Accidentally on Purpose

Published on May 16, 2022


Accidentally on Purpose 4



Ryan Johnson has a mouth like a hurricane. I lean up on my dresser. He stuffs my big cock in his mouth. I watch as he starts choking on it. He's a sexy guy. He's light skin. I always preferred guys who look like they are all foreign and shit. He fits the bill. He has these chinky eyes and pink big lips. You would think he was a top because his dick was so goddam big, but he loved to suck daddy's dick every chance he got.

He makes slurping noises as he deep throats my dick going so deep that it hits the back of his throat several times sending up long lobs of saliva out of his pink lips.

"You like daddy's dick?"

"Uh huh."

I put him up against the wall. I start fucking his face hard. My dick enters his mouth and I'm plowing into him.

All of a sudden the door opens and Sire walks in.

"Oh fuck!" Sire states.

"What's up?"

"I'll come back."

"Naw it's cool," I state and look down at Ryan, "Did I tell you to stop sucking daddy's dick?"

Ryan does what I say. He loves it. I think it turns him on even more that Sire walked in on us. I look over at Sire. Out of the three of us he's the only one uncomfortable and I'm the one with my dick out. Maybe I like the fact that he walked in because I know it makes him nervous. I love getting under Sire's skin. He acts like he's so goddam perfect all the time so I have to admit seeing him blush is perfect.

He turns away.

"Aren't you worried?"

"About what?"

"You know what."

He was talking about Anonymous. I had gotten a text late that night that Sire was acting weird. The text came from Imani. I was usually the one worried. Maybe that's why I had hit up Ryan and was not fucking his mouth as hard as I was.

I realize that this is more serious than I think. I fuck him hard in his mouth sending my dick to the back of his throat at hard as I can. Soon I find myself nutting, letting out a loud ignorant moan that makes Sire damn near cover his ears as I do it.

Ryan swallows every last drop, licks the tip of my dick and sucks it slowly making sure that I am completely fulfilled.

"I should run. I got class," Ryan states, "Should I stop by later?"

"I'll...let you know."

Usually that meant hell no. Ryan gets up at that moment and leaves. I sit down on the couch and start rolling up a joint. The whole time Sire is looking at me disgusted. I haven't even put my dick away. Sometimes when he looks at me I know that he wouldn't be friends with me if we hadn't grown up together. He wouldn't be friends with me if we didn't have our friendship with Imani in common. I don't even think he genuinely likes me.

"You want to get decent?" he asks me.

"My dicks too hard to put it in my jeans. Not my fault I'm walking with a big stick."


I roll my eyes and throw a towel over my dick.

"What the hell is this about man?"

"It's about Karma. What if he's anonymous? What if he's setting us up?" Sire asks.

I have been trying to keep my mind off of the message we saw at the party a few days ago. It's hard though. Sire being nervous wasn't helping either.

"Imani said he would deal with it."

That's how things worked. Imani dealt with things. That's how things work. I had a tendency to panic and Sire was too emotional. Imani was cold. He was calculated. The fact that he said he was going to take care of this made me somewhat able to sleep at night knowing there was someone out there knowing what we did to Henry.

"The same way Imani dealt with Jamal Comey."

I hadn't heard that name in a long time.

"You can't blame Imani for Jamal Comey," I state.

"I can't?"

With that Sire gives me a look. I don't like where he's going with this.

"Sire---I don't know if you're trying to protect this Karma kid. I don't know if you like him or if you want to fuck him or fall in love, knowing you. But loyalty is everything. Be careful how what you saying right now man."

"All I'm saying is that we need to be careful how we deal with things," he explains to me, "You and me don't always get along but the past is coming back up and I don't know if I'm willing to trust Imani with it again...knowing what happened to Jamal."


