A Ride To Remember 01/gay/male/beginnings

By azstoryguy

Published on Apr 3, 2024


A Ride To Remember 01

This is a complete work of fiction which may be based on real people, places and events interspersed as necessary with completely fabricated elements. To avoid unwanted fame and fortune, character names have been changed to protect the innocent. As with most of my stories, it is set in the Southwestern United States. No effort is made to follow guidelines of political correctness. If you are easily offended, perhaps this story is not for you.

Written in conversational style, which means some rules of grammar are thrown out the window. All typos and grammatical errors are owned by the author.

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Copyright 2024 Azstoryguy@gmail.com

Thank you for reading.

A Ride To Remember 01

For one last time I surveyed all the gear laid out on my living room floor.

"Toothbrush. Razor. Jeans. Shirts. Socks...," I made the inventory to myself, checking it out with a list I had already prepared.

It was a first for me; my own personal vacation!

"You earned it!" I told myself.

After four intense years at the University of Arizona, which saw me graduating near the top of my class with a Bachelor of Science in Hydrology and Atmospheric Sciences, I had managed to walk right into an $80K+ job within two months.

"Not bad for being only twenty-two!" I told myself.

Now at twenty-four, having been a consummate workaholic, I was finally taking a break from my job. My employer has a more than generous benefits program, but I had deferred on taking any significant time off until my manager said, "Nathan... Take a damned vacation! The world will still be here for you to save when you get back!"

He was right! Now I am ready for two weeks on my own in the cool pines of the Coconino National Forest. In a little town called "Mountainaire," located just under 7,000 feet in elevation and only ten miles from Flagstaff.

For an outdoors "junkie" like myself, the area is ripe with potential. I had poured over maps and the internet researching the possibilities. It wasn't like I had never been there before: My parents own a cabin in Mountainaire. We had spent several summers there in my youth.

"Ha! `In my youth!' Getting old already?" I taunted myself.

It's not like my parents are rich...well, sort of...more like just comfortably well off... Dad is an IT manager and Mom works in real estate. Not the house-flipping crap; she deals almost exclusively with commercial properties. However, her knowledge in that field turned out to be a big plus for me...but more about that later.

The real money in our family is with my grandparents: generational wealth passed down through the family lineage. Something that there isn't much of any more. Even at the tender age of sixteen, I knew that going to college would be a high hurdle. Most of my "Gen Z" peers were in the same boat.

I heard Mom, Dad, and my Grandfather talk about how a higher education used to be free or cost very little. Not any more. My four years at the U of A easily eclipsed a year's salary in my current position. That's why, during my junior year in high school, Mom and Dad sat me down one night and delivered the first of several "seminal events" in my young life.

"The money you need for college is there," my Dad told me.

"How?" I asked.

"When you were only about..." he hesitated.

"Six, honey," Mom chimed in.

"Yes! It seems so long ago," Dad continued, "Anyway, we could see the handwriting on the wall. The way the economy is being structured so that fewer and fewer kids can afford to go to college...We set up a fund for you and added to it every year...along with help from your Uncle Michael...and now...it's there, son. All you will need for four years or even longer. If that's what you want...!"

I started crying. A true gusher of tears! And I set myself in action. To make something of myself and to attain proficiency in a field that might make a positive difference for society. I know. It sounds corny. I could have gone into business or finance or some other equally unproductive money-moving "career" and probably make a shitload of easy cash. I didn't choose that route. Instead I went with my love of Science, and ended up where I am now.

That doesn't mean I am a bookworm...although for four years, I pretty much gave up all my social life by carrying an insane number of classes each semester. Prior to entering the U of A, which I chose because it is a good school and local (thus avoiding "dormitory hell"), I was a pretty wild teenager. By "wild," I mean I was discovering my sexuality, which of course, is other guys... I had known that since a long, long time ago... I just wanted to put my 8½" cock to work... and I did!

My first time came in the seventh grade with a kid named John. We went at it thick and heavy for over a year before his family moved away.

"You've got a huge fucking cock," he would say...over and over.

The internet quickly proved his claim to be correct...as did word of mouth when I moved into middle, and then, high school. That all changed when college hit. After high school, it was time to put sex aside and concentrate on making my future happen. It wasn't easy. There wasn't much time for dates. Or even casual hook-ups. Often times, my only relief was the ability that a few lucky guys have...of being able to service myself... Well, it sure beats hand jobs...and it kept my cock sucking skills in fine form!

Upon graduating from college, Mom and Dad met me for a celebration dinner at the Flying V Bar and Grill. Dad arrived a bit late; but that's just because he's Dad. During the meal I kept noticing that both of them acted like they were keeping some kind of secret and, sure enough, they were.

After our meal, Dad pulled out an envelope and laid it on the table; I looked at it, then to them, and all he said was, "It's yours, son. From your Uncle Michael...!" My hands were shaking as I reached down and opened it. Out fell a pair of key fobs and a title and registration for...

"A 4Runner?" I cried.

Literally cried. Oceans of tears flowed down my young face!

"He and your Aunt Martha wish they could be here but...!" Mom started to explain.

Then the shock set in. I had a brand new Toyota 4Runner. Something I had wanted for years. My "ride" up to that point had been a wheezing old Nissan Sentra. It had manged to get me through high school (while serving as convenient but cramped place for quick hook-ups) and college, but now was definitely on its last legs.

Now I had the truck of my dreams; perfect for the outdoors lifestyle that pretty much describes me! Uncle Michael and Aunt Martha had enclosed a letter gushing with praise about my academic achievements, closing with the urging to "Go change the world for the better!"

I was floating in the clouds as we finished our meal. There was just one problem. My apple cart had been upset because this was the night I had planned on coming out to my parents. All my life I had walked a tightrope by keeping my sexual orientation a secret. At the time of my graduation, I was 22 and ready to launch my new life. It seemed the right time to tell my parents. Hopefully they weren't expecting a large family... I had to laugh at that.

Both of them are both fairly open in their social views; I mean, it's Tuscon, right? The most progressive city in Arizona. Sure, we had our share of mouth breathers in town, but Phoenix holds top honors as being a nesting place for true troglodytes! I didn't think Mom and Dad would throw me out; in any event, if that DID happen, at least I was prepared to cope with the potential fallout. Much more so than if it had occurred while I was in high school.

After my waterworks subsided and some semblance of decorum returned to our dining table, I was faced with a choice. Do I go ahead and come out to my parents or do I keep hiding who I am? Prior to the bombshell of getting a 4Runner for my graduation, the timing had seemed perfect. Had anything really changed?

I mean, either I tell them now while we're all here together in a celebratory mood, or I wait until another opportunity. I had thought about the whole "coming out" process a lot. Like I said, Mom and Dad are both very forward thinking. They certainly have no clue about me...well, other than not dating anyone either in high school or college.

The college part could easily be explained away. They both knew how I had literally punished myself by giving up almost everything to make the grade.

The lack of dating in high school could be dismissed because of my age. I mean, lots of guys don't really settle into anything serious until the "hell" of high school is over. I sure as heck hadn't been celibate then; I just wasn't looking for, or stumbled across, a permanent person in my life. How many guys that age have such luck? Other than those sentimental tales about high school romances...

As we settled down and my crying ceased, I knew it was time to make a decision. To take a stand...

"Mom...Dad...!" I started slowly, "I...I...don't know what to say or how to thank both of you as well as Uncle Michael and Aunt Martha for...!"

"You've earned it, son," Dad interrupted, "Don't think that your Mother and I didn't notice how you put an almost superhuman effort into your college studies. And it's paid off, and will continue to pay off in many ways for a long time...!"

"But if it weren't for the both of you, I would never have even had a chance," I protested.

"Then it was a group effort!" Mom interjected.

"But what if I had failed...?" I started to reply.

"We never even considered that. You are our son. We know you better than you think," Dad replied, "Failure never even entered our minds!"

My eyes started to moisten again as I glanced at each of them.

"You had THAT much faith in me?" I gasped.

"Of course! What...did you think we would ever disown you for any reason...?" Mom replied.

Okay. That was it! Hearing Mom make that statement gave me the courage I needed to go on...or rather, to "come out."

"Well...Then...I mean...since we're all here together and it's been such a great night...I kind of have something else I want...I need to tell you. Both of you...I've been thinking about it for a long, long time and now it seems...like, well, the perfect opportunity but I...!"

I stopped and choked up...

"I just don't want you...either of you to...!" I stammered.

Mom and Dad exchanged another one of those curious looks...

"What is it, honey?" Mom asked, "You know you can always talk to us...!"

I sniffled a bit as a lump appeared in my throat.

"It's just that...Well...I'm...!" I stopped.

"Nathan?" Mom said softly as I started to cry.

"Let me see if I can help," Dad offered as he turned to look at Mom again, "I think our son wants to...Nathan is just is trying to find the way to tell us...that he's gay."

Mom turned and looked at me. My face must have been crimson red...

"Honey? Is that it?" she asked me.

I nodded sheepishly.

She then turned to Dad and initially said only three words, "You were right!"

My head snapped up and I looked at her, then at Dad...

"Dad...Dad...you KNEW and ...But how? I mean...!" I stuttered as I began to cry again.

"Of course I knew," he laughed, "I think I figured it would when you were...what...?"

"In his freshman year," Mom replied.

I was surprised they had figured me out that long ago; I mean, four years...

"Freshman in high school," she added.

"WHAT?" I exclaimed.

"Yes. That does sound about right," Dad said as if he were trying to remember the exact date.

"But...but...how? I never...I mean, I tried to...!" I cried.

"Are you kidding?" Dad laughed, "You were always obsessing over your body. Your hair had to be combed just right. Your clothes had to fit just right...!"

"Sometimes TOO right," Mom interjected, to which I turned beet red again.

"Well, honey, if he's got it, then why should he hide it?" Dad chortled.

My face MUST have been on fire by now!

"Plus you never had any dates all the way through high school! A young man as cute as yourself should have had girls swarming all over you," Mom laughed, then she added, "I should have taken the bet!"

"The bet?" I croaked.

"Yes. The bet. Your Father tried to get me to wager if you were going to tell us tonight or wait even longer...!" she laughed.

"I...I... didn't want to lose your trust or your love...!" I started to explain.

"WHAT?" Mom gasped, "Nathan, you're our son! We would never judge you like that! Who you love is your own business and none of ours!"

"Really?" I said in a very timid voice.

"Yes, `Really!' There's just one thing...!" she said.

"What?" I asked.

"Honey... Could you PLEASE find yourself a boyfriend soon? You're far too cute to spend your life alone!"

I started crying again...

As we left the restaurant and walked to the parking lot, there it sat. My new 4Runner. White with huge mud terrain tires, aftermarket front and rear bumpers and LED offroad lighting. Dad had driven it to our dinner date, which explained why he arrived "fashionably late!"

"It's all yours, son. Enjoy! You sure as hell earned it," he said.

Yes. I started crying again! The evening had turned out to be the best in my life!

It had been two years since that fateful post-graduation night. Much had changed in my life since then. First came my new job. Then a house, which I was slowly trying to make into a home. A home for me and maybe...someone special. Mom had been a godsend there. Her real estate connections had made it possible for me to find and buy (with Dad as a cosignatory) a really nice Santa Fe style home on a decent sized lot; it definitely wasn't one of those cookie cutter tract homes...three bedrooms and close to the foothills, which meant lots of desert fauna were my neighbors (Let's don't talk about the rattlesnakes...).

One thing I had already promised myself was that my new home wasn't going to be a "fuck pad." Any "hookups," "encounters," "tricks" or "liaisons" I had were not going to take place here. I guess there is a "hopeless romantic" side of me pining for the day when I could make love to my new boyfriend in that huge king sized bed; a bed that seemed awfully big for just me (and a couple of stuffed animals)!

It doesn't have a swimming pool, but that is okay because Mom and Dad have one at their place. Otherwise, it is perfect. They had helped me with the down-payment so the monthly payments wouldn't kill me. Through all of the past two years since my coming out, it never stopped amazing me that Dad had been the one to first figure me out!

Now I am ready for my first real vacation! As I sat at my computer making sure I hadn't overlooked any possible places I wanted to check out, an e-mail notification popped up. It was from one of my "bests," Brian...

Maybe I hadn't gotten laid much in college, but I had met a few decent friends and Brian is one of them. Always the perpetual smart-ass, he had opted for the quick and easy route into Business Administration.

"I want to make a lot of money and not have to work very hard to get it," he laughed.

He was pretty hot looking; we had several intense sessions of sex and then after that, settled into a permanent state of best friends. While I am a hopeless romantic, he preferred to "play the field."

"There's less hurt that way," he opined.

I saw his e-mail and assumed it was a "best wishes" message for my pending trip. That was not the case! All it said was, "Give him a ride. And take him for a ride," with a link to a Craigslist ad. Oh, and a promise for me to tell him how it worked out...

"What the fuck? Who uses Craigslist for anything? Surely not for hooking up!" I laughed while opening the link.

My heart skipped about 5000 beats when I saw the ad...

"Ride needed Tucson to Phoenix or Tucson to Flag. Will pay for gas. Be legit. No creepers!"

It wasn't the message that made my heart start palpitating. Attached to the ad was a face pic. Of a guy. A guy whose beauty made my cock almost rip out of my jeans! My phone was in my hand in a nanosecond as I called Brian.


"Who the fuck is this kid?" I yelped.

"What? What kid?' No hello' or anything?" he chortled.

"You know what I mean," I laughed.

"Oh... The sweet young boy I sent you..."

"Yeah. `Boy!' Is he even legal?"

"Well, it's Craigslist...So he's supposed to be eighteen!"

"That doesn't mean he IS! I don't wanna get popped for transporting a minor for...and anyway, how do you know he's even gay? The ad said `no creepers!'"

"Nathan! I've known you for what? Almost five years? You may be many things: a hopeless romantic, an idealist, but a `creeper?' No. Nothing even close...!"

"Then why did you send me this ad?"

"So you could have some company during the long four hour drive to Flag! Besides, if he isn't gay, all you have to do is haul that `hose" out of your jeans and it'll be all over! Besides, isn't he...," he paused, "Too cute to be straight?

We both laughed.

"'You mean `straight till the lights go out?'" I shot back.

These two internet cliches were our favorites; we used them all the time while checking out guys on campus or, for that matter, anywhere else.

