A Wolfs Tail

By Gaco

Published on Oct 22, 2023


This story is fictional, I'm sorry (actually I'm jelous) if it resembles your life in any way shape or form. Constructive criticism is welcome. If gay relationships offend you, then "How did I manage to start reading this story?" is a good question to be asking yourself. However you're still welcome to read it!

This story is owned solely by Gaco and may not be copied by any means by any unlicensed individuals, groups, or organizations.

Copyright 2020 Gaco. All Rights Reserved.


Chapter 8

As we walked out the front door I noticed my truck was missing.

"What happened to my truck?" I asked, upset mostly because I had paid for that truck out of my own pocket through hard work.

"Last night after leaving you here alone I drove it back to James' school. It wouldn't do for the authorities to find it here... That would cause all kinds of problems as I'm sure you can imagine." He responded.

I understood the reasoning, but I was still sad. I liked my truck. It was one of the few possessions I thought I would be able to keep from my old life. We got into his car and he cranked it up.

"Since your picture was plastered all over the TV last night we'll have to be careful for a while about who sees you and where you go." He paused to back out the driveway. "Fortunately you currently have kind of shaggy hair, and in all the pictures on TV it was similar. A quick haircut and hair color change should fix most chances of people recognizing you except for your parents and your close friends."

"I didn't have many friends who I was close that live around Atlanta, so my family are the only people we really have to worry about... Since they are on the opposite side of the metro I don't think we have much to worry about in that regard..." I said sadly, thinking about the life I had left behind once again.

"So, first stop, a hair stylist outside of the metro area, seeing as it is not at all likely that they have seen you on the news." He said.

"Wanna go to Macon, or Chattanooga?" He asked me.

"It's been a while since I've been to Chattanooga." I mentioned, thinking it was a bit more interesting and could be more romantic than Macon.

We listened to the satellite radio in the car as we were leaving the metro area. I began to get bored as we left the city, however, so started to flip through the stations, but couldn't find any decent songs. I decided to take the opportunity to bring up the gun thing with Bryce.

"So, how do you feel about guns?" I asked, thinking back to the night before.

"I think they're relatively weak against immortals, though they have range that our claws and teeth don't..." He paused and appeared to be thinking. "Your encounter with that vampire tells me that when used properly, they can be used to our advantage in certain situations though."

I nodded and added "And that was just a pistol. Imagine what an assault rifle could do." Trying to point him in the right direction.

"You must have been talking to Justin." He said tiredly, but with a smile.

"Jackson may have mentioned Justin's previous efforts. We did discuss guns shortly." I mentioned, grinning.

"Figures they'd recruit you to the cause for an armory." He said.

"Actually I brought it up." I said. "I wondered where all the guns were. I figured you guys would have plenty."

"Well, like I said I didn't put much stock in them until I saw what you did with yours." He said. "What do you have in mind?"

"Let me ask you this, what happens if the den is attacked either by another pack of unfriendly wolves, or the off chance by vampires?" I asked curious.

"We fend them off with our teeth and claws. Younger vampires are no match for a transformed werewolf. As for another pack, it's pretty unlikely, but if they do, we'll defend the den the same way." He mentioned, thinking it over.

"What happens if there's an overwhelming number of vampires or wolves attacking? Like say thirty?" I asked, completely serious.

"Then we'll die defending our den." He said assuredly.

I gave him a dejected look. "You'd let me and Zeke just die?"

"No, you'd defend the pack, den, and yourself at all costs, in that order." He said firmly.

"Don't you think you're over reacting?" I said, upset with him now. "Zeke was just sixteen when he was turned, I doubt he'll never be as strong as the rest of us, and I won't come into my full strength for a while, at least according to you. How could you just sentence us to death in the event of an attack?" I asked.

"I suppose I had never thought of it like that, and the point about having more range is a good one. Guns could at least weaken them before they reach us... And even the odds for you and Zeke." He said deep in thought.

"And what about an escape plan? Assuming we get overrun somehow, what would we do? I'm not prepared to die for material possessions. Sure the belongings in the den may be precious to the guys, but it's not worth anyone's life. You don't have any sort of escape plan?" I asked abhorred.

