Abduction in a Small Town

By John Roberts

Published on Jun 28, 2007


This is the next chapter in the ongoing ordeal of my abduction and submission. If you have found this then you obviously like M/m contact, consensual or otherwise. Thanks to all of you who have written and commented on previous chapters. You have given me the desire to continue writing. To all others Masters and fellow subs, please write and critique or comments.

AST 13

After releasing my jaw, Master Eric steps back and looks us over. "You two are a mess. I'm not about to take you to my place in this condition, so before I haul your ass out of here johnnie, I'm going to clean both of your filthy bodies."

Pointing at the floor in the middle of the room, Master Eric says to rob, "Get your ass over there and then kneel up straight with your hands behind your back." Rob crawls quickly into position; Eric cuffs his wrists and then walks back to me. Unlocking the ankle cuffs, he removes the bar between my legs. "Relax, CUNT while I get rid of the rest of these things."

He releases the rope that has pulled my arms my arms toward the ceiling. They drop like lead against my back as I let out a sigh of relief and moan a "Thank you" to Master Eric. Without acknowledging me, he removes the bar between my collar and my wrists allowing me even more movement. I say again, sincerely, "Thank you Sir!"

"Okay, slave. What would you like me to remove now?"

"Please, Sir, take off the weight hanging from my balls!"

"Sure; no problem." Grabbing my balls, he squeezes and pulls them downward. I can't help it. I cry out in pain, pleading, "Sir, please; please it hurts!" Screaming at me he says, "I'LL STOP WHEN YOU QUIT WHINING, YOU PATHETIC CUNT!" When the last of my moans die out, Master Eric releases his grip on my balls, unsnaps the strap hooked to the weight dangling between my legs. I let out a deep sigh when I hear the metal ball crash to the floor. My audible show of relief angers Master Eric. He stands eye-to-eye with me, grabs me by the jaw and shouts in my face. "SHUT THE FUCK UP, SLAVE! I don't want to hear another sound out of you, or I'll hang your ass and beat every inch of you, starting with these." He grabs my balls, squeezing them savagely and yanking them out and up. It takes every ounce of energy I have to remain silent. With my balls being crushed by his hand, he stares at me for a few moments watching and waiting for me to break. My breathing tells him that I get his message loud and clear. I clench my mouth tightly as tears stream down my face.

When I calm down to his satisfaction, he clenches the chain between the tit clamps and jerks them sharply several times, looking again to see if I will break. Despite the pain screaming from my sensitive nipples, I obey his order of silence. Knowing that I am close to crying out, he glares at me and smiles. Then, without a word, he slips the clamps away.

Walking behind me, he unlocks the wrist cuffs and gets close to my ear, warning me, "Stay right where you are. You can't escape, so don't even think about it. You're my slave, my property, and I've got control." I know he is right, so with my hands at my sides, I bow my head and wait.

"One more thing slave." With his hand on the middle of my back, he shoves me forward saying, "Bend over. I don't want this plug up you ass." When I get in position, I feel him winding the tail in hand. As soon as he has a good grip, he says mockingly to me, "Get ready slave; turn your toes inward; this thing will come out easier if you do. I'm doing you a favor, so be a good little boy and ask me politely."

"Sir, Master Eric, will you please remove the plug from your slave's asshole? I..." Before I can complete my sentence, I feel the searing pain as he jerks on the butt plug, and the widest part stretches my tight opening. After a subdued moan, I say gratefully, "Thank you, Sir; thank you!"

Ignoring me, you say sharply, "That's enough, slave; get your ass over next to your friend. I've got another surprise for you two." I drop to my knees and crawl quickly over next to rob. "Closer slaves; I want you right up against one another." As we kneel touching shoulder-to-shoulder and thigh-to-thigh, Master Eric stands tall above us, glaring down in full control.

Master Eric walks out of the room and we hear him calling for Mark and the others, "Is everyone still here? I'd like you to join in the fun I'm going to have with these two."

I glance in apprehension at rob when I hear several voices carrying on and laughing about have some more fun with us. Then, each one of our tormentors saunters back into the room, fully clothed this time, but just as menacing. As we are encircled by Masters Travis, David, Paul, Charles, James, and Mark, Eric says, "I told these two that before I take johnnie for the night, they need cleaned up, so I know you've got a power washer in your garage Mark, and I'd like to put it to use on these two. What do you say?"

"Hell, whatever your devious mind can come up with is okay with me!"

I know that this doesn't look good for us. As we try to see each other's reaction out of the corner of our eyes, I think to myself, "I've never been sprayed with a power washer before, but the force of the water alone can't feel good; Here we are, kneeling, naked, and helpless, and who knows what else they'll do to us."

"Just tell us what you want us to do, Eric."

"First of all, get these two out to the garage. I'll get things ready." When Master Eric turns and leaves, James and Charles grab me under the arms, and David and Paul grab rob. We are roughly dragged out to the garage where we are surrounded again and left standing back to back. There is no excitement now; we stand shivering in anticipation of what's to come.

