Addlestone Boys

By G Cutter (Gary Cutter, GCutter66)

Published on Aug 9, 2007


WARNING: This story is homoerotic in content. This means that it may and probably will involve male on male sex of various ages. If this sort of thing offends you then what the hell are you doing reading Nifty/Gay. Also note that my characters do not wear condoms and that is because they are FICTIONAL. You must be above the Age of Consent in your particular area of the planet to read this sort of stuff and you should NEVER allow minors access but you knew that anyway.

These are stories of youth and boys and once again they are FICTIONAL.

Another point: I like to write on behalf of the boys but you must realise if they sound a bit smartarse and over world weary at times that is me coming through. If they sound as thick as a plank... that's them.

Finally: Enjoy. If you have spare please donate a little cash to NIFTY. Keep NIFTY free and keep NIFTY alive.


10 - The Fostering (1)


G. Cutter

Hi, this is Peter... you know, Jake's pal and I'm taking over the storyline for a chapter or two. I want to introduce my younger brother, Nathan. At this stage you're probably thinking (if you follow the story)... hang about, there's been no mention of a brother and that is true. This one is about how I 'gained' a brother, how we got to be good friends as well as brothers and how he started to get involved in our little group. Sit down and relax, it is a long one and for those of you who like boy sex on every page, sorry, this one isn't for you.


'Whew, thank Gawd for that.' I went into my room and closed the door on the parents and the outside world. I'd just been subjected to an hour's lecture on how to behave to our new guest when he arrrived. Be polite, treat him according to his age, make him feel at home and all the rest of it. The trouble was I was the only one who hadn't seen him. My parents were fostering which explains this little shambles of a preamble by the way.

I knew that they couldn't breed any more kids, I was the last of the line in a manner of speaking. I think it was a medical thing between them, I didn't actually know the ins and outs, parents don't normall discuss their sexual or plumbing problems with their offspring. For some reason they'd decided that I should have a brother and that it would be Christian to take a kid out of 'care' as they call it in this country. I couldn't fault their reasoning or their charity for that matter it was that I just didn't feel that I needed a brother. I had loads of mates at school, I belonged to the local Swimming Club. Jeez, I even had a sixteen year old boy lover now if that isn't adjusted I'd like to know what is. I had sympathetic pals living around the corner so myself and Mr Sixteen Year Old could get it on whenever we liked. I was reasonably happy for a fourteen year old and I didn't really want an eleven year old brother who as sure as hell I'd have to take under my wing. In fact, I sussed out that he'd probably severely cramp my love life even my social life.

Laying on my bed I supposed it would be short term. Once he'd collected a gaggle of similar aged mates and that was presuming he stayed, he would be out of my hair but that could take forever, foster kids were supposed to be hard to get on with if not anti social in spite of my mum and dad declaring the kid they'd chosen as an 'angel'. Jeez, just what I needed to share a room with and that was another bloody thing... Anyway, I won't rant on as much as I'd like to. He arrived on a two week stay tomorrow as a bit of a trial and I think the Agency were more concerned how he would get on with me as my parents were over the moon with the brat. All I'd seen was a photo so far and he looked a little girly but OK, I think all elevens coming on twelve look a bit bisexual but that's probably my mate Jake rubbing off a bit. He's a weirdo, has a view on everything from the War in Iraq to the North Sea Fishing Policy and for Christ's sake don't start him on about the Global Warming thing. He watches so many gloom and doom films I think he's just praying for the end of the world so he can have some fun... did I say he was a nutcase and a bit on the gay side like myself. Well, we've done it together, put it that way.

This kid's name was Nathan by the way which struck me as being most un -English but my dad had told me Nathaniel was an old English name and Nathan was only the modern variant whatever that meant. He was more interested in me sharing my goodies and getting on with the kid. I suspected that the whole fostering thing was my mother's idea, she probably thought two house elves could achieve more than one, I hope the kid liked window cleaning and digging the garden which seemed to be my main Saturday morning thing. Still, as long as the little prick didn't get more Friday night pocket money than myself he might survive.

I got my little TV going and settled there with the earphones on... Jesus, that was another thing, how the hell did you rig two earphones to one TV. The problems seemed to go on and on. I gave the brand new bunkbed the glance of death, I suppose that was the regular wank out of the window as well. The parents were rabbiting on about adjusting their lifestyle, how about mine? At least we had our own shower and toilet next door and mum and dad had their own and dad had promised to put a direct access door in for me but I'd believe that when I saw it, it took him three years to put the bloody shower in.

I was going to wander around and see Jake for a bit of tea and sympathy but it was too late and I just hadn't got the energy, the next time I'd see any of my little Club I'd have the Nathan kid in tow and would have to be ultra cautious. Mind you, the more I thought about him the more interesting he became. I know he was a kid, eleven nearing twelve as I understood it and surely at his orphanage or whatever they called the place there must be something going on. Did they sleep in dormitories, share rooms or what the hell... I had no idea.

In the end I went down for my late night cocoa and biccies and had a bit of a natter to the oldies and headed for bed. I was intructed to be neat and tidy and on my best behaviour tomorrow, Jeez, just like joining the Army or something decidedly unkewl.

Funnily enough I dreamt of this kid and of course, in my dream he was a little raver and we had sex. I woke up in the middle of the night with a stalk on and had to pleasusre myself as they say and I didn't visualise Jake or Andy as I normally do, I fixated on the snapshot of Nathan and that only featured his head and shoulders, now how sad is that. He was a beautiful boy all the same and I rolled over and went to sleep again a bit sticky but really looking forward to the day ahead.

Around half seven I got everything except the trumpets and ship's bell clanging. Mum was in hoover mode and dad was doing breakfast which is a receipe for disaster. My dad can shamble up wheaties and fruit juice, believe it. Anyway, by nine o'clcock we were all perched in our Sunday best like the bloody Munsters awaiting the arrival of our little guest. Nathan the Noshable I'd christened him without an evil thought in my little head... right, go for it. Promptly at nine o'clcock a car drove up and stopped right behind my dad's van and mum was up at the window.

'It's them, it's them,' she twittered like a demented canary. Dad and myself did the manly bit and looked supportive but bored. (you like that bit?)

Mrs Smythe hypen Somebloodything waltzed in as she normally did with what seemed to be a scruffy little angel in tow and he was smaller than I expected and he also looked on the verge of bursting into tears. My heart went out to him apart from my dick doing a twitch and I wondered how many times he'd gone through this sort of thing before. Smythe hyphen blah blah did the introductions although the kid had met with my parents before. I suppose the orphanage was a bit like a Pet Store, you went along the cages and pointed at what you fancied, anyway, we had Nathan and he was perched up at the table and got a lecture. Poor sod, he had to do this and that and not to do this and the other, as I've said my heart went out to him, I was on the verge of crying myself. This Smyth bird was talking about him as if he wasn't there, I could see my dad was getting a bit irate and good for him.

'Why don't you take Nathan upstairs and show him your room whilst we chat,' my dad finally got a word in edgeways.

'But...' Smythe Thingy wittered.

'The boys don't need to listen to this...' He looked at me and smirked. He was about to add 'shit' on the end and he knew that I knew. Like father, like son.

'Come on Nathan, bring your bag,' I stood up and gave the boy the best welcoming grin I could manage and I saw my mum and dad relax. I suppose I was their biggest hurdle, wait until they had to feed and clothe the 'second son'. Mind you he could have my knackered old gear, that would save a few bob. 'Come on, kid,' I gave a nod with my head and Nathan obediently grabbed his bag and looked at the Smyth thing.

