Admire Me

By creamdeli333

Published on Apr 29, 2010


Hey readers, thank you for joining my site. it's time for a new chapter of Admire Me. Where we last left off, Braylon was angry at Mitch. The baby drama was taken to the heart by Braylon. Which left him thinking he should bring his clique back.

Chapter 9: Division

I had been calculating and rescheduling everything. It comes down to today! Today, is the day my clique will be resurrected. Jade and I worked hard, to get all of this arranged, and back in order. We both invited all of the clique to the table we regularly sit at.

I was calling a meeting to reunite us. I have everything I want to say memorized, so nothing can go wrong. All there is left, is to wait on Jade to walk back in here with them. After the meeting we can settle things, and everything will be back on proper schedule.

Jade came walking back to me, but he was alone! He was breathing like he ran a mile. My eyebrow went up.

"Braylon." Jade huffed. " I ran into Ryan and Keylan in the halls."

"Why, aren't they with you?" as a beta. I gave Jade specific orders, to bring them along with him. He better have a good excuse.

"Hold on, I'm getting there," he tried sitting down, to catch his breath. "Ryan and Keylan didn't come back with me because...they didn't want to be apart of the clique anymore." Jade rushed out.

"What!!" okay, not wanting to be apart of the clique. Come on, this is a joke. I heard what Jade said, but I wasn't buying it. How could they turn my offer down? It's totally not like them.

"Yes, they said it." he confirmed." Both of them have been distant even more than before. So I don't know. I'm surprised, but I'm not surprised." he shrugged.

"What were they doing when you saw them? Where are they at, now?"

"They were walking the halls with David."

"What!" where is all this coming from? This is a joke! I just haven't came to terms with it. "Jade, if you are joking stop it now!" I demanded.

Seeing that he was serious about everything, I didn't take the situation lightly. David, Ryan,...Keylan, no way! That is a bad mixture. I might have to see it, to believe it. Keylan is dating Kimmie. How could him and David get along?

Looking Jade in the eyes, I said, "You're telling me, Ryan and Keylan do not want their positions back?"

"That is what they said." Jade honestly admitted. " I think David is their alpha. Ever since you left. Those two had been acting strange."

Thinking about what Jade said. Something had came to me. Something I may have missed before. " If you think about it. They both have always acted a little strange. Think about this: the whispering, the way they get off to themselves. I never got a good vibe from any of it."

Jade was nodding in agreement. "That is true. I have always put up with Keylan and Ryan, but I could see the division in our clique." Jade was on to something. "and if you ask me, they were the reason Korbyn came in the group. They brought Korbyn along to do what they always wanted to do, but never dared."

"And what is that, Jade?"

"To attack you!" he exclaimed. It was believable. It was making more sense the more I discussed it. Jade is making sense to me.

I tried to sit there and rule out the possibility of this, but something wouldn't let me do that. I feel as if I knew this all along. They have been wanting out for a while. The only reason they stayed in the clique: They were fearful of what I would do to them.

"You know, it's always been this way from the beginning. You and I" I continued." Ryan...Keylan, but starting this second we will form a new clique. When we find the next member, no one else gets in!"

"Why did you say `next member?' Are you looking for one person?" Jade was curious to know what was going through my head.

"Good observation! You are right! See as many members we had. I think, if we keep fewer numbers. There will be fewer problems." I explained. I miss Ryan being around me. I missed Keylan's green eyes on me, but I see that the clique was mainly: Jade and Braylon.

As our conversation reached deeper. We both agreed, and our eyes were glued to one another. I don't know if he could sense the fiery passion behind my stare, but it was there. I was feeling this way because Jade was being loyal. His loyalty was causing me to melt.

I was thrown out of my stare down. When my phone vibrated. It was a text.

(Mitch: hopefully we can stay friends, but I want my daughter to meet you. Answer me when you can.)

Arg!! He still hasn't given up! He is bringing his daughter in this! I'll be friends with him. Other than that, I don't want him!

"Was that your mom?" Jade assumed, looking suspicious. I hate to lie to him. He has been so loyal, but I had to. so, I shook my head `yes'.

All week Jade and I ran test, watched, and studied for potential candidates for the clique. It was a tiresome search. We were exhausted. The people we saw didn't have the qualities. If it wasn't their clothes that threw them off, it was their weight, if it wasn't the weight, it was their looks, and everything that followed behind that. This was a drainer!

Jade let me come over his house. We were using his computer to search our school on Myspace, to find our next clique member.

It was 10:00 p.m. things were on the down side. I was tired of seeing all the profiles too.

