A Life Less Ordinary

By Josh Hiett

Published on Jul 30, 2007


Copyright 2007 All rights reserved. Other than downloading one copy for personal Enjoyment, no part of this story may be reproduced or transmitted by any means, without the written permission of the author. This story is a work of fiction the characters in this story have no existence outside the imagination of the author and have no relation to anyone bearing the same name or names any resemblance to persons living or dead or places is purely coincidental, as in real life, the sexual themes unfold gradually and are kept to a realistic level. Comments on the story are appreciated and may be addressed to the author; at hiett.josh@gmail.com

this story contains descriptions of consensual sexual contact and relationships between males. As such it is designed for the entertainment of mature adults. If you are not of legal age to read such material, or if the subject matter would offend you, please exit now otherwise I hope you enjoy this story and send me your comments.

Ah, well guys as summer has come so fast and my schedule has gotten busier my stories have taken a back burner sorry for such a delay in the writing of this chapter. *********************************************************************** A Life Less Ordinary. Chapter 3: Return to Academia

Summer had come and gone too fast it was at the beginning of August that the summer really began for Jason at his brothers wedding since then his happiness had been immeasurable. That was the fateful day Jason met Christian the boy who would become the love of his life.

It was the last weekend of summer vacation and the first week in September, Monday the boys would be back at Yale.

Jason had called the housing office at the beginning of August to request that Chris and he be placed together as roommates for the year. The lady in the housing office seemed a little put out. She said that the housing assignments were already selected and set to be printed and mailed out the following week, and while there was still time to make changes she gripped that it was very late notice and inconvenient. Jason really laid on the charm and in the end got his way. Chris and Jason would be roommates together.

Friday it was still quite warm for a early September evening Jason and Christian we going out to a nice restaurant with Jason's mother and Brother and his wife Christine, Christian's sister. It was a farewell dinner as Jason and Chris were leaving for Yale Sunday afternoon, As were Conrad and Christine to Harvard. This year Christine was not going to be at Yale with the boys as she had transferred to Harvard to be with her husband. The dinner was wonderful the boys ate lobster and stake. Everyone had a lovely time enjoying the light conversation. Toward the end of the evening Christian noticed Jason was a little quiet.

"What's wrong, honey?" Chris Asked, Hugging Jason into his Chest.

"I'm just thinking about my dad, and how he should be here," Jason Sighed "I Just wish he would accept me, I mean us and understand that I love you and it not a choice it just is."

"It's His loss babe" Chris said, pulling Jason closer in his embrace "If he can't see what a wonderful person you are, you know I love you."

Chris kissed Jason tenderly on the lips.

A few other tables noticed and stared with varying looks of awe or disapproval. The waiter took this time to promptly deliver the check clearly signaling it was time to go.

Mrs. Randall, chuckled to herself, Never one to be pressured to leave anywhere she ordered dessert for all of them.

The waiter asked, "Will that be to go?"

"Should it be?" Mary asked, her annoyance clearly in her voice.

"Perhaps that would be best." The waiter replied

"And why is that?" Mary inquired, her voice seething at this point.

"The boys Ma'am seem to be making some of our guests, Uncomfortable." The waiter answered hesitantly.

"I See, NO! I think we will have our desert here please." Mary said, with an air of finality letting the waiter know there was no room to continue the debate. "Oh, and if you don't mind would you ask the owner to step over to the table please."

"Certainly ma'am" The waiter said, slightly dismayed.

Ten minutes later the owner arrived at the table.

"I'm Mr. Brown I own Seraphim's is there a problem Ma'am" Mr. Brown asked

"Well It seems your waiter has invited us to leave." Mary stated.

"Yes, I am aware of it." Mr. Brown stated simply.

"Well?" Mary Asked a lot with one simple word.

"Well, It Seem your guests were putting on a rather undignified display." Mr. Brown answered

"What exactly is undignified about a kiss?" Mary said losing her patience. "Surely other customers have kissed before."

"That's quite different, madam." Mr. Brown bristled.

"I don't see how" Mary interjected.

"Well our guests pay good money to dine here and should not be subjected to such unnaturalness."

Jason sat there silently embarrassed, proud and mildly amused for the last 20 minutes his face getting redder but knowing not to say anything. His mother The Attorney was in full force tonight and you don't interrupt her when she is in this mode, Conrad knew this too and they shared a look knowing that this man didn't stand a chance. Once when Chris was going to speak up to defend them selves, Jason squeezed his arm and just shook his head Chris got the message and closed hid mouth.

"How much?" Mary asked amused.

"Excuse me" Mr. Brown said.

"How Much?" Mary asked again.

"You have your check madam." Mr. Brown answered annoyed.

"You misunderstand for the restaurant, How Much?" She asked taking out her checkbook with a flourish. "Well this should cover it."

Mary handed him a check for two million dollars.

"Yes, Madam." Mr. Brown, Looked at the check in shock.

"I'll have my attorneys draft the papers and bring them by for you to sign tomorrow." Mary Said. "And seeing as I've just bought this place I must assume our meal is taken care of."

"Of course ma'am" Mr. Brown said still in shock.

"Now, do be a dear and send over our waiter." Mary said.

"Of Course" Mr. Brown replied.

With in five minutes the waiter returned and presented Mary with the check. That was a mistake. Mary took the check ripped it up and put it in the waiter's apron pocket.

"Boy what is your name?" Mary asked.

