A New Year for a Sub

By Vincent Andrews

Published on Jan 18, 2021


Here's the next installment of our favorite sub's descent into sexual submission. I hope you enjoy! BTW, if you liked this story (and others like it), throw a few bucks to the website to help pay for storing all of these smutty erotic stories. http://donate.nifty.org/

"Somebody had fun," Sir Scott panted from behind me.

"Yes Sir," Daddy Miguel and I said at the same time. I looked up at the Latino master of mine and grinned, only imagining the pleasure and fun he had as Sir Scott's sex slave all those years.

I felt the restraints being removed from my arms and legs. "I want to do more Sirs," I croaked, out of breath.

"You will, in time. Let's get you cleaned off. You leaked buckets' worth of cum," Daddy Miguel said warmly as he patted me down with a towel.

"Your prostate was twitching real good boy. I enjoyed being inside of you," Sir Scott spoke, punctuated by a kiss on my ass. I moaned again and flexed my body, starting to get up. I couldn't believe how tired I was, between the fuck machine and the spitroasting.

"Need help?" asked Daddy Miguel, holding my arms as I got up from the fuck bench.

"No Sir, I think I'm OK," I muttered as my feet touched the ground. I was a bit lightheaded as I stood up, still recovering from my powerful prostate orgasm. I looked at the two Sirs in front of me and swooned - they were wiping each other's cocks off as they kissed each other. These two beautiful, powerful men had just been inside of me, and wanted me as their sexual slave. I felt so small and powerless in front of them, and I felt like I should be kneeling, that I wasn't even worthy to look at them eye to eye.

I looked down at the floor and fondled my cage. All week, my dick had been hard and my balls full of cum, but now I finally felt a sense of relief.

"Feels good boy, doesn't it?" Daddy Miguel asked.

"Yes Sir, very much so," I muttered with a smile and a fluttering heart. Daddy Miguel cleaned up the furniture and the fuck machine while Sir Scott left to make lunch.

"It's a lot to handle, being used by two men, but you did great," Daddy Miguel complimented me.

"Thank you Sir," I replied awkwardly. I stood in the bondage room, awaiting instructions, and wanting to keep my masters happy.

"You're really good with using `Sir' every time. Have you ever been owned before?" he asked.

"No Sir. I've read a lot of erotica, about what a submissive should be, and how he should address his superiors," I muttered.

"You've done quite well so far, but this is just a taste for what's to come. We'll go over all of that in the contract after lunch," he finished.

We went to the dining room, where my two Sirs enjoyed salads with grilled chicken on top, and I had a protein shake. They asked me about my life, and I felt so ashamed that I was unemployed, had few friends to speak of, and that was mostly a loner. I wished I had more exciting hobbies to speak of, but I spent most of my time gooning out to Pornhub and Xtube.

"You're not just telling us all of this to get in with us, are you? You really are that sex-crazed and have that boring of a life?" Sir Scott scolded me.

"Yes Sir, I'm sorry I don't have anything more to say. I dropped out of school, not wanting to drop a small fortune for a small piece of paper, for a job that'll get either outsourced or automated in a couple of years. The only thing I really like is... well, playing with myself," I mumbled, flush with embarrassment. My cock throbbed and my ass twitched, thinking about the scene we just had.

"No shame in loving your body, boy," Daddy Miguel said, and I smiled. He got up and brought back the slave contract. It was time to go over the details.

"The contract will be effective as of the date you decide to move into one of our guest houses, for a period of three months. We will be in charge of your appearance, what you wear, what you eat, and what you do for the majority of your time. You will be allowed an hour of free time each day, and you will be getting eight hours of sleep, although whether or not you sleep is up to you; we control the lights, however. You will forfeit your phone, current phone, and in return you will get a state of the art from us; your location, activities, and every message will be monitored by us, but it will otherwise be the same as your current one. That phone will be on you at all times, and if we message you, you will respond within one minute or you will be punished. Does this make sense so far?" Sir Scott paused and looked at me.

