According to Kendall

By Ch Wh

Published on May 10, 2018


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Chapter 3

I woke up that morning with a headache and an unread text message. After popping a few Tylenol, I opened the text.

-Kendall, I'm so sorry for what happened tonight. I stepped over the line. I hope you will forgive me. I'd still like to have an actual conversation sometime. Bryan.

Ugh. That was the last thing I wanted to remember. Maybe if I had this conversation with Bryan, he'd stop putting me through this. But God that was great kiss, well at least from what I remember.

Snap out of it, Kendall!

The rest of Sunday was pretty much spent on recovery and doing homework at the last minute.

Monday, Paige and I walked to class. We didn't talk about anything in particular, just meaningless small talk. I was more concentrated on if Bryan was already there and what it would be like seeing him. I didn't tell anyone what happened Saturday night.

Bryan only glanced up when we opened the door into class and then looked away quickly. Paige and I took our seats and the lecture began. We were dismissed at about 9 o'clock. Since we sit near the back of the class, Paige and I are usually the last few out the door. When we got into the hallway it was empty. No one waiting to talk or dissect what happened this weekend. I was thankful for that.

"Hey I can't do lunch today. I have to go to the computer lab and do stuff for my English class." Paige said as we were hanging out waiting for our next class at 10.

"That's fine"

That class came and went and I found myself walking to the cafeteria. It was only 11 but I was starving. There was an entree line where they have meals like mom would fix, a sub shop, pasta, and a burger joint. I decided the burger place was calling my name louder than the others. I ordered a bacon cheeseburger and the guy started frying it up in front of me.

"It's a good thing they have fries today. I'd hate for you to fling another tater tot at someone." Greyson was right behind me.

"Hardy har har" I faked laughed as I turned to him.

"Only joking" he replied throwing his hands up like when the cops want to see your hands. Greyson chuckled. "So is it Kendall party of one for lunch today?"

"It's looking that way" I replied grabbing my burger from the guy and going down to the condiments.

"Eating alone is so depressing. Let me join you." he said following me.

"Ok." I reply. I noticed he didn't order any food. "You didn't get a burger?"

Greyson held up a wrapped up sandwich from the sub place.

We paid for our lunches and sat down at a table. At first we just sat there and began eating our food. I started to feel awkward. I had just met Greyson so I didn't feel we were close enough to have a long silence between us and still feel comfortable. Second of all, Greyson is gorgeous and super nice. I kept thinking why he would keep wanting to talk to me.

"So what was up Saturday at the party?" Greyson finally asked.

"What do you mean?" I replied, taking a bite of my burger.

"You said you were going to the bathroom. You left for a while and then we you came back you couldn't wait to leave. Then a little bit after you left this guy came downstairs and was asking everybody if they had seen you."

"I went to the bathroom on the main floor but there was a long line so I decided to go upstairs. I opened a door upstairs, it was a bedroom and that guy was laying on the bed. I apologized and started to go but he asked me to come inside. Oh and that guy happens to be a kid from my graduating class and he's also my ex-boyfriend."

"And he asked you to come into the bedroom? Whats your history with this guy?" Greyson asked. I felt like maybe this was a pretty personal topic for us but he wasn't being pushy, Greyson was just a curious guy.

"His name is Bryan. We dated for about 7 months our senior year and he dumped me shortly after graduation. At that time he was going to go to UCLA and said he didn't want to put me through the long distance thing. So that summer I went on a major Taylor Swift binge and came here almost completely over him. Then I walked in my first class and there he sat. He stopped me after class and told me why he was here. At the party, he asked for me to come into the room so he could tell me that his biggest mistake was giving me up and he wanted me back. I tried to leave and he pulled me down and we were kissing. Drunk me couldn't handle it so I had to leave."

"Well if you ask me this guy Bryan sounds like a douche bag." Greyson said "I mean, he breaks up with you when he is going hours away because of the long distance which is basically saying he wanted to sleep with all the good looking guys at UCLA and not feel guilty. But now that he is going here, which happens to be where you go, he wants you back."

"Yeah it's kind of opened my eyes. I don't have any desire to get back together with him." I replied

"Look out world, Kendall Winters is fresh on the market!" Greyson exclaimed with a smile. He then raised his soda bottle. "I don't have a fancy glass but this feels like a good time for a toast. To the guy who you deem great enough to be with!"

"And to the girl that gets you to settle down!" I replied. Our bottle tops clink.

Greyson let out a small chuckle. He looked at his watch and then stood up.

"This was fun but I have to go." Greyson said. He picked up his tray and walked off.

Almost as soon as Greyson left, Blair was in his seat. She looked in the direction he went until Greyson was out of sight.

"Ok. What was up with that?" she asked.

"You mean Greyson?" I asked. "I've met him a couple times and he asked if he could have lunch with me when he saw me at the burger line."

"No not that. I mean what happened between you guys? You both were smiling and cheersing and then he just left abruptly."

"He said he had to get going." I replied "And how do you know we did that?"

"I saw you so I was going to come over and sit you with but when I got closer you two were clinking. It looked like you had a moment and I didn't want to get in the middle of it."

"First off, we weren't even having a moment. I told him about running into my ex-boyfriend the other night and he said that that guy sounded like a douche. He then cheersed to the guy I find worthy enough to be with me and I said the same thing about the girl he ends up with. He checked his watch and said he had to go."

Blair just sat back in the chair with her arms crossed and a grin on her face. I couldn't imagine what she was thinking.

"What?" I asked.

"Oh don't you play dumb with me, Kendall Winters! You know exactly what I mean!"

"Blair, I can honestly tell you that I am not playing dumb this time. Just fill me in!"

"It's obvious that you and this Greyson guy totally like each other!" Blair exclaimed.

"We are just friends." I protested "Sure, Greyson is really good looking and is pretty much type in a nutshell and yeah if he was gay, I would totally say yes if he asked me out. But Greyson is straight. There are no feelings of attraction coming from him to me."

"Whatever you say, Kendall." Blair said "Well I have to go. Just think about what I said."

Blair got up and walked off to her next class.

She couldn't be right. There is no way that Greyson could be attracted to me. I mean, he only started talking to me because I accidentally flung a tater tot at him. That's why he talked to me at the party and since he only talked to me at the party, he didn't have time to find another partner for beer pong. Although, he did sound a little upset earlier that I left the party early.

No! No! No! Kendall, you can't start thinking like this. Getting hung up on a straight guy is the last thing I need in my life. Greyson can't possibly be into me.

Or could he?

Next: Chapter 5

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