A Sweaty Night Out

By Mr Mike

Published on Aug 31, 2024



The summer before my senior year of high school was when I first had sex with another guy. It was after a graduation party, I'd been drinking, and the situation presented itself and I took it. It was great! But did this mean I was gay? I still liked girls. I thought I preferred them, but that's another story entirely. What I did discover was that I have, as a friend puts it, a type. Turns out I have a preference for black and feminine guys. Can't be too dark, can't be too fem. But my teenage brain was having difficulty accepting this reality, so I fought it.

Fast-forward a year or so. I became friends with a kid, Johnny. How we met is pretty funny. We'd heard about each other through mutual friends for years. We finally met at yet another graduation party (in small Midwest towns, these were a big deal at the time). Needless to say, we really hit it off. Turns out, I really hit it off with his mom too! She couldn't have been more than 15 when she had him. She was only 33 when I met her. (I was 18) She was HOT! I also didn't know she was Johnny's mom. I didn't find that out until I went to pick her up for a date! I drove to their house, rang the doorbell, and Johnny answered! He thought it was hilarious that I was there to pick up him mom!

"Hey Mom!!!! Your date is here!!!", he yelled to her. Needless to say, this created an awkward moment. I'll also tell you that the date didn't happen (she was too weirded out to date her son's friend). But Johnny and I did start hanging out more. He was pretty cool, hilarious, and fun to hang out with. I also got to see his mom, often in a bikini or little house dress. So, yeah, I was A-OK with it all.

Johnny, as it turned out, was very openly gay, which was unusual in a small Midwest town. He was happy that I had no problem with it. After a few attempts to hit on me, he realized that wasn't going to happen, and we just kept hanging out. It was nice for us both to have someone we could confide in. As teenage boys do, we talked about sex A LOT. I eventually told him about the guy I'd fucked the previous summer. I'd also told him that I was definitely curious about the black trannies I'd see downtown. There was a gay bar in town, and as soon as the sun went down, the black trannies came out like vampires. Something about these hot black "chicks" with their short skirts and high heels, knowing they had a lil something other girls don't - well, that just kept my teenage brain in overdrive.

There were a few bars that didn't check IDs, so Johnny and I would go have a few beers, or grab a couple of 6 packs to go. We liked drinking! One particularly warm, humid night, we'd been out having a few. We ended up sitting on a bench downtown, not far from the gay bar. Johnny was hoping to sneak in and meet someone. I was just happy to have a buzz and be out on the town. While we were sitting there talking, this tall, gorgeous black tranny in tight leather pants comes up and starts talking to us.

"Hey boys! What's going on? What are you two up to tonight?", she queried in a sweet, friendly voice. She could've been reciting the Gettysburg address, and I wouldn't have noticed. I was too busy eyeballing every inch of her. If she noticed, she didn't let on - but I'm pretty sure I was ridiculously obvious. 18 + drunk + horny + lacking in the social graces = OBVIOUS.

As I was busy ogling and trying to keep my jaw from hitting the ground, she and Johnny were talking. She'd mentioned that she was looking forward to going to the (gay) bar and doing some dancing and asked if we wanted to join her. Johnny's laughter is what took me out of my trance. "Mike (that's me) isn't much of a dancer!", Johnny said to her. She thought this was cute. She asked if he and I were 'together'. More gales of laughter, not only from Johnny but also me. We explained that we're just friends hanging out. She just smiled and acknowledged the situation. I then begged off going dancing...mostly because I don't think my brain was ready for a gay bar yet. I don't know what I was expecting. I just wasn't comfortable with the idea. Again, she politely acknowledged the decision.

"If you change your mind, you know where I'll be. I can probably teach you how to dance.", she said to me, with a little wink. I'm pretty sure every drop of blood in my body went straight to my dick at that point. As she was walking away, towards the bar, I stopped her. I got up and walked over to her, not even trying to hide my obvious erection.

"I gotta ask...", I spoke trying to not sound as stupid as the question forming in my head, "As humid as it is, ain't those tight (leather!) pants a bit sweaty?"

