A Strange but Happy Friendship

By Steve Adams

Published on May 21, 2020


The story I have written is a true account of my friendship which is still on going but less frequent with visits, I have changed the actual names of the people to keep their identities safe. The story is meant to help stimulate senses and hopefully overcome the boredom of being stuck inside during this lockdown. Please feel free to reply back to me with feedback or comments or even share similar experiences with. (a_steve@hotmail.com)

Nifty is a great archive and I have had many years of pleasure reading what the other authors have published so please where you can donate to keep this wonderful site free.

Happy Reading

A strange but happy friendship

Let me start by introducing myself, my name is Mike, and I am a 38 year old happy single gay guy. Yes I am single, and this is more through choice than circumstance. I have had a few long term relationships in the past, however the people I have dated have always been jealous of my relationship with my best friend Helen.

I have known Helen for nearly 15 years, she and I went to university together, we were both on the same course, and we just seemed to hit it off straight away. Soon we were chatting about boys on the course who we both fancied, and getting drunk in the student union most weekends.

If I ever dated a guy, she always gave them the once over, and the same if she hooked up, they needed to pass the GBF (gay best friend) test.

The years went by, Boyfriends came and went, our friendship grew stronger, and life was good.

During the time at Uni, we had rented a house together, and double dated many times. But Helen seemed always restless with her boyfriend's seemingly getting a new one every few months and it only lasting a few weeks.

The time came when we had to go our separate ways. After graduation I got a well-paid job I moved down south near to the coast, and Helen moved to York, we kept in touch and met up at a few reunion birthdays but I missed having her around, getting her advice and just talking crap about how we would put the world to rights.

Two years had gone by then out of the blue I got a card in the post....

Dear Mike,

Mr and Mrs Cameron wish to invite you to the wedding of their daughter Miss Helen Cameron to Mr Joseph Newton.

I stopped reading and just grabbed my phone and called Helen.

As soon as she answered she screamed down the phone......

"AHHHHH.....I know, I know but Mike I've met him, I have met Mr Right, I have met Mr Perfect, I have met my Joe" I'm sorry I didn't say anything before, but it was just such a whirlwind, you always told me that love would hit me in the face like a frying pan, and BANG did he hit me, listen I want you to meet him, I need you to meet him, obviously the GBF test will be pointless because I am marrying him, what do you say??? Can we come to stay at your place for the next few days, I really want my best friend and my future husband to get along..........PLEASE !!!!!!!!!!"

I was a sucker for her pleading, she used this trick on me all the time to get her to do her assignments for her when she was late, or if she wanted midnight snacks from the local takeaway when she had drunk too much, so I caved and agreed. Partly because I wanted to meet up with her again, but mostly to meet this Joe face to face to find out what he had that had swept up my best friend off her feet for her to agree to marry him.

I spent the next few days arranging the spare room, and sorting out the house, I brought lots of snacks and food, plus a huge amount of wine. I knew Helen could drink enough to sink the titanic so case after case of wine was unloaded out of the car. The house was looking perfect and as I cooked dinner and had the wine chilling on ice as I waited for their arrival.

The intercom on the drive way sounded and as I answered it I heard a man's voice asking formally if Mike was home...

In the background Helen as screaming excitedly saying "open up, open up I need a hug" I buzzed them through and went to the door to meet them.

Helen came bounding out of the car running towards me arms flung open wide......

As we embraced my cheek was covered with hundreds of kisses......."I've missed you sooo much" she was shrieking I returned the kisses with the same enthusiasm until we both heard a purposeful cough from behind us.

I looked up to see what I can only describe as utter sex on legs. Joe was about 5'11, rugby player (ish) build, in a pair of pale pink chino shorts, boat shoes and a white T shirt, he clearly kept himself in great shape. What attracted me to him immediately was the gingery stubble on his face. Not a full blown beard, more like a few days growth, but my god did he look sexy.

He stuck out his right hand and said "you must be the infamous Mike that this little lady keeps talking about"

I took hold of his firm strong grip and replied "And you must be Joe, the man who is planning to steal my little girl away"

The handshake lasted a good 30 seconds, and the stare down was clear as we were both trying to show each other who the Alpha male was. Suddenly he just pulled me forward into a "bromance" hug "Great to meet you Mike, I have heard lots about you"

I took his embrace and hugged him back, lots of back patting and gripping. I could smell he was wearing Pink Joop. This was my favourite aftershave on a guy.