"I don't think it works that way," I continued, "It's a matter of DNA. If you had taken some REAL classes at college, you would know that!"

"Never mind that! Wait until he sees what you were born with!" he snarked.

We talked for a few minutes longer before the call ended.

"Don't pass up a chance at finding your `Mr. Right!'" he giggled.

After ending the call, I sat there staring at the ad. Well, no, not the ad; but the picture... A textbook example of a Southern California surfer boy... Well, to the extent that I knew anything about surfer boys...which I didn't...I mean, this is Arizona...not California!

My eyes feasted on his light blonde hair parted in the middle and falling to both sides of an angelic looking face; bright blue eyes, luscious looking lips and an infectious smile with gleaming teeth... Eighteen? There's no way he could be that age...

Without even realizing it, my hand roamed down to a steely-hard shape in my faded skinny jeans.

"Damn!" I moaned as I began pawing my boner through the thin fabric. A massive wet spot had already soaked through the distressed denim as I caressed my aching cock...

"YEAHHHH!" I moaned while arching up in my chair and stretching out my lean six foot frame, "So fucking cute!"

Why the fuck am I doing this? To a picture of a guy I've never met? I don't even know if he's gay or not; but holy fuck! He's so damn cute! My heart is beating faster and faster as my breath becomes shorter and more urgent.

"DAMNNNNNNNNNNN!!!!!!" I moan while arching my body upwards.

It's way past the point of no return. My head drops to one side as my eyes start to flutter. A rush comes over my body as the first cum shot erupts from my angry cock.


I know what's happening inside my jeans. A flood of thick, white cream is erupting saturating the denim and easily oozing out into freedom. Like a steaming hot rain shower, long strains of my spunk trail down to the floor. A huge stain around the outline of my cock's plump mushroom head quickly spreads.

I buck and thrash uncontrollably in the chair. Drool seeps out of the corners of my mouth while my entire body feels like it is on fire. I've lost track of the number of times my cock cut loose. I know from past experience it's probably close to a dozen.

My tool has always been a heavy distance shooter. Something most guys seemed to admire... Not a dribbler; more like gun shots, or more accurately, cum shots, that fly through the air for several feet. If I'm lying I bed, it's no problem to send my baby batter arching up over my head until it hits the wall. If I'm standing, it's no problem to send my cum traveling out six, seven feet or more...

More than one guy has wanted to film me in action, but I always refused.

"Never know where that video might end up," I laughed.

It's always fun to sense a guy's reaction as the first wad of my spunk hits the back of his throat. Most are surprised at what just filled their mouth. If they're smart and quick, they swallow; otherwise they end up choking on my jizz.

Hey! I'm no beast! I always warn them when it's time...when I know that no power on Earth can stop me from shooting a load. A big load. Fired out of my huge cock like a howitzer...

Right now, a lot of that spunk is trapped inside my jeans. It wants out. By any way possible... Finally spent, I slump back in my chair and look down at the floor. It's not an unusual sight: a huge puddle of cum lies on the hardwood floor.

I slide out of the chair, lean down and began lapping up my jizz.

Hey! It's part of me; It came from me; Why should I let it go to waste?

Afterwards, in the bathroom, I stare at my image in the mirror. All six feet of me; dressing out at around 135 pounds. Nothing really special there; brown eyes and brown hair cut in a kind of messy fringe style that covers my forehead. I guess it's a holdover from my high school days when I had a full-blown emo-boy cut. Now it's just a little bit shorter on the sides so as not to cover my ears...and I have nice thick lips.

"Cock sucking lips," Brian quipped.

I had obliged by proving him right. Many times. He never once complained.

What I really don't like about my body is a lack of good muscle tone. Obviously I don't have any extra pounds; quite the opposite. My arms and legs are too thin. Although I have fairly square shoulders, my chest lacks the definition I want. I guess I have a "swimmers build" but without the nice muscle development all those guys have. Now that school is over and I'm settling into a "normal" life, maybe it's time to start addressing that.

The one strong point I have is my cock. Just over 1½" thick when boned, with a nice mushroom cap and measuring all of 8½," it puts me above average where it matters. A pair of very plump balls hang down beneath; they love to jostle back and forth when I walk...or when I'm beating my meat into an uncontrolled frenzy. All of this is framed by neatly trimmed pubes. No need to give a guy a face full of curlies while he's working on my "pipe."

Settling back in front of my PC, I kept staring at the face of this unknown guy.

"What...should I do?" I wondered.

The last thing I wanted was to be trapped in a four hour ride with some straight boy and forced to listen to endless talk about football (or some other equally inane sport) or getting laid; or rather NOT getting laid...which seems to be a common problem with so many of them.

I thought maybe...just maybe...that whacking out a load might have calmed me down...and allowed me to think logically. That plan hadn't worked. My cock was still restless as I gazed at the boy on the screen.

Almost subconsciously my fingers started typing...

"Hey! Heading to Flag this evening. Leaving around eight o'clock. Let me know if you're interested."

I included my first name and phone number as well. Before realizing it, I had clicked "Send!"

"Well, Nathan, Now you've done it!" I told myself.

Yeah; but exactly WHAT had I done?

It was a Friday. My reasoning for leaving so late in the evening was simple: make the journey at night when traffic is less. Especially since I would have to travel through Phoenix. Around seven million people live in Arizona, and five million of them live in that city. I had to cross it completely to get to Flag; there are no detours or available alternate routes. Besides, a night trip is always so much more enjoyable under dark desert skies. In any event, I'd be in Flag by midnight. No problem there!

My mind was brought back to reality by the sound of my phone. It was a name and number I didn't recognize. "Aaron Woodward?"

"Hello," I said.

"Uh...Yeah...Is this Nathan?"

"Yes!" I replied.

My body shivered at the very sound of his deep but melodic voice.

"My name is Aaron...I'm calling about the ride to Flagstaff!"

"Oh Hi!" I chirped, "Are you interested?"

"Uhhhh...Yeah...Maybe...Are...are you traveling alone or with a group?

I thought was a strange question.

"Alone. Going up to Flag for two weeks vacation," I replied.

"How old are you?" he asked.

"Uhhhhh...24," I said.

"Oh that's great!" he said in what sounded like a very relieved tone, "I'm nineteen...!"

Well at least that took care of the age question...although he looked to be a very young nineteen.

We talked for a few more minutes; kind of like getting to know each other, or, as that saying goes, "breaking the ice." I explained why I was leaving in the evening. He told me that was fine; he needed to be back in Flag for the resumption of classes on Monday after Spring break...which I assumed meant he must be attending NAU (Northern Arizona University). Almost magically, he told me that in his next sentence!

"Could we meet up before leaving?" he asked, "I just want to make sure that...!"

I could understand his trepidation.

"Sure! Do you know where the QT station is on St. Mary's Road and the freeway?"

Tucson made that so simple: no need to name the freeways since there is only one...


"How about at 7:30?" I asked.

"Sure!" he replied, then there was a long pause before he added, "You don't own a panel van, do you?"

I had no idea why he asked THAT question!

"No. A white 4Runner," I said.

"REALLY? Fucking WICKED!" he exclaimed.

"I'll see you at 7:30 then," I replied.

We said our goodbyes and I slumped back in my chair.

"Well. You've done it. Whatever that means. For better or worse!" I said to myself.

For one last time I looked at Aaron's picture on my computer. My cock throbbed in my still damp jeans.

"One more time," I said with a smile. This time I took things in hand. Actually, in both hands...

After shooting another load in short order, I stripped out of my jeans and hung them in the closet to dry. Mom and Dad were going to keep an eye on my house while I was gone and I didn't want Mom finding any spunk-filled jeans in the clothes hamper...

A long, hot shower later and I was fussing in front of the mirror; making sure I looked "perfect." Every time I did that, my thoughts ran back to Dad's revelation about him picking up on my being gay because I "primped" a lot... I smiled at the memory.

One last look around my house to make sure I had everything I needed; then a call to Mom and Dad to say goodbye.

"I'll call you tomorrow morning so you won't have to worry about me," I told her.

With that, I was off on my adventure. Well, maybe TWO adventures. I hoped I hadn't made a big mistake by giving a guy I didn't know a four hour ride. What exactly was I getting into?

I arrived early at the gas station and filled up the 4Runner. While waiting for it to finish, I heard someone call my name...

"Nathan?" a deep voice inquired

Spinning around, I stopped dead in my tracks. There he stood: just "as advertised!" Only with one big difference: he was about a thousand times hotter! He flashed me an effervescent, toothy smile. Perfect glistening white teeth; a product of excellent DNA or he had spent a lot of time at the orthodontist! Our heights were the same, but he had just a tad more weight; and that all appeared to be in muscles! His arms displayed some serious biceps while underneath a tightly fitting shirt was the fully developed body of a young athlete!

That was only the tip of the iceberg. My eyes quickly raked up and down his slender frame; what I saw made my heart skip a million beats. He was wearing a pair of "distressed" Levis; the kind that are bleached out and ready to start unraveling in multiple locations.

Did I say "form fitting distressed Levis?" My eyes lingered for a moment and feasted on a sizable shape hiding under the faded denim.

Okay...Aaron is hung. I know all about that. You either spend your life trying to hide what nature gave you; mainly by wearing clothes more befitting of someone in their sixties, or you just say "Fuck it! Let people look!" I wasn't going to be body shamed because I have a decent size cock. Apparently, neither was Aaron! The only time I ever "dressed down" was at work. There, it was dress slacks and the dreaded confinement of underwear. Otherwise, I am a "commando kid!" No way was I going to subject "my best friend" to the strangling effects of an unnecessary layer of clothing!

Aaron's eyes met mine; I think he had been giving me the same appraisal! "Too cute to be straight?" flashed in my mind. If this guy IS straight, then I am The Wizard of Oz...

After catching my breath, I managed to chirp a "Hey!" to his greeting.

"Nice ride!" he said while ogling my 4Runner.

"Thanks!" I replied.

All he had with him was a small backpack.

"You can toss it in back" I said, which afforded me a glimpse of his ass.

My cock lurched in my jeans...

"Not now!" I told myself.

Just like the rest of his nineteen year old body, Aaron's ass was perfect. Tight, muscular and compact, it seemed to be taunting me!

"You wanna get something to eat before we leave? I asked him.

"Nawww...I had dinner with Mom and Dad. I'm good!" he replied.

"Guess we're ready, then!" I replied.

With that, our trip was off and running...

Yeah. What have I gotten myself into?

"Four hours of endless chatter about football and pussy," I told myself...

Right away, I found out that I was mistaken. Aaron was quite conversational...and it wasn't the usual straight boy patter.

He had hitched a ride with someone from NAU down to Tuscon for Spring break; unfortunately it was a one-way ride so he had to find his own way back to Flag.

"My car is in the shop for repairs. Blew a fucking head gasket," he said.

"That sucks!" I replied.

"I figured I could fly back to Flag, but fucking shit! It's almost $500...!"

"Are you kidding? For a flight that short?"

"That's what American Airlines said on their website," he said while continuing, "And renting a car is about half that...which leaves the bus as the cheapest option... No fucking way am I going to try that!"

We both laughed.

"So I decided to roll the dice and see if I could find a ride!"

"Isn't that kind of dangerous?" I asked.

"Yeah...well...I'm super careful...!"

"Is that why...what...your question about whether I had a panel van?"

He laughed.

"Oh yeah! One time three guys offered me a ride and that's exactly what they had. It seemed kind of sketchy so I turned it down...!"

"But what difference does it make about being a van?"

"Windows!" he laughed, "If anything goes wrong, I want to be sure I can escape!"

That comment made both of us break out with more laughter. Aaron was completely disarming in nature and I knew that whatever happened, he wasn't going to be any kind of a threat.

"I guess I've watched too many bad movies on TV," he chortled,"I mean, I think I can take care of myself if I have to, but why invite trouble?"

I nodded in agreement. There was no doubt in my mind that Aaron could handle himself quite well in a fight... I kept discreetly checking out his nimble and very toned body. The more I saw, the more I wanted him...

"Why did you choose NAU over U of A?" I asked.

"Oh that was easy. They chose me first! I mean, I applied at both but NAU was first to respond!"

"You have a major yet?"

"Either astronomy or civil engineering," he said.

"Wow!" I exclaimed while shaking my head, "Those are complete opposites...!"

"Yeah well, my heart tells me to go with astronomy. You know, there's so much to be discovered in space...I'll never get to actually GO there but just learning more and maybe finding something new...!" he gushed before quickly changing the subject, "But then with engineering I'll never have problems finding a job. There are lots of them...and they all pay pretty decent too!"

"Well...," I said slowly, "I don't think there are any poor astronomers!"

We both chuckled at my comment. I shared my background with him. He told me that his parents are paying for his tuition.

"Which sucks because it costs a fucking fortune," he complained.

"Tell me about it!" I replied.

"A Hydrologist, huh?"

"Yup," I replied.

"So how bad is it? Are we...running out of water?"

"It's worse than a lot of people think. You can't drop five million people into the middle of a desert like Phoenix...complete with swimming pools and golf courses, and expect water to just be lying around everywhere. Tucson gets a lot of its water from aquifers, and those are slowly declining...but at least they're more conservation minded than in Phoenix...!"

"So then what...?" he started to ask.

"Think about moving someplace cooler and wetter," I chortled.

"Or maybe to another planet," he quipped.

"One that you discover," I laughed, "Hopefully with an `M' style atmosphere!"

He perked up at my reference...

"Star Trek?" he asked timidly.

"Fuck yes!" I chuckled.

With that we were off into the world of science fiction...

"Only the decent stuff," he chirped.

"What? No SyFy...?" I started to ask.

"YECH!" he barked, "The lamest possible plots, the worst actors ever and bargain basement CGI effects!

"'Sharknado?'" I heckled.

"How many fucking sequels did they make out of that?" he hooted.

"I don't know; the first one was bad enough! `Sharktopus!'" I retorted.

"`Dinocroc!'" he laughed.

"`Alien Apocalypse!'" I fired back.

"STOP! I mean REAL science fiction...the great stuff...from the 50s up until now...but somehow it seems like ever since I was born, the offerings are getting shittier and shittier!" he explained.

"I don't think your being born had anything to do with the onslaught of shitty science fiction movies!" I laughed.

"Anyway, I have quite a collection of the good stuff at home. And some in Flag...," he said.

"`Collection?'" I inquired.