"Not him, not him, eww, double eww, never, get a life, yuk..." Jade rubbed his sleepy eyes scanning through profiles. I laid on his bed, because it was his turn to look through the profiles.

"Hey, Jade! If you see anyone interesting, wake me up!" I said sluggishly, trying to make sure he got the message before my eyes closed.

"Okay." he yawned.

I went to sleep, restoring my energy from the hunt.

Five Hours Later*

I was awaken. When I felt Jade kicking my leg. Raising lazily in a sitting position. I saw that he was sleep. The kicking went on, and he was moving with sweat over him. I wasn't sure what to do, as I watched for the first time, one of my friends have a nightmare!

The grunting, and rolling around continued. He tried to say something, but nothing was making sense. He was desperately seeking help.

His dark room only held a fragment of light from the computer screen. I sat beside him hearing his desperate cry. I was helplessly, thrown in shock. I didn't know how to help him. I didn't know what to do for him.

I have never been in this predicament before. Worry was clawing at me, as I stared at his awkward flailing movements. He perspired a small amount on the yellow skin of his face. I can't sit here like this! I better do something!

I reached at him-

"Bray-" he blurted, jumping from his nightmare, and into my arms.

"I'm here." is all I could tell him. Rocking him in my arms. We were caught in an embrace. Then he started to talk again.

"It...It was crazy! Something bad happen to you!" Jade panicked, trying to make eye contact, in the low lit room. " I don't want to repeat exactly what I saw, but-"

"Jade, it's okay. We don't have to talk about it now. You hear me?" I was still holding him for dear life. His timid suave body against mine. The sweat from his face, was now on my shirt.

The only thing I know to do right now, is be here for him. He needs me.

"Jade...Jade are you okay now?" I asked breaking the silence in the room. I was so worried about him. This was my beta! He has proven his loyalty to me.

"I..I guess so." he trailed off. He tightened his arms around me. I didn't know what else to do, but tighten my hold on him.

He released me after a good minute. For some reason, my arms wouldn't unwrap him. My body is doing it again! This only happens with Jade! I don't have any explanation.

Jade drew his body closer to mine. Like it was a natural response. His hands glided on both sides on my body. Slowly...slowly, coming up to my face. The room made him some what blind.

Using his fingers he felt around on my face. He placed his thumbs at the corners on my mouth. Suddenly unaware, my senses and everything that helped me adapt to the dark flipped on me!

It was so bad, that I couldn't understand anything in the room anymore. I couldn't taste anything in the room, but sweet nectar from Jade's lips. His lips! He was kissing me! Wow, I need to live in the moment.

Before I knew it. I was kissing him passionately back. It was a great feeling, to get it out.

Jade stopped the kiss. "Braylon you kissed me back?" he said puzzled.

" I... don't know how it happened, but I did." I said, hanging on the edge for more kisses. "Jade you should have told me." I leaked out, feeling the hot emotions in the air.

" I didn't know who I could trust with a secret like this. Think about what would have happen if I would have told Keylan, or Ryan. I would be ruined." he whispered to me.

"I played it safe too." I laughed." but I think this means a new level of friendship for us." I grazed the bottom of his lip with my thumb.

He smiled big. "We have a ton to talk about, and I have questions."

We cuddled securely in his bed until we saw dawn breaking the sky. We discovered more about each other. We shared our crushes, and I told him about Mitch. He thought I was making the story up. I had to show him my text messages to prove it to him.

Jade drove me to school and back home everyday. After our lovely night of discovery. Jade and I had a stronger bond. He told me things like, `he once had a thing for Ryan.'

The lunch table consisted of just us two. Which was simpler and less stressing. We are having our usual conversation about who the third member would be.

When somebody sat at our table. It was Korbyn! He gave us a look like `How did you two get here?' what a bad time to show you face Korbyn.

"Are you lost?" I couldn't help but ask.

"No." he replied, looking at Jade. Like Jade was the one who asked him. " I want to be in the clique again." he announced, never once acknowledging me.

Jade knew how to handle this." It's not up to me."

"Well ask who ever it's up to." Korbyn said.

What is this maniac thinking? He barged over here, to be in my clique, but he can't acknowledge me. Adding to that, Jade told me Ryan and Keylan had offered him to join our old clique, to attack me. I don't trust Korbyn. For all I know this could be a trick.

On the other side of things. I can't say no. we have searched high and low to find a worthy member, and we came out with nothing. He fit's the qualifications, but I will have my eye on him.