Karma wakes up early. The feeling of being watched on campus is really getting to him. He wonders if the other students feel this way as well. It almost feels as though he's an animal in some sort of zoo. The faculty seems like the eager little kids amazed by everything he does. They study the way he walks. They study the way he sits up in classes. Every time he answers a question in class it just seems like the teachers are more than interested.

"You're being transferred," one of the teachers states.

"Excuse me."

"You're being transferred out of this class to Kissing 101."

Kissing 101. Karma is handed the slip by the faculty member. There is something weird about how the faculty member lingers on as though wanting to take note of his expression. The teacher does it in front of the rest of the class too. Randomly. Everything in this school was on display and it was up to Karma to react...or not.

"I didn't request a transfer," Karma responds.

"The Headmaster wants to see how you deal with this."

"I'm not interested in Kissing 101..."

"It's part of the experiment."

"Thanks...but no thanks."

There is a gasp in the class. A couple of kids turn Karma's way. It was bad enough that he was getting used to classes such as the history of Oral sex and Fetish for Beginners. The last thing he needed was to experience more strange Dread Fort classes. At this point, no one knew he was a virgin and he wanted to keep it that way.

The students all seem like he had committed some crazy ass sin. It isn't until the class ends and Angel rolls up on him that he understands why.

"What the hell are you doing?"

"What are you talking about?"

"You need to accept that transfer."

He thinks about it. The way everyone reacted was weird. There were supposedly not many rules on behavior in the school so why did it matter if he didn't want to accept a class transfer that he never asked for.

"I don't care about kissing. Never been much of a kisser..."

"You don't get it," Angel responds.

Angel looks scared. It's a warm day. Just as Angel seems aware, Karma turns and noticed the teacher walking out of the class. The teacher stares at Karma. The stare is cold, long and obvious. There is this long sense of intimidation that Karma starts feeling.

This wasn't normal.

None of this was normal.

"You need to go accept that transfer before he walks away," Angel warns Karma.

"Or what?"

"Or the red room."

"The what?"

Angel takes a step closer. You would think she was sharing the secret of eternal life by how secretive she is being. Except there wasn't a sense of happiness you would get from sharing good news. The look in Angel's eyes is a look of extreme horror to say the least.

"They takes kids who don't follow the rules. Kids who interfere with the experiment are taken there."

"And what happens in this red room?"

"They don't come back."

"Like they are kicked out of school or something?"

"No. Like they disappear."

Karma rolls his eyes. Angel was dramatic. He liked hanging around her because she was friendly but she was so dramatic. When it came to talking about the legend of the Trinity, to being annoyed that the lesbian dorms were so much smaller, to complaining about the lunch lady not giving her enough French fries. It was always drama works with Angel. Karma wasn't thinking this was anything different. What the fuck was she suggesting?

"You think the faculty is killing people?" he asks her.

"I don't know what they are doing."

"Maybe they are getting transferred."

"Or maybe they are disappearing like Jamal Comey."


"Jamal Comey. When a student committed suicide, Jamal Comey was asking too many questions."

"Did you say suicide?"

Immediately Karma knows Angel is talking about Henry. Karma's heart drops at that moment thinking about it.

"Jamal was Henry's best friend. Before GQ and Sire came along, Jamal and Henry were Imani's best friends. They were the original Trinity. Henry kills himself. Jamal starts asking questions. He starts saying things like he was getting the media involved. Said that the school was lying to cover up Henry's death. Sick shit right. Well...Jamal was sent to the red room. All his shit was left behind. He didn't take anything with him. No one ever heard from Jamal again."

There is a silence.

A long...awkward silence and a chilling feeling in the air.

Karma sighs a little bit, "Maybe I should accept that transfer."


Anonymous. I scratch the name in my notebook over and over. Who the hell was anonymous? I realize someone is looking over my shoulder though trying to see what the hell I'm writing. I shut the book quick as hell and almost elbow the person in the face.

Patrick Murphy is annoying as fuck.

"Baby, are you bored with me?"

