A Stepbrothers Desire


Published on Sep 17, 2021


This is a work of fiction - names and places are elements of fiction.

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Other stories: Nifty/Beginnings/Cards in the Deck - Adam and Ben

A Stepbrother's Desire - Josh and Tyson 24

Note: Read. Don't skim.

So the first good thing that started the week off was Tristan had gotten on the ball and created a flyer for me to pass out around the "hood" for help with Christmas Decorations. It was clever and attractive, not fully emphasizing Christmas but referencing Holidays in consideration of the Jewish families and announcing that Josh Warner (Breck) so people might recognize the name was willing to "Hang em up and Pull em down" Local kid, fair rates. Not available for Christmas Tree clean up. In any case, it was brilliant so Ty and I used up the paper supply in Bill's study and printed 100 copies. After school, we drove our cars up and down the neighborhood and slipped a flyer in each door or mailbox. We talked about it at dinner and the parents were thrilled at the initiative, as long as the requests didn't interfere with school and semester exams. Mom also suggested I "show some love" to Tristan at Christmas in return for his generosity. She had no idea that I would love to do just that, haha. And yes, I would want to get him something nice for Christmas.

The thing that really pissed me off that week was that the student teach, Keith Birch, handed our papers back to us and I almost lost it when I got mine back. While the score did progress from C to B, the points went from 82 to 85. So three lousy points wasn't going to do anyone's grade point average any favors. When he dismissed class, I gave my book and hard close and shoved my things into my bag. On the way out, Mr. Birch asked me to hang back.

"Hey Josh, how are you doing these days?" he asked.

"I'm good. Why do you ask?"

"You seemed perturbed by the paper. Your grade elevated with your input. Wasn't that our deal?"

"Well, perhaps," I said, "but you and I both know that B's and C's are just categories. It's the number that counts and three points isn't going to do squat for my overall grade. So far, the lowest grade I will get this semester comes from you so, I don't mean any disrespect, but I don't have to be happy about this," I said and turned to exit the classroom. He stopped me again.

"Josh, even with the redo, the paper was well, uh, thin, compared to some of the other papers," he said, trying not to sound too harsh, I could tell. "Grading reports and narratives is not always a stand alone event, Josh. Sometimes you have to factor in the work presented by others and ensure they got credit for "more or less". Giving you the chance to redo was a negotiation that allowed you to determine what and how much to add. Do you understand what I'm saying?"

"Yes," I said firmly, "and I appreciate that opportunity. I'm just not sure I got much benefit from it, that's all. Understanding your method doesn't mean I have to be happy about it," I replied.

"Then perhaps your disappointment lies more with yourself then it does me. I can work with that," he said with a smug look. Did he really just punt the thing into my lap? Well that was a very effective play. I would remember that. I nodded to him and again tried to exit before I was late to my next class. And he came at me again, "Josh, I have tried an overly familiar approach with you to gain your attention and I haven't gotten much benefit from that either. The other teachers say you are smart and engaged and they all wish they had two more like you in their classes. I struggle with why you are so detached in my class and seem to consider everything I assign as an inconvenience in your life," he added. "Perhaps our personalities just don't jive." And did he just say "jive?" Seriously?

"There's nothing special about me to speak of in any of the classes. I'm glad that you all have had "jive" sessions about me. No telling what was said! I get good grades and mind my business. It's not important if students like all their teachers and assignments, is it? It just matters if they get the work done, in my opinion. Please excuse me so that I'm not late for history," I said as I exited the classroom. I was just about in a sweat as I moved quickly down the hall. Not sure what field he's playing on but I don't require a lot of handholding by teachers. Really don't need it. In the end, I bet I find out somewhere along the way, he knows. He either suspects me as being gay or he has seen something between Ty and me that triggered his interest. I don't have evidence of that but my suspicions were running off the chart.

Being in a bad mood for the rest of the day kept me quiet. Was missing Bryce that day and had lunch with Ginny in the cafeteria. I vented about what an asshole Birch was and that I didn't appreciate the 3 point advantage he gave my paper. "If I get an A in his class this semester, it will be a low one," I told her.

"Just don't push back too hard on him," suggested Ginny. "If you don't know the fight you are picking, you won't win it," she said. I beamed at her because that was the most eloquent thing I have heard in a long time. That was definitely worth remembering!

