Adam and Trey

By ku.oc.liamtoh@02k_ybab

Published on Oct 19, 2013


The following story whether it's any good or not belongs to me don't copy steal or plagiarise. Don't read it if you aren't supposed to and if you do send me feedback don't be mean I've never written anything longer than a shopping list before.


Its times like these when I'm sat alone and can hear the thoughts crashing around in my head that I think to myself maybe this wasn't the best choice for me, and I start to think that maybe I should have never let him go. Well let implies that I had a choice in the matter, but times like now make me wish I'd have fought harder, done more. He was my everything, that one shining light in a dark cold world of selfishness, he was self-less.

Adam was unique nothing about him was forced, the way he was and the ease he put people at was endearing. If he was happy then a room full of people whether they knew him or not would be happy. If he was sad then the very same room of people would want to know why and in some cases would genuinely want to help him. He was dealt a shitty hand in life but always tried to live with the ethic that other people had it worse. What he didn't seem to understand was that other people weren't as bothered about him as him as he was about them.

I grew up in a small town, quiet, everyone knows everyone, and just like every other small town everyone knew everyone's business. So if your business happened to be that you were gay you kinda kept that to yourself, and I mean to yourself. I didn't even tell my pet Goldy, she's a fish and could be a he but I actually talk to her so it can't be a he, because that's one thing I don't to guys. A gay guy in a small town, who can't talk to guys, makes for a very lonely life. That was until the neighbours moved in.

It was April and the weather was just starting to turn and it was getting slightly warmer, I was sat at my desk surfing the net on my laptop the sun filtering through the blinds and glaring on my screen, so I stood and leaned over to close the blinds and I saw the truck. My mum was out and I'm an only child so I had no one to ask about the new neighbours so I kept watching to see what these people were like. I spend far too much of my spare time on YouTube watching documentaries about serial killers so I needed to make sure none were moving in next door. I swear it's that and not that I'm a peeping tom.

Then I saw him and it was almost like out of a film where the really pretty girl comes into focus and there's sun in her hair a smile on her face and everything is in slow motion. I could see that he was laughing but I couldn't hear it my palms itched to open the window so I could hear if he sounded as beautiful as he looked, but I was frozen to the spot. In that moment I knew he was who I was waiting for, the sun caught in his eyes and made them shine the brightest of blues, the breeze shifted his golden blonde hair and my fingers ached to touch it. The front door to my house slamming snapped me out of my trance.

"Trey"...oh yeah that's my name.

"Trey, come downstairs and help me bring in the shopping"

I shut down my laptop and took one last look out the blinds he seemed to have gone into the house.

"I'm coming, mum have you left the keys in the car or is the boot open" my mum stuck her head around the kitchen door as I was stood at the front door

"Keys are in the door Trey, take the freezer stuff out first its defrosting, it's warmer now than when I left, I'm sweating." She paused to take off her sweater, her pausing is not something that happens often, "have you seen the new neighbours? Have you spoke to them? I saw a BMX in that truck I bet they have a son about your age you should go over later offer to help, okay?"

If my mum ever asks you to do something the best answer is "okay mum, yeah sure I'll do that, right after I finish up with the shopping".

I stepped outside quickly before she could ask me anything else. I put the door on the latch so I could get back in and took the keys with me to the car. I unlocked the boot and was stood assessing the situation and which bags needed to come in first, when I heard it. The most beautiful and melodic laugh that there is and I knew it was his. My heart was pounding as he came out of his drive way and stood at the front bumper of my mums car watching who I assumed to be his mum trying to pull stuff off the back of the truck. I think he must have felt me watching him because my eyes must have been burning a hole in the back of his head, he turned around so quickly I had no chance of looking away without it being obvious I was staring anyways so I just kept staring.

"Hi, I'm Adam I'm moving in next door, is the truck blocking your drive were you waiting for us to move?" he pushed a lock of sun-kissed hair behind his ear. My mouth was dry and my heart was in my throat.

"No", I croaked. "No, umm my mum is making me bring in this shopping its defrosting" I don't know why I told him it was defrosting like he had a freezer in his pocket.

"Oh, okay cool...did you want a hand, I'm carrying stuff anyways it'll get done faster if I help...what's your name sorry I didn't catch it before"

"Trey, its trey and that's nice of you but my mum asked me to do it so I better do it she can be funny like that but if you wanted to hold open my front door while I bring the stuff in that'd be great" I smiled at him and hoped it looked normal and not all creepy.

He smiled back and my breath caught in my chest "Yeah okay Trey I'll hold open the door for you, I'm a gentleman if nothing else" he giggled.

He giggled and my knees wobbled. Wobbly knees and heavy slippery wet bags don't mix, I tripped up the kerb and one of the bags I was carrying slipped out my hand.

"Shit, sorry Adam, would you mind taking these bags while I pick up all this stuff, I'm so clumsy."

"Trey you take in what you've still got a hold of and I'll pick up these few bits and follow you in, I felt weird walking into your house first anyways"

I walked ahead of Adam as he was knelt down picking up frozen veg and apple crumbles off the floor, I wanted to turn back and see if he was checking me out but by this point I was totally convinced he was straight. Although with my lack of human contact I'm not sure if my gay-dar works or even if that exists or if it's just some other stereotype afforded to gay men.

As I took the first bags in the kitchen I was relieved to see my mum was no longer downstairs I wanted to get Adam in and out before she could come and be so intensely embarrassing I may actually feel physical pain. Even though I have never verbally told my mum I'm gay, she has eyes.

That's not to say I'm a flamer because I'm not. I stand about 5 ft. 9, a 28 inch waist, caramel covered skin and matching eyes with arched brows that I do not pluck and dark brown almost black hair that's very thick and wavy but I keep it closely cropped to my head. My mum is white and my dad was a Jamaican, I say was because I don't know him or where he is.

As I put down my bags I heard a tap on the front door, I race back to let Adam in "Hey, sorry you should have just pushed the door it was open"

" to the neighbourhood don't want to be branded the weirdo that just walks in" he joked looking around for where to put the bags.

I lead him to the kitchen, "Just dump the bag on the floor, I gotta unpack and put it all away anyways."

"Okay, well Trey I'm gunna go help my Aunt finish unloading the truck before she slips on something else...all day that woman's been falling over."

I walked him back towards the front door, "Umm...alright Adam thanks for your help, maybe later when I finish this I can come over and return the favour?"

He turned back towards me and it was only then that I realised how closely I had been following behind him he was wedged between me and the front door. He looked nervously back at the front door then turned to stand facing me fully his face inches from mine, "Yeah Trey that'd be great, just come by whenever you're done" he whispered. The quietness of his voice made me lean in closer to him as if to hear him more clearly, I could feel his warm breath on my face and I wanted to close the gap and brush my lips with his and I would've done, but he turned opened the door and left before I could work up the nerve.

I quickly finished unloading and packing away the shopping so I could rush up stairs and tell Goldy about the new boy next door, maybe not about the almost kiss, but just that I think I made a new friend.

Send all feedback to so I know if I should write anymore or just keep it to myself be nice but you know be honest.

Next: Chapter 2

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