It was a lot to take in, but I nodded and whispered, "yes Sir." I didn't like the idea of losing my phone, or having to get permission to look at certain sites, but it

"We will protect you, including from physical harm, except in cases of punishment, which will never leave a permanent mark or involve blood. One of us will be with you wherever you go. We will try and protect you from all mental duress. There will be no photos or videos taken of you where people would be able to recognize you in your current form," Sir Scott continued.

"What does that mean," I interrupted, before hastily adding "Sir."

"We will modify your body to your liking, including genital and nipple piercings," he explained. I gulped. "We will shave and dye your hair to our liking. You will work out every day to reach your peak physical form, except on days we give you off. You will become the best possible version of yourself under our care. You will learn skills, sexual and otherwise. You will not take anyone else's cock unless we tell you. When we want to fuck your face, we will say `Open faggot', and you will oblige. You will clean your ass out every morning, using the attachment in your shower. Some days we may not fuck you, and some days you will be fucked by both of us. You might be part of a gangbang in the future, but probably not in the initial three month period, the way things are with the damn virus." Sir Scott's voice got softer and bitter toward the end, showing a rare side to him.

"You see," Daddy Miguel spoke up, holding my arm. "Some in our community are still having big, lavish parties, despite the lockdowns and the social distancing. A few of our friends died. We lost a few other friends because of their giant orgies, in which everyone would get sick. We only meet with people now after they've quarantined for two weeks in one of our houses. We had one guest stay the entire summer last year. He was a great bottom..."

"Such a perky ass and beautiful pecs," Sir Scott piped in. I felt jealous toward this nameless bottom, wondering if I'd ever live up to him.

"We also expect your complete privacy, and included is a standard confidentiality agreement, where you are not to tell anyone of your activities here. Any phone calls will be listened to by us, and if you start to describe your role here, we will end the call. You will wear a collar at all times, which has an electric shock built into it - that will only be used should you attempt to leave. In exchange for all of this, you will receive a stipend of $1,000 per week," Sir Scott stopped and let those words sink in.

I looked up. "Sir, you would pay me $12,000 for three months of sexual servitude, with all expenses paid, a place to live, all of the sex I could want? Is there anything I'm missing?"

"Just one thing," Daddy Miguel stood up and paced the table. "We'd like to record our every session. My husband and I started an adult video company, which is how we can afford our houses and our lifestyle. We started recording our sessions early on so we could improve our work, but it soon became an artform. Every video we uploaded would get thousands of downloads a day. We eventually made it into a full-time gig around the same time we finished getting all of the gear for the dungeon. All of our friends wanted to try our gear, so they would record themselves, adding to our video library. We make millions each year being our kinkest, most passionate, loving selves." Daddy Miguel finished his speech by making out passionately with his husband.

"I'd like to add one more thing," Sir Scott said when his lips finally departed his husband's. He looked right at me with a piercing gaze that was both approving and primal. "I've seen your profile for years on all of the platforms - on Grindr, Recon, Scruff, Tinder, Fetlife, LockedMen. We've talked a few times, never with my real face picture until New Years'. I've known for a while that I would eventually need another bottom, as my husband only agreed to his 10 year servitude with the promise of freedom for his dick. I tried out many bottoms - some were too into the pain, some were too cocky and unable to take orders, and some were too old or out of shape to be worth our time. You, boy, you've always been kind in our interactions, you're beautiful, and we think you'd be perfect."

"So what do you think? Any questions?" Daddy Miguel asked. He continued pacing the table, but Sir Scott kept his gaze on me, like a predator waiting to pounce on his prey.

I took a deep breath, contemplating the arrangement, and I couldn't find a single thing that caused me enough worry to pass up the opportunity of a lifetime.

"Can I start today?" I asked, picking up a pen to sign my name at the bottom of the contract as quickly as I could.

"Of course you can start today. We were hoping you'd say that. I'll drive you over and help you pack. Miguel will get your house ready," Sir Scott explained.

"Why won't I move in with you Sirs?" I asked.

