A Life Less Ordinary

By Josh Hiett

Published on May 26, 2007


Copyright 2007 All rights reserved. Other than downloading one copy for personal Enjoyment, no part of this story may be reproduced or transmitted by any means, without the written permission of the author. This story is a work of fiction the characters in this story have no existence outside the imagination of the author and have no relation to anyone bearing the same name or names any resemblance to persons living or dead or places is purely coincidental, as in real life, the sexual themes unfold gradually and are kept to a realistic level. Comments on the story are appreciated and may be addressed to the author; at hiett.josh@gmail.com this story contains descriptions of consensual sexual contact and relationships between males. As such it is designed for the entertainment of mature adults. If you are not of legal age to read such material, or if the subject matter would offend you, please exit now otherwise I hope you enjoy this story and send me your comments.

A Life Less Ordinary. Chapter 1: The Wedding

This story is true to my recollections as it is my story of my life, A life less ordinary. My name is Jason Windom Randall III, the 22 year old son of Dr. Charles Albert Randall Jr. M.D. Chief of Staff of Sacred Heart Hospital in Charleston, NC and Mrs. Mary Allen Jackson-Randall a non-practicing attorney and heiress to a large plantation that was just flower gardens and lawns it has long been in the past when the plantation was functional as such. So when I say I come from a privileged youth it is no exaggeration.

My story begins at the wedding, not my wedding thou it could have been Christine Elizabeth Spencer the bride, had been my Best friend and neighbor since I could remember we dated in high school and a bit in college. I loved Christine, no I was not in love with her, but if I was ever going to settle down as my well meaning meddlesome mother puts it, it would have been with her.

I guess I should tell you I'm gay I have known since the first day at Cornell Academy in the 8th grade, Cornell was an all boys boarding school in New Hampshire I was a third Generation Legacy on my mothers side My Grandfather, Uncles, and Brother all attended Cornell before me and all were prefects as I became I was also head boy which brought an added honor to my family. My older brother Conrad Allen Randall, a 24 year old Harvard Medical Student, was the lucky groom, I was happy for them both and they had my blessing they are truly in love, but I dreaded being home that summer, I was an eligible bachelor again and that meant my mother was in overdrive introducing me to every eligible daughter of means she could get her hands on and encouraging me to dance with them. My Parents were blissfully ignorant about me and I was not ready to disillusion them call me a coward but I liked my lifestyle financially I was still at Yale University in my senior year and planed to attend law school there after, I needed my parents to pay for that, not that I was stuck up or acted entitled most of my friends said I was the most humble and down to earth of the group who all came from money except my best male friend bobby who had been in school with me since Cornell always on Scholarship He was very smart strait A's and an Excellent Soccer Player. My father did not approve of our friendship he was a snob. Thou probably because bobby reminds him of his humble beginnings my mother was old money my dad worked hard his whole life for his minor personal wealth.

It was at this wedding that my life would change forever, I had taken refuge in the semi secluded gazebo at the edge of the reception, hoping to evade at least for awhile my mother who had me dance with at least seven girls already. My mother was in her element the perfect lady of society. She was already Planning Several Cotillions this summer I felt like a lamb on the auction block, for now I was content to steal away my few moments of peace from the festivities. I was interrupted from my thoughts as a very cute boy came over and asked if he minded if he joined me, I kind of wanted to be alone but years of breading as a ever polite host and gentleman took over and invited him to sit. He said his name was Christian and then said he hated weddings. "Then why are you here?" I asked mildly curious.

"You don't not attend your sisters wedding if you want to live." He said with a laugh.

"Your Sister?" I Stared in disbelieve mouth agape.

"Yeah, my sister, Christine" He said sarcastically.

"So you're that Christian?" I asked. "I didn't recognize you"

"Am I Suppose to know you?" He asked in wonder.

"No, I'm Only Christine's Best Friend and Brother of the Groom" I Stated.

"Oh, you're Jason? I Didn't Recognize you either" Christian replied.

"Yeah, that's me" I added, remembering I hadn't introduced myself when he told me his name. "So, why do you hate weddings anyway?"

"Mothers always trying to set me up with some girl" Christian stated exasperated.

"You too" I replied with a chuckle.

"So, That's why you hiding in the gazebo?" He asked, and smiled at me. He had the cutest dimples and straight white teeth, his deep green eyes looking into my soul.

"Yep, Welcome to my hiding place, Christian." I said, holding out my hand to shake.