I ignore him. It's Imani who shakes his head and answers for me, "Of course he's not bored with you. He's falling for you. He told me himself."

I never told Imani any such thing but Imani had a way of speaking for us. He knew what was best. He always did. He made the decisions. He was the smart one. So I let him. I let him speak for me so much.

"Ah baby, you are?" Patrick asks me.

Imani gives me a wink. Patrick was richer than anyone we knew. He financed all of us. It was Imani's idea for me to date him in the first place. According to Imani, I just had to give him some dick every once in a while, and Patrick would finance me. Every break Patrick took the boys to Dubai or Italy or Japan on vacation. He'd helped pay our phone bills and make sure that Imani's mother got money when her house was in foreclosure. Patrick was kind. He was generous so we needed him around. I couldn't piss off Patrick even though the more I was around him I was just turned off.

"Yeah. Yeah. Whatever," I state.

I am hardly paying attention to him. I'm dozing off thinking about what Sire came to the room and said earlier in the day. My mind is just rolling. When Jamal Comey started asking questions about Henry, it was Imani who went to the faculty. Imani snitched on Jamal. He told the faculty that Jamal was trying to go against the experiment.

Jamal disappeared.

Imani had to do that though. Right? Even if Jamal was his best friend, Imani had to do it. Imani had no way of knowing that Jamal wasn't going to come back out of the red room. Right?

Imani had been in this school the longest. He knew we didn't. But I wasn't Jamal Comey. My friendship with Imani was genuine. He would never sell me down the river like he did Jamal.


Just at that moment I notice someone walking in the class. It's a new person in the class. Karma.

Almost immediately Imani and I exchange looks.

"What the fuck is he doing in here?" I whisper to Imani.

Imani looks up at him too. It's the middle of the class. It's clear as day that he had been transferred. Imani was the one who communicated with the headmaster. No one else did. I wondered at that moment if it was possible that Imani requested that the Headmaster add Karma in this class.

"How should I know?" Imani asks me, "Why would you ask me that dumb shit?"

"Yo stop calling me dumb, nigga."

I give Imani a hard look. I'm dead serious. This isn't his first time and I was starting to really get offended by it. Just because I didn't make good grades didn't make me dumb.

"Stop being sensitive and asking funny ass questions."

"How is that a funny question? It's plausible. You been trying get closer to him."

"Plausible? Boy, did Patrick buy you a dictionary or something? Think for once G. I don't control or have an influence on the experiment."

Not usually. Not except the one time. Not except the time that he got Jamal Comey, his best friend at the time, sent to the red room.

I shouldn't be doubting him though. I know I shouldn't. Loyalty was everything. Hoes was one thing. They came and went but the bond that I had with my boys was real. That was something that couldn't be replaced or swapped out ever.

"You right man."

Karma was the enemy. Karma was the one who we should be worried about. So I don't understand why when Karma is looking for a seat in the class Imani damn near clears one out for him and gives him this long smile.

"This one is open," Imani states.

I give my friend a look. I knew Imani. He didn't like people sitting next to him. He was acting weird. Real weird. Was this part of his calculating plan though? Was Imani just trying to figure out why this Karma boy was in the Dread Fort and how much he knew? Was Karma Anonymous? Was he the one who left us that message?

"I'm good..." Karma responds.

No one expects it. A few people giggle. It's just a few. Everyone else is terrified of Imani. I knew why. Imani never forgets a deed done to him. His face gets red as fuck and I can tell that he's pissed when Karma damn near plays him. Karma walks over and takes a seat on the whole opposite side of the room away from Imani.

I have no doubt Karma must still be mad about the whole Winter thing. He seemed to take it personal how Imani shut down Winter for Sire. I had no idea why but I have to admit that this Karma guy had some balls. Imani was the guy that everyone wanted to date but no one could get with. He refused to let anyone close. The fact that Karma is basically playing him to the left just seems like karma.