While I tended to my classes the rest of week, I kept some calm in literature class to not show I was rattled earlier. You would not believe that I had been called by three neighborhood ladies about putting up some lights and garland, and even putting the top piece on a Christmas tree that couldn't be reached. Going into some of these houses was an incredible experience. Some of them were far out nice! Some of them needed some work. You could tell these were all houses once belonging to successful people. Ty and Tristan were wrecked that I was getting to go in places they had not. By the end of the week, I had collected $135. Most of that was based on standard charges. The other part was tips where they gave me a bit more because I was, well, Josh Warner. You know, charming and good looking and all that.

"We are going to start pimping you out for other things," said Ty as he and Tristan were boxing up a couple of items in the workroom. Tristan giggled quietly and he was cute doing it. "Wait til after Christmas, I'm putting you on my website, and a few pictures that should draw us some real revenue," Ty added. This time Tristan cracked up.

"Like this?" I asked, turning, dropping my jeans, and giving a good view of my sexy white butt.

"Oh yes," Ty said in a sexy growl. Tristan reached out to touch it and Ty said, "stop right there mister! That's my ass to touch," he said. Tristan growled back at him.

In any case, I got my haircut Thursday and I was nervous to come home. She did a number on my head. I asked for it and it was super cool but I'm not used to that kind of look. Almost shaved on the sides with thickness left of top, and parted firmly on the side. Ok, it was super hot but it made me feel super self-conscious.

When I got home, I entered through the kitchen to find mom there working on some supper.

"Wow oh my God! Josh, you look amazing. I love it," she said, coming over and feeling how short the sides were cut. Ty came down the stairs and I saw his eyes widen.

"What do you think Ty? Does he look stunning?" she asked.

"Just right for my pimp website I'm starting," he laughed.

"What?" mom asked.

"I'm going to get you for that," I snapped. He darted from the kitchen into the family room and I chased him in there. He thought he could exit through the porch door but it was locked and the key wasn't in the lock.

"Help!" he yelled as I grabbed him around the neck and wrestled him to the floor.

"Help me!" he yelped again, laughing so hard his face turned red.

"Say it again! What website? You're gonna put me on what?" I asked, shaking him around while pinning him to the floor. Mom came in. "You two need to shape up!" mom said and went back to the kitchen to let Ty fend for himself. I bent down and gave Ty a soft kiss and he whispered into my ear, "You are fucking hot, stud. I wish you could fuck me right here," he said.

"You want to run your fingers through my sculpted hair, huh?"

"Oh yea and I might tonight," he said, as I let him up off the floor.

At dinner, I reported on possible income from the Christmas work which would only last until next week. I may have more orders after Christmas since many people's decorations were already up. The last bit of good news came when Bill came in before dinner holding the mail. My grandma in Florida sent me a card with a check for $300, telling me to have a wonderful Christmas and she was sorry she wouldn't see us til after the New Year.

"Woohoo!" I exclaimed. A week ago I was fretting like crazy and now I felt like a miser. Mom said she would cash the check for me the next day and bring me the cash. At the time, I felt I knew about how much I had so I would stash some and spend some. At least I had dropped the money brick. My nerves were getting rattled about this Christmas dance. I asked Ty if anyone ever cut up during these things and he said no, like it was unimaginable. While some of the kids of these families were absolute cut ups, acting like that at a club party would cause all sorts of grief. He took me upstairs and showed me the two small flasks he had stashed in his closet safe. I didn't tell you about the safe because it wasn't really that important but he kept a small bottle of vodka in there and the bottle of bourbon. The fact that the levels never went down said he wasn't taking nips off it. I am not interested in either of us being problem drinkers. Micah's dad was like that and it caused unending problems. It was for special occasions. And you might wonder where he got it? Well Jordan Rose was apparently his supplier. Not surprised, I bet.

The two small flasks were just big enough for a suit coat pocket and not to worry because most of the guys had one for just these occasions. It was only enough for a slight buzz. He said he was saving the bourbon for Debauchery Day so we would use a little something for the dance.

I checked my homework list and didn't have much so I tidied it up and turned in. I was awakened when Ty came in around midnight and slipped into my bed. I wiped his lengthening hair from his face and he kissed me. I could feel his eyes staring at me even though it was in the dark.

"Thanks for helping me get the fliers out this week. I am tired of worrying about money, you know?"