"You know; Blu-rays and DVDs...!" he explained.

"DVDs? Are you kidding? I didn't think anyone still used those!" I laughed.

"Well, yeah...I mean, Netflix isn't going to feature Mysterious Island' or The Time Machine!' Besides, there's a store in Tucson that sells used movies really cheap and...!"

"Carrizo Records?" I asked. [Fake name based on a real store]

Aaron came alive at the mention; Carrizo had been around forever. Well, as long as I had been alive, which I guess doesn't really mean that much. Anyway, they sold all sorts of new and used music, both vinyl and digital. Movies, stereo equipment and of course "420 friendly" accessories filled out their inventory.

He quickly revealed himself to be a "collector" of both videos AND music in formats ranging from vinyl to blu-rays.

"It started when Grandpa gave me a whole box full of albums and forty-fives from when he was a kid...!"

"`Forty-fives?'" I inquired.

"You know, the little record with the big hole in the middle...!" he explained, "And he also had some really prime albums from groups like The Beatles and The Rolling Stones. They're in pristine shape...shit, I've seen them selling for a ton of money on Ebay and...!"

His excitement was genuine, and more curiously, it was turning me on big time. Everything that transpired between us happened in the dark, save for the occasional lights of a passing vehicle. I was left to discern his feelings solely by the sound of his voice.

"And since I like movies, collecting soundtracks on CDs made sense...I mean, if I can even find them...a lot of the newer stuff is easy to get but the older stuff...not so much...!"

"Then you have a turntable too?" I asked.

"Of course! Plus over 600 videos and I don't know how many albums on either CD or vinyl...!"

"What's wrong with streaming...?" I started to ask.

"PLENTY! Shitty internet connection, buffering problems, streaming costs money AND you don't own anything. Oh you THINK you have a `library' of favorites, but in the end, you're at the mercy of the streaming service!" he explained.

I was kind of outclassed there; or maybe just not as fully into media as Aaron...

"Streaming has peaked," he continued, "At least that's what a lot of guys at school say...and they're really opposed to the subscription thing...!"

"Subscription?" I asked.

"Yeah. You know...like I said, you don't actually OWN anything. You just pay for the privilege' of having access to it. Like so much software is today. And all that crap about storing your files on the cloud'...which is really just someone else's computer!" he snorted.

Our conversation turned to music. I quickly discerned that he is into rock; while alternative is my favorite.

"Rap?" I asked.

"I'll pass," he laughed.

"Anyway, Carrizo became a hangout for me. They have everything, and the used stuff is really cheap. A lot better than buying new from Amazon!" he exclaimed.

"I'm still stuck on the `forty-five' thing," I laughed.

"They aren't that bad. I mean, it's only one song...!"

"Oh...A single!"

"Yeah...there's actually two, the second side...and it usually sucks! A lot of those really old songs are...well...a lot different from today but...they do have a completely unique style!"

The lights of Tucson had quickly faded into the darkness, leaving only a partial moon for consistent lighting. I guess that was a good thing, because it kept me from ogling the cute stud sitting just a couple of feet away... As we traveled up the Interstate towards Phoenix, our initial outburst of conversation slowly tapered off. I kept the cruise control turned off, which required me to concentrate on my driving and not on Aaron...

It soon became apparent that my new acquaintance seemed to be really mellowing out...

"Is it okay if a just kind of crash for a while?" he asked.

"Sure. You wanna get in back and stretch out?"

All kinds of lascivious ideas flooded my mind at that thought...

"Nawwwww! I was...Well, just kind of partying hard the last couple of days. You know, with old friends from high school and stuff...damn, I've been up for over twenty-four hours and...!"

"No shit? I hope you at least got lucky!" I chortled.

"Fuck no...Not me!" he replied.

There was a different tone to his voice; a combination of bitterness and frustration. How the fuck could someone so damned cute not have girls climbing all over him?

"But we did have some really good smokes!" he chuckled before quickly adding, "Not that I'm a stoner or anything...It's just...!"

"Hey! It's okay with me!" I assured him.

"You know...You're okay!" he laughed.

"Not a `creeper?'" I hooted.

"Definitely not!" he chuckled.

He stretched out in the seat and nestled back against the door. Damn! I would have given anything to have some kind of night vision just so I could check him out...!

"Wake me if anything interesting happens!" he said.

There I was: driving up I-10 towards Phoenix with...the most perfect piece of eye candy a guy could ever hope for...and only one problem: he's straight!

"Fuck you, Brian!" I thought (having done that several times in the past), "I'm stuck here with a prime grade stud and can't do anything about it!"

I kept the radio turned down low and listened to the whining of the mud terrain tires as we crossed the desert towards Phoenix.

We had just passed Picacho Peak State Park when I heard a small sound. Kind of like a whimper. My ears perked up as I discreetly looked over at Aaron.

"Damn!" I said to myself.

It was too dark to see anything...but I heard it again, followed by a rustling sound...

"Please!" his soft voice pleaded, "Please. Dawn! Just once! I need it so badly!"

I could barely discern what he was saying...but a stroke of good luck hit as we passed an eighteen wheeler; in the quickly fading glare of its headlights, I could see Aaron's hands down between his legs!

"Fucking horn dog!" I thought to myself.

"Baby...come on!" he whimpered.

His body shifted in the seat.

"It's been so long...too long!" he sighed.

I don't know who "Dawn" is, but instantly I wanted to take her place! How could anyone force a guy as cute as Aaron to beg for something that I'd gladly give for him free at least a hundred times a day?

"Plleeeaaaasssseeee!" he cried again; in such a soft, hurting voice...

For several minutes this one-sided dialog continued. It was starting to take an emotional toll on me as well as my new friend.

"Why? What the fuck does he have...!" he softly cried.

This was starting to drive me crazy. I wanted to reach over and hug this adorably hot guy; to give him what someone else obviously was not...

We hit a rough patch in the road and Aaron sprang up in his seat.

"You okay?" I asked him.

"Uhhh...Sure...I mean...What happened?"

"Just some shitty spot in the pavement. You sounded like you were having some kind of dream...!"

"Did I? I mean; Oh fuck...I'm sorry...!" he stammered.

"It's okay. I was kind of worried. You didn't sound very happy...! Something about `Dawn!'" I explained.

"Fucking bitch!" he snarled.

The tone of his voice took me by surprise; it was a complete change from earlier.

"Your girlfriend?" I asked.

"EX-girlfriend" he hissed.

"Oh. Sorry. I mean, if you want, I'll just shut the fuck up...!"

"No, it's okay. It's not you. It's her. Or maybe it's me!" he said softly.

"Oh...Well...I mean, I can...if you want to talk to someone about it," I offered.

He hesitated for a minute before opening up. Non-stop. Like the floodgates on a dam; it all came tumbling out!

"We met last year and things kind of progressed very fast. I mean, I wasn't looking for anything permanent...but we seemed to get along really great. Then...it seems like part of a pattern with me. Like, when I was younger, I kind of understood it. Why girls seem put off by me...!"

"Who is he kidding?" I thought, "`Put off?' How? Aaron is the living vision of physical perfection, and from our conversation it's easy to see that he's very smart. What the fuck else could someone want?"

"But it just keeps happening over and over. SHE was the latest. I mean, I spent a ton of money on dates. Got all dressed up in slacks and even a tie; took her to really nice restaurants and movies and stuff and yet...I mean, how can I explain this to you?" he cried.

He was actually crying!

"You can tell me anything you like...I'm not here to pass judgment. Only to listen...!" I assured him.

"Really? I don't need to...deserve to unload all my shit on you...!"

"Try me, Aaron. I can be a very good listener!"

He relaxed and stretched out in the seat. I could hear his heavy breathing...

"It's been this way ever since middle school. I mean, girls seemed to like me but it never went as far, or it...well, even in high school things didn't change. I got a lot of dates and all the guys thought I was getting lucky all the time..." he explained.

"But..," I hesitated, "You weren't?"

"No. Never. Not even once. I had to be the only virgin in my school...!" he whined.

"Well, I doubt THAT!" I chuckled, "Some guys just aren't ready...!"

"But I WAS ready. All the time! Every time! And...it never happened! At the most just a fucking hand job!"

"Oh... Wow...that must be really disappointing!" I said.

"Yeah. You gotta know how it is. I mean, you think you're gonna get laid. You spend a fortune on making the evening go just right...and then end up going home with `blue balls'...so fucking horny and trying to figure it out...what I did wrong!" he said.

"Well...I never had that problem... `Blue balls,' I mean...!" I replied.


"No. But it's a little different with me!" I said.

This was a story I had heard many times before. About all the games some straight guys have to play just to get laid. It was something I never had to deal with; or WOULD deal with. If a guy wasn't interested in me, then fuck off! There were always others waiting "in the wings."

Brian philosophized that girls viewed sex completely differently than guys. For us, it's just fun. A part of getting to know someone. But for girls, it was like some kind of holy ritualistic act...

"We broke up right before Spring break," Aaron continued, "That's another reason I wanted to get out of Flag for a while. To get away from her and the bullshit...!"

"`Bullshit?'" I asked.

"Yeah. How she dumped me for some pencil-cocked guy...I think his name is Ben...he's majoring in Business Administration...anyway, I caught him boning her and...!"

"Oh damn! That must have hurt!"

"Fuck yes! She told me she had to study but I was...well, kind of... Oh fuck...HORNY!!! Like I always am; I thought maybe...She'd at least give me another hand job...and I...well, went to her apartment and...I heard them going at it and...!"

Aaron was shivering as he recalled what had happened.

"That's really cold," I replied.

"Yeah, but...I mean, it's the same thing...over and over...I'm never gonna get laid! I'm in fucking college now and still...!"

"I wouldn't let it worry you that much. You have a lot going for you. It's probably just that the right girl hasn't come along yet!"

"No...No...It's me! I know it is! Even this week...I mean, I thought maybe but...No...didn't happen with any of the Tucson girls I know...!!"

I wanted so badly to reach out and hug him. To run my hands thorough his blonde "surfer boy" hair...

"All the time, knotted up inside like I'm gonna explode!" he sobbed.

He shifted in his seat and leaned against the door. It was then that I decided...

"Why not?" I thought, "What's he gonna do? The worst thing would be to ask me to drop him off somewhere. Out here? Half way between Tucson and Phoenix?"

"Aaron...look...you know... Uh...sometimes when a guy needs some help, another guy can take care of his...what he needs...!" I said in a whisper.

He remained motionless and said nothing.

"You just fucked up," I said to myself.

"What? You mean like?" he stammered.

"Whatever you want," I said softly.

He turned and looked at me. No, I'm sure he was staring at me. Intently. His eyes were probably burning into mine but in the dark I couldn't tell...

"You're gay? I mean, are you gay?" he stuttered.

I nodded affirmatively.

"But you CAN'T be gay! You don't look gay. Or act gay. Or sound gay. You're just a normal guy like me!" he sputtered.

"What does a gay guy look like?" I chortled.

"I know some from school. Even in high school. I could always tell...!"

"We're not all the same, Aaron," I said.

"But you seem so normal and...!"

Then he stopped.

"Look! I'm sorry I said that! I don't mean you aren't `normal.' It's just that...Oh fuck! The more I talk, the stupider I must sound!"

"It's okay. I promise! And I bet you've known lots of guys just like me who are also gay!" I explained.

"Really? You think so?"

"Fuck yes! They're probably all lusting after you because you're so fucking hot!" I laughed.

"Wait! You think I'm...`hot?'"

"Are you...? No...wait! You have to be kidding! What do you see when you look in a mirror!" I laughed.

"Nothing. I mean. Just me!"

"Well trust me. A lot of `us' see you as one sexy hot stud...!"

"Then why haven't any of them ever asked me...!" he started to say.

"Because you're straight. I mean, most of the time, gay guys don't go around hitting on straight guys. I mean, yeah it can happen...And look, you're only nineteen. I bet it will happen to you some day...!"

Other than the radio playing softly in the background, a sudden silence filled the vehicle. I noticed that Aaron hadn't answered my proposition...nor had he asked me to drop him off at the next exit. That quickly changed...

"Pull off there," he said quietly as an exit sign passed our view.

It was a nondescript road with no service stations or other amenities; the only reason for its existence was probably to serve the few hardy people who lived out in the middle of nowhere.

I suddenly had a minor panic attack; maybe he was going to kick my ass and leave me out here all alone! Nevertheless, I did as he requested.

The exit was completely dark save for a few weak overhead lights up on the freeway.

"Over there," he said softly while pointing to a grove of mesquite trees.

I complied and then shut off the engine. He turned and looked at me.

"Were you serious?" he whispered.


"You know...!" he replied.

"Try me," I laughed, "Anything you want me to do...!"

"Will it hurt?" he asked in a timid voice.

"Hurt? Hell no!" I laughed, then I thought, "He's probably wondering if I want to fuck him!"

My mind's answer to that was a resounding "Yes," but it wasn't the right time, place or mood. I wanted to make Aaron feel good. Better than he'd ever felt in his young life...

"What...How do we...?" he stammered.

"Let's get in the back," I whispered.

We quickly ended up facing each other in the dark...

"Here," I said, breaking open a few glow sticks. Because they were much more subtle than the vehicle lighting, the chances of them shining through the tinted windows to the outside world were practically nil. We had light and privacy...

"What now?" he asked.

"I'll lead. You just relax. If you want me to stop, just say so," I explained.

"Are you sure you want to do this with me?" he asked.

My head spun with that question!

"Of course! I've done this stuff all my life. I'm no girl who's gonna lead you on and then cut and run," I giggled.

"You might be surprised," he said with a wry smile.

That comment made no sense to me at all! I scooted over next to him. Instantly the scent of a minty body wash invaded my nostrils. My cock boned up in about a second.

"You smell good," I whispered to him.

My grammar was wrong but his scent was more than intoxicating!

He seemed to freeze up for a moment before relaxing.

"Thanks, he said softly.

Our legs were stretched across the width of the 4Runner. Slowly I brushed mine against his. He froze up again.

"Are you okay?" I asked.

There was a long pause before he replied.

"I never had a guy touch me...like this before," he whispered.

"Here!" I suggest, "Let's change how we're sitting!"

We turned around and leaned against the front seats. Now we were beside each other. I scooted next to Aaron until our bodies were in complete contact. He was shivering all over...

"How many guys have you...?" he started to ask.