Master Eric says, "I don't want to hear their whining, so gag them." Charles starts to work on me, and Paul does rob. A ball with several straps attached is shoved into each of out mouths. The two lower straps go under the jaw and around the back of the neck to the locking ring.. The two side straps wedge the ball into the mouth and lock in the back. The two upper straps straddle the nose, go over the head to the ring in the back. With the harness in place, we are completely helpless.

"Okay, cuff them, only this time use these steel ones."

Neither of us have to be ordered to put our hands behinds are backs. We do not have a choice. We are outnumbered and completely under their control. As soon as we put our hands behind us, the cuffs are locked on our wrists; it's obvious how uncomfortable they are. Unlike the ones with a chain link between, these have a hinge that severely restricts movement. Our palms are kept facing each other hanging straight down our backs.

Charles takes me by the arms and moves me across from rob so we are facing each other about five feet apart. Paul goes to rob first, threads a rope through the ring in the top of his head harness and ties a slipknot. When it's secure, he slips the other end through an eyehook set in the rafter. He takes most of the slack out of the rope and ties it off. Then he comes over to me, ties a knot in the top ring, slides the rope through another eyehook and leaves it with just a little slack.

Eric says to the others, "I'm not done with these two yet. I want you guys to spread their legs as far apart as you can. Then make them stand there while you chain them in position. I don't want them to be able to move at all. Spread them far enough so that those head harnesses are really taught."

Master Travis works on rob while Master James chains me in place. With rob being taller, his legs are spread almost a foot wider than mine. I can see that the combination of the head harness and leg chains has severely restricted his movements. The movement of his abdomen as he breathes in an out is the only control he has of his body. I feel the same tension growing in me as the chains are locked to my legs. With us in this totally helpless position, he apparently wants to make sure that we will endure anything and everything he inflicts upon us.

Mark asks, "Aren't you done fuckin' around with these slaves yet?" Laughingly, he says, "They looked worried. Are you pussies worried? Don't be. I think Master Eric is just going to give you a shower."

All we can do is stare at each other while they poke and prod at out naked bodies. Eric says to the others, "Just a dam minute. I've only got one more thing I want to do. Get me two more pieces of cord and tie slipknots in the ends."

When the ropes are prepared as Master Eric asked, he says to Master James and Master Travis, "Loop them and cinch the ropes nice and tight." While they do this, Master Eric drags a cement block between us and says, "Now tie the ropes to this, and don't leave any slack."

Both Masters say loudly, "Alright! Now we got these fuckers in a real predicament. You sadistic bastard!"

Eric says, "I know what I like, and I like to keep pussies like these just where I want them, so I can torture the hell out of them. That's how you get slaves to fear and respect you. They've got to know that you expect them to obey without question." Master Travis loops his rope around my cock and balls, cinches the slipknot tightly around them. Then he puts the rope through a hole in the cement block and jerks hard so I can feel the strain of my cock and balls being pulled away from my body. When he's finished, he plucks the rope just to make sure it is holding tightly.

Master James work on rob, cinching up the rope and giving it a jerk just for spite. He pulls on his cock and balls before he ties the rope to the cement block. When the others step away from us, Master Eric looks satisfied that he got us restrained just the way he wants.

Turning to us, Master Eric says, "Slaveboys, since you got yourselves so filthy, you need to be thoroughly cleaned, and I've got just the thing for you. I don't expect you to do anything since you've got your legs spread, your cock and balls tied down, your hands cuffed, and your mouth gagged. Just be naked and leave the rest to us."

"Give me the washer, Mark."

Mark hands Master Eric a power washer he uses on his cars. It looks like a gun and the steam of water is bound to hurt when he turns it on us. As he turns toward me, he pulls the trigger and the heavy, stinging, cold stream hits me in the chest causing me to groan and jerk against the head harness. I'm afraid that he is going to aim it at my cock and balls, but I can't move or avoid him. Right now he shoots the water only at my chest, abdomen, and legs. The temperature of the water makes me want to bite the ball gag in half. I jerk my head from side to side, but I can do little else. Then he moves around behind me and sprays my shoulders, back, ass, and legs. Yelling to the others, he says, "Hey guys, how about a power enema for this skinny little ass?"

The thought is frightening, but I'm helpless. What can I do? My answer comes immediately. Instead of a stream of icy water, I feel a bare hand assault my ass cheeks. As he is beating my ass he says, "You're lucky, slave. I want you in good shape, so I'll wait and give you a real enema later before I fuck your ass."

Walking away from me, Master Eric tells Mark, "I going to use hair remover on my prize? I like to have him nice and smooth when I work him over."

Mark says, "Hey! He's yours. You won the right to use him, so go ahead. What's he going to do about it, whine and cry? I like slave boys should have smooth hairless little boy bodies anyway."

Master Eric is ecstatic, "Ah, great! I've brought the stuff with me. Someone go and get my bag. "Coming right up to my face, he grabs my jaw, and glares at me, "You're Mine CUNT! You will be clean and smooth when I'm done with you. Then you'll really look like a little pussy boy."

