Admire Me

By creamdeli333

Published on Jan 19, 2012


I know it's been a long time since I have updated this story. The only thing I can say is, I hope everyone is still interested in it. It's been about two years, since the last time I updated admire me. So I hope you all re read some of the old chapters to re familiarize yourselves with these characters. As the author I would love feedback, so I will get some clear idea of who all still likes my writing. I wanted to thank Rai Cumming for continuously being a fan when my computer stopped working. :)

Where we last left off Braylon had reconstructed a three man clique. Jade, Korbyn and himself. But his history with Korbyn makes him keep a close eye on the frienemy. Being Alpha of the clique Braylon has to take charge against another so called Alpha, David. Who has stolen Keylan and Ryan from his clique...

****Chapter 10: Code Black

Korbyn was proving to be a proficient member. Surprisingly, he kept his side of the plan, by bringing me one of the three things I needed from the list. Jade brought three red markers, and I had to bring the most important ingredient to make code red a success.

"Let's go see what happens when the bell rings" Jade suggested. He seemed more thrilled than anyone else. He wanted David, Keylan and Ryan to go down silently and quickly.

"Yes, I want to witness what the three of us did together," Korbyn said standing up from the table. With a smirk showing the metal gleam of braces "But Braylon this is your plan, right? So, if it doesn't succeed, you have to take the blame."

"Thank you a lot, let's hurry. We only have three minutes before the first bell rings." I replied a little aggravated by Korbyn's comment. "People are going to be occupying the halls." I took a glance a my cell phone for the time.

We walked the halls in formation. I was in the middle while Jade stood at my right and Korbyn on the left, just over my shoulder. I wanted to slap him for doubting my skills to pull a plan through. "Stop. This will give us the view we need to watch the success of our plan." I told them coming to a short halt. "We can watch the chaos from this minimal distance."

Brrrrrrrrrrrinnngggg!!! The bell rung loud over the hall. The students carried on piling the hallways as normal. My nerves we on the edge of their nerves. I want this to go through.

We watched everybody open their lockers, talking to their friends. They have no clue in a minute, there will be hysteria roaming these halls.

"There is Sabre, Ryan's girl." Jade informed watching her talk to Ryan with flirtatious eyes. They were both on their way to her locker, lost in their own lovely world of romance.

"Korbyn?" I asked, "Did you retrieve the right locker number?" I should have asked that earlier, but some things spring forward last minute.

More students flooded in. my teethe chattered with the thick blanket of nervous tension unfolding in the air.

"Yes... see she is about to open it!" Korbyn answered pointing in her direction using his golden spikes of hair.

I could hear Jade on my right, "Come on, come on, open it, open it..." shaking his leg impatiently. I was almost itching to do the same, but as an Alpha I had to show a different reaction from Jade.

She flung her locker open, not paying attention. She was so caught up in what that 'fake' Ryan had to say. Sabre was so busy she neglected to see a-

"OH MY GOSH!" Jade blared, pointing at the ground near sabre's feet.

The bodies that crowded the halls went nuts. All the students broke out in their own catastrophic way. Trying to react to what was happening. Everyone was running around trying to get away from the horrific scene.

Voices, screams, and insults from students all around swiped at Sabre.

"That's so sick!"

"Why would she put it in her locker?"


"That is not sanitary, it is filthy."

Sabre had nowhere to run, her body was in shock. She was caught so far off guard I had to laugh. How vulnerable.

The people's reaction did the rest of the work for me. "Go look," some jock boy said to his friends. "Sabre has a tampon..."

She was blushing, and she found herself immobile, in the unannounced disaster. Ryan froze also. He had to be at her side, because that was his girlfriend. He was humiliated with her. One of the best treats I have ever seen.

Korbyn's blue magical eyes fell on me. "You are pretty good at this stuff." He said. I was living on that comment, it made a sneer cross my mouth.

The three things I needed for code red was: Locker number, which was provided by Korbyn. Red markers which came from Jade, and the tampon (me).

"How about we go pour salt on her wounds." Jade smirked, rubbing his hands together.

"I love the way you think." I told him and we began to march through the blurring chaotic hall.

"Oh, is it that time of month again." Korbyn didn't wait to say. Giving a grimace at Sabre and Ryan. They both had no words to say. I think the embarrassment snatched all their words from them.

Oops! I think that is my fault.

"Who is going to pick that bloody thing up. I'm so scared. I think I might puke." Jade dramatized, while we laughed.

"Braylon, you had something to do with this. I know you." Ryan angrily accused me.

"Who me?" I was shrugging innocently. "I'm sinless. I would never dare." Hearing Jade and Korbyn snickering I went for a jab. "Every girl should know not to put their business in their lockers like that."