"We want you to be comfortable. This lifestyle isn't for everyone. You'll get a bit of freedom in your trial run. My husband and I also have our business to attend to, and we might not want some pestering pup nearby humping the walls because he's horny."

My cock twitched at that description, but it made sense. I didn't want to be an annoyance.

After getting changed and grabbing some boxes and bins, Sir Scott and I got in the all black van in front of their house. We soon arrived at my small apartment. It felt so lowly and boring in comparison to my masters' house.

"You don't host much, do you? Even in the before times?" asked Sir Scott with a pitying tone.

"How could you tell Sir?" I replied while packing up the items in my desk.

"It reminds me of the sorry state of living that Miguel was in before I took him in. There's no table for dining, a bed small enough for one, minimal decorations."

"I spend most of my time online, Sir."

"Do you ever do webcamming? Like on Chaturbate?"

I gulped. I wanted to show off, but I wasn't confident enough about my body. "Once or twice Sir. I dunno, the comments made me really horny, but I'd shoot my load, then get paranoid, and shut my cam off."

"Why were you paranoid?"

"That the guys on the other end might be taking screenshots."

"You should be very proud of your body. Every time you make another guy horny, you're fulfilling your natural role as a sub."

"Thanks Sir. Was Daddy Miguel like that when he started?"

"He always liked showing off. He was a dancer and a theatre star, but an injury cut short his career."

"I'm sorry to hear that. Is he OK?"

"He's much happier now. By the way boy, did he ask you to call him Daddy?"

"Kinda. It was in one of our first messages. He said, `Daddy likes'. That name stuck in my head mentally, Sir Scott."

"I like that. I've seen him as my sub for so long, it's been difficult seeing him as anything but a slave. I'm glad we found your role, boy, but it'll take some time getting used to the new arrangement, for all of us. Hence the three month trial."

"I really want to do my best, Sir! I don't want to disappoint either of you."

"Then stop talking and let's finish packing your place!" Sir Scott scolded.

In a short while, we emptied my entire apartment into the van. Sir Scott took a picture of me in the empty apartment, and I felt so unsure of myself, what pose to do. I must have looked so awkward standing there, my arms by my side. I was so glad to get back on the road to be on our way.

I glanced back and felt embarrassed. My entire life was boxed up in this one vehicle. I felt so pathetic that I had so little roots, so little to show for myself. I got so into my head that I noticed we were driving in a different part of town.

"Where are we going, Sir?" I asked.

"Boy, you talk a lot. We might need to take your speaking privileges away," Sir Scott laughed as he made a turn.

"I'm sorry, Sir."

"Do you remember agreeing to let us decide your appearance?"

"Yes Sir..." I croaked.

"We're going to the piercing salon."

My heart started pounding. I didn't want to make a fool of myself and ask the obvious question of where I'd be pierced. My dick started getting very hard in the cock cage, worried, but also incredibly turned on, at where my new piercings would be.

In a few moments, we turned into a suburban stripmall and parked out front of the salon. There were bright drawings all over the window with snakes, devils, and gothic figures, all centered around a giant Ace of Hearts playing card.

Sir Scott entered first and held the door open for me. I walked inside and was overwhelmed by the scent of leather. A tall gentlemen stood behind the counter, wearing a see-through mask that barely contained his long mess of a curly beard. He was bald, had piercings on his eyebrows and his nose, giant holes where his ears should be, and a sleek leather jacket lined with studs. He was giant! Less muscular than Sir Scott, but still quite tall and imposing.

"Is this the guy? He looks like a lil pup," spoke the shopkeeper.

"Yes Damien. Do his ears, his nipples, a guiche, and a Prince Albert," Sir Scott explained. I gulped and held my manhood tight.

"Is the pup scared?" asked the large leather giant.

"Yes Sir Damien. Very much so," I whined.

"He knows how to address his superiors, that's good," Damien complimented me, and I relaxed a bit.

"We're training him," Sir Scott growled.

"We? So Miguel is finally off the leash, is he?" Damien said excitedly.