'Go with... er,' she said. Useless cow was sorting out families and she couldn't even remember the Main Man's name.

'Peter,' I reminded her and tromped up the stairs with Nathan in close pursuit, with a bit of luck he was oggling my tight little arse but it was early days yet, we had two weeks to get to know each other better.

'Here we are,' I ushered him into my room and he shyly slid in and hovered by the door. 'Our room,' I announced grandly. 'Our private shower and toilet next door and a bathroom down the hall a bit if you wanna bath.'

'I wanna pee,' he mumbled.

'Do it, be brave,' I grinned. 'Next door,' I reminded him. At least we were speaking. I opened the window and let some air in, I had tidied up so I was quite pleased with myself, the place looked slightly untidy but that's a boy's room, at least it wasn't a disaster area as it normally was. He came back and did his hovering bit until I coaxed hin to sit in my small armchair and I flopped onto the bottom bunk. 'Well here we are,' I said a bit stupidly trying to think of something to say.

'Yeah, great,' he looked around the room without smiling. 'I'm very grateful for the stay,' he spoke very formally like he'd been tutored and maybe he had.

'You're welcome,' I risked a bit of blunt. 'You need a home and family and my parents want another boy, so here we are.'

'What about you?' That one came back real quick.

'I said you're welcome, Nathan. That goes for me as well. I'm looking for a kid brother to beat up and you could be the one.' I did say I was being blunt.

'Great,' he finally grinned and he changed. I mean, when he smiled he was absolutely beautiful. I was head over heels in love like a right soppy prat. This could be the first steps on the path of brotherly love, dunno if it counts with a foster brother but I'm getting ahead of the game. He'd barely got his feet inside the door and I was thinking of invading his little knickers.

'How many times have you... er, sorta..?' I tailed off I didn't know what the expression was.

'Been farmed out?' He supplied. 'Three,' he continued and ticked them off on his fingers. 'One with a sister and that didn't work out. One with a kid about your age who wanted a punchbag and one other.'

'So, here we are?'


'You'l be alright here,' I assured him then gave myself an internal kicking. It wasn't upto me at all, it was down to my parents and I suppose the Agency. Of course, it was also upto the boy maybe the one who got forgotten in the wash sometimes.

'What happens now?'

'Nothing much,' I looked at him again, in fact, it was hard to keep my eyes off him, I'd have to watch it with mum and dad, me walking around getting all pervy with a prospective kid brother wouldn't be appreciated. 'We can go out for a walk if you like, let the big people do their business.'

'Upto you.'

That was it away we went. By the time we got downstairs the Wicked Witch had departed and mum and dad were busying themselves with lunch, it looked like young Nathan was getting the star treatment. We never did a lunch in the week, it was always an evening meal.

'I was going to take Nathan out, maybe have a mooch down the High Street.'

'Millets no doubt,' my mum smiled. 'Be back in an hour for lunch. Don't let him boss you about,' she added to Nathan. That was it, we were off, I was going to show my new toy to Mick and maybe Jake if he was there. Andy was safely away on holiday with his parents. He had been going to stay at home until he found they were going to one of the Greek islands and he was paid in so the main man in my life was away and I felt quite pleased in a guilty sort of way. I had plus Nathan for a fortnight and a minus Andy for about ten days of it, serendipity I think they call it.

Nathan had baggy cargo shorts on and his smooth legs even got me going, it was hell trying not to drop behind and study his bum but I suffered in silence. His bare arms would have to do, he had a short sleeved vest thing on that displayed his smooth arms and beautiful swanlike neck (Jeez, I make him sound like a giraffe). Lovely pudding basin type haircut probably styled a Shambles One at the foster home or the bloody orphanage. His eyes, a mix of grey and blue, so like a summer sea I could have swum in then and drown quite happily, he was a wonderful boy, how the hell had no one fostered or adopted him before now... perhaps he was baby werewolf, time would tell. I'd have to sort out all that later on when we were alone... grrrr.

Of course I took him to Millets just to show off but he had to meet my mates and sooner was better than later that they knew I had a little brother on trial so it shouldn't be too hard as long as they didn't say anything to OTT. It was more or less the middle of the morning and the shop was quiet, Mick and I was glad to see Jake were up the end nattering away and I hustled Nathan up for intros . Mick was pleasant and polite, Jake was pleasant and drooling as soon as he saw the kid, talk about a fox sussing out a plump little chicken, he was virtually dribbling. I didn't know that Jake went for eleven year olds but I knew now, I'd have to guard my new kid brother with my life until we knew each other a bit better.

'Swimming meeting tonight,' Jake reminded me. 'Bringing Nathan?'

'Dunno,' I looked at my lust. 'Do you like swimming, Nathan?'

'Yeah... I love it,' he gave us a sunny smile.

'Good, I'll ask mum in that case,' I gave my chums a cheery wave and we back on our way home for lunch. That was the evening's entertainment fixed as long as the 'rents were OK and they should be. Nathan was supposed to be fitting in with us not the other way around, I just hoped he could get changed without tripping over all the eyeballs laying on the floor but that was for later.

'I like swimming,' he said on the walk back home. 'We don't get much change at the Home, the nearest pool's miles away.'

'Well, ours is a fair distance but Mick'll give us a lift up.'

'What? That manager guy?'

'Yeah, he's the Club Secretary.'


It was a bit of a circus in a way, as I've said we never have 'lunch' on a weekday, in fact, the term is never used in our house. We have dinners and a dinner can be at midday or at midnight, all it indicates is the main meal of the day but that comes of being non aristocratic I suppose. How many schools have school lunches, come on, they have school dinners... always have, always will. Another one whilst I'm having a rant... ever heard of school lunch ladies, of course you bloody well haven't. Anyway, now I've got that out of the system we trolled indoors and there was the table all set up and mum had actually done a real cooked meal and I don't mean spagetti and meat balls, I mean a roast, veg and Yorkshire pudding. I needed a foster brother about once a week to get a decent meal. My dad glanced at me and I just prayed he wasn't going to say grace of something equally naff.

Unfortunately my mum decided to spoil it all.

'I don't do this every day of the week...'

'Or every week,' my dad chipped in.

'This is a welcome lunch, Nathan. Just a little thing to show you how glad we are to have you here.' she sat down and I'm sure she had a little bitty tear in her eye. Perhaps she did want another boy to mother and smother after all, she'd obviously given up with me.

'Thank you,' Nathan mumbled turning a bright red and sat down alongside me.

'The lads have invited Nathan to go up the Club tonight,' I announced.

'Very good of them,' my mother actually smiled. 'Be home by ten, no slinking around Mick's drinking.'

I don't know where she got the drinking bit but it was better to let it go, the truth was far worse.

After lunch I roped Nathan in to help with the washing up and I think he appreciated it in a funny way, mum might want to treat him like cut glass but dad and I operated on a different wavelength. We had a little chat early afternoon about mundane things like laundry, house rules and the most important one of Stalag Mum... and that was work for pocket money. Both my mum and dad thought that pocket money should be earned thus my manual labour on a Saturday morning; gardening, window cleaning, you name it and Nathan surprisingly seemed to accept it all with good grace. He was probably a bit befuddled to be getting pocket money at all.

After the dust settled and we'd all had a good natter Nathan opened up a bit and seemed to relax. He was told that he was home and that he was to feel at home or get shot. That gave him the giggles (very attractive giggles I might add) but he got the message. I took him over the park in the afternoon just for a wander about and meet a few schoolmates, my more 'normal. mates you might say.

