Adam Zach and Bsb


Published on Aug 24, 1999


Legal Note: Please don't read this if you are under the age of 18 years or the particular age of permission where ever you live. The story below is in all parts fictional. All portrayal of the Backstreet Boys and other persons mentioned is in no way based on fact. All other characters are completely fictional. All names, songs, events, and other licensed materials remain so. Thank you.

Well hello readers! It is time again for another installment. This one has a bit more excitement than the last one, so enjoy it. I would like to thank DLS (author of Brian&Me) for being a picky but solid editor. I would also like to thank Gene for being my FL tour guide. Lastly, I would like to thank the readers (this is getting to sound like an award acceptance speech. oh well) Matt, Bob, Jim, Drew, Phil, Jeff, mystery man, Teo, Jimmy, Ricky, Ed, Rich and rye for writing to me. No "threats" this time, but a lot of complaining about the cliff hanger. That's okay. I got a lot of new people writing me this past installment, which is really nice. For comments, criticism or compliments, write

Enjoy the story! EG

part 28

Ready to commit murder, I tramped through the house. "Not Yet," Kevin had said last night, but here he is sleeping with who knows who, and making enough noise to wake up the neighborhood. I was so enraged I was ready to forget about it then and there, and book the next flight to Washington.

I stood in the doorway, seeing two sheet cover forms rolling around in the bed. Just then, someone stuck their head out. "Adam??" a confused Amanda called.

"Yeah, that'd be me. Kevin? What the hell are you doing?" I yelled.

Amanda sat up, "What are you talking about?"

"What do you mean? You're sleeping with my boyfriend!"

"What?" just then, AJ stuck his head out. Wow. Who feels stupid? That'd be me. "Hi," AJ said sheepishly.

"Hi," I said, loosing every last shred of my cool. "Sorry about that. I mean, well you are in Kevin's room-wait a sec, why are you in Kevin's room?"

"Well we didn't think anyone would be home this early..." AJ said feebly.

"You nearly gave me a heart attack!"

"Whoa, Mr. Jealousy. Boyfriend? So I was right, huh?" Amanda said, triumphant.

"Well, I, uh..."

"Playing your little innocent act..." she said, giggling and shaking her head.

"Promise not to tell anyone?"

"Yeah, I don't care...I told you, you two are cute together."

"Okay, just as long as you don't tell anyone."

"I won't, I promise."

"Okay then. I'm gonna let you guys get back to what you were doing before this little interruption. Bye now!"

I went to my room and got some shorts. By the time I left and found the b-ball court, Brian and Nick were sweaty and wrestling over some point, no doubt. It was still raining, and they were both drenched. "Foul! You guys are insane." I yelled, and they got up and dusted themselves off.

"Hey," Brian said. "Where've you been?"

I told them about what had just happened. Both of them laughed until they started to get a pain in their sides. "Ha!" I said. "That's what you get for laughing at Adam Miller!"

Nick threw the ball at me-hard. I responded by dribbling up to the basket and tossing it into the net. It would have been even cooler if it had made it in. Instead, it rolled on the rim before dropping down court-ward.

"Looser buys drinks!" I yelled, and the game began. The rest was pandemonium, from the fact that it was one-on-one-on-one. Soon the rain stopped as suddenly as it had started. About two hours later, when we were all tired, the score stayed at Brian:32, Me:28 and Nick at a whopping 18 points. We all agreed to shower, and then go down to the nearest convenience store for some sodas. This part was Nick's idea. I think he just wanted show off his new haircut to the fans.

After showering and changing, we hopped into Nick's car and we sped down to the nearest Seven-Eleven. I was in the mood for a slurpee, a really big one, particularly, because Nick was buying. We got to the store and parked. Everything was fine until we all got to the register. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Nick being tapped on shoulder. I turned to see three fourteen or fifteen year old girls. The one tapping Nick's shoulder was giggling and chewing her gum nervously. Nick and Brian had prepared. I put the cash for the drinks on the counter so we'd be ready to run. Then I heard the girl say, "Are you Nick Carter?"

Next thing I heard was Brian counting, "1....2.....3!"

