A Day to Remember

By Bruce Turner / Charles Turner

Published on Aug 1, 2016



I hope you enjoy this story, it is a departure from my normal fantasies but this one at least has a basis in fact. Which facts those are you can decide.

Please remember that Nifty survives because you donate. Take the time before you read this because afterwards you will be busy in otherways. LOL

A Day to Remember

I had been watching xxx rated videos on the computer the night before, some of them were about an Asian piss pig that managed to go out in public and find people that were willing to give him showers. I was astounded that he 1, had the balls to do it, 2, he was able to find anyone to do it in public spaces and 3, that he was able to get it on video. My city is large and somewhat liberal but that doesn't mean that I believed I could do what he had been doing. Still, I wondered if there was any way to copy him in this Southern US city.

After thinking about the idea for most of the day I had to give it a try, without the video to prove that I was doing it, maybe I would try the video another day if I found a place where the men were willing. I dressed in the least clothing I felt I could possibly wear in most places and set off on a trek around the city to find piss donors. My only restrictions were I was not going to be anywhere near police stations, churches, schools, playgrounds or other places where there was likely to be children. I may like a lot of sexual things, but pedophilia is not one of them. That doesn't mean I would turn down a mature acting teenager given the opportunity, teen boy piss is always tasty and smells good (teens are actually ephetes,(sic) right? So that isn't pedophilia).

My first stop was at a park where there were plenty of men and women running with their dogs but without kids. There had been reports of sexual activity in the park on the local televised news so parents were wise enough to not take kids there most of the time. When I arrived I saw mostly single runners and an occasional pair but couldn't find any place I thought would be appropriate for my wants or to get someone to stop. As I headed back to my car I met a young Mexican man walking with his son, a child of about four. The man had the boy by the hand and was staying on the paths so they wouldn't be able to see any activity that might be happening in the woods.

The man spoke to me about finding a playground in the park. I stopped in front of him, he was fairly nice looking but for some reason I classified him as straight as soon as he spoke. I told him that that particular park didn't have a playground. There were tennis courts, a golf course, 2 baseball fields, a runners' track stretching five miles and a picnic area but no playground. He had started asking me whether I knew where he might find a playground with kids for his son when I felt the boy's hand reaching up the leg of my shorts. I tried just giving the boy a nasty look and brushing his hand away but it didn't seem to mean a thing to him.

"Do you see what your son is doing?"

"He does that all the time."

"Well I'm not wearing underwear and he is playing with my dick. Don't you think you should stop him?"

"No. He is either going to get over it, get tired of it, get hurt or end up being a maricon."

"Or he is going to run into a man that wants more from little boys and gets either his mouth or ass raped." I couldn't believe that the man was so blase` about what the boy was doing.

"I have tried punishing him and have tried keeping him at home but he doesn't care, the next time he has the chance he has his hand up someone's pants trying to feel him." He was doing more than trying, he had moved down to my balls, stroking them softly and then tried pulling on my cock again. I think he knew what it meant to get someone hard, I wondered if he did this with his father.

I wasn't getting hard. Like I say I am not a pedophile.

"You need to get control of him. He is going to get someone angry and they are going to either hurt you or him." I pulled away as easily as I could and walked the rest of the way to my car not believing that a father would stand there talking to a stranger as his son felt up his cock and balls. I opened the windows on the car to let some of the heat escape while plotting out my next move, I decided I was hot enough that a bottle of cold beer sounded great so I headed to a gay men's bar. At that time of day I didn't expect to find many people there but there was always the possibility that there would be others like me that had gotten hot and wanted a beer and a slight respite from the heat in the bar's weak AC.

When I walked into the bar the bartender was stripping down to his street legal jockstrap and the few guys sitting at the bar had taken off their shirts. I was only there a few minutes when I understood that they were trying to beat the weaker than usual AC. I was only wearing a sleeveless jersey but I thought if I get the opportunity to get some piss here I may as well be shirtless so I jumped on the bandwagon and stripped off my shirt.