She just smiled, and with a little chuckle replied, "Maybe...but sweaty can be a good thing." Again with the little wink. I thought I was just going to explode right there. I could hear Johnny laughing from where he sat on the bench. "You know where to find me. I hope you'll change your mind.", she said as she turned to head to the bar. Not unlike the old saying, I hated to see her leave, but I loved watching her walk away. That ass looked amazing in those tight leather pants!

OK, a little about me. I'd say I'm short. Most people would say average height but compared to my brother (he's 6'3) I'm short. I've never thought I was much to look at, but others have argued that point. I know I was pretty well built at the time, as I did a lot of physical labor (mostly farming and construction). I must have looked good in jeans because there were a lot of times people had made remarks about my ass when I wore them. Always made me a little self-conscious, but I guess that says more about my personality than you probably wanted to know.

Johnny and I went for a few more beers. Along the way, he explained to me how obviously interested in me the black tranny was. This has been a lifelong problem for me. I miss the obvious. Short of being direct and upfront about something, I'll miss it. I'm not stupid, just not good at things like small talk. My mom is Scandinavian, so if you know anything about them, this will make sense.

Johnny finally convinced me that we should go to the gay bar. He insisted, from alleged experience, that we'd be served without IDs. I figured What The Hell, and off we went. I'd been in the bar once before, actually. I helped a friend do some remodeling in there a year or so before. It was daytime and there were no customers. I was a little weirded out by the pictures and posters of muscle guys and prints of guys in leathers and sailor suits. Like I said, I had no idea what to expect.

As Johnny seemed familiar with the place, we used the rear entrance, off the alley. He claimed this is what the regulars did, and once inside we were more likely to be served. Who was I to argue with his knowledge of the workings of the local gay bar? He was openly gay, and I was a confused little idiot. But, as he predicted, things worked out just as he said they would. We went in, he said Hi to a couple of people he knew, and we ordered beers.

After a few minutes, our new friend from earlier spotted us from the dance floor. She came over to say Hi. After a little small talk (mostly with Johnny because, as I said, I've never been good at it), she turns to me and inquires, "Did I get you to change your mind? Or are you here for something else?" I just smiled and chuckled, and explained that really, I'm not much of a dancer. I'll just explain now that I have a long history of saying stupid things and ruining moments, but I guess there are moments when my goofiness is confused for charm.

"I'll tell you what", she started, "Dance one dance with me and I'll buy you a drink. If you want, I'll leave you alone after." Leaving me alone was the last thing I wanted, and I tried my best to convey that. I agreed to 'just one dance', after I finished my beer. She gave me a big smile and walked over to the DJ. There was that beautiful, leather-covered ass again! Even with my limited experience, I knew I wanted it.

She walked back from the DJ booth and said to me, "Drink up buster, our song is coming up!" She laughed as she said this, which admittedly put me at ease and seemed to take off some of the pressure. "I picked an easy one for you." She gave that little wink again as she said this. My teenage hard-on was throbbing again. I finished my beer and stood up to prepare for the inevitable dance. (I really don't enjoy dancing) It was at this moment that I realized there was quite a height difference between us. I didn't mind...just an observation. She got behind me, her hands and my shoulders and essentially marched me in the direction of the dance floor as the previous song was ending. The DJ then announced a 'special request' dedicated to 'new friends'. She all but shoved me onto the dance floor and stood in front of me. Then the song started. It was a slow song! Lionel Richie or something, I don't really know. The look she gave me was almost more than I could take. She pulled me close to her and started swaying a bit. I guess I did too, and I put my arms around her. I could smell perfume, makeup, and a hint of something else...deodorant and perspiration maybe? And leather. I love the smell of good leather. Always have. She was saying something, but I couldn't really hear well over the music. She leaned her head closer to my ear. "Put your hands on my ass" Again, who am I to argue? I slid my hands down to that oh-so-beautiful leather-clad ass and pulled her even closer to me. As I did this, she leaned her head down towards my ear again, but instead of saying anything she kissed, licked, and nibbled on my ear. This was even more of a turn-on! I squeezed her even tighter, and due to the height difference, I could feel what I was guessing was a big warm bulge in her leather pants, rubbing against me.