"It's ok. It wasn't a hard task to get them out but I don't know why you worry so much about money. The parents give us money when we need it," he said.

"Well, everything we do costs so much here and my mindset says when I take my guy out, I don't want money to be an issue. Also, in case you haven't noticed, when you ask mom for money, she always asks, "what do you need it for?" Like that kind of bothers me. I don't want to explain," I said.

"I totally get that and I noticed my dad asked that same question the other night so I think she has rubbed off on him," and I laughed. She probably had. Mom had kissed Ty's good thing goodbye. I laughed again.

"Josh, you are going to be the most stunning guy at that dance. I can't help but say so. Who would have thought a haircut could make such a difference?"

"Tristan," I said.

"Huh?" he replied.

"I told Tristan the other day what I planned to do and he told me to do it."

"Oh so Tristan has all the answers now does he?" he chided.

"Well, it wouldn't have been such an awesome surprise to you if I had told you, would it?" I snickered at him. "Besides, he's the other voice in my head. I can trust him and you know he likes to share his opinions. You're not jealous are you?" I asked.

"Absolutely not. Look, Josh, I have picked at you about him but you know I trust you completel. The fact is, he's been my best friend for so long, that I need him and you to care about each other. I'm just worried about how it will be if he and Jack start kicking up all the time. Will Jack welcome me into the fold the same way?"

"Fuck, Ty, I haven't even thought about that. I talked to Tristan to remind him that boyfriend relationships shouldn't cost you your best friends. I have seen that happen in the straight world. I hope it doesn't happen in our world. He said he agreed. Being your left hand, he said you would fall apart without him," I said, giggling about it.

"Did he? Well," Ty sighed. "We will have to see about that."

"Hey, I might fall apart without you. I need some of this," I said and pulled him close so we could kiss. Being in my room we had to be more quiet and it didn't take much effort for Ty to spread his legs back and allow me to penetrate him. I went in swiftly as the slower I go sometimes the harder it is for him to take it. Once in, I saw his face relax and the pleasure kick in. I bent down and kissed him and he tilted his head in that special way I liked. The fact he bucked his hips to meet me told me we were giving it to each other. The way he wrapped his legs around my waist to keep me pulled in said he wanted me in there. We both had an intense need because we both came very quickly. I pulled the covers over us, not even bothering with any clean up. He pressed himself to me and I locked him in with my arms and we set the clock.

That alarm came fast and Ty scooted out of the bed. It was like an automated response nowadays. I wished I could play hookie, actually. The day was quiet and I was still missing Bryce. Not like him to be out of school for two days. I saw Lisa between classes and asked if she knew where Bryce was. She told me he was out with his family visiting a place that his sister might go for a short term, to help her condition. She shrugged her shoulders indicating she didn't know what the condition was. I knew what it was so I kind of understood. I was very sorry he had to go through that but I hoped he was coming to the dance. I was sure he would. I went on the limb and texted him, "Hey Bryce, hope you're doing ok. Just thinking about you. See you soon." I got a text back later that day from him, "Doing ok, bit stressful. Be back this evening. Come over." I texted back, "What time?" He responded,. "8." Well that was something new. He wasn't usually at home on a Friday night. Well, he may have needs here and it might be my turn to repay the brotherly deed, given how good he had treated me and kept mine and Tristan's secret.

Ty went out with a little group of friends he hadn't been out with in a while to go bowling. I went to Bryce's and the situation was as I suspected. They took his sister to visit a place where she would go occasionally to help her rebuild her social skills. They felt her condition, not having been life long, would be treatable and she could live a normal life. Bryce was at first upset but he relaxed the more we talked about her being treatable. His parents were beside themselves, not at all like they were over Thanksgiving. I told him to lean on me anytime he needed to, especially since not many people at school would know about this. He was sweet in that he showed so much care for his sister, given she had been acting like the spawn of satan. I regret saying that because it sounds mean. I also told Bryce to buck up because he needed to have fun with us at this dance. He did brighten up because he said he was super excited about it. I didn't understand that feeling because I was super nervous.

And Saturday went by so fast. It seemed like the time between getting up and getting ready at 5:30 pm was like ten minutes apart. Ty and I showered and put on our prospective attire. I was wearing my navy blazer, green and navy plaid bow tie, which Ty helped me tie, white dress shirt and grey pants. He looked similar but his blazer was double breasted and his tie was dark red and gold striped. I loved that. I had to get one. Those gold buttons on the front of his coat made him look so regal and eclectic. We came downstairs to hoots and cheers from the parents. Of course they always think you look good when you're dressed.