We trailed home around six for a bit of tea and strict instructions to get showered up and be ready for Mick at seven, he'd already phoned and promised the pickup. My mind was on the shower more than anything, I'd get to see little Nathan naked if I played my cards right. Pity it wasn't Mick's with the little bathrooms en suite or whatever he called it, we could have shared. Whew... sorry, I had to pause to mop up dribble there.

'Come on, Nath. Hubba hubba,' I'd gotten him back in my room and led by example. 'Quicky shower.'

'I haven't got a swimming costume,' he whined.

'No probs,' I hooked open my drawer and pointed out my collection of speedos ranging from age sizes 2 and a bit to 13. 'Take your pick but then shower. I'm first,' I added just to let him know there was a pecking order and that I got first dibs. You can't let love rule your life after all.

'OK, cheers,' he gave me that lovely chirpy grin of his and started to rake through my old cossies keeping an eye on me. He wanted a striptease and so be it. I got naked in two minutes flat. You know, I was setting a precedence here, I was trying to put across that brothers being naked in the privacy of their own room was no big deal. Whether it worked or not is another thing. I wandered around in the buff for a few minutes letting him have a good viewing and he did, I clocked that, his little blue eyes were on me all the time and when I put my towel on and made for the shower I had something to think about. He wasn't backwards in oggling, that was for sure.

I had the quickest of showers as time was against us and when I went back into the room he was standing there in a pair of tatty ol' boxers and was holding a towel. Defeated there but he had to get them off sooner or later. 'OK, now?' he smiled at me and hungrily surveyed my damp body as I dropped my towel and started to dry off (I made up the 'hungrily' by the way).

'Yeah, go on, they'e be here soon.'

He was in and out in five minutes and this time he had to be naked surely. Jackpot. He modestly dropped his towel and I saw him in all his juvenile glory for the first time. He was brown or well suntanned I should say which I'd forgotten to mention, he had a nice tan but his middle was pure white and you could see the clear outline of his underwear, he'd clearly spent some time out in the sun and the results were staggering. He was bloody incredibly beautiful (have I said that?). Sweet pure white bottom so white it looked like marble and a cute little willy which had to grow into something, he was nearly twelve after all. I couldn't see any pubes but then again I wasn't actually all that close.

'You're staring,' he frowned and started to struggle into his boxers.

'Put the swimmers on, it saves changing down there,' I ignored his remark pulling my own swimmers up my legs giving him a good look at my nuts and dicky getting mangled in the process.

'Right, Batman,' he laughed tinkling chimes of pure melody (Jeez) and dropped his towel and struggled into a pair of my oldies. God, he was so slim and trim, so sunburnt and so absolutely munchable. I could have licked him to death but mum would have got the hump. I think geting matey with the foster bro was OK but mating... maybe not.

At last we were ready and I proudly trooped my new protege downstairs. Mum and dad were on parade and both looked pleased with the way things were going.

'Don't be late,' my mum warned.

'Have fun, boys,' my dad provided showing the slight difference between them but just at that moment I heard Mick's double hoot out in the street, we were off. All I hoped and desired for the evening was that no one made any overtly camp remarks and that no one made a move on my Nathan, especially that doggy boy Jake.

'We will. Come on Nathan,' I gently placed my hand on his shoulder and guided him out of the door. We was off.

That was the night that settled it more or less although I didn't know at the time. My dad told me later that he sat down with my mum and that they decided there and then Nathan was staying, this depend very much on Nathan but as far as they were concerned it was all over. Their main concern was how was he going to get on with me and that problem seemed to be working out OK. It was early days but things were looking good. He looked to be a clean kid, he seemed to be reasonably bright (I don't know how they knew that but they had his educational records it seemed). He was also cheerful and not the dowcast muppet they were expecting and finally he was polite and seemed to fit in. I would have said it was a bit early for heavy decisions like that but they were the bosses in a manner of speaking and who was I to object. Anyway, I found all this out much later so back to our first evenings swimming.

We piled in the back of Mick's old Volvo and we were off. The Swimming Hall wasn't a thousand miles away but it was a long walk. When we got there the lads were already in and splashing around. The first thing we found out was that our Team Coach had a bug and wouldn't be there so it was going to be more of a bugger about than a serious training session. With the holidays on us a lot of guys were missing and I think we were down to around a dozen. We got changed and then into the water and this included Mick although I think he only did it for the shower sharing at the end of it. Much to my surprise Nathan was like a fish in the water, maybe not upto team standard on style and speed but he held his own and was soon involved with the younger ones much to my annoyance but he made his way back to me spluttering and puffing.

'This is great,' he beamed at me and gave me a slightly nervous splash. You know, the one which was a dare I? daren't I? I reassured him and dropped down between his legs upending him and that was it. It finished up with one of those knights on horses, now if you don't know this one, it's probably down to the translation. One smaller kid on a bigger ones shoulders and it's just a straightforward splash about and wrestle, everyone trying to dunk everyone else. Nathan was my knight and I spent around half an hour with his little squashy dick pressed on my neck and his smooth legs clamped around my body. Glorious, Wunderbar and all the rest of it but too soon it was all over.

The next event was the showers and Nathan after a little bit of initial shyness handled it OK, I suppose it helped that there were a couple of other eleven year olds there as well and that Mick was the oldest... there were no real adults there (sorry for that one, Mick). I did notice Jake giving my boy a good ol' once over but then again Jake would and I didn't begrudge him, Nathan was worth a good oggle.

We were back well in time and after promising to take Nathan around tomorrow to visit Jake on his home turf we were indoors and booked indoors by the required time. Ten out of ten for keeping the mum person happy. I don't know how Nathan felt but he looked tired, I suppose the day had been super exciting for him and stressful in a way. He'd come to us blind and we were pretty muchh the same, we were all feeling our way and I for one thought the first day had gone well. How the first night was going to go was anyone's business, I was just determined to stay laid back and behave myself.

After our bedtime snack and a rather dopey lecture from dad we were on our own secure in the knowledge there was now a revised bedtime of eleven for the holiday and complete lights out for midnight. No TV or music after eleven unless approved by the Camp Commander... well, we knew where we stood at least.

'I'm worn out,' Nathan fell onto my old bean bag and sprawled looking up at me. 'I liked today... thanks.'

OK, simple but adequate.

'You're welcome, bro,' I flopped on my bed looking at him in his evening wear of faded blue jeans and a pretty awful t-shirt, probably an Oxfam reject by the look of it. 'We get up around eight during the holidays, seven in school term.'

'Am I going to be here in the school term?' He looked at me and I hurt for him, I couldn't answer the question.

'Do you want to be?'

'I think so,' he looked at me quite seriously. 'Do you like me?'

Jeez, what a question.

'Yeah, I do.' I tugged my sweatshirt off over my head and lay there barechested. 'Little kid brother Nathan... sounds good.'

'Great,' he giggled. Ah, the sweet sound of a happy boy, Jeez, I'd gone, I was in love... whatta prat. I was supposed to be betrothed to Andy as Jake would say and I'd bloody forgotten what my lover looked like, all I could see was Nathan's naked and sunburned body wet and slippery in that bloody shower-room an hour or so ago. His tight little bottom and his shrunken jiggling little willy which I'm sure would get larger with some oral TLC... Fuck it, I was springing a hardon, I held my sweatshirt in my lap covering myself.

'Bedtime,' I reminded him.

'Yeah,' he didn't move so I led by example as a good older brother should do. I stripped off now quite confidently, what with the earlier nudity I knew that wasn't going to be a thing between us, thank God. I clambered into the woolly sleeping shorts I wore and slipped into bed.

'You get to turn out the light, pal.'