"It's just never come up. I'm pretty much the strongest alpha in the area. No one's going to fuck with our pack and not expect consequences... But I do see your point, Tom. Discuss your ideas with Justin and Jackson, then run them by me, and we'll figure out something there." He paused to change lanes to pass a particularly slow car with a woman who looked about ninety years old behind the wheel.

"Hey...? Do we age?" I asked not totally sure.

"Everyone ages, I'm actually seventy-seven. Obviously I was bitten at twenty five. After our first shift our bodies don't get older. Our ability to regenerate keeps our body from breaking down over time which is the primary cause of aging." I nodded at him elated I'd never look like granny over there.

"So what are you thinking about gun wise? How much you think we'll end up spending?" he asked.

"Well" I paused to think "Everyone should have a sidearm... since recoil won't be an issue with your strength, and neither will concealment since they're for the house, I think we should go with a 45 caliber. HK USP 45 tactical would be ideal, that way we can get a suppressor if need be, or other accessories..." I paused to think for a second.

"As for rifles -- there should be a fully automatic AR-15 for everyone... Those will run about three grand a piece, and for the USP it will be about fifteen hundred a piece. If we're going to get some optics and other accessories for the rifles we should count on another grand a piece at least." I mentally ticked off another thing to discuss with Justin.

"Finally, we should also have a couple full auto MP5s... Those are pretty rare but reliable... They'll run us probably about ten thousand a piece..." I said beginning to cringe as the numbers added up in my head.

"So basically a shit load of money." He said.

"Yeah pretty much." I responded.

"Well, we'll work on getting them after you and Justin make up your minds on everything." He said, falling into silence.

At that point we were a little past halfway to Chattanooga, so I turned the music back up and promptly fell asleep. The dreamless sleep was refreshing the rest of the way to Chattanooga. I woke up feeling Bryce stroking my leg and gently calling my name.

I opened my eyes to see that we had parked in front of a mall.

"You ready?" Bryce asked me.

I nodded and stepped out of the car rubbing my eyes. The temperature change woke me up the rest of the way, it was COLD outside!

"Ready to get a haircut?" Bryce asked me, arching his eyebrows.

"I suppose." I said. I liked my longish hair, but I always did look really good with short hair as well, I thought.

We went into the mall and walked around for a bit. I was somewhat cautious, watching everyone to see if they would recognize me. No one did of course, but that didn't stop me from expecting it every time I turned a corner.

"Can you calm down a little now? I know you're nervous but the only reason people here will notice you is if you act strange or nervous... So just calm down and everything will be alright." Bryce put his hand on my shoulder which instantly calmed the jittery energy I was feeling.

I took a moment to think about the fact that a single touch from Bryce could calm my nerves and make me relax. It was like instinctively I knew he wouldn't let anything happen to me.

We walked into the hair salon and it was empty except for the few employees. It was about two thirty on a Monday, so that was expected and planned. I let the lady working there know that I wanted my hair bleached (it was currently light brown) and cut to a little less than an inch in length.

About an hour later I was starting to become very grumpy. A repeated series of painful hair pulling, scrubbing, dying, and scratching would make anyone ready to scream. I looked into the mirror to see a sexy guy with blonde hair spiked in the front looking back at me. I walked back to the front of the salon and as soon as Bryce saw me he started grinning.

"You look great." He said, rubbing my back gently as the stylist returned to the register.

Bryce handed me some money since I hadn't been able to get any of my stuff from home or the bank. I didn't tip her much, however, because it felt like she was trying to rip my scalp off when she was washing my hair each time. Nails on skin which was made sensitive by dyes, bleach, hot water, and shampoo are not a good mix.

As we left the store Bryce kept glancing over at me and smiling.

"You really do look good." He told me again. I smiled back at him.

"It's still a little strange to think it about a guy, but you have no idea how much you turn me on right now... You're hot!" I blushed brightly from his profuse praise.

"You want to go eat first or find some clothes?" He asked.

"Clothes?" I asked, confused.

"Yeah, you can't wear the what you are right now all the time, pup. I know I didn't allow you to get anything from your home, so you'll have to get everything new." He responded.

"Well, it wasn't too long since we ate brunch, so let's get the shopping out of the way." I said.

