Abduction in a Small Town

By John Roberts

Published on Jun 11, 2007


This is the next chapter in the ongoing ordeal of my abduction and submission. If you have found this then you obviously like M/m contact, consensual or otherwise. Thanks to all of you who have written and commented on previous chapters. You have given me the desire to continue writing. To all others Masters and fellow subs, please write and critique or comments.

AST 10 The officer leaves me alone with my black tormentor. What will he do to me?

He wastes no time in getting behind me. "STAND UP, BITCH!" With his large hand jerking my head backward, I struggle to my feet. After slapping me across my ass with his other hand, he takes his powerful arms and locks me into a full nelson. Because he is much taller than me, my arms and shoulders are held painfully out and over my head while his clasped fingers shove my head towards the floor. "The officer has decided that this is the day you will entertain some of his friends. They're really mean bastards that like to work over a slave and punish him for hours. Today though, we're having going to have a little competition. The winner gets to have you any way he wants to for the whole night. Doesn't that sound great, CUNT?"

All I can manage is a deep desperate groan that makes my tormentor laugh.

Paying no attention to me or to my discomfort, he walks me into an adjoining shower room. In my weakened state and helpless position, he makes me assume a standing spread eagle position against the tiled wall of the shower room. "Don't fucking move a muscle CUNT! I've got as treat for you. With my eyes glued to the wall, I hear the woman being drug back into the room. The officer is with her. "Before we let you go home, bitch, I want to give this CUNT a nice bath and get him ready for a long, long night with my friends." She takes a hand-held shower spray and soaks my body with hot soothing water. Then she takes a equally hot soapy sponge and gently washes my body. Each soothing stroke helps to relax away some of the tension, but my dread of what's going to happen next keeps me from completely enjoying the attention.

When she slides the sponge between my ass cheeks, I'm reminded of the butt plug that is lodged deep inside me. It's stretching me and preparing me for what will certainly be the most humiliating experience of my life. Now, it's not if I will be raped, but when, where, and how will I be raped. I have been told that I am the prize this Saturday night. I am "fresh meat" for the winner to take home to use and abuse.

Unable to see behind me, I hear the officer tell the woman, "Take this and lock up this CUNT's cock and balls. Then you can wash them off." Taking my limp cock in her soft, feminine hands, she slides it through a metal ring and then behind my balls. Once it is in place, she slides my cock into a metal cage and locks it to the ring. When the sponge glides over my crotch, I realize that my cock and balls have been imprisoned in a device that renders them useless, yet vulnerable to torment and torture. The officer has taken away my manhood so I will be forced to concentrate on obeying and pleasing anyone who comes over to dominate me. As the woman rinses away the soak, I am lost in these troubling thoughts when I hear her say, "John, my name is Becky; how are you holding up."

"Okay, I guess. No, No, I'm not okay. I'm terrified that these guys are going to work me over more than I'm prepared endure. And, I don't think they're the kind of guys who'll show me any mercy. I wandered into this mess, so why should they give a dam about me?"

"I wished there was something I could do, but I don't even know if they'll let me watch while they compete for you."

"That's okay. We're helpless against them. If you try to step in, we'll both get punished. I'll do whatever they want and hope that it will eventually be all over. I know they'll threaten to do things just to scare me, but I'm going to make it."

Our talk was abruptly disrupted by the officer when he yells, "Okay, bitch; you've had more than enough time to get John all prettied up for his coming out party tonight. Dry him off and bring him out here." When the officer turns and leaves, you take two large white towels and quickly wipe away the beads of water from the soothing shower. "I'll miss this, Becky. It felt so good to get a rest from them."

"Yes, I know. Don't worry about what's going to happen. It'll only make it worse. If you relax, you might even enjoy part of it."

I'll try Becky. Thanks."

"Okay. Come on. We'd better get you out there and we'd better crawl out of here. If we don't act like he owns us, he might get angry and punish us."

"Yeah. You're right. I almost made another mistake. Thanks again."

We crawl to the large outer room and see that the officer is sitting fully clothed in black, except for his bare feet, in a large throne-like wooden chair waiting like a king for his two slaves. "Over here, assholes!" Pointing to two devices set up facing his feet, "Get up on these two benches and lay your chests here, your hands here, and your knees here."