'Oh,' he looked surprised for a minute as well he should, the little toe rag had been blatantly oggling me not that I minded too much. He stripped right down to his baggy boxers and then estimating the range of the bunks from the light switch made his move. The room darkened and he stumbled across the room and to my surprise sat on the edge of the bottom bunk, my bunk. 'Can I come in for a minute?'

Shocked, of course I was shocked. For once I was speechless. 'Yeah,' I croaked or was it a squeak?

He slipped in and I felt his warm body inches away.

'Thanks for today,' he whispered. 'I like your mum and dad and thanks for taking me swimming and to meet your pals....' he tailed off.

'My pleasure, Nathan.' I exercised iron self control, I so wanted to hug him, to cuddle him but I didn't. I just lay there like a dummy. 'It was great having you here, we'll have fun.'

'Good,' he sniggered and then shock and horror. I felt his warm lips on my shoulder and then he kissed me on the same shoulder, a second later he slipped from the bed with a little giggle and clambered up the little steps. Jeeeezus... I had things to think about.

'Good night, Pete.'

'Night, Nathan.'

I suppose I don't need to say I took a long time getting to sleep. I had the hots for Nathan and that was the bottom line but the problems were endless. he was only here for a fortnight... maybe. He was two years younger than I was. Nudity, no probs. He actually slipped into bed with me and he'd kissed me. OK, all a bit disjointed and a lot of facts for my tiny mind to absorb. Of course, there was another aspect and raised even more questions. What were his other fosterings really like, what did he get upto in his home base whatever it was called. Room mates, pre teen sex fumbles, etc. etc. There was an awful lot for me to find out about this kid the one thing that remained with me was that he'd just slipped into bed with me almost casually and kissed me just as casually. Sleep eventually came and my poor old worn out brain shut down for the night.

The next morning he was up before me and in and out of our little bathroom in a flash. I made him change his t-shirt and showed him our laundry basked and that was the bread and butter stuff. A clean t-shirt each day was my mum's golden rule and he'd obey as well as I, by the end of the holiday that rule would go by the board but it was early days yet. I'd allocated him cupboard space so I watched as he unpacked properly wondering if I could nick a pair of his tiny y-fronts or baggy boxers for sniffing purposes but decided against it, let them get a bit grubby and smelly first. Let 'em get a bit ripe.

Mum did breakfast but over the course of his fortnight that would lapse and I'd be looking after him, I knew that and I didn't mind.

In the end I took him around Jake's or more properly Mick's house. Mick would be at work but I was almost certain Jake would be lurking, I can read that skinny lady like a dirty magazine.

'Well, hello, Pierre and the delicious Nathan,' he camped as he opened the door and I cringed. He'd bloody started already.

'Hi,' I gave him a warning frown and Nathan looked at him like he was from outer space.

'Come in, let's have a Coke and flop in the garden,' Jake went on totally unconcerned and led off through the house. Nathan and I followed on, I moticed that Jake had on a pair of Bermudas that just about hung on his narrow hips really displaying his tight little brown bum If I'd have been by myself we'd have been diverting to the bedroom but today was Nathan's day. Caution, ultra caution and even more caution was my watchword. I didn't want him getting the slightest suggestion that I was gay or that my friends were also gay, I didn't want him grabbing his bags and making off for his main base. I'd heard he'd done that on his third fostering and that was something else I needed to investigate. Some bloody holiday this was going to be.

We sat out in the garden in the sun, both Nathan and myself stripped down to our shorts and soaked up a few cancer rays. Jake babbled on about his new mate, a sixteen year old who was involved in landscaping or grasscutting. I could see another love job occuring and hoped the mutt wasn't so obvious to Nathan, then again Nathan didn't know Jake personally and I presumed he was an 'innocent' as well. If he wasn't, he bloody well should be at his age.

''Has he stopped over yet?' I asked Jake hoping that he could read between the lines.

'Oh, yeah, he gets on OK with Mick as well,' he replied and gave me one of his grins. 'We had that Ian from the Club over the other day, he slept over as well.' He looked at me and raised an eyebrow. The translation of all that was that he and Zander had got it on and probably Mick had got his share as well. Ian was a new one on me, I knew the guy but not up close as it were. The circle seemed to be expanding and it seemed a good idea to take a back seat and concentrate on Nathan. There was enough of them now to party without me and if Andy got the hump then so be it. Actually Andy and Ian would make a good little team, I know Mick liked dabbling and not really taking on a long term partner with the exception of Jake. All a bit confusing but gays are supposed to be amoral, aren't they? We had the two outsiders as well hovering in the wings, young Bill and Ben, now they would be a good pair to get involved in the Nathan thing, younger and not so blatant as Jake. I was getting a headache again, probably thinking too much.

'We can have a wander over the Park this afternoon,' I spoke to Nathan. 'There's a paddling splosh around place at the far end.'

'Hey, that's an idea,' Jake looked up and it seemed I wasn't going to get much solo time with Nathan. 'Shit, I said I'd help Mick out in the shop this afternoon.'

'No matter,' I breathed a sigh of relief. Poor old Nathan sat there like he was watching tennis as the chat flowed between us both. Poor little sod probably felt out of it a bit these things take a bit of time. 'You alright, Nathan?'

'Yeah, fine,' he gave me his urchin type grin. 'Just relaxing.'

'How many times have you done this fostering thingy?' Jake asked with complete lack of tact as usual.

'This is the fourth,' Nathan looked at me and grinned. He was clearly keen to tell his little stories so why not.

'Tell us about the others,' I lay back to listen. I was playing detective really, I just wanted to see if his stories matched up with the previous days. Well, of course they did and again the third fostering got a miss.

'So, what happened with the last one?' Jake had to ask, he was like a dog with a bone, he worried at things.

'I don't talk about that one,' Nathan frowned.

'Why not?'

'Because I don't want too,' Nathan gave a stubborn look and I gave Jake a nod to leave it alone. I'd find out in due course. We wandered around home just to catch a snack and tell mum we were going on a nature trip. We spent a great afternoon together, I know he was a lot younger than myself but he was one of these competitive types, everything I did he wanted to do better... as I said great fun. We rolled home late and got a rather frosty reception but mum thawed after a bit, she normally does. Her bark is far worse than her bite. A lot of my mates think I go through hell but it's not like that at all. My mum just isn't the lovey dovey type which is a thing I'd best explain to Nathan. It wasn't that she wasn't loving, she just didn't show it. We were instructed to bath this time rather than shower, mum had the idea that baths cleaned you and showers just tidied you up, weird.

'You go first,' I instructed Nathan.

'Share the damn bathroom,' mum snapped. 'Dad'll be in for supper in half an hour. You can share a bath surely, you're both tiddlers.' That was it, music to my ears although I had to explain to Natham upstairs a tiddler was a tiny fish as he thought it was someone who peed themselves.

He was as active in the bath as he had been out on the parkland and I got a chance at last to play with his body in the most decent of ways. It was a watershed (I think that's the word anyway). I sprung a stiffy, it had to happen and Nathan just laughed as his little peg was sticking straight out and it was a nice one, better than I'd expected, a goodly three inches of twitching boy meat. I was so tempted but the whole thing degenerated into a giggle fest and dad rolled up in the middle and shouted to us to get a move on.

We dried up and had our evening meal, got the cross examination of course but all went well and I think the 'rents were pretty well pleased that Nathan was causing so little trouble. I don't know what they'd been expecting but a normal lively eleven year old coming on twelve wasn't it, maybe they'd been expecting some sort of monster.