"He waited ten long years for his freedom to fuck what he wants. All he wanted was a sub for us to share."

"And it'll just be you two sharing him?"

"For now..."

I gulped and looked up at Sir Scott. Then I remembered the mention of a gangbang in the contract. I looked up at Damien, and imagined being overtaken by the giant.

"You won't be used by my friend Damien here. He's not as sexually charged as you or I am," Sir Scott explained to me.

"I'm an ace... asexual. My cock is wired for pain. You wouldn't believe how hard it got during your whipping parties," Damien chuckled.

"No parties these days. Hopefully one of these months..." Sir Scott sighed, and there was an awkward silence. "Let's take care of the payment."

The two gentlemen exchanged credit card information, and I had to sign a form. Soon I was good to go.

"Let's get you all ready lil pup," Damien piped up. He drew the shades of the shop and locked the door.

"Mind if I record?" Sir Scott.

"No Sir," Damien and I said at the same time, causing me to chuckle a bit.

"Come on up pup," Damien ordered me onto a leather-covered table that looked like a massage bench.

I climbed up and faced the two gentlemen. Damien held up a large piercing gun, and I whined a bit.

"The ears first, they're the easiest. It'll feel like a tiny pinch. All set?" Damien asked. I looked toward him, then toward the phone where Sir Scott was recording.

"Yes Sirs..." I muttered, immediately followed by a nail slicing through my ear. I nearly jumped out of the seat and squealed.

"Ooh we have a jumpy one. Are you sure he's up for this?" Damien asked. I moaned a bit, uncertain.

"Do you have anything for my nerves?" I asked quietly, not wanting to disappoint my new Sir or the husky shopkeeper.

"I can't offer any alcohol. That'll disrupt the healing process. I have a bong, if that makes you feel better," Damien offered.

"Yes please! Pretty please Sir," I begged, causing the two gentlemen to laugh.

"He and I were tested this week," Sir Scott spoke up.

"Good, then we can take these damn masks off," Damien replied.

We took a break from recording and went into a back room, which was the perfect smokers' den. There was a leather carpet, lava lamps, intricate artwork, and in the center of the room, the largest bong I had ever seen. Damien ground up fresh herb and put it in the device, showing me how to use the rig. He took a big hit, then passed the mouthpiece to me. I breathed in, expecting the typical harsh burn, but the smoke was smooth on the way down.

"Take another hit," Sir Scott told me when I passed it to him. I exhaled, then took another deep hit, feeling my nerves float away.

"Another one, you need to be relaxed," Sir Scott ordered again, and I complied, taking a third deep hit in the span of a minute. My head was spinning a bit, like I was in a dream, but I was floating and completely relaxed.

"That is good fucking shit," I giggled when I exhaled a final time. I started to lay back, but Sir Scott grabbed me and lifted me up.

"Are you OK boy?" Sir Scott asked.

"Mmmmm, yes Sir. Thank you for taking charge of me. This is seriously the best," I spoke as I walked slowly back to the piercing table, guided by Sir Scott.

"Time for the other ear little pup. All set?" asked Damien, and I nodded contently. I barely felt the other ear being pierced, and I couldn't wait to see them.

"Good, now it gets more complicated. Lose the shirt," Damien ordered. Sir Scott helped me pull my shirt off, exposing my bare chest. The shopkeeper swabbed my right nipple to clean it, figured out where the piercing would go, then put on a clamp to hold the nipple tight.

"Ho boy..." I muttered, enjoying the tight feeling of my nip being squeezed.

I looked down as the needle went through my skin. I gasped and squealed an "oh shit" at the momentary intense pain.

"You did it! Just three more piercings," Damien said, causing me to laugh a bit. He put the metal rod through the nipple and attached the ball to secure it tight. I squealed in delight, and kept staring at the new piercing as Damien repeated the same process for my left nipple. I jumped a bit when the clamp was attached, but kept my eyes focused on the right piercing as the needle went through the left one. The pain wasn't nearly as bad, and I giggled yet again when my second nipple piercing was finished.