Part of my teenage brain was freaking out (you're dancing with a very horny black man in drag dude!) while part of it was in 7th heaven! The song seemed to be lasting forever, but even as much as I dislike dancing, I was OK with this. This moment could last for hours, and I'd be happy with it. Her kisses and nibbles started to work their way down now. She was kissing and nibbling my neck!

As the song ended, there was a small round of applause and hoots from the rest of the bar. I guess we were the only ones dancing. She tilted my face up towards hers and kissed me. "Let's go get you that drink I promised", she said with a smile as she took me by my hand back to the bar. Johnny was kind enough to save my seat for me. He'd been chatting with a few people and getting up to who knows what, but always a good friend, he saved our spot. He offered his seat to my new friend/dancing partner (whose name I never did get, and if I did, I just don't recall...I apologize). He said he'd be leaving soon. He was going to go do something with some friends he ran into, if I didn't mind. He noted that it looked like I was in good hands. My new friend and I just smiled and agreed. Then she grabbed a bar napkin and started cleaning off the lipstick she'd gotten on my face. "Oops!", she laughed, "Looks like I marked my territory!" Johnny flicked my neck and laughed, noting that she definitely had marked her territory! Apparently, I had a hickey. Johnny laughed. She laughed (with an "Oops" thrown in for good measure) and even the bartender laughed, as he had come for our drink order.

"I guess you're hers now" the bartender added. "Shame, a few of the other customers were checking you out." This was a new experience for me. I guess that was the moment I found out that beauty really is in the eye of the beholder...or dimly lit bar full of drunk, horny patrons.

My new friend apologized for 'bruising' me. "Let me make it up to you", she added. "I'll order you something better than beer." She chuckled when she said this. I guess beer wasn't her drink of choice. I guess part of now belonging to her included losing my choice of beverage, which I joked about. She joked that I'd probably be losing more than that before the night was over, as she ordered a couple of rum & cokes.

We were becoming pretty comfortable with each other. She tried to get me to dance a few more times, but I begged off. 'Just one dance' was all I was doing. (it's really just not my thing) I told her that if she really wanted to dance, to go have fun. I admitted that I enjoyed watching her dance. It was true...the sight of her gave me a hard-on. She made me promise to not run off, which I agreed not to.

As she was on the dancefloor, the bartender brought me another drink. "On the house", he said. Then he moved in close to discuss something with me.

"You seem pretty straight kid...you do realize that's a man, right?", he queried. "Yeah, I guess so. I mean yeah, I consider myself straight (if that's what you call it) but damn, do you see that ass? What man could say no?", was my goofy teenage reply. "OK", he replied with a chuckle. "I just think you might be in for a lot tonight. She can be a little wild..." He trailed off as she made her way back from the dancefloor. "Bruno! Why are you bothering him? He's mine. I marked my territory and everything!", she playfully half-shouted at the bartender. I just smiled and blushed a little (I guess). Bruno the bartender just laughed, got her another drink and went back about his business.

"Lucky bitch", someone hissed as they walked behind us. I'm not sure which of us was the bitch but I was feeling pretty lucky.

And my luck was only getting better.

Bruno let us know it was almost last call, and that if we wanted anything, we should put our orders in. "Do you like tequila?", she asked me. At 18, my drinking was mostly limited to beer and occasionally whiskey. Tequila was new for me, but so was pretty much everything about this night, so I agreed to give it a go.

She suggested, as it was my first experience with tequila, that I should have my training wheels. As I asked what she meant, she ordered a couple of shots of tequila, and a beer for me (in case I needed a chaser). Bruno came back with the drinks, along with a saltshaker and a couple of lime wedges. My new friend explained that 'training wheels' meant licking the salt off of (presumably) my arm, slamming the shot, and then sucking on the lime. It sounded unnecessarily complicated to me just for a drink, but sure, why not.

She then suggested that I lick the salt off of her arm.