Believe me when I say that I am not a muscle god. I stand about five foot ten inches and weigh just over 145 lbs. I don't have a six pack but I do have a lean torso with a fairly developed chest, not man boobs but solid pecs that men usually love feeling. I am no beauty, facially, but I am good enough looking that I have always had people attracted to me before they get to know me. I may as well tell you about the rest of me physically since I'm talking about my body, right? I don't have a bubble butt, I have two solid handfuls of ass that as soon as people feel they like, I have solid upper legs and not quite as solid calves that can't be called skinny. That is everything the men in the bar could see. What I had hidden under the light, loose cotton shorts was a soft six inches that grew to about seven and a half inches when hard, not a great dick but enough for most guys unless they were size queens.

I stood by the bar nursing the beer for maybe ten minutes before deciding to check out the other two areas of the bar. There hadn't been many cars in the parking lot so I wasn't expecting to find many people hanging out in the pool room or on the patio. There was a young, hustler playing pool by himself in the pool room but I wasn't paying for what I wanted. When I got outside I saw a group of four men sitting under a tarp that had been stretched over a portion of the patio to block the midday sun. The four seemed to be in a good conversation so I intentionally bypassed them and went around the corner to see who might be hanging around the play equipment.

The sun had hit me in the eyes and I almost tripped over a man I had met there a few months earlier. He thought of himself as a master and his partner as a slave, they were into bondage and light whipping so I wasn't surprised to see the blond boy strapped onto the iron cross and the tall, black man wielding a pocket flogger. The bartender was the only management on duty so the fact that the boy was naked except for a small string pouch had been ignored. As I looked around there was a couple holding each other while watching the boy enjoy his flogging. The first time I had watched the action between them I had been intrigued and enchanted. But I was more enchanted with the fact that the master would always have a load of piss for me and usually made the boy piss in my mouth.

Catching the pair while it was still daylight had surprised me and gladdened my heart, the day wasn't going to be a total loss. There are bar rules about sex on the premises but I had been in and out of that bar for quite a few years and if there wasn't at least two people breaking the rule it was a slow night. Using the iron cross or the stockade weren't considered sex so there was almost always at least one of the two items occupied. Unfortunately for me drinking piss or getting showered was considered sex by the management so a lot of the bar patrons shied away when I was on my knees taking Sir or boy's piss.

"Come here, piss boy. Why don't you suck boy off while I flog him?" Boy had a nice six inches but I really wasn't in the mood to suck his dick right then. I shook my head.

"If you suck him off while I flog him I'll get everyone in the bar and out here to give you their piss."

"I really want to get a good golden shower. And you know I love drinking boy's piss."

"So suck him and I'll make it happen." He is not the type of person to tell you something that you want to hear, if he says it he means it. I only took a quick look around the patio before I gave in.

Boy was already hard from whatever they had been doing before I got there and when I took the head of his cock in my mouth he groaned. I was still giving his head a good working over with my tongue when I heard the flog striking him high up. Boy reacted by pulling his hips back and the dick fell out of my mouth, this was going to be more difficult than I had imagined. As he pushed his body against the iron cross I took his entire dick in my mouth deciding that I wasn't going to spend time playing with him but that I should try getting in rhythm with his master's strokes on his back. A good flogging has an irregular rhythm so I had to anticipate the strikes before they landed and not let the dick get away. Boy's balls were drawing up and the flog was hitting him more regularly, I found that I was enjoying the idea that what I was doing was a counterpoint to what the master was doing and the boy was caught between pleasure and pain.

I had always heard that a good master was able to take the slave to a point where the pain became pleasure but I had never quite believed it. Still as the flog kept hitting I sucked harder and drew boy closer to losing his load. I wondered if he was like me and that once he shot all pain was ten times worse. Would his master continue flogging him once he shot?

I hadn't expected a huge load and when he came I was pleasantly surprised that he shot at least six good shots of cum followed by a slow dribble of more. The only question answered was that the master shopped when he saw the boy was cumming. I didn't know what his plan was for me but I was soon soaked from the top of my head down to the top of my shorts. He told me to follow him, I got up and we walked passed the couple that had been watching us and he told me to kneel against the fence. I waited, watching him talk with the four men that I had seen conversing around a table when I first walked on the patio.

