Adam in the Locker Room

By Christopher A

Published on Oct 18, 2023


"This was too easy", I thought to myself.

And as hard as I tried I really couldn't stop smiling. I wanted Adam to know it was okay, wanted him to feel at ease so he wouldn't run away. I wasn't mad, hell no, I was honoured!

I know Adam had heard about my anger problems, I think everyone had, I thought with a hint of guilt. He looked not just mortified and embarrassed, but he genuinely looked afraid. This made me a bit sad in the moment, because I hated that I had this reputation, while he was so much more pleasant, more charming, more down to Earth. And I couldn't deny it either, as cocky as he was, he was a very likeable guy all around. I think something about me brought out his cockier side too, since I had seen him from a distance before at the games interacting with his teammates, joking around, laughing, so carefree.

My teammates respected me, but I knew they were a bit afraid of me. I don't say this in a macho way either, truthfully I think losing control of your temper is a childish trait, which is why I've been working so hard to stay cool on the court and in the hallways at school.

I didn't even do anything to scare Adam. I was still in just a white towel wrapped around my waist, still a bit wet from my cold shower. I had decided as I made my way into the shower that I could ignore all these feelings, that a little bit of cold water could ease the tension. Although I figured rubbing one out could cure me of my newest perversions, I don't think I was prepared to cross that line just yet.

So as I faced the shower faucet butt naked ready to begin expelling the tension, I turned the faucet left as I felt the ice cold water shock my pale skin. It was so sudden and so extreme, and although I was used to the ice showers after an extreme workout, I had never taken one to "relive sexual stress". Jesus I still don't know what the hell I'm saying, I'm young, it's just a million new hormones bouncing around, I'm just curious that's all.

I turned the shower off after about two minutes and I just stood there calmly doing my breathing exercises. I had learned throughout the years how to quiet my mind as thoughts began racing. I remained there quiet for five minutes focusing on my breath. Breathing in through the nose, holding it in, and then breathing out through the mouth very slowly. I was so grateful that I was at a place where I could create these moments of peace, and I was finally learning how to calm myself down. I was completely unaware of anything else around me but my breathing, and I felt calm. The anger, the excitement, the humiliation of what had happened in the locker room had subsided, and I decided I could get into some clean clothes and walk home and just forget today ever happened. I could forget about Adam.

As I made my way out of the shower area I was met with the completely opposite thought: "I will never forget Adam".

In my meditative stance, I hadn't heard the loud breathing and was that moaning too? As I stepped closer I swear to God I heard Adam mutter, "give me your cock Chris".

But no I must have misheard him, this is Adam we're talking about. He would never-

That son of a bitch was holding my briefs, and he was breathing them in! What a fucking pervert, I thought to myself. But not in an angry way, in a curious manner. I hate to admit it, but I was enjoying the sight.

I couldn't believe him. I remember when I took those briefs off I had joked in my head that I should burn them, but times were a bit tough at home and I didn't want to start asking my parents for new underwear. But here was Adam now, not only holding them, and huffing them but his dick was out too! His little gym shorts were wrapped around his ankles as the little slut went to town on my ball funk. His dick was small, not comically small, but definitely well below average. Why did this revelation turn me on so much?

He was uncut like me, and I loved how as he stroked up and down his purple head made an appearance before retreating back under the hood. Unlike the rest of his body, there were some hairs above the shaft, but barely enough to truly call them pubes. In his slutty trance, Adam had not removed his shirt but had lifted the front part above his head and behind his neck so I was being treated to his full exposed torso.

Here was a dirty little slut, ready to be completely taken down a peg for good.

But like I said before, "This was too easy".

In my freshman year our basketball team had played a scrimmage against the girls and it just wasn't fun. We had destroyed them something like 98-12, and it was supposed to build our confidence. But honestly I remember just being bored and feeling like it was a waste of time.

Which is why I didn't want this to be it. They say revenge is a dish best served cold, and I don't know if it's revenge that I was after. I don't know what the hell I wanted from Adam anymore. I was more confused than ever, but I knew that whatever fucked up game we were playing, I didn't want it to stop.

So as Adam faced me in complete and utter fear, I broke the tension. I gave him his escape,

"Oh hey man you're still here! And hey, you found my underwear, thanks bro!" I grabbed the underwear that he had thrown on the floor and walked around him as I began changing.

"Chris...Listen man...uhhh-"

"No worries bro, it's a locker room, ain't nothing I haven't seen before" I said.

He smiled nervously and chuckled slightly as I made my next move.

"Hell of a workout out there eh?"

Adam looked up at me and once we had made eye contact, I dropped my towel to the floor. Although the cold shower had shrunken up my cock and balls a little bit, seeing Adam huffing on my crotch fumes had me sporting a pretty good semi. I let it all hangout in all its glory as Adam tried so hard to maintain his composure and he continued to struggle with his words.

Once I had seen what he was packing, I was ready to drop trout, knowing it put his to shame. My uncut thick cock hung low, but mildly stiff and unlike Adam there was a nice thick bush that I kept trimmed. The head was fully exposed and I knew he was mesmerised by the fat purple glistening shroom peaking out. My heavy swinging balls were also out on full display as well, and I made sure to give them a little scratch as I began pretending to look for my clean underwear in my gym bag.