As we crawl to the sawhorse benches, we can see that they are constructed of heavy wood and designed to restrain a slave in a completely vulnerable position. The chest board, knee and hand placements are padded and equipped with belts and cuffs anchored to the bench. When secured, our legs will be spread, allowing our genitals to be exposed and completely vulnerable. Our heads will hand over the front of the bench with nowhere to rest. After throwing each other a worried look, we reluctantly mount the punishment horses. Once in place, the officer silently goes about strapping us down. All we hear and feel are the leather belts and buckles being cinched tightly around us. When he is finished, he collars us once again, and I know there is no escape.

After getting back up on his throne, Dr. Mark jerks hard on the leashes and says, "Get busy licking and sucking my feet; I'll clue you in on what's going down tonight."

We obey the officer, immediately opening our mouths and sucking in his big toes. I try to show my willingness to service him by licking and lathering each toe and sliding my tongue between the crevices. "In about ten minutes johnny, five other guys will be here ready to compete. Beside myself, you'll meet David, Eric, Travis, Charles, and Paul. You'd better learn their names as soon as possible. If you don't call one of the Masters by his correct name, he can punish you right on the spot. And knowing them, they'd love to inflict some pain on you."

After a few more minutes of foot worship, the five guys begin to filter into the room. We both keep to our task, not wanting to take a chance of angering the officer. We hear bags being dropped and clothes being removed as he tells them about us, "I've got two bitches for you tonight, and one of them is really special." Pulling his feet back and stepping down, he gives me two hard whacks on my ass cheeks, laughing, "Step over here and look at this one." Pulling my reddened ass cheeks apart he says, "johnny here is almost cherry. He's been fucked only a couple of times and his asshole is still tight. The only other thing that has ever been up his ass is this butt plug that I'm using to get him ready for one of you tonight. He the prize!"

David says, "Whoa! To hell with the prize. We shouldn't have to wait when we have a slave boy with such a virgin ass. He needs to be broken in right away. What do you says guys?"


Even though the others are so adamant about taking me right now, officer Mark quiets them down and says emphatically, "No! I told you that he's the prize. Only one of you will get to take this boy home. Then you can do whatever you want with him. If you don't like it, you can leave now."

"So what do we have to do get win this bitch for the night? And what about this fat bitch here? Do we get her too?"

"Yeah! We can give her to the runner-up. She's certainly not a virgin, but by the looks of her body, she'll take it in every hole. In fact, you can have some fun with her while you're competing for our boy johnny here. I've got a couple of games, so we'll do them and you can come up with the rest until the last man is standing. If you finish last in any game, you're out. You can leave after that or stick around to see what happens. Maybe the bitch will take care of each man as he is eliminated. I'm going to play along, but one of you gets johnny tonight."

Leaving us alone and facing away, Mark ushers the others over to a table. "Guys, just so we can loosen up, we're going to start off with a drinking game. The last guy to down the two beers is out. Gentlemen, take your places, and I'll give you the word."

All we can hear is Mark saying, "Go!" And glasses being grabbed and lifted. Within seconds glasses hit the table. "Travis, you're out! You've lost your chance to take the bitch for a night. Are you going to stay or leave?"

"I'm going to stick around and see what happens." Walking over to Becky, he slaps her ass and says, "While I watch, I make this bitch suck my cock. I've got to get something out of this night."

Mark says, "Enjoy yourself Travis; that's why these two are here. And take your time. She'll do anything you want."

Travis walks over to Becky and asks, "Before you suck my dick, I've got one question for you. What are the names of everyone here?"

She hesitates for a moment, so Travis gives her a savage barehanded smack on her ass. "Come on, slut; I haven't got all night. Start naming them, NOW!"

She haltingly cries out the names, "You're Travis; I remember Mark^Åand David^Åand^Å"

Smacking your ass again, Travis shouts, "Stop, bitch. What the fuck are you doing? You're not being respectful. Start over!"

"Yes Sir. You're Sir Travis; There's Mark, Sir David^Åand Sir Charles^Åand Sir Eric^Åand Sir Paul. That's all."

Without warning, Travis delivers six very brutal slaps to her ass again. Then he grabs the leash attached to her collar, savagely jerks her head upward, and gets in her face, "Wrong bitch. You've missed two. Now start over and do it right or I'll really beat your ass."

She realizes that she forgot us, so she starts over trying to please Travis and end the torture. Straining against the leash she blurts out, "Sir Travis, beside you there is Master Mark, Master Charles, Master Eric, Master Paul, Master David, slave john and me, slave Becky. That's all Sir."

Finally releasing the tension on her head and neck, he calmly says, "That's much better. Since you got everybody's name right that time, you've earned the privilege of sucking my cock. Hey Mark, can I make this a little more interesting and make our boy johnny do something for me. I promise that it doesn't involve his virgin ass."