Before I could offer any input, she licked her arm, put salt onto her now moistened arm, and told me "Now or never", with her little chuckle. I took a long, slow lick of the salt off of her arm (always one to make a production of things), did the shot and sucked on the lime. She noted that she was impressed with my licking skills and suggested I have her shot too. Again, who am I to argue? I asked if she wanted something to drink, and she declined, adding that she could always have something at home - if she needed it. She reached for the saltshaker and asked if she could make a little request. "Can you lick it off of my tummy?" There was that wink again. I just chuckled and said that I'd be happy to oblige.

She had me give her belly a preliminary lick, added the salt, and pulled my head towards her. As I went for my overly dramatic lick, she pushed my head against her and down a bit. "Get a room you two!", Bruno the bartender jokingly shouted. She let me up, I did the shot and sucked on the lime. She noted that I seemed to know how to suck...limes. She then asked if I was going to walk her home, adding that her apartment wasn't far, and she'd just feel safer having me with her. Feel free to say it with me, Who am I to argue?

It was a short walk to her place and the night was still really warm and humid. I know I was sweating, so I'm sure she was too - especially in those tight leather pants. When we got to her building, she stopped and reached into her little purse for her keys. "Want to come up for a bit?", she asked. I was all too happy to oblige. Her apartment was a 2 flight walk up, but that meant (for me) 2 flights of watching that ass right in front of me. Hey, I'm only human! I was pretty sure we'd be doing 'something', I just wasn't 100% sure of what yet. I remember thinking I should probably get her name at some point...but like I said, if I did, I don't recall.

Once inside her apartment, she pushed me against the door and kissed me, hard. She pulled back for a second, smiled, and moved in for more kissing. All I could think of at that moment was WOW!!!!!!! Just like when we were dancing, I put my arms around her, pulled her close, and reached for that ass. She was grinding into me a bit and I was definitely feeling that bulge. She walked me over to the couch and sat me down. It was warm in her apartment. In one of my classic moments of saying stupid things, I guessed out loud that she was probably pretty sweaty in those tight pants, what from the weather, the dancing, the walk home, etc. She chuckled and said, "Maybe...but you seemed to enjoy licking the salt off of me earlier. Sweat is salty. You just might enjoy that too!" Standing in front of me, she pulled my head towards her belly, lifted her top and said, "I think you missed a spot earlier." Damn, she was clever. And like an obedient puppy, I licked that belly. I reached around her for her ass and pulled her closer, making sure to lick every salty bit of her tummy. Then I got bold and went to undo her pants. I heard a little groan. I started to slowly pull them down, licking more of her as I did.

She slowly stepped back and suggested she put on something more comfortable and asked if I'd like something to drink. I just sat there silently nodding like the dumb teenager I was.

She came back a few minutes later. She'd taken off her pants but kept the heels on. She'd also grabbed a couple of wineglasses and a bottle of wine. "Like what you see?", she asked.

What I saw was blowing my mind a bit. Her face was beautiful and crowned with her long hair. Her legs were long, dark, smooth, and feminine. The heels just added to it. She was wearing a pair of red silk panties (with an amazingly huge bulge) and nothing else. Seeing a man's chest on her body took a minute to get used to, but there was no turning back at this point. I've never wanted anyone like I wanted her in that moment. My eyes locked on her body, I just silently nodded, probably with my jaw popped open.

"You know, I thought you were straight when I first saw you and your friend on the bench, but now I'm not so sure. I know your friend isn't. Do you two fool around at all?", she was asking as she poured our drinks. I explained that no, Johnny and I didn't fool around - although not for his lack of trying a few times. "Too bad for him!", she laughed.

As I'm prone to, it became TMI time. I started babbling on about my lack of gay experience, and my encounter the previous summer. She feigned interest as she was touching my body all over. She seemed to enjoy the muscles I had from work. Then she moved in for more kissing. She pushed me back on the couch and was on top of me. This was a new experience for me as it seemed like she was in total control now. She was fondling my cock through my jeans and really seemed to want more, but asked instead "Why are you still wearing these???" She got up and suggested I remove them. Again, like an obedient puppy, I did as told. I sat back on the couch, hard-on raging, and pulled her towards me.

