A Tail Tale of Twilight

By Michal Blystone

Published on Jan 20, 2011


A Tail-Tale of Twilight

Chapter 4

"Alessio and Rain. Nice names", I said choking back the tears.

I never thought I could have been so emotional at one given point, but the tears kept falling. I felt heat, for a moment I thought I was dreaming again, but no, this was different, this was pure energy, pure life. I didn't realize what it was until arms wrapped around me. I jumped, but gave into the embrace.

Jake stood with his arms wrapped around me for what felt like centuries. I've been held before, but nothing felt quite like this. I felt him, I felt his soul, for a moment I could feel us, our hearts beating as one, our lungs breathing the same air; together as one, our souls danced.

There was a knock at the door and Jake squeezed me and stepped back, looking at me and spoke:

"You okay?"

"Yeah, thanks. I needed that."

"Trust me when I say its no problem."

Jake's dad rolled over to the door and let in a group of men and a woman. Most looked like typical Native Americans; dark skin, long black hair and brown eyes. They were older, except for one; the guy who approached us earlier. This time, he didn't look so pissed, he walked over to me and held out his hand, wanting a handshake.

"Hey, listen. I'm sorry about earlier, I didn't mean to be rude, but my boys were being morons and it pissed me off. My names Sam, I'm the leader of sorts to the younger guys."

"Don't worry about it, it takes a lot more than that to offend me, consider it in the past."

I was honest with Sam, I could tell there was something behind his attitude and it sure as hell took a lot more than that to make me dislike someone. The next few minutes were just the formalities; the Elders introducing themselves. All in all, there was Jake's dad whose name was actually Billy Black, Old Quil, Sue Clearwater, and Sam. The Elders went outside to get the fire started, while Jake and I waited inside.

"You sure you're okay? I mean, they're gonna ask you some serious shit out there. On normal circumstances they would ask you about your family and where you're from, but they're gonna want more from you."

"Yeah, I'm fine. I feel like I need to tell them. There was an incident that proceeded my arrival and I feel like this is where I was meant to be."

"Just out of curiosity, how much of that conversation did you hear? I mean, did you hear the whole thing, or just the part about your parents."

"Just about my parents. Why is there more too it?"

Jake nodded his head and put a hand on my shoulder. I heard Sam whistle, and it was time for the gathering.

"Come on, they're ready."

Jake and I walked outside and I could see the fire blaring. The council and a few others were sitting around it, staring at the flames. I felt out of place, yet never so more at home. The people at the orphanage were my home, but I felt drawn here, like gravity just placed me here.

Trying to break the silence, I spoke to Sam, "can you teach me how to whistle like that? I've always tried, but could never do it."

Everyone stared at me, including Jake; Billy on the other hand still stared at the blaze.

Billy spoke, "its not surprising that he could hear the call. He does share the blood of our ancestors."

Everyone moved their attention to Billy, while I stood confused.

"What do you mean its surprising I could hear it? It was a whistle, only the deaf could have not heard it, actually they probably could, it hurt my ears."

Billy turned his attention to me, as well as everyone else, again. He spoke, "That was the call of the wolf; our tribe's call, only the magical among our people can hear it. Kia, take a seat, there is much you need to know." He moved his attention to the others and spoke again, "as well as the rest of you here."

Jake led me to a log bench where I took a seat. Even though the bench was big enough for us both, he took a seat in front of me, almost between my legs. Sam, with a puzzled look, stared at Jake's action, but deferred his attention.

For the few minutes, Billy told the story of the deal between their tribe and the Blackfoot. Most of them seemed to know it already, but some of the younger looked taken back. He told them of the plan that the old Elders had and how the Blackfoot were involved. He ended it much the same way he did when I walked in earlier. I was shocked that these people's ancestors could be that power hungry, but I guess there is a reason for everything.

Billy spoke, " However that is the only part of the story we know. Apparently this young man here, named Kia, knows the rest. Kia, would you mind filling in the blanks...?"

Jake turned his head and stood up, whatever it was, he shook it off. Instead of sitting back on the ground, he took the seat beside me. It was a little crowded on the bench, but it was comfortable. I could feel his body heat, a comfort from the cold air.

"Yeah, well uh my parents are dead, have been for the last eighteen years. My mother died after giving birth and my father went missing the week before I was born. The women at the orphanage didn't know my mothers name, and they said they didn't know my father's, even though he lived on the same street; I don't actually buy it."

The council all nodded their agreement, and their condolences. As much as I wished I had known my parents, it doesn't bother me much to talk about them. Although, when I heard their names, I became extremely emotional. I guess after eighteen years, it does bottle up,and eventually the cap blows.

I continued, " The orphanage was just outside of Volterra Italy. It was nice, but it still would have been nice to have family. There were a couple of the women who I became close to, mainly Margaret, the only American there. She was the one who taught me English, her biggest wish was that I would be able to come one day. Sadly, she among my close friends are all dead now."

Jake put his arm around my shoulder, it was unexpected, but nice, so I leaned into him; he didn't move. It was odd, I've only known this kid for less than a day, and I felt comfortable with him, almost like I grew up with him.

It took me a minute, but I eventually continued, "Margret, Rose, Francesca, Charles and myself were on an Architectural Highlights tour when a girl named Jane invited us to tour the Cathedral building in the center of the city. Not many people have the chance to see the inside, so we went. Eventually we were greeted by three men, we assumed they were Jane's bosses, but not in the conventional terms. They were monsters, they attacked us, starting with Francesca."

Jake's face went from a calm curious face, to looking like he could rip someone's heart out. The heat from his body got hot, way hotter than it was before. Sam told Jake to calm down, and this time, instead of him putting his hand on me, I put my hand on his shoulder. He smiled, the heat dissipated.

Sam spoke up, "are you telling me Vampires killed your friends?"

"I guess, I never really believed in them, but I guess the shoe fits."

This time Billy spoke, "that still doesn't explain how you ended up here."

"Well, after the other vampires came and started feeding, I got hot, and sick. The room was spinning and everything was hazy; I thought I was dreaming. Out of the haze came a bear, I was afraid, but not as much as I should have been. The bear told me everything, and everything that I needed to do. It told me to seek out a powerful brother clan who were one with the wolves. Eventually I bowed to the bear and the next thing I knew I was on the beach where Jake found me."

After a few minutes of silence, Billy spoke, " Jake, I think he needs to speak to the Cullens tomorrow. I'm sure the Volturi are not pleased that their meal got away. "

"Wait, who are the Cullens?"

"You will find out tomorrow. For tonight, I think you need to rest. You have been through a lot in the past day, you need to clear your thoughts."

I agreed with him, I was tired, more mentally than anything. Jake offered me his bed, telling me he had some things to take care of and he wouldn't be back until late. I told him no, but he refused my decline.

When I laid down, I could smell Jake. I hadn't noticed his smell before, but it was definitely his. For not being tired, I fell asleep almost immediately; that's when it came.

Well guys, thats chapter four. It was a little boring, but there is action to come! Please send your feedback to timeisafleeting@gmail.com Thanks!

Next: Chapter 5

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