Mark says, "Sure, have some fun with them. We've got our own games to play."

Travis drags my horse so that my face is shoved right up to your ass and cunt. Leaning down to me, he says, "While your friend Becky is working on my cock and balls, you're going to use your slave mouth on her." Sticking three fingers deep into her cunt he continues giving me instructions. "Make sure you stick your tongue deep in her ass and make her groan; then maybe I'll let you eat her cunt. Got it slave?"

I nod and say, "Yes, Sir, I'll do exactly what you want."

"Good. That's what I like, and obedient, sub slut, cunt. Too bad I don't get to take you home tonight. We could have a lot of fun."

While Travis is having his pleasure at our expense, Mark, Eric, David, Charles, and Paul are starting on the second elimination round. Mark says, "We've got to go outside to the basketball court for the next game. We're going to play "horse" to see who is going home. Travis, you take good care of those two. They've got a lot of work to do tonight, especially johnny."

Hearing all of the threats are unnerving to me. I can only imagine what is going through Becky's mind. Right now I've got the safety of numbers with all the Masters around, but what's going to happen when I am handed over to just one of them, and he gets me by myself?

We can't hear what's going on outside, so we'll have to wait to see who loses and what he'll want to do to us before he leaves. Meanwhile, Travis has positioned me so that I can easily reach Becky's asshole, so after another smack on the ass, he growls, "Get to work slave boy. I want you to keep this bitch moaning, groaning, and wet."

Knowing that I don't have any choice, I open my mouth and strain to lick Becky's ass. Once I get my face buried between Becky's ass cheeks, I probe her ass as deeply as I can; I swirl my tongue around and around just hard enough to make her squirm and groan. Travis likes what he hears, and I feel her body jerk when he grabs her head and yells, "OPEN YOUR FUCKIN' MOUTH BITCH. MY COCK NEEDS ATTENTION." When I glance up to see what is happening, I see that Travis has back up to Becky's face, and she is lathering his balls..

I bury my face back into Becky's ass stimulating her with my wet mouth and tongue. I can feel both of our body's heating up and becoming moist with sweat. As I work on her balls, I can see and feel her moving her hips around flexing her muscles under the strain of the belts and my licking and sucking mouth.

Travis moves again and when I glance up, he has turned around and has his erect cock poised to shove into Becky's mouth. When he sees me looking at him, he yells angrily, "What the fuck are you looking at bitch. Sucking her ass isn't good enough for you, huh?"

Moving in behind me, he shoves the whole horse so that my face gets buried further between her ass cheeks. "How do you like it now, bitch? Get your fucking tongue moving. I want to see you're your girl friend squirming around from you ass licking."

I can't believe what is happening. I am forced to do something that I never thought I would be subjected to, sucking her ass for all I'm worth. I feel so humiliated and helpless. When I don't make Becky moan loudly enough, Travis begins assaulting my ass with his belt. I feel like the stinging leather is burning welts deep into my flesh. Over and over he slashes at me screaming, "LICK, BOY! LICK!"

By the time I finally satisfy him by pumping my face between her ass cheeks like my tongue is a hard cock, I am hysterical. Tears are running down my face, and I am groaning loudly. But, I dare not stop. Again and again I swirl and probe my tongue deeply in to her.

Walking back to Becky, Travis says matter-of-factly, "Eat me, slave bitch." The others will be coming back in pretty soon, and one of them will be needing your services." With my face buried in her ass, I can only listened to Becky's mouth working on his cock and delivering the blowjob that he demands. After several minutes, I hear Travis's deep guttural groans as he approaches climax. When he does shoot his load, his climax forces a loud chest-heaving, primal cry from deep within him, "OH, YOU FUCKING, SLUTTY BITCH. YOU SURE CAN SUCK COCK!" As his spasms subside, I can hear Becky and him breathing heavily. Travis then comes back to me, pulls me away from Becky and orders me to clean his cock, saying, "Maybe you'll get to eat me next time bitch. Your friend left a little for you to taste. CLEAN IT OFF!"

Grabbing the sides of my head, he shoves his cock through my lips and lodges it in the back of my throat. He holds it there until I begin to struggle from lack of oxygen; when I let out with a cry of panic, he pulls back slightly and then begins to pump his cock in and out of my mouth until the others come back into the room.

Officer Mark yells, "Did you get what you want, Man?"