We sat down with them and watched some soap but I could see that Nathan was as disinterested as I was and we eventually made our way up to our room to do some music. He flopped onto my old beanbag which he seemed to have claimed and I sprawled in my clapped out little armchair.

'That Zander, the one Jake was on about?'


'Is it a boy or a girl? I couldn't make it out,' He looked genuinely puzzled.

'A boy,' I laughed. 'He's a labourer, a landscaper.'

'The way Jake was talking, he made him sound like a girlfriend.'

'That's Jake,' I grinned. 'He overdoes the ol' Carry On campery a bit too much at times.'

'You're right there,' Nathan grinned and started sorting through my music CDs. 'He's nice though, Jake I mean,' he gave me a little sly look. 'Known him long?'



'What's the score with this third fostering?' I asked.

'Toldya, I don't want to talk about it,' he stared at a CD cover.

'Brothers discuss everything,' I said mildly.

'We brothers then?' He looked at me with a big grin.

'Soon, I hope... foster brothers anyway.'

'OK, then,' he shuffled the bean bag closer and snuggled aginst my legs, automatically I ruffled his thick hair like a right ol' pervo but I was past caring. I stroked his smooth downy cheek with one finger and he froze for a moment and then relaxed. 'He was a bit older than you and he wanted to fuck me,' he mumbled and dropped his head. His ears were bright red and he must have been doing a super blush. 'I did a runner back to the home.'

'Did you get into trouble?'

'A bit but they asked me loads of questions. I didn't tell them but I think they must have sussed it out. They were alright after that.'

Whew, that was bad news. I thought he might have been a bit pliable as boys are at his age but he was a raving hetero. Shock and horror especially as I thought we'd been on the right track after the bath and the previous eveing's kiss.

'Never mind, nobody here going to make you do something you don't want to.'

He looked up and grinned. 'He was so fugly, you ain't.'

'What's fugly.' Yeah, well I walked right into that one.

'Effin' ugly,' he stood up and with a giggle kissed my ear and shot over and leapt onto my bunk. I couldn't let that go I raced after him and grabbing him got my hands inside his t-shirt and gave him the tickle treatment until he was totally helpless with laughter. Gave me a good chance to grab a good feel as well although I avoided his dicklet and his bottom.

'Keep the noise down.' My dad's bellow came from downstairs and we hushed just laying there in a virtual embrace - now there's a phrase but we were virtually cuddling and in the end we did. we just lay there with the evening sunlight streaming in the window and held each other loosely, nothing dramatic but a first.

'You should have kicked him in the nuts.'

'He was a bloody big one,' Nathan grinned at me and rubbed up against me. 'Not a blondy midget like you.'

'Sod off, you just said I wasn't fugly.'

'You're not, you're dishy,' he loked at me for a moment and I could see a tide of red creep over his face. 'Sorry,' he mumbled and buried his face in my chest.

'Don't be,' I hugged him and to my horror I could feel my penis getting harder. I couldn't control it at least not with this beautiful boy in my arms, I had no chance. To make matters worse he rolled on top of me and squirmed against me like a little puppy. I knew it was a bad thing to do and I shouldn't have done it but my lust took over. I put my arms around him and clasped his exquisite bubble butt pulling us closer together.

'That's nice, Peter,' he breathed and his smooth cheek rubbed against mine. 'I do like you, you know.'

'I like you as well, Nathan.'

'Goody, then you won't mind if I do this,' he raised his head looked at me long and hard with his grey blue eyes and tilting his head kissed me fully on the lips. Nothing sexual, just a brotherly kiss... yeah, right.

'Not at all,' I croaked and kissed him back, the same sort of thing you understand, I was satisfied, I wasn't rushing this. I don't know if Nathan was starved of affection or if he liked me 'that way' but for the moment cool was the password. Anyway, I was still fondling his sweet bottom and he wasn't pulling away.

'What music do you like?' He wriggled against me and grinned. 'Mr Stiffy.'

'Anything you like,' I croaked.

'Dido,' he pulled away. 'Eminem, Coldplay... all the droopy stuff.'

'Whatever,' I didn't care. I was in love.

He settled for Dido which I find easy listnening but not to be listened to if depressed, it could hasten suicide. He got back onto his beanbag and rested against my legs. I just played with his scruffy hair and chilled, I don't like American but some words work and chill, chill out, chilled, whatever do work well.

'I like it here,' he spoke at last. 'You'r mum and dad are so laid back...'

'A bit quieter than that hostel of yours.'

'Hostel?' He laughed. 'They call it a Home and that's a joke.' he looked up at me. 'Your mum actually knocked on the door before she stuck her head in last night, they don't do that at the Home, they just walk in and out as they like.'

'Could be embarassing for the teenies.'

'Can be embarassing for the sub teenies,' he giggled.

'Why? What could you possibly be doing,' I leant down and brushed his ear with my lips. I then took a chance and just gave it a little lap and a kiss. Well, why not but anything which might have developed from there was put on hold.

'Boys...' My father's shout from downstairs. It was cocoa and biscuits time, our family 'banish the boy to bed' time, now it was boys in the plural but I liked it. I suppose it was old fashioned but we as a family had been at it for years and even if I was in the shit or grounded the cocoa and biscuits bit survived. We sat down in the kitchen both bare chested and that gave mum the chance to fuss over us both and I could see that she was really taken with Nathan. That was good, the next big shopping trip he was the front runner, which was one benefit of having a kid brother.

I think Nathan was surprised to get a good night kiss from both mum and dad but I still got one from mum and a slap on the bum from dad or maybe a ruffle of the hair, there was always some touchy feely. Just another family thing and Nathan accepted it, Mum's kiss on the cheek and dad's on the top of his head. He didn't know where I'd like to kiss him but tonight maybe the night.

Once back in the room we settled down for the night, we were running a bit late so watched a bit of TV with the sound down umntil we heard the 'rents going to their room and then final good nights and we were on our own.

'Hi, ho, I'm hitting the sack.'

'Do I get to turn out the lights again,' Nathan grinned from his beanbag and I noticed that he had the front of his jeans undone exposing the gentle round of his smooth belly.

'Yeah,' I croaked. I was sorely tempted to ask him to slip in with me like last night but I just didn't dare. After what he'd said after fostering number three, I was a bit on edge, any move I made other than a cuddle maybe a move too many.

I slipped into my sleepers again and slid into my bed. Nathan did exactly as he'd done the previous night, he stripped to his briefs this time and went over and switched off the light. He seemed to linger by the side of the bed for a while and then sat on the bed, this time the room was darker and all I could see was his dark shape by my side.

'Can I slip in?' He whispered. I grinned in the dark and just flung my bedding back.

He was in with me in a flash and this time there was something very different, somewhere between the lightswitch and the bed he'd shed his briefs and he was naked. I shuddered as his warm body pressed up against me and this time he wasn't messing around. he lay on his side and his arm went over my belly, I could even feel his soft cock press up against my thigh and his warm breath in my ear.

'This is nice and cosy,' he whispered and his breath fluttered against the side of my face.

'You are pushing your luck, Nathan,' I warned him in a whisper.

'I know,' he giggled and I felt his lips on my cheek, he didn't kiss me but I felt the tip of his pointed tongue travel from my cheekbone to my jaw, this kid was seriously sexy and I had poppped the mother of all stiffies, I could feel it straining out against my sleeping shorts and I threw caution to the wind and turned to face him one arm going over his hip and my hand resting on his ultra smooth flank. I pulled him closer with a groan and I heard him whisper. 'About time.' This time he kissed me fully on the lips and the kiss lingered. No quicky this time a full length lip parted kiss, I risked a bit of tongue and felt his meet mine and then we were in a full scale Frenchy. God it was wonderful, his little dicky was hard and pressed against my sleepers and he had to feel mine through the material but he just pressed in all the harder until I got both arms around him and one hand on each of his right little bubble butts.

