A new story

By Brian Johnson

Published on Jul 25, 2016



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This story is based on actual events, only the names have been changed.

A Day Water Skiing - Part 1

The semester was just about over and exams were about to start. Walt had been thinking about replacing his car and asked Brian to come with him because Brian was a good auto mechanic. They were the only one in the kitchen as most of their frat brothers were still sleeping after last night's party. They only food was some bananas, orange juice and toast.

The left the frat house and visited several new and used car dealers in the city but Walt had not seen anything that he liked. Brian wanted to know just what was he looking for and all Walt could say was, "I will know it when I see it."

Walt headed out to the suburbs to check out some of the smaller dealers. By 10:30 and 6 dealers later Walt still hadn't found what he was looking for. "Hey, we are almost at the lake, and I am getting hungry. I bet my mom has some food there. Twenty minutes later they pulled up behind the cottage. Walt used his key and they went in. "Check the fridge and see what is in there while I open some windows and let in some fresh air" said Walt.

"The only things in the fridge are some eggs, bacon and half a loaf of bread and 8 bottles of beer" said Brian. "Well," Walt said, "you make some coffee while I start the bacon." With the bacon started, Walt looked in the pantry and found what he was looking for, a can of condensed milk. He cracked 6 eggs into a bowl and added about half of the mild and then beat the mixture. He turned on the gas under a fry pan and when it was warm, he poured the egg mixture in to the fry pan. In a few minutes thay had scrambled eggs, bacon, toast and coffee.

"It feels like it is going to be hot again today" Brian said. "And it is going to be humid" Walt added. They just sat there relaxing after their meal, when Walt said, "I think we should go for a swim." They kicked off their shoes, pulled their T-shirts off over their heads. Unbuttoned their shorts, opened the fly and their shorts fell to the floor, Both stepped out of their pants. Walt then looked at Brian, who looked back. Walt hooked his thumbs into the waist of his boxers and smiled. Brian did the same and down went their underwear. "I'll get some towels," Walt said. They walked outside and headed toward the shore about 200 feet away. Walt saw Mr. Charles working in his garden and yelled, "Morning Mr. Charles." The older man looked up began to wave when he noticed the two young men were naked and he smiled.

They reached the end of the pier and both dove in., The water was still a little cool, but it was refreshing compared to the hot humid air. They swam and raced to a float that was in the middle of the small bay, about 200 yards from shore. As Walt pulled himself up on to the float, Brian asked, "Do you think that is a good idea." "Why not," replied Walt, "No one is looking and so what if they do look, they wont see anything."

They lay back on the float and looked up at the clouds that were floating by. "Just what are you looking for in a car," asked Brian. "I'm not sure" said Walt, "But what ever it is it will flip my skirt." "Said the naked man" said Brian. Walt sat up when he heard a boat heading in their direction. "It is Ted." "Who is Ted" Brian asked. "He lives in that big house on the north end of the bay. He spends the entire summer here."

When Ted was about 30 feet away, he cut the motor and coasted towards the float and asked, "Walt, do you want to join me skiing?" Walt looked at Ted and said, "We would love, but I don't think that you dad would be too happy." "What do you mean," asked Ted. "Well the law is very clear that the owner of a boat that causes a disturbance is fined and may end up in jail." "But skiing wont cause a disturbance," said Ted" "You normally would be correct, but it is against the law to ski naked. And if you hadn't noticed it, both Brian and I are naked." "Oh that would not be a good thing" said Ted. "Why don't you join us on the float?" added Walt. Ted tied off his boat and got on the float and was about to sit down when Walt said, "No you can't do that, this is a 'No Clothing Allowed"' float. The swim suit had to go." Ted pulled his suit down, stepped out of it and threw it into the boat. "Are you happy now" he asked.