In reply, an apparently content Travis sighs deeply, "Sure did Man. The bitch here took care of my cock, while "the Prize" gave her a good and ass-licking. Someone's going to have a good time tonight, aren't they johnny?"

Knowing that I must give them the right answer, I say rather dejectedly, "Yes sir, they will."

Officer Mark spins the horse around so I'm facing the men and says, "You don't sound very convincing, slave. Do you need to be taught a lesson in respect?"

With terror in my eyes, I say pleadingly, "No, Sir. I'm sorry^ÅI^Å"

Officer Mark cuts me off shooting back, "I think you do. Even though you can't move without my help, you don't understand that every response must show that you know your place." When he walks behind me, I feel burning, stinging pain shoot to my brain. He's taken some kind of whip and has begun nipping at my balls."

My response is immediately as I scream out, "SIR, PLEASE! I'M SORRY! PLEASE STOP! I WON'T DISOBEY YOU AGAIN! PLEASE STOP! PLEASE!

Knowing that I've learned my lesson, Officer Mark stops, and instead of slapping my balls, he massages them softly as I regain my senses. "We'll see if you've learned your lesson, boy. If you haven't, the next time will be ten times worse. Remember that!"

"I will Sir. I promise. I promise!"

Officer Mark then turns Becky's horse around so we're now facing the rest of the men. "Paul and I have been eliminated, so that leaves Eric, David, and Charles to compete for "the Prize. You three can take some time getting to know slave boy johnny before we continue. Paul, this bitch will be more than happy to take care of you if you'd like. Do whatever you want with her, and sorry you won't get a shot at `the Prize.'"

"Well, maybe I'll take my disappointment out on this sorry bitch. She looks like she can really stand up to some heavy torture. How about it, BITCH? Are you game?"

Not knowing what to say and unwilling to give in to Paul's scare tactics, Becky says quietly, "I'll do whatever you want, Sir."

"Great! Let's get this slave off her fat gut. She's rested long enough, and I need a shower. I'll let her take care of me in the bath. Let's go slave." After Mark helps Paul release Becky, he grabs her leash and says, "Get on your hands and knees; your fat ass is going to ride me to the shower room." Paul mounts her, and with one jerk on the leash, she carries him off, struggling under his size and weight.

Once Paul and Becky leave the room, all attention is turned to me. I am tied securely to the punishment horse, and I have four sets of eyes looking me over. Officer Mark says, "He looks small and skinny, but I'm sure he can take it. And his tight virgin ass ought to really be an unforgettable experience to fuck. Okay, here's how the next competition will go. We're going to release `the Prize' and out fit him with only a collar, wrist, and ankle cuffs. Then we'll take him into the big empty room next door where he'll have an opportunity to run free and keep away from each of you. You'll each be given a chance to see who can catch him the fastest. The two fastest times move on to the final round. But, not only will you have to catch him, you'll also have hold him down and lock his ankles and wrists together with theses carbiners. Then you'll take the leash, hook it to his collar, run it between his wrist and ankle cuffs, pull the slack out of the leash and hook it to his collar again. When he's hogtied like that, you're done. Everybody understand?"

All three yell, "Yeah! Let's go! Who gets a crack at him first?"

Officer Mark says, "We'll draw cards. High card gets to choose his position. The other two must follow in order. Let's get him down and ready to go." The straps are removed quickly, and I am permitted to stand while the cuffs are buckled to my wrists and ankles. Only the leash is removed from my neck. Eric and David take me by the arms and drag me into the adjoining room where I'm forced to my knees facing a corner and left to await the first guy. The room has an observation window, so it looks like I will be alone with each guy while the others watch. While I wait on the first guy, I hear the order of players.

David chooses the high card, a king, and decides to go last. "He'll be so fuckin' tired by the time it's my turn, that he won't even resist."

Mark says emphatically, "No way, David. If he gives up without a fight, he'll be hung upside down and punished. Eric, you have to go first, then Charles. Get in there."

When Eric enters the room, he yells, "Get your ass up slave boy. It's time to play." I get up slowly and turn to see Eric, tall, rangy and athletic standing in the middle of the room dressed only in a pair of jeans. In a room that is about 15 by 15, I'm no match for him, but if I don't try to get away, they'll just punish me until I do. I'm already tired and the irritating butt plug and cock device just makes things worse.

When Dr. Mark yells, "Go!" Eric lunges at me and catches me by one ankle toppling me to the carpeted floor. When he lets go in order to grab both my legs, I manage to escape and get to my feet. I run to get behind him so I can burn more time. If he wins the competition, he'll overwhelm me with his size and strength. And the bulge in his jeans tells me he's got a massive cock that he'll ram down my throat and up my ass.