"Thanks, call me Chris" Christian said, Accepting my hand the feeling was electrical and warm, we both held on a little to long, but he only smiled at me making my insides melt I had never felt like this before.

We chatted a while and I learned he was a year younger then me and had been in London, England attending a British boarding school called Brighton Academy and Now was at Yale University studying English Literature, such a small world I wondered why I had never seen him there, but of course Yale is a large campus and he was a junior and majoring in a completely different field so it is not exactly surprising. We were really hitting it off when we heard his mother calling out for him in the nearby garden.

"When is she going to get it I'm not interested in girls" Chris stated and then looked horrified and was blushing profusely. I Had Completely missed the implication.

"Sometimes you just have to grin and bear it, I guess" I said smiling with a laugh and a wink " come one I'll walk back with you and we can face our meddlesome mothers together"

And as such we returned to the lions den.

"There you boys are," Our mothers said in unison.

"There were a couple of girls I wanted you boys to meet" Mom said to us. Obviously our mothers were not in this together.

"Mom Layoff already let them have some fun and stop forcing all those girls on them" Conrad said coming to our aid as he made his way over, he put his arm around our shoulders and laughed jovially "You have two hot guys here, so I'm sure they can find there own dates if they want them."

Mom Looked slightly abashed "I'm sorry I guess we have been a bit pushy we just want you to find some one so you can be happy."

"Mom my happiness is not defined by someone else" I Said.

"But don't you get lonely son" Mom Said

"Sometimes, But I have great friends and it's not a big problem for me." I answered, the truth was I did get lonely I wanted a relationship, sometimes but how do you tell her she is parading the wrong sex in front of me. That I would much rather meet all the eligible boys.

"Same with me mom" Said Chris to his mom.

"All right boys we'll leave you alone for now" Mom said, Making it clear she may pick it back up if she thinks it's taking us to long. Me and Chris than walked off to the bar to get a drink and both ordered an apple martini.

"That went well I think you brother bought us a reprieve for at least one night" Chris Laughed

"want to take a walk in the rose garden" I just wanted to be near him I was really starting to like him.

"Sure" Chris said

We made our way onto the path and along the roses. I was really wanting to be friends with this boy, If I was honest with myself a part of me wanted more but that was not a move I was brave enough to make. He was my best friend and new sister-in-laws brother after all, and I was not going to jeopardize family ties, By making things awkward making an unwelcome pass at here brother. I was thinking to my self what to do as we approached a ornate bench amongst the roses I sat needing the support as I was about to confide something to this boy I just meet hours before. Hoping he would not turn his back on me and would want is my friend. His sister new the truth so I felt it best to make sure he got no surprises later.

"Chris, I've got something I have to tell you?" I Started really nervous sure that after I said what I needed to say I would probably get rejected and he would want nothing to do with me but not willing to get attached to a friend who will reject me later I decided on the truth now.

"What is it?" Chris asked with concern

Readying my self for the painful rejection I knew would come I Started "Chris I think we could be Great friends and I really get along Great with you, But there is something you need to know about me if were going to be friends because It's to hard to lose friends I've gotten attached to I mush rather get rejected up front it still hurts but it is easyer than losing a friend I care about."

"What is It Jason" Chris said now looking totally concerned.

"Chris, I know you'll want nothing to do with me but you still need to know... Chris, I'm Gay" I Said Pain in my face. Chris turned his body away from me hiding his face at he walked to the other side of the path with his back to me staring at the roses and leaning on a fence. I new I lost him he would hate me and I started to cry I hated myself for being so weak and in front of him it was even more unbearable.

" I know you hate me now, It's ok I expected it you can just go back to the party If you want no need to be near me I'll leave you alone, It's ok" I said, crying sobs obvious in my voice.

Chris Stood there another few seconds before he said. "I don't hate you Jason, I would be a fucking hypocrite if I did," As he said that he turned to face me tears running down his cheeks from his beautiful green eyes, as he came near me kneeling in front of me smiling, reaching out and holding my face in his hands wiping my tears he said. " I really like you Jason I just never thought you would be like me."

With that said Chris leaned forward holding my face in his soft smooth hands and kissed me right on the lips. I returned his kiss wrapping my arms around his back and caressing his hair. We were both still leaking tears but joyous ones. Holding each other. I had forgotten where we were and although the garden provided some privacy it was still outside I did not see my father approach or stare before turning and walking back to the house.

