
Published on May 29, 2023


You know the usual. If you're not old enough to read this then don't. If it is not allowed where you're from then don't read this. If it offends you then why are you even at this site. I own this story so this is copyrighted by me. Hope you like it. This is fictional so this did not really happen. Enjoy part 2!

Accpetance Part 2

His pillow was soaked where his head layed. He had cried himself to sleep. He had just told his best friend that he couldn't accept him... because he was gay. He felt terrible how could he have done that. The truth was that he couldn't accept himself because in all reality... he was gay and he hated himself. All his life Chris was told that being gay was like commiting some terrible crime that you could never be forgiven for. So he kept his secret to himself. If that was not the worse thing, his parents hated gays. He heard his dad say once, "They should do something about those kind of people, they shouldn't be allowed to live anywhere near straight people. They're disgusting. I don't want my boy around them" He knew he could never tell them. And now his best friend in the world had just told him he was gay and Chris had rejected him, when Chris himself didn't want to be rejected. What would he do now? He didn't want his relationship with his friend to end.

His cell phone rang. His heart skipped a beat, was it Jacob? Did he want to talk to him? What would he do? He answered.

"H-hello?" He gulped.

"Hello sweety." Came his mom's voice from the other end of the receiver.He sighed.

"Oh.. hey mom."

"Hi hun, how are things going at home, me and your father are having a blast."

"Things are going.. well."

"Are you alright, you sound sad."

"Yea everything is fine."

"Well me and your dad decided that after the cruise we're going to a hotel so we won't be back until Friday ok? Just called to let you know."

"Alright mom thanks for letting me know, love you."

"Love you to baby, see you then."

He hung up. Great, he thought, more time to feel bad about what I did.

He knew he had to face Jacob, but what would he say, would Jacob even want to say anything to him? He knew he had screwed up royaly. But mabye there was a chance. He didn't know what to do. But he knew he had to do something. He decided that he would go somewhere, give himself some time to think. He decided he needed to walk. So he changed into something. He headed out his front door. The weather outside reflected his mood, gray and sad.The clouds were dark, the sun was no where in sight just like there was no hope for Chris. There was a breeze that blew his hair in every direction. A tear rolled down Chris's cheek.

"Jacob, I'm so sorry man. Just please forgive me." He was talking to himself of course. He heard thunder in the distance. And just on cue it began to pour. He didn't care though he continued to walk. He would get soaked, but it was just water,

Jacob had been on his porch just thinking. He had came out to his friend and his friend had walked out on him. Could he divulge his secret to anyone else seeing how Chris had reacted, and that's cause he was his best friend. But now that didn't even matter anymore. Friendship didn't stop him from walking out. He saw Chris leave his house and saw him walking. He fought the urge to go after him. He wanted to talk to him so bad but he knew couldn't. It started raining and he saw that it didn't bother Chris. He didn't know what to, Chris looked sad, did he regret what he had said to him? No Chris had meant it. Looks like Jacob had just lost his best friend. Atleast... that's what he thought. He decided he wouldn't torture himself and went back inside. There was nothing to do now, he wanted to be with Chris, he had loved Chris and he still did. He liked Chris since the day they met, when he came to save him. All these years he kept his secret and finally, last night he told Chris and he thought mabye he will accept me mabye he will love me in return, he wasn't sure if he was right but that was a chance that he had to take or else he would regret something that could have been. But instead he ruined their relationship.Jacob had friends, even some that were gay that he only talked to but never hung out. Mabye he would call one and they would do something. Sure he thought, what the hell.

Chris was sitting at the mall by himself, he wanted to be left alone, there were many things running through his head that he had to think about. He glanced up and saw Jacob. He wasn't right in front of him but he was walking in his direction and he was not alone. He was with another guy. A friend possibly. Chris got up and started to walk away. Jacob didn't know what to do he had spotted Chris and didn't know whether to talk to him or not. If Chris wanted to talk he would have to do it himself.

The only place Chris thought he would be left alone was inside the movie theatres. Nice and dark where no one will see him. Unfortunatley Jacob had thought the same thing. They both went inside the movies at different times, Chris sat on the top row while Jacob unknowingly sat in the same row. Chris didn't see him there nor did Jacob see Chris there. The movie began and the lights dimmed. After a while Chris began to look around and noticed two people kissing, he thought nothing of it. He continued to stare noting somethig familiar when it hit him, it was Jacob. He was kissing the guy that he had seen him with. Chris was shocked. He didn't want to see this. He wanted to be there with Jacob in his embrace cause he loved him but he couldn't tell Jacob that, now here was some guy in Chris's spot. Tears were forming again he didn't know why. He had to get away, he was hurt. Was Jacob doing this on purpose to get him back or something? Did he even know he was there? He got up and walked out. Jacob had seen Chris right when he was leaving. He pushed off the guy he was kssing and ran after him.

"Chris!" He called out. Chris turned around.

They looked at each other. Jacob saw that Chris was crying. Why was he crying? He thought Chris hated him.

"Chris why are you crying?"

"Because Jacob." Chris sounded angry but continued sobbing. "Because I love you to." Then on that instance Jacob kissed Chris and Chris kissed back.

Sorry this took so long. Thank you to everyone who wrote to me about the first one if you want to tell me something about this one or you want to give me some ideas about what should happen in the second one or even if you want to just say hey email me at please no flames. Copyright Joe Carpio.

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