"Since you're driving multiple people, Josh, and because I trust you," Bill said looking over the rims of his glasses, "we're going to let you drive the Mercedes. I don't have to remind you," and I interrupted him, "No sir, you don't have to remind me about anything. Pick up Tristan, out to Ginny's, then back to the club. Right?" I asked, excitedly.

"Yes sir, you are correct. Curfew is midnight or anytime before. Got it?" Ty and I nodded. "And don't wake your mother and I up unless it's an emergency!" he said. We laughed, suspecting that was code for "we're going to enjoy our private time."

Ty and I headed over to Tristan's house. He was waiting for us. He looked amazing. His hair was shiny and I needed to learn how he did that since we both had black hair. He was wearing a grey blazer with black slim pants and a dark red tie.

Mrs. Lane came to the foyer to check us all out. "Fabulous boys. Nothing less than I would expect. And Josh, the haircut is a nice touch," she said and gave me a wink. Lord, these older women always hitting on me! You think it's not true but it is.

On the way to Ginny's, we updated Tristan on the early success of his flyer. I told him how appreciative I was because it looked like neither Ty nor myself were going to get it "off the ground." He said he was happy to do it. We pulled into Ginny's driveway. Her house was decorated simply but it was nice because the wreaths looked good against the whitewash.

"Oh this is where Ginny lives," said Ty. "I never knew."

"I didn't know either," said Tristan. I never go this far out. I told them to wait in the car. I had to get through the parental thing. Tristan suggested I ring the bell and run away and I screamed with laughter. It completely took my nerves down a few degrees. Ty was shaking his head and laughing as well.

"Lord and Taylor, God rest their bankrupt souls," and they made the sign of the cross, "you are hilarious, Tri. YOU go out there and ring that bell!" he said to Tristan.

I walked up to the door and met Dr. and Mrs. Tatum. He insisted the doctor label was for his students but after Ginny told me he was a PhD, I thought it was appropriate. Her mom was blazing in a white outfit and blond hair. Her parents were complete opposites but Ginny said nothing would separate them. I think that's cool. Ty hopped into the backseat and Ginny climbed into the front.

"Oh we got the fancy ride tonight, I see," she commented.

"Oh yeah, I love driving it," I told her.

"He's a snob," said Tristan.

"Well, to tell the truth guys, Josh looks so good with that haircut, this might not be his only ride tonight!" and her showing totally paid off. They laughed and cheered at my expense.

"I think it's time I get Cinderella to the Ball before she turns into a pumpkin!" and everyone laughed again.

"That's not how it goes," said Ty and before Ty could recall the story, Tristan shut him down.

The entrance to the club was spectacular. Lights shining on the doorways and drive thru. Valet parkers taking the cars. Everyone was really dressed. Some guys were wearing tuxedos. Ty said the private school guys often do that, to elevate their position in life or something like that. I thought that was funny. Bryce and his date Melanie Parker were waiting for us. The valet guy took off with the car and we went in. We wound down the long corridor, with its portraits and brass, and candles and wreaths to the Ballroom. It was primarily a dance floor. There were rooms on each side with tables and buffets. Ok, so the food looked wonderful and I was hungry. You know I am always hungry. They had rolls stuffed with prime rib. There were mushrooms stuffed with something green and creamy, probably spinach. There were meatballs in a sauce which Ty said were Swedish meatballs. Shrimp! Vegetables, both cold and cooked, and that's some of the things. In short, the food looked amazing. We all found a table and we marked our seats. Then the mingling began.

Lisa Buxtehude came over to introduce us to her date, Antony Rico. His dad was VP of the electric company and he was a St Augustine private school boy. He first recognized Ty, which impressed me.

"Hey, I remember you. You're the kid who did the sit-down at the tennis match last Fall!" and he reached out his hand to shake Ty's.

"I'm not sure a "kid" might have pulled that off," I said with a laugh. Ty punched my arm.

"Josh Warner, I know you too. It is a huge honor to make your acquaintance," he said, thrusting his arm out toward me. He was about my height, thin, lean, neatly cropped blond hair, cut just like Bryce's.

"I'm flattered, Antony, thank you," I said genuinely.