"You will pay!" Ryan jaw muscle flexed as he spoke. Ryan wasn't a man of many words when he was in my clique. But in knowing him I've never seen him get this mad. It spooked me to hear him say that.

"Are we supposed to be scared? Don't make us laugh." Korbyn filled in for me.

"Let's go guys. Code red was a success." I mumbled strutting off with the best clique I have ever managed. I have to give them their kudos, they stuck it out with me through this, and they are hardcore.

After Ryan's declaration of war with my clique. We promised to see to it, that David's little marching band he calls a clique. Experience the beauty of pain we inflict.

The clique face off brought a stronger bond between Korbyn and I. we could sit around in each other's presence without fighting, and that was beauty to me. We arranged for Jade's house to be our external meeting spot. Since, his mom rarely is home and Things were going good.

Two days later

I was standing next to my locker surrounded by my clique. I was trying not to over react to what Jade was telling me. "He spreaded that rumor about you." Jade gossiped. Telling me someone in David's clique told everybody in the school Jade and I were gay. Then Keylan said 'that was the reason they didn't want to be in the clique anymore.'

They were striking back! With all the plans I was preparing for, I didn't see them trying to stab me from that direction.

I turned holding my book, "They must be crazy."

They weren't playing. I knew when Ryan said I would pay he wasn't playing. The words still give me shudders.

"They are crazy," Korbyn was talking now. "They wrapped my house and flatten my dad's tires."

"What?" was all I could come out with, these guys were dealing fatal blows. I didn't think they would have it in them to wage on. I should have taken their threats more seriously, I should have thought more on the sick faces they made at me.

No time to waste this must be dealt with immediately.

Korbyn went on to tell us the last details of what they did to him, "they egged my house and my dad's car, then they spray painted 'Loser' in my front yard." He was upset but he was holding his bottled anger well.

I could tell David's clique was getting to us. We were all in some kind of frustration while they were laughing and still carrying on with the war. Jade and I were hating the students who kept randomly approaching us asking 'are you gay?'

It was an uncomfortable rumor that wouldn't shut up. But we kept denying and admitting to nothing. It was nobody's business anyway.

"I hate how they act now." Jade criticized, "They are the worst pretenders I have ever met." The rumor was bothering Jade bad. The whole thing was getting out of hand. I had to do something before this gets carried away too far. After all, my clique is coming to me about the problems we are facing. As an Alpha, it shouldn't take me long to calm everyone down and invent a plan of attack.

The problem was, I didn't have a plan at this time. "We find them," I sad slamming my fist into the metal locker. "And then we confront them." I didn't know what else to do. When all else fails hit the source upfront. I hope this doesn't cost my clique anymore embarrassment.

David thought he was so smart. If they thought code red was something, wait until I use code black on them.

Rushing through the school pushing every geek, and unimportant person out of the way. We hunted for our prey. This was a literal face off and also a warning before I released the damage code black would do.

I figured since David was the alpha, Ryan and Keylan would be wherever he was stationed at. I knew I was right when we made our way to David's locker and I saw three barbarians in a huddle.

"Is this a bad time?" I asked introducing my clique's arrival as nasty as I could. We posed where we stood. I thought they needed some teachings on who runs this school. Who better to teach them than me.

"It's always a bad time whenever you show your face." David took initiative to speak. Ryan stood behind him, along with Keylan. They both served as his flanks. Only to sit back and observe the alpha face off.

"Ha-Ha. Not funny." I bit with sarcasm. "Anyway my clique and I have a question for you David: who are you supposed to be?"

Looking around playfully "obviously I'm David," he stuck his hand in one of his pockets casually. "By the way I'm a straight male, in case you didn't know." A few chuckles came from the two pretenders behind him.

At this time, people started to recognize something was going on. Slowly they migrated toward us to see what was happening.

"It sounds like David has something to hide," Korbyn retorted, "No one ever asked for your orientation." Thank god, Korbyn had swept in, in the nick of time again. He maybe a frienemy, but his comebacks are reliable. The blond Hollister model knew his stuff.

Ryan came out of nowhere "Korbyn, I have a question," he stepped closer to David's side. "How has you dad been getting to work lately?" he started twirling his car keys in his hand, laughing.

I didn't know Ryan could talk back. I don't think I was the only person surprised by his sudden need to talk. This argument was getting ugly fast.

"Shut up Ryan," Jade's voice broke through Ryan's deep chuckle. "You wouldn't even have a car or money if your so called 'parents' hadn't adopted you." I could tell Jade lashed Ryan. He took a gulp like he swallowed a dry pill.

'Oooohhs' and 'ahhhs' came from the students who were being entertained by the battle.

Keylan's Hispanic tan stepped closer to the verbal war. "Speaking of parents," Keylan said countering for Ryan. "Did you ever tell your mom you were gay?"