Two of them walked back with him took a look at me kneeling there with piss still glistening on my face and chest. As they stood there, I suppose trying to decide if they were going to piss on me he walked over to the couple that had been watching us and drew them over. Suddenly I was facing four dicks aimed at my face. I would have opened up to drink their piss but I generally am fairly careful and only drink piss from men I know aren't doing drugs so I bowed my head letting them know I was ready for them to give me a good shower. I had only ever had more than one stream of piss hitting me one other time and this time I felt three hit my skin almost simultaneously and the fourth soaking my shorts within seconds.

I was standing hard by the time they were all finished. It wasn't quite what he had promised and not what I was hoping for when I left the apartment that afternoon but when the four men moved away boy came over to give me a drink. That sweet boy's sweet piss was enough for me to forgive the master for failing to get all of the men to piss on me. The two men a the table that hadn't been involved in the group shower walked over to watch boy pissing in my mouth and as soon as he was finished pulled out their dick and sprayed their piss on my face and the top of my head. I had eight loads of piss and was ready to blow my load.

It hadn't been quite enough to make me shoot without any stimulation so I had reached up the leg of my shorts and pulled my dick out and started to stroke it when the master walked over and told me, "No!"

Boy stood with his hand on my head as the master walked away to get them another drink and me a beer. When he returned he had two men following him, talking and laughing. I assumed it was just that, but when they approached boy and me I saw the master tell boy to get down beside me. He had always impressed me as being thin but nicely formed, but when he was on his knees beside me I could see that he wasn't that well formed, just thin.

"Boy, heel."

I had never heard the man speak to his boy that way but instantaneously boy dropped to his hands and knees and crawled over to stand with his head a few inches behind his master's right leg. From his position boy could have easily reached over and licked his master's butt but he didn't move as the other two men moved between us and began showering me in heavy dark piss that smelled as strong as any I had ever smelled. I was glad they weren't aiming at my face or mouth, I was sure it would taste as bad as it smelled.

Once alone with the pair I was handed my beer and we talked about what we had planned for the rest of the day. When I told the man that I had been planning on going out in public to find out if it would be possible to recreate the videos that I had seen of the Asian man Sir's eyes lit up and he made me an offer that wasn't the same but sounded as good. We finished our drinks quickly and he told boy and I to heel and left the patio and walked through the bar showing us off to the few men that had filtered into the bar since I had entered. Following behind the man down the sidewalk on hands and knees was embarrassing and hard on my knees but I had thoughts of what the evening would bring and shrugged away the pain.

He told me to follow his car to their house.

I had parked on the street and walked up the driveway to stand beside his black BMW. Boy was the first out and without any hesitation got down on his hands and knees and crawled around the car to my side and whispered that I should do the same. I didn't know if this was common for the pair or if there were neighbors watching but after almost no thought I got down beside boy, we waited patiently for the master to get out of his car. He didn't even look at us waiting for him and walked to a black door on the side of the house.

When boy got to the door he took off the little clothing he had on and bowed down to lick the man's boots. I could tell this wasn't the first time boy had done this, so I watched to see what would happen. When the man was satisfied that boy had cleaned his boots sufficiently he told him that he could enter the house, holding the door while boy crawled through and shutting it before I was able to get there. He stood waiting on me, not saying a word.

I understood that I was expected to do the same as boy. I hadn't put my shirt back on while driving there so all I had to remove were my wet shorts, socks and shoes. I felt very exposed kneeling at the door where someone walking on the sidewalk could see me. Boy had already cleaned his boots so what would the man expect from me? I waited for an order that didn't come. After a minute or two I tried licking at his boots doing very much what boy had done, probably not nearly as well or eagerly.

Boy was waiting ten feet inside the house in the middle of a fully remodeled kitchen. I could smell the odors of the last meal cooked there and a lingering smell of tomato sauce. We stayed there for a few minutes while boy's master looked us over. This didn't seem like the plan that I had been told but I am often easy and being with boy I felt at ease.

"Okay, go take a shower. You're stinking the house up, you smell like piss."

