A Ride To Remember 01/gay/male/beginnings

By azstoryguy

Published on May 21, 2024


A Ride To Remember 02

This is a complete work of fiction which may be based on real people, places and events interspersed as necessary with completely fabricated elements. To avoid unwanted fame and fortune, character names have been changed to protect the innocent. As with most of my stories, it is set in the Southwestern United States. No effort is made to follow guidelines of political correctness. If you are easily offended, perhaps this story is not for you.

Written in conversational style, which means some rules of grammar are thrown out the window. All typos and grammatical errors are owned by the author.

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Copyright 2024 Azstoryguy@gmail.com

Thank you for reading.


There's a lot more character development in chapter two...hopefully to avoid the story from just becoming another "boy fucks boy" adventure.

[ ] brackets are used to indirectly make an occasional point not specifically covered in the dialog.

+++ are used to denote chapters. Kind of a trial idea.

All extraordinary claims have been vetted by hours of copious internet research! :-)

+++Reflecting and Coping+++

My first vacation had to be the fastest two weeks in my life! Everything worked out as I had planned. I managed to see all the places on my list plus a quick trip to the Grand Canyon, which is only about an hour and a half drive from Flagstaff. With a major in hydrology, the Canyon had been a frequent subject of study.

No studying this time: just enjoying its grandeur and magnificence. One thing I regretted was not having a better camera than the one on my phone. The Grand Canyon is a photographer's delight. Once away from the visitor center, you can walk right up to the edge; or as close as one dares!

I also put the 4Runner to use on some moderate trails in the pines around Flagstaff. In spots there were still patches of snow! My work schedule back home had kept me from going on very many overlanding trips. Scratch that. ANY overlanding trips. No, that's also not right. I had been too obsessed with my new job to just take some time off and go exploring.

"I have to change that," I thought to myself.

Since Mountainaire is so close to Flagstaff, I made numerous trips into the town for groceries and just to look around. One place I studiously avoided was anywhere near the NAU campus. Deep down inside, I was afraid of seeing Aaron on his native "turf." Luckily, I didn't see him at all. I say "luckily" because what exactly would I have done?

"He's probably busily chasing after some new girl," I thought.

The ramifications of what we had done on our four-turned-into-nine hour trip were still very fresh in my mind. I knew I missed him. Shit, that had happened the minute he walked into the darkness after I delivered him to his destination.

I was so wrong. Majorly so. I hadn't seduced Aaron at all; HE had seduced ME...but I don't think he actually realized it!

The only downside to the trip were the nights at the cabin. I was all alone. No television or other distractions to occupy my thoughts. Just the sound of the wind blowing through the trees. The cabin did have internet service, but it wasn't turned on. That left me with my phone. Period!

I mean...it's a really nice place. Not actually a "cabin" as in "log cabin," but rather an "A" frame perched on the side of a hill overlooking a vista of pine trees that seemed to stretch forever. I took solace in kindling several nice fires in the fireplace and then trying to sort out my thoughts. That didn't work. Instead, I usually ended up beating the fuck out of my cock or just slurping down a load of my jizz while visions of Aaron danced around in my mind...

Many nights I sat on the deck looking up at the jet black sky, punctuated by hundreds of twinkling stars. The ever-present wind rustling through the pines was almost melodic. Occasionally, a sound below in the inky darkness of the forest betrayed the movement of some animal. I always made sure the iron gates leading up the stairs to the deck were locked at sunset...lest I wake up to the sight of a black bear peering through the sliding glass doors!

Those starry night skies only made me think of Aaron. His high-energy, effervescent personality, sharp brain and yeah...a body to die for, made my eyes start to tear up...

Over the two weeks, the raw scent of our sexual encounters faded from the 4Runner. Aaron's mark on my neck was also disappearing into obscurity. Yet my mind wouldn't let go of the one time in my life I had met a person and felt some kind of...connection.

I left the cabin around four o'clock Saturday afternoon. There was no late night trip for the return drive. Phoenix was only two hours away; that would put me there around six o'clock. After that, another ninety minutes and I'd be home. The drive back was tortuous. No, not the traffic, but rather passing all the spots where we had stopped on the way to Flagstaff. I think for most of the 260 mile trip I was crying...

+++There's No Place Like Home+++

It was great to be back home. My own house. My very first house. Well, mine, Dad's (if I default on the payments), and the bank. When I first approached my parents about moving out on my own, I think there was some reticence on their part.

"You don't have to move until you're ready," Dad told me.

That was just it: I was ready. Not because there was any problem at home. I just wanted to be completely independent. I had a good job, a new truck and striking out by myself seemed the next step.

To begin my house search, I described what I wanted. A classic Santa Fe or Pueblo style Southwestern home. The nuances between those two types are lost on me...all I knew for sure was that I did not want a cookie-cutter tract home crammed onto a postage-stamp sized lot. Tucson is getting more and more of those, and Phoenix is overrun with them.

Mom had eagerly risen to the task by assembling a number of potential homes. I think she had maybe eight or ten on her list.

"I have them ordered from what I think would be the least desirable to best," she said.

That "order" was predicated on her tastes, not mine!

I still remember the first day we went looking. It was not only the first day, but the last! The very first one I saw on her list was it.

"But honey," she started to say.

"No! This place IS me!" I enthusiastically chirped.

"It doesn't have much `curb appeal,'" she said as we pulled up to the address.

"What's that?" I asked.

"It's important when you go to sell the property...!"

"Mom!" I whined, "I haven't even BOUGHT it yet!"

Truth be told, the house had NO "curb appeal." Mainly because there were no curbs! The street was simple asphalt with drainage culverts along each side. It also wasn't because the house was a dump. No, it was only about twelve years old... The "curb appeal" (by Mom's definition) was lacking because the house wasn't there. Or more correctly, barely visible from the street.

The lot was heavily landscaped, meaning in its native state of vegetative growth. There, hiding and barely visible behind several massive saguaro (complete with arms), hedgehog, barrel, other cacti and thickly developed palo verde trees, sat the house.

I was ecstatic.

"Yes! Yes!" I chirped as we drove down a long gravel drive to the dwelling.

For those who have never been to Tucson or Phoenix, my excitement might have seemed odd. In Phoenix, the standard practice for home building is to bring in the scrapers and graders and destroy all the surface vegetation. Cactus, trees, everything. Ripped out or mulched into the ground. Then a foundation is poured and a most hideous "Mediterranean style" cookie cutter tract home is erected. Over and over. I had seen them many, many times. Completely devoid of all personality. Offered in one or two variations in "elevation," meaning the garage could be on the left or the right; crammed together so close you could reach out and touch your neighbor...almost like detached apartments...adorned with hideous, uniformly sized landscape rock or worse yet, lawns, and maybe an occasional saguaro cactus (if you're lucky).

I guess the owners of these monuments to conformity never stopped to think that they paid extra for that saguaro cactus. Most likely, some had probably been standing there before the graders came and squished them into pulp! Additionally, the unfortunates who live in those stucco and plywood edifices never stopped to think about all the mulched vegetation compacted under the concrete slab on which their tribute to mediocrity rests...a veritable smorgasbord deluxe for termites!

Fortunately, Tucson is a little different. The city has always valued its Southwestern heritage. While there are more of the Phoenix-style aberrations being built by the year, a huge inventory of native-style homes remain. I had found mine!

I bounded out of Mom's car and raced up to look at the house. It was a classic adobe-style dwelling complete with vigas. Those are the round end-posts protruding along the roof line, which are now all decorative, but in earlier times had been used for support. Flat roofed; no ugly tiles, a Spanish-style window treatment and a gated, covered entrance. The exterior of the house sported a sandstone-colored stucco finish. While the driveway was gravel, there was a double wide, paved section extending about fifteen feet out from the garage.

Mom pulled up the data on the house. It was not a castle; the total area footprint was about 65' x 65.' That doesn't mean it has 4225 square feet of living space. No, that was just the footprint it took to build the house. Removing the attached two car garage gave a net livable space of 1,760 square feet.

"This PERFECT!" I exclaimed.

Mom smiled and pointed out I hadn't yet seen the inside. Indeed, I was too taken by admiring all the lush Sonoran vegetation surrounding the dwelling. Unlike in Phoenix, the builders had managed to construct the home without obliterating all the native flora; almost like the dwelling had been dropped into place.

"It does have a very large lot," she told me, "Two and a half acres...!"

I didn't understand that at all, so I looked it up while she was talking about...I don't know what...

"That's the size of two and a half football fields!" I exclaimed.

She showed me a plat for the development. The lots were all either the size of mine or five acres. They seemed to fit together like pieces of a jigsaw puzzle. I had noticed that when we approached the general location; all the homes were discreetly tucked away from the streets. The lot for this house was shaped sort of like a funnel, measuring 300' along the street; going back 330' on each side but widening out so the back property line was around 350' in length.

"It has a creek in back," she said

"A creek? I gotta see that!" I squeaked.

"Three pane windows," I heard her say.

"Is that important?" I asked.

"It will be in the summer time," she laughed while handing me the key, "Go ahead! You first!"

My hand shook as I unlocked the wrought iron gate, crossed the short exterior foyer and then entered through the front door.

Once inside, just like a little kid, I sprinted from room to room. The house looked like no one had ever lived in it! The walls were all painted in subdued Southwestern "earth tones," and the floors were either hardwood or tile.

"You could add some large area rugs for the floors," Mom said.

I kind of heard her suggestion as I kept checking the place over. Three bedrooms, two baths with a walk-in shower in the master bathroom. A large combined area featured a living room, dining area and kitchen complete with an "island."

Usually Pueblo or Santa Fe style homes are kind of "boxy" in design, and from the exterior this one was no exception. However, inside the designer had made up for that "boxiness." The bedroom, living area and master bathroom all had nonconforming shapes, meaning they weren't squares or rectangles; more like drunken trapezoids!

"It even has a fireplace!" I exclaimed, which might seem odd to people who don't realize that Tucson can see wintertime low temperatures in the twenties. Sometimes (rarely) it will even snow!

Both the living area and the master bedroom featured sliding glass doors that looked out onto a covered patio. What I saw from there took my breath away! An immense back yard, richly covered in more Sonoran flora. Since Botany had been one of my interests in college, the view from the rear of the house was like a fantasy dream.

"Let's go outside," I squeaked.

Dragging Mom behind me, I raced to see what hidden secrets were lurking in the depths of the back yard..."yard" being a misnomer since there was no grass...

That huge covered patio, built with large round poles to retain the authentic Pueblo styling, sprawled along the entire back side of the house. Some type of sunscreen fabric covered the structure, reducing the blistering summertime sun. I easily ran ahead of Mom to check out the remaining "treasures" that came with the house. There turned out to be so many!

A large twelve by fifteen foot building, completely finished inside and equipped with a wall-mounted heating and air conditioning unit, sat behind the house.

"It's listed as a storage shed or hobby room," Mom said as she read from the stats.

"Some storage shed! This is nice," I said as we looked inside.

The shed was built on a concrete slab and had indoor/outdoor carpeting and plywood paneling.

I was quickly distracted from that by the pure expanse of land that afforded a real sense of seclusion and privacy. All of the acreage was in native form except for a clear "buffer zone" around the house and shed. There were more saguaros in back (along with a host of other native cacti), and the creek formed the rear edge of the lot.

Well, sort of...it is more correctly known as a "dry wash." Across from it, the terrain took a steep upwards climb with stair-step rocks rich in deep red and bronze colors. I liked that: no neighbors behind, none to one side (due to the meander of the wash) and only one on the remaining boundary.

"There's so much land here," I exclaimed, "And it SO private! Not like anything in the city!"

The house was on the edge of, but still inside, the city limits.

"I want it," I told Mom, "This is my choice!"

"Choice?" she laughed, "Honey, you haven't even looked at any others...!"

To placate her, I did check out two more on her list, but by the end of the day she finally conceded that I wasn't going to change my mind.

That was a little over a year ago...Dad hired a home inspector to examine the property.

"I'm paying him to FAIL it, not to pass it!" he said.

I wondered, "How can it fail anything? It's only twelve years old and only two different families have lived there."