The two boys broke into an acapella version of the chorus of Everybody. No one can ever tell me that there voices aren't independently good again. " I everything you need? You better rock your body-right now!" At the end, Nick blew a kiss at the girls and we walked away. They were too stunned to do anything else

We drove off before they snapped out of it and soon we were home. When I did get home, I noticed a message on my cell phone. It was Kevin, "Hey hon. I'm gonna be home around five-thirty. Git cleaned up cuz I'm gonna take you out to a real nice restaurant," he said in a ignoramus Southern hick accent. "Just kidding, but I am taking you out! So find some nice threads. Can't wait to see you-love ya!" I smiled at his familiar voice and everything connected to it.

I finally unpacked and picked out something to wear-tan slacks, a semi-shiny black blazer, a white dress shirt and a red tie made out of the same material as the jacket. I spent extra time on my hair, making sure it was at its best-I was getting as bad Nick. Just as I put the finishing touches on it, I heard the door open. "Hi honey, I'm home," Kevin hollered into the house.

I came running out of the room into the living room where he stood, looking tired and handsome in a Cary Grant sort of way, (didn't think a Backstreet Boy could remind someone of Cary Grant, did you?). I threw my arms around his neck and he wrapped his arms around my waist. We shared a single sweet kiss before he said, "You look great, Adam." I blushed and mumbled thanks. "And your hair looks amazing!" he exclaimed.

"Aww," I said, blushing. "You noticed!"

"How could I not notice it? I really like the streaks too. Maybe I should get some?"

"May-be," I said, smiling.

"Well, let me just get dressed and we'll go. We have reservations at six-thirty. But I want to stop off and see what Nick's hair looks like, okay?"

"Okay. Where are you taking me?"

"Its a surprise."

"Fine. I'm going to drop by and see Howie-I haven't seen him all day."

"Okay, just meet me you'll back here by six."

"I promise."

Kevin went to shower and get dressed while I left the house. I went to the one apartment I hadn't been in-the pale white one with the terra cotta roof. I knocked on the door, and Howie answered in reading glasses. "Hey," I greeted. He invited me in.

His face lit up. "Hey! Haven't seen you all day!"

"Yeah, I guess I've been busy, but I want to do something with you before you guys leave for tour."

"Okay, that's cool. Hey-I just wanted to tell you, I'm really happy you and Kevin finally got together-we never thought it would happen."


"Me and the guys."

"Well, I really appreciate how you kept the band together during the rough spots. You saved all of your careers."

"Did I have any other options?"

"Maybe not-but still, what you did was really admirable. But enough of this mushy stuff-a little bird told me your birthday is Sunday."

"How'd you know?"

"Would I be a true Backstreet Boy fan if I didn't?"

Howie shook his head. "I guess not. But why do you mention it?"

"Well, since you can't go home for the big day, cuz of all your group duties, I thought we'd have a pool party for you, if you want. Sound good?"


"And if you're not busy, I thought we'd go to the lake Sunday, around 3? I heard that you like water-skiing, so I thought we'd go-just me, you, the guys, Zach and whatever honnie you want to bring along. Sound all right to you?"

"Actually, yeah, that does sound good. Thanks, Adam!"

"I'm just here to oblige! But look, I have to go me Kevin for a date, but see you Sunday at three-probably before that, too though, huh?"

"Okay, cool!" Howie let me out and I ran make to Kevin and AJ's building. All today I had forgotten about Zach! I thought, though, that I would have enough time to call before we had to leave. We did, and I dialed Zach's cell. He picked up on the fourth ring. "Hello?"

"Hey Zach, its me?"

"And who might that be?" he joked.

"Quiet you. So what'd you do today?"

"I cruised Orlando, saw the sights. Tonight I'm taking Nick out to dinner though. We might go to the Disney Quest virtual reality place though, after-sounds a little junky, but hey, I'll go to anything that involves video games!" I laughed, and realized I hadn't even made the connection that both Zach and Nick are grown (or almost grown) men who love nintendo. They were perfect for each other.

"Sounds cool. So, Howie's birthday is Sunday, and I thought we'd have a pool party at the boy's complex. Wanna help plan it?"