'Mmmmm,' he snuggled in and then the ultimate. I felt his hand slip inside the fly of my sleepers and grasp my hardness and gently squeeze and move up and down. 'That is soooo big,' he husked. Well, it wasn't all that big but naturally enough it was bigger than his. I had to return the favour, I removed one hand from his bottom and grasped his noodle which was fully hard and was a surprisingly decent size for a kid his age. From one inch of soft nothing to a decent three inch stiffy just like that. I wondered if he could cum, I really couldn't remember when I'd done my first but he'd been living in a foster home and I had dark suspicions about places like that.

'This is nice,' he wriggled around and I felt him lowering my sleepers to get at me better and I loved it, his warm smooth flesh against mine and when he placed my hardon between his smooth thighs and clamped on it I nearly passed out. 'This is nicer,' he groaned softly and clamped on my hardness now rubbing his stiff noodle up and down my belly as he made boysish shagging motions.

'We shouldn't be doing this, Nathan,' I protested giving him the last chance to break free and go to his own bed. I didn't want him to go, I wanted to do everything with him but it was something I had to say.

'Why?' He whispered. 'You like me dontcha and I like you, so where's the harm.'

'I dunno but I might get carried away.'

'I know that,' he laughed softly against my neck. 'There's no rush though,' he humped faster against me and I could feel my dick being massaged between his legs, talk about a virtual wank. 'You do fancy me dontcha?'

'Yeah,' I croaked, I was lost.

'Good, 'cos I fancy you.' This time he kissed me fiercely and his tongue was right in my mouth and it was harsh and demanding. This was no little boy, OK, so he was just short of twelve but he had a teenager's lust and I wondered just how far he wanted to go.

'Can you cum?' Alright, so it was a stupid question but boys start to cum at different ages and I didn't know if he'd got to that stage yet.

'Just a bit of oozy but it's the proper stuff,' he spoke breathlessly and I knew he wanted a bit more than this pseudo shag and I was going to give him it. If he got all disgusted and flew the coop then so be it but I think I was on pretty save ground. I got my head down between us and attacked his sweet little nipples with my tongue and lips, first one and then the other and he was squirming and groaning all the while. I wrapped my hand around his stiff pecker and soft scrotum making a meal of lapping and kissing down onto his little cocoa swollen belly and then took his jerking boy cock into my mouth. He just gave one gentle sigh and relaxed in my hands. 'Aaaaah, Petey,' he made little stabs into my mouth as I grasped each of his firm fleshy little globes and squeezed and savoured the satin smoothness of his skin and fingered the tantalising run of his tight crack.

His warm body writhed in my hands as he pumped into my mouth and I sucked his stiff little peg. I tongued his foreskin but that disappeared and there was just his smooth hard little glans sliding over my tongue.

'Ooooh, oooh oooh,' he squealed ramming into me and I had to reach up and put my hand over his mouth as his pecker jerked in my mouth and I felt it throb and then the taste of watery boy cum. The taste was there no doubt about it, it wasn't the cum of the century more a teaspoon load but enough to prove he could do it. He was nowhere near being a man but he was on the first step of the ladder. I kissed his belly and smiled happy for him, he was on the first step of a long and happy boyhood or he would be once we got this fostering thing sorted out.

'That was tasty,' I slipped up his body caressing him all the way. 'Little Rambo.'

'What's it taste like,' he giggled in the dark. 'All yeuchy?'

'It tastes like beautiful little Nathans do, sugar and spice and all things nice... grrrrrr!. I dived down his body again and took his limp dicky into my mouth.

'Stop, stop, stop it...' he squealed and I rapidly slipped back up his body sealing my lips to his cutting off his noise. My parent's bedroom was down the landing and I don't think they could hear us and I didn't want them to. 'Lay flat,' he ordered and I felt his hot breath on my chest and he began to lap at my nipple. I couldn't believe he was going to follow my example but a wank would be fine... it would be a start.

I flopped onto my back feeling his small hand grasp my hot cock, I kept quiet, whatever he had planned I'd accept, I didn't want to disturb whatever he had in mind and just held my breath as I felt his little tongue on my tits and then his warm lips on my belly a mere inch away from my straining meat.

Suddenly and without any warning it happened. I felt the quick lap of his wet tongue across the end of my glans and I lightly held his head not wanting to press him, not wanting to do anything that might distract him from what he planned.

'Mmmm, tastes funny,' I heard him chuckle and he took another taste. 'It's so big,' he whispered and then the ultimate. I felt his moist lips slip over my glans and his clenched fist wrap around my shaft. 'Yeah...' he gave one little sigh and he was back and this time he was sucking me like a lollipop.

'You don't have to do this,' I heard myself say. I didn't mean it of course but I said it all the same as I gently moved to and fro in his gentle suction. He was getting braver and his flickering tongue was at work as his lips moved up and down on my shaft. He was squeezing his lips tight now and drawing my foreskin over my knob and then he forced it down exposing the swollen glans to the back of his throat. He was taking almost all of it in now and sucking harder, sooner or later I was going to explode into his mouth. 'Stop, stop, Nathan, I'm gonna cum.'

He withdrew his head and grabbing my slippery joint wanked it harder and fast until I put my hand on his and slowed him down, just then I tensed my belly and came in one long juddering splat right up my belly and chest to my throat and then another two of thick and creamy juice getting thinner as the last little trickles split over onto my closed fist and his.

'Yeuchy,' he laughed softly and wiped the side of his hand on my belly. 'It's everywhere... and it smells funny.'

'Leave it,' I gasped as I came down from that high, I gently pulled him up alongside me and he lay against me warm and comforting.

'You cum loads,' he kissed me on the side of my face. 'I must get you going.'

'You turn me on you mean,' I turned my head and found his sweet lips. 'I would snuggle you to death if I wasn't covered in gunk.'

'Really?' He laughed softly and then slowly and deliberately raised himself and moved over laying on me and rubbing himself firmly onto my belly and chest gluing us together with my spunky puddles. 'How's about that,' he breathed hotly onto my face and kissed me again this time long and hard. A second later his busy tongue was deep in my mouth searching for mine. I gave up, I put my arms around him and grasped those firm fleshy orbs and squeezed them bringing us even closer together.

'God... Nathan,' I sighed as I stroked his smooth skin and savoured the feel of his warm body on mine. I was so smitten with this kid, I didn't know if it was lust or love or both but I wanted him so bad it hurt.

'You know that dickhead who wanted to do me on my last fostering?'

'Yeah, gimme the address and I'll go there and kill him.'

'Right,' he giggled. 'You can do me, I'd like to try it with you, Petey. Go all the way that is,' he voice tailed off and his head lay in the angle of my neck, I felt his warm breath and the beat of his heart as he lay on me and I just looked at the darknness of the ceiling. I couldn't believe what I'd heard, he wanted me, my beautiful little Nathan wanted me. Fucking amazing.

'I think I love you, Nath.'

'I know,' he kissed my ear. 'We gonna get cleaned up.'

We must have had the quietest shower in history and then sat in the dark by the window as far away from my parent's room as possible and talked.

'You know I have to go back at the end of this visit?'

'What the hell for?' I exploded. 'My mum and dad love you, I love you, what's the bloody problem?'

'Shhhhh...,' he put his finger onto my lips. 'I've seen all this before. Even if all the parties are happy there's still about five days whilst the paperwork gets sorted out and that's with a good wind,' he said bitterly. 'You know, they don't want the government stock of orphans and 'in cares' to run down.'