Needless to say, the house passed inspection with flying colors. I tried not to get my hope up too much in case something went wrong; but it didn't. Dad looked it over a couple of times and noted that the door bell button was in the wrong location.

"It should be outside the front patio boundary," he said, "They must have added the gate later...!"

"I don't care! If I keep the gate locked, then people won't be ringing the bell trying to sell me shi..., Uhhhhh...'stuff!'" I laughed.

Mom and Dad handled all the price negotiations. I wouldn't have had the slightest idea how to do that...Dad "low-balled" on the first offer and explained. "Let's see how badly they want to sell." It must have been pretty urgent, because the owner accepted the offer within hours. After the sale closed, I moved in. Once again, Mom and Dad helped me out with some furniture, including a nice outdoor patio set except for a barbecue grille.

"Why? I live off of microwave food," I told them.

Over the year, I worked to fix up my house and turn it into a home. Inside, I opted for a Native American/Southwestern motif. Outside, I set to work building trails through the two-and-a-half football fields worth of land that was now mine. Slowly, I was turning my acreage into a mini desert botanical garden.

Never did I break one basic promise: my house was not going to be a "fuck pad." The closest time it even came to that was when the internet/cable installer came out to hook up my connection to the world. The house was built for connectivity in almost every room. I opted for wired instead of wifi.

"It's (wired) is faster and more secure," the installer told me.

He looked to be about my age and was one hot looking guy. I kept trying to figure out if there was a connection going on between us, but nothing happened...

After some encounters with wildlife, including finding some wild pigs peering in through my sliding glass doors, Dad suggested installing a snake barrier and ocotillo fencing around the rear of the house. The ocotillo fencing made the house look more "authentic," not that it needed any such help! After adding a bird feeding station, I started drawing a capacity crowd of quail, doves, and a host of native avian friends. Beyond the fencing, javelinas, coyotes, rabbits and other desert mammals roamed my property.

"My property." Yeah. It is. Subject to the terms of paying off a twenty-five year loan. Many times I sat alone on the patio and thought about my condition. Great parents, decent DNA and a lot of good luck. Luck...I was going to need a lot of that to find someone to share my life...

I mused on all of this after getting back from my Flagstaff vacation. Here I was: alone again. Sleeping in a king size bed, which swallowed me up at night; furniture for two but there's only me. The two front bedrooms sat vacant. What purpose did they serve? The backyard shed was also empty save for a few tools and empty boxes, and a two-car garage which only ever saw my 4Runner.

For "comfort," I bought two huge stuffed bunnies. At least I could snuggle with them at night...

"Fuck, Aaron (something that I could only imagine)! Why?" I said over and over.

I didn't know whether to thank Brian or hate him for sending me that (in)famous Craigslist link. The one that completely upended my world!

+++Tough Love and Parental Compassion+++

"You need to get over him! This guy...Aaron...was just another hookup! So you lucked out and got a real horndog;' In the end, he's just one more fucked up straight boy...Probably boning some bitch with a tight snatch and a big pair of melons...!'"

That's Brian. Never one for diplomacy. We had the same discussion over and over from March until early June.

"You don't have to be so...graphic...!" I would say.

"What did you expect? That Aaron guy was horny as fuck. You came along and gave him everything he needed. That's especially true if what you said about him never getting laid before is correct! Now that you're gone, I bet he's hoping like hell no one ever finds out what you two did together!"

I didn't actually reveal to Brian everything Aaron and I had done on that fateful night; just that, well, a four hour trip turned into nine hours plus... That alone should tell it all! I also didn't tell him about Aaron's cock; other than to say that he's hung...but then, I guess I am too...but NOT like that "blue-eyed surfer boy!"

"Okay, I get it. I mean, what you are saying. At least at first. Just a horny straight boy who saw a chance to get his cock sucked out on the road away from anyone who might see...but it didn't stop there. It kept on going and going until by the time we got to Flag...!" I protested.

"...Which changes nothing. He was presented with a perfect opportunity and...!"

"But he kissed me...he sucked my cock too...!"

"I should hope he did SOMETHING to repay you for servicing him for...what did you say? Nine hours? What the fuck did you both do...?"

"That's exactly what we did!" I giggled.

"What?" Brian asked.

"Fucked. A lot. Several times...!" I said.

"Wait...You mean he actually let you fuck him?"

"No. But he still...!" I started to explain.

"A hole is a hole," Brian laughed, "Especially at night, with a stranger and on a dark highway!"

"Then you don't think he was...maybe trying to...!"

"Oh here we go with that one again," Brian chuckled, "Straight until the lights go out!"

"You really think so?"

"Nathan...Look, I know you well enough to understand that you want to fall in love and settle down with the guy of your dreams...!"

"What's wrong with that?"

"A lot of things. But put those aside and come to grips with reality. Your fairy-tale type love story only happens in movies!"

"Mom and Dad fell in love very early and they're doing quite well," I replied.

"They're from another generation. A different time than ours. Now you just go for what you want, and for fuck's sake, stay single. How would you feel if this Aaron guy ended up boning some other guy in your bed? Or worse yet, boning some bitch...!"

"Then you don't think a person can change?"

"Their sexual orientation? About as likely as changing their race! You know that!" Brain exclaimed.

"But what if Aaron has always been gay and just hasn't figured it out...?"

"At...what? He's nineteen and he still doesn't know whether he likes cock or pussy? Or maybe he's bi. Oh there's a great one! Then you'd never know how you would fit into his plans...Nathan...you're smart, cute as fuck and having big cock is icing on the cake. But you're also naive. Or maybe just too trusting. Go for what you can get now. You're desirable enough to haul home ten guys a week if that's what you want...!" Brian said.

"But that's NOT what I want! I want to get to know someone. One guy. Inside and out. Share his happiness and help him with his sorrow. Sleep with him. Cuddle with him. Hear him cry out in ecstasy when I make love to him...!"

"Good luck finding that!" he chortled, "I mean, I guess it's possible. But not with this guy. You'd never be sure that he wouldn't flip back to eating pussy...And what exactly would his parents say if they found out their son is a `fudge packer?'"

"Wow! Do you have to be so...?" I started to ask.

"Crude? Maybe. If that's what it takes to make you see that you're playing with fire!"

"Then why did you send me his link from Craigslist...?" I started to ask.

"Because I thought you might get to tap his ass. Or at least get a decent blow job. Instead you come back with stars in your eyes...!" he laughed.

"Then you want to stay single forever?"

"It's better than getting hurt," Brian replied.

This conversation ALWAYS ended up the same way... I guess it's obvious why Brian and I never went past the wild sex scene. Still, I had no idea his heart was so hardened against falling in love...

As June arrived, it slowly began to dawn on me that Aaron was never going to cross paths with me again. I mean, school was out; he had to be back home in Tucson. Which meant he was out there. In all those twinkling lights that I saw every night. Somewhere, my smoking hot surfer boy stud was there...yet he never called...

Mom must have noticed something wasn't quite "right" with me. Ever since moving out, a Sunday afternoon dinner with both my parents was standard fare. Not required, but the invite was always present. Besides, it gave me a chance to eat real food instead of all the microwave stuff that is pretty much the totality my diet.

It was one weekend in early June when Mom "cornered" me in the kitchen while Dad was outside grilling some steaks...

"Honey...Are you okay?" she asked.

The question came completely out of the blue. At first, I had no idea what she even meant.

"Huh? Sure. I feel fine... Why?"

"Well, it just seems like...you've been lagging a bit now for quite some time...!"

I didn't realize it had been that obvious. No one at work had noticed any change in my demeanor. Maybe that's because of the "masks" we have to wear when out in public, and especially on the job. My work performance had been excellent. No issues at all. In fact, work kept my mind from wandering back to March and that night with Aaron.

"No. It's nothing. I'm okay. Really," I said.

She wasn't buying my reply...

"Nathan Michael (named after my Uncle Michael; the one who made the 4Runner a reality) Harris!" she exclaimed, giving me a stern look, "Don't think I don't know you inside and out. You forget, I've known you all your life. Raised you from a squealing little baby...!"

"Wait! Did I actually squeal a lot?" I laughed.

"Constantly. All the time! There was never a moment's silence in the house!" she chortled.

I could feel myself turning beet red with embarrassment...

"Now don't go trying to change the subject, and don't try to convince me that you're fine when I know you are not!" she said, "Even your Father noticed it as well...!"

"Wait! Dad too?" I exclaimed.

"Yes. `Dad too,'" she mimicked me, "You haven't been your upbeat cheerful self since...!"

She hesitated as if recounting the days. Or weeks. Or months. Naturally I knew exactly when it started...

"It seems like something happened after you took your vacation," she said slowly.

I didn't say anything but rather quietly nodded in agreement.

"Why? What...? I thought had a great time!"

How could I explain to my Mother that the trip had been the most exhilarating experience of my life. Narrowing that claim down, the nine hours I spent with Aaron Woodward had left an impact on me that I could not forget...

I did. I had a great time!" I (somewhat feebly) replied.

"Then what's wrong with my baby?" she laughed.

"Mom...Uhhh...It's kind of...like this...I met a guy and...!"

"Oh that's WONDERFUL!" she chirped.

"Actually, Mom, No, it isn't. You see...Well...His name is Aaron,...we hit it off perfectly. I mean it's like he was the guy I always wanted to find and...!"

"How did you meet this young man?" she inquired.

"Oh... I gave him a ride to Flagstaff...!"

"Did you know him before then?"

Well, Uhhh...No...!"

"Wasn't that kind of risky?" she asked.

"No. Not really. We met here in town and talked a little before heading North. He's only nineteen and goes to NAU, so it seemed like a safe bet. We really hit it off very...spectacularly! I mean, by the time we got to Flag, it felt like I had known him all my life...!"

I didn't elaborate on how that four hour trip more than doubled in time, and I sure as heck didn't elaborate on the getting to "know him" part...

"Then why all the sadness? And when do we get to meet him?" she asked.

"That's just it, Mom. You don't. I'm sad because Aaron isn't gay. So there's nowhere for us to...go!" I said, choking on my words.

"Oh honey! Really? That's so sad!" she replied.

"I know. Believe me, I know. It was...He was...so perfect...but...why does it have to work out like this? A million guys out there and the one I find...the PERFECT one I find...and he's...not like me," I said as my eyes started to water.

Mom hugged me and handed me some tissues.

"I'm afraid there's nothing I can say that will make you feel any better. It's useless to dredge up silly homilies like sometimes that's how things work out' or there had to be a reason for you two meeting like you did.'"

"I know...I know... I mean anything else would be surmountable. He even lives here in town but...not being gay...that's pretty much not going to work out," I sniffled, "I guess he's moved on with his life and forgotten all about me. Why...Why would he remember me now? A gay boy he met on a once-off road trip...!"

"Nathan Harris! Don't think so little of yourself! You're a handsome young man with so much to offer the right guy...It's just that you haven't found him yet...!"

"But how? How do I find him? I'm twenty-four and feel like an old maid...!"

"I don't think so," she laughed, "You're fresh out of college with a good job, a house and a nice truck. You have your whole life to find that special one...!"

"I don't want to wait until I'm sixty to do it!" I whined.

"I hardly think it will take that long," she laughed, "And as for your...friend, Aaron...I'm sure he hasn't forgotten you. It's just that you two are...!"

"Different in only one way," I said softly, "One way that can't be changed!"

At least I got it off my chest. And better yet, I had someone who would listen to me and not take the hard-ass approach that Brian used. There really wasn't anything Mom could say. She knew it and so did I. A gay boy can't have a relationship with a straight guy; at least not the kind that I wanted...

It was going to be a long, miserable summer...and I wasn't looking forward to it!

+++Twelve Insertable Inches+++

After I got back from my vacation, something inside me changed. My rampant sexual appetite just switched off. Not that I was on the way to becoming celibate or anything...but the endless hookups and "quickies" lost their appeal. I reflected on Aaron's question about how many guys I had sex with... I actually think the number I gave him might have been on the low side.