"Ya, uhh, that was a good workout for sure. I'm sorry you didn't get that new PR Chris".

"Hey bro, don't even sweat it, I can always try tomorrow".

"Oh you're doing weights again tomorrow, I thought I'd start preparing for the beep test, I think I can set a record for that one".

Of course this cocky son of a bitch was already trying to talk about his own records he would set. I think he had forgotten what I had witnessed just a minute ago?

Fuck it I though, I can wait to slip back into my underwear, and decided to remain naked just a little longer.

"Ah the famous beep test, I'm not too great at cardio, I normally focus on my strength" I said and accompanied a playful naked flex with it.

I was standing completely in the nude in front of Adam now flexing my body, and more importantly exposing my fat piece of meat at him. The thrill of my naked body got me harder and harder until I finally stood at full mast, proudly ignoring the fact that my fat cock was now standing straight up and my hairy balls were proudly descending to make the perfect view for Adam.

If he were truly a slut he would drop to his knees right now and gag on it.

Fuck. What am I saying, what am I doing?

"Ya man, you should probably get back to cardio with basketball starting next week".

I don't know if he meant this as a concerned teammate or if this was one of his little jabs at me that he was getting so good at. But it was enough to make me lose my confidence a bit and I slipped back into my clean briefs.

Adam then took off his shirt and then took an almost cartoonish sniff of his pits and said, "oh man I gotta hit the shower too".

He turned around and then crouched slowly as he began to remove his shorts and underwear. When I had walked in on him jerking off, I couldn't really see his ass, but now here it was, completely out in the open, as majestic as a full moon. As he bent down slightly to remove the shorts from around his ankles, I couldn't stop thinking about what lay in between those cheeks.

My underwear were back on, and I swear to god, just the fabric was too much stimulation for me in that moment. His ass was pale, but the hottest thing about it was the tan line created by his little Calvin Klein boxer briefs he had been wearing throughout the summer. It was like the tan had found a way to frame this picture perfect statue-like ass and now here it was in front of me and I was losing control.

Before he entered the shower area he turned around one last time to say goodbye to me.

"See ya tomorrow bro".

I glanced at his naked body. Sure it was different than mine but god damn it was perfect. I had to have it. I didn't give a fuck about confusion or about what it meant or who it meant and what the consequences were.

Gay, straight, bisexual, pansexual. It meant fuck all to me. All I knew in that moment is that I was hungry, my cock was hungry for ass. For this particular perfect white ass and what lay under it.

Adam had a small dick, that was certain. But it worked, it wasn't that Adam had a small dick and I was turned on or turned off by it, it's that the small dick was a part of Adam and because it was a part of Adam I wanted it.I wanted it more than anything.

The fabric was doing too much, I needed to put a hand on it. I needed to let it out, to let it breathe, to let it do its things. I fucking needed Adam.

Adam turned around one more time and as he made his way into the showers with the towel hanging over his left shoulder, I pictured his ass giving me a sad but seductive farewell.

There's not a breathing exercise in the world that could have contained me. I tried, I swear to god I tried. But I lost control.

Chris had caught me.

His presence and the shock of being discovered completely broke the spell I was under. I looked at him and when I realised he recognized the underwear I thought I would finally see the side of Chris so many teammates feared. I accepted defeat. My shorts were off, my smooth slim body was exposed, and his sweaty briefs were in my face. I almost wanted to shield myself as I prepared for him to lunge at me. I didn't need the bench press to tell me that there was absolutely no way I could beat Chris in a physical fight.

He continued smiling and showed mercy and said something along the lines of "you found my underwear".

I was absolutely embarrassed and didn't know what to say next. It's like I had forgotten the English language suddenly and only mumbles came out for a few seconds. Chris was standing in front of me wearing nothing but a white towel around his waist.

I don't know where this merciful side of Chris was coming from, and I was a little bit worried about what it meant, maybe he was building up to something. I needed to get out of there. I wanted to just leave that locker room, leave the school, and convince my parents to let me go back to my old school, anything to stay away from Chris. I was trying to save my dignity before exiting, I threw a couple jabs at him as I prepared to make my exit.

I don't know what happened next, somehow Chris' towel was on the floor and I don't know if it was an accident but he did nothing to cover himself back up. I finally got to see what his dirty briefs were packing and all I could think about was how unfortunate it was that he had just gotten out of the shower. Maybe it was for the best, I feel like I would have floated over to his cock otherwise.

It was absolutely glorious, every ounce of masculinity proudly hanging there demanding to be admired. His cock was thick, not just fat, but meaty and although the head was showing fully, I could tell he was uncut and I couldn't get enough of it. I wondered what it looked like soft, with the foreskin covering that precious purple tip. Although Chris was a pretty pale guy, his cock and balls were a distinctly darker shade, like they were being highlighted, like they were screaming, "Adam look over here!"