As we made our way back to the reception we walked hand in hand until we got close to the party and separated and walked into the party it was winding down now most of the guests were leaving. We made our rounds saying our good byes to every one Chris and I staying close to each other My brother and His new Wife saw us they gave me a knowing look it almost shook me but then I knew they knew about me anyway and they just smiled at me I understood that was there blessing.

Christine came over and hugged me and whispered in my ear. "I see you've found my brother, I'm Glad you found each other I've been wishing you would both find someone he doesn't think I know but I've only had a gay best friend for like forever. It was kind of obvious after that I knew the signs, I never thought it would be you two together but it's kind of perfect."

I Smiled sheepishly at her and whispered "don't get ahead of yourself we just met"

"we'll you still look cute together" she said and kissed my cheek.

I Just Smiled Blushing. They were staying in our guest house tonight and going to the airport the next afternoon for their honeymoon to Italy.

Finally it was just the newly weds and me and Chris standing around as everyone else left. Chris had to get going home too so I walked him to his car outside out gates and leaned in and kissed him goodnight before he drove away.

I was so happy and in love yes we just met but that's what I felt I was in love. As I walked back up to the house I thought I was so happy nothing could be better and nothing could ever ruin this beautiful night.

Boy was I ever wrong ...

"So my son's a faggot is he" My Dad said as I came into the kitchen door

"Wh..Wh..What" I Stammered Unbelieving. "Don't Deny it you queer son of a bitch I Fucking Saw You Kissing that boy in the roses" Dad Said with malice seeping in every word "You're a Fucking Embarrassment to this family Did Your Queer Ass Even Stop to Think what This Would Do To Us What People Are Going To Say?"

I Was Sobbing and unable to talk I knew there was nothing I could say after all every thing he saw did happen.

"Charles Albert Randall!" Mom Yelled with vehemence.


"No Son of Mine Is A Faggot, You Are Not My Son, My Son Is Dead!" My dad said as he slapped me so hard I fell to the ground my lip split open bleeding then he pulled back his leg and kicked me in the stomach and once more in the groin I almost passed out sobbing in a fetal position on the Kitchen floor. "Get the Fuck Out Of My House You Dirty Rotten Fag And Don't You Return"

Mom gave my a wry look as she stepped between us after all it was her house not his, dad had pulled his leg back again mom got in the way and he corrected himself before striking her. "CHARLES You don't want to hit my son again and this is my house you would do well to consult me before kicking out my child."

"Mary I Told You To Butt OUT!" Dad Bellowed

Mom got right up in my fathers face and said in the coldest voice I have ever heard "You Will Not Harm My Son" She Poked him with her finger with every word mom was scary when mad.

Conrad came running into the kitchen he had heard the shouting. When he saw me and figured out what happened he glared at dad and kneeled beside me and held me.

"Conrad could you take Jason out to the guest house please He'll be more comfortable there I think I'll and Andrew out to fix up the room and bring out your belongings I'll see you both in a little bit" she said all that not taking her glaring eyes of our dad.

Yes M'am Conrad said as he helped me to my feet and supported me out to the guest house.

I entered the guest house and Christine ran to me and asked me what happened. I was still sobbing to hard to answer.

"That Sadistic Ass Hole Beat the crap out of him." Conrad Fumed

"But Why" Christine asked.

"I Think he saw Jason with your brother" Conrad Replied

I Nodded, Curling up in a fetal position on the spare bed. Still Sobbing

Christine left the room for a few minutes.

Conrad got a damp cloth and was tending to my cut lip while rubbing my hair with his other hand caringly face full of concern. Holding me as I Cried

Mom came out to see me after a bit and sat down next to me, "It's true then she asked softly"

Crying I Nodded "I'm sorry, do you hate me too?"

"Don't be ridiculous I love you nothing you could do could change that. I just wish you would have told me I could of protected you better and I would not have wasted you time pushing all those poor girls on you" She said lightly hugging and holding him soothingly. "I think its best if you stay out here while you home from school though your father can be quite hard headed and this would be best for you and safer. Just remember your out here for your safety and comfort and that I am not ashamed of you I don't want you thinking that"

My Mom then kissed me goodnight and went to the house.

Christine came back in then and she wasn't alone Chris was with her. "I Thought You Might need a little company and comfort, Conrad lets leave them alone" They both left the room. Leaving me alone with Chris.

I felt embarrassed to be seen like this crying and beat up. But was glade to see Chris too. He came over to me and laid down behind me spooning into me holding me he Kissed my neck and I looked at him smiled weakly he smiled back and gently kissed me again our lips met, mine had stopped bleeding.