It hadn't bothered me then. Why should it? I'm cute, smart and have a big cock. Well, so I thought until I met Aaron...but anyway, I know I am way above average in that "department." Thinking about my "body count" made me smile...at least for a moment... "Maybe I should keep a tally sheet. Like fighter pilots did (at least that's how it was in the movies)...a little stick figure for every guy I've been with! Or the figure of a cock...!" I laughed to myself. It was a sad laugh...

My humorous take on that soon faded. I deleted all my online accounts for so-called gay "dating sites," which were really nothing more than places to score...and turned my focus inward. To things like my house, my job and going exploring in the 4Runner.

My closest friends noticed the change. Naturally, Brian saw it first.

"No more hot fucks?" he asked.

"I've decided to wait for the right...!" I started to reply.

"If it's that guy Aaron, you're gonna be in a rocking chair before you...IF you ever...hear from him again!" he laughed.

Nice! Just the kind of compassion I needed!

My three other closest remaining buds, Caleb, Eric and Gabriel, all noticed my inward turn. Caleb went back to my high school days, while Eric and Gabriel were friends from college. Everyone else I knew from my school time had slowly drifted off or moved away.

Despite cutting off all outside sexual encounters, I was still as horny as fuck. My Fleshjack got lots of use and I tasted my own load almost every day, but I held true to my promise: no more random encounters with guys who didn't give a shit. There was only one big thing missing from my newly developed ritual of self satisfaction. If I couldn't have Aaron's big cock buried deep in my ass, I had to find a surrogate. I already have a dildo. What self respecting gay guy doesn't? Mine was several years old and had seen lots of use while I was attending college. It wasn't the fanciest or the biggest; a mere eight inches and without the lifelike balls that all the new ones have...and how did I know that...?

...Easy. I went shopping for dildos. Or rather, for a new one. An "Aaron-sized" model." If such a thing even existed... It was definitely time to upgrade my collection of sex toys. Not that I really had anything except the Fleshjack and one old neon pink dildo...

Where to start? First were the...uh..."adult emporiums" or "bookstores" (I have no clue why they're called that since they carry no books...must be an old school thing...). YIPES! I definitely did not like any of them! Maybe it's because I can still pass as a "twink" (I was carded just to get inside), but once admitted, I felt like a bug under microscope.

Next I transitioned to online searching. Much nicer from the security of my home. There I took pause and spent a good three hours laughing my ass off when I discovered that Walmart sells dildos. Well, Walmart-online does. I could just see going through the checkout in a brick-and-mortar store with a big fat dildo...

Amazon also sells them. No surprise there, either. I couldn't find exactly what I wanted; mainly because I didn't know what I wanted...Well, I did...I wanted Aaron's cock...or one just like it. The "big" problem there is I had no idea of its exact dimensions. Oh, I had an idea, but still, I wanted to get it right. I doubted if any store would take back a dildo if it...was...ohhhhh, maybe too small!

That's when I discovered the "fine print," which saved me lots of trouble (and money AND embarrassment). It started when I spotted an "eleven inch monster dildo." Then I read the specs... "Nine and three-quarters insertable inches" That wouldn't do. I knew Aaron's cock was a lot bigger than that! Heck, my old, nutless pink fuck stick was eight inches and COMPLETELY "insertable" just as long as it didn't get stuck in my ass... I read about guys who had that "experience." No thanks!

Fortunately, my web browser didn't track my searches!...in the event that some untimely fate befell me, I'd hate to leave my parents with the memories of "Twenty-four year old Tucson man spent his final hours looking for the biggest dildo!" I could see the headlines in my mind.

After looking for a couple of days, I finally found what I thought MIGHT be it; at least as close as I could get: A "14.57 inch thick long anal dildo for BDSM game playing sex...!" [Exactly how it's listed on the web] The specs said "almost" twelve insertable inches, with a thickness of 2.25 inches. I stared at the picture and fantasized while rubbing my cock through my jeans...

"YEAHHHH!!!!! AARON!!!!!" I moaned as my boner began to throb.

It was the closest one that I had found to what I remembered from that night in the back of the 4Runner with my blonde-haired surfer-boy stud... My cock ached as I began furiously rubbing its full, INSERTABLE 8½" length...

"OHHHH FUCK ME!!!!!" I cried.

Yeah...I wanted it so badly...not from a rubber toy but from HIM. But he's not here. Here's nowhere to be seen. All I have are memories and the one picture from his Craigslist ad....

My body began to buck and thrash as I got closer and closer...I could see a huge wet spot on my jeans...drool began seeping out of my mouth as my head dropped backwards.

"OH FUCK, AARON!!!!! MAKE ME CUM!!!!" I screamed.

The first shot from my cock almost made me fall out of the chair! It was quickly followed by another, and another, and countless more...as cum began soaking through my jeans and then dripping down to the floor...

"FUCKING YEAH, AARON!!!!!!" I cried.

Slumping back in my chair, I stared at the monitor. My body was heaving as I gulped down air into my acing lungs.

"Okay!" I said as finalized the order.

It was expensive as hell, but I wanted it; No, actually, I wanted Aaron. But I couldn't have him. So this would have to do!

Within a few days two packages arrived. The first contained a shiny extra-wide, brushed aluminum cock ring along with some thick black silicone ones. I had several encounters with guys wearing these in the past and they seemed very intriguing... Immediately, I slipped the aluminum model onto my junk.

"Epic!" I laughed, "Now everything stands out even more!"

Why not? I have to look at girls all day long with their "muffin top" hanging over shorts three sizes too short and bulging seams ready to explode...and don't even get me started on the whole "rack" thing.

"Why the fuck are guys so body shamed?" I thought to myself.

Not me! If someone doesn't like what they see, there are three hundred and sixty degrees in a circle. Go look in another direction!

My hands trembled when I opened package number two...

"Holy fuck!" I gasped as I took stock of the massive silicone cock...

"It kind of looks like Aaron's," I thought.

But then again, all of that had happened at night with only the feeble illumination of some glow sticks.

"I took something that big up my ass?" I laughed, "Well, there's one way to find out...!"

Quickly I saw the reason for the difference between the actual and "insertable" lengths. A huge ball sack adorned one end, complete with a suction fitting which made my mind grow ripe with possibilities!

"Wall or floor?" I wondered before choosing the latter.

Grabbing some lube and towels, I firmly attached the new toy to the bedroom floor.

"Glad its hardwood and not carpet," I laughed.

Slicking up my hole AND the length of my new toy. I quickly hovered over the thick bulbous head and began to mount it. Surprisingly, there was no pain; not even any discomfort.

"Maybe I'm still stretched out from Aaron!" I chortled, although that had happened months ago.

Down I went; my prostate screamed in joy as the dildo slid past that poor, overworked gland! It didn't take any time at all before I had "bottomed out" on its entire length.

"It wasn't like this before," I thought, recalling how the last few inches of Aaron's cock had sent spasms of pain through my ass. This time, there was nothing. No pain at all; I sat motionless on the bedroom floor with almost twelve inches of dildo embedded in my ass!

Slowly I began to fuck myself. Rising up, then gently falling back down...my cock was hard as steel and slobbering precum all over the floor. I quickly picked up speed while trying to emulate the feelings from that night with Aaron.

It didn't happen. Oh, I mean, I fucked myself good and hard, which caused my cock to cut loose with a huge eruption of fuck juice that went sailing across the floor. It felt okay. Yeah. That's it. Just okay.

Over the next few days I tried several different positions and the result was always the same. My orgasms were mediocre. I could tell by how much cum my cock shot and its distance. Then there were the feelings. Or lack of them.

"What do you expect, dummy?" I chided myself, "It's not Aaron's cock. Or anyone's cock. It's just a big piece of silicone. Or rubber. Or whatever the fuck its actually made of...!"

I didn't chalk it up as a loss; more like a learning experience. Given what I paid for it, a pricey learning experience... The worst thing is, the more I used it on myself, the more I thought about Aaron...

+++Finding Courage+++

The novelty of my new toy wore off as summer arrived. At least my cock ring has proved worthy of its price. My "junk" is more prominent than ever when I choose the right jeans; either old, distressed Levis or skinnys...

July arrived and we entered the hottest time of the year. Monsoon season was just around the corner and I couldn't wait. It's when Tuscon gets about half of its average annual rainfall, which is a paltry ten inches. It's also the time for huge thunderstorms with lightning, dust storms and even hail. Mt. Lemmon towers over Tucson, reaching over 9,000 feet in elevation. It's close location to the city, coupled with its impressive height, allows for some spectacular storms to pop up in the late afternoon and early evening hours. A day can start out sunny and clear until a tiny cloud appears out of nowhere, usually around noon or so. With favorable conditions (abundant moisture from the Gulf Of California and a High pressure system located near the four corners region), that little cloud can grow and mutate into a spectacular meteorological event.

Mom and Dad invited me to a fireworks display on the Fourth. I think they were trying to cheer me up. Maybe that's the wrong choice of words. I'm not sad. It's just the terminal loneliness that's eating away at me. I have friends and my coworkers are great; but daily I come home to an empty house and sleep alone every night in a huge bed. Well, almost alone...I have the two huge stuffed bunnies...

Mom had even taken to bringing me "care packages" of her home cooking two or three times a week.

"You're too skinny!" she would say.

If my microwave oven ever quit working, I would starve in less than a day...

The Fourth passed and July started in earnest. It was a Friday when our first decent monsoon appeared to be forming...at least hopefully so. Being a hydrologist, I appreciated the value of these summer rains. Without them, our Sonoran Desert would look much different.

At the end of the day I said goodbye to my coworkers and headed home.

"Yeah!" I exclaimed while observing huge, thick clouds beginning to develop.

Those clouds magnified in size and darkness in the short drive from work to my house.

"You're going in the garage," I told my 4Runner.

No way was I going to take a chance with a random hailstorm! With the 4Runner safely inside, I showered, ate some nondescript microwave dinner, and kicked back for the evening.

"Maybe this is a good night to check these out," I thought while looking at some DVDs Dad had loaned to me.

Last Sunday, while visiting my parents for the weekly family meal, he had been engaged in watching "Tombstone." Everyone in Tucson knows about that famous Arizona town and its very colorful pioneer history. I had been there a couple of times; heck, it's only a seventy-five mile trip. Anyway, Dad said I should check out the movie. I ended up with that title and with two or three other westerns. Yeah, He's really into to that genre! I never really thought a lot about it until I started doing some online research. Especially about the town itself and, more generally, about the frontier West. That led me to "Billy the Kid," and a host of other Western legends. I actually became somewhat mesmerized by the lore, even if most of it had been aggrandized by Hollywood.

My preoccupation with that research, and reviewing online readings from several automated rain gauges, deflected concentration from what had rapidly been building outside. It was near dusk when the first bright flashes of lightning and almost immediate ground shaking rumble of thunder caught my attention.

Looking out the sliding glass door towards the mounting dusk, I could tell something big was brewing. Moving out to the patio, I was struck by a massive blast of wind. Quickly securing all the outdoor furniture, I went back inside and started looking for weather alerts. Then the phone rang. It was Mom...

"Honey! Are you safe? I hope you aren't gong out anywhere tonight," she exclaimed.

"No," I assured her.

The reason for her concern was obvious. The winds were nothing compared to the pitch blackness off to the North. Jagged flashes of lighting fired across the she sky. I again reassured her that I was staying home. Just as I closed the patio door, it started to rain. Little sprinkles at first that increased to a huge downpour in less than minute.

"Gotta love these monsoons!" I thought to myself.

Experience had taught me that most of these storms usually blow over in less than thirty minutes. A quick check to the National Weather Service website showed that this night might be different! The map for Southeastern Arizona was aglow with different colors. Considering the "normal" status for this map is "zero" colors, I knew tonight was going to be wild! A side-screen list of weather alerts scrolled on towards what seemed like infinity.

Seated in front of my PC, I watched as the rain gauges began reporting totals. This storm was going to set some records! Outside, the wind was blowing the rain almost horizontally. It sounded like thousands of tiny feet marching across the glass.

"No movies tonight," I decided.

Somewhere, sometime, while watching the monitor, I became aware of another noise. One that didn't sound like wind or rain. It was more like a banging sound. Or maybe a "thumping." Switching on the patio lights, I tried to see if anything looked amiss. The utility shed was barely visible in the downpour and it was only about twenty-five feet from the house.