"Jerry, Ma'am but you cant just rip up your check ma'am" said Jerry

"Jerry, I like to know a persons name when I fire them. You see Jerry being a waiter is about customer service that is every customer with out discrimination and as I just bought this establishment I am going to make sure you never offend one of my customers again so I'm afraid you're dismissed." Mary said

"Yes, Ma'am" Jerry said almost in tears, he could not be older than 19 and he looked utterly defeated.

"Just a minute, Jerry" Said Jason.

Jerry Stopped and turned back toward Jason.

"Did seeing us kiss really bother you?" Jason asked

"I'm Sorry sir, Personally I couldn't care less, I was just following the restaurants stupid policy." Jerry answered truthfully. "That's why I don't eat here."

"Well if you can forget that awful policy and serve everyone equally I don't see why you cant continue working here." Jason said.

"I can sir, Thank you sir." Jerry said. "Maybe I can even have diner here with my boyfriend" "I'm sure you can" Jason said shaking his head amused. "go on back to work"

As they all got up and left, Mary grinned. "How did you know?"

"I wasn't sure, I suspected, he seemed uncomfortable kicking us out like it was something he would rather not do but had to. It seemed rehearsed." Jason said "Imagine being gay and having to work in a place hostile to gay people."

"I couldn't do it" Chris said, Kissing Jason.

"Well it's not hostile to gay people anymore" Mary said.

"Thanks to you mom" Said Jason, and Jason and Chris Both kissed Mary on each a cheek.***********************************************************************

Summer Came and went quickly that year for Jason and Chris and it was time to return to Yale. Monday September 1st was upon us and we arrived at Yale for Chris' last year and my last year before law school. As we were setting up our room there was a knock at the door. I went to answer it and it was my friend bobby and his girlfriend Jessica and there two sons Bobby six and Ryan five. Both the boy ran at me yelling Uncle Jason jumping on me and hugging me. I loved those little boys Bobby my best friend from school named me there god father at there birth and I never missed an opportunity to spoil them.

"Who's that?" Ryan asked me pointing at Chris.

"That's Chris my roommate." I told Ryan not knowing how to explain our relationship to a five year old.

"But there is only one bed." Ryan said looking at the Queen size bed we moved in, in place of the two standard twin beds the room came with. I looked at Ryan's parents for help Bobby already knew about me and Chris but had not met him yet.

"That's because there boyfriends, Stupid" Little Bobby Said.

Everyone but Jessica and I laughed. I just turned ten shades of red Chris put his arm around my waist still cracking up.

"Bobby!" Jessica yelled "That's Not Polite and You don't call your brother stupid." Jessica looked at me sheepishly and apologetically.

"Leave it to the voice of babes to read a situation." Chris laughed.

"Ok you to say hello to uncle Chris and be polite." Bobby Sr. said to his two little boys.

Both boys jumped into Chris' arms Chris looked like a little kid himself wrestling with the boys. I knew he would be a great father if we adopted kids together.

Chris Played with the boys while bobby and I caught up. "So is it serious?" Bobby asked me.

"I'm going to ask him to marry me." I answered

"Really when?" Bobby asked.

"Tonight at diner." I said "I want to have our wedding over thanksgiving, if he says yes."

"Wow, Cool" Bobby said.

"I want you as my best man, when it happens." I said

"Awesome I'm there, you just have to get him to say yes then." Bobby said.

"I Hope so." I said.

Bobby and Jessica and the kids left shortly after.

"Chris lets go get something to eat." I said.

"Cool, Where should we go?" Chris Said.

"I hope you don't mind, I got us reservations at this place I know." I said.

"Ok, Cool." Chris said.

As I got dressed in a blazer and tie Chris followed suit, and we left for the lobby.

"Wow some one got a limo" Chris said looking around for a cab.

I walked up to the limo and opened the back door "After You" I said.

Chris looked dumb struck. "You did this. Ok what's the occasion?"

"Nothing I just wanted a perfect night for us." I said truthfully not letting on to my plans.

When we arrived at the best restaurant in town Chris' eyes bugged out. "Are you sure you can afford this I know I can't." Chris' Allowance was generous but not this extreme. Neither was mine normally but I let my mom in on the plan and she helped out a bit.

"Tonight Nothings to good for my guy," I said hugging him tightly.

As we went in and were seated by the maître d' I excused myself and doubled back to speak with the head waiter and arranged to have the ring I brought for later hidden in a bouquet of red roses.

We ordered Shrimp tortellini and Lobster with Champagne and a Chocolate torte for dessert during dessert the waiter brought over the bouquet of roses.

"Jason I love you, this is just too much." He said smiling.

"No, It's not enough." I said. I walked over to Chris and knelt down at his side and hugged him "look at your roses" I said.

"They're Beautiful." Chris said.

"Look at the Rose in the center." I said, He did Around the Center rosebud Perched like a crown was a gold band with five white diamonds in the band.

Chris' Eyes went wide and started to tear up as I said "Christian Spencer, You have made me so happy you own my heart and my love I'd like you to have this ring as the deed to my soul, will you marry me?

Chris was really crying now I could tell I really touched him by this simple act. "Jason, I love you so much I could never say enough, Of course I'll marry you." Chris pulled me into a hug and kissed me passionately as I put the ring on his finger.

"Lets go home and celebrate." I said as we left the restaurant and went home to bed.

TBC ***********************************************************************

Well that is it for chapter 3. Please Tell Me What You Think, Questions, Comments, Even Flames Are Welcome hiett.josh@gmail.com. I'll try to get chapter 4 up soon.

Next: Chapter 4

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