I followed boy on hands and knees to the back of the house to what I thought doubled as a mud room. When he closed the door behind us he finally stood and told me I could do the same. We spent the next fifteen minutes under a warm shower scrubbing each other's body clean of the sweat and piss. It was a pleasant break from what I had endured since arriving and I didn't want to return to where the master waited. Boy told me that once we were dry we would be allowed to walk through the house on our feet and talk normally.

We sat on a sofa in what I assumed was a den waiting for the master to return from his own shower. Boy told me that although he lived here full-time that his master made him go through the same procedure to enter the house every time he had been in public. I have never been anyone's slave and couldn't understand how boy lived like that but I didn't question his devotion to the man or his willingness to do as expected. I knew that I could never live that way even though I had to admit that going through it one time was not that bad of an ordeal and if I was invited over for a day of piss I would do it again.

When Sir returned he was carrying two black, leather dog collars that he quickly fastened around our necks. I was glad to see that he wasn't going to make us wear pup hood/masks, I hate the feeling of being confined by a hood. Next I saw him fooling with boy's cock and balls, when he backed up boy was confined in a chastity ball that would make it impossible for anyone to touch him or for him to get an erection. It looked painful to me and I once more glad that I wasn't more than a pretend slave for the day. After taking a good look at us the master went back to wherever he kept his toys and brought back two yellow jockstraps.

I am not ashamed of what I have for equipment, but knowing that I was going to have at least something to protect my dick from the gathering we were to attend was reassuring. Boy looked like he had the biggest package imaginable hidden beneath his jockstrap, I appeared much smaller. It dawned on me as we were getting the beer and a few other items from their kitchen that we were not actually street legal, the jockstraps didn't have the required one inch strap covering our ass-holes. I tried explaining that to the man but he told me that I worried too much.

As he crossed the threshold of the house boy dropped to his hands and knees once more and made his way to the BMW that way. I knew I had to follow behind. Boy got in the front seat and I started towards my car but the master told me I should ride with them. I crawled into the back seat. I was looking forward to whatever the afternoon and evening might hold.

"Walk to the door on your feet. Once we reach the backyard I expect you both to stay on your hands and knees the rest of the time we are here." That might be what he was saying, but he had promised to tie me to a back yard urinal and I hoped to stay there on my knees for most of the evening, well into the night. Before we exited the car I watched the man pull a butt plug from the glove compartment and shove it in boy. All that was needed was a ball gag and the young man would be effectively shut off from any type of sexual activity.

"This is for his protection. I don't want anyone getting drunk and thinking they can use him freely because he is a slave. You on the other hand are on your own as to deciding who or what can use you."

Boy and I followed the master around the large backyard as he greeted his friends. We were quite often patted on the head or slapped on the butt as we moved from one group of men to another. I was looking for the urinal that he had promised to tie me to with no luck. He spoke to the host of the party about the urinal that had been hung from a stone wall midway back the yard only to find out that the host's parents had been visiting for a couple weeks and he had chosen not to have to explain why there was a urinal in the yard. But he promised us a surprise when we went around the wall.

Hidden from the house but open to the sky stood an old claw footed tub. It had been refinished in piss yellow. I had never used a tub but the idea was much like what I had when I left the house that morning and I could feel myself getting excited at the idea of laying in a tub for all the men that were supposed to attend the party. As a concession to comfort he had placed a thin plastic lounge chair cover in the tub to protect whoever was laying there from having bones and skin on the hot metal.

I wanted to jump in but I waited for permission. I was still pretending to be the master's second slave and didn't want to embarrass him in front of other masters. He took one look at me and saw the desire written across my face.

"Jump in, dude." I was ready to burst with excitement and almost jumped over the side of the tub in my rush to get in.

"There you go, Frank. I promised he would be willing to take the piss of anyone that wanted to use him."

"I'm glad you thought about the need to have a urinal for our party. Let's go find my slave and have him get us some drinks."

"Don't you want to be the first to soak the boy?"

"I prefer boys that like to drink piss."

"If you want I'm sure he will." By that time I was panting with the desire to drink the big man's piss and turned so my head was on the edge of the tub and my mouth was wide open.