"Please forgive the "kid" remark," he said. "You looked younger on the court than you do here," he said to Ty. We introduced him to Ginny and Tristan and he asked if he could have a word with me. I said sure, after we got drinks and were settled, I would be glad to talk to him. Lisa beamed that her "date" was being well received by the locals. He was very noble, it seemed. You could tell he was polished.

"And Josh," exclaimed Lisa, before they walked away, "I get a dance tonight. You hear?" she said with a big smile and trailed away with Antony.

"I'm sure that was for my benefit," said Ginny, crinkling her nose. We all headed to a drinks table to get drinks and greet more people. I asked Ty when we eat and he said not until they wheel the plates in. It was a control tactic. You ate when they were ready for you to do so. And about the time most of the tables were filled, the servers wheeled in carts with plates and everyone made a dash for the buffet line.

So we ate and talked. I briefed the table on the deposition I sat through on Monday. It was really no big deal but they asked some questions that were emotional for me to answer. Everyone hung onto every word, and although I didn't find it fascinating, they did because they had never been deposed before. Everyone else had some story from the week and Bryce gently rubbed on his sister's situation. He said all of his friends had been really considerate because his sister had a partial autism that was affecting her mood and behavior. She was fully functioning, just couldn't control her temper. She would be treated off and on at a facility just outside of Northern Virginia and they thought a couple of months would show some real recovery. We were all very sincere with Bryce in hoping so. I also gave a shout out to Tristan for his brilliant flyer design and I showed a picture of it on my phone. I didn't get but so many requests for now because I was late to the game but I had already gotten reservations for after Christmas to pull it down. Apparently, that's the part everyone dislikes the most!

Then came the dance which was mostly group oriented at first. Everyone was waiting for flask intake to kick in, I figured. The music was good and we had a good time. Antony found me and whisked me off the dance floor to a quiet corner.

"Having a good time?" I asked.

"Oh yeah. I love these things," he said. "Hey listen Josh, I just want to say you were quite well known in the area, amongst us football guys, you know?"

"I have heard that before. It always surprises me, though," I said with a chuckle.

"Oh no, Josh, your plays were incredible. And some of the formations were very original. We're used to seeing the same thing over and over. I would have loved to have faced off with you, just once and I'm sorry about the accident. I know it must have been devastating," he offered.

"Well, it was no accident but I appreciate your sentiment. It took a hard toll on me, I'm not gonna lie," I responded.

"I understand. So Josh, those plays, well how do you go about creating them?" he asked.

"Time and work. I put a lot of effort into my playbook over the years. You can tell how I grew up from silly JV plays to some very complicated ones in the end. A good quarterback can only do so much on the field, you know. He needs design behind him as well."

"Absolutely, you are correct. Our moron quarterback wouldn't know how to design a four sided box on a good day. He knows how to work the field but no strategy! Anyway, we have another year and I was just wondering, thinking, how much a playbook like your's could really help our cause," he said, giving me a tap on the shoulder, man to man, and all that.

"So Antony, that playbook is very sentimental. I don't see myself parting with it, to tell you the truth."

"Josh, are you not aware? Something like that could be worth, say, maybe upwards of a $1000 to the right team. Just saying, that's not bad money for high school football plays. Just saying, that's all."

"Oh, I'm not offended," even though I was a little perturbed but I continued gracefully. "First off, the plays wouldn't mean anything to anyone except the person who wrote them. Second, that $1000 will be gone tomorrow and so will my playbook. Even if I never open it again, it's still my art. You understand what I'm saying, Antony? I appreciate the offer if that's what that was but I'm not going to part with it," I said flatly.

"I understand, man. It was worth a try. I also respect your possessiveness. It wouldn't mean much to you to let it go for a small sum," and he laughed. "Hey that one big play, can you give some spoilers on that? The one against that monster team? Remember?" he asked.

"You mean "the big dick?"


"Picture it. Dick and balls." He thought for a moment then got the biggest grin.

"You're shitting me right? That's the play? That's what it would look like on paper?"

"Yep. Nothing more nothing less. How you improvise is up to you," I said matter of factly.

"Holy crap! That's amazing! That's what I'm talking about, man, creativity! Can you not play again?" he asked.

