A Quarterbacks Tale

By moc.loa@90ttocsmitttocs

Published on Jul 30, 2011


This story is complete fiction. Only read this story if you're not offended by sexual situations between adults and minors.

Any resemblance by name or description to anyone dead or alive is totally coincidental. If you are not of legal age or if this content is not legal in your area, please do not read this. Please don't post or publish this story without asking my permission. If you have comments, please email me at scotttimscott09@aol.com.


"Wow!" I thought to myself, "Does this mean we're boyfriends or just FWB?" Whatever it was going to be, my life was certainly changing. I really was starting to fall hard (no pun intended) for Scott and I hoped he was feeling the same about me.

When I woke up on Tuesday morning I was like a new man. I guess that's what being in love does to a guy.

I took a nice long shower, brushed my teeth, trimmed my pubes and the few stray hairs on my face.

I dressed in my new cargo pants and my favorite blue-green shirt (I kinda' wanted to bring out my eye coloring for Scott). Bounding down the stairs I greeted Mom and Dad who were at the breakfast table.

As we sat together eating they wanted to know how things were going at school and of course they were especially anxious about the upcoming Championship Finals. I told them that everything was goin' as planned and the team was definitely psyched.

"The school's gonna' have a rally for us tomorrow before we hit the road on Thursday" I told them.

Dad said: "Oh that reminds me, Coach Dave dropped by last night to pick up the papers that we had to sign for the trip--something about releasing the school from any liability that's deemed beyond their control."

"Great. Yeah I forgot to turn them in. Sorry."

Both wanted to know if I needed anything and I told them that I was pretty much good to go. Both Dad and Mom insisted on giving me big wad of cash for my travels since they felt really bad that they wouldnt be able to attend the game. (Dads company had booked him on a flight out to Cali earlier in this month. Seems his company was hit hard by the recession (he's in stocks and bonds or something) and corporate needed everyone out there to figure out other income streams. Grandma (Mom's mom) was not doing well, so Mom decided to book with Dad and spend a few days out West too.)

"Go crazy kid, this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Something you'll remember for years to come."

I hugged Dad and kissed Mom on the cheek. "Have a safe trip and give Grandma my love."

Dad then turned to mom and said "C'mon Hon, we've gotta' get goin`. Flight's at 2."

As I grabbed my stuff headin` out the door I heard Mom ask "By the way, how is Scott?"

"Scott's good. I can't tell you how much his game has improved this year. In fact a bunch of the guys have really kicked ass" I said.

"You know, your father and I really like that kid. He's a good influence on you. We only hope you hold on to that friendship once the school year ends. Trust us, friends like that are hard to find."

(If they only knew how "hard he could get.)

Mom even added that he was "cute." Where did that come from?

When I arrived at school it was alive with activity. The halls were totally decorated in our school colors--green and gold--and signs plastered all the walls. It had been years since our school had made it to the finals and that's all everyone was talkin' about.

A pep rally was scheduled for tomorrow afternoon and then the whole team would be leaving Thursday around noon. The school had chartered two huge tour buses to take us to the State Capital. It would be about a 4-hour trip and we had already decided to take our Xboxes to help pass the time

After I had been greeted by some of the school faculty and the rest of the coaches from the Athletic Department--they were all roamin' the halls to shore up even more team spirit--I made my way to my locker which was located on the second floor.

I punched in my code and opened the door. Out flipped a card that was evidently slipped through one of the vents. I looked at the writing and immediately recognized Scott's perfect script.

"What a way to start the day," I thought to myself, a smile spreading across my face.

I open the flap of the envelope and pulled out the card. It had the two cutest little puppies nestled together in their bed. Inside it said "Snuggling is good." It was signed with a simple "S."

I slipped it into my backpack and continued down the hall to my first class.

That's when I saw Scott. He looked really hot today. He had on a nice-fitting pair of khakis which definitely accentuated his cute ass--the ass in which my face had been buried only hours earlier. His shirt was nice chocolate color that highlighted his amber eyes to their fullest.

Luckily I remembered we were at school `cause I would've run up and kissed him right there if I had my way.

He fell into stride next to me and was going on a mile-a-minute about all the fuss that was being made about the game. He was totally excited about going away.

I asked him if he had everything ready to go for the trip.

That's when he looked down at the floor and suddenly became quiet.

"What's wrong Scott?"

"Well I wanted to get something for when we go away, but when I went to the 'rents for some cash, they told me that they couldn't help me. They thought that I had all I needed anyway."