"Oh I love them!" I exclaimed, and started to reach up to touch them.

"No touching! They need to heal first. Give them three months, at least," Damien ordered. I moaned a bit, then nodded my head.

Sir Scott pulled my pants down, revealing my chastity cage. Damien didn't bat an eye.

"I'm wearing one of those too. I love the new Holy Trainer model. Too bad you won't be wearing yours for a while," Damien spoke. He directed me to lay down, and he put my legs into stirrups attached to the table, exposing my ass.

"We'll do the guiche first," he explained, and he started feeling around my taint for the most erogenous spot on my body. "Someone's been playing down there?" he asked.

"We had a session earlier," Sir Scott explained. I looked over, and he was holding up his phone, recording this whole time. I beamed at my Sir, recalling the intense feelings of pleasure from earlier.

"You boys..." Damien tutted playfully. He wiped down my taint and marked the location for my next piercing. "This one will sting more."

"No prob bruh, you're the expert," I replied, giggling, enjoying the rapid change in my body with just a few pieces of metal.

Damien pushed the metal needle through my skin, causing my whole body to tense, and I muttered a soft "fuck, fuck, fuck", but it was soon over. He attached a circular barbell and attached the bed to keep it closed. He held up a mirror so I could see the guiche, and I spasmed with joy at the piercing being located so close to my ass.

"I fucking love it!" I exclaimed, jiggling a bit. "No touching, I know," I added, anticipating the orders.

"The next one is the hardest. Are you sure he's up for it?" Damien asked Sir Scott.

"This boy has incredible stamina. He will be resting for the next few days, and taken care of by my husband. I would like to do this today," Sir Scott explained. He pulled out a key from his leather jacket, and undid my chastity cage. Despite all of the playing from earlier, my dick quickly engorged and reached full mast.

"Oh man," I muttered. I was still riding high from the piercings and the bong hits, so I focused on the intricate swirling artwork on the wall to distract from my horniness.

"If I pierce that, there's gonna be a lot of blood loss. Can't you do something about it?" asked Damien. I gulped as my rock hard cock twitched.

"If I must," Sir Scott sighed. He stopped recording and put the phone in his pocket, only to pull a latex glove and a small bottle of lube. He lubed up his middle finger, and stuck it swiftly into my well-used ass. My ass didn't resist at all, and the finger went in deep, stroking my prostate. I moaned and whined as my cock twitched, and I looked up at my Sir, wondering if I dared to ask if I could touch my cock. I hadn't jerked off in a week, and from what I've read about a Prince Albert piercing, I wouldn't be jerking off for a while.

After Sir Scott added a second finger, he bent down and started licking the top of my leaking throbbing cock. I was on edge, so close to shooting, but I held back, knowing it could be my last time for a while. Sir Scott bent down more and took more of my cock as his two fingers picked up intensity. I felt a powerful orgasm coming, and I whined even more.

"May I cum Sir?" I asked, desperate to shoot.

"Now boy!" Sir Scott exclaimed, putting maximum pressure on my prostate. I shot my load deep in his throat and climaxed so powerfully, as waves of pleasure hit me. I moaned loudly and panted, enjoying the week-long build up to this climax. Sir Scott swallowed my cum and licked my cock off, and he eventually pulled his fingers out of my ass. He left the area to wash off.

"There's going to be some bleeding today and for the next few days, especially when you pee. It is essential you don't overdo your activities, regardless whatever Scott and his boy decide. You'll be able to resume your normal... cock... activities after three months," Damien explained.

"Three months?!" I shouted. Sir Scott had returned, and had a slight grin on his face. I was having some second thoughts.

"We will protect and care for you," Sir Scott said, rubbing my head.

"You... you said in the contract there wouldn't be blood," I whined.

"The contract doesn't take effect until you move in. If you don't want the piercing, I can take you back to your apartment, and we can terminate the agreement," Sir Scott told me, forcing me to make an agonizing decision. I looked down at my dick, which had rapidly shrunk back to its flaccid state. I imagined a shiny piece of metal sticking out from it, like I had imagined many times before while watching pornstars with the piercing. They always looked so hot, so rebellious, so kinky. If this was what I had to do to continue the arrangement, then I would have to go through with it, no matter the pain.