We found a trendy store where I bought a few shirts and a pair of jeans, and some boxer briefs. We then headed a few stores down to a similar store where I bought more of the same as well as a hoodie. Finally, we went to a big-box store and bought some more wallet friendly jeans. Some were bigger than my size, and some my correct size. The larger ones would allow me to be able to carry my gun inside for the times that I carried concealed.

We somehow managed to escape the mall without having to work for the stores we bought stuff from to pay for it all. I'm not sure how much money Bryce was carrying, but it must have been a lot.

As we left the mall he told me he had a surprise for me. We drove for about thirty minutes on a small road up into the hills overlooking Chattanooga. Bryce pulled into what looked like some sort of old mining area. I gathered from all the signs and several groups of people carrying cameras that it was a tourist trap.

"I've always wanted to come here." Bryce said to me. "I've just never had the chance to come with anyone. Several of our packmates like going out and camping, but usually they hate stuff like this. Wolves generally shy away from large groups of people like this."

As we walked towards what appeared to be the entrance I saw a sign that read `Welcome to Ruby Falls'. We entered and paid for two tickets. After a short wait in line we rode an elevator down to the caves below. The cave had many twists and turns. There was water flowing everywhere, and often the path was only wide enough for one person to walk through single file. The guide gave us the typical tourist treatment, treating everyone like they were twelve years old. Most of the information was obvious but we did learn a few interesting things about the area. We also learned that there is an even larger cavern below the one we were in, which was not open to the public.

"I wouldn't mind exploring that one sometime." I whispered to Bryce, my eyebrows perking.

"Hmm. Maybe we can sneak in sometime?" He suggested with a grin. "I bet we could even convince some of the guys to come with us."

Near the end of the tour we made it to the actual underground waterfall. I played the stereotypical tourist and took lots of photos with my new phone which we bought at the mall. The waterfall and cavern was very beautiful. The water literally fell from a hole in the top of the cave, seemingly from nowhere. After returning to the surface we escaped the gift shop without making a purchase and made our way back to the car.

Bryce continued in the same direction down the highway, stopping at another small tourist trap called Rock City. It looked to be just a series of bridges across huge broken rock formations overlooking the valley. The views from the tops of the cliffs were cool. On the way out, however, there were a number of smaller attractions with creepy gnomes and lawn ornaments which made me want to run.

After a few hours of walking and hiking, we drove back to downtown Chattanooga and walked along the waterfront hand in hand. Near the cozy plaza where we parked we found a restaurant and decided eat outside and enjoy the evening. We chatted about the experiences of the day as we waited. Finally the waiter came and took our order, I ordered a rib eye medium rare, and Bryce ordered his rare.

After a few minutes of talking, I excused myself to the restroom to pee. I stood up and walked through the restaurant and into the restroom. This was my first time being alone in hours, and the little break was needed. While I was definitely starting to become more comfortable with Bryce, it was all still very new.

I stepped up to a urinal and took a long relaxing piss. As I was zipping up someone entered the restroom that for some reason caught my attention. He was mildly attractive but that wasn't what drew me to him. I couldn't put my finger on what it was that was different about him. I decided to wash my hands slowly so I could watch him in the mirror and try to figure out what why he piqued my interest.

I looked away from the mirror to dry my hands and suddenly I felt a hand on my shoulder. Before I understood what was happening I was thrown across the bathroom and into the wall. My head knocked against the tile with a slight tinking sound. I tried to keep my eyes on the asshole that did it to me, but the stars in my eyes kept getting in the way.

"You're new, bitch." The guy walking towards me said. "Mmm damn you smell good. You're going to make a great toy for me and my boys."

I looked up at him, my head still spinning from being slammed into the wall. "What? No!" Was all I could spit out. I had a terrified look in my eyes.

He stepped on my hand so I was unable to reach my gun even if I had been able to think clearly enough to want to.

"Oh yes, this is going to be good." He said as he was pulling his cock out of his pants.

"If you want to live open wide bitch boy." He said as he glared down at me maliciously.


PLEASE send feedback to gaco200608@gmail.com! Feedback is the only way I know if you like the story, hate it, or want it to change.

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Encouragement from readers goes a very long way towards giving me the energy to continue writing the next chapter.

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Next: Chapter 10

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