"Get your head back in the tub, I don't want to piss on the ground." He stepped up to the side of the tub and pulled out the longest dick I had ever seen, it must have been at least ten or eleven inches long soft. Not putting it in my mouth he began pissing directly at my mouth, it was nicely diluted piss that still had enough flavor to tell me I was drinking piss. I hadn't expected to get too much piss since the drinking was still in an early stage but he pissed for almost two minutes and I wasn't able to take it all so I let some drip onto my chest and it felt great as it ran down my body.

"Next time you'll take it all." With just that comment he walked away with boy and his master.

I laid in the tub for another fifteen minutes without anyone taking advantage of my mouth or body. I was wondering what I needed to do to get the men that had come over to the tub and looked at me to start pissing on me. Finally when there were three men looking at me I pulled my own dick out of the jockstrap and pissed on my stomach and chest. The position I was in in the tub didn't allow me to get my piss high enough to hit my face but I was giving them enough of a show that I hoped they would get the idea what I wanted and by that time really needed.

I had been told that there would be approximately 30 men at the party so I was sure I would get some piss if someone would get the flow started, fortunately the three guys watching me piss myself got the idea and two of them stepped up to the ends of the tub and I was soon get a shower from both ends, the harder stream hitting my balls while the one that flowed over my head was almost sweet.

For the next ten minutes or so there was a stream of men wanting to give me their piss, some offering to take me home with them as their personal urinals and one that offered to take me around to various bars as a slave that he would pimp out to anyone needing to piss. I enjoyed hearing the fantasies of these men but I was happy being a free lance piss drinking slut and didn't think I had met the man that could satisfy enough of my different needs.

About 15 or so guys had pissed on me during the following hour and I was getting thirsty but nobody seemed interested in giving me their piss in my mouth and I was wary of who might be on drugs of a mind altering kind. I was glad to see boy crawl up beside the tub, but all he wanted other than to give me a beer was to talk. He told me that the party had grown to about fifty people, word had gotten out about the wantonness of the party and people were still showing up. I was happy to hear that there was more pissers than I had expected and told boy that he should share the tub with me.

That is when he told me that Sir had told him about a man there that had offered $500. to the first man willing to take on his German Shepherd. It wouldn't be the first dog I had allowed to mount me but I didn't think I wanted to be watched by fifty people with a dog trying to get his knot in my ass and told boy that it wasn't going to be me. He replied that Sir thought that one of us should take the challenge but that if ordered to do it he would leave Sir. He was almost begging me to do it so that he wouldn't have to leave the man. I was sorry for boy but there didn't really seem to be a reason to move out of the tub to put on a different show.

He also warned me that there were at least three people walking around with digital cameras shooting videos of different acts that were occurring in different parts of the yard. If I felt that it would hurt me in anyway I should get out of the tub before they made their way around the wall. I told him that I never planned on running for public office so I wasn't worried. He asked about my career and I told him that I owned my own business, most of my clients were gay and more than a few were kinky so I wasn't worried about it. Then I reminded him that when I had set out that morning that I had wondered how I could capture some of my day on video so if they were to come around I would agree to the idea as long as I was given a copy for my own use. Before he left he gave me a drink of his sweet piss and begged me to think about the dog.

For the next half hour one or two men would wander to the tub and shower me but I was not getting nearly the amount of piss I had hoped for when I first agreed to attend the party, but I knew that it was more than I would have been able to find on my own. When I first had gotten into the tub I hadn't realized that the drain had been plugged, but as more of the men showered me I felt the piss rising around my butt and after two hours It was high enough that my balls were floating in the golden waste.

The first guy with a camera walked by but wasn't interested in the scene and moved on without more than a quick scan of my body in the tub. It was maybe a half hour later that the second man with a camera came behind the wall. I had seen him around the bars before and though we weren't friends he greeted me and offered to give me some piss to drink. I gladly opened my mouth and then gently closed my lips around his dick as he gave me a tasty drink of piss that had a hint of sweetness to it. When he finished I thanked him and asked if he wanted to shoot a video of men pissing on and in me. He suggested that maybe later.