I knew his Mom and Dad were not doing real well right now financially--like the rest of the country. Oh, they're saving for his college fund and all that, but they too had also been hit hard by the financial crap. His Dad works as a self-employed graphic artist/web designer and the first thing that seemed to go were people's advertising and media budgets. He had filled me in on these details earlier in the year.

His Mom mentors Special Needs Children on a volunteer basis. She is so dedicated to her calling that she would rather do-without for herself, and the some of the extras for the family rather than leave her very satisfying duties.

I can see where Scott gets his giving-personality. He gives a lot to other people all year through and he expects nothing in return for himself.

Even the couple of times that we've been together intimately it reflected on those occasions as well. Oh, it may seem that he's all out for satisfying himself, but he`s really thinking about me. Funny how sex works.

(Sorry. I got carried away.)

"So whad'ya need dude?"

"Just a new pair of sneaks really. Mine are really ratty lookin'," he said. "I have a little money I've been savin' for Christmas shopping but I guess I'll have to dip into that."

"Dude, we'll go to the mall after school and see what they have. OK?"

"Great Babe. Maybe someone's having a sale. I don't need fancy, just functional. See ya later." And he was off.

"Poor Baby needs a new pair of shoes," I said to myself.

That gave me an idea.

I decided to get excused from my last class (feigning sickness). I figured I could run to the mall get him some sneaks and be back in time to meet him at his car at last bell. It would be a total surprise for him, and he'd still have his Christmas money.

Dashing into the first high-end store I grabbed a pair of the top-of-the line sneaks (I knew he wore the same size as me `cause I accidentally put his cleats on one time). Plunking down the cash I was back in 40 minutes. I was glad I could help out my bud.

When he greeted me at my car I reached in and presented him with his news sneaks. "Think of it as an early Christmas gift."

He mouth gaped open when he took the cover off the box and saw the best that money could buy. His eyes tearing up, he reached over and gave me a great big bear hug.

How I love to feel his body holding me. I instantly popped wood and wanted to blow him right there.

"How can I thank you?" he asked.

"We can think of something" I assured him.

I told him my folks had caught a flight out West this afternoon and the house was completely mine.

"I tell you what. Go home and grab some clothes for tomorrow, let your `rents know you're stayin' over and that you'll eat over at my house. You don't have to tell then what you'll be eating, if you catch my drift."

"K dude. See you about 7," he said tightly gripping on to his news shoes.

I got home and called for take-out. I knew he liked Chinese so I ordered several different containers of different stuff and figured we could really pig-out since it would be a while before we could do that again and still feel fit for the game.

He got to my house about 10 after 7 and rang the bell. When I answered the door my little guy was standin' there in long blue satin shorts and long-sleeved white top--and his new sneaks. He looked totally hot. He had taken a quick shower at home and his curly locks lay helter-skelter all over his head.

He set down his gear in the front hall and proceeded to paw at me with his Wide Receiver hands.

I couldn't help myself. I just dropped to my knees ripped down his shorts (he was going commando) and swallowed his dick like a starving man. Needless to say that took him by utter surprise, but not so much so that within about 45 seconds he coated my mouth with his awesome, tasty cum. I slurped it up greedily as his legs began to quake. Holding him firmly my the back of his thighs I licked his delicious cock head totally clean.

"Maybe I should go out and ring again," he laughed.

"Well, now that I've had my appetizer let have the rest of the meal."

We ate like fuckin' animals and pretty soon every carton of food was completely empty. I gathered up all the stuff and threw it into the trash.

"I still have room for dessert" he smirked.

With that he slowly rose from the table, and it was at that point that I realized his shorts were completely down around his ankles. "Sorry I started without you" he said as his dick pulsated red and stabbed into the air.

I grabbed his arm and said "Shall we?"

With that we were headed straight for the bedroom.

Do not pass Go. Do not Collect $200.

I had already turned down the bed and was burning some kick-ass incense that I had gotten as a gift. Hey, what's wrong with a little ambiance?

As we stood at the foot of the bed Scott removed the rest of his clothes--that being his shirt and socks, because he had already shucked his shorts at the kitchen table. He removed his bright white sneaks and carefully placed them in the bottom of my closet.

He then turned towards me and, with both arms, raised my shirt over my head. Even as my shirt was on its way up he was already licking on my nips, sending a shiver through my entire being. His strong arms then wrapped around my back and up to my neck. On the return trip down he dug his 10 fingers into every muscle: My delts, lats, triceps, biceps and pecs. It felt absolutely amazing. His hands so strong and powerful, yet warm and tender.