Walt introduced Brian to Ted and they just talked about everything and nothing for a while. Then Walt said, "What the hell, lets go skiing." Ted got into the boat and handed the skis to Walt who moved to the edge of the float. Brian got into the boat to keep an eye on Walt. "Don't go on the big part of the lake, just stay here in this bay," said Walt,. "OK," replied Ted. He started up the motor and pulled away from the float. When Walt was ready he gave the go-ahead sign and Ted sped sway from the float and Walt was up in the skis. True to his word, Ted headed right for the big part of the bay and circled that part of the lake twice regularly blowing the boats horn so anyone on the shore would take notice of the naked skier. After the second trip round the big bay, he headed back to the smaller bay and the float. There, Walt and Brian changed places and Brian was given the same tour of the big part of the lake, but Ted did not blow the horn this time. When they got back to the float it was now Ted's turn to ski and Walt took the controls and as soon as Ted was up he headed to the big lake. He circled the bay just as Ted had done, except he was as close to the shore as he dared get and kept sounding the boats horn. Walt was sure that by then everyone there knew that Ted had been skiing naked, and he headed to the float.

Ted said, "Thanks and just for that you can buy me a beer." Still at the controls, Walt headed for the cottage and pulled up at the pier. Three naked young men got out of the boat and walked to the cottage. Inside, Walt opened three bottles of beer and they sat down on the porch. Ted said that he needed a refill and Walt got up and returned with three more bottles. They were soon emptied and Brian said he would get the next round. "You know we could start a new event for the Olympics, nude water skiing." "What about nude snow skiing." "Or nude figure skating" "No if you fell on the ice it would hurt."

"Today sure is hot and with all this exercise, do you know what I would like?" asked Ted. "No I don't, but I bet you will tell us," replied Walt. "Well, I don't know if I should," said Ted. "You are among friends, no reason to keep it a secret," said Walt. "Well, Walt, do you remember what we did when we were little kids?" asked Ted. "We did a lot of things as little kids, what specifically to you mean," replied Walt. "Remember when we were in the barn on old man Taylor's farm." "Again, we did a lot to things." "Well our bodies were changing and our dicks were hard and we sucked them." "Yes, I remember that," "Well, I would like to do that again as I really could use a blowjob," Ted said. "And if I were to agree, what about Brian?" "Well he could watch I guess." "Well that is nice, letting a friend watch as we give each other a blowjob." "Well maybe there would be a way for the three of us to it." "You mean a three-way blowjob?" "Yes, we could call it a 70 instead of a 69." "Well, I guess we could give that a try, are you up to try that, Brian?" "Well, I am horny also, so why not try and see what happens."

They went into the living room and moved some of the furniture so that there was enough room. "Well who is going to do who?" Walt asked. "Well, since you and I have done it, lets change it around. I'll do Brian, Brian can do you and you can do me," said Ted. "That is okay with me: said Walt, Brian agreed and they were down on the floor trying to get into a comfortable position. "One thing," added Ted, "lets not cum in each other's mouth." Agreed all said.

They all started by licking their chosen person's ball sack and even sucking individual balls into their mouth. They progressed to licking the dick of their assigned person and soon had a dick in their mouth. All three were enjoying what was going on and the only thing that prevented audible moans of pleasure was that their mouth and throats were filled with cocks. Naturally all of they shot a load into the mouth of the recipient and all three swallowed. They just lay on the floor enjoying the afterglow feeling of having just shot big loads of their man juice. The action combined with the heat and humidity of the day had produced a great deal of man sweat. Walt suggested that they should shower. He got extra towels and they headed to the outside shower. The cool water felt good on their hot bodies as they washed away the sweat.

Afterwards they just sat in the shade and enjoyed a gentle breeze that came from the lake. "That was one hell of a great day," said Brian. "I agree," added Ted. "We should do it again" added Walt. They discussed several days in the following week and agreed on Tuesday. Then Walt suggested that they come up on Monday night so they would have the whole day for nude skiing and other naked activities. All agreed.

Ted walked to his boat, put on his swimsuit and left. Walt and Brian got dressed, locked up the house and got into the car. As they were driving away, Walt said, :"Remind me to buy more beer for next week. "

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