A Solitary Blue

By Ederson Suarez

Published on Oct 6, 2023


Chapter 3: Get in

I sparsely noticed the silence that had accumulated in our table as the clock ticked the moments away; none seemed interested to impart something that could have us basking in a good laugh, and even the usual rants of Josh seemed to have been neutered to a much blessed silence.

It was still weird though. Kevin was nibbling on his fries, eyes darting from anywhere that he appeared grimacing at the repeated scenery of the dilapidated cafeteria; he let out a small groan before hinting on getting up and staying elsewhere. I could see how the silence made him uncomfortable, but I was too far from his fulcrum that I couldn't help but watch and sigh; equally fiddling to the bottle cap of my soda. Drew, though always jovial and enthusiastic, had his sight running on the embossed scriptures of the bible he had in hand, his lips prodded in a serious pout, his brow furrowing and at times, his Malachyte-like gaze slamming at the paper. Him, being the son of the pastor, getting appalled on what's written in the bible was as appalling as the sound of a pile-up.

So for Josher, while the silence was amicable, he wanted none of it. He graced upon us a devious smirk; in which Kevin looked suspiciously. He had weighed from Josher to I before breaking into: "What?" and that signalled Drew as well. He drawn the bible away from his gaze and threw an inquisitive one to the equally inquisitive Kevin.

"Nothin', I just remember that Cato is doin' me a favor, that's all." he said.

I grimaced at the words he had used; the burning suspicion rose from Kevin as his Cobalt blue eyes were glancing at me, partly disturbed yet curious. His eyes were also blinking several times like he was filtrating my image naturally. "Are you fuckin' serious? Please, tell 'im that he's babbling crazy."

"Kev. . ." Drew chimed in. Thankful that he's helping to coax the slightly fuming Kevin and the sneering Josher from each side. "Maybe we should hear the whole story from Cato. I don't think he'll lie about this one."

"What's there to lie, anyway?" I retorted.

Josher laughed, amused that he was getting his desired reaction to work all of us up.

"So what is it? Wait! Allow me to guess." Kevin said, moving closer to me. "That idiot of heck was daring you to date another girl for a few cash, that can ultimately ruin your reputation and you, being the egotistic kid felt obliged to do so."

"Of course not," I looked down and thought of it: It was very different this time, I didn't see myself doing a dare that was opted to be done for kicks and cash. I didn't even find myself remotely close to the brink of attracting him, well out of all person I was dared to make a move on, it was a guy and as mysterious as the sea he was. I gave Kevin and Drew a chidden grin, "Well, partly but to be honest, I don't see myself to be successfully flirting to this guy~"

"A guy?" Drew cut to what I was saying. The Malachyte-gaze turned saucer wide cocking his head to Josher who broke out into a hysterical peal of laughter. "This doesn't involve Nick in anyway right?"

"Well," I scratched the back of my head and, "it does." smiled half-heartedly to the always kindred Drew. "It's a week-long challenge, really. I just need to make HIM fall for me, and I'll just break his heart."

"And do you actually think it'll work?" Josh bared himself to the discussion.

"I doubt it." Kevin said. "Nick seemed to be straight, he maybe alone but that doesn't give his sexual orientation away."

Drew added, "But it's not entirely impossible, but you do know you're walking at the owned property of Connor Wenceslao, right?" smirking at me. "I don't know if the sounds I heard are true, but rumors can be very enticing."

"Ummm..." I hesitated to tell them what I had in mind: I didn't want to be laughed at because I did join the Aquaculture Club, and was starting to notice Mr. Amber eyes. That all of my focus had slid down from my grasp, that I can set aside Nick for Mr. Amber eyes, yet I was stopped by my fear of them leaving me. "I actually have met Nick yesterday, and he was a really decent guy. Although he's small, he can be very intimidating."

Josh didn't guffaw this time. He intently listened as I trailed on about the events yesterday: the drowning incident, the shock I received and the manner I responded to it. They all listened and my cheeks were burning as I go over to the idea of mistaking him to be drowning when he's swimming.

"Wow! You did all of that in just one day?" Drew asked.

"I kinda misjudged you, I do think you also have a heart to give in this game." Kevin admitted, though not meeting my eyes and as if dazed with the story I'd told.

"and now you know why he's the 'Lady Killer.'" Josh teased. In all honesty, that epiphet was always successful on making me feel like a douche- I admit that it inflated my ego- sometimes, but with all of the women I had dated for a week or so, all of them wanted something that shouldn't matter in a relationship, they sought for recognition, a label or name for everything; you'd be a love taxonomist on the sideline really. When in reality, acceptance should be their number one. But with Nick, I don't think this'll be easy. He seemed seeking for something deeper than acceptance, and I didn't think a week would pave me a good idea on what it is; a mental reminder for me: Mr. Amber eyes was also a target, way, way far to my playing target, Nick.

"I'm not certain if that's a good idea, but if I couldn't stop you: knock yourself out." he sighed before shaking his head. Kevin wasn't the usual dramatic, but his eyes were glassy, and as if anytime, he could bawl a loud cry.

"I think it'll be a good one, maybe I'll talk to Nick as well. I really want to know him, without breaking his heart, of course." My body slacked with what Drew said, when he spoke of something opposing on your act, he could make guilt faster than light.

"Don't hate me!" I fought back.

Kevin and Drew laughed at my expense.

While I, shaking my head as if my effort to dismiss the teasings I'm currently subjected, and Josh, the least likely person to be there for me, sympathizing to me.