I began licking her legs, jokingly asking if I should lick the sweat off of them from wearing the tight leather pants all night. She was moaning a little and said, "I have something else sweaty you should probably lick clean". She pulled my head up to her crotch and began grinding her hot, bulge in my face. I pulled down her panties and BAM, there was a huge, engorged black cock. "Lick it boy", she insisted.

I'd never had a cock this close to my face. During my one previous encounter, the guy really just wanted to suck me and have me fuck him, which I did and enjoyed! This was a first for me. I began running my tongue along her shaft. She was moaning and moving slightly every now and then so I could lick all of it. I was stroking myself in the process. She told me to stop jerking myself. She reminded me she'd marked me as hers, so I better get used to it. I don't know why but damn, that turned me on! I looked up at her face as I continued licking her big beautiful black cock. Then she grabbed the hair on top of my head.

"Open your mouth and suck on it". This was said firmly yet sweetly. At that moment, it felt like this was now my lot in life. To do as she told me to do. I opened up and took her in my mouth, sucking the first cock of my life. I started just sucking on the tip, and then the head. I don't know how but that cock seemed to keep getting bigger and bigger and filling my mouth. I started working my way down and back, down and back, trying to give as good as I'd ever received. She definitely seemed to be enjoying it. She was moaning and thrusting into my mouth. She started saying things like "suck it white boy" and "take that dick you faggot" in between moans. I don't know why but every time she called me 'bitch', 'faggot', or whatever other 'insult' she came up with, it turned me on more and more. I was gagging, having a tough time breathing, and my eyes were watering. Grabbing my head with both hands, she started pushing her cock down my throat and face-fucking me. She was moaning and grunting now, her voice getting lower and more manly. She was definitely sounding more 'he' now, especially as I was being told how my worthless mouth was going to be fucked like this all night long.

I reached around for that beautiful ass and pulled her closer, trying to take in every bit of her cock. She quickly started to pull back and pulled my hands off of her ass. "You don't get that yet. Not until Mommy is done with you." As her cock slid out of my mouth, so did a long string of what I can only guess was spit and precum. "Now be mommy's good little faggot and finish sucking this cock!" Again, I did as I was told. After a few more minute of having my mouth and throat brutalized, she pulled out and shot rope after rope of thick, white jizz all over my face. She bent down, cupped my face in her hands and gave me a long, deep kiss.

"Well, you're definitely not straight" she chuckled. "I wonder what other skills you have for Mommy", she pondered while pinching my nipples. I guess she was "Mommy" now. All I know is I've never been so turned on in my life. We stayed on the couch a little while. I had my head in her lap, occasionally kissing and licking her now only semi-erect cock while she stroked my hair as she pondered my future uses. Maybe I was only her little cocksucker or maybe she'd let her friends use my mouth while she destroyed my ass. She noticed that this was turning me on. "I bet that cute little white has would love some of Mommy's cock, wouldn't it?" she queried. I'm not sure if she was expecting an answer, but when I tried, she just pushed my head down into her lap. "You're my little bitch tonight and whenever I want, is that understood?" Her voice had resumed its manly tone again. Face in her lap, I just tried to nod. "Good boy" was all I heard.

I don't remember sliding onto the floor. Between the heat, the booze, and having my throat brutalized, I'd probably passed out. I woke to what felt like someone straddling my legs. I felt hands touching and rubbing me all over. It felt good. It felt like my body was almost being worshipped. Hands on my back, my shoulders, my ass, my thighs. I noticed I was moaning a little.

"About time you woke up! Mommy was getting bored!" is what I heard next. Her voice was sounding closer to the more masculine version, but I was feeling good and was being rubbed in all the right ways, so it didn't bother me in the least. She moved a little further up my legs and leaned forward and started kissing the back of my neck. I was beginning to feel the first hint of stubble, which for some reason was turning me on.