"Tomorrow, I can, but only until three. I promised Nick I'd go shopping with him at three-thirty."

"Okay, cool. Look, I gotta go, but see you tomorrow, around nine?"

"That's cool, see you then!" We hung up.

Just then, Kevin came out. He did a little catwalk walk and then stopped about five feet away. He did a little, but manly spin. I clapped. "Wonderful, wonderful!" I hollered. He was in a charcoal gray suit with a blue shirt and dark blue tie. "Let's go!"

We walked out to the car and got in. Kevin drove to the restaurant. The maitre d' seated us in a circular booth. The walls of the booth were high, so any conversation we had would be pretty private. The bus-boy brought us water and menus. I wasn't too hungry, but it was nouveau cuisine so I didn't think I was in danger of getting too large a portion. I ordered the Chinese Chicken Salad and Kevin ordered a burger and fries. Old habits die hard. The waiter took our orders and disappeared.

There were so many things I wanted to ask him, but instead, I just looked at him and into space. He looked very serious at the moment, and at first I thought something was wrong. Then, I had this sudden feeling of deja vu. In this way, we were exactly alike. All throughout high school, people would always come up to ask me what was wrong. Nothing was ever wrong. When I'm deep in thought I just don't smile-I guess I'm just on the serious side. And what I'd seen from Kevin indicated the exact same motives. Instead of asking what was wrong, I just stayed quiet.

Then he spoke. "So, what types of relationships have you been in?" Kevin asked.

"Well, I, uh..." This was sort of a touchy subject for me. "I had a few relationships with girls, mostly for show, in high school. Other than that, nada..." I said, and gulped. "What about you?"

"Well, I'm bi, I mean I thought. But compared to what I feel for you, I don't think I even felt any sort of love before this." He looked into my eyes. "I had some girlfriends in high school. Um, when I was nineteen I was engaged to this girl name Beth. It wasn't really right though, and she cheated on me before we got married, thank god. She was pressuring me into marrying her, but I wasn't sure about the whole thing. I guess since then-I've been turned off about relationships. There's been dates, nothing serious though-everything was always distant, dispassionate. I was the guy who always turned in early. I think maybe that's why I'm so paternal to the group. It preoccupied me from thinking what I really knew deep down, about my sexuality. You really opened me up. I wanted to thank you."

I smiled at him and wondered how I got so lucky. "You're welcome," is all I could say, and I put my arm around his waist under the table. The food came and we ate. I told him about my day-the haircuts, AJ and Amanda in his bed, and the "special concert" at Seven-Eleven. He got a little upset about the AJ/Amanda incident, but I calmed him down. I also decided not to tell him that Amanda now knew that we were a couple. I promised myself I'd do it later. He told me about the meeting, which had lasted all day. It had been suits with contracts, and hand cramps from signing releases. Lots of fun.

We declined dessert and Kevin paid the check to much protest from me. We decided to go back the apartment to watch some videos. I got the feeling all of the guys watch a lot of TV. In all the interviews I had read, when asked what they did on break, every single one of them named watching TV. I never really do, but when in Rome...

Kev parked and we ventured inside. I was happy to see a note from AJ on the kitchen counter explaining he would be out until late-after all, we boys need our privacy. We changed in to comfy clothes-me a t-shirt and track pants, him a tank-top and jersey shorts. "Where's the videos?" I asked.

"There's a bunch of them under the TV in the cupboard."

"Okay..." I scanned through the titles-one caught my eye. It said, `Disney's Aladdin Live!' I have to admit, I was curious. "What's with the Aladdin video, Kevin?"

"The what?" Kevin was making microwave popcorn in the adjoining kitchen.

"The Aladdin-Live! video."

"Oh that's, uh, nothing." He brought in the popcorn and sat down on the couch.

"Oh, then can we watch it?"

"Um, there's lots of stuff there-why don't you choose something, like, romantic, or something?"

"No, no. I think I want to watch this." I popped it into the VCR and immediately saw why Kevin didn't want me to see it. There, center stage, was our Kevin in full Aladdin gear-complete with the small fez and cut off shirt. Even in those days, he had a good bod! And he was singing-it was too precious for words. Just then, Kevin ambushed me.