"I think I'm ready," I muttered, before hastily adding, "Sir Damian."

"I'm no Sir, I'm not into that like your masters, but I appreciate that lil guy. Let's get you cleaned up," Damien responded as he wiped down the top of my dick. He made a marking on the side where the piercing would enter. He then got out a devious metal device.

"Have you ever done sounding before?" Damian asked.

"No, but I'm familiar..." I muttered.

"Alright, well it's going to sting on the way down," Damian explained as he pushed the metal device down the tip of my cock. It was quite uncomfortable, causing me to moan even more. "All lined up, here we go!" he added.

"Oh shit, oh shit, oh shit!" I yelled as the needle pierced through the side of my dick, causing the worst pain of the day, and possibly the most pain I'd ever felt.

"Just gotta put the ring in place," Damian hummed as he fiddled with my pierced cock. I moaned even more, but the pain wasn't as bad. He wiped down my dick. "And we're done!" he added.

I looked down at the metal ring sticking out of my dick, and breathed a sigh of relief. Damien quickly wrapped it in gauze and taped it tight.

"Make sure to change the wrapping when you get home. I've given your Sir the instructions for proper care for your new piercings. It's a lot, but if you're careful and you're thorough, you'll be fine. Please call if you have any problems or questions. If it's bleeding too much, like nonstop for a half hour, go to the hospital. But most guys tend to heal within a week or so," Damien explained.

"Thanks D. You did great. I might bring him back for a tattoo in a few months, so you can see how it's healed," Sir Scott informed the shopkeeper.

"Thanks Sir Damian. Sorry for all of the squealing," I muttered.

"You should've heard this one when he got his nipple pierced. He howled like a wolf and nearly passed out. He didn't even get the other one done, and he later took out the piercing to let it reheal," Damian teased Sir Scott. I laughed a bit, feeling proud of what I did that my Sir wouldn't.

"My body is a work of art. It doesn't need to be defiled with metal," Sir Scott spoke proudly, not wanting to show his earlier sign of weakness. I appreciated this human side of the Sir, that he wasn't all aggressive macho leather top.

We walked back to the car. I gingerly sat down as we headed back to the house. Daddy Miguel had set up the guesthouse, and he and Sir Scott moved everything into the garage as I laid down, on their insistence.

The guesthouse was largely undecorated, with the exception of a two leather couches, some tables, a TV, and a side bedroom.

"Well boy, you're officially moved in, meaning the contract starts now. My first command..." Sir Scott spoke, before he was interrupted.

"Our first command is that you rest, relax, and enjoy some TV. I'll be back with dinner in a half hour. There are gauze pads and wrappings in the bathroom. Can you handle that boy?" asked Daddy Miguel.

"Yes Sirs. Thank you so much for all of this. I want to be a good boy," I replied weakly, still exhausted from the busy day.

"And you will be in time. Don't touch those piercings or you'll be punished! We have cameras that are watching," Daddy Miguel warned, followed by laughter as he went back to the main house.

Sir Scott sat next to me, and my heart fluttered. "I'm proud of you boy. You did something I couldn't do. I can only imagine the things you're capable of under our care," he said gently. He leaned over and kissed me deeply, causing my heart to race, and my dick to throb.

I squealed in pain - it was my first erection since being pierced. Sir Scott got up and laughed.

"Better go clean off that thing and use the bathroom before dinner. Can you handle that on your own?" he asked with a grin.

"Yes Sir," I mumbled, looking at the ground.

"When you speak, look at me in the eyes. I want to know you mean what you say," Sir Scott demanded.

I looked up at his face and looked into his eyes, tearing up a bit. "Yes Sir," I said weakly, but with a smile.

"Good pup," Sir Scott remarked, patting me on my head before getting up to leave.

Next: Chapter 7

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