After Nsync

By moc.loa@aoHIV

Published on Jan 24, 2000


I'm back!!! Do you know how hard it is to find time to write these things? Not that I see writing stories as a chore, because it's not, but I have so many other things to do. I thought that after the first semester was done, I'd let "Senioritis" set in and ride out the rest of my senior year in high school with a B average so I can exempt my finals. WRONG!!!! Do you know how much work Universities and Scholarships make you do? I'd rather do the Calculus homework I was assigned then fill in my social security number one more time!

Anyway, the most important thing is that I'm back with a new chapter of After 'N SYNC. I'm still amazed by how much I wrote. Most of it was done today! The other chapters, following this, will probably come out at the same pace since my social life and school life do not give me a lot of time to turn on the computer and what not. I have the BSB concert in February and a Mariah Carey concert in March! Can you believe it? Mariah Carey!!! In concert!!! Her first one in eight years!!! And it's in Dallas!!! Which is okay, I just have to book a short flight from Houston to Dallas, no biggie... not for Mariah.

Look, I'm babbling, so I'll just ask that you make yourself comfortable and happy reading!

Please send all comments and criticisms to < >

(^_^) Disclaimer: This story is not meant to suggest anything about the celebrities mentioned. I have the utmost respect for the members of 'N SYNC, Mariah Carey, Brandy Norwood, Monica Arnold, their families, and so forth. Their private lives are theirs. This is merely fiction. Furthermore, it's set in the future y'all! Come on now!

Last time, on After 'N SYNC...

The day started off like any other day, except for the fact that today was the day Lance Bass was to wed Danielle Fishel. Final preparations were getting finalized as the guests begin to arrive. JC arrives with girlfriend Monica Arnold and her best friend Brandy Norwood. Inside the chapel Lance re-reads a letter from close friend Justin Timberlake, saying that he would not be able to attend. Lance confesses his love for Justin in an empty room with no one to hear it. JC ends up visiting Lance before the wedding and the two reminisce about old times, and what they have been doing since 'N SYNC called it quits.

On the other side of the states, Angel Valmont, fucks some nameless youth, who he then discards like a scrap of paper.

Joey Fatone is also on the island of Los Angeles working as the manager/co-owner of Crossroads, one of L.A.'s hottest social spots. Two brothers come into the coffee shop, who we find out are David and Ricky Nicholas. David drove Ricky to Crossroads, who came to pick up his boyfriend Gavin, Joey's foster son. The two kids leave for The Grind, a nightclub across the street from Crossroads, owned by Justin Timberlake.

Justin has been uneased lately. He had his driver's license revoked when he ran his car into the railing, while drunk. He also hasn't been sleeping easily. Every night, he needs Angel, his neighbor, to come and pick him up. This night, the two get into it. Unfortunately, they are rudely interrupted.

Back at the wedding. Lance decided on surprising Danielle before the wedding by stopping by her dressing room only to discover that she had been having an affair with former Backstreet Boy, Howie D.

Will Lance say "yes"? Who interrupted Angel and Justin's "playtime"? Will I re-write that awesome bitch fight between Brandy and Danielle?

Read and find out.

Chapter 2: Giddy Up By: Phil

The chapel was in a buzz. Vague whispers started to form. The pressure was on for Lance. He had to say something. "Lance? Do you take Danielle to be your lawfully wedded wife?" The minister asked again.

Lance barely flinched. He remained stolid on the altar. Beads of sweat streamed down his porcelain skin as he thought his decisions through. "Do I really love her enough to say, 'I do'?" Slowly the volume of the crowd started to grow.

"Attention everyone!" A shrill voice called out to the people in attendance. It was Mrs. Fishel, Danielle's mother. "Apparently, our groom has gotten cold feet," she laughed half-heartedly, "but we all know the answer is, 'yes,' so can we resume with the ceremony?" The minister nodded his head.

"Is that fine with you James?" The minister asked.

Lance didn't move. He didn't even realize what had just happened. His mind was transfixed on one thing and one thing only. "Danielle did it to me once, what's to say she won't do it to me again?"

"With the power vested in me..." The minister continued as Lance remained locked in thought."

"Then I should really let her go before I get hurt like this again."

"By the state of Florida..."

"It's not her I really love..." Lance's eyes widened as he began to see.

"I now pronounce you..." The minister continued.

"There's only one person I really love..."


"Justin!!!" Lance thought to himself.


"STOP!!!!" Lance screamed. Silence fell upon the entire congregation as Lance stood there. His eyes gazed across the shocked and bewildered attendants.

"What's the meaning of this?" A voice shouted out from the back.

"Yeah? What's going on?" Another voice followed. Uproar of shouts and comments soon ensued as Lance looked around. JC ran to Lance and grabbed his arm, dragging him over to a far corner of the altar.

"What the fuck's wrong with you James?" JC screamed.

"Get off me Josh..." JC reluctantly released Lance's arm, thrown back by his friend's sudden outburst. "It's all becoming clear to me now." Lance vaguely explained as he shrugged JC's grip off of him.

"What do you mean, 'it's all becoming...'" Before JC could finish his sentence, Lance had already walked back to the center of the altar. He took one more glance of the congregation. Everyone's eyes slowly shifted to Lance as he raised his hand.

"Lance! Lance!" Danielle bellowed out, only to be ignored.

"Can I please have everyone's attention?!?!?" Lance called out. The church quieted down to a soft hush as Lance braced himself. With a deep breath, he began to speak. "I would just like everyone to know that the wedding is off." Gasps befell the crowd. "Apparently, my darling fiancé had been diddling with one of my groom's men." Instantly, Monica's eyes burned with fury as she glanced over at JC. The same reaction befell Stacy as she too shot her husband, Ford, one of Lance's groom's men, with the death stare too. The two men both raised their hands and pleaded their innocence. With a quick turn, Lance gave Howie a smirk he would never forget. "Isn't that right Howie?"

Both JC and Lance's brother-in-law gave exhaled a deep breath before feeling a fire rise in them. Howie, the former Backstreet Boy, stood in perpetual fear.

"Why you..." But before Danielle could finish her sentence, he felt a tug on her train. Turning around, she realized Monica and Brandy both had their foot on it.

"Don't even try it Ms. Thang