"Tell him yes." I answered with a fake smile. One thing I will write in my agenda, Make Korbyn respect me!

Jade turned to Korbyn, "You're in." I hope I am doing the right thing by letting him join, but I had a limited time to restore my clique. I was desperate. Desperate times, calls for desperate measures.

"Uh Braylon we have the third member." Jade reminded me.

" I know, I already know what we are to do." I smirked, while ignoring Korbyn. "We are using `code red!'"

Jade almost fell in his seat. "Code red? That only works on girls."

"Right." I spoke proud fully. "Ryan is dating Sabre. I say we indirectly attack their crew, through her. When ever we humiliate Sabre. Ryan has to still date the disaster. This would make Ryan a laughing stalk too." I explained.

"I see, when do we put this into action?"

"Factoring in the materials we need. I would say, tomorrow. Oh, I made a list of the three things we will need for `code red" I handed Jade the list letting him pick what he was to bring.

Yes! Our third member has came. The fun is only starting.

"Hey." Korbyn said finally focusing on me. " I had a huge argument with Keylan." he was acting like he really didn't want to say much to me.

I never thought I would hear him say, ` he had an argument with Keylan.' Let alone talk to me period! Whoa! He is talking to me. This is new, let's see how things go.

"I was getting my bag from my locker minutes ago. I saw Keylan, David, and Ryan prancing through the halls. I thought it was sloppy for them to play the card, ` can't beat them join them' I didn't like what I was seeing. I know you and I still hate each other. Nothings changed." he added." but what I hate even more than you, is what they were doing. I had to give them some knowledge." he scowled at me.

"so what was said?" Jade asked, excitedly.

" I said: hey power rangers. What brought you all to join forces?' I think it ticked them off. David gave Keylan this glare. Then Keylan said: `Korbyn, you look like a zombie. Go back to the two homos that sent you to bother us!' so we argued badly."

"Are you serious?" Jade eyes got huge. He caught on to what Keylan referred to us as. Keylan and those other two nobodies will feel the wrath of the alpha!

"...and that's what I said before stopping here." Korbyn sighed.

Jade was furious," Bray, Korbyn, I say we find them, and shut them down once and for all! Keylan is David's child. I knew Keylan was afraid of David the night of the party." he was really letting it all out. Because towards the end, He started hitting the table as he spoke.

I felt the same way Jade did, but now isn't the time to argue with the three buffoons. Right now we stick to `code red'. when code red falls through. We can directly attack. This whole clique rival thing. Is going to get nasty. The final battle will tell who the real alpha is.

"No, Jade we wait. First we finish `code red'. Then we start planning for a more direct attack on them."

The meeting went great. The three of us were able to orchestrate a counter attack, just in case they try to attack us with a fast one.

I was walking the halls. When I passed Keylan. I was unbalanced at thought about what Korbyn said. He could be lying about the whole argument thing. He still hates me. This could be his way of trying a sneak attack.

I feel sorry for him if he is playing' keep your friends close, but your enemies closer.' people are so deranged. they believe the saying means: hanging out with your enemy. It actually means, keeping a closer eye on your enemy. I know everything about being passive aggressive, and using psychological abuse to tear someone down. Korbyn should know that.

Keylan walked by me rolling his eyes, giving me a smug look. I noted that Korbyn didn't lie! David has poisoned their minds. Its okay, its fine, because tomorrow my new clique will make horror and misery flock them.

I texted Mitch through my classes. I have to keep him on my side. I'm glad he came to the `friends only' conclusion. The problem I'm facing with Mitch is: he is begging for me to see his daughter. I really don't want to deal with that.

In my last class my brain was putting an enemies list up. Ryan, was added. Keylan too. Whenever my wrath is over I will cross their names out. Which means, `they no longer exist.!'

"What are you planning?"

I see Korbyn sitting next to me. How does he know I'm planning? He is on to me. I have to keep an eye open for him too. Should I put him on the enemies list? I don't know something isn't right about him.

"Are you mad about what I told you earlier?" he tried again. I wasn't familiar with him talking to me. I didn't know how to take it. I bottled up my negativity, and talked to him. We had a conversation without one bad remark. We laughed together once.

He never let up on the dirty looks. I could tell from the looks that he was up to something. I fake smiled back at Korbyn writing in my mind `frienemy!'


Hey readers! Did you like the chapter? Thank you guys for reading another chapter. I want to thank the readers who joined my site. It is a beautiful thing to me. The next installment is coming with gossip, hate, clique fights, drama, and cat fights. lol I have to say Jade and Braylon sharing that passion was hott to me.


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