Soon his hands were running around the elastic of my shorts causing my abs and pecs to twitch in anticipation. Returning to the top of my ass and he then lowered his fingers and massaged both my ass cheeks. He spread out his hands to their fullest span and finally grabbed complete handfuls of my glutes with an eagerness and purpose.

He lowered his knees to the carpeted floor and began mouthing the front of my red nylon shorts. My dick was already leaking tons of pre and he made no qualms about sucking it right through the material. As he ran his hands up the back of my thighs my knees started to buckle at his touch. He finally tugged my shorts down my past my hips and my rock hard cock slapped him right under the chin. Ooops.

Well that was first I thought.

This dude was hungry for it. He ate me like he had just eaten dinner; with an unbridled hunger for more and more.

He led me over to the bed and gently placed me down on the crisp white sheets. With my head on the pillow he began his journey up my naked, prone body. OMG! His tongue found places I never knew existed. My body was so totally on fire by his ravenous appetite I thought I was gonna squirt right then and there. I guess he actually sensed that when he saw my nuts nestled tightly against my body.

He then crawled up the bed and lay his body next to me, his rock-hard 7" pressing firmly against my thigh.

"Dude, do you know how much I love you man?" he asked.

"And do you how long I've waited for you and I to get together. Saturday was like a dream come true Babe. I've wanted you for so long and now I have you." I told him.

"Until I stole your cup at the Smithdale game, my thoughts were all I had. Dude I use to huff on that thing for hours thinkin' about your cock stuffed inside it: I wondered how it tasted. How it would feel in my hands. How it would feel in my mouth. I stroked and dreamt about your hot body on top of mine. I wanted you so fuckin' bad dude. And then when you shot that awesome load into the plastic bag, completely covering the whole cup, I couldn't wait to get home and blow another load all over myself as held that coated-cup close to my face. Hell I even stared at your picture in the yearbook--looking at those beautiful eyes and chiseled face--while I furiously jacked my meat and slurped down the rest of your delicious seed. Oh how I wished you were there with me. Dude, you've made me delirious with lust."

I shoved the almost-dry locks of hair away from his forehead and stared straight at him. His beautiful amber eyes sparkled in the dimly-lit bedroom and his body gleamed with a light sheen of sweat. Rolling him flat on his back my hands began caressing his biceps, his abs, his pecs. I leaned over and let the tip of my tongue dance over his protruding nips. They tasted fuckin' wonderful--soft, yet firm. As my left hand wandered down to his thick, wonderful cock I tucked my right hand under his head and lifted it gently. I brought my lips to his warm, inviting mouth. He closed his eyes momentarily while I slipped my tongue deep into the recesses of his throat. I felt a spasm course through his body as his tongue instinctively dueled with mine.

Lowering myself on the bed, and in between his outstretched legs, I began licking his big, glorious, musky nuts, inhaling his wonderful smell once again. My tongue finally began its journey up his ramrod-stiff piece of meat. I licked the entire 7 inches up and down and round and round, paying homage to the entire blood-engorged shaft.

Carefully pulling him down further on the bed I slowly lowered myself to my knees to the floor. With insatiable lust permeating my entire sexual being, I split apart his glutes and sucked his hot beautiful pink asshole. I couldn't get enough of that freshly-showered, slightly musky winking hole. I found myself licking all around it and reveling in the taste that was Scott. I placed the tip of my middle finger at the opening and gently slipped it in to the second knuckle. His body flinched up and then resettled on the bed.

I looked up at him to see his head rolling side to side, left to right. His chest was heaving up and down and I could practically hear his heart beating in his chest. He was fuckin' goin' nuts and it was all my fault. I was drivin' my little guy to the brink.

Oh well. A guy's gotta do what a guy's gotta do.

"K dude. I'm gonna' fuckin' erupt if you keep that up Eric. And I'm just getting' started."

"If he's just getting' started, I wonder how he ends?" I asked myself.

With that he scooched back up the bed and grabbed my arms pulling me along.

"That felt fuckin' awesome dude. Totally awesome. Now it's my turn to make you feel as good." With that he pushed me down on the bed, on my back, and began devouring my body.

With his legs around my waist he planted his knees firmly into the sheets. He bent his head downwards and, starting at the top, he licked my brows, my eyes, my ears, my nose and my neck. What a horn dog this guy was. He didn't miss a patch of flesh.

As he continued traveling down, his firm lips sucked on my nips; his tongue sweeping back and forth. First my right nip then my left. Returning to the right nub he very carefully grazed it with the edge of his teeth. I twitched. Continuing to shiver with delight he repeated the same movements on my stiff right nub.