"Give me the remote-now!" he said laughing.

"No! I'm not finished yet!"

"Now!" he yelled as he tumbled over me, somersaulted, and landed on the floor in front of me.

I continued to watch, as Kevin grabbed at the remote several times, all unsuccessful. We were both laughing uncontrollably by the time he got his hands on it. He his pause and I had to ask, "So what other secrets are you hiding from me?"

"Hmm, lemme think," Kev said, tapping his index finger on his chin. "I was once a ninja turtle..."

"Which one?"

"I don't remember."

"Do you have that on tape?"

"Sadly," he said, faking sobs, "no."

We finally settled down and watched the Shawshank Redemption, which he had seen but I hadn't. I have to confess though, I didn't pay that much attention to the movie. It was cozy. I leaned back and his arms enveloped me.

part 29

I think I fell asleep, because I woke up at about three a.m. and I was in my bed. I got up and saw that Kevin was in his. I went back to sleep, but woke up about three hours later. Then I remembered what day it was-Wednesday.

I got dressed and jogged to the Seven-Eleven Nick, Brian and I had visited yesterday. Sure enough, there was there was the International Tattler, and there, on the cover, was Al Amsco, with no glory, but the innards of his jelly donut spread across his face. The banner read, "Star Inquirer Reporter Sleeps on The Job, Subject of Last `Scandal' Catches Him." I started laughing, at which point the clerk behind the counter looked at me very skeptically. I bought 15 copies and ran back to the complex.

When I got to Kevin's, I could smell coffee, which meant he was up. Sure enough, I found him in a bathrobe at the kitchen table reading the morning paper.

"Here-read this!" I said, sliding on top of the table.

"I don't read this kind of trash-" he stopped. "Isn't that Al from the plane?"

I nodded. "The guy who took the pictures."

"Okay, now I'm interested." I watched Kevin inspect the cover and then turn to the center spread. Chris Austen delivered, and well. The pages of the story were brightly colored and filled with pictures. In a box on the fold, it explained. `In mid-July, a reporter for the Star Inquirer, Al Amsco, took a picture of pop star Kevin Richardson of the Backstreet Boys and a mysterious young man named Adam. We at the International Tattler feel we must put a stop to this smear campaign. The photograph was a victim of misinterpretation and caused undue trouble for the Backstreet Boys. Recently, the mysterious Adam approached us with some pictures of the perpetrator, Al Amsco, sleeping on an airplane which they shared. Mr. Amsco is passed out and clasping a jelly donut. He was in fact sitting next to our Adam, who took the pictures. Now, we, the editing staff of the Tattler, feel that this shows incredible incompetence and lack of reporting skills. This Adam, whose full name is Adam Mil! ler, was and is a great friend of the Backstreet Boys, but nothing more. We hope, that through the expose of Mr. Amsco's ineptitude and the uncovering of our Adam's identity, we may finally put to rest the scandal concerning the Backstreet Boys. The International Tattler's editing staff would like to remind the readers that the Backstreet Boys were in no way affiliated with the making of this story. And to Mr. Amsco, we would like to advise that you pay more attention to your career than wrecking the career of innocent men. Thank you. Sincerely, Christopher W. Austen, editor of the International Tattler.'

Kevin laugh in happiness and disbelief. "How did you do this?"

"A camera, connections, and a little magic!"

Kevin hugged me and said "Do have any idea how much management will love you for this?"

"No, but I do know how much you love me!"

We kissed and then I said, "Come on! Let's go bring the news to everyone else."

We went around to each building, waking everybody up and jamming a copy of the tabloid in their face. We got back to Kevin's building. "Sweetie-I've got meeting with management and the boys that should last until three. This'll be the last one. After that, its a real break, I promise," he said, sitting back down at the table.

"Okay," I shrugged. "I'm busy `till then anyway-which reminds me-keep Sunday open, cuz its Howie's birthday-and I'm planning it."

"Where is this shindig gonna be held?"

"Right here, in and around the pool. Do me a favor?"


"Could you make up a list of Howie's friends for the party?"

"Okay, cool, I'll do it during the meeting."