"You're my pretty little white boy, aren't you?" is what she started whispering in my ear. I was being fondled and caressed the whole time. She was starting to lay on me a bit, and that's when I felt 'Mommy's' cock again. Felt like she was getting pretty erect as she started rubbing it up and down my ass crack. This felt amazing! I won't lie, I started to move my hips a little, making sure 'Mommy' had access to keep rubbing that cock on me. I was really enjoying feeling our hot, sweaty bodies against each other.

"You love Mommy's cock, don't you?", I was asked.

"Mmmmmhmmmmm" was the best answer I could groan. I just felt so good in that moment.

"Do you think you can take all of Mommy's cock?", she asked as she laid on me with her full weight, started to grind more as she rubbed her cock up and down my ass crack. Could I take it? Any of it? I tried briefly to take a cock the previous summer, but just couldn't. But right then, I really wanted to try.

"Mommy wants to make you her bitch, and Mommy WILL make you her bitch!" The voice was more masculine again, and it was turning me on. I could smell our sweat mingling, mostly hers, which was smelling muskier than I remembered. She kept grinding me and I was getting harder and harder. She helped me up and stood me next to the couch again. In our bare feet now, she was probably 4-5 inches taller than me. I wrapped my arms around her and started licking her nipples. I'd never even thought about someone shaving their chest, but again just the slightest hint of stubble. Why was this turning me on so much? Having her nipples licked and sucked on was definitely having an effect on 'Mommy'. She was moaning and I could feel her hot, engorged cock hitting my legs.

"Stay right here!", she said as she got loose of me and went to the bathroom for something. I later saw that it was a jar of Vaseline. "Mommy's gonna have to loosen you up before you can take her cock. You want this cock, don't you?" Before I could really answer, she was kissing me again, and with her arms around me spun me in the direction on the couch. She put me against the arm of it and started to push my upper half forward.

"Relax baby, Mommy's gonna take care of you", she cooed. She gave me a sweet rub down my back, stopping to grab my hips and position them where she wanted them. I guess this was another of those choices she told me I'd probably lose tonight. I chuckled at that in my head. I could feel Mommy bent over me now, arms around me as she started kissing her way down my back. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw her wig go flying. Next thing I knew, she was kissing, kneading, and nibbling my ass cheeks. I'm pretty sure she was giving me another sucker bite, marking her territory. I also didn't care. She reached around and started stroking my cock and playing with my balls. I thought I was going to explode! Then she began licking up and down my ass crack, my cock still in her hand. This felt amazing!

Both hands were on my ass now and she started to slowly spread my cheeks. "Damn that's a sexy ass! Mommy wants some of it! I'll make sure you feel great taking this dick!" Her voice became more masculine with each syllable. By the time she said 'dick', it was a purely manly voice. I was about to get fucked in the ass by a black man and I was really excited about it.

'Mommy' had her tongue all up in my ass. Licking around the hole, tapping the hole with the tip of her tongue, pushing further and further each time. While I can't say for certain, I believe I was moaning and at times whimpering. 'Mommy' started pushing a finger in as well. With the other hand, she was stroking my cock. I could hear her muffled 'mmmmf mmmmmf' from behind me. She was obviously enjoying this as much as I could. She stopped for a moment and slathered Vaseline on her huge black cock. I turned back to see, and it was just glistening! And soon it would be in me!

'Mommy' went back to eating and fingering my ass. Then it was just one finger, slowly fucking me. Then two fingers. That took some getting used to. I made myself breathe slow and steady, trying to relax myself and just enjoy it. Then came a third finger, slowly stretching me and fucking me. I thought my knees would buckle, but I held firm. Then came a fourth finger, her pinky. This was more than I'd managed finger-banging girls in high school! And now 'Mommy' was finger-banging me! It was a little painful but felt surprisingly good.

'Mommy' stopped for a second, gave my ass a bite and a slap, and then dabbed Vaseline on and in my asshole. Then a little up the inside of my ass cheeks. 'Mommy' stood up behind me, smacked my ass good and hard a few times, and went back to rubbing her cock (which somehow seemed even bigger, harder, and warmer now) up and down my ass crack. This was making both of us moan.

"Does Mommy's cock feel good? Tell Mommy you want her cock", this was said sweetly but definitely in a manly voice.