The noise sounded again.

"It's in front," I said to myself.

The sound repeated. Louder and longer.

"What the fuck?" I barked.

My first worry was that maybe something was on the roof of the house. I quickly moved to the front door and turned on the porch light.

"You've got to be kidding!" I yelped, "What is this? A fucking night light?"

The porch light barely illuminated the small, enclosed, covered front area. Squinting through the window, there appeared to be someone at the iron gate.

"Who the fuck would be out on a night like this?" I wondered.

Since the gate is locked, there's no way a stranger could pose any problem. I stepped outside into the howling tempest. These was indeed someone standing at the gate! In my mind, I made note to not only move the door bell button but definitely upgrade the porch light.

As I moved towards the mystery figure, a voice called out, "Nathan?"

I froze in my tracks. The voice...I could never forget it...EVER!

"Aaron?" I replied.

Before he could reply, I was standing at the gate. There he stood; all six feet of him! Soaking wet and shivering from the rain! I unlocked the latch and pulled him inside under the cover of the porch.

"You're drenched! And cold!" I exclaimed as I guided him inside.

"Thanks! I couldn't find the doorbell so I had to try and make some noise...!" he started to explain.

"Because the fucking button is in the wrong place," I groused.

My mind was still reeling at the fact that Aaron was standing in front of me; soaking wet and in my house!

"I'm dripping water all over the floor," he said shyly.

"Don't worry about it! I assured him.

That part of the flooring is tile and Aaron stood on an all-weather mat, so his concern was misplaced. Drenched as he was, my eyes couldn't help but feast upon his natural beauty!

"Look! Let me get you a couple of towels. You can strip out of those clothes and I'll throw them in the dryer... I'll find something for you to wear!" I offered.

That wouldn't be too difficult since we were almost the same size; except I didn't have his muscle tone.

He started to protest but I held my finger up to his thick, luscious pouty lips.

"It's no problem," I said, "Just wait right here!"

I was off before he could reply; dashing down the hallway to the master bathroom. His appearance at my front door on the worst weather night of the year sent my mind into overdrive. Grabbing two large fluffy towels, I dashed back to the foyer. The sight that greeted me almost made me almost trip and fall...

There stood Aaron, the guy of my dreams: buck naked, with his wet clothes folded in almost military precision lying next to his feet. I froze and stared at the perfection of his lithe young body.

Since our one night encounter in March, my mind tried to convince me that Aaron wasn't as...HOT...as I thought. All of those doubts vanished in a millisecond... He's EXACTLY as I recalled; only BETTER! From his adorably cute face with those kissable lips and matted-down rain slicked hair to his broad, strong shoulders, perfectly defined chest, two sensuously erect nipples, a set of abs that looked like a washboard road (Yes, he has an EIGHT, not six, pac!), the classic "V" line that led from his stomach down to his pelvis, the arms...ohhhhh...they looked so wicked! And his legs! How I would love to have them wrapped around my skinny toothpick body! And yes; the best part (at least from the perspective of a horny gay boy like myself) was the cock. Long. VERY long! Thick. Meaty. Hanging halfway down his thigh! Equally large and pendulous were his balls: two massive orbs covered in a soft sack of flesh.

All of this was showcased by a dark golden tan with no visible lines!

If ever a person were built for sex, it was the stud standing in the foyer of my house! Suddenly my throat was drier than the Sahara Desert...

Aaron looked at me with amusement. An impish smile crossed his sweet face. My knees weakened...

"What?" he giggled softly, "You've seen me naked before!"

"Not like this!" I exclaimed.

"What...?" he asked.

How can he be so innocent about his complete power over...well...me?

"Before, we were cramped up in the back of the 4Runner. Now...Now...!" I kept stammering.

It WAS the first time I had ever seen Aaron completely naked and standing his full height. That image would remain etched in my fantasies forever!

He shot me the cutest little grin that made my heart do flip-flops.

"Am I...Do I...look okay?" he asked.

"Are you KIDDING?" I squeaked, hastily adding, "I didn't mean you had to take off all your clothes right here!"

Moving closer, I caught his scent.

"This has to be a fucking DREAM!" I thought.

I noticed he was still shivering.

"Look! Why don't you take a nice hot shower. I'll throw your clothes in the dryer and then we can...!" I paused, "...we can talk!"

"Are you sure it's no problem?" he asked with his same cute, innocent tone.

"Come on," I said, taking his hand and heading towards the master bathroom.

Unfortunately, I couldn't ogle Aaron's perfect body as we went down the hallway. Entering the bedroom, I guided him into the bathroom.

"Here," I said, pulling two more towels from the closet, "There's shampoo and soap and anything you might need! I'll put your stuff in the dryer. When you're finished, I'll be in the living room," I said.

"Where's that?" he asked.

"Just follow the hallway we came down. You'll see me!" I chuckled.

"Okay!" he chirped.

I gathered Aaron's clothes and headed to the laundry room. He was only wearing a T shirt, Levis, socks, shoes and a blue denim baseball cap.

"Commando boy!" I laughed as my cock lurched in my jeans.

I placed the shoes to one side and put his shirt, jeans and socks in the dryer. Since the baseball cap probably has a cardboard insert for the brim, I decided to use a hairdryer instead of the merciless heat from the clothes dryer.

Turning on the dryer, I then picked up the hat and that's when I saw it. At first, it looked like just an ordinary denim baseball cap...but...on the back, the little denim size-adjusting strap was...

My heart started pounding! The little strap was rainbow colored! I kept staring at its brilliant hues.

"Aaron?" I thought to myself... "He's...gay?"

Why else would he be wearing a hat like that? Not to "impress" me. Aaron didn't seem to be the type of guy who went out of his way to impress people with superficial trappings. I mean, why should he? He was impressive enough just being himself!

My thoughts were interrupted by the phone...

"Hello honey," came that familiar voice.

"Hi, Mom!"

"Just calling to see how you're holding up during this storm...!" she said.

"Oh...Uhhhh...Just fine. Look. I can't really talk now. You...Uhhhh...see...HE'S here! In MY house!" I exclaimed

"Who's `he?'"

"Aaron!" I exclaimed.

"Aaron?" she repeated as a question before pausing, "Oh...the young man you...!"

"YES! YES!! YES!!! Look...Are you and Dad okay? Because otherwise, I really can't talk right now...!" I replied.

"Oh honey, that's so wonderful! I hope you two have a good time together...!" she gushed.

If she only knew...I mean...not that I had anything planned, but when...the cutest guy in the world turns up on my doorstep in the middle of a thunderstorm, it has to be a GOOD omen!

"Thanks...Look, Mom...I'll talk to you later...Just...Uhhhh...Don't call me; let me call you!" I stammered.

"All right, honey," she said.

I don't know if she caught the reason for my request...

Carrying the rain soaked baseball cap in hand, I dashed back to the bedroom just as Aaron was finishing his shower.

"Hey," I called to him, "Let me find you some dry clothes!"

"Okay!" he chirped.

Sorting through my dresser, I found just the thing: a pair of skimpy running shorts with a liner. That was requisite, otherwise I knew his cock would come tumbling out every time he moved...

"The two-inch inseam should be entertaining enough," I giggled to myself.

I owned several pairs of these shorts, purchased online from a gay-friendly retailer. There was no way I would ever be caught dead in those potato-sack "shorts" that guys wear today! A nice, slightly-weathered T shirt, which I was sure would cling like a glove to his honed, chiseled chest, and some white athletic socks.

There was nothing I could offer him for footwear. His size fourteen shoes were much larger than my thirteens...

Aaron had left the bathroom door open, so I gingerly peeked in and froze in place. He was bending over drying those long, muscular legs. His ass cheeks were spread just wide enough for me to see his boy pucker. My cock almost blew a load right there...

"He-re!" I said as my voice cracked, squeaking like a rusty hinge.

Aaron stood up, turned, looked at me and smiled.

"May I use your blow dryer?" he asked.

"Of cou-rse!"

DAMN my voice! I sounded like a twelve year old going through the throes of puberty!

"I'll be finished in a minute," he said softly.

I knew if I didn't get out of there quickly, my cock WOULD explode like Krakatoa!

Back in the relative safety of the "great room," as listed on the house plan, I tried to slow down my heart beat. A million questions danced around in my brain! "What the fuck is he doing here?" had to be question number one...

I didn't have long to reflect on anything before Aaron quietly appeared.

"Sorry I don't have any shoes that fit you," I said, "But I'll dry yours as soon as the pants and shirt are done!"

"No problem," he chirped while sitting down on the sofa.

My eyes once again raked up and down his picture perfect frame. It dawned on me that Aaron was doing the same to me!

"Quite a night," I said as my eyes focused on his hair.

"Yeah!" he chirped.

"Uhhh...Your hair...It's...different!" I observed.

"Yeah!" he said again, only this time his reply was much quieter.

"It...It...looks like...!" I giggled.

Aaron's casual "surfer boy" hair style was gone. He was now sporting a fringe cut just like mine!

"It looks GREAT!" I chirped.

"Really?" he asked in a voice so low I could barely hear, "I kind of wanted to...to...look like...you!

That hit me like a baseball to the head! As naive and inexperienced as I might be with relationships, Aaron's revelation told me something in about a million different ways...and his damn cute, sexy innocence only made it a bigger turn-on! His head was bowed as he made the "confession." My heartbeat fired back up to hummingbird levels.

"When I first saw that picture of you...from the Craigslist ad, all I could think of was `surfer boy!'" I hooted.

"OH NO!" he exclaimed, "I HATE the ocean!"

He paused for a second before continuing, "Well, actually I don't hate it; but I'd never go surfing in it!"

"Why not?" I asked.

"Because there are things bigger than me swimming around out there and I don't want to end up as a meal...!"

We both broke out in laughter...

"Grandpa lives in Mobile. I've been there a few times and...," he started to explain

"I've never been there...," I said.

"Trust me, you aren't missing much!" he laughed before continuing, "And we'd go over to Florida once in a while...to Pensacola...and they have all those seafood restaurants right there on the waterfront. Complete with the fishing boats and everything...!"

"And?" I interjected.

"Well, the beaches there are wicked! The sand is white as snow...but one day when we were on a pier at one of those restaurants, they had a fish hanging from the mast on one of the boats...!"

"And?" I said again.

"It was a fucking hammerhead shark! They caught it about a half-mile off shore! After that, I kind of lost interest in swimming in the ocean...!"

"How old were you then?"

"Ohhh...About eleven...!" he replied.

"That sure would have cured my interest in sticking even a toe in the ocean," I laughed.

"Yeah. The ocean sure isn't a swimming pool! Actually, I'm not a `water' person, which probably sounds strange since I took three swimming awards in high school; but that's different. It's about pushing your body to its limits...and at least in a pool I can see the bottom!"

We both laughed.

"So," he said shyly, "I hope your dream about me isn't crushed!"

Little did Aaron realize, but my desire for him was only intensifying.

"At least you got to travel then...!" I started to say.

"Going to Mobile? It sucked. Get on an airplane here, change in Houston or New Orleans and there you are. Traveling a lot of miles and seeing nothing," he replied, "Besides, my Grandparents are...!"

He rolled his eyes in displeasure...

"And once we got there, well, the last time I was fifteen; too young to drive, and even if I could, I had no car. So I had to stay with my family or go for walks. Which sucked. Mobile is like living in a greenhouse...!"

"So you...your parents never went anywhere else?"

"Not really. Just Phoenix and...I guess that's about it. What about you?"

"Oh yeah! Mom and Dad always liked to take really epic vacations. We went to Vancouver...!"

"Canada?" Aaron interrupted.


"So wicked! I've never been outside the country...!"

"We also went to Mexico. It's really a great country. The people are so nice. I think they all must have gotten a kick out of the three of us trying out our basic Spanish language skills!"

We both laughed as I continued, "Hawaii, Colorado, San Diego, Los Angeles..!"

"Holy shit! You've been so many places!" Aaron exclaimed.

"Yeah, but it's always good to come back home. I'd actually have a better time just heading into the desert or mountains for an over-niter in the 4Runner...!"