"Should you, you know, be listening or something?"

"All they do is talk to other suits. They never ask us our opinions, they just want us to be there for show."

"Oh, okay-really?"

"We do have say in stuff, but usually that when we're talking to the creative people-like the choreographers, the designers, people like that. But I am so behind schedule, so I'm gonna go get dressed, and then jet."

"Okay-cool, I should be here all day, so call me, k?"

"Okay!" Kevin disappeared into his room and I got to work. I took a blank legal pad from the coffee table and a pen. I wrote down: `Needed: Invitations, Entertainment, Food, Decorations, Presents, Security, Press.' This party was going to be quite an event-I planned to, with Kevin's permission, make it something to go down it history.

Zach arrived a little late and was no help at all. Well, I shouldn't say no help, because he did succeed in helping to annoy me with his constant teasing and attacks. At twelve, we took a break for lunch. We got a pizza delivered and just as we sat down to eat it, Zach said, "I think I'm in love with Nick."

I choked on my pizza. "What?"

"I think I'm in love with him-"

"Wha-" I said again, but before I could finish, he interrupted.

"I know, I know. This is sudden. But hey, look at how fast Kevin and you fell in love!"

"That's different. You can't-"

"How is that different?"

"Well for one, we didn't start out sleeping with each other-" The words came out before I knew what I was saying.

"How can you say that? You don't even know what you're talking about!"

"Sorry. Its just that-"

"That what?"

"For me, sex is connected with love, but with you, they must be two separate entities."

"But, what I'm saying, Adam, is that they're not-separated, I mean."


"I've learned that they're not, from Nick. When you do love someone, the sex is connected. And I think I love Nick."

"Can I ask you something?"


"Have you slept with him since Boston?"


"You haven't in Orlando?"

"No," he shook his head. "I know this seems stupid, but have you ever read Camino Real?" It was my turn to shake my head. "Its this play, by Tennessee Williams. Anyway, there's this girl, Esmerelda, in it who is part of a prostitution scam run1 by her mother. Every full moon, she stands on the roof while her mother uses a bullhorn to announce that she has once again become a virgin. They pick a random man from the audience and then take him into their chambers. The mother tells his fortune and then the girl sleeps with him. Afterwards, they hold his freedom for money. That parts not really important. The point is, the theory-the way Esmerelda is supposed to be a virgin with the full moon-that's how I feel with Nick. The love I've found with him has made me feel like my virginity was restored." He looked at me expectantly.

"I don't know why, but that makes sense."

"You know why it makes sense?" I shook my head.

"Because you're in love too." I laughed and hugged Zach.

We finished the pizza and finished off the last details for the party planning. Besides invites, we were done. Nick picked up Zach and soon, Kevin got home. He handed me a four page list of people to invite. I scanned the list and saw the likes of N'Sync, ----------- and -------. This was going to be one star studded event. Kevin told me that he had cleared it all with management, that it would be a press circus, and that I'd have to have a meeting with the managers on Friday. Also, Kevin added that it would have to be moved to a hotel in downtown Orlando, because of press matters. This was all fine with me, and it promised to be one great event.

Part 30

On Friday morning, I woke up with Kevin's arms wrapped around me. We had begun a tradition of not sleeping "with each other", but sleep next to each other. It was still dark out, and the only light was the hall fixture's spilling through the gap between the bedroom door and the floor. It had been a crazy week, full of invitations, phone calls and decision making. It was a comfort that the hardest decision was whether to have a deejay or a band. I knew that in a couple of hours I would have the meeting with the Boys' management. I was not altogether estactic at the thought, but figured I'd have to talk to them sometime. My uneasiness with addressing authority would just have to be forgotten for this instance. I was soothed by the fact that Kevin would also be attending the meeting. I fell back asleep and dreamt sweet dreams of an impossible normality of our lives. In the pictures, I saw a simple house. Kevin was mowing the lawn. I was in the studio taking photographs of the c! hildren. What children, I don't know.

I was still sleeping with the corners of my lips curled upwards when I felt a strong hand shake my shoulder. I looked up, and it was Kevin, silouhetted by the risen sun. "Adam, hon, come on, you have to get up." I groaned. "Come on! You have to get ready for the meeting."