Tentatively, I bowed my head down at the sight of Mr. Amber eyes; I had let a day passed by without learning his name, but I found it gratifying that he would never be unknown to me; he had the same pleasant look like last time, and thankfully, he's decent and clothed because if he's not, god, forgive me, for I'll be a sinner. "You're back!" he said, louder than I expected. His voice reverberated that the same dead body yesterday sprang up and darted us a quizzical gaze. "Why shouldn't I be?" I asked back, "I did join yesterday, right?" flashing him a grin. "I know, and I hadn't forgotten any of it yet," his gregarious face draining the light as it loomed at the thought of losing a member. "But with the whole Drowning and Meeting the 'infamous' Nick fiasco. It felt like you're as good as one of those running a manifesto to have the Aquaculture Club be torn." and as words dribbled out of his lips; I couldn't help myself but to imagine touching the bottom lip, grazing a finger before... Finishing it felt like rape, and I'm the rapist and this whole scenario was an off-setting for a perfect porn movie. "But you didn't, and you're still here! You don't know how happy it made me." Moved by his statement, I pushed upon the same bright smile to reign on my face. "I'm glad that my presence made you happy, Mr. Amber eyes." his face was tinged with red, and seeing it was funnier than it should be. "Stop teasing me!" he said, playfully punching me on the side. The man near the window had stood, curtly glazing us with a glare that I couldn't help myself but to look back. "I'm not!" Ignoring the man who stood. Allowing a chuckle to escape. "You didn't introduce yourself so I was left with nothing but your eyes." "I didn't?" he asked. I nodded. "You just gave me the application paper, pushed me out of the club to be near the sea, and met a freaking merman." "Really? You should've told me. I might have been so douche-y to you that time." "I don't mind it, honestly." Some chairs were sprawled out in the room, while there's no one inside aside from the members I had known on my first day, and it was intriguing that even though the Aquaculture Club wasn't the most hubbub-causing here in P. V. Lucido; it still afforded to be lively. I took a seat, scanned the room and locked gaze with the dead man awhile ago, fully resurrected this time. "The mysterious beau trope is a feel-good scenario for me." He was about to voice out a retort, when: "Stop flirting inside the headquarters, you should know your limits as well: Newbie and, you too, Red." the dead man responded instead. So his name was Red? Kinda fitting to someone who turned red when being closely approached by something flattering. But with what had transpired to our act, the least thing that I had done wasn't to look away like Red, blushing ten-fold of red that I, somehow, lost the will to be embellished. Instead of shying away, I resisted, and did lock eyes with him. "I can say the same thing about the club rules: that sleeping is prohibited, but I haven't had my stay here counted to a legal amount that I would be able to complain." "You cheeky bastard!" he exclaimed, throwing the blanket that somehow covered his sunkissed skin: half-naked and baring his taut body as if it would be intimidating. "Like Red here, I also have the power to void your application here. Do you want me to cut your fantasies here, eh fag-boy?" "Stop that, Quinn!" "Seriously, Red?" he asked. "I shouldn't be the one to stop, because I'm just protecting you from this guy. You don't know his motives at all." "And I don't know yours as well." he rolled his eyes back to me, and beckoned me to get out. Aiding me somewhere far from here. "Your father have brought your Sculling boat awhile ago. It's bigger than I expected. Can you check it out for me?" "Certainly." I said, flashing him the usual grin. Much to Quinn's chagrin who hadn't done anything but to have a fixed gaze from Red to I. As I had went out of the headquarters, the first person who had greeted me was the person I was evading: it's Nick. His eyes were smiling, yet face tact and unmoved. He was like the sea today: calm, and in peace, and it'd be a trouble to disturb that silence. He was looking at me, quite expectantly if my word would be taken from it, but was it natural that I felt him boring a hole to my body that especially, pointing to my heart? And if he was staring to what I feel; would the thumping of it, and the sudden need to shy away natural. I'd been nothing but a wreck, yet when it comes to him. My advances yesterday seemed not enough to make him, at least, feel engaged towards me. "Hello, I'm Cato." I said, jovially. No response. He did nod his head, though. I think that's enough to know he acknowledged my presence. "I don't really want to barge in here or to get in to your affairs, but I was forced here by Red." "It's fine." Non-committal, I see. But he could have been disyllabic at least. Not just an 'it's fine.' He sounded more of an aggravated person today, yet feigning reticent about it. "I also am sorry that I have to do what I have done yesterday. You kind of scared me, honestly." I said, bowing my head in embarrassment. He didn't answer at all. It seemed like I'm the only one investing to this conversation, but I couldn't bear to leave him: not when he's blankly staring at the sea, it was frankly the mostt of expression I wanted him to lose, the blank stares at the sea as if he would drain it anytime; or in the sky, like a gaze but a needle to prick the cloud to lose size and the sky to lose form. "It's because I like you." what? Where the hell did that come from? My words loomed me lately. When Nick had a startled look on me, and I didn't know where should I hide my face. But what's best would this give me? I can't be beating around the bush with this dare, I need to go headstrong, and by chance, be able to inflict the shock that's usual to make haste, make waste scenario. "Please go out with me!" I said, and he did nothing but to be silent for awhile, as if weighing and thinking. Until I earned a slight nod. "Sure." he said, and that's how I found myself in the vortex of Nicolas Avery Ferrer. A brewing storm hiding in those vibrant blue he had. And as if it's automatic, I leaned my face towards his; meeting his gaze and deepening the stare of make-believe affection. He wasn't resisting with the hand that bound him from the hips and the other, tilting his face. He closed his eyes, and there our lips met. A soft and honey-filled kiss that left him blushing, though smiling like it's the easiest thing on Earth. Well, he sure was the easiest thing I believe.

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