"That sounds like it would be so epic...!" he said.

Strangely, his face had a sad, wistful expression.

"At least you're home now for the summer with your parents," I replied.

"Yeah. Home. With my parents," came a bitter reply.

"I'm sorry! Did I say something wrong?"

"No. It's just that...!" he paused.

"Go ahead. I'm listening. I promise I won't judge you for anything you say...Is your home life...?" I started to ask.

"It sucks!" he barked.

"How so?"

"My Father. We were never very close. For a long time. Add to that he used to be in the military and he runs the house like a boot camp. Up at six every day. Make my bed the Army way. No wrinkles! Every corner sharp and neat...! And all my clothes have to be `just right' too, either in the closet or dresser...!"

That explained why his soggy, wet clothes had been folded so precisely...

"I haven't gotten past the six o'clock thing! Why the fuck did you have to get up so early?" I asked, "I mean, this was in high school...right?"

"It was ALWAYS like that! Fifteen minutes to shower and get dressed. Thirty minutes at the breakfast table which I loathed...!"


"Because," Aaron paused, "My Dad isn't...isn't very nice...!"

"What do you mean?"

"He hates everything. I mean, everyone. He hates Latinos. He hates African Americans. He thinks women should be on a leash and obedient. And I know he hates gay...," he stumbled, "Gay and lesbian people too! But most of all, I think he hates me. Or at best, doesn't give a shit!"

"What about your Mom?"

He just rolled his eyes again.

"She does everything he wants. And she's all wrapped up in her church bullshit. She's always quoting some scripture. For everything!"

"Has it always been like that?" I gasped.

"Pretty much. I think the big defining moment came when I was...I guess... twelve. He gave me a shotgun for my birthday...!"

"That's kind of an odd birthday present. I mean, unless you wanted one!" I mused.

"Fuck no! I couldn't care less about guns. It was a gift that DAD thought I should have! It was his big push to make a `man' out of me!" he said.

"How so?"

"By taking me on my first hunting trip," Aaron said.

"You like to hunt animals?" I gasped.

"NO! I love animals. All of them. Well, I'm not too fond of rattlers and coyotes, but otherwise, they're all okay!"

We both laughed.

"He wanted to take me chukar hunting!"

"What? That cute little bird?" I yelped.

"Yeah. And quail, too. I refused to go, so he went with some friend of his. They brought back a bunch of birds; dead, of course. He was going to show me how to clean and dress them so...!" Aaron rolled his eyes again, "I ran into my bedroom and locked the door and wouldn't come out. I think that's when the rift really started. Dad wanted a `man' for a son and instead he got...me!"

"There's not a damn thing wrong with `you!'" I exclaimed.

"From that point on, I think he lost interest in me. He did buy me my first weight set. That's when I started working out. I didn't want to be puny and weak. So, I worked triple time to build myself up...!"

"It sure worked out just fine!" I said while smiling as my eyes raked up and down his tight, athletic frame.

"I noticed other guys' bodies and I wanted mine to be like theirs!" he said

"So then you DID look at guys then...?"

"Yeah, but I never really thought about them sexually. I just wanted to look good. I also went out for swimming and track events at school and won a bunch of medals; which doesn't mean shit now, but then it was very exciting," Aaron explained.

"What did your parents say?


"NOTHING?" I exclaimed.

"Not a damned thing! They acted like it was a big fucking deal just to take me to all the meets!" he complained.

I was starting to get a better picture of Aaron's upbringing. My mind couldn't fathom living with parents like that. Regimented, overly disciplined and controlled, yet ignored by both his Mother and Father!

"Mom insisted on dragging me off to church every fucking week. I had to sit and listen to some stuffed shirt rant and rave about how we're all going to hell," Aaron barked.

"How long...?" I started to ask.

"Until I was sixteen. I got my first job in a grocery store and I made sure to volunteer for Sunday mornings. Every week for two years. I had to ride the bus back and forth to get to work; they wouldn't take me...and you know how hard that is...!"

I knew for sure! Public transportation in Tucson leaves a lot to be desired.

"I finally saved enough money to get my first car. The same piece of shit I have now. But at least it gave me some freedom," he said.

"Aaron...I'm sorry if...Maybe I shouldn't have even asked...!"

"It's okay. I want you to know all of this about me...in case...!" his voice trailed off as he dropped his head.

I decide not to push the issue.

"I kind of lied to you about something," he added.


"Yeah. About when we first met and I said NAU chose me first. They actually didn't. I applied there before I did to the U of A because...secretly I wanted to get the fuck away from my parents...," he said.

"I don't really consider that to be a lie," I said softly.

He seemed visibly relieved...

"But your Dad pays for tuition...right?" I asked.

"Oh yeah. He doesn't want to. He wanted me to go into the Army. Fuck that shit. I don't want to kill people. He bitched for days when I said I was going to major in astronomy. `Why don't you just get an MBA and get a life' he said. Then he wanted me take over the family business. Or at least take an interest in it," he snorted.

"'Get a life?' He actually said that? And business? What business?"

"Yeah. My Dad's. Woodward Heating and Air...!"

"You mean with the green trucks?" I exclaimed.

"Yeah. That's him. He has about fifty people working for him and...!"

I had seen those silly green trucks all over the city. Now here I was, listening to the son of the man who owned them!

"I wasn't interested. I mean, it might be okay for some, but not me...!"

"Plus you'd be working with your Dad," I added.

"No shit! Nope. I had my heart set on school. I love science. I thought about a lot of disciplines before narrowing them down. NAU accepted me and I couldn't wait to go!"

"I bet that was a big change!"

"It sure as shit was! The biggest thing was...meeting other people my age and then finding out that my life...was kind of fucked up. I mean...no one else had to jump out of bed like a fucking robot every day all their life just because their Father had some military fetish!"

He stopped talking and we stared at each other for a long time. The wind had slowed down and the sound of raindrops echoed on the roof.

"I...I guess that's when I started...really noticing guys," he said softly.


"Yeah. I mean...looking back, I guess I had all the way through high school. But I kept telling myself it wasn't normal...!"

"Because your parents reinforced that attitude...?" I asked.


"So college opened your eyes...!" I said.

"Yeah! He chirped before suddenly becoming much more serious, "In high school, I remember some kids getting bullied because they were gay...!"

"Your school let that happen?" I exclaimed.

"No! They had rules against it...but...it always managed to happen away. I remember one kid getting picked on by three other guys. I just watched and said nothing... I mean...I was pretty buffed out by then; it was in my junior year...I should have called them out or something...but I did NOTHING!"

Aaron's deep blue eyes looked so sad...

He stood up and walked over to the sliding glass door.

"It's still raining pretty hard," he said softly.

I moved up next to him. The sweet scent of my strawberry body wash radiated off his lean, tan body.

"Thanks for opening up to me," I said.

"Thanks for listening" he replied, "I guess I really am damaged goods!"

"THE FUCK IF YOU ARE! It wasn't your fault that all of this shit happened! Actually, considering it all, I think you're a top flight, decent guy!" I exclaimed.

He turned and looked at me.


"Of course!" I replied.

"Does that mean that maybe...we could...maybe...be...something together?" he timidly asked.

Just hearing those words set off fireworks in my brain... Of course, I had to complicate matters by saying the wrong thing...

"Aaron...Baby...Really...I think you are the hottest guy on the planet...but how could we even begin to manage a long distance romance?" I replied.

"But it wouldn't be `long distance,'" he protested.

"I don't know! Flagstaff is pretty far away!" I laughed.

"But it...you don't understand! It wouldn't be Flagstaff because...because...I quit NAU!" he explained.

My neck must have made an audible "snap" as I turned and stared at him.

"WHAT??? You QUIT school? For ME? What about following your dream? NO! NO!! NO!!!! That's so wrong...!!!!" I cried.

"No...Nathan...WAIT! I didn't say I quit SCHOOL, I said I QUIT NAU. Actually...I transferred down here...to the U of A...so...because...I could be here in Tucson...!"

My head was about to explode. Standing next to me was the sweetest, sexiest guy in the world. He just bared his soul to me and confessed that he transferred schools JUST so he could...be with me? That meant he was willing to endure moving back home and putting up with his parents, again, just for...for ME??? I know Aaron has balls...but this went far beyond anything I could ever have imagined!

A huge lump appeared in my throat as the entirety of what he had said and done finally registered with me. My mind was brought back to reality as I heard his soft voice...

"I should have contacted you sooner. After your dropped me off in Flag and I got back to my dorm, I found that piece of paper you left in my backpack. I kept staring at your address and phone number. I kept thinking. And thinking... I just wanted to be sure. Not about you. About me," he sniffled, "I don't ever want to hurt or disappoint you...After I got back to town, I drove by your house so many times and...!"

"Wait! What? You drove by here? Why didn't you just stop...?"

"Because I was afraid...!"

"Afraid? Of what?" I asked.

"Afraid that you wouldn't remember me. Or even be interested in me...! You know so much and have been with so many guys. I must seem like a kid!" he sobbed.

"WHOA! Aaron! Wait! You're all I have thought about since we first met. I haven't had sex with ANYONE since our night together. And I've never had sex with ANYONE here because...because...I want the first time in my home to be special!" I said.

"You haven't had any guys here?" he exclaimed.


"Then I'm not too late?" he cried again.

"'Too late?' For what?"

"Every time I came by your house, there was a car parked in the driveway. I thought...I guessed you...must have found another guy and...!"

"What! Wait! A car?" I exclaimed.

He nodded.

"Was it a white Lexus?"

He nodded, then added, "I even peeked through the window into your garage tonight...before I started pounding on the gate! If it had been parked next to your 4Runner I would have...never...!"

Tears flowed from his eyes.

"That was my Mom's car!" I giggled.

"Your...Your...Mom?" he cried.

"Yeah! Bringing me emergency food rations! She thinks I'm too skinny!" I laughed.

We turned and looked into each other's eyes...

"So...So...There's chance? You and me? P...P...Please...Nathan! Give me a chance! I won't disappoint you! I'll try so hard to...I don't know everything but I know...I know now...I'm g...g...gay. I've done so much research, trying to learn and figure it out...figure myself out...and I want to be your...your...with you! Just one chance! I promise I'll be the best...I'll try to do everything you want! Today...Tonight...I finally grew some balls and realized that I had to see you. To maybe try...! My parents are in Las Vegas for the weekend. Until Sunday night. After I dropped them off at the airport, I decided it was now or never! Way past time! You've been on my mind ever since we met. Like consuming more and more of my thoughts. I couldn't take it any more...I had to know if we could...!" he cried.

My heart was aching and singing for joy at the same time!

"I know you're gay, Aaron...I know...I noticed your baseball cap...!"

He blushed bright red.

"I...I...bought t...t...two of them... the other one is in my car... For like maybe...me and you? I mean, after we met, between you and finals, my mind was about to explode...I knew then...Me and you seemed like a once in a lifetime chance! So I made my choice. I am going to follow my dream. I'm going to major in Physics at the U of A and I want to be your...!" he cried as his voice dropped off.

"My what?" I said softly, "Go ahead, Aaron, you can say it...!"

He cleared his throat before replying.

"Your boy-friend!"

His voice cracked. I reached around his firm waist and pulled him close to me.

"Okay!" I whispered in his ear, "You and me. No one else. No other boys. No other girls. I'll be your boyfriend...!"

"You will?" he exclaimed.

"Yes! Just remember, it's us through thick and thin. You don't have to do anything to impress me. You don't have to do anything you don't ever want to do. We'll share each others' love, joy and sorrow. It's that simple!" I whispered.

"Ohhhhh Nathan!!!!" he cried.

I reached down to hold his hand and was surprised as I felt him redirect my movement to his ass! He pressed my palm into his firm, muscular butt cheeks..

"Anything I've done to you, you can do to me," he whispered, "I want to try everything!"

"Come on," I whispered while turning towards the bedroom...

+++It's Not Long Enough!+++

Upon entering the room and turning to face Aaron, I suddenly felt myself being forcefully but gently propelled back against the wall. The strength of his motion was overwhelming! Our eyes met; and while his were still moist, I could see them blazing with energy.

"I've wanted to do this to you for months...!" he cried as our lips met.