"Enough!" I laughed.

"Ten?" he said as if wanting a definite answer.

"You mean all the way back to middle school?" I laughed.

"You were doing it THEN?" he gasped.

"Hell yes!" I hooted.

"I never had a date until my junior year in high school!" he confessed.

"Nothing wrong with that! A lot of guys like to take it slow...at least at first," I assured him.

"So then what's it like?" he asked.


"I mean... Do you want to...you know...do it with every guy...?" he asked.

"No. Of course not! Most guys don't even register on my radar." I explained, "In fact, probably less than one percent really interest me at all!"

"Am...Am I one of...the ones who...?" He stammered.



"Because you're smart. Funny. You have a killer body. And you're cute as fuck!" I giggled.

There was another long pause as I presumed he was digesting what I had said.

"I've been around enough straight guys to know that most of them check out every girl they see. They make an instant decision... Yeah I'd do her' or No I wouldn't!'" I explained.

"And gays aren't like that?" he asked.

"Well...Yeah...Some are. But I'm not. A guy has to appeal to me in some way or it's not going to happen," I said.

"Oh. What about your parents? Do they know...?"


"And they're okay with it?" he exclaimed.

"Yes. In fact Mom told me I needed to find a boyfriend," I laughed.

"WOW! I don't know how my parents would react," he paused, "Yeah. I DO know how they would react; I think they're expecting me to get married and have a big family."

"Yeah. I've heard that before. But you can't live your life for what your parents want," I explained.

"`A big family!' That's a fucking joke...!" he snorted.

"Why do you say that?"

"Because I've never gotten laid in my whole life. Not even once!"

My head was spinning when he made that confession!


"Yeah. I tried. But...girls just...!" he stopped and stared at the roof of the 4Runner.

"You still have a lot of time!" I laughed.

"I don't think it will ever change. Not after Dawn. I see the pattern and I know why...!"

"Don't judge every person by one bad experience!" I said.

Another pause...

"You know something? You're easy to talk to!" he said quietly.


"And you don't judge me or...!"

"Why would I do that?"

"My friends...they all think I'm the big stud and I'm getting all the pussy I want...!" he confessed.

"So? Let them think that...What difference does it make? Anyway, your `friends' are probably people you knew in high school and now, college. You'll find new friends as life goes on. A true friend will see the value in you for who you are; not by how many girls you've boned."

"That's good to know, because right now the score on that is zero!" he laughed.

"Well. At least I made you laugh" I chuckled.

"Yeah. Thanks! But you never answered my question!"

"Huh?" I grunted.

"About how many guys...!"

"Oh. THAT question... Let's see...!" I was actually trying to count them in my mind, "I kind of slowed down while I was in college...but I'd say maybe forty or fifty...from high school until now."

"WOW! That's a lot!" he exclaimed.

"Well...," I tried to explain, "Gays are kind of different when it comes to sex. We're more open and easy going about it. I don't need someone to take me out to diner or spend a fortune on me just to get laid...!"

"Yeah!" he barked, "I know all about that `wining and dining' bullshit!" he said before pausing, "Is it true?"

"About what?"

"That `you guys' can tell if another guy is...is...like you?" he asked.

"OH! You mean something called `gaydar!'" I laughed.


"I don't know where that term came from; it's supposed to be like radar only...!" I laughed again.

"Is it real?" he asked.

"I don't think so...Well, I mean, I can usually pick up on a guy by certain clues...!"


"Body language, posture, the way they dress, they way they are groomed, how they look at me, or listen to what I say. Lots of little subtle clues," I explained.

"Oh! So it's not like you just walk into a room and all the gay guys...!"

"What? Light up in a certain color or something?"

We both laughed.

"What...What have you managed to figure out about me?"

I thought for a moment before answering.

"A friend of mine and I have discussions about things like this all the time. We both use a phrase we found on the internet. `Too cute to be straight!'" I said.

"You...you mean that's what you think about me?"

I nodded affirmatively.

"Then how come no guys ever...!"

"Oh I bet a lot of guys have checked you out...!" I chortled.

"I know they did in gym class...!" he said.

"Well, that doesn't count. There's always a lot of discreet looking going on there. But I bet throughout the day, especially at school, a lot of guys were...well, if they weren't, then they were stupid!"

We both laughed.

"I'm just kind of worried...!"


"You...I mean me...You've been with so many guys and you must know a lot. I don't know anything at all about what to do...!"

"Don't worry! I'll make sure everything works out just right!" I laughed.

There was a long pause. A palpable energy seemed to building between us...

"Okay...!" he said softly.

It was easy to tell that Aaron was scared; actually I was as well. I had never seduced a straight boy before...well, to the best of my knowledge. I wasn't sure what to do next. My favorite starting point is with foreplay. There's nothing like warming a guy up before heading to the "target!" However, in the back of my mind, I could see Aaron freaking out if I started with kissing, cuddling, licking, snuggling...all the things I love best.

"You promised him a blowjob!" I told myself, "So start there and see what happens!"

I spun around and straddled him, looking down at his tight athletic frame. The quickness of my move must have startled him...

"Relax!" I cooed softly, "You're gonna love this!"

My hands...yes MINE!!!...trembled as I reached for the buttons on his jeans. It was almost like my first time...and that was many years ago. The buttons popped open with ease. I tugged on the fabric, trying to pull it down...then he arched his tight, young butt upwards. Immediately his cock popped into view! The feeble light from the glow sticks made my heart beat faster...

Aaron wasn't hard at all...I figured that was due to his shyness...but...but...his cock...DAMN!...it was more than impressive! There was no thick forest of pubes. He was neatly trimmed like me and scented of musk and that same minty aroma...a kind of half-man, half boy intoxicant...my mind swirled...lost in a sexual haze...

"Nice cock, Aaron!" I exclaimed.

"I guess...I mean...Thanks!"

He had to have at least 7" cut, with a nice large mushroom head. My mind reeled at its size; how big would it get? What really set his cock off from others I have seen is its thickness. Large folds of skin surrounded a very massive shaft. Now I knew why he had been showing such a hefty bulge in his Levis! Then there were his balls: massive oval-shaped lumps in a soft, velvety pouch, which rested between his legs... I wanted to give them a tongue bath, but figured he might not be ready for that experience.

Leaning forward, I gently licked that plump mushroom head. A loud moan filled the 4Runner...

"YESSSS!" he cried.

Opening wide, I let his cock slip inside my mouth. My tongue immediately sprang into action...Instantly things started to change. Aaron's cock began to grow: both in thickness and length. It became more challenging to keep his cock lodged in my throat!

My mind was trying to process what was happening. No wait, I KNEW what was happening: Aaron's cock is enormous! My first impression had been that he might be a "shower." Nope. Aaron is a "grower!...and it KEPT growing! Inch by inch...I had to back off as a huge fleshy tube filled my throat. It was unlike ANY cock I had ever seen in my life! I mean, there are pics of some really big ones on the internet, but I always figured them to be fake...

Aaron's cock was no fake. It was expanding to a size I never imagined possible! Right then, I knew the nature of his "problem" when it came to getting laid...at least with girls. Slowly I let his fuck stick slip from between my lips. It stood straight up in the air; given it's size, that was a feat I wouldn't have thought possible.

"Holy fuck, Aaron! Where did you get a slab of meat like that?" I exclaimed.

"It just kind of grew...and grew!" he said shyly, "I wish it weren't so big...now you see why I can't get laid!"

"WHAT? I'd love to have s slab of beef like that!" I hooted.

All of a sudden my 8½" tool felt "tiny!"

"Really? Most girls don't...!" he whispered.

"Fuck them!" I barked.

"I tried," he laughed, "But they wouldn't let me!"

We both laughed together. I kept staring at his cock as it swayed back and forth like an angry cobra. It had to be at least 1 ¾" thick; maybe more. I recalled back in college when I had been looking for...creative ways, if you will, to get off...the internet was full of suggestions. Most were crazy. That didn't stop me from trying them out. Like using a paper towel core as a jack-off sleeve, or "masturbation aid" as they are called on the web.

I had to squeeze my cock just to fit inside one of those cores. Getting the head of my bone into the tube was, to say the least....well, VERY uncomfortable. All in all, it didn't prove to be a very satisfying experience. Instead, I bought a Fleshjack. Aaron's tool far surpassed the thickness of that cardboard tube, and as for length, it was definitely much longer! I wondered just HOW long...and what would this blonde surfer stud look like sans all clothing?

Before he could speak, I went back down on his throbbing bone...trying to swallow as much as I could. It's girth increased at the base, giving it the overall shape that of a long, thick wedge! I must have been doing everything right, because Aaron cut loose with a long series of low, growling moans.

"YEAHHHHH! No one's ever done this before!" he cried.

That vote of confidence only made me more determined. I have no gag reflex and no wisdom teeth to get in the way. I also have a great pair of "dick sucking lips" and a very active tongue. All those tools were put to work giving Aaron his first complete blowjob...

"OH FUCK!!! FUCK!!! FUCK!!!!" he cried as I serviced his pulsating tool, "I NEVER THOUGHT ANYONE...COULD...!!!!!"

His body began writhing and thrashing as I pushed him towards a massive orgasm. The scent of raw sex filled the vehicle as his screams of ecstasy continued. It was no more than three or four minutes before Aaron's cries told me he was almost there. I could see the tremendous strength in his body as he bucked and twisted from the efforts of my talented tongue. Up until now, his vocalizations had mostly been groans, grunts and cries; then they changed.

"NATHAN! I'M GONNA!" he screamed, "NA...NA...NA...NATHAN!!! WHAT DO I...!"

I felt him trying to pull out of my mouth; no way could I let that happen! Grabbing one of his hands I placed it firmly against the back of my head. He quickly got the message...


His cock began to vibrate and then it hit...


A flood of creamy hot nectar flooded my mouth. Fortunately, swallowing was automatic because another burst followed in quick succession. Then more. And more...

"YEAH!!! YEAH!!! YEAH!!! YOU'RE EATING MY CUM!!!!" he cried.

Yeah, I was. A banquet-sized load of hot jizz slid down my throat. It didn't surprise me; with a pair of balls like his and a cock to match, I had expected a decent sized load. I was not disappointed... My eyes watered as I kept ingesting his gift. Aaron was a textbook definition of the word "stud" in every detail.

It had to be one of the longest cum shots I had ever seen produced by any of the "many" guys in my past. Aaron leaned forward and rested on my body; his cock still embedded in my throat. Well, part of it; I don't think any person could actually swallow the entirety of its length. I could hear him panting; the aroma of his scent, mixed with that of raw sex, permeated the 4Runner.

It seemed so perfect. His breathing. His scent. His rapid fire heart beat. For a brief second I forgot: "He's a straight boy." "Playing with fire," as Brian often said. "Suck them, fuck them and then forget them; just don't fall in love with them! Ever!" he often warned. "You'll only set yourself up for heartache or worse.

Worse. Like "straight rage;" when a guy comes down from his sexual high and realizes what has happened...I didn't think Aaron would act like that.

His cock slowly slipped from my lips. We untangled and sat up facing each other. The moment of truth was here. What would happen next?"

"Bro! That was fucking epic!" he exclaimed.

"Thanks...!" I started to say.

"I never had anyone do anything like that to me...you knew exactly what you were doing...I wondered if you wanted me to cum in your...Uhhhh...Or were you just gonna finish me off with a hand job...!"

"A `hand job?'" I laughed, "No fucking way! A guy gives me the best thing he has...there's no way I'm not gonna swallow all of it...or more!"

By `or more' I meant the obvious (well, at least to me); like taking it in my ass. Somehow I didn't think Aaron was anywhere near ready for that... at least not yet!

"Remember, I've been doing this for a long time!" I chuckled.

I was still in shock that no girl had done to Aaron what I just did. Maybe he hadn't yet met the "right one." Or maybe it's because gays see a big cock differently than girls. To us; well, at least to me, it's a challenge...not something to run away from!

Watching Aaron trying to stuff a still-swollen cock back into his jeans was amusing. And erotic. My cock was aching so much it hurt! There was a huge, telltale wet spot on my jeans from leaking gallons of precum...at least the darkness of the night kept that hidden.

Soon we were back on the freeway heading towards Phoenix. Aaron had calmed down quite a bit. He wasn't asleep; only very reserved.

"Maybe he's trying to sort out what just happened," I thought.

I had my own problems, and they were similar. I had just seduced a straight boy. Which is different than having sex with one. I had blown enough guys with wedding bands on their fingers to know the score. Aaron was in a completely different league. On top of that, he was, or had been to this point, pretty much a virgin...

"Don't play with fire" kept echoing in my mind.

My thoughts were interrupted by Aaron. His deep, melodic hypnotizing voice...

"Huh?" I grunted.

"Don't go to sleep on me," he laughed.

"No... I was just daydreaming. Or maybe it's `night dreaming!'" I laughed.

I turned to look at him; he was staring directly at me. Even in the dark, I could sense an urgency in his gaze.

"What?" I asked.

"The next exit," he said softly, "Please...?"

There was a subtle pleading to his request...

In a few minutes we left the interstate and found another secluded spot away from any random traffic. Aaron easily gave me another huge load of his nineteen year old nectar. My head was swimming with conflicting thoughts...

"He's a straight boy?" I kept asking myself, "Then why...?"

It quickly became even more confusing. By the time the lights of Phoenix burst forth, we had stopped five times for...well, my gut was full of Aaron's juice and my mind was about to blow a fuse! He wasn't the least bit shy about going for what he wanted; and he was a quick learner! His vocalizations had quickly developed through our multiple stops.

"SUCK MY BIG FAT COCK!" and "EAT MY FUCKING LOAD!" filled the 4Runner (along with variations of the same commands).

With a little help from me, Aaron quickly discovered how to grasp my head and fuck my face. Yet he was so careful: never once did he force the entirety of his long thick bone down my windpipe. That might have had...undesirable consequences.

"He likes it!" I kept telling myself.

There was no "straight rage." Quite the opposite; Aaron was full of contradictions: forceful and dominant, yet passionate and caring.

The sixth time was the pinnacle: We had entered the Phoenix metropolitan area and traveled up the 101 freeway until a point where it turns to the West. Curiously, there remain several patches of undeveloped land along the route. Surrounded by a teeming city, they were like tiny oases, free from any human habitation. We quickly found ourselves parked under a grove of mesquite trees. In seconds both of us were in the back of the 4Runner. Aaron took the lead. I wanted to see where he would go with his new found sexual liberation. The answer was like a dream...