After we got inside, and I left them to unpack and get settled I went to give them a bottle of wine, I could hear the two of them kissing and muttering to themselves, so I made a point of giving them clear notice that I was on the approach.

Went I got into their room, I could clearly see the love in Helen's eyes, this guy was the real deal he was attentive, kind and generous, and she was clearly smitten. I had never seen a softer side to Helen, and this was a side I liked, he had sort of tamed that "wild cat" in her, but still allowed her to shine.

I handed them their bottle and informed them dinner would be ready soon, and that we would be eating outside on the balcony. They took the wine, and I hear the cork being popped, and the giggling return as I left the two love struck puppies to it.

Outside I had set up the dining table just under the shade. My garden was too much of a steep slope to do anything amazing with so instead I decided to build outwards. I have a very large decked area on stilts that goes outwards and takes over half of the original garden. The views from the end of the balcony are amazing, and the open space gives me an additional room outdoors. It is great for hosting parties and also a fantastic spot to have my hot tub.

As we sat and ate dinner I found out that Joe was a PE teacher (which now made sense reading his bulky frame) he had been set up on a blind date to meet Helen with one of his work buddies who also knew Helen from another school.

She decided to play match maker and set them up, this was very strange as Helen would never usually have gone for that kind of set up, but then I was also learning a lot of new things about my Best friend as the night progressed.

With the dinner finished and the plates cleared away it was Helen who suggested moving to the hot tub. I was a bit perplexed and asked if she had anything to wear, she suggested she would just wear one of Joe's big T shirts, and that she had plenty of bikini knickers with her so if the ones she had on got wet then it wouldn't be a problem.

Joe blushed a bit and didn't seem too keen to begin with, but with Helen's familiar "PLEASE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" he too agreed.

I offered him a pair of swim shorts as these I had in plenty of supply, he kindly accepted my offer and we went inside to get ready. Helen went to her room, and I went to mine, Joe followed me, and I handed him a pair of plain yellow shorts.

I assumed that Joe would go off and get changed with Helen so it was a surprise he stayed put and began to peel off his T Shirt, his big broad chest, his pecs lightly covered in a gingery fur. He unzipped his chinos and kicked off his shoes, lowering his shorts I spotted a rather impressive bulge in the front of his White Hipster CK boxer trunks.

"Impressive and good taste in pants" I thought, "No wonder Helen likes him" I then scalded myself for eyeing up my best mates fella.

I was mid-way through changing myself and was ready to take off my own CK boxers when Joe spoke first.

"Thanks for these mate, if I can call you that I mean" he stuttered.

"No problem mate, and you're fine calling me mate too" after a bit of an awkward pause I said

"Listen I like you Joe, I really do, I can see you have made a great impression on Helen, I love her dearly, so just be careful, if you hurt her I will cut off your balls and hang them on my Christmas tree as decorations, do you understand?"

Joe went to fist bump me "I hear you loud and clear, I know you two are close, and I still want you to maintain that relationship. This is why I insisted that we make this visit to see you, I want to get to know you better, I realise you will be a big part of our lives. Also I wanted to scout the area, as Helen is growing sick of York, and we were thinking about relocating, she wants to move down here to the coast after the wedding, as she misses you dearly. She has told me all about your little shenanigans and what you two both got up to in your younger days, and mate listen, I'm cool with it. I mean that are not many guys around who would be happy knowing that the guy I'm standing face to face with has seen his future wife naked, and shared a bed with him"

In a very blasé way I retort "Oh come off it mate, you know it was all innocent, we were both at Uni, and we had just had a huge house party, We had both gotten really drunk, and I had just been dumped by my boyfriend after we had a big fight and Helen was there comforting me and" suddenly looking up at Joe's face I realised what I had just said.

Joe just stared at me shocked "Mike, I meant when you went on that Hen weekend in Blackpool last year, and she fell out the shower getting ready for bed, when she was drunk, she told me that you were a perfect gent, and helped her into bed. She didn't tell me that you guys actually had sex"

Next: Chapter 2

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