"We were just getting ready for a new part of the experiment. It's the kissing technique. In this technique you actually pair up, kiss and write down your experiences."

Some Fresh Versatile kid raises his hand, "Like pair up with someone in the class."


I can see Pat getting excited all of a sudden. He just knows I'm going to be smacking on him in public and that just seems to make his day. The fucked up part about it is that I have no choice. I mean he was attractive but he was just so...easy. Him being that easy just makes me bored to say the least. I don't know how else to explain it.

"I already got my partner," he says, louder than I really want him to as he grabs onto my arm and holds on tight for dear life. He squeezes on my muscle for a little bit touching all over it and smiling like a fucking idiot.

"Actually I'll be pairing you up," the teacher states, "Three kisses. One a simple peck, the next a French kiss and the last one is a tongue kiss...while touching."

"Touching?" Imani asks, "Like how..."

It must be Imani's worst fear come to life. He looks over at me as though wanting me to save him. If Sire was in this class I assume Sire would have faked a damn near seizure so that Imani could try to escort him out to get away from kissing some random ugly dude.

"Be creative. No rules," The teacher states with a smile. The teacher has one of those signature perverted ass Dread Fort Faculty member smiles as though they were getting more out of this than they should be.

The sense of relief I get at that moment is everything. I'd rather kiss anyone but annoying ass Patty Mayonnaise at this point.

The pairing starts relatively quickly. A lot of the bottoms are matched up with other bottoms. Imani is matched up with this versatile and seems to be struggling to want to carry this whole thing out. I watch as Pat is matched up with Joker, who is a top who stays in my dorm. Pat looks at me as though I should be jealous and I feel forced to shoot Joker the fakest angry glare I can muster. Truth is I don't give a fuck if Pat kisses Joker, pulled his dick and rode him raw in front of the entire class. I would not feel the slightest bit of animosity towards joker.

I'm so happy I'm not with Pat that I don't hear who I'm paired up with until the person comes and sits right next to me. My eyes get wide when I realize who it is.

"It's you and me, I guess," Karma states, as matter-of-fact-ly as possible.

I look up at him. My mouth drops a little bit. I turn to the other side of the class and notice Imani's face when he realizes I'm paired with Karma. Imani seems...bothered. I could only be imagining it but in my time I stole many a man's boyfriend. I've been Boyfriend #2 far more than I can count on one hand. I was so sure though that there was some sort of awkward tension with Imani now that I was paired with Karma.

This was impossible.

Was Imani jealous?

I shake it off. I had to be tripping. There was no way Imani was tripping about this basic ass dude.

"Let's just get this over with," I state.

"Fine. The pec."

I don't know what I'm expecting when I lean over a little bit towards him. I don't know what I'm expecting when he puts his lips up against my lips. I guess I'm not expecting anything. I just want to get it over with but that isn't what happens.

The kiss lingers longer than I expect.

His lips are so...soft.

I find myself opening my eyes halfway through it and he's looking right back at me. Our eyes connect. For the first time in my life I'm kissing someone with my eyes open. It's just a pec but I find myself wanting so much more. I part my lips. I stick my tongue out. I almost stick my tongue straight down his mouth but he pulls away, surprisingly.

He sits back.

"The first one is just a pec," he tells me.

I don't sit back down.


I whisper it hoping that he doesn't hear me but I'm too loud. He hears me. I'm embarrassed but at the same time...I'm stuck. I look down at him, wondering if he felt what I just felt. Sparks. That's the only thing I can do to describe it.

For the first time I look down at this boy and realize how basic I thought he was before the kiss. He was just...normal. He didn't have my foreign, exotic features. He didn't have a body like football player like me. He didn't have my slanted eyes or my swag. He was just so forgetful. Or so I thought. Until I look at him now.

And my hands are on my lips. I still feel him. I still smell him on my skin.

What the fuck was that, GQ? Get it together...

"You OK?" he asks me.