"SUCK MY BIG LONG BONE!" he commanded.

Lying on my back with Aaron resting on my chest, I had no alternative! Not that I would have wanted any. He expertly fed me his fat fuck stick; it throbbed and pulsated while entering my throat. Throwing his head back, he let out a primal howl.


I could taste a river of slimy precum coating my throat!

"Gonna feed you my spunk!" he moaned, "ALL of it!"

I wondered just how much of that precious product he had? So far, Aaron seemed unstoppable. I was not going to complain; I was loving every minute (and drop) of it. Sooner than I expected, the familiar sensations reappeared: his cock thickened and began to pulsate. His sounds became more urgent. And then it hit. Another rapid fire volley of his creamy dick juice flooded my gut. I was pinned down in place; held in place by a "surfer boy" stud... and I wasn't complaining. At all!

It seemed like a parallel Aaron had emerged. Or maybe it was a parallel existence for the trip. After his first blowjob outside of Tucson, I noticed that once back on the road, he spoke very little. Certainly not about what we had just done...and redone...and done again. His conversation, to the extent that there was any, remained minimal. I quickly discerned that when he began fidgeting in his seat, it was time for another...round.

During each successive "release," his mannerisms became more and more urgent...expressive...and dominant. That was fine with me! I think both of us must have had about a million conflicting thoughts fighting for control of our brains.

After the last stop along the freeway, where I eagerly swallowed his torrent of sticky nectar, I decided it was time to move up to the next level... How he reacted would tell me a lot about what was going on in his mind!

As we headed West on the 101 towards Interstate 17, which would take us all the way to Flagstaff, Aaron became much more conversational. Much of it centered around the difference between Phoenix and Tucson. However, not once did he make any mention of what had happened since the start of our trip together.

I let him lead the way in our discussions. The more I listened to him, the more mesmerized I became. I had to keep reminding myself that we were on a one-time trip together, and more importantly, that he was straight, or at best, "bi." Yet, if Aaron were indeed bisexual, that would not correlate with what he had told me about himself so far.

That brought to mind past discussions with Brian over, what seemed at the time, silly topics like "If a guy sucks your cock, are you gay," and "If you can suck your own cock, does that mean you are gay?" So far, Aaron had not made one attempt or expressed any interest in downing my 8½." As for the latter...well, I am sure he quite easily could...but had he...ever?

After reaching the I-17 junction, we headed North and stopped for gas on the outskirts of Phoenix (those "skirts" seemed to have grown a lot since I was last here). That brought up another thing we both agreed upon: Phoenix is too big and too congested.

At the gas station, I left him to fill up the 4Runner while I headed to the bathroom. There I took plenty of time to make sure I was sparkly clean and presentable to Aaron. I wanted to be sure his first time with me would be all positive!

Walking back to the 4Runner, I was greeted with a sight that almost made my cock explode. Up until now I had kept it under control, but that ability was starting to fade. What I saw only weakened my resolve.

I watched as Aaron finished filling up the 4Runner; he literally seemed to dance around the vehicle while cleaning all the windows. His body was like poetry in motion. As he reached to the center of the windshield, his long legs and arms stretched out to their full length. Muscles rippled through his entire body. Then came the part that made my cock drool: as he leaned forward, I was presented with a taste tempting view of a very tight, firm, perfectly shaped ass!

"I wanna get naked with him," I thought. Yeah. That sounds really corny; but also like a lot of fun...

Aaron turned and caught me staring. I tried to look away, but we both knew I had been "busted." He flashed me a toothy smile.

"Want me to drive for a while?" he asked.

I agreed. Aaron was mesmerized by my 4Runner. Since we met, it had been a frequent subject of his conversation. We piled in and headed North on I-17. Less than two hours to go.

"No, it's going to take a little bit longer than that!" I thought as I smiled to myself.

We were about thirty miles out of Phoenix when an exit sign for Table Mesa Road flew by.

"Can we stop here?" Aaron asked in a very soft voice.

I glanced over at him; even in the dark I could tell he was giving me a "puppy dog eyes" look.

"Sure!" I chirped.

Like before, we quickly found a secluded spot, which wasn't difficult since there is nothing but desert in all directions. Following the established "drill," we were soon sitting, facing each other, in the back. I could sense that he was hesitant to make the first move. Not surprising since I had pretty much led the way on all of our little sexual "exploits."

Getting up on my knees, I said, "We're going to do something different this time!"

"Oh?" he said in an uncertain tone.

"Yeah. Let's fuck!" I said with a big smile.

I think my directness took him by surprise; he sat there motionless and completely quiet.

"Won't...Doesn't that...hurt?" he asked timidly, "I'm not sure if...!"

"No, silly. I want you to fuck me!" I giggled.

"Oh!" he exclaimed, "But won't that hurt you?"

"I don't think so. I'm willing to give it a try. I've been fucked before," I assured him, "And, well, I know I can take at least ten inches...!"

"Ten inches!" he snorted, "I was bigger than that by the time I was in the ninth grade...!"

"You sure...uh...were an `early bloomer!'" I laughed,

"You're not kidding! It just started growing and growing. I never thought it would stop...I mean, I was kind of proud because from what I read online, I knew that I was in a class all by myself!"

"No shit!" I hooted.

"But then when it came time to...you know...girls...well, they all wanted to look at it and touch it but that's as far as it went! At least until tonight! Wait! Not that I mean you are a girl!" he stammered before finishing, "But you...I mean...I don't want to do anything to tear you up or...well, you know...!"

He looked so adorably cute while falling all over himself!

"We'll just go really slow. If I don't think it's gonna work...!"

"You mean if it's gonna FIT!" he giggled.

"Uh...yeah...!" I smiled, "That's for sure!"

"Okay...I might give it a try but I...uh...I'm not sure...how to...I mean...You know, I've never...!"

"Don't worry! Just let me lead the way. I bet you'll figure it out really quickly!" I assured him.

"So what do we do next?" he asked.

"Well, first we have to get naked!" I laughed.

This would be a first. So far Aaron's clothes had not come off at all; anymore than necessary to gain access to the tent-pole he carried around between his legs.

"Okay," he replied while getting up on his knees.

He started to pull off his shirt.

I grabbed his arm and said, "Let me...Please!"

He stopped and just smiled.


I gingerly pulled his shirt up and over his head.

"WOW!" I gasped.

Even by the feeble light of the glow-sticks, Aaron's sculpted body was clearly noticeable.

I stared at his abs.

"A...!" I said while gawking, "You have an eight-pac? Fucking wicked!"

From his reaction, I would be wiling to bet that Aaron was blushing.

"How long did that take? I mean...FUCK! I've seen six-pacs before but...!"

Aaron's pecs were firm and prominent; not the body builder type but rather more like those of a swimmer. I couldn't see any chest hair, so either he manscaped or just didn't have any. It didn't stop there; his entire torso was ripped with muscles that I didn't even know existed. It was also the first time I got to completely see his biceps; they matched the rest of his body in fully developed perfection.

"...Since I was twelve," he said softly.

"You started working out when you were that young?" I exclaimed.

"Yes. I went for lean rather than bulk; you know, the body builder style? I didn't want that. More like a swimmer has. Which isn't surprising since I was on my high school swim team," he said.

"I bet the girls loved it," I replied.

"You know," he said, looking upwards to the roof of the 4Runner, "not too many seemed to particularly notice or even care!"

"I bet a lot of guys did, though!" I chortled.

"I...Yeah...A lot of guys did say...that I was `looking good!'"

"In more ways than one," I hooted.

"Do you...think...that some of them were actually checking me out?"

"Are you fucking kidding? If I had seen you then, my tongue would have been dragging on the ground!"

We both broke out laughing...

My eyes were riveted on this young blonde haired Adonis that fate had brought into my life; even if for only a few hours...

"I...I...think you're fucking beautiful!" I stammered.

Aaron didn't move at all. He just remained upright while staring at me.

"I...I...never had anyone say that about me," he said softly, "To me, I'm just me!"

"Well you are! An image of perfection! I...I've been with enough guys to know it when I see it...I mean, I've seen some pretty hot studs but...you blow all of them clear out of the water!"

I wondered if my praise was going over the top...

"Na...Na...Nathan...This...It's all so new to me and...!"

I held my finger up to his thick, luscious lips.

"SHHHH!" I giggled, "Just enjoy the praise!"

"I...Oh...I am...but it's so different!"

Our eyes met; I felt myself being drawn towards him.

"I hope I don't fuck this up," I thought.

So far all our sexual contact had been limited to my chowing down on his meaty bone. There had been no other physical contact, or "foreplay," at all. I didn't want to scare Aaron away...Now I couldn't resist myself; I was like putty in his hands.

Leaning forward, I kissed him lightly on the lips. We both moaned. His were so soft and warm... I wanted to go further there but decided hold off for now. Instead, I slid down to his chest. Two stiff little pegs stood out in the cool night air. I gently nipped at one and waited to see his reaction. Immediately his hand pressed on the back of my head, forcing me into him. I took the hint and began to chew some more...

"OHHHH FUCKKKKK!" he moaned, "DAMN!!!!!! I Never knew...!"

All I could say in reply was a muffled groan as I nibbled on one, then the other, before heading "South" towards his biggest prize!

"We gotta get those jeans off," I said.

Before he could reply, I tugged at the buttons and they popped open in rapid fire succession. While that was happening, Aaron kicked off his shoes. He then wiggled out of his Levis and tossed them to one side.

There he was: fully naked before me! Below his abs, two long muscles curved in a "V" fashion towards his pelvis.

"Holy fuck!" I moaned, "You ARE beautiful!"

"I just hope I'm good enough for you!" he said softly.

"You passed that test when we first met in Tucson," I chortled.

Again, we stared at each other. Sadly, I was completely falling for this kid; a straight boy, who when, once back in Flagstaff with his peers, would quickly forget about one night in my 4Runner...

"Now it's your turn," he said softly.


"Well...How can you fuck with your clothes on?" he chuckled.

"Oh...yeah!" I laughed as I started to pull off my shirt.

A strong hand reached out and stopped me.

"My turn," he whispered.

"Aaron...I mean...Look...I don't have a body anything like yours!"

"It's okay! I've seen enough to know that I'm...serious about seeing more!"

I shivered at his reply...

Slowly Aaron pulled my shirt up and over my head. I saw his eyes raking up and down my torso.

"Your stomach is nice and flat," he said.

"No muscles like yours," I replied.

"I don't care. It...You...You...look very nice!" he said.

I could have done handsprings! He thinks I look good?

Aaron ran his hand across my chest...

"So...smooth...and warm and soft!" he moaned.

Moaned! Yeah! Aaron was moaning while touching me!! My cock was about to explode!!

"Take off your jeans," he whispered to me.

I unbuttoned my skinny jeans and peeled them down my long thin legs. Aaron watched me like a hawk! My cock sprang out and up, striking my stomach with an audible slap.

"Nice bone, Nathan!" Aaron said with a whistle.

"Who is he kidding?" I thought.

"I know what you're thinking since mine is so much bigger...but yours is decent sized; I bet no one ever turned you down because it was either too big or too little!"

A long strand of precum dripped down from the tip of my cock.

"Someone looks to be pretty primed and ready," he chuckled.

I reached for some lube in my pack.

"Ready to take me for a ride?" I laughed.

"I still don't know...I don't want to hurt...!" he started to say before stopping in mid-sentence as I tongued his tumescent prick.

"OHHHHHH FUCKKKKK!" he sighed.

"That's the plan," I giggled.

"How...?" he started to ask,

I poured some lube into the palm of my hand and then began to slick up the entire length of his massive spear.

Aaron threw his head back and moaned...

"Don't cum yet!" I hooted, "Save it for my ass! And don't worry! I'm squeaky clean and ready for you!"

He watched as I slipped my middle finger inside my butt.

"Getting it all lubed and ready...!" I giggled.

We were set: Aaron's cock was jutting out from his nimble frame. I took a thick blanket and laid it on the floor of the vehicle, followed by sticking another rolled-up towel under my pelvis. Lying face down gave my ass a slightly upwards arch. From past experience, I knew my tight little hole was in just the right position.

Aaron quickly figured out the plan.

"You want me to stick my cock in...?" he started to ask.

"Very slowly!" I cautioned him.

"But...will it fit? It looks so...!"

"It will stretch; believe me! Just be careful because the head of your cock is fucking huge!" I instructed.

He laid on top of me. I was in heaven with the feeling of our bodies pressed together...his pinning me to the floor...helpless and ready to get my ass taken by the biggest cock I had ever seen in my life! There were easier ways to do this, but I wanted full body contract with my blonde "surfer boy..."

He whispered in my ear, "Are you ready?"

"Fuck me, Aaron, PLEASE!" I cried.

His body slipped around a bit before I felt the head of his cock center on my hole.


"Please...!" I whimpered.

He pushed gently.

"OHHHHHH FUCKKKK!" I mewled as he entered me.

My sphincter was being stretched further than it had ever been in my young life. An overpowering fullness told me his fat prick was slowly invading my butt. My hands clenched the carpeting as his cock pushed further inside of me.

"Damn!! You're tight!!" he moaned.

Deeper he went. I wouldn't be happy until I felt his pelvis grinding into my ass cheeks...

"You okay?" he kept asking.

"I...IT...OH FUCK, AARON!!! YES!!!" I cried.

It seemed to be going a lot better than I expected. Maybe it was due to Aaron being so careful. It had been a few weeks since my last fuck; and of course, it was nothing like the size of what was slowly inching its way into my guts.

Then things changed...

"I can't get it in any further," he said softly.

"How much is left?" I asked.

"Maybe three inches or so!"

"It has to fit! All the way! I've seen some big cocks on the web and THEY all fit!" I laughed, "Maybe...Just give it a little shove... Can you do that?"

Aaron said nothing; I wondered if he was going to change his mind until a sharp searing pain wracked my body.


"HOLY FUCK!!! I'M ALL THE WAY IN!!!!" Aaron screamed...

I felt his body pressing against mine. His cock was indeed completely buried in my ass. I had no idea where or how it all fit, but deep inside I could feel it. Live. Throbbing. Pulsating. Like a wild animal!

"Are you okay?" he whispered in my ear.

"I think so. It just hurts like hell...!"

