A Love So True

By Aaron Saxon

Published on Mar 9, 2011


All the usual disclaimers apply. This story contains gay themes, as well as sex, so if this sort of thing offends you, it is illegal for you to read this or you under 18, please leave now. Otherwise enjoy!

As the author I retain all copyrights to this story and all its chapters. You may email me with any comments or suggestions at a.saxon1122@gmail.com

"Of course I'll let you help me," Eric said. "Good," Robert said. It was now starting to get kind of late, so we decided to call it a night, when my dad suggested that Chase stay here so as to interfere with the custody agreement. Eric agreed, but said that tomorrow they would go to see a doctor friend and have Chase looked at. Chase agreed and finally had a smile come across his beautiful face. He had a beautiful smile and bright white teeth behind very kissable red slicked lips. I still didn't truly understand what was going on with me, but for the time being, I shoved them away for the sake of Chase. We said our good nights to Eric and proceeded to the kitchen where Ryan still was with Jason and my mom. "What's up guys?" My father asked. My mom playing hitting him with a towel. I knew my parents were in love and it gave me hope I could find something as good as they had. "Oh, you know the usual stuff." Ryan retorted. "Are you going to tell him?" My mom asked Ryan. "Tell me what?" My father said, with a raised eyebrow. That was something he always did and I found it endearing, as did my mom. "The reason I came home and brought Jason with me." Ryan stated nervously. Dad, I'm gay and Jason is my boyfriend. My father sat in his chair for a moment, his face blank of any emotion. However, it seemed like an eternity before he answered, so I said something. "Ryan...I think it's pretty cool that you could be so honest with us, and your boyfriend is pretty cute too." Suddenly, all eyes were on me. "What?!" I exclaimed. Then I realized how it sounded. I was paying him a compliment, but I'm sure everyone could see where this was headed. I didn't even know yet that I was gay. "Yes, son, I'm glad you could be honest with your mother and I." Don't be worried about me son, I will love you always, no matter who you're with. I'd like a chance to get to know Jason, but we can leave that for tomorrow. Let's all get some sleep now. We said our good nights to each other and each headed to our perspective rooms. Chase and I to my room, my parents to theirs and Ryan took his boyfriend with him to his old room. My parents looked at them and said, "You boys behave yourselves." "Mom," Ryan exclaimed, turning red with embarrassment, we will." I saw him wink at Jason. As Chase and I were walking to my room, my hand lightly grazed his, making him squirm and I told him to keep up as I jogged down the hall. As Aaron jogged down the hall to his room, I watched as his firm ass bounced up and down underneath his red mesh gym shorts. How much I wanted to touch his firm ass cheeks, I thought. I had to quickly shake that thought away as Aaron looked back at me, ushering me to keep up. It wasn't a long hall, but I was going slowly on purpose so I could take him in. "He couldn't be like me, could he?" No, of course not, no one could be that lucky. "I win," Aaron exclaimed, in triumph. "I let you win," I shot back. Ha-ha, Aaron said, running his hand down my back. I winced a little as he got about half way down. Do you want me to get you something for the pain, he asked. Yea, sure, I said. I just really wanted to watch him some more, but the pain meds could help. When he got back, I was already sitting on his bed, my hands bracing me up. Take these, Aaron said, handing me the ibuprofen and a glass of water. I gulped it down and said thanks. We just sat quiet for a moment, when I said we should probably go to bed because I had to get up early to go to the doctor. Aaron sighed sadly, it seemed to me, but agreed. We both took our shirts off and shorts as Aaron pulled back the sheets on his queen sized bed. He stared in horror for a minute, because it hadn't sunk in until now just how bad it looked. Can I touch them, I asked. I guess, but inside I was screaming YES! Aaron gently touched my chest and drew circles around my right nipple, I was ever enjoying his touch but trying to keep the welled up emotions in me in check. He then gently ran his little fingers delicately over the bruises on rib cage, again I winced in pain and he quickly removed his hand. We should get to sleep now. I had to fight every urge in my young body to not grab Aaron and kiss him square on the lips.

I slept like a dream that night laying in Aaron's bed and when the next morning came, I found we had nestled up to each other. I turned my head and said, "Good morning, sleepy head." Without even thinking, I lightly kissed his forehead, but I don't think he noticed. He smiled and opened his eyes saying, "good morning, buddy."

We heard a commotion downstairs and decided it was time to get up. We threw on the t-shirts we were wearing last night and headed down to the living room. The commotion we heard was laughing as everyone was talking, my parents seemed to really like Jason and I for one was glad and looking forward to getting to him also.

It was time for Chase to get ready to go for his doctor's appointment, as there was a knock on the front door. It was Eric. "Hi everyone," he said. I can see you slept in Chase, go get ready, I'll be here waiting for you. I asked if I could go too, our dads looked at each other and agreed it'd be ok. But run, you two, we need to get going. Before we went upstairs, Chase asked if he told Barbara? Eric said yes and she was fine with it, and wanted the same thing, to get him away from Doreen. (Barbara is Eric's wife and Chase's step-mother).

After a look that told us both to go, we ran upstairs and into the bathroom. I asked Chase if he wanted to maybe shower together to save time and he agreed, a little timidly. I started to pull off my shirt and shorts as Chase just stood there looking at the floor. I placed my hand under his chin and lifted his head up to look at me. "What's wrong?" I asked him. "I'm ugly," he said with a tear rolling down his face. No, you're not, I exclaimed, wiping the tear from his cheek. You're beautiful. Huh? Me? You really think so? I wouldn't have said it if I didn't mean it Chase.

Do you want some help taking off your shirt? Sure. I proceeded to lift his shirt up over his small frame, going slow as to minimize his pain. With one final tug over his shoulders, it was off. I turned away for a moment, bending over to turn on the hot water, teasing him a bit, because this time I saw him looking at me. I just smiled and winked his way and told him to lose his shorts.

I helped him out of his underwear also, after dropping and stepping out of mine. We spent a minute or two looking at each others naked bodies before there was a knock on the door and my mom asking if we were ready? That broke the trance we were in and I said almost, so we had to hurry.

We quickly showered, toweled off and ran back to my room to throw on some clothes.

Looking back on it now, both of us wanted more from that shower, but waiting was definitely worth it.

The doctor's appointment went okay, the doctor took pictures for my dad and prescribed Chase some pain meds, but told him to be careful as they would make him extremely drowsy, sleepy. We left the doctor's office around 1:00 o'clock Saturday afternoon, got his prescription filled and Eric suggested that we get something to eat. We both agreed, and after eating, headed back to my house. Everyone agreed it would be easier for the time being to just have Eric come over to our house to see Chase. There was a game on TV as we entered the house, so Chase and I went upstairs as Eric joined my dad, Ryan and Jason in the living room.

I have to leave you guys wanting more, so I'm going to bring this chapter to a close. The next one will involve Aaron and Chase talking and maybe going a little bit further.

Next: Chapter 6

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