Adam and Trey

By ku.oc.liamtoh@02k_ybab

Published on Oct 22, 2013


The following story whether it's any good or not belongs to me don't copy steal or plagiarise. Don't read it if you aren't supposed to and if you do send me feedback don't be mean I've never written anything longer than a shopping list before.

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Adam and Trey chapter 2

New places often mean new beginnings, so why start over if you're going to be the same person you were in the last place you was. I was determined to be someone else, someone happy and settled who things didn't happen too. It didn't really cross my mind I was gay till a cousin asked me why I didn't have a girlfriend and I thought because I don't like girls like that. I had a lot of friends who were girls even some who wished they were more but I just never gave anything away and I never told my parents because they never asked.

I grew up in a household where almost everything goes unnoticed because there's so much bubbling under the surface. My dad used to disappear for long periods of time and my mum would just pass it off like he was just working away; he was away...with her majesty. I watched my mum struggle to keep food on the table, clothes on our back and she'd smile and laugh but I could see she was hurting.

It was always just me and mum really and I got used to that and just like everyone else I started taking her for granted, that night I had got in late but she didn't even shout. She was sat on the sofa with the bin next to her leg.

"Night Adam, if haven't told you today I love you"

"I know you do mum, are you okay? Have you been sick? What's the bin for?"

"Don't worry about it son, go to bed I love you night"

"Night mum I love you too". I blew her a kiss as I backed out the living room door. I got ready for bed and climbed in I was tired I had been out nearly all day.

It was about 3am, I know because I sat bolt upright and checked my phone...and then I heard what had woken me from my sleep it was my mum shouting from the kitchen.

"Help me please, help me" I dived out of bed and ran down the stairs as I got to the kitchen I was hit by a blast of cold air I could see from where I was standing she had opened the back door to put the bin she'd been sick in outside.

"Mum, mum I need you to sit up and open your eyes", I was panicking her eyes were rolling in her head she couldn't focus I laid her in a position as close to the recovery position as I could get her and ran to get the house phone.

I called an ambulance, they tried to keep me calm.

"Adam, I'm so scared, I'm so scared what's happening" she weakly grasped my arm.

I stroked her hair and face trying to sound as every bit as calm as what I didn't feel on the inside," its okay mum they're on their way they're going to help you and make you better".

Her eyes stopped rolling and focused on me she looked right at me, "No Adam this is it, I cant fight anymore I'm so tired and you, you'll be okay you're okay"

She kept looking at me as if she was waiting for me to give her permission to let go so I closed my eyes took a deep breath looked right at her and told her as strongly as I could, "I'll be okay mum, I love you its okay close your eyes."

Her chest rattled once or twice and she was gone. Just like that the biggest light in my life extinguished. I don't remember the ride to the hospital, I remember being told she was gone. I remember the funeral, and now I'm here.

Taking my things out of a moving van smiling and laughing just like my mum would have and just like I promised her. Sometimes when I laugh I almost convince myself that I am happy, my aunt told me that maybe moving away from the area I grew up would make it easier, less memories. Maybe someone should tell her that unless I were to leave my head back there the memories would be coming with me.

Anyway new start, new me. The new me looks a lot like the old me, I'm still 5' 9", slim, blonde hair, blue eyes, pale skin, swimmers build...I've been through puberty but I don't think my hair follicles got the memo. Because of that I've got a baby face, my aunt tells me in the right light I look like I could be an angel. This woman needs glasses.

The area didn't look to bad, its quiet nice houses neat gardens. And really cute neighbours. My next door neighbour Trey is really going to be the reason I don't get any sleep...not like that, well yeah like that...but not with him, not yet anyways. There was a moment after I helped him take in his shopping and I thought he's going to kiss me so I waited but he didn't move so I left quickly feeling like an idiot for misjudging it.

Then he offered to come help me finish moving my things off this truck so I'm hoping he comes before my mind sees him doing more that helping me lift stuff.

"Hey Adam, you still need help moving things?" I think god was listening.

"Hi Trey, umm...yeah you can grab that box of stuff I've put in the garden, I'm pretty much done, the rest of the stuff is my aunts and she's gone to a friend's so I guess we're leaving that till tomorrow" I jumped off the back of the truck as he was bending over to pick up the box, I had to bite my lip to stop a groan escaping.

I locked up the truck then walked ahead of him to open the front door and lead him up to my room I was sure he could hear my heart beating. I had to say something to break the silence.

"So have you lived here long Trey?"

"yeah I was pretty much born and raised in that house, nice room its bigger than mine...your beds bigger than mine, shall I just put this on the bed"

"Yeah the box, yourself. Whatever" why? Why do I say these things? "Sorry what?" he looked at me quizzically.

"I said, yeah put the box where ever" smooth Adam smooth.

"Oh okay, I misheard what you said, mum says I've got selective hearing, I wish I did then I'd select not to hear her" he smiled at me waiting for me to laugh at his joke so I smiled back.

"You can sit down Trey, I've not got my laptop or anything unpacked but my TV is we could watch a movie I've got DVDs" I wanted him to stay, I wanted him to touch me and kiss me like he almost did.

"umm...okay if you're sure your aunt won't mind?"

"No she's cool, she would be happy I'm making friends", he sat on bed and I went to get the dvds he chose one and I put it on and sat next to him leaning against headboard.

As the film went on I noticed him glancing at me and the staring intently at the film but I could tell he wasn't really watching. Normally I'm really shy and reserved but new town, new me right? I moved my head so it was closer to his on the headboard so now every time he turned his face he was inches away from mine. I just had to time it right, I felt him about to move so I turned my head towards his and we're staring into each other's eyes.

"So this film is not as good as it looked on the trailer" I whispered I don't know why I whispered I seem to do that when he's close to me. He leaned in so his lips were brushing mine.

"No it's not I've missed like ha..." I leaned in the rest of the way and pressed my lips to his, his hand flew up to hold the back of my head and his tongue slid against my lips seeking entry, so I let the kiss deepen.

Just as I was running out of air he leaned back, "Adam I don't know why I...I'm sorry okay, I'll just leave"

He got up and started walking to the door, "I kissed you first, I'm sorry I just was so close...and before with the bags, it just seemed like it was supposed to happen, I thought you were into it."

"I am Adam, a little too much, I'm gunna go ahead and leave anyways, maybe I can come by tomorrow and we can go do something?"

"Yeah why not I'd hate to waste a weekend" I smiled and tried not to show my disappointment I really hope he shows up tomorrow I started unpacking my box as I heard the front door slam as he left. I hope the new me didn't mess things up.

Send all feedback to even if its one line if you like it, I don't know if I should keep lemme know

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