"Do you want me to take it out...?" he started to ask.

"NO! Just let me get used to it!"

"I can't believe you took all of it!" he exclaimed, "No bitch ever did that...Shit, they wouldn't even try!"

As Aaron gushed about my prowess in "taking" his huge cock, I remained motionless while trying to figure out if I had been hurt. The intense pain from his final penetration was starting to subside. It felt a great deal like the first time I had been fucked by a fellow middle school classmate, but his cock had been nowhere near the size of the monster now embedded in my ass.

"WOOOOOOOOO HOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!" Aaron shrieked, "Your ass feels so damn fine!"

He paused before adding, "Nathan...Are you okay?"

"Y-Yes!" I stammered.

"Your ass is gripping my cock so...SHIT!!!! IT'S PERFECT!!!!! But I don't wanna hurt you...I mean, I wanna do more but if it's gonna...!"

"Just give me a couple of more minutes," I replied, "I have to get used to...your size!"

"YEAH! You took it so easily...!" he hooted.

If he only knew how much pain I was feeling...

"It never felt like this before," I said.

"I thought you had been fucked before...?"

"Ten inches? Remember?"

"Oh yeah! I guess my extra size makes a difference!" he laughed.

"A big FUCKING difference," I hooted, "If you can just keep boned like you are now, I think it'll be okay in a couple of minutes..."

"I could stay like this all fucking night!" he chortled.

Slowly I began to feel better. My boner returned. When Aaron first entered me, I had been hard as a rock. After making that final thrust with its subsequent shock, my cock had withered away to nothing. Now it was expanding out to its full size, pinned between me and the floor.

"Guess I should have tried a different position," I thought to myself.

Feeling Aaron's rock hard body holding me in place turned me on in a way I had never felt before. His warmth, his scent, and the fullness of his cock stuffed in my hole was driving me crazy!

"Start now," I said, "Just go slowly at first!"

"What do I do?"

"Huh? You know how to fuck, don't you?" I giggled, "Just slide it almost all the way out and then go back in. But be careful!"

"Oh! Okay!" he replied.

I wasn't prepared for the feelings that washed over my body as the length of his fat cock slid past my prostate and then pushed back into me again. It was like one long continuous orgasm!

"OHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!" I moaned.

"You like that?" he asked.

"Oh yeah! I love having your big fat cock in my ass!" I cried, "Please...don't stop!"

"Oh I won't! I promise!" he laughed, "I can do this for hours!!"

I didn't think he was exaggerating! Either Aaron was trying to make up for "lost time," or he had the sex drive of ten guys... It didn't hurt when he reentered my hole. My mind was trying to figure out exactly where all of his long cock went when it disappeared inside of me.

"YYYEAHH!!!!" I exclaimed as he bottomed out.

His pelvis pressed against mine, pushing his thick pole in even deeper...



It was almost an involuntary command. I had no idea what would happen to my guts if this nineteen year old stud actually cut loose on my violated asshole!

"You really want it hard?" he panted.

"Yes!" I hissed.

Was I sealing my own fate? Instead of vacationing at Mountainaire, was I going to end up in intensive care in Flagstaff?

Aaron began to increase the speed and power of his thrusts. My eyes started to water.

"FUCK ME HARD!" I screamed as drool flew from my lips, "POUND ME UNTIL I SCREAM YOUR NAME!"

"Oh I can do that!" Aaron promised.

All of the pain was now gone. Aaron owned my ass. He was in control of my body. Whatever he wanted, I would give him. All I could do was mewl and whine in ecstasy as his fat slab of beef put me orbit!


I tried to arch my butt upwards to increase the depth of his strokes. He seemed to catch on really quickly.

"Oh!! You want me to go deeper!" he laughed.

"Y...Y...Yessssss!" I hissed.

He pressed his body against mine on each downward stroke, driving his cock in as far as it could go...where exactly that was I had no idea!

My body was flush with heat as he continued to pummel my ass. Twenty-four years and I had never been fucked like this! It was a benchmark I would keep for the rest of my life! Time seemed to stand still as Aaron rode my ass. The pressure in my balls was building to a point of critical release.

"NATHAN!" he screamed.

I wondered: Was Aaron about ready to cum? To flood my guts with his thick creamy nectar?

"I CAN'T...STOP... WHAT...WHAT DO I DO?" he cried.


"OH YEAH!" he screamed, "I CAN DO THAT!! GET READY!!! GET READY!!!!"

My body was shivering. I couldn't see anything through the tears that flooded my eyes. Aaron had reduced me to a whimpering, crying baby. Nothing else mattered now except feeling his jizz filling my guts.

"Let's...cum...together!!!" I stammered.

"YEAHHHHHHHHHH!!!! I'm gonna fuck a load of cum out of your balls!" he howled.

I felt his cock expand. His breath came in shorter and shorter bursts.

"HERE...IT...COMES!!!!!!" he whooped.

I felt it! Deep inside my body, I could feel a sudden rush of warmth as Aaron unloaded his seed. That was all it took to send me over the edge. My cock cut loose with a torrent of jizz. It had been primed for most of the trip from Tucson and now Aaron was setting it free!

Our moans and cries filled the 4Runner; the scent of sex was overwhelmingly dominant. I had been bred by the hottest stud in the world. No one would ever change my mind about that!

Aaron continued to shudder as he emptied a huge load into my willing ass. Finally, he collapsed down on top of me. The feeling of his hot body holding me in place was unlike anything I had ever known. Most of my fucks had been quick affairs. This one was different. I could feel his breath on my ear.

"You okay?" he asked.

"Fine!" I said softly.

"This was so wicked! So epic! So damned fine!" he whispered. "No one...I never imagined anyone could...that it would go down like this!"

I could feel his cock still throbbing in my ass. I didn't want it to leave! Mountainaire and my vacation seemed unimportant. All I wanted was more of what I felt at this moment.

Our hearts were racing as we gasped for air. I never had any idea something like this would have happened. Oh yeah, maybe a quick blowjob, but Aaron went way beyond that. By the time the lights of Phoenix had come into view, I knew I wanted this stud to mount me and fuck me hard. My wish had come true!

"I could do this all night," he panted in my ear.

"I'm not going to stop you," I whispered.

"Really? Again?" he seemed to be pleading.

"I don't hear anyone saying `No!'" I chortled.

Aaron delivered just as promised. A perfect repeat of what we had just done. Without missing a beat he fucked me until I was indeed screaming his name. Once again he filled me with his seed as I also emptied my balls into the towel under my chest.

Slowly decoupling, we both sat upright. I gave him some towelettes to clean up while I did the same.

"Is it like this with every guy...? He started to ask me.

"No way!" I giggled, "For starters, I've never met anyone with a cock like yours!"

"And I always thought I was too big," he said softly.

"No fucking way! Once I got used to it, you...!"

"...It fit like a glove!" he interrupted me.

We laughed and started to get back in the front of the vehicle. Aaron stopped and stared up at the dark night sky. That's the nice thing about Arizona: once out of the city, the sky IS pitch black with a canopy of stars. No clouds. No moisture in the air. Just utter blackness filled with tiny twinkling lights.

For the next fifteen minutes, Aaron pointed out various stellar bright spots. He seemed to know them all: both stars and constellations!

"This is what you should do," I told him.


"Follow your dream. Your passion. It's astronomy. Not engineering!" I opined.

He moved very close to me. I was completely surprised when I felt his arm go around my waist.

"Maybe you're right," he said softly before turning to look behind me.

"What?" I asked.

"I can't believe you actually let me fuck you!"

"`Let me?' I wanted it from the moment I first saw you!" I whispered.

We both laughed again and then hit the road...but not for very long!

In less than twenty minutes, we exited the freeway at Badger Springs Road and pulled into a clearing of trees. It is one of those easily ignored spots that has zero amenities. Just a large paved area where occasionally, truck drivers would pull off for some sleep. We disappeared under the (scant) cover of some mesquite and acacia trees. There were no vehicles anywhere in sight.

He turned and looked at me; even in the darkness, I could again sense an urgent need, an almost pleading look in his deep blue eyes.

"Can we get in the back again?" he whispered.

What had I unleashed? Aaron had been completely insatiable since we left Tucson!

"Of course," I laughed.

This time he did not hesitate as I undressed him. Aaron's long, thick cock sprang out into the air like a cobra ready to strike. Unlike earlier, it was fully boned and ready for action. A long strand of precum drooled out of a gaping piss slit.

"Damn!" I laughed.

"Yeah! It does that all the time! I hate it when there's a fucking huge wet spot on my jeans in the middle of class!" he groused.

I couldn't help but chuckle at the imagery.

This time was also different in another way: He did not hesitate to undress me while stopping along the way to admire MY body! Like, who is he kidding? Aaron has the physique of an Olympic athlete, while I am just an average skinny guy. Hearing his praise only made my cock turn into a leaking steely rod, ready to go!

"You're dripping a lot too," he hooted.

"Yeah! I guess it's the company I'm with!" I replied.

"I do that to you?" he asked shyly.

"Are you kidding? Aaron! Come on! You're a prime grade fucking stud!"

He dropped his head while mumbling, "Thanks!"

My eyes fell to the sight of his magnificent cock. Instantly I folded down and swallowed as much of it as I could...

"OHHHHH FUCK, NATHAN!!!!" Aaron sighed.

Little did he know that was exactly my plan; but first I just had to slobber all over his throbbing tool...maybe just to "warm him up," but from what I saw, that wasn't necessary.


After attempting to deep throat it a couple of times (there was just no way to swallow the entire length without rupturing my windpipe, choking and/or passing out), I was ready to give my "pupil" a new lesson. Slowly I let his fat slab of beef slip from between my lips.

"Here!" I said, tossing him some lube, "Slick that monster up. It's time for another `lesson!'"

Even in the dark, I could sense his eyes lighting up. I reached back and fingered my asshole.

"Definitely ready," I thought as I felt how much it had already been stretched by Aaron's beast.

So far no cum had leaked out of my hole, but I figured that was because he had planted his seed very deep inside my body.

"Do you want some?" he said, offering me the lube, "Maybe...Just to be sure?"

I thought about it and decided, "why not?"

Once primed, I got down on all fours. Aaron gave me a curious look.

"Fuck me doggy style," I said softly, "Mount me and breed me!"

Aaron paused and stared at me. I could tell he was figuring out what I had just said.

"ALL RIGHT!!! Just slide it in?" he asked shyly while scooting up behind my ass.

"Yup! Just go kinda slow at first," I replied.

My ass was completely relaxed...what the fuck am I saying? It was thoroughly stretched from already handling his long, fat rod. Still, I didn't want any painful surprises. There turned out to be none as he effortlessly slid his tool inside my butt.

"FUCK! Your ass is STILL so...tight and warm!" he hissed.

The feeling of his long prick penetrating deep inside me made my cock spring to steely hardness.

"YES!!!" I cried as I felt him bottom out. Once again, he had completely skewered me! Precum was stranding down from my cock. I looked over my shoulders and our eyes met.

"Fuck me!" I told him. "Fuck me as hard as you can!"

I wondered if I should have said that...

"I don't wanna hurt you," he whispered.

"I'll be okay!" I promised him.

Aaron started out slowly...sliding almost the entire length of his cock out of my hole before diving all the way back in. As his rigid tool slid back and forth past my prostate, a rush of ecstasy overtook me. We both moaned over and over as once again the scent of raw sex filled the 4Runner.

"Slap my ass," I told him.

"Huh?" he grunted.

"SLAP MY BUTT!" I commanded.

He seemed confused.

"Nathan's been a bad boy!" I giggled, "Punish him!"

Glancing over my shoulder again, even the darkness couldn't cover a sudden twinkle in his eyes

"SLAP!" It was a gentle strike on my ass.

"Harder!" I barked.

Aaron repeated his effort.

"What's the matter? I know you're not weak! SPANK my ass!" I yelped.

The next slap made my ass sting. In response, my cock lurched and spat out a thick wad of dick snot.

"That's a little bit better!" I chided him.

I had no idea about the origins of my new interest in BDSM. Or was it even that? I had watched some on the web before but was never really intrigued by it. Now that I was being dominated by a stud "surfer boy," everything was different. Raw sexual lust controlled me completely. I might never get another chance like this again!


WHERE the fuck was I getting this stuff? I didn't have time to dwell on that as he slapped my ass again. A solid, hard swat that made my body shiver. It came in perfect time as he thrust his meaty pole in deep and hard.

"OHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" I moaned.

"You...like...that...don't...you?" he panted while repeatedly penetrated my inner depths, "You like taking Aaron's big cock up your tight hole...don't you?"

I could only mumble in response until another stinging slap struck my ass.


I had underestimated Aaron's ability to absorb and apply my instructions. Not that I am complaining! My entire body was alive thanks to him! He was correct! No guy had EVER made me feel like this before!

"FUCK ME HARD...PLEASE!" I whined.

His pelvis repeatedly bottomed out against my ass cheeks.


Aaron's vocalizations only made me hornier; my cock was now slinging dick snot in all directions!


The slapping stopped; Aaron was firmly holding my hips as he rode me like a wild man.


"I can take it!" I shot back.

"We'll see!" he snickered.

I wanted to time it so we both shot at the same moment; a deadline which was fast approaching! So far Aaron had lasted for a good ten minutes. From what I had already experienced, that was a new record for him. I could tell that big cock buried in my ass was about to explode!

"AARON...!" I cried.


"I'M...I CAN'T...!" I screamed.

"TAKE MY LOAD!" he shouted.

I felt him thrust deep inside me. Deeper than ever before. There was no more pain. I think my ass was beyond that...a sudden warmth filled my guts as Aaron savagely and repeatedly pumped his fat prick...

"YEAHHHHHHHHHH!!!!" we both screamed,

I felt my 8½" unloading with a force never felt before! Dull "splats" betrayed the rain of jizz coating the towel underneath my stomach. Aaron held me in a vice grip, climbing up on my ass and holding on as he drilled my hungry man-cunt.

"FUCK!!! TAKE IT!!! ALL!!! ALL OF IT!!! YOU'RE MY BITCH NOW!!!" he panted.

I was. Completely. Willingly. Nothing could have stopped me from giving myself to this nineteen year old stud who now completely OWNED me!

"AAAAAARONNNNNNN!!!!!!" I cried, "FUCK ME!!! FUCK ME!!! FUCK ME PLEASE!!!!" I begged.