In a second, Aaron's tongue forced its way into my mouth. Our breathing quickly reached a fever pitch as I felt his incessant probing. Two strong arms bracketed my body, in effect keeping me pressed against the wall... not that I would have even considered going anywhere!

As our bodies pressed together, I could feel his long, thick cock running down the length of my thigh! My prick was hard enough to punch holes in steel! The sounds of our moans quickly reached a deafening crescendo while the passion play continued...

As our lips separated, Aaron stared into my eyes.

"I promise! I will try so hard! Just give me one chance!" he begged.

I was held to the wall like a bug impaled on a pin! His overwhelming scent made my eyes flutter as I felt my body go limp (except for one part!). Aaron dropped his head and nibbled on my neck. Not a biting action, just a gentle show of affection.

"You're over-dressed!" he giggled, "You have been all evening! Making me sit there in those tiny shorts while you're fully clothed!"

"I...I...!" I stuttered.

My words went no further as he ripped at my shirt. I heard the fabric tearing in his strong hands.

"Enough! Wanna see your body naked! All of it!" he commanded.

The shirt, or what was left of it, went up over my head and fell to the floor.

"NICE!" he exclaimed.

In a flash, Aaron began licking and nibbling on my entire body...down to my nips, where he stopped to lightly bite each one. I groaned in ecstasy at his action as he dropped lower, gently caressing my skinny abs until ending up at my Levis.

"More damned clothes!" he groused.

I giggled in response...that quickly turned to moans as he began mouthing the outline of my wet, dripping cock.

We both reached for the button on my jeans. In a flash Aaron had it unfastened and he skinned the fabric off of me like peeling a banana. My cock heaved into sight and jutted upwards in the open air.

"THAT LOOKS SO FUCKING WICKED," he cried while eyeing my cock ring.

I started to reply but all I could do was moan as he completely swallowed my 8½" like it was a candy-cane! Instinctively I grabbed his head and began to forcefully fuck his beautiful face. He offered no resistance; to the contrary, he began groaning while expertly servicing my aching tool!

The pressure quickly rose in my balls; this was going to be the fastest blowjob of my life! All evening long I had been fighting to retain control of my cock. Just having Aaron close to me was enough to fire up all my emotions. Now the boy of my dreams was devouring my cock with a burning hunger!


Hearing my voice only made his efforts multiply by an infinite factor. My body began to buck and heave against his strong frame. Aaron know just how to use his tongue!

"NATHAN'S GONNA CUM!" I screamed.

He didn't back off. He didn't hesitate. He didn't waver even as I forced his face against my pubic bone.

"SUCK IT!!!!" I screamed as my nuts tightened and cut loose with their hot, thick, creamy nectar.

I could hear Aaron gulping as he swallowed my load: multiple spurts that ejected like canon-shots deep down into his throat. He didn't gag or miss one drop while I pumped out at least a dozen wads of my copious seed!

When finished, Aaron looked up at me and smiled. Slowly he let my swollen prick slip from between his lips. I reached down and helped him stand up. Face to face, we kissed. My tongue probed his mouth, searching for remnants of my spunk. Aaron moaned while pressing his body firmly into mine...

Pulling apart, our eyes met. His seemed to be questioning.

"Was I good enough?" he asked shyly.

His uncertainty amazed me; I had just given him a thunderous load of dick juice and yet he seemed...unsure?

"The best blow job I ever had," I whispered.

"REALLY?" he cried.

"YES!" I assured him.

It was no lie. Aaron knew how to suck cock; I already knew that from our night together in the 4Runner when he expertly downed my load. The ability to service your own tool has a LOT of benefits! More importantly, THIS blow job was my BEST EVER because it was Aaron! He wasn't some pointless one-time hookup! I had finally found the boy of my dreams! Okay; Man of my dreams... but what the fuck; we're both still young and, hopefully, will spend the rest of our lives together.

"Come here," I said, leading him to the bed.

We tumbled onto the mattress and began to wrestle. Right away, I knew something wasn't right...

"Take off those silly shorts," I laughed, "And the shirt too!" I added.

Freed from all clothing, we again resumed wrestling. Rolling around on the bed; he would pin me first, then I did the same to him, although I knew for sure he was LETTING me pin him... We never took our eyes off of each other while our cocks, drenched in dick juice, slipped back and forth together.

Cavorting around on the bed, giggling like little kids, I came to a position of dominance over him. My hands had his wrists pinned to the mattress while my legs blocked his in place. Again, I knew we were just playing and he was letting me do this My eyes met his and he smiled. Those perfect teeth and thick kissable lips...I felt myself weakening...

"So your parents are gone until...!" I started to ask.

"Sunday evening," he replied.

"Perfect!" I chirped.

His look was one of confusion.

"Aaron Woodward," I stuttered, "Oh damn, Aaron, you're so fucking hot!

His smile grew while his eyes blazed with...lust!!!

"I...I want you to," I stammered, "I mean, would you like to...spend the night with me? And all day tomorrow and tomorrow night and as much of Sunday as you can?"

"You mean...like spending the night, like sleeping together?" he replied in a nervous voice.

"Sure!" I exclaimed.

"I don't know...I mean, I've never slept with anyone before...!"

"Anyone? Ever?" I replied, "Not even sleepovers?"

"No," he replied in a shy whisper.

"Well then, this will be a first for both of us because I have never slept with anyone either!" I confessed.

His eyes widened in amazement.

"What about all those guys you...?" he started to ask.

"They were only interested in getting off. Not about spending quality time with me," I said.

"Then they were fucking stupid!" he barked.

"Maybe so...but that's just the way a lot of guys are," I explained, "It's all about sex and nothing else!"

"So then," he stammered, "Sleeping...? How does that work...?"

"Usually a person assumes a horizontal position, I mean, unless you're related to a bat; then you close your eyes and enter a rest and regenerative cycle for anywhere from six to nine hours. Then you wake up and start the day all fresh and ready to go," I said in a deadpan voice.

It took a second for him to realize that I was playing with him. Then he instantly broke free of my grip and suddenly I found myself pinned under him!

"Okay, Mister Smart-ass, I'll do it...but I really don't know...What if something comes up?"

I gazed into his blue eyes as my body shivered.

"I expect something' will come up,' and when it does, I'll make sure it cums!" I giggled.

"We may not get much sleep," he hooted.

"That's fine with me! We have the whole weekend to spend together," I said softly.

"Oh Nathan!" he sighed while rolling off to my side, "I never thought anything like this would happen!"

"Me either! I wanted you so badly...!"

"Why didn't you call me," he asked.

"Because at first I knew you were in Flag. Even after school got out and you came back here, I couldn't...I was afraid that you might have even forgotten me...! And...," I added, "It had to be this way. You had to call me. To make the first move. Because...so...you...would be...be sure...about yourself!"

"No fucking way I COULD ever forget you!" he yelped.

"I know that now; but when we parted in March, I didn't know if you were straight or `bi' or gay or whatever. I had to hope that...you'd come to me," I confessed.

"I'm gay. I know that now. All the way," he said softly.

"What did you mean about doing some `research?'" I asked, "Do you mean watching some porn...?"

I could see him blush bright red.

"It's okay if you did. I mean, I watch it all the time...!"

"YOU DO?" he exclaimed.

"Of course! I wanna see what other guys are doing...!" I laughed.

"I...uhhhh...I started...kind of...by watching straight porn," he said.

"Oh? How did that make you feel?"

"It's kind of weird. I found myself watching the guys...!"

"Not the girls?" I asked.

"Fuck no. They didn't interest me at all!"

"Not even those with a big `rack?'" I chortled.

"Oh fuck no! I never understood that fascination! I mean, what use are big tits?" he laughed.

"A lot of guys seem to like them," I snorted.

"Not me!" he barked.

"So then...you started watching gay porn?" I asked.


His enthusiasm was overwhelmingly obvious.

"How did that work out?"

"Guys have wicked bodies! Especially their asses! I like an ass like yours!" he giggled.

"Oh?" I chuckled.

"YEAH! Yours is PERFECT! And I think gay guys have bigger cocks, too!" he said.

"I've heard that before too, but I don't know how true it is," I replied, but you're forgetting one thing...!"


"Guys have infinitely more possibilities because we have two holes and a pole. Girls only have three holes," I hooted.

Okay. That's another "Brianism," which I'm sure he found on the web. In any event, it made Aaron break out in laughter...

"Anyway," he continued after calming down, "I...I kind of got so horny from watching...!"

"That's normal," I smiled.

"I saw guys doing what you and I did, and other things too! I...I want to try everything...I mean, I might not be really good at some of it but...!"

"Shhh!" I laughed, "No one is grading you on anything!"

His eyes seemed to tear up.

"That's what I like about you. You're so easy going and honest. And you don't ridicule anything I say...!"

"Why would I do that?"

"Well...I used to listen to guys talk all the time and it seemed like they knew everything. I mean; they were my age...I kept wondering how they knew so much...!"

"You mean about sex?"

"Yeah! How did they know so much and I seemed to be so fucking naive?" he asked.

"Aaron! It's just talk! Chances are most of them gained their `vast knowledge base' from watching porn just like you!" I laughed, "Every guy wants to play the part of a stud. Especially in front of other guys!"

"See what I mean?" he replied.


"You're so smart! Sometimes I feel like I'm still a little kid!"

"With a fucking huge cock!" I laughed.

"OH YEAH! I read about THAT, too!" he said.

"About what?" I asked.

"My big cock. I found pictures on the internet of lots of guys with big cocks!"

"Some of them are probably fake. You can do a lot with Photoshop," I chortled.

"Oh I know all about that! I took a graphics class in high school...but I mean, some of the pictures are obvious fakes, but some are the real thing!" he chortled.

"Well, YOURS is sure as hell `the real thing!'" I roared.

"And I went to PFLAG...," he added.

"Where? Here?" I asked.

"Yeah! To a couple of youth group meetings. I met some nice guys who...well, I kind of tried to talk out what I was going through and they actually listened to me!"

"Oh Aaron! That's so fucking SWEET!!" I squeaked.

I reached over and started to play with his hair...

"It finally dawned on me. Everything. I knew I had to be here...I mean, if I was gonna ever be with you. You're right. A long distance romance wouldn't cut it. Especially after I decided about my major. I mean, it's gonna be a long hard climb. Probably eight years to get a PhD. My Dad's gonna SHIT when he figures out how much THAT'S gonna cost!"

My mind was whirling with all of his revelations! Aaron had obviously been planning and thinking a lot. Not just about me, but about both of us!

"Why Physics?" I asked.

It leaves more doors open for career paths. I can always move into Cosmology or Astronomy or even Astrobiology if I want to," he explained.

"Your really have your shit together in so many ways!" I said.

"Yeah but the real problem is my Dad. I mean, my family," he remarked.

"So? We'll take it nice and slow. I'm not gonna push you to run home and tell your parents that you're gay. I'll be here for you all the time. Any time. We can just work into it gradually...I mean, about your parents...sometimes they figure things out by themselves. I know mine sure did. They knew for years and I had no clue that they did!" I laughed.

Aaron snuggled next to me.

"You're so fine," he whispered.

I gently stroked his hair some more...

"You're a once in a lifetime find," I said.

"So I'm a `keeper?'" he giggled.

"For sure!" I laughed.

He slowly turned and looked at me. His eyes were blazing with energy.

"Nathan...?" he asked.


"Can I...May I...I want to...!" he stammered.


"I NEED to...Uhhhh!!!! Fuck you...so much!" he cried.

"Is that all? Why so tongue-tied? Of COURSE you can! Anytime you want!"

"I know I promised that you can do anything to me that I've done to you...but now...I want to...I need you...I want YOU...SO much," he cried.

Aaron rolled over, sat up and gazed down at me.

"I'll be really gentle with you...I promise...I know how it hurt the first time we...," he started to say.

"Hey! It's okay! Once I got used to you, everything fit just fine!" I assured him, "Besides...!"

Reaching under the bed, I pulled out my "14.57 inch thick long anal dildo" and giggled, "I've been keeping in shape!

Aaron's eyes focused in on my "toy" and the cutest smile swept across his angelic face; right before he broke out in rolling fits of laughter!