Master Charles hands Master Eric a bottle of liquid, and says, "Can I do him. You're getting him after this, so let us have some fun."

"Okay. Just don't hurt him. He's got to be ready for me."

Charles squirts the liquid all over my arms, on my chest and pubic hair, and down my legs. Then he takes his time rubbing it all in so I am completely covered. Just to make sure he thoroughly soaks the hair between my legs, he spends extra time massaging my cock and balls and running his hands between my legs to my ass hole. The stimulation begins to affect me, and my limp cock begins to get hard. Seeing my reaction, Charles yells out, "Look at this; he likes the treatment so much, his little pecker is getting hard. Should I give him a hand job, Eric?"

"Fuck no, man. I'm going to keep him as hot as I can. He'll do better when I really get rough with him. But you can play with him as long as he doesn't cum."

Charles says, "Oh yeah! I could keep this bitch on the edge until he pleads for relief. I'll bet I could get him to do almost anything after an hour of torture." Sneering at me, he grabs my cock and he says, "Come on pussy, let's see what you've got." He begins sliding his hand up and down the shaft of my cock very quickly but with a light touch so I won't be able to cum unless he allows me." I'm going to play with your little dick until all the hair drops off. Enjoy yourself cunt!" His hand moves rapidly and all I can do is moan quietly.

While Master Charles keeps me occupied, Master Eric turns to rob and blasts him with the stinging stream of cold water. As he sprays his arms, chest , stomach, and legs, I see how the harsh pressure has turned his skin and mine a bright pink. Once he has thoroughly soaked rob, he asks Mark for the two long handled brushes. "David and I are going to scrub this slave clean." With the brush in one hand, and a bottle of liquid soap in the other he mocks rob saying, "Since you're standing there naked with your legs spread, you must be waiting for me to clean you up. Come on; let me see it in your eyes; plead with me to wash your filthy body. Come on, slave!"

I know this is humiliating for rob, but he tries his best to obey his command. Even though he's gagged like I am, the look Master Eric wants is in rob's eyes. He is pleased, and says, "Well done, slave." Then he and David squirt some soap on the wet brushes. Master David works on rob's back, and Master Eric does his chest. The nasty bristles just redden his body even more. They take delight in dragging the brush bristles between his legs, and even though his cock and balls are being pulled by the rope noose, the stimulation begins to affect him, and his, long dick hardens. His reaction doesn't go unnoticed. Master Eric yells to me, "Look slave boy, your friend is hard just like you. I know you two crave to be treated like this."

Picking up the washer again, Master Eric directs his attention at me, "Let's see if your shit worked on johnnie. Let go of his cock Charles. I don't want him to come." The cold spray hits me flush in the stomach, just above my outstretched balls and hard cock. Master Eric knows that the full force of the water could cause damage. Still the water splashes my face and chest, and runs down my legs. With the way my head is held by the harness, I cannot tell if the depilatory has worked until the Masters begin to point at me and laugh loudly. Charles says, "I told you it would work. Now he's hairless Johnny, the little slave boy bitch, all ready to go home with Eric."

Master Eric says, "He looks good. Smooth! Scrub him up. I'm getting hard just looking at him. I can't wait to get into that mouth and ass of his."

Master David and Master Eric squirt soap on the brushes and proceed to rapidly scrub my body. This is much more than a shower. The bristles and cold water are just plain torture. I stand naked and tethered, shivering to the point of exhaustion. I whimper to myself, "When will this all be over?" I am brought back to consciousness when the two attack my cock and balls. I realize that I am still hard, making it look like this has got me excited. My mind is fighting the feelings, but my body is responding to the treatment. I could easily cum, yet I want to get away from these guys. When I look over at rob as they spray him with the cold water, his cock is also hard. Why is this happening to us, and why are we unable to control our reaction?

When Master David and Master Eric are finished with the brushes, Master Charles turns the cold water on me again. It soothes the brush marks, but soon turns unbearably cold, and I moan and whimper as loudly as I can through the tortuous ball gag. They don't pay any attention to me until all the soap is gone. Once the water is turned off, both rob and I hang in the head harness, our bodies weary and weak.

Pointing to rob, Master Eric says to Master Travis and Master James, "Get him back to his cage. You guys can deal with him after I leave with johnnie." I watch helplessly as his ankle chains are removed and the tension on the head harness is release. The two Masters flank him, grab his arms, and drag him from the room, laughing, "Say goodbye to your friend; he's in for a long night."

Nothing is said or done to me until Master Travis and Master James return. Then with them surrounding me once more, Master Eric asks them, "Before we leave, I'm offering this slave's mouth for once last blowjob. Anyone interested?"

Not believing what I am hearing, I stare off into space as I moan quietly to myself. The decision is unanimous; to the man, Master Mark, Master Travis, Master James, Master David, and Master Charles all say yes. So, Master Eric immediately unchains my ankles. Instead on releasing the head harness, he takes the thing completely off, allowing me to relax my jaw and prepare myself to deliver five blowjobs.

Remember, send comments, criticisms, demands, and suggestions to john at darkroad53@yahoo.com

Next: Chapter 14

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