"Yes, I want your cock" was my moaned response.

"Say you WANT MOMMY'S COCK faggot!" She ordered firmly.

"I want Mommy's cock! Please, I want Mommy's cock!" was my reply.

"Spread that ass and open up for Mommy's cock, you pretty little bitch" was the next command I was given, and I happily did as told.

I could feel the warm, engorged head of Mommy's Vaseline-covered cock pushing on my asshole. Little bit by little bit, she was putting it in. It felt huge! At first it felt like it was going to rip me apart, but I took it. Holding on to my hips, and pulling me up just a bit, she pushed in more and more. I don't think she was even 1/3 of the way and I felt full. She wasn't even close to all the way in. She started to pull her cock back and then forth, gaining ground and momentum each time.

"Do you think you can take it? Think you can take all of Mommy's big cock whiteboy????" she asked gruffly, and the lowest tones I'd heard yet, and before I could answer she thrust what felt like all of her cock deep inside me. For a brief moment, my world became a flash of light, pain, and the most incredible pleasure. I'm pretty sure I whimpered.

Slowly, 'Mommy' started thrusting in and out, really giving me a good fucking. We were both moaning. 'Mommy' was calling me all sorts of names: faggot, bitch, punk, whore. With each thrust and each insult, I was being turned on even more. 'Mommy' was saying she would love to watch me suck off her friends while she fucked my ass. I was starting to like this idea! My head was in a haze. I was feeling things I'd never felt before.

"You sweet little bitch! Your ass is so fucking tight!" 'Mommy' practically yelled. I'm sure her neighbors all heard us. We definitely weren't quiet. "I'm gonna cum in your little faggot ass whiteboy!" 'Mommy' exclaimed, with each thrust of her big black cock coming in faster, harder and deeper. I think I'd already busted two nuts of my own during the ordeal. Finally one last massive thrust and not only did I take every inch of 'Mommy's' cock, I took what might have been a liter of her spunk in my ass. It was incredible. 'Mommy' slowly pulled out and she was still mostly erect. She rubbed her cock up and down my ass crack more, getting hard again, and shoved it back in my ass, dislodging the spunk I'd been trying to hold in. I felt it running down the back of my legs as she continued fucking me. More than once I thought I'd pass out. Suddenly, 'Mommy' pulled out, pushed me down on the couch and jerked out a few more ropes of cum all over me, giving a loud shuddering moan in the process. Then 'Mommy', wigless, makeup sweated off, and mostly spent, cuddled me, giving me soft little kisses and saying things like "Mommy's little man really took it well" and more simply, "I'd love to fuck you every day".

As nice as this felt, I could feel the sweat and jizz drying on me and I really just wanted a towel. 'Mommy' went and got us towels from the bathroom and we cleaned up a bit. My ass was surprisingly sore. I felt like I'd just worked a 10 hour day on the farm. 'Mommy' was still horny! She practically begged me to lick her cock clean, which I gladly did. Still hard and with apparently one more load ready to go, she asked me to lay back on the floor. She straddled my stomach, and began slowly stroking that massive cock again. "I want to feel your cock against Mommy's ass...please. Mommy wants to feel it." she practically pleaded. Just the sight of her was still enough to turn me on, and my cock was hard, so I did my best to rub it on her ass while she sat on it, jerking her dick. Her strokes began to speed up as she was grinding on my cock until she finally rubbed one out, all over my chest. She then leaned forward, kissing me, and rubbing her spent issue all over me.

"Just leaving my scent on you" she chuckled with the little wink. I decided I really liked her in this moment. But as we were cleaning up, she told me I'd have to leave. She just never felt comfortable having someone stay all night. WTF? I cleaned up best I could, got dressed, and discovered the walk of shame. By the time I got home, the sun had been up for over an hour. My parents were both at work. I'd have to make up a story to tell them other than "Oh, I let a black guy in leather pants and makeup have his merry way with me". I figured I'd call Johnny and we'd think of something. I knew he'd want all the gory details. I knew that I just wanted a shower and a few hours sleep.

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