"Oh no!" he squeaked, "I got one of those too!"

My jaw almost hit the floor!

"What? Like this?" I said, holding up my "toy."

"Well, no, I...uhhh...tried to find one the size of your...of...!" he stammered.

His shyness was so adorably cute, and a huge turn-out to boot!

"The size of my COCK!" I hooted.

He turned beet red...

"Yeah!" he whispered.

"Well, that shouldn't have been too hard," I stopped and smiled, "I mean, too difficult...since my cock isn't that...!"

"Shhhh!" he said, holding his finger up to my lips.

"You cock is just fine!" he added, "In fact, you know what the best thing is about your cock?"

"Not really...I mean...!" I hemmed.

"It's attached to YOU!" he said softly.

My eyes started to tear up...

"You're so fucking sweet," I whispered to him.

He appraised my "toy" and then asked, "So you actually...uhhhh...it...fit...?"

I nodded affirmatively.

He stared at it again and then declared, "It's not as long as mine. The thickness looks okay except mine is fatter at the base...!"

"Not long enough? It's got almost twelves insertable inches!" I laughed.

"Oh well then fuck yes! It's definitively not long enough!"

My head was spinning as the "revelations" just kept on coming...

"I can't believe you actually bought a dildo," I chortled.

"Why not? I wanted to know what it felt like!"

"Didn't it...hurt...the first time...?" I asked.

"Oh, yeah...," he paused, "In fact, a lot! At least at first! But I got used to it...!"

"Trust me," I assured him, "The real thing feels a lot better!"

I gathered that from watching the way you acted when I...!" he replied as we both broke out in laughter..

"You think this isn't as long as yours?" I asked while handing him my toy.

"Fuck no! Not nearly!"

"I tried to guess about the size...I mean, it's like, well, we were in the back of the 4Runner and it was so dark...and anyway, I had trouble finding one this big!" I chortled, then I asked, "Just... exactly... uhhh.. how long IS yours?"

Aaron flashed me a devilish smile.

"Do you know the number of a `baker's dozen?'" he asked.

"HOLY SHIT!" I exclaimed.

"I actually wondered...a long time ago," he reflected, "I mean, about my cock...so I went online and did some...!"

"More `research?'" I laughed.

He blushed and nodded, "Yeah...I read this article about a guy who supposedly has the biggest cock in the world!"

"That's a big claim," I laughed.

"No shit!" he exclaimed, "I mean, if the world has eight billion people and half of them are guys, then how can anyone make a claim about having the biggest cock without doing a lot of measuring?"

We both broke out laughing.

"That article was probably written by the same person who claims that the `average' cock size is like 5½!" I chuckled.

"Yeah! Someone needs a new ruler. Or maybe, just learn how to read the one he has!" he giggled.

"I can't get past the `baker's dozen' thing," I gasped, "You really are a stud!"

"ME? You're the one who rode it like a champ! A whole bunch of times! And as for that guy on the internet, he was bitching about the same problem I had...!"


"No women would touch it!" Aaron laughed, "Besides, I'm a lot cuter than he could ever dream of being! I'll stack my cock up against his any day!"

"A `baker's dozen?'" I said softly.

"From the tip down to the base. Measured along the top...I don't know...I haven't remeasured it in quite a while...!"

"Why not?" I asked.

"I'm afraid!" he confessed.

Afraid? Of what?"

"That it might have grown some more!" he replied.

We both broke out in more laughter.

I looked down at his cock. It was in sort of a restive state, or as I had read so many times, "tumescent." Thick rolls of skin surrounded the shaft. The fat mushroom shaped head looked...delicious. My mouth watered at the sight as my cock started to inflate.

"Let's check it out," I whispered, "And then you can...!"

His eyes blazed with lust and excitement.

"...Get what you want," I finished with a huge cheeky grin.

"DEAL!" he chirped, "Now just watch me get hard!"

My eyes focused on Aaron's fat meat stick. Suddenly it flopped to one side and started to rise. The thick rolls of skin began to quickly disappear as his cock started to thicken and lengthen. As I watched the transformation take place right before my eyes, my heart started pounding like a drum! Aaron's cock continued to rise and expand; like a telescoping rod, it lifted up into the air.

"Holy shit," I cried.

True, I had seen it before, but now, under better lighting conditions, I was watching something most guys could only dream about seeing.

"Almost there," Aaron chirped in a raspy voice.

The entire transformation had taken place in just a few seconds! Standing almost vertical, which, given its size, was quite a feat, I gasped in awe as a thick wad of clear juice oozed out of a gaping piss slit... Aaron's breathing was labored. I watched as his eight pack contracted and heaved, causing more precum to dribble out of the tip of his massive tool!

"OHHHHHH!!!" he moaned.

"Yeah, Baby!" I replied.

My throat was dry as sand...

"You are right!" I cried.


Your cock IS bigger than my dildo!" I said while comparing the both of them, "By quite a bit, too!"

"Nathan...!" he moaned.


"PLEASE!" he begged.

"Okay, Baby!" I replied.

Before I knew what was happening, Aaron rolled me over on my stomach!

"On your knees, face down," he commanded.

His dominance was surprising! All of the hesitation he had exhibited back in March was gone!

"Are you super clean?" he asked.

"Of course!" I replied, wondering where he was leading...

I didn't have time to ponder the issue as his hands forced my ass-cheeks open.

"I saw this online," he panted, "And it sure looked like...!"

His voice faded as I felt a wetness at my hole! Aaron was going to eat my ass!


Aaron's tongue lapped around the entrance before pushing inside. I started drooling with lust as I felt him probing my boy-cunt!

"Warm me up, stud! Get me ready to take your big fat cock!" I screamed.

I could tell Aaron was going in as deep as possible. My cock was uncontrollably throbbing while slinging precum all over the bed. It kept making audible "slaps" while hitting against my stomach!


Aaron moaned as he continued to slurp on my butt. I could have remained like this all night!

Slowly withdrawing, he laughed, "Now you're ready for something a lot bigger than my tongue!"

"The lube is one the nightstand," I panted.

I heard Aaron slicking up his massive rod. For good measure, he inserted a huge wad deep inside my anxious hole. The sensation of being penetrated by his long middle finger almost made me cum...

"Ready?" he asked.

"Do me," I panted.

"I'll go slow...just in case," he promised, "You TELL me if it hurts or anything!"

Suddenly he stopped...

"No," he said, "I want to do it a different way. Like we did in the 4Runner!"

Before I could speak, I felt his strong arms gently flipping me over like a pancake...

"I wanna look in your eyes when I fuck you," he whispered, "I wanna see your face when I make you cum!"

This can't be happening! A few hours ago I was sitting in front of my computer bored and depressed as hell, and now I was about to get fucked by the boy of my dreams!

Lying on my back, I spread my skinny legs apart so Aaron could slide up close to me.

"LET ME KNOW IF IT HURTS," he warned.

Our eyes were drilling into each other likes lasers. I could sense the energy radiating from his lithe, lean frame. Wrapping my legs around Aaron's butt, I eagerly awaited the initial penetration...

We pulled closer together. His arms wrapped around my body as I felt his cock pushing at the entrance to my hole.

"OHHHHHH!!!! I moaned as he slipped past my ass ring.

"You okay?" he asked apprehensively.

"Just fucking fine...!" I sighed.

Our eyes remained locked as his cock slid deeper inside. Trying to urge him on, I contracted my legs around his strong hips.

"Oh boy! Nathan is horny!" he giggled.

His impish smile and cute face made my heart race. Trapped against my stomach, my cock was drooling like a leaky faucet.

"OHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!" I moaned again as Aaron's cock slid in deeper.

Suddenly he stopped.

"What?" I asked him.

"Remember last time?" he said softly.

"You mean that first time?" I asked.

"Yeah. I can't go any further. It's like a wall or something is stopping me...!"

"We got around that before," I reminded him.

"Yeah, but I also remember hurting you!"

"No pain, no gain!" I hooted.

"That's not funny! I'd die if I ever hurt you!"

"Look, Aaron...Baby...please! Just go very slowly! Try working it in a little bit at a time!"

"Are you sure?"

"Yes! Even if it hurts, the pain will go away. Remember? And besides, once you've loosened me up, it'll be fine from then on...providing you fuck me on a regular basis!"

"Oh I WANT to do that! Every day if you'll let me!" he giggled with a mischievous twinkle in his deep blue eyes.

Okay. It hurt. Enough to make me wince and tense up. Aaron stopped and again insisted that he didn't have to fuck me.

"No way!" I cried, "I WANT you inside me! All the way in!"

Because we were locked together, Aaron couldn't tell how much of his cock remained outside of my butt. There was more pain. My boner wavered. I gritted my teeth.

"You're so fucking brave," he cried, "And a stud to boot!"

"I'm doing it because I want you to feel good," I moaned.

The pain was diminishing when Aaron cried out, "I'm in! All the way!"

I knew that as well; I could feel his pelvis pressing against my ass cheeks.

"You did it AGAIN!" he whooped, "You took ALL of my cock!"

I smiled. We leaned forward and kissed. Aaron's tongue pushed deep into my mouth. Our moans resonated off the bedroom walls.

"I guess my `14.47" thick long dildo' wasn't long enough!" I hooted.

"`Baker's dozen,'" he chirped.

We kissed again and then Aaron started to fuck me...

"Ohhhh Baby!" he whispered in my ear, "You're so fucking FINE!"

My boner was back. Raging and demanding attention!

"I've wanted this since last March," I cried.

"Me too!" he replied.

His strokes were long and gentle. Having that much cock sliding back and forth past my prostate sent shivers of ecstasy pulsing though my body.

"My Baby is such a stud," he kept saying, along with "Just give me a chance. One chance! I promise I'll be so good to you!"

I didn't need any persuasion. In my mind, the deal was sealed. Brian was wrong. So wrong. Aron IS a "keeper" of the first magnitude!

It didn't take very long before the pressure in my balls was closing in on the boiling point. Aaron must have picked up on that fact from my body language and moans.

"Is Baby gonna cum soon?" he whispered.

Just hearing this blonde-haired, blue-eyed stud referring to me as his "Baby" was enough to make me melt. I remembered calling him that on our first night in the 4Runner. Back then, I thought maybe I had crossed a line. Obviously, I had been wrong. Now hearing him refer to me as his "Baby" was another part of a dream come true!

"YYYYEAHHH!" I croaked.

"Aaron's gonna make you cum. Really hard. Over and over. All night," he promised.

My body shivered with his words.

"PPPPlllease!!!!" I begged.

"Okay, Baby," he whispered, "Get ready!"

Aaron knew exactly what he was doing! I knew he could have hopped on me, slammed my hole hard and fast, and been done with it. It wasn't going like that at all! His strokes were long and powerful but not overwhelming. Certainly not into the danger zone where my ass could be easily ripped to shreds.

Not at all. Aaron was carefully taking the time and effort to get ME off! His cock was expertly massaging, actually MILKING, my prostate!

"OHHHHHHH!!!!!" I cried.

"Cum for me, Nathan! Please!" he begged.

Aaron was fucking me yet begging for ME to cum? What could I say or do? Well, I did...just that! I let out a mighty roar that shook the bedroom as my cock exploded. Wads of hot cum coated my stomach, chest and throat!



"Aaronnnnnn!" I sighed, "You're so fineeeeee!"

He smiled. We kissed again.

"I'm gonna make you cum again," he whispered, "I've wanted to return the favors you did to me last March...over and over!"

Our bodies were locked together in the ultimate embrace of passion. I had never fucked like this before. Usually it was face down with me on top drilling away, or having some guy bend over while I made a quick "deposit." The way Aaron and I were right now allowed us to read each other's feelings with crystal clarity. I could sense a great aura of satisfaction and joy in his face...

It didn't take long; maybe five minutes... I mean, who's watching the clock now anyway...before I felt the same pressure returning to my balls.

"Aaron!" I cried.

"Baby's getting close?" he replied.


"Good! Aaron's gonna cum with you," he smiled.

I must be dreaming. This can't really be happening. Soon, I'll wake up and find myself staring at two large stuffed bunnies...