'Bollocks,' I retorted. 'My dad'll sort this out.'

'Hopefully, I'd love to stay with you and your family. It's the first place I've really felt at home.' After that we slept in our seperate bunks. We were off and running and I didn't really think of it as a chase any more. More a long term relationship, we would have sex, sooner or later and God willing sooner if I had my way. But I had Nathan and that's all that counted, the love was there, the physical bit would come.

I knew that Jake was working the following day but I wasn't fussed, I had Nathan all to myself and it was a lovely day. Mum asked what we were doing and I thought of taking Nathan over the Common. The Common is a favourite haunt of schoolies on holiday and right over the far side where it bounds onto National Trust land there is a big pond, not quite a lake but good enough for splashing around in. The thing is it's far enough to keep the casual stroller away, the dogwalkers and the rest of them but not too far for a determined schooly. I told mum and she seemed happy enough but insisted on making sandwiches for a snack and us taking a few cans.

'Take your costumes and towels as well.' I grinned at Nathan, I'd briefed him up on the place also the fact that a few of the braver lads stripped off and went skinny dipping. It was pretty safe and I often thought there was far more going on than mere nudism. It seemed the perfect place for myself and Nathan, another chance for me to study the body beautiful.

We were on our way and out of solidarity I left the bike behind, Nathan had to walk, then so would I. Jeez, it was hot, before we'd gone half a mile we were down to shorts only and carried the rest. This was a long hike but it was worth it and we were at the edge of the Common by midday. Not too many kids there, maybe ten in little groups, a few of my mates to whom I gave a casual wave but I took Nathan around the corner out of the way.

'Whoa, it's hot,' he wiped sweat from his brow and ran his fingers over his sexy little belly.

'Yeah, there's some shade up here,' I tromped up this little path and he ran behind to keep up. He was wilting and so was I by the time we collapsed in the shade of some bushes but within easy reach of the water.

'They've got no clothes on,' he shielded his eyes from the sun and peered across the water.

'Skinnydipping they call it.'

'I know that,' he giggled. 'Can we do that?'

'Yeah, if you want to... in a bit,' I spread my towel and flopped out in the shade. God, the sun was fierce and the other kids seemed to be either in the water or lurking under bushes and trees.

'You've got nice muscle toning,' he pronounced like an expert. 'A bit of a six pack,' he grinned slowly running a finger down my belly as he lay alongside me on his side.


'I know,' he giggled and gazed at me with those blue grey eyes which looked bluer today, weird. 'I liked last night,' he raised himself to look around and then moved in a little closer. He was hot, I could sense it, at least It hadn't taken too long, I thought as I felt his body heat against my side.

'So did I,' I turned to face him and that was it. We kissed chastely at first then more passionately as we held each other tightly. 'Let's have a splash and a cool down and then we can lie in the shade,' I suggested.


'Why not? All the others are down the other end.' That was a fact and it was far too hot for anyone other than a complete lunatic to be wandering around being nosey. The little bit we'd claimed was private and laying down we were well hidden by reeds and tall grass. The perfect little hideaway.

We struggled out of our gear and leaving everything scampered the short distance to the water. It was cold but not freezing and we had a good splash around. It was deep enough in the centre of the pond to swim but a big lad could just about walk over even if the water did come up under his chin. With my maths skills I made it out to be around five feet deep in the middle.

'Hey,' I gasped as Nathan dunked and I felt him between my legs grabbing at my bum and then at my floppy cock, 'Brat,' I dragged him up shrieking and dunked him again. A couple of lads the other end looked up but showed no further interest. Great, that suited me fine. Nathan was as agile as a fish and his slippery sunburnt body turned me on big time. I got all the touchy feely I could handle by the time we'd had enough. I was embarassingly hard by the time it was all over and did a runner to our gear. I fell onto my towel and covered my traitor dick with my t-shirt. Nathan was a few paces behind and I noticed that he was fully extended and his jerking boy cock stuck out at a good two inches plus, maybe three. Not the biggest bit of equipment in the world but he had a lot of growing to do and I wanted to be part of that.

Very secretly and deep down I knew that I wanted to take his cherry in time and I wanted him to have me for his first shag. I was thinking that far ahead but the second bit was well into the future, I wasn't too sure about the first bit though.

'Let's have a look then,' he giggled and grabbed my shirt and exposed my hardness. 'That's so big,' he gazed at my penis from around six inches away and cautiously prodded it like it was a dead mouse or something. He grinned broadly as I flexed my belly muscled and the thing rose an inch off my belly and then died. Will power is great, he did exactly what I wished for. He raised his head quickly took a peep and came down again and grasped me in his small hand and moved my foreskin to and fro slowly exposing my shiny glans and then covering it again.'Nice.' He seemed to get pleasure from just holding me, I certainly did,' I put my arm around him and he lay there slowly moving my foreskin to and fro and squeezing the hardness within. As I cuddled him in he pressed against me and I felt his stiff noodle rub up against my leg as he did his version of the sex act. He was fucking my leg like a little puppy and I loved it, I loved his heat, I loved the feel of his warm boyish body on mine... I was gone.

'How do you like being my kid brother?' I asked. Putting him on the spot a bit but I was pretty confident of the answer.

'Love it,' he smiled at me and kissed my cheek. 'Do you think your mum and dad are going to take me on?'

'I'm sure of it,' I said confidently just praying that I was right. What I didn't know that even after a day or so they'd made the decision and a phone call had been made. My dad told me later that mum thought Nathan was a sweetheart and she'd phoned the fosterina agency and they'd told her to take her time before getting all formal. Mind, you I did find out all this later so I was as much in the dark as Nathan.

'If they do I expect you'll get to have your wicked way with me.'

'What's that supposed to mean?'

'You get to do what you want to do,' his eyes avoided mine.

'And what's that Nathan?' I turned to face him and looked him straight in his beautiful eyes. 'What do I want to do?'

'You want to do me,' he mumbled. 'I know you do, I can see the way you look at me.'

'Only if you want to,' I whispered. I was trapped he knew what I wanted, so all the playing cool hadn't quite worked out. He'd seen right through me and I hoped that nobody else had noticed.

'I want to,' he started to go crimson and buried his face in my chest. That was it I cuddled him and this time I really did give his tight little bottom a nice squeeze and stroke. It was all out in the open now and still with his face hidden he shuffled up pushed my stiffness down until it was trapped between his smooth legs and clamped on it. 'You can do it like this tonight.' he whispered and groaned as I clamped my hands on his soft bottom pulling us in closely so that we lay there as one. I was in heaven.

'What about right now,' I moulded his jellylike buttocks in my hands and moved slowly between his legs. He clamped harder, I moved faster. He was quickly drying after the pond but he was warm and a bit sweaty between the legs and I moved smoothly feeling his pressure and my lust as he clung to me and adventurously grabbed at my bum and softly squeezed.

'Nice arse,' he giggled and looked at me. 'You've done this before,' he said accusingly.

'Just mucking around,' I mumbled.

'You lie like a pancake,' he groaned and pulled me in tighter. 'Come on, this is good.'

I rolled him onto his back and luckily we were in the shade as the sun was just about boiling the pond up and had silenced the other boys. Jeez, it was hot and the sweat flew off me as I shagged away between Nath's smooth and exceeding slippery thighs.

'Oh, my Gawd,' I moaned as I felt the pressure building. The end of my dick was sore as it rubbed on the towel beneath us but I wasn't stopping not.