The hall went crazy with 'ooohs' too much noise was going on that even if Jade wanted to say something back, he couldn't be heard.

I felt it was my turn to step in again. "Keylan, how would you know if anyone was gay? Are you trying to come out the closet yourself? I mean what you are really hiding?" the students started appraising me with laughter. I wanted to continue to hold the students support, at the same time I could deflect the gay rumor Keylan had put out.

"Bray-" before Keylan could get another word out. I had to put his mouth on lock. I couldn't afford him to get any words out edge wise.

"Oh Keylan, I think your contacts are drying out." I was tired of holding his secrets, especially after what he did to me. The gig was up. "I think these people have a right to know your eyes aren't really green. You just wish they were."

As I let go of those words. Keylan kept blinking his eyes trying to re-wetting his contacts.

David must have felt sorry for his member, because he said "A man wearing contacts isn't a problem, but a man wearing make-up is." He finished giving me hateful eyes. "You wear make-up."

David was flat out lying. I never have touched make-up. I can't help it, that my skin is naturally pretty.

"Make-up? Ha! You wish. My skin is naturally flawless." I snorted in a quick defense. "I see that you are as tacky as they come. A loser without obligation. A worthless, scud low, bottom feeder. I did my homework on your type of species, and do you want to know what I discovered?" I said addressing him and the other students. I let the dead air have a moment.

Then I let out the pulverizing hit. "You love calling other people gay, but if everyone knew your older brother was gay and he had a MySpace account posing with his boyfriend...what would they say?" the halls cheered and danced around with the ground shaking gossip I poured out.

The students could handle the truth, but David couldn't for some reason. He Walked out of the disruption with an angered face. Retreating through the rowdy students as fast as he could.

"That's right, run!" I shouted after him. "No matter where you go, the truth won't be too far behind you." I announced before the principal started stalking the halls.

"Get to class the bell Rang!" she yelled making the numbers shuffle down. I put fire under the heels of my feet, and hurried to class. I didn't feel like sitting in detention.

After the giant war of words in the hallway, Jade Korbyn and I came to the conclusion to have a meeting at Jade's house. I called a meeting because I felt that David was going to try a 'sneak attack'. The only way to prevent further damage from happening to my members I had to strike first by beating him to the punch.

That is why we are at Jade's. To devise something to hit David and his followers so hard they can only attack us out of blindness and confusion.

"What do you have in mind?" I asked enjoying the magic zinging behind Korbyn's eyes. They held a power that only he gave off.

"I don't know, but I really want to bring Keylan to the dirt." He growled between his braces.

Jade followed him with, "I want to sabotage Ryan. I almost dug my fingernails into his skin in the hall today."

I saw that we all picked our own targets out of their group. "From the sound of things, we all might have our own projects in tearing them down." As I mentioned this I began to click songs on Jade's computer. "Korbyn you get Keylan. Jade you take Ryan, and I will take out the alpha." I told them as they nodded in agreement with my decision.

I knew my course of action. Suddenly I clicked on Lady Gaga- paparazzi. I turned the volume up and sang along. Getting caught up in the rhythm while I waited for Korbyn and Jade to find out what plans they would use to take down their marks.

"That song just gave me the idea I needed." Korbyn lit up repositioning himself on Jade's bed. "The perfect attack for Keylan has to be 'Swarm and Spread'."

I stopped my singing. The title of his plan sounds like it leaves a nasty after affect. I'm glad he was in my clique. I would hate to climb out of the damage that plan left behind.

He continued to explain the plan. "Swarm and Spread, is a tactic termites use to multiply. I'm using it as an offensive attack. You guys will hear about it when I use it tomorrow." His devious smile surface while his blond brows rose.

He looked really sexy when he did that. When he stared at me a tendril went up my spine. It was an odd mixture of sexy and deadly, a mixture of friend and enemy. He was so complicated I didn't know how to feel. I didn't know which feeling I should to stay with.

"Ryan is history! I have a ultimate destroyer for him." Jade's eyes and voice was chimed together. "My attack is called: 'Blitzkrieg' a long term for 'blitz'. It was developed by Germans in World War 2. An attack use to make the enemy confused, panicked, and overwhelmed."

I never knew Jade paid that close attention in class?

"When I play my card, Ryan will be ended." Jade smiled triumphantly, from his bed. While I was surfing the internet arranging my supplies for 'Code Black'.

I held my hand out at Korbyn and Jade, "Do either of you have a credit card?".....

Thanks everybody for reading. Hopefully everybody hasn't abandoned my story. I know it has been two years since my pervious update, but that won't happen again. I want to hear what you guys think of Admire me. So, I will know if I should upload the next chapter. This story was complete years ago. I just didn't have a way to get it out to you all.

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Next: Chapter 11

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