My arms collapsed and we fell down together as Aaron's tool kept unloading its precious nectar into my body. His face was inches from my ear; I could hear him mewling and panting while he kept thrusting against me...


He was right. I had been fucked enough times by some guys with big cocks; they knew what they were doing, but this...what just happened...was something on a new level for me. It was like a fairy tale come true. Aaron had worked his cock in just the right ways to drive me into an unbelievable orgasm...and...all of this from straight boy!

His muscular body pressed into me; pinning me down on the towel that had caught my cum shots. I didn't care. Feeling his warmth, his scent, the power of his body... I could remain here like this forever!

"But...but...isn't it always like this when two guys do it...?" he asked me softly.

"No. I've never been with anyone as good as you!"

"But..But!!!" he stammered again, "I...it's...you did it all to me...!"

"Because I wanted you," I told him, "Like I said, from the very start. But that doesn't have anything to do with how it turned out. You're a fucking stud, Aaron...No one can argue with that...!"

"But...but...!" He sounded so cute and so unsure of himself...even after driving us both to massively overpowering orgasms, "What about all those girls I...!"

"Fuck them!" I yelped.

"They had their chance!" he laughed.

"And it was their loss!" I replied.

"What...I don't get it...Am...I...after what we did...Am I gay?" he asked.

Wow! How do I answer that?

"...Because I never...ever...even thought of doing with another guy what we...you and I...have done tonight...!" he confessed.

"We're not there yet," I said, trying to change the subject.

Simply because I didn't know what to say... How in fuck do I know if HE is gay? I mean, I believe what he told me...I don't think he had any reason to lie...so then...IS Aaron gay? Or just experimenting? If it's the latter, he sure seemed to like doing a LOT of "experimenting." If it's the former...well...a lot of guys live in denial for a long time...until they finally figure it out... I know what Brian would say... "He's just curious!"

We had that discussion SO many times... Now here it was. Happening to me in real life!

"Where yet?"

His question brought me out of my mental gymnastics.

"We still have a long ways to go before we get to Flagstaff," I answered.

"I don't understand!" he confessed.

"That means you have more time to try and figure yourself out," I laughed.

"OHHHHHH! I get it!" he giggled.

It was a cute giggle. Innocent and sexy. But fuck! Aaron is the embodiment of "sexy!" He completely reeks of it! I don't think I could ever be that way in a million years... I mean, I'm not a "dog," but he's one of those guys... like one in a million... that just seems to have everything perfectly aligned. In other words, one hell of a fucking "package!"

"So then we have more time to...Uh...!" he stuttered.

"As many times as you like," I hooted.

That was all it took... He fucked me again! Right there without missing a beat from what we had just done!

Once back on the road, I let Aaron keep driving. It gave me a chance to think some more. Nothing had turned out like I planned. Nothing. Instead it had been about a million times beyond my wildest dreams!

What happens when we get to Flag? We both had to go our own ways. Aaron's life is there; mine is in Tucson. That's only the tip of it: How could anything come of our time together? Aaron is... what? Straight but curious, or gay? I really don't want to get involved with someone who doesn't know their own true sexual identity...Even though we were, at least from what I had seen so far, compatible in almost everything else! How often does THAT happen when two people meet?

I shifted in my seat. My ass was definitely feeling the "wear" from Aaron's big cock. A smile crept across my face. It was a feeling I could easily get used to! Just as was the cum that was starting to leak out of my dilated hole... I mean, he must have pumped five gallons, or so it seemed, into me... I kind of wanted to keep it as a souvenir of what we had done together on this one Spring night.

"Can I ask you a question?" Aaron asked.

Just hearing this was a change in the routine. So far, he had remained very quiet after each of our "rest stops." I attributed that to him trying to figure out what he had just done...more than once! Obviously he liked it; I couldn't get the "straight until the lights go out" meme out of my head. Even if that were true, Aaron had shown zero desire to terminate our sexual "recreation." In that respect, I was just as confused...

"Aside from the bad grammar, you already did," I chortled.

"Huh?" he grunted.

"You asked me a question...!"

He pondered on it for a minute before replying.

"Very funny! I've heard that one before. Okay. Can I ask you a few questions...!"

"Yes, you can. And yes you `may!'" I hooted.

"All right, smart ass!"

"I don't know about `smart,' but certainly very fuckable!" I giggled.

"Uhhh...Why...Don't...or...do you have a...uh... boyfriend?"

"If I had a boyfriend then I wouldn't have let you do what you've done to me since we left Tucson," I replied, "But more directly, "No!'"

"I don't understand... Why?"

"Why what?"

"Why wouldn't you let me do what I did, and why don't you have a...!"

"Because if I am committed to someone, like in love with a person, he is my whole life. I belong to him. My body belongs to him. I don't share myself with others," I explained.

"Oh...I get it...But then why don't you have anyone...?"

"Because finding someone isn't that easy!"

"Why? Aren't there a lot of gay guys like you...?"

"No. Not really. I mean, yeah, finding a guy for sex is easy. All you need is a phone and an app, or easier yet, just hang out where other guys do and it's a cinch!"

"So then...why?" he asked again.

"Because there's more to a relationship than sex. Sex is great while it lasts but what do you do afterwards? Besides more sex? At sometime, you have to get to know the other guy. That's where it gets complicated. If you don't have something in common with him, then there's no basis for any lasting relationship. And a lot of guys aren't interested in anything serious. A true relationship is based on love, caring, sharing, affection and honor. Sex is just an extra benefit. Besides, it's so easy to get laid...most guys don't want to bother with all the extra requirements," I explained.

"`Easy to get laid?'" he repeated my statement as a question.

"Sure. A lot easier for us than for straight boys," I laughed.

"Then why haven't you found someone? Aren't you looking? Or do you want to stay single?" he repeated.

"Oh...school and work...mainly...but that's all behind me now. I mean, school is, although in my field... it's a continuous learning experience...that at least my employer will pay for...and now my job has settled into something manageable...so I guess I just haven't found the right guy yet." I replied.

"And you've always been...like you are...I mean, gay?"

"Yes," I said.

There came a long pause before he asked, "How did you know?"

"Oh I knew; even before my nuts dropped. Girls did nothing for me. I mean, now, professionally, they're fine. But as a kid, I wasn't the least bit interested. On the other hand, boys really caught my eye. And once my dick started to grow, that interest took on a much more...well, let's say when I was old enough to do it, I did it," I laughed.

"Oh!" he said, "That's what I like about you...I mean...you don't ridicule me!"

"Why the fuck would I do that?" I replied.

"Because...it's like...until tonight I...when you and I...well...I was almost a virgin and...!"

"In that case, you did very well," I laughed.

"Really? Compared to all the other guys you've been with?"

"You've surpassed all of them. Especially since you're only nineteen." I assured him.

"Oh! Thanks!" he said before pausing for what seemed like forever, "Do...do...you think we...uh...have a lot...or maybe at least something...in common? I mean, besides the sex thing...?"

My mind was going into overdrive trying to figure out exactly where Aaron was leading this conversation.

"From what I've learned about you since we met, the answer would have to be `Yes,'" I replied.

Aaron seemed very relieved.

"Thanks," he said softly.

I had no idea why he was thanking me! There wasn't time to dwell on his answer because the next thing I knew we were exiting the freeway. I looked over at him as he glanced at me.

"Again?" I laughed.

"Please?" he whimpered.

As soon as Aaron found a secluded place to park, we both flew into the back. Our clothes came off in record time. His initial shyness was completely gone. A long, thick, dripping cock jutted out from his tight body. Like a moth to a flame, I dropped down and swallowed it. As much as I could...

Aaron threw his head backwards and let out a low, powerful moan. I felt two strong hands grip my head as he began to fuck my face! Talk about a fast learner!

"OHHHH you're so fucking good!" he cried.

There wasn't much I could say with a fat tube of flesh stuffed in my mouth...

He released his grip on my head and I let his cock slip from between my lips.

"You're an animal!" I chuckled while reaching for the lube.

"Can you take me again?" he asked.

His concern for my welfare had been most touching. Every time we fucked, he repeatedly asked me if everything was okay. My ass was thoroughly dilated from the repeated pummelings by his long meaty fuck stick. However, there was no pain. Not any more. Not since the initial shock of being penetrated by a horse-sized cock. And better yet, there were no signs of any other "damage."

"I have something new in mind," I whispered.

Even in the feeble light of the glow sticks, I could sense his curiosity.

"Another way to do it?" he laughed.

"Yup!" I smirked.

"Shoot! How many ways are there...?"

"The mind is the limit!" I chortled, "Here, grease up that big fat pole!"

I tossed him the lube and watched as he slicked up his entire cock.

Lying on my back, I spread my thighs and herded his between mine. Right away, Aaron caught on; his cock lined up with my hole as he leaned forward. Both his strong arms landed beside my head for support as my legs wrapped around his. Our faces were only inches apart. His abs pressed my cock against my stomach.

"Fuck me missionary style," I said softly.

"YEAHHHHHH!!!!" he hissed.

Aaron's cock easily slid deep inside my guts. This is how we should have done it the first time! Now we were face to face. I could watch his expressions as he ravaged my hole. That was a two-way street. He would be able to read me like a book...

"So fucking tight," he moaned, "No matter how many times...You're so fucking tight!"

All I could do was moan as he began to ride my ass.

"YEAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!" he screamed again, throwing his head back and then down to look at me.


Hearing that set Aaron off like a rocket. He began to savagely pound my ass. More so than any of the other times that evening. We stared into each other's eyes. I saw lust. Uncertainty. Longing. Affection. Power. Dominance. As for me? My eyes were fluttering as drool escaped my lips. I was (again) being power fucked by my very own surfer boy! We leaned closer and closer; the temptation was in me to pull him down and plant my thick lips on his. I did not.

"He has to do it first," I thought.

Waves of intense pleasure cascaded through my body, causing me to shiver and writhe in pure ecstasy. This time was the best yet; Aaron had mastered his ability as a "power top!" Even though I was lost in a primal sexual haze, I kept wondering what had transpired on our trip from Tuscon. Either gay or just into an exploratory phase, Aaron certainly seemed to be a quick learner of his new-found talents!

"DAMN! DAMN! DAMN!" he cried, "MAYBE...OH FUCK...HOW COULD I...WHAT...ALL MY LIFE...!" he moaned while nailing me to the floor of the 4Runner.

I quivered under his control. Like a rag doll...Aaron completely dominated me. For the first time in my life I considered becoming a total bottom.

"If only all guys could fuck like he does..." I thought to myself.

My cock was oozing precum like a waterfall, causing it to slip and slide between our bodies. Watching the strength in Aaron's body only turned me on more and more...

"A total stud," I thought as my eyes continued to water.

"YEAH! OH FUCK!! NATHAN!!!" he cried.



Based on the events of that evening, Aaron wanted a lot! I tried to tighten my ass muscles around his thick cock but it was impossible. He had completely reamed out my hole. All I could do was hold on while he took me for a ride I would remember for the rest of my life!

"DAMN!!! FUCK!!! SHIT!!!" he moaned, "GONNA CUM BIG TIME!!!"

"YEAH, BABY!" I screamed, not realizing at first how I had addressed him, "FILL MY GUTS WITH YOUR SEED!!!"


"YEAHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!" I begged.

"YEAHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!" he replied, "NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

I could feel his body tighten up as he savagely drove his fat fuck stick deep into my completely violated ass. My body shook under his power as I felt a massive warmth in my butt.


My cock began to erupt, shooting out a torrent of sticky goo between both of our bodies.

"OH HOLY FUCK!!! OH SHIT!!!!" Aaron cried.

Our eyes met as he leaned closer to me. His strong hips continued thrusting against mine while that long fat cock kept injecting more and more of its searing hot nectar.

"IT...!" he cried while staring directly into my eyes.

"...FEELS SO GOOD...SO RIGHT!" he moaned.

My body shivered as Aaron collapsed onto me. Our lips met as he froze, maybe not sure what to do next. I opened my mouth and pressed my tongue against his lips. Again, he froze before suddenly admitting me inside.

Quickly our tongues met and then earth shaking moans came from both of us. Aaron shoved his cock into my ass even harder.

He pulled his lips from mine and cried, "It's so good...feels so right...Fuck...What...Why...How come I never figured it out!"

Aaron was literally crying! I could feel his body wracked with sobs. Instinctively I wrapped my arms and legs around him.

"It's okay, Aaron...Let it all out," I cooed in his ear.

"I can't be...I just can't...be...gay...can I? How come... I never figured it out...until now? What the fuck...What will..my parents say? No! No! NO!"

My "surfer boy" was bawling like a baby. I held him as tightly as I could. The warmth from his body radiated like a small furnace.

"It's okay, Aaron! Really! Just relax and calm down! Talk to me! Talk to Nathan! I'm your friend! We can figure it out together!" I said.

"But...how could I go for years without knowing...I like guys? That just can't be!" he sobbed.

I ran my hands through his soft blonde hair.

"Sometimes it takes a while to understand...that, or having the right circumstance come along," I said.

I had no idea what to say. I'm not a psychiatrist. Or a counselor. I never met a guy struggling with the reality that he might not be who he thinks he really is. If that makes any sense... We stared into each other's eyes. His were filled with tears. My heart ached because I didn't know what to do!

"I never met a guy like you before. You seem so...so...normal!"

I was more than willing to let his description slide by. I knew he didn't mean anything derogatory.

"It's okay, Aaron, I promise! I just...saw in you...such beauty. Such perfection. Such honesty. Most guys would never open up to me like you did. I'm sorry if I...I just wanted you...to be with you...so badly...I had to try," I said.

Now I was starting to cry as well!

"I'm not mad at you. Not at all," he sniffled, "I guess, well, after the first time just outside of Tucson...something in me wanted more. And more. And you were so good. So determined to make sure it was good for me...!"

"That's all about caring and sharing. I always want to make sure anyone I'm with is...well...gets the very best...I mean, I always try to make sure I am good...!"

"Oh you were good! Fucking excellent!" he sniffled, "That's why I wanted more. And more. I know I could go on with you all night long!"

"I kinda think we have," I chortled.

He laughed! At least his tears were slowing down!

Aaron was right. It felt so good holding him. Feeling the heat from his body. And his scent... intoxicating...alluring...compelling...

"I like the way you...!" his voice trailed off.