His balls hung low, but not in the saggy balls kind of way. These guys were heavy, and even though I couldn't hold them, I could picture the weight of each testicle on the palm of my hand. They were hairy, unlike mine. I had pubes above my shaft that I didn't even need to touch. But Chris had a thick coarse bush growing proudly above his thick cock that I could tell he worked hard to keep in order. He didn't shave it, I wouldn't even say he trimmed it, I think he just maintained it. His balls had several thick curly hours surrounding them and I started to remember the few stray pubes I had found inside of his white underwear.

Fuck, his underwear were still close by. I wanted to grab them, sniff them in front of him. Show him what slut I would be for his sweaty briefs. Better yet, I should drop to my knees, put an end to this game. Beg him to let me suck his dick and lick his balls.

"Are you fucking listening to yourself Adam-?"

I interrupted my own thoughts, "Yes I am listening to myself and this is what I want. I want Chris' cock in my mouth and I want to lick his balls", and fuck it let me go all the way while I'm being honest with myself, "I want him to dump his hot load on my face when he's done".

I couldn't accept this though. There was still a part of me that didn't want this. Fuck! Why can't I make up my mind? I gave Adam some jabs about the beep test and he flexed his body in front of me. His cock was getting harder now. He lifted his arms to flex his biceps and god damn it his pits were out again too, with his rock hard cock as well.

He had slipped his underwear back on after one of my famous insults about his speed. Fuck! Why was I such an idiot, now his dick was back in his briefs, and I had ruined everything.

I had another trick up my sleeve.

I dropped my shorts around my ankles once again and decided it was time for a shower. I might be weaker than Chris, but I bust my ass off at the gym, literally. I knew my Romanian deadlifts, my squats, and barbell hip thrusts had been paying off. I placed the towel over my shoulder and began walking into the shower area. Chris left me alone, and I was a bit relieved that my plan hadn't worked. I was going to go in and take an ice cold shower. Then I was going to go home and change my schedule around, it was still early in the semester where I could switch out of this class and take something more bearable. I couldn't be around Chris.

I was safe, close call. I need to stop putting myself in these situations before-

I don't know what happened first, I felt two hands around my waist, but then I felt my face pressed up against the wall. I was afraid for a second, and right as I was about to begin struggling and fighting, I felt a pressure on my ass. I could feel Chris' breath by my ear, and he was red and sweating, and he was grunting.

There was nothing sexy about the way he was going about this. He didn't pull his underwear down, he was still wearing them. He had no rhythm to his thrusts, he was just humping me uncontrollably. While he did it he grunted and kept saying "fuck, fuck, sorry, fuck dude". I felt the pressure of his cock each time, and I knew he was about to climax.

I pretended to struggle.

"Dude what the fuck are you doing?"

"Fuck bro, fuck!!!!"

He grabbed me like a doll, I had no control over my body and I was loving every minute of it. Sure, there was nothing sexy, no technique. Chris was an animal lost in his primal lust and he was humping me uncontrollably.

He suddenly picked up his face and I continued to try to fight him off. He let out a few final grunts and then through the fabric of his underwear, I could feel the stain of his warm seed seeping through. I pray to god he didn't notice but I edged my bare ass closer and rubbed over the stain a bit, regretting that I hadn't had the fortune of tasting it. But he was done now, and he looked defeated, Chris looked embarrassed. When I said this lasted less than 30 seconds, I absolutely mean it.

"Dude did you fucking nut?"

Chris didn't know where he was anymore. He looked at me in shock, looked down at his stained underwear and then looked around the room.

Fuck it, I am not turning into anybody's slut or whatever the fuck was going on in my head a few minutes ago.

"Bro did you just hump my bare ass and fucking nut in your underwear? What the fuck dude?"

"Adam listen-" Chris tried to explain.

"Nah dude, that's fucked up. Can't you just let a guy take a shower in peace? First you pop a stiffy in the gym then you fucking go and hump me like some kind of pervert? Bro you're lucky I don't fucking tell people what a pervert you are" I began regretting my words as I said them.

"Ya? Bro I just caught you sniffing my sweaty underwear. They fucking reek bro and you had them all over your face, I bet your face still smells like my ballsack".

"Fuck you Chris, that's not what happened, I thought they might be mine".

"Fuck you Adam, you know exactly what you were doing".

"Ah go fuck yourself".

"You go fuck yourself".

We had entered the immature stage of just saying "fuck you" to one another over and over again. Shooting the finger and repeating the same phrases with no end in sight.

"You know what Adam. Here you go". Chris removed his cum-stained underwear and threw them on the bench. "I'm going to leave the locker room now, I'm not going to verify or anything, but I bet your slutty ass is going to take these home with you".

Before getting dressed he let out another dig at me, "well first let me put on the dirty briefs you were sniffing. You've seen my balls Adam, I can't afford to go commando like you".

And with that, I was all alone in the locker room, still wearing the towel over my shoulder. I walked over to the bench where Chris' cum-stained briefs were resting. They were partly inside out and I wasn't shocked that his massive balls produced such a large thick load. I stared at them intently, like a piece of art at one of those pretentious contemporary museums. Contemplating what they meant, what significance they had, what they were daring me to do.

I need to make a decision quickly before Chris' nut cools down and dries.

"Did you just hear yourself Adam? You know exactly what you're going to do".

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