"I might be able to warm a bench for a college team. I'm not that big compared to those guys. They would see me as a runt. I could work with a team on strategy if I pushed myself to a coach but I'm not choosing a college based on football, not now. I would almost be physically able, still working on my hand, and my leg might not withstand a big hit. But since I'm graduating, I'm pondering how I want to make a living and which law firm I might work for when I get the law degree," I volunteered, not having socialized that notion with anyone before.

"Got it," he said, nodding. "My parents are trying to drive me towards career choices but I'm like, hell no, I have to do that. I mean if they think I can be a big wheel at the power company just because my dad was, well that's not going to happen,"

"I get it. Hey, I need to get back to my crowd. Exchange info?" I asked. And we did and I headed back to the group who was playing around on the dance floor.

I snuck up behind Ty who was dancing with some girls. He turned to see it was me. He smiled. His flask was definitely kicking in.

"Let's sneak off," I whispered. "I want a minute with the hottest guy at the Ball!" I said. He beamed and followed me off the dance floor. With no one paying special attention, he led me out of the ball room and down the corridor. We only passed a few people who were coming out of the restrooms. We walked casually down the hall and he pushed open a door that led to a very fancy room. It was the Executive Dining Room, reserved for the most important occasions.

"It's nice in here," I said. He checked a couple of doors and they were locked and he opened one that led into a smaller room.

"It's a butler's pantry," he said. "Not terribly romantic but it's at least private," he said with a devilish grin. I pulled him to me and we started making out. The door closed behind us and there was just one small emergency light that gave the room a faint glow.

"You are so funcking amazing, Tyson," I said. "You look so good, I feel like our wedding should look like thisBall," and he looked like he might faint.

"Don't talk like that to me right now, Josh. I would drop my pants for you at the thought of that!" and he gripped my waist underneath my jacket and we were at it again. He inserted his knee between my legs and I squeezed it with my knees. My hand cradled the back of his head, holding his blond strands of hair in place. I was just biting down on his lip and inhaling his soft moans when the damn door to the butler's pantry swung open! The laughter and giggling accompanying the intruders stopped abruptly and Ty and I pulled apart just as abruptly.

I looked up and Ty spun around, staying close against me. We were giving shocked stares to the shocked stares coming right back at us. Bryce Chatley and Lisa Bustehude were standing in the door. Lisa's hand pressed to her mouth to hide her gaping expression. Honestly, I should stop the story here and just not say another fucking word but it was a clusterfuck. I cannot leave it at that!

"What the fuck are you doing here Bryce!" I snapped.

"Well we could ask the same question!" he replied. "And what the fuck are you doing with your stepbrother!" he added. "Fuck Josh, this is some fucked up shit! Making out with Ty? It has come to that for you?"

"You hold on a minute, Bryce," chimed Ty.

"Ty stop! Everyone just pull yourselves together and for Christ's sake get in here and shut the damn door!" and I pulled him in, Lisa, behind him. We all stood quietly for a minute to get our senses going again.

"We don't owe anyone an explanation, but out of respect for our friendships, I'm going to tell you what this is. This is me and Ty, the way me and Ty are," I said, nodding to them hoping they were getting the picture. "Ty and I are effectively boyfriends, have been for months."

"Oh my God," said Lisa. "You're gay!" she quipped without any subtlety. "That explains a lot," she said almost humorously.

"Is that true, Josh?" asked Bryce. "You're, like, really gay?"

"Yes Bryce. I am. I have known it for a long time but no one else did. I hid it for football. It became harder to hide when our parents got together because, well, look who I moved in with. The most gorgeous guy in the world. I held him at bay," and Ty interrupted. "I held you at bay, Josh!"

"Shut up," I said, smiling at him. "It was all ok living with some sexual tension until the attacks and injuries and Ty was there for me and and my walls broke down. I couldn't keep it from him anymore and he felt the same about me." Lisa and Bryce stood speechless. "The fact is, we never saw ourselves as being related. We were just two guys and, well, we are what we are now." I looked down and considered how I would conclude this confession.

"Bryce, you have been a trusted friend and you were almost there when Ty and I sealed the deal, the night after Lisa's party," I said, nodding to him hoping he would remember to keep the secret from that night. He nodded back.

"It does explain a lot, Josh. Why didn't you tell me? I might be really pissed at this because you just didn't tell me. I told you you could trust me with anything and you didn't," and he sounded truly disappointed. "There have been a couple of occasions you could have dropped it on my head and I would like, well ok Josh! Thanks for telling me. But sadly, you didn't see it that way. I'm shocked, yes, but I'm also realistic. You're not the first and you won't be the last!"