I saw the man that had brought his dog walking past the tub and I cringed, I had been with him a couple times. Not only did he like watching dog porn but he was also extremely rough when fucking and I had to sit in a sitz bath for days after he had taken me to his house and fucked me most of the night. Besides being rough he had a big dick, probably 9 ½ or 10 inches and thick. If I had been in the mood to get fucked that evening I am sure I would have done whatever he wanted to get that dick in my ass.

"I didn't know you were a pissboi. Why don't you come out here and let Nero fuck you? You take my dick easy enough that his dick would not be a big deal."

"No thanks, I don't want everyone here to watch me taking a dog dick."

"That's worse than everyone here pissing on you?"

"You know it is or you wouldn't be offering money for someone to let him mount them."

"There are enough people in the city that you taking the dog wouldn't be known to enough people to bother your whoring around."

While we were talking Nero put his head over the side of the tub and began lapping at the piss clinging to my body. I knew that was going to get my dick erect and I hoped they moved away before the man saw it.

"If I had an extra table around here I'd get him up on it and let you experience what real piss feels like." I had smelled dog piss before and had no desire to allow a dog to piss on me.

"Go away, Garth."

"I'll double the money. Get out of the tub, crawl over to the middle of the yard and kneel there while Nero fucks you. For a thousand dollars you should suck his dick enough to get him started."

"Go away. I'm not interested." That was a lie, a thousand dollars was more than I net for a weeks work and my cash reserves were low. I checked out Nero as he walked away, his balls were hanging lower than most Shepherds. I wondered if that meant he would be shooting more than the usual cup full of dog cum into the poor guy that went for the bucks.

"That would make a great video."

I looked back and there was an old friend. David and I had a fun history, at times sharing a third person and other times with just our asses and dicks involved. He was one of the first people that had know about my piss drinking when I moved to this city and he would drop by the apartment late after he left the bars to give me a drink if he hadn't found a fuck buddy. That had stopped about three years ago and I hadn't seen him since.

"David, are you shooting videos?"

"As much as I can. I have been posting them on X tube and keep getting odder and odder requests from viewers."

"Would you please video me being pissed on and drinking piss? It is okay if you post it on line just so I get a copy."

"I have enough piss videos on my thread. I'm looking for something different."

"Like what?" I knew David had a weird mind and was afraid of what he might say.

"I'm following Garth in the hope that I finally get a beast video."

"You would never get that on X tube"

"No, but I know where I could sell it for a few thousand."

"So Garth pays five hundred, a dude gets fucked and you make a few thousand?"

"Sweet, huh?"

"How about a deal." I couldn't believe what I was about to say. "I'll let Nero fuck me if you get a video of me in this tub, give me a copy and then split what you make off the video with Nero."

"Let's seal that deal." David pulled out his six inches and told me to open my mouth. It was an unconventional way to seal a deal but between us everything had always been unconventional, besides I had always enjoyed the flavor of his piss. For the following hour he captured at least another thirty streams of piss hitting me in every part of my body while the piss started building up in the tub so that my balls no longer floated but were submerged. I knew that the different dicks and streams of piss would give me many hours of pleasure when I had the video at home and could relive the evening.

"Okay, its time to find Garth." I didn't want to get out of the tub but I had made an agreement and I had never in my life not lived up to my word. I had a few men that came up while I was trying to get out of the tub that wouldn't be denied and there was no way I was going to disappoint. When I finally made it out of the tub the sun was giving a beautiful red and orange display as it set. The yard had some places that were still bright but most of it was now in shade although the heat was still in the nineties.

"You stay here on your hands and knees and I'll find Garth and that big Shepherd." I felt odd posed there in the yard with men milling around, some kissing others sucking dick and even a few fucking. I was about to be the center of attention but none of them knew what was about to happen.

I didn't see boy and Sir walking up but when boy approached me he gave me a kiss, something that he had never done before. I hoped the taste of David's piss wouldn't turn him away but I should have known Sir had made him drink enough piss that it wouldn't.

"Why are you out here? I thought you would stay in the tub all night."

