kissed. They had it on tape.

"Oh, my..." she sighed. If she was right there were five gorgeous men sleeping over, plus Rachel and...

"Morning, Lucy..."

'Joey'. She thought.

"Morning, girl..." They both looked at each other across the room and smiled.

"Sleep well?" - Joey asked.

"Like a baby!"

They laughed.

"Hey, what you say we wake up the boys?"

"Oh, that sounds great, Joey! Lemme just change cloths in my room and we can go wake this lazy people!"

Joey smiled.

"Yeah, go change, I'll do the same."

Lucy left the room and in her way to the her bedroom she found Rachel and Kevin having breakfast in the kitchen.

"Finally, Lucy!" - Rachel joked.

"Hey, not fair! We were supposed to wake you guys up!"

"We?" - Kevin asked.

"Yeah, me and Joey." - Lucy gave them puppy eyes.

"Oh, you still can get lucky, me and Rachel are the only ones up."

"Oh, good, Kev! I'll go change then, see ya laterz!"

"See ya..." - they replied.

Lucy walked into her room and changed cloths. She was about to leave when she noticed the little red light coming from the camera.

"Oh, shit! Did I let this thing on? Damn, I'm so careless... Anyway, now the tape is over. Yeah, that was something good. Now I'll have taped my bedroom during the night!"

Lucy laughed, turned off the camera, combed her hair and left the room again.

That scream came as a shock to a sleepy Nick.

"WAKE UP!!!!!!" - Lucy, Joey and AJ shouted at his door.

Normaly he'd have bothered about being taken off bed like that, but for some reason this wasn't what he was concerned about.

It didn't took him much to realize what was wrong.

'Brian!' - he thought opening his eyes and turning around fast to see the bed he was lying on.

He already knew it without seeing. Brian wasn't there.

"You lazy! C'mon, Nick! Get on your feet we have a whole bright day ahead of us!" - Lucy was shouting.

Nick was lost, his head spining going back to last night's events. He couldn't focus on anything.

"C'mon, Nick! Don't tell me you didn't sleep enough! You slept more than everyone else in here!" - Joey said amused by his cute I-just-left-the-bed face.

"Shame on you Carter... always oversleeping!" - AJ messed with him.

"Well, you guys should be used to this behavior coming from Nick. What can he do if he needs to sleep at least ten hours to keep his girl-take-care-of-me face, right Frack?"

As soon as Nick heard this voice he smiled. It was coming from behind Lucy, Joey and AJ.

"Right, Frick" - Nick said meeting his best friend's eyes.

Brian had this cute grin on his lips and deep shine on his eyes, but only Nick was able to see it.

Oh my God! Lucy let the camera on, what will happen now????? Hehehe

Did you like the sex scene?? :o) Please e-mail me your comments and ideas!


Next: Chapter 4

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