'Oh, oh...' he squealed and I felt his hard little pecker twitch between out tummies and then dampness that wasn't sweat. The little darling had cum with the friction and then I went.

'Aaaaah,' I gave one ultra satisfied sigh as I felt my iron hard penis throb and squirt. Why does the heat make you so randy I wondered but then I stopped wondering and concentrated on Nathan's hungy mouth on mine and his fingers digging into my bottom as I pushed up and under him releasing the remainder of my slimy boy spunk up between his sweet cheeks and onto the towel.

'You cum everywhere,' he grinned at me and rolled me off. 'Look!' He turned over onto his belly and there was the glisten and shine of my overload on his little bum and puddles on the towel. 'Randyman you,' he squealed and made a dash for the water. I joined him by the time I tottered to my feet, I was absolutely knackered and my dick felt like it was on fire. That was the next best thing to taking his cherry but I felt better now, Nathan was losing some of his innocence and that was assuming he had any. We had to talk. We had to bare our souls, I didn't want to but we had to know each others secrets dirty or otherwise.

I followed him into the water and just two spoil it two of the kids from the other side decided to join in with a bit of a splash and play around. At least I got to feel one other slippery body and we spent a brief and totally innocent play period with the boys who were both ten coming on eleven and clearly would be Nathan's peers if or when he moved in. He'd be moving in, I was bloody determined. In the end it just got too hot they went back to their mates and we went back to our little hide away.

'Whew, that was good,' he gave me his cheeful grin and flopped in the shade. 'Is that Jake gay?' He suddenly popped the question.


'The way he oggles you,' he laughed. 'They way he was giving me the eye... I'm not a kid you know.'

'Nah, you're eleven coming on twelve.' I agreed. 'I can't comment on Jake's sexual preferences.'

'That means he is... he's gay,' he crowed. 'You done it with him .'

'So what?' I was maybe a bit short with him but it was hot and I'd slightly drifted off the questions and answers, I hadn't realised he'd be the one doing the questioning.

'Nothing,' he looked at me like a little lost puppy. 'Don't get annoyed, Petey. I just want to be friends with your friends. I want to fit in.'

'You do fit in,' I reached out and drew him into lay alongside me. 'Just watch Jake.'

'Yeah,' he sniggered like a dirty little boy. 'You done it with him.'

'What do you want me to say?'

'I want you to say yes, be nice and honest.' he wriggled against me. 'You must have, the way he looks at you... you've done things.'

'Yes,' I said shortly awaiting the outburst but it didn't come.

''That was easy wasn't it?' He said brightly. 'He's nice, Jake. A bit lumpy up front though.'

'He is,' I agreed. 'Oggler.'

'I know, I know,' he laughed. Jeez, what had I done. Found a sex monster or awakened one. My turn to ask a few questions.

'You done any close encounters at that place of yours?'

'Only with Darky Mason... Eric that is. We've only played around we've never done anything as intense as you and me just now.'

'Everyone plays around. None of the bigger boys?'

'No,' he giggled. 'Just you.'

'You won't miss them when you move in with us.'

'Nah,' he turned to face me as I lay on my back. 'When you move in sounds good, better than if you move in,' His hand drifted across my belly and rested on my soft cock which twitched. 'Sex pot,' he giggled and grasped me. God, he was going to kill me before the fortnight was out.

'Chill out,' I whispered and to my relief he did. Bit of a silly thing to say with the sun thrashing down but in the end we even parted, it was just too hot to lay stuck to each other. It was a nice relaxing afternoon and I was happy, we'd had our first chat although I hadn't got around to Andy yet but that was a problem that was going to sort itself out very shortly.

When we got home all hot and bothered and both sunburnt my mum told me that Andy had phoned and wanted me to call him back, he was clearly back off his holiday and I suspected he was after my little bottom... well he was in for a surprise, with Nathan around I was in lockdown for another ten days at least so he'd have to suffer. Fortunately, mum decided to give Nathan the oily sunburn treatment something I could have done but after a bollocking for getting our baby burnt he was swagged away by mum in Florence Nightingale mode. Her senior son namely myself was in a bit of a state as well being fairer than Nathan but I had to do myself. Whilst she was occupied with the brat I made for the phone.

'Got some bad news.' Andy opened up the chat. Nothing like getting away to a flying start.

'Go on.'

'I'm moving down to digs in Guildford in a couple of days, dad's fixed it. I'm gonna share a place with Frank Carter whilst we go to this little joint, a sorta Uni prep course.

'Good for you,' I felt quite lightheaded, could my problem be solved? 'Man's got to do what a man's got to do.'

'You don't seem very upset.'

'Well, we knew it had to come,' I said reasonably and indeed we had discussed it.

'Look can we meet up? Around at Mick's maybe.'

'I've got a problem as well. We're fostering a kid and I have to stick close as in very close, he's only ten.'

'Well, bring him with you,' Andy laughed. 'Jake can look after him.'

'Piss off... Jake's getting no where near Nathan, not in a thousand years.'

'That's what Jake said,' Andy said dryly. 'Well, we'll catch up sooner or later I suppose.'

'I suppose,' I was nearly crying. This was the end of my first affair but deep inside my evil little heart was doing backflips. It was all happening so easily and the great thing was I didn't feel any pain or remorse. What a two timing slut I was.

'OK, Andy. It was good whilst it lasted.' I heard a little kiss on the phone before it clicked off. That was it, easy as that. I'd made my choice I suppose in one brief moment I'd abandoned Andy and probably Jake and Micky all for my little Nathan. I went and washed my face and stayed in the bathroom for a grizzle. I felt rotten but at the same time pretty well chuffed... work that one out. I felt like a big weight had been taken from my shoulders and I was a free man. I only needed Nathan to go cold on me and I was really in the shit.

I wandered back into the kitchen where mum had Nathan perched up on a stool in his little briefs and she was smothering him in this gunk. He looked like a rather sexy young eel and I looked out of the window scared of popping one. 'Get stripped,' mum scowled at me. 'You're next.'

Nathan giggled, the brat was reading my mind.

'Don't you laugh either.' Mum slapped Nathan's leg. Jeez, he was really coming in under the family umbrella. My dad poked his head around the door, took one look and returned to his TV. In the end I sat and suffered whilst Nathan watched with an evil grin on his little face. Miraculously I didn't pop one and at the end of it I was just as much as a mess as he was.

Even after the final cocoa and biscuits we were still like a pair of oiled up eels but the burn was beginning to kick in. We slept in our own bunks and I think we both suffered me probably more than Nathan. I kept away from Mick's place and Jake for the next week and even my dad noticed especially when I missed one of the swimming nights.

'You don't have to give up your mates for Nathan,' he remarked. 'He's got to fit in with you, not the other way around.'

'Yeah, it was a one off,' I explained. It wasn't, it was the last time that Andy might have attended and I didn't want to bump into him. Cowardly but there you go. Give it a week and I'd be back on track. Nathan was due back to his 'home' in a couple of days and things were getting a bit intense. Mum and dad had sat him down and confirmed that they had applied to take him on and it was now all upto him. He just went nuclear, smiling, laughing jumping around and in the end crying his little heart out. One pair of happy parents, one happy fosterkinder and one very happy Peter... end of story. Not a chance.

The Soap continues.

Told you it was pretty sexless.

I was going to bring in two new young characters but remembered I had Bill and Ben (from Weybridge) sitting up the road who would be a little more 'sedate' than Jake and Zander. So, they'll appear in the continuation. ADD15 (Sampler) features Peter and Nathan All other available character pix are listed in MIXPIX1, if you want it... just ask.

Next: Chapter 12

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