Holding onto the my ribcage he slowly licked down my stomach and ran his tongue deliciously over my 8-pack and then probed my belly-button. I was beginning to leak more pre.

As he licked the light trail of hair going down to my crotch I spread my legs wider on the bed. He then repositioned himself between the outstretched limbs.

He licked around the tightly-pruned pubes that crowned my groin and with his Wide Receiver hands grabbed both my nuts in his warm, smooth hands. Oh how my cock was aching for relief. I was so fuckin' horny the helmet of my cock was already turning a reddish-purple, the coloring continuing down another inch or so of my shaft. He continued, letting his lips encompass the pulsating head, and continued down and around the complete length and 4" girth of my horny rod.

Putting his hand behind my knees he raised them up until my spine was arched deep into the mattress. He was soon slovenly licking at my pulsating hole. With his nose shoved totally up my crack he took an audible sniff of its muskiness and then exhaled his hot breath around my spit soaked asshole. He too, slipped a finger into my horny butt.

He sat up and rested my ankles on his shoulders, then he kissed the toes of each foot. That was definitely a first.

Taking my legs off of his shoulders he pushed them in their spread position towards the headboard. I felt the tip of his cock graze the nether region of my ass. He was as hard as a rail-road spike.

It was then that my body tensed up for what I knew was the inevitable.

(You see in my fantasies I always put myself in the bottom position getting fucked by the whole team and immensely enjoying it. Hell, I even dreamt about the baseball team joining in at the same time, dreaming of the baseball-bat-sized cocks that I'm sure loomed between their legs. However, in reality I was still a virgin. I had never been fucked and I was kinda apprehensive about the whole thing.)





"Dude, I hate to break the news but I've never been fucked. I'm still totally a virgin."


"Well then I guess it's about time you man-up stud. `Cause I'm primed, ready and I'm totally fuckin' goin' in!"

And that's exactly what he fuckin' did. The pain was incredible. My ass felt like it was on fire as he sawed his red-hot meat deep into my virgin asshole.

"OMG!" I screamed.

"Scream all you want Mr. Quarterback. Go fuckin' crazy. Just think, your `rents are enjoyin' a nice meal out West and I'm screwin' their precious son's virgin asshole. So fuckin' knock yourself out stud."

Looking up I could see the veins pulsating at his temples as he continued to savagely plunge in and out of my burning hole; taking verbal control at the same time. My fingers dug deep into his shoulders blades as he continued to violate my tender hole.

"After the fuck you laid on me last night I figured this is the least I could do for you," he said, breathing heavily.

"But Scott, you're tearing me up dude."

"Handle it man. Just handle it you fuckincry baby.Cause bud, I'm gonna fuck that jock-ass into next week, and you may not even walk until then either.

Had he totally lost it? I wondered. The lust in his eyes was nothing I had ever seen. The incredible power he had over me told me his adrenaline was in fuckin' overdrive.

"Yeah, I'm gonna fuck that football ass as hard and fast as I can. So you best lay back and fuckin' enjoy it," he said matter-of-factly.

With that he shoved my legs up so far that my knees practically touched my shoulders. And fuck me he did. He was like a man possessed.

He kept up his maniacal assault on me for another 10 minutes. This time he was thinkin' about himself and no one else. He didn't give a fuck about me, he just wanted to nut and satisfy himself. It's like I wasn't even there. (Well I was, but you know what I mean.)

Suddenly, the sharp pain subsided and I found myself not as tense as before. In fact it was starting to feel good. Really, really good. I guess he had hit my prostrate, making my cock sprang back to life. What a feeling. What an awesome fuckin' feeling that took over my whole being.

I found myself grabbing him around his waist and actually rocking him back and forth in my newly-alive hole. He bent over and shoved his tongue deep into my mouth as he continued his rapid piston-like thrusts into my sweaty, needy ass.

"Eric Babe, this is so incredibly hot. Your ass is turning me on like nothing I've ever felt. So fuckin' hot. So fuckin' tight. So fuckin' warm." His hair, this time soaked pure sweat, was plastered to his forehead.

It was at that point that I wanted him in even deeper--as deep as he could go. My asshole was pulsating with lust, completely engulfed by desire.

I lowered my legs to the bed and carefully pushed him on his back to the other side of the bed.

"I'm not fuckin' done you sexy jock-head bastard!" he shouted, like the animal he'd become.

"Neither am I dude. Neither am I."

Once I had him flat on his back and had placed a pillow under his head I straddled his chest; my a solid ass resting on his pecs and my cock just inches away from his beautiful lips. As his tongue slipped out of his mouth I reached behind him and grabbed his rock-hard dick and massaged it all the way from its root to the thick throbbing head. Sliding back and positioning myself on my knees I carefully place his gorgeous dick at then entrance to my hole.

Gritting my teeth, I slammed myself down on his juicy hard dick and I rode him like the true slut that up until now only my fantasies had always permitted me to do.

It felt truly wonderful to be impaled on his rock-hard meat as he savagely flexed his hips driving it deeper and deeper and deeper. I repositioned myself to a squatting position slammed my ass even harder onto his red-hot cock thick, fat dick.

"Fuck me, you dick lover. Oh fuck me Babe. Shove it up my fuckin' hole" I implored. "Shoot your motherfuckin' load stud. Fill my ass with your seed. Use me like however you see fit."

As I continued my ride into sexual bliss his cock kept scraping my prostrate over and over again, sending me onto an even higher-plateau of sexual lust. Holding myself steady with my hands on his beefy sweaty chest I rode up and down and up and down like a total pig. Feeling his meat sliding so violently up my hole was totally awesome. Totally incredible. And I only wanted more; to never end. It was a sensation that would be hard to match anytime soon.

Looking to my right I caught the reflection of our two jock bodies in the mirror of my clothes closet. I was glad I had forgotten to close it. Seeing his cock lodged deeply into my ass way wonderful. I watched my ass pulse and spread as I eagerly accepted him inside me. The images were way over the top.

With his eyes practically rolling to the back of his head he screamed "I'm gonna breed you fucker!. And I'm gonna breed you good. Wrap those manly ass lips around me. Hunker down stud!" And with that I felt my guts being coated generously with his lava-hot cum. Rope after rope shot into my hole; each blast quickly followed by another. As he continued his assault my own dick spat glob after glob of my thick jizz all over his chest, his face and on the wall behind him. My asshole muscles wrapped tightly around his still-spurting, pulsating, throbbing dick as I tried to milk-out every ounce of his love juices.

Totally spent we lay side by side in each others arms.

He was like, "Sorry I got so like verbally carried away. It's just that you were like talkin' about some your fantasies on Saturday and, well that was one of mine, and I just needed to live it out. Don't worry I'm still my mild-mannered, cuddly self."

We concurred that neither of us truly meant the filth spewing out of our mouths. It was just that we got lost in our in the moment.

"So fantasies are good. Right?"

He nodded his head in the affirmative.

Lying there in our sexual afterglow with my head resting on Scott's chest and my finger trailing down his thick muscled thigh I noticed the power-saver light flickering on my laptop's monitor.

I got up and went over to my desk and hit the Space Bar. The desktop came to life and my IM app popped up.

I had a message from "GladiatorsSuck."

"Accept of Decline?"

I "Accepted" because I now knew it was Fish's handle.

I wondered what words of wisdom he had this time.

The message read as follows: "That was one hot fuck you and Scott just had. The formations were awesome, maybe we can work them into the game somehow. Fish and I just wish were there. LOL. BTW when you put your computer on Power-Saver your web cam stays on. Just sayin'. See ya` tomorrow, Coach Dave."

He quickly signed-off.

"Fuck" I screamed, totally startling Scott.

He propped himself up on his elbow with a quizzical look on his face--not knowing what happened.

I looked at the web cam atop the desk and noticed that a piece of paper had been strategically placed over the light hiding its glow.

I'd been set-up. But how?

Investigating further I went to the web cam app. Clicking on it I saw that it had been streaming live video for a total of 23 hours.

Then it dawned on me. That's exactly within the time frame that Coach would have been at my house yesterday, picking up the papers for the trip.

He must have somehow slipped into my room--purportedly to take a piss--when the rents were goin' over the schools legal papers.

I explained to Scott what I had witnessed at the Coachs house on Sunday evening--about seein him and Fish nude in the kitchen after the Pool Party, and that they have supposedly been "dating" each other for the past year.

Needless to say Scott and I were afraid of being outed by the Coach (or for that matter, Fish) right before the Finals.

It was then that I announced to Scott: "That motherfucker! That's dude's goin' down big time, and Fish is goin' right down with him."

We began to consider our options.

-- Copyright 2011. Tim Scott.

Okay guys. I'd like to continue this story if I get some positive feedback. Continuing/expanding story lines and new characters can also be handled if you like. You can e-mail me at scotttimscott09@aol.com. Oh, and happy stroking.

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