"Please," he whispered in my ear, "Let me try! I'll be good for you! Soooo good!!!"

"Yeahhhhhh, Baby!" I replied, You ARE good! VERY good!"

The tempo and force of his thrusts were increasing as we both whimpered and mewled in delight. The time was at hand! Aaron and I were going to cum together; him, deep in my ass and me, all over my chest!

"Bite me," he pleaded.

"What?" I gasped.

"Mark me like I did to you before"!" he panted.

My brain was swirling with an onrush of pleasurable feelings! Aaron wanted me to "mark" him in a way that signified we were now a couple!

"What about your parents...?" I started to ask.

I could only imagine their reaction upon seeing a deep purple bruise on his neck!

"I don't give a shit! I wanna be yours!" he cried, "Hurry, babe! I can't hold on much longer!"

Gently shifting to one side, I found the "target" and moved in...a small, tentative nip at first, which sent Aaron howling in joy.

"YEAHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!" he screamed.

I closed in for the "kill," making a strong, sucking bite on his soft, tanned skin. That action created a cascade effect... Aaron's body bucked and thrashed...I felt his cock drive deep inside my body followed by a sudden warmth as his cum filled my guts. Unable to hold out any longer, my cock began blasting out a steady torrent of thick dick juice. Our mutual cries of joy again resonated in the room...

After we uncoupled and sprawled out on the bed, Aaron reached up to feel his neck.

"I gotta go see this!" he squeaked.

Jumping out of bed, I witnessed his large erect cock swaying in the open air. As he walked to the bathroom, I was also rewarded with a tantalizing view of his tight, muscular ass.

Returning in short time, his face was all smiles.

"You did it just fine!" he chirped.

"I tried to make it low enough so your parents won't notice..." I started to say.

"Fuck it! I'm nineteen years old. I'm not their little kid any more!!"

He slid under the sheet and nestled against me...

"Can we do some more things?" he asked shyly.

What had I unleashed? "More things" turned out to be more than four hours of sexual lust. Aaron was more than eager to try multiple different positions; I was more than happy to oblige...provided my ass held out!

We paused around two in the morning. The bedroom was heavy with the scent of our young bodies, cum and wild, uninhibited sex...

"Where...How...did you learn so much?" I asked as we snuggled together.

"My `research,'" he chirped.

"You must have "researched" a lot," I hooted.

"Did I do okay? I can try to...," he started to say,

"Shhhh!" I said, holding my finger to his pouty lips, "Damn! Remember!! You're not being graded on anything...and yes, you were perfect! Fucking perfect!"

"The porn I watched gave me all the ideas. I mean, about how many ways two guys can do things," he confessed.

"`Two holes and a pole,'" I giggled.

He shot me the cutest grin...

"But I actually did a lot more research, I mean, learning about the...uh...prostate thing...! At first I couldn't figure out how a guy...a guy on the...uh...!" he stammered.

"The bottom," I helped him along.

"Yeah...I didn't get how...why...getting fucked felt so good for them...!"

"The prostate is another thing that we have that girls don't...!" I explained.

"It seems like...like...!" he stammered again, "That guys are made for sex!"

"Well...you sure are!" I chortled.

He nestled closer to me.



"I know now. Completely. I mean, I was sure when I banged on your front gate tonight but now I KNOW...I'm gay. Completely. One hundred percent!" he confessed.

I nestled against him and cooed in his ear, "PERFECT! Because another great thing about being gay is you can fuck me anytime and never have to worry about me getting pregnant...!"

We both broke out laughing.

"Maybe I should keep trying anyway!" he chuckled.

"And remember, I don't need to take a week off every month...!" I snarked, "But you HAVE to keep me loose enough so it doesn't hurt...!"

"I didn't hurt you, did I?" he cried.

"No. Not any more than our first time. My ass is kind of tingly now and it'll probably be a little sore for a while..but otherwise, I'm fine!"

"I told you," he giggled.

"Told me what?"

"That your dildo wasn't long enough!"

We both laughed as I lightly ran my fingers over the outline of his impressive eight pac.

"You were...epic," Aaron said softly, "I never imagined anything like this in my life!"

"You're a first class, grade `A' stud," I whispered back.

I could go on with you like this forever," he replied, "but I think you need a rest!"

Aaron's concern and feelings for me made me feel warm and fuzzy inside.

"You think you'll be okay for a while?" I laughed, "I mean...!"

My eyes trailed down to his huge cock, which was "semi-flaccid" and resting down along his thigh.

"I'm good!" he giggled.

"Oh yeah?" I shot back.

Our eyes met. I could see his still blazing and alive with excitement.

"One more time," I whispered as I snaked down to the bulbous, wet tip of his huge cock.

Opening my mouth as wide as I could, I slowly began to ingest his thick meat stick.

A low moan escaped from Aaron's lips as my tongue began to do its job.

"DAMNNNNNNNNNNNN, NATHAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" he cried.

Slowly I tried my best to ingest as much of his fat rod as possible without choking. I think I was about halfway down its immense length when I felt his arms gently tug at me.

"I know a better way!" he said softly, "Like we did in the 4Runner!"

We quickly rolled over on our sides and within seconds were gulping down each other's steely hard cocks. Well, Aaron downed mine like a lollipop. I struggled to go further down on him than I had before...

Our efforts paid off in just minutes. I felt Aaron's body tense up as he moaned while eagerly assaulting my tool. Then it hit... Waves of hot cum launched into my eager mouth. His cum had virtually no taste. Just thick, hot wads of boy cream.

That was all it took to push me over the edge! I managed some soft, urgent squeaks before sending pulsed jets of my spunk down Aaron's willing throat.

My eyes watered as Aaron continued to empty his jizz into my willing mouth. It seemed like he would never stop...

"This guy is amazing!" was all I could (barely) manage to think while quickly gulping down a torrent of spunk, "Even after all we did this evening...it's like he COULD go on forever!"

After mutually satisfying each other, we both resumed cuddling in my king sized bed. A place where I had spent many countless nights dreaming about this day!

"You're such a horn dog," he giggled.

"ME????" I laughed.

"Yeah, YOU! You took my cock like a pro, shoot, I don't know how many times, and now this...a `nightcap' before bedtime!" he chuckled.

"Don't underestimate yourself," I said, "YOU motivated me to do everything that I did...!"

Our eyes met. I could see that his were moist...

"Nathan...," he murmured.


"Thanks...Thanks for helping me to figure it all out!"

"I think you did a lot of that by yourself," I replied while playfully ruffling his fluffy blonde hair.

"Yeah...but...if we hadn't met, and you hadn't been so...so...kind and understanding, I might have continued on, forever... heading in the wrong direction for...years!"

"All that matters now is that we found each other. Through thick and thin, I'll stand by you no matter what," I said.

"Nathan," he said softly.


"There's...uh...something I have to tell you...I mean, it's kind of important and you should know about me...just in case," he stammered.

A tinge of uncertainly hit me...

"Oh?" I casually replied.

"It's just something that you should REALLY know... I mean...!"

"Let me guess! You snore...?"


"Talk in your sleep?"




"You hog the covers?"


"Then what...?"

"It's just that I have...," he hesitated.


"I mean, I HAVE to tell you!"

"You don't wet the bed, do you?"

"NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" he laughed.

"Okay. I give. What is it?" I asked.

"It's just that...I mean...if we're gonna be...like boyfriends and all, I think you need to know...!"

"WHAT!" I laughed.

It's just that I have this kind of...off the wall, over the top, almost unquenchable...sex drive," he said softly and then adding, "I just thought you should know...!"

I started shaking with laughter.

"Come here, `surfer boy,'" I said, pulling him tightly up against me. Our cocks were meshed together under the sheets.

"Don't you think I already have that figured out!"

"And you...don't mind?"

"No! NO! HOLY FUCK, NO!" I roared, "I figured that out about halfway between Tucson and Flagstaff!"

He seemed relieved...

"In fact, your `over the top' sex drive seems to be rubbing off on me!" I laughed.


"Yes! There's just one thing...!"


"I'm gonna have to go buy some more bath towels so we don't run out of cum rags!" I chuckled.

We both started laughing and crying at the same time. Fate had brought us together in a most unusual fashion. Aaron Woodward was going to be a central part of my life!

We cried ourselves to sleep...

The next morning I awoke to...an empty bed! Looking across where Aaron had been sleeping, I could see out onto the patio. The day was dreary and overcast, one of the fifteen days out of 365 per year when Tucson sees little to no sunshine...

My first thought was that it had all been a dream; that Aaron had never been here and it was some kind of wild sexual escapade concocted by my imagination. That idea quickly vanished as I felt the tingling in my ass.

"No! It really happened!" I told myself.

I remembered...falling asleep with Aaron spooning up against me. His warmth, his scent, and that huge cock stretching way up my back side... I quickly dozed off and didn't wake up again until now. Nothing else happened. Except it was the first time since March that I didn't toss and turn all night.

Rolling over in bed, my eyes came to focus on a picture of beauty...a young, blonde-haired, blue-eyed Adonis sitting in chair looking at me...I saw his eyes rake up and down my skinny frame. He was wearing the same skimpy shorts from the night before. Otherwise, his entire young, smoking hot nineteen year old body was on complete display...

"It's about time you got up, sleepyhead!" he hooted.

Hearing his voice made my morning wood throb...

"What time is it...?" I started to ask.

"Just about 10:30!"

"NO SHIT? How long have you been up?"

"Since about six," he smiled.

"SIX? We only went to bed about 2:30!"

"Well...uhhh...You know, it's that fucking military thing that Dad drummed into me for eighteen years!"

"We need to change that," I laughed,

He nodded and smiled.

"So how was your first `sleepover?'" I asked.

His eyes told it all.

"Excellent! I...woke up once and...I wanted to...!" he stammered.

"Then why DIDN'T you?"

"Because I didn't want to wake YOU up!"

"Oh Aaron! It's only sleep! I could always make it up afterwards!"

"I just decided to...uhhh...look at you...your body...it's curves...your skin...so smooth and soft yet firm. Not like a girl...!"

"I HOPE NOT!" I hooted before adding. "Next time. Wake me up...or just slip me your big fat bone!"

We both broke out laughing before he continued.

"Anyway, I kind of took the time to look around your house...This is ALL yours?"

"Yes. Me and the bank!" I laughed.

"I was going to make us breakfast but...I can't find anything...I mean...Nothing but microwave stuff... Don't you eat any real food?" he giggled.

I blushed.

"Now it's MY time to tell YOU something! About me. That you should know. Just in case...," I hooted.

"What?" he asked.

"I...uhhhh...I don't have...I can't cook anything. I mean, unless it's in a microwave!" I laughed.

"No wonder you're so fucking skinny," he chortled.

"Hey! I don't weigh that much less than you...!"

"Yeah, but I have these," he said as his abs rippled in a display of raw athletic prowess, and "THESE...!"

My mouth started drooling as he flexed his arms.

"We'll have to fix your cooking deficiency," he added.

"Mom tried that and it didn't work," I confessed.

"Well, never fear...I happen to be a pretty good chef!" he chuckled, "Especially now that I'm not stuck with cafeteria gruel or fast food!"

We both laughed...

"I moved my car in from the street and...I kind of looked around your place...You sure have a lot of land!"

Two and a half acres," I explained.

"Did you build all those little paths in the back?"


"Wicked!" he exclaimed, "And you even have a creek with water in it...!"

"Wait! There's actually water in...?"

"Yeah! Not very much, but it's flowing," he confirmed, "And what's with that shed?"

"I don't know. It was here when I bought the place. Dad thinks it might have been a recreation room or something. It's pretty decent inside, with air conditioning and everything," I said.

"I wish I could have a house like yours," he said wistfully.

"Aaron! You're only nineteen!" I replied softly.

"I also took a shower and got all cleaned up for you," he said softly.

"Hey! That's not fair! I'm still...," I started to protest.

"You're fine. I wanted to be clean because," he stopped and looked down at the floor, "Because...!"

He raised his head back up and looked me directly in the eyes.

"I want to give you what I promised...!" he said softly, "The one thing we haven't done yet...!"

Next: Chapter 3

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