"I did, I mean I do trust you Bryce but we haven't told anyone for good reason. The truth is I thought about telling you several times but you have enough on your plate and you have already been so good to me. You would have been the first, I think. But Bryce, Lisa, do you realize how sensitive this is? How much damage could befall our family if this got out? Ty and I live in constant fear. Constant!" I said with absolute honesty.

"I see it, Josh and I feel like Bryce. I was so disappointed with you when you came here and that you didn't give in to my temptations and it was because I didn't take any time to get to know you. And Ginny did, and I bet she knows all about this," Lisa said, regretfully.

"She does, and it was the hardest conversation I have ever had. She took it well and she provides me some cover for parents and events and what not. It's a good fit," I said.

"Bryce," said Ty, "we have known each other since we were children. I'm sorry too but I hope this doesn't change anything and I hope you will let us trust you. If anything happened between our parents because of us, I'm not sure Josh or I would survive it. I'm not exaggerating. Their happiness comes in front of us," he said quietly. I thought he said it well. I didn't try to take it from him. I put my arm around him.

"Fuck, Ty, this would be the last thing that would come between us, I promise you that. What do you need? I'm right here," and goddamn him, there he goes with that servitude shit that is so honest and humble and typical of Bryce. Ty was now crying and I was hoping no one else would lose their senses. Lisa hugged him.

"What I need for us to do now, is to go back out on that dance floor and act like none of this ever happened. We can talk tomorrow or sometime and I can fill you all in. But, Bryce, Lisa, I mean this isn't some CW TV show moment where we tell everyone's business tomorrow and it's a funny story. This is really deep and dark. I mean, I care about our parents, but I'm not letting go of Ty. He's everything to me and it's going to stay that way. You understand what I'm saying?" I said very seriously.

"You got it, Josh and I love how fierce you are. I love that romantic stuff," and Lisa and Ty laughed.

"It's because we have like hearts," I said to him, grinning.

"Oh wow! I'm using that one myself. That great stuff Josh Warner!" he said and we were about to exit when Ty stopped us.

"Can Lisa and I get you two some tissues?" and she she gave him a snug look like they were old friends. "Hey, what are you two doing sneaking off to the butler's pantry? Where are your dates right now?" he asked, knowing he had clipped their secret as well. Bryce stood silent and seemed to defer to Lisa.

"That's a good question, Ty. Seems nothing gets past you," and she whipped her hair off her shoulder. "Maybe Bryce and I were going to share a sentimental moment with each other, free of dates," she said with a questioning voice. "Maybe we would ask for the same respect, if you get my drift?" she said pleadingly.

"Not a problem," said Ty. "Josh, any concerns?"

"A sentimental moment?" I laughed. "Is that what we call it these days?" Bryce looked blanked face because he knew the truth. He and Lisa were about to have a "behind the scenes" fuck!

"I think we better get back," and we headed down the hall acting like four kids who just had a personal conference, or a "sentimental moment" together. Ty's eyes were a little red but he could say it was allergies. When we got back, Tristan jumped us, "Where the hell have y'all been?" and Ty pulled him across the floor back to the table. Ginny found me and I led her away. I told it to her while Ty told it to Tristan. When we got back to get drinks, I noticed Bryce not too far away from me, like he was purposely hanging in my sector.

"Bryce, what's up?" I asked, handing him a punch.

"Thanks Josh, but I need to spike this," and we went behind a column and flasked our punches. I needed it too.

"Bryce, what you saw is like stumbling on a 1000 year fossil. No one has seen that but Tristan and I'm a bit unnerved, to tell you the truth," I said to him quietly.

"Josh, I am thinking back to a lot of things and I really had no idea. Even when I caught you and Tristan. I take it Ty doesn't know about that."

"Nope and he better not find out. We're good now but that was a different time. I'm telling you Bryce, living with him and not being able to touch him was all I could do. I loved him," and Bryce interrupted, "as soon as you met him. There would be no reason why two guys like yourselves wouldn't do it for each other. It's a fucking shame really, the greatest love any of us might witness and you have to hide it away. Fucked up is what I'm saying," he said with a slight sway.

"Take it easy Bryce. You have to get Melanie home safe unless you need us to do it," I said.

"I'll get back with you on that," he said. "Still brothah's Josh. Still brothas!" he said and he eased off in Mel's direction.