"Nah...I uh...give me a second."

He seems confused when I sit back down and look away. I'm still thinking about the kiss. What the fuck just happened? I try to avoid looking at Karma. I stare at anything. The gum on the back of Omar Pence's seat, the way Patrick Murphy is tapping the heel of his shoe and even the long perverted stare of the teacher as he stands way too close to a kissing pair.

"You do that a lot don't you?" he asks me.

I'm breathing heavy. Is this a panic attack? No. Not quite. I could breathe fine but my heart was racing. My heart never raced when I was close to someone before.

"Do what?"


"What makes you think that?"

He shrugs, "You just seem like it."

"You trying call me a freak or something?" he asks me.

He laughs, "You like people to think that, but no. I can see different."

It's a weird thing to say. So fucking weird that he says that.


"Never mind. You ready for second kiss. I'll save all my notes till after."

"What did you mean by you can see different."

He ignores my question, "I said never mind. C`mon second kiss. Ready?"

I'm not. I have no choice though. He leans over. His tongue massages mine. We mash up against one another. Our tongues clash something crazy. I've kissed before but I've never actually tasted. Maybe my mind was removed. Before I know it I feel like I'm tasting him. I'm actually present for this and for the first time I've realized I wasn't present for any other kisses in my life.

It feels like my very first kiss. All over.


He doesn't move away. He is right over me. He leans over me. I can smell his breath. I can feel the warmth from my mouth. I allow my mouth to linger open. I wonder if he feels how hot this is.

I never experienced anything like this.

"We can jump right into the next kiss," he tells me.

I don't think I could take it. I was sweating. I was literally fucking sweating at this point.

"Give me one second. Just give me one..."

He doesn't do it. He kisses me longer this time. He kisses me harder this time. I feel this tingle all over my body. He takes my breath away. Our tongues rub against each other. Before I know it we are standing up in the middle of the class making out with each other. Then I feel it. I feel the tingle up my my groin...the warmth.

I feel a wetness. This amazing feeling. And then I feel something running down my thigh.

All of a sudden I realize it in horror as I'm standing in front of Karma.

I had just came.

I pray he doesn't notice but he looks down, "Um..."


There is a silence for a moment.

I just orgasmed kissing him. I had a fucking orgasm from a kiss. ME! Daddy. How the fuck did that happen? How the fuck does that fucking happen?

"You should," he tells me.

He hands me his book bag. It's nice. It's big enough to cover the stain that is clearly getting worse in my jeans. I had to get out of here. I'd be ruined forever if people knew that some nobody was able to make me NUT from a kiss. How the fuck does that even happen?

I'm running out of class and I can't get him out of my mind. Karma...

What the fuck?

I'm standing outside catching my breath when I feel someone push me hard from the back.

"Yo what the fuck?"

I turn and notice Imani has followed me out the class.

"Yo why the fuck you pushing me homie?"

"You knew I liked him. You over here slobbin' him down in class like that?" Imani asks, "Really? You going to do me like you did Sire?"

He's referring to me sleeping with Sire's boyfriend back in the day.

I think about defending myself but then I realize who we are talking about. Karma. Karma was in no way, shape or form the property of Imani.

"Wait you feeling Henry's brother?"

Imani was acting out of pure emotion for the first time. I swear I think I'm talking to Sire instead of cold, calculated Imani.

"I uh...I..."

He's nervous. He looks dumb. Did he just admit to liking Karma?

All of a sudden something catches his attention.

"What? You not going to answer my question?" I ask, "Cat got your tongue, Imani?"

"No...look...someone new."

"I don't give a fuck about a new kid."


He grabs me and turns my head. Sure enough a new kid is walking in the courtyard. Everyone turns to see him.

Only it's not a new kid.

My mouth gets dry.

"Jamal," I realize, "It's Jamal Comey..."

To read out the next chapter go to

Next: Chapter 5

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