"This is my fault, I should not have kissed you in the garden" Chris said.

"It's not you fault Chris, and I kissed you too, remember?" I said, I loved him holding me.

"Still I kissed you first" Chris Said Remorsfully

"It's Not Your fault my father is an ass hole Chris he would have found out eventually" I said.

"I Know, I just don't want you hurt, I know we've just met but I think I really love you." Chris said.

Hearing him say he loved me Filled my heart and made me so happy I just leaned into his embrace "I Love You, Too, I know that as much as I know anything."

We Kissed again as we held each other gentle hands exploring each other, Chris helped me remove my tux and shirt. Chris looked so sexy in his black sleeveless tee and diesel Jeans Chris was 6' 1" with the body of a soccer player hard abs brown shaggy hair that I loved running between my fingers, supple soft lips that I loved to have kissing me, and deep piercing green eyes the looked into my very soul not to mention the cutest button nose and ears.

As Chris Helped undress me for bed he kissed my neck and down my perfectly smooth chest stopping to lick and kiss each of my nipples licking down to my nice but soft abs the were soft but not flabby at all a perfect blend between muscle and baby fat. He was so careful rubbing his finger ever so delicately across the developing bruise from my father anger crossed his face for a split second as he licked my navel "Nobody hurts my boy" he mumbled to himself. His boy I felt so warm inside, He went down to my feet and helped pull off my oxfords they were killing my by now too. He rubbed my feet before coming up and reaching my belt. He slowly undid my belt kissing and sniffing my crotch through my pants he unzipped me with his teeth and pulled the metal clasp holding my pants together and with his hands at my waist kissing my navel he started to lower my pants and he placed a kiss on my cock through my briefs continuing down my finely haired legs kissing his way down kissing my knees and licking behind my knees it felt so good I just moaned he pulled off my pants the rest of the way kissing and licking my ankles he than tool my right foot kneading it and rubbing it as he pulled off my sock placing a kiss on the sole of my foot electricity flowed right through me it felt so intense he kissed my heel and ball of my foot than removing my sock completely sucked on each toe in turn making me wild. Then he repeated the whole process on my left foot sucking my toes. As he kissed his way up my legs pausing to kiss my cock once more through the fabric as I pulled him up to me face to face running my hands through his soft hair kissing him.

I lowered my hand and pulled at his shirt up and broke our kiss only for an instant to pull the shirt over his head then kissing him again as he toed off his shoes he left home in such a hurry to be with me that he did not bother with socks and than I opened his belt and unbuttoned his pants and slid his tight jeans down as I continued to kiss him he kicked of his pants the rest of the way and laid down on top of my holding me rubbing my back. I broke our kiss and said into his ear "Chris, I love you so much, Please make love to me" Chris kissed me gently looking lovingly into my eyes "Are you sure?" He asked, I nodded "Just be gentle and go slow I've never been ... before" Chris gently slide off my underwear and kicked off his own he put my legs on his shoulders and a pillow under my tight ass then he did something I had not expected he leaned in and kissed my anus then began to lick it sticking his tongue into my hole, he was fucking me with his tongue it felt so unbelievable then he inserted his middle finger and began loosening me up. It felt strange not painful but tight and full he told me to relax and I did and it felt good , really good he added a second finger as he pushed his fingers inside me he brushed something inside and I almost lost it right there it felt so good. Then he grabed his jeans and pulled out his wallet removing a packet of lube he lubed up his 7 ½ inch cock and my ass hole lined up with my hole told me to relax and push down and slowly entered me it hurt a little but really it felt really good and full he leaned forward and he slowly entered my a inch at a time kissing me his tongue exploring my mouth he waited a minute when he was all the way in so I could get used to him kissing me the whole time holding me then I nodded and he slowly began to rock his hips in and out slowly at first then making long strokes in and out, in and out driving me crazy I was so close hugging him to me kissing him we both came at the same time then, me coating our abs and chest between us, while he filled me inside he was in me all the way then as he collapsed on top of me kissing me deeply than we broke the kiss and at the same time said "I Love You" Kissed again and held each other then he popped out of me leaving me feeling so empty and loved at the same time. He grabbed his shirt and wiped us up then we went to sleep in each others arms, his face nuzzled in my neck holding me as we drifted off.

TBC ********************************************************************************

Well that is it for chapter 1. Please Tell Me What You Think, Questions, Comments, Even Flames Are Welcome hiett.josh@gmail.com. I'll Try to get chapter 2 up soon with in a week or two.

Next: Chapter 2

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