I bolted upwards and I jumped into action. I skidded into my room and started the shower. I did a quick shampoo and conditioner and jumped back out. Shaving had to be done unless I wanted to commit myself to a peach fuzz beard, which I wasn't quite ready to do yet. I used the shaving kit I had brought from home-my father had given it to me on my fourteenth birthday. There hadn't been much to shave at the time, but it was a beautiful, hand-carved wooden handled razor, and I still used it. So, I shaved, gelled my hair, and picked out a conservative but hip slacks and tie outfit for the meeting.

I got dressed, and was about to tie my tie when I saw Kevin come up behind me in the mirror and put his arms around my shoulders. "Let me do that." I nodded, and he proceeded to tie it with ease and skill. When he finished smoothing it out, he twirled me around and kissed me lightly. "Come on, we've got just enough time to get there early."

I followed him out to the car as he handed me a granola bar and thermos of coffee. Always thoughtful. I could have swooned right there, but instead he instructed me to use my seat belt and then zoomed off to I-4. We were there in a few minutes, and Kev parked in the underground garage.

On the way up in the elevator, Kevin squeezed my hand and sighed. He saw my furrowed brow. "Don't worry. You'll be great. You are great."

I tried a wan smile and said, "I'm just nervous."

"Its all right. I love you."

"Love you too." Kevin rubbed the small of my back as we approached management's floor. We moved apart as the doors opened and made our way down the hallway. The door to Sean's, an assistant, office was open, so Kevin knocked on the door frame. Sean looked up and said, "Come on in."

"Hi Sean," Kevin said, shaking his hand. "This is my friend, Adam-the one who's coordinating Howie's party."

"Nice to meet you." Sean didn't smile and I got uneasy. He motioned for Kevin to come over and they chatted in the corner for a moment.

Kevin returned and said to me softly, "They want you alone. You'll be good-"

"What?" I grabbed his arm.

"Don't worry, I'll be back in an hour. Okay?" I nodded and he left.

Sean motioned for me to sit, as he closed the door. He smiled and said, "Mr. Miller, first we'll talk about the party plans."

"First?" I asked.

"Well, yes, we have some other matters to speak about as well, but after I see the plans."

"O-kay," I said and pulled out my portfolio of invoices and brochures. I spent the next forty minutes explaining every single detail, without any kind of participation from Sean. He merely stared blankly. I really got the feeling he didn't care but it was a prerequisite for whatever he was going to say later.

Finally, I finished. Sean sighed loudly. "Now, let's get down to business."


"Well, my bosses have expressed a need for you and your friend Zach to be detached from the general Backstreet Boy image," he said, straightening his glasses.

"What does that exactly mean?" I asked, getting upset.

"Well, we're prepared to compensate you for distancing yourself from the group."

I started to slit my eyes. "I don't need money. I don't understand. What's going on?" My voice cracked.

"Well, Mr. Miller, first there was the tabloid story, which you must admit, was a fiasco. Now, you felt the need to start a smear campaign of the reporter who did it. Do you realize that by responding to Mr. Amsco's attack, you have only given it credence?"

"No, I will not admit that, and I do not agree. So how long a separation are we talking?"

"Well, after the party, we expect you to leave-go home, France, wherever you want, but your presence is only damaging to the band. Basically, we would like you to never contact any member of the Backstreet Boy for the duration of their careers."

"What?!?" I got mad and stood up.

"You're a trouble maker. Your miscalculations of what is appropriate behavior could cost the group its success. Surely, if you care about any of them, you'll leave."

"And if I don't?"

"Well, simply, we'll have to arrest you. We can charge you with several things-trespassing, for being in the group compound, any variety of petty crimes. But, the point is, is that really what you want? Hopefully, you'll just take my advice and disappear-before the party."

"I'm sorry, but I can't entertain that decision."

"Well, we'll give until Monday night to clear the premises. After that, we'll call the police."

"You've got to be kidding."

"I kid you not, Mr. Miller."

I turned and left in rage.

Next: Chapter 14: Adam Zach and Bsb 31 33

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