The second time he turns towards me and lunges, I am ready. He clearly misses me, and he angrily shouts, "YOU LITTLE BITCH. I'M GOING TO GET YOUR ASS. IT'S ONLY A MATTER OF TIME." Working more like a boxer now, he begins to cut off my escape routes and begins driving me into a corner. When I try to duck under his arm, he reacts quickly, grabbing my arm, jumping on my back and slamming me to the floor. The weight of his body knocks the wind out of me, and I can barely breathe let alone try to escape. As I gasp for air, he applies the ankle buckle, slaps my ass, and then grabs my arms, jerking them behind me. With the second buckle in place, he attaches the leash, runs it between the cuffs and savagely pulls my ankles toward my shoulder before hooking the leash to the collar again.

When Eric throws his arms in the air like a rodeo cowboy, Mark yells, "Time! Two minutes. Not bad Eric. That's going to be tough to beat." Walking over to me and looking down he says, "Okay, before you get in here Charles, let's untie `the Prize' and get him some water. He needs a short rest. johnny boy, I think you tried really hard, so I'm going to take out your butt plug and give you a little relief. We can always put it back if you don't behave."

All I can muster is a weak, "Thank you Sir." When the tension on the leash is release and my wrists and ankles are parted, I am able to sit up. The absence of the butt plug feels so good even though my ass feels like it has been stretched to the limits. Mark hands me a bottle of water and a towel. I take a long, cool drink and drape the towel over my shoulders for comfort. I can hear the men talking. Eric feels good about how he was able to take me down and hogtie me in just two minutes.

A moment later Charles enters the room and says, "Come on CUNT! See if you can get away from ME! Your ass is mine."

In a dejected tone, I say, "I'm ready Sir." To myself I say, "Yeah, you're ready to be humiliated again, and to be chased around until caught and hogtied. Why? Just so one of these guys can win the right to take you for his personal slave to do anything he wants to you whether you consent or not.

For the second time, I get to my feet to attempt to avoid getting caught and tied up. Charles seems a less formidable opponent even though I know I can't win and will eventually be caught. He is shorter, heavier, and less mobile than Eric, but looks like he would really enjoy abusing and tormenting me for as long as he wants. He would hurt me and not think anything of it. When Mark yells, "Time!" Charles does not dive for me; instead, he stalks me trying to lure me into a corner. No matter which way I feint, he mirrors my moves cutting me off each time. Knowing I must try to escape or be caught quickly, I try to run through his outstretched left arm figuring this might be his weak side. I get a good run, but he gets enough of me to slam me up against the wall when I hesitate for a split-second, he drives his fist into my ribcage dropping me to the floor. Unable to move from the intense pain, I am easy prey, and he jumps on my back. Just as he grabs for my ankles, the others begin to yell at him, "No! No! No! Charles You can't do that; you've got to catch him, not beat the hell out of him. Let him up right now."

Charles is pissed off and complains, "You fuckers didn't say anything about this before. What am I suppose to do now?"

Mark says, "I stopped the watch; just let him up and start all over. We're here to wrestle. But, remember, you've got to catch him before you can take him down."

I get up slowly, my ribs aching, and move to the middle of the room, vowing to elude this guy for as long as I can. I don't want to be his prize. I hate him. When Mark yells, "Continue!" Charles starts towards me again. This time I move laterally as quickly as I can so he cannot cut me off as easily. I switch from right to left, and he grabs for me each time. All he gets is a swipe at my chest or legs, never really a hold of me. He leaves three fingernails scratches on my arm, but nothing else.

We both begin to tire, so when I feel like it has been more than two minutes, I run from him a while longer until he trips me with an outstretched foot and I tumble to the floor. He's on me quickly, but I try to flail around so he cannot grab both of my limbs at the same time. Getting me into a scissors hold with his strong legs, he squeezes me until I submit and let him lock my arms and legs together. Once the leash is in place, Dr. Mark yells, "Time!" With his head dripping sweat on my back, he waits for the verdict. When he hears, three minutes ten seconds, he yells, "Fuck!" and slaps me across the head. "I'll get you again CUNT." Leaving the room in anger, I lay quietly resting and waiting to be released. There is some satisfaction in knowing that Charles is out. I can give in to David without being too obvious, and no one will know how much I can't stand him.

To be continued. Please email me with your comments. darkroad53@yahoo.com. Thanks.

Next: Chapter 11

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