"I made a deal with my friend, so I'm standing here waiting for Garth and his dog. I really don't want to do this but I have promised him."

"I would have loved to see that, but Garth was kicked out at least an hour ago." The relief I felt was tremendous, I hoped that David would still give me a copy of the video but at least no one would have to see me submit to that dog.

"I guess it is time to get back in the tub then."

"Sir said I can get in with you, is that okay with you?"

"Boy, I will do anything with you that you want. It is a shame you have that ball around your dick or I would happily suck your dick right here."

When boy saw the six inches of piss waiting in the tub I thought he was going to change his mind but Sir told him to sit and boy always obeyed.

"I want both of you to share this piss, get your faces together." I know we were both smiling broadly when Sir pulled out his dick and sprayed both of our mouths with a long hard stream of his piss. We both thanked him and before we had another man piss on us shared the piss in a lingering kiss.

Once we sat back so anyone could shower us I had boy between my legs and with his toes he began playing with my ass and balls. I don't ever remember anyone ever putting a toe in my ass before that evening and with piss raining down on us steadily for the next half hour I loved the feel of that single toe stretching my opening. Once we had a break I asked boy to eat my ass. I knew it was saturated with the piss of forty or fifty men but as soon as I presented he had his tongue working me unmercifully.

"I really need someone to fill my ass with piss."

The host of the party must have heard me. Soon I was stretched over the two sides of the tub with my ass exposed for his huge dick. I was afraid I wouldn't be able to take it, although he had promised he wasn't going to fuck me. How would he get in far enough to fill me with piss if he didn't.

"Are you sure you want your ass filled with piss?"

"Yes, sir."

I saw somebody had him something that looked like a funnel and as a hose was slid up my ass I knew that he had planned for this. If not with me, at least he wanted to do it with somebody. Boy was kneeling at my side trying to help me not slip off the side of the tub which was a problem since I was soaking wet and piss is slippery. He whispered in my ear that the funnel was huge and looked like it could hold a gallon of piss. To take that much up my ass I knew I would have to get my head down and the only way to do that was to put it down in the mixture of many men's piss. I didn't think one man could piss that much but if he let others piss in the funnel I was going to have my guts flooded.

"Are you ready pissboi?"

"No, sir." He waited while I moved around so that my ass was propped up on the end of the tub and my head was in boy's crotch. I let him know I was ready. Other men had come up to see what was happening and when the host started pissing in the funnel a couple stepped up to join him. The piss wasn't seeping into my ass like it normally does from a funnel, it was forcing its way into me because of the weight of so much piss filling the funnel. I had asked for it and there was only one thing to do and that was lay there rubbing my stomach to help make room for more piss to flow. Three or four times my head slipped face first into the piss in the tub with boy helping me pull up far enough to breath.

I don't know how much piss had been flowing into my ass but I was glad when the hose was finally removed. Suddenly I felt myself being picked up and set down in the piss in the tub that was now at least ten inches deep. Boy's chastity ball was completely covered even with him on his knees. As I was set down the piss rose even higher. I thought I was in heaven, if I could lay down I would be totally covered in man waste. I asked boy to pull my legs up and scoot me down. I knew his body was helping to raise the piss level but I didn't want to void my bowels and cover him in any shit, I tried to get him to get out but he wanted to stay even knowing what would happen sooner or later. We lay like that for the next fifteen minutes, me struggling not to let any piss loose and the drunken crowd stopping to add to the mixture either aiming at boy or me.

I have had many piss showers in my life, from the time I was thirteen until now but I can honestly tell you that was the first piss bath I have ever had. I didn't want to leave when Sir told us it was time to get out of the tub. My hopes for the day had been fulfilled. If he ever made me an offer again I knew I would jump at it. Before I got out I asked boy if he wanted to lay down with me. He took a look at Sir as if to ask permission. I saw the man nod his head and the boy flopped down beside me raising the piss level to well over halfway up the sides of the tub. We played for a few minutes, dunking each others head and grabbing dicks. I told him to get out first,I was no longer able to hold what was in me and I hoped we could both get free of the piss without being covered in shit.

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