Ty came over and asked if I had flasked my drink. I said I had. He had as well. Rather than acting embarrassed and guilty, you'll be happy to know I put my arm around Ty as we stood with our drinks. To anyone spectating, they would see two guys, whether they be step brothers or boyfriends, they were one with each other. This was nothing more than a stepbrother's desire. Tristan came over and asked, "are you ok, Josh?" I said I was.

"I should have been there," he said. "Fuck me for not being there! Of all the times..."

"Well Tristan, the next time Ty and I sneak off for a makeout session, we will bring you along," I said, being a smartass.

"You would love that, wouldn't you?" Ty snapped.

We were crossing the dance floor when one of the ballads came on. Everyone lept to their feet as the ballads were the best way to get some groove on with your date.

When it's love you give, I'll be a man of good faith Then in love you'll live, I'll make a stand and won't break I'll be the rock you can build on Be there when you're old, to have and to hold

Ty and I froze along with Tristan. Ty and I looked at each other and couldn't move. We were four feet apart. He was biting his lip. My left fist had clenched. I wanted to pull him in.

When there's love inside, I swear I'll always be strong Then there's a reason why, I'll prove to you we belong I'll be the wall that protects you From the wind and the rain, from the hurt and the pain, yeah!

I rocked forward onto my toes and I realized the body language for myself that time. Tristan looked at us both then smiled a big grin which I didn't understand. I felt a set of arms wrap around me and it was Ginny. Bryce came up behind Ty and wrapped his arms around him from behind. They began a gentle, inconspicuous push. Tristan yelled, "Yeah!" Then Mel came up and put her arms around Bryce. Lisa eased over to us and brought her date. They pushed in, that dog Antony grinding her from behind. Tristan was all arms-in with us.

Let the one you hold be the one you want, the one you need 'Cause when it's all for one, it's one for all When there's someone that should know, then just let your feelings show And make it all for one and all for love

And we all swayed to the music, Ty and I crushed together in the center of it, what I realized then, was our newly formed...incorporated... "inner circle."

Don't lay our love to rest 'Cause we can stand up to the test We've got everything and more Than we had planned Let's make it! (All for one and all for love)

Well, that rather wrapped up the Christmas Cotillion. I would have been happy if the drive home had been quiet but it wasn't. We added Bryce and Mel to the third seat in the wagon which was, in itself, the funniest thing you have ever seen.

"Shit I haven't sat in the back of one of these since I was a kid!" he shouted after the valet brought the car around. Tristan volunteered to sit back there since he was smaller. Mel said it was their duty to do so since we were so generous to take them home. Bryce might have been ok but he had a little sway that concerned me. Mel lived fairly close to Bryce so it was an easy drop off.

We drove Ginny back to her house in the west end.

"Josh, are you going to be alright?" she asked.

"Yeah, it's all good I think." I walked her to the door and I gave her a big wet kiss. I told her how beautiful she was that night and as for friends, well, it didn't get any better. She liked that.

We dropped Tristan off at his house. He hugged Ty and me with everything he had and said he would check in on Sunday. Ty and I returned home and securely parked the car in the garage. We didn't wake the parents as we changed out of our dress clothes. We didn't say much as we brushed our teeth in the bathroom. We didn't say much when we climbed into Ty's bed, naked, and fully absorbed with thoughts and feelings. He climbed onto my shoulder and rested his head. I stroked his hair.

"I don't want to lose you because of what happened tonight, Josh. Please don't let me go," he said with what sounded like fear in his voice.

"I put my arm around you tonight at that dance, as a full display to all those who would look at us , whether you are my stepbrother or you are my boyfriend, I got you. You're with me. Always. Got it?" I asked.

"And we danced, Josh. The memory of what they did for us will never be forgotten. Will you?"

"Hell no," I said. "I'm just pondering how to ensure we keep this "inner-circle" at it's best. We were lucky tonight," I said.

To say we gave each other some love that night would be an understatement. I"m not going to even get into the details because this was probably our most reverent and passionate night. I can see it happening in my mind but I can't describe it.

Note: As I promised earlier, Part II was based on the strengthening and power of the relationship. Well now starts Part III and it all comes down to rewards and consequences. Hold on and enjoy the ride.

Thanks again for your thoughts and feedback! More exciting things to come!!

Next: Chapter 25

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