"What?" I asked.

"The way you...I don't know how to say it correctly...but something about your...your...OH FUCK!! You smell so good! So sexy! I know that's not the right way to...!" he stammered.

"SHHH!" I said, holding a finger to his thick, luscious lips, "I understand...and...I feel the same way about you!"

"You DO?" he gasped.

"Fuck yeah!" I chuckled.

"Maybe..it's...you...then," he stammered.


"Maybe I'm not gay but I'm just turned on by you!"

"Aaron!" I laughed, "That doesn't really make sense, does it? Maybe it's because I'm your first. And it's because I spent a lot of time...!"

"Don't you mean `times?'" he giggled.

"Yeah!" I smiled, "Several times! And every one was GREAT!"

We both grew silent for a minute or so...

"Nathan?" he asked in a cute, shy voice.


"Can I... Oh fuck! MAY I...?"

"What?" I asked.

He didn't answer. Instead I felt his cock throb inside my ass. It had remained hard the entire time we talked... and now was asking for an "encore" performance!

"Of course!" I replied in a husky voice, "Nail me any way you want!"

"YEAH!!!!!!! OH FUCK, NATHAN!!! Your ass IS so fucking perfect! Fuck! FUCK!! FUCK!!!" he cried.

Slowly he again started to service my hole. Our bodies were pressed together like glue (aided by my drying cum). This position was the best! We could stare right into each other's eyes. Slowly our lips came together and then touched. Lightly at first; then in a sudden burst of energy, Aaron's tongue forced its way inside my mouth. I was in ecstasy! Getting fucked in my ass by his big cock and feeling his tongue wrestling with mine!

Neither of us could speak, but we sure as hell could moan. Which we did. Aaron's nimble, strong body began to slam itself into mine. I was like putty under his dominance. All I wanted was to make him cum again. To forget his fears about who he is.

This time was different from the others. Aaron fucked me with an overpowering force that made me cry and beg for more. Well, I would have begged except for his tongue swirling around in my mouth!

Suddenly our mouths broke free. He threw his head back and screamed...




"FUCK ME!! FUCK ME!!! FUCK ME!!!!" I begged...as if that were necessary!


I felt his body tighten up and then, deep inside of me, there was another sudden burst of warmth. That sent me over the edge; my cock began spewing while pressed between our bodies!

"YEAHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!" we both yelled.

Aaron's body bucked and writhed while slamming into mine. I knew I would probably have to spend a week of my vacation in bed just recovering from this one fuck alone...but it was worth it!


It was then that I realized the tables had been turned. Initially I planned on seducing this fair-haired "surfer boy." From the moment I saw his picture online, I knew it was worth a try. Yet...somewhere between Tucson and our current location near Flagstaff, things had changed, Aaron had seduced me. No, more than that, he controlled me. Owned me. Dominated me. All of that from a straight boy? At this point I didn't care. All I knew was that Aaron had taken me to new heights that I never before thought possible. He wasn't some quick online hookup; suck, fuck and then move on... Aaron was so much more. He had a power, a skill, that I had never seen in any other guy.

But he's straight... He lives in Flagstaff. He's not sure of what's going on in his mind.

"Fuck it! He's so...!" I swooned to myself.

Not just the sex; We were compatible on so many levels!

"But he's straight!" That meme kept playing over and over in my mind.

In less than an hour, we'd be in Flag. I'd drop him off, and that would be the end of it. It wasn't right! Why...Why...Why???

Our bodies pressed together in a sexual afterglow. Everything felt so perfect! His body, his scent, everything! I was readily succumbing to his charms. His presence...

"You okay?" he asked.

I quickly came out of my euphoric post orgasmic haze and gazed into his beautiful eyes.

"I am now," I giggled.

"That was wicked!" he hooted.

"YEAH!" I exclaimed.

Slowly we uncoupled, cleaned up and hit the road again. It was the last leg of the trip. I let Aaron drive while I still tried to figure out what had happened over the course of the voyage...an excursion that was supposed to take (at best) four hours, but now had more than doubled in time.

Aaron was very quiet for the remainder of the ride, which took almost an hour. Something else was curious: there were no more impromptu stops for...well, what had been a staple since leaving Tucson. I figured he was trying to sort out what had happened along the way. When he did speak, it was casual things like his love of science fiction, movies and music.

As we approached Mountainaire, Aaron offed to have me drop him off at the next exit.

"No need for you to have to drive in to Flag and then double back," he said.

"Forget that! I'm not leaving you here all by yourself! You never know when some `creepers' in a panel van might pass by!"

We both roared with laughter...

Arriving in Flagstaff, Nathan parked the 4Runner at the end of a dead-end street. I looked around and saw nothing but pine and fir trees.

"This is it," he said softly.

"You live HERE?" I said, again looking around.

"No, goofy!" he laughed, flashing me his pearly white teeth, "See that little path there through the trees? There's a bunch of apartments about a half mile away...!"

"But why stop HERE?" I asked.

"Because...I kind of wanted...!" he stammered before stopping.

Leaning over the center console, I ruffled his hair.

"What?" I asked.

"Can we?" he asked with huge puppy dog eyes.

I shook my head and laughed.

"Do you ever wear down?"

"It's not me; it's YOU!" he said softly.

We climbed in back and sat facing each other. I wondered what was going to happen next. So far, I had made almost all of the leading moves. I got up on my knees and moved closer to him...

"He's probably still shy," I thought while reaching out to remove his shirt.

Abruptly Aaron reached out and grabbed my arm. I could feel its strength and a very powerful grip.

"No," he said softly while staring into my eyes, "Let me do it...!"

I acquiesced, and he gently pulled off my shirt before leaning back and scanning my half-clad body. It was a combination of something very erotic yet also uncertain.

"Nice," he said softly after appraising my torso.

Again, I wasn't going to dispute his assessment, even though he outclassed me by a million miles. He reached out and ran his hand across my chest. My body shivered at his touch. We had gone this far earlier in the evening, so nothing seemed that out of place. Until he leaned in and kissed my neck!

"MMMMMM!!!" we both moaned.

Slowly he moved to nibbling on my ear; then over to my neck, where he paused for a moment. This was all completely new!

"So fucking fine," he panted; his hot breath striking my ear.

"YEAHHHHH!!!!!" I cried.

In my mind I had a funny feeling about what Aaron wanted to do next; something I had not experienced since my high school days... My assumption was verified as he began to lightly kiss my neck.

"Your skin is so soft," he sighed.

His kisses became more aggressive. I knew now what he wanted...

"YEAHHHHHH, baby," I sighed, "Go for what you want...!"

"Are you sure?" he timidly asked.

"YES! I want you to mark me!"

Aaron's body shivered as he pressed in close to me.

"I'll do it low so it won't be so obvious," he promised.

I nodded in agreement.

Again he returned to my neck, moving down a bit lower. His kisses became more aggressive and more passionate. Then I felt it; a series of soft bites! Aaron was giving me a hickey!

Pulling away, he moaned "OH YEAHHHHH!!!!!"

I knew Aaron had "marked" me; made me his...well, at least for the evening. I didn't care; in fact, I wanted it! Any evidence of his passion would be long faded by the time I got back home. What really surprised me was the fact that he even tried to do it! I didn't have time to dwell on that as he moved down to my jeans. Popping the button and pulling down the zipper, he slowly tried to peel me out of my skinnys. I lifted my ass up and helped him along. Instantly my cock sprang out into the air. I could feel wetness on my body as it slung droplets of precum in all directions.

My mind was spinning like a top! Aaron hadn't tried anything this daring all evening! I didn't have time to comprehend his new found assertiveness as I felt a warmness engulf my cock. Aaron was going to suck me off?

The answer was a forceful "Yes!" He didn't tentatively lick the tip of my prick; Oh no...Aaron dove down and swallowed all of my 8½" in one gulp! His tongue swirled around the shaft and head of my throbbing boner; it felt... well, my moans of ecstasy told the story! How the hell did he know how to do this...so well? I mean, at least it sure seemed like...this wasn't the first time Aaron had sucked cock!

Leaning back, I arched my body upwards as he continued to service my aching prick...

"MMMMMM!!!!" I moaned.

He could only make muffled groans and grunts while servicing me. Reaching down. I felt his immense rod running down his right thigh. It pulsated and throbbed inside his faded jeans. An inspired idea popped into my head...

Gently I removed my cock from his mouth. A long strand of precum and saliva kept the tip of my prick connected to his thick kissable lips.

He seemed puzzled.

"Aren't I doing it right?"

"Yes. Perfectly. But here. Let's...Let me show you...something...I have an idea...!"

Aaron still seemed puzzled, but he offered no resistance. I leaned forward and unfastened his Levis. Almost in concert, he pulled off his shirt. Slowly I began to skin his jeans down those long, athletic thighs. It seemed like forever until his cock was completely free from confinement.

I again marveled at the size, thickness and overall perfection of his massive fuck stick.

"Here," I said while spinning around. Now my cock was directly in front of his face while his was eye level with mine. He needed no additional instructions!

"ALL RIGHT!" he chirped before quickly swallowing my bone like a sword...

I did the same in kind; well, actually I could only get about a third of it down my throat, but experience had already taught me that this would be more than sufficient! Our bodies shivered and convulsed as we began to suck each other off!!

Naturally our vocalizations were limited in scope, but body language told it all. In only a couple of minutes, I could sense that Aaron was ready to unload; that in turn sent me over the edge and within seconds both of us were downing each other's creamy thick nectar. Aaron groaned in ecstasy as once again a sexual euphoria swamped my brain.

Afterward we laid side by side. His body heat seared into me.

"Fucking wicked!" he giggled, "How did you know about...?"

"Experience," I chuckled.

He grabbed a glow stick and held it up to my neck.

"Oh wow! I...WOW! I'm sorry...I guess I kinda got carried away!"

I reached up and felt the mark he had given me.

"It's okay. I think it's kind of sexy," I replied.

"Really? WOW!"

"You didn't have to do that...or for that matter, you damn sure didn't have to suck...!"

"But I have to repay you for everything you did for me!" he protested, "I mean, you even paid for all the gas...!"

"So? I was going here anyway. If you weren't riding with me, I still would have had to buy the fuel...!"

"Oh!" he exclaimed before dropping his head and mumbling something I couldn't hear.

"What?" I asked him.

He looked up at me, and then stared at the roof.

"I did it because I wanted to," he said quietly.

"Oh? Well..," I paused, "You sure seemed to know what you were doing...!"

There came a pause...a VERY long pause, before he spoke...

"It wasn't my first time. I've sucked cock before," he said softly.

Somehow that admission didn't surprise me. Aaron is just too fucking cute to have arrived at his age without...somewhere along the line... My thoughts were interrupted by his continued "confession."

"I've sucked one cock a bunch of times...!"

"What??" I exclaimed.

"Always the same one. The same guy. I've known him all my life...!"

I am pretty sure Aaron is an only child. Maybe he has a cousin or something...

"Who...?" I started to ask.

He didn't give me a verbal answer. Instead, his gaze dropped down to his long meaty bone...

"You're kidding!" I exclaimed.

"Well... What else was I supposed to do? Wait for some bitch to let me fuck her?," he snorted, "HA! That would be a long wait! And what am I supposed to do in the meantime? Go through life with my balls ready to explode?"

Aaron's confession reignited memories of my debates with Brian about whether sucking your own cock meant you are gay...

"I'm not judging you...I mean, I've done it many times myself...!" I confessed.

"YOU HAVE?" he gasped, staring me with a look of complete astonishment.

"Sure. Why not? Any guy who can probably has...!"

Aaron glanced out the window. Dawn was breaking and the mountain air was fresh and crisp.

"It's getting light out. I guess I better be going," he said quietly.

I nodded in agreement and then watched with amusement as he tried to shove his fat cock back into his jeans. Outside the 4Runner, we stood facing each other. This was a moment I did not want to happen...

"What now?" I asked him.

"You mean... about...me?" he stammered.


"I don't know. I sure as fuck have a lot of things to think about!" he replied.

"Look... I never expected any of this to happen," I confessed.

"You? What about me!" he chortled.

"I enjoyed every minute of it," I said.

"YOU did? Fuck! I was loving it! All of it!" he hooted.

We embraced. I could feel his incredible cock pressing against my thigh. And of course, he was hard as steel...

"Goodbye, Aaron Woodward," I whispered in his ear.

"Goodbye, Nathan...!" he paused and it dawned on me I had never formally introduced myself.

"Harris! Nathan Harris!" I whispered.

"Goodbye, Nathan Harris!" he repeated.

"Take care of yourself, Aaron. Remember to avoid panel vans and `creepers,!'" I giggled.

"Yeah! For sure!" he said.

"And follow your dream," I added.

He paused for a minute before softly answering, "Yeah. My dream!"

With that, Aaron turned and started walking down the path between the pine trees. It was an erotic parting teaser: watching as his tightly muscled ass propelled him into the pre-sunrise darkness.

What was I supposed to do? Chase him down? Kidnap him? Take him to the cabin at Mountainaire and spend two weeks riding his insatiably large cock? No. Aaron has his life and I have mine. We are cities and lifestyles apart. Maybe I have given him something to think about. Or better yet, maybe I had awakened something in his mind. All I know for sure is he's barely gone and I feel a loss. And I'm crying. Tears streamed down my cheeks as he disappeared into the darkness.

I felt the bruise on my neck and thought. "A remembrance for sure."

In my sadness I managed to crack a small grin as my hand reached back to caress my butt.

"Yeah! A remembrance," I laughed.

Still, I had to wonder... Aaron lives in Tucson. He was only going to school at Flag. Would he ever call me again?

"`Again?'" I laughed at my vanity, "Will he ever call me at all?"

He's long gone from view now. Completely disappeared from sight. The early glow from the rising sun didn't lighten my mood.

"Forget it," I told myself, "He's just a straight boy. A very different kind of straight boy...and you showed him kindness and affection that no one else ever has...but still...in the end, he's just another breeder boy. He just hasn't yet found the right girl...

I couldn't stop wondering... would I ever hear from or see Aaron Woodward again? He has my number in his phone...not like he actually saved it, but it's there... That could easily be erased, though...and then all contact would be lost!

Except...I smiled, Except...what will he think when he finds the piece of paper I stuffed in his backpack...the one with my name, address and phone number? Will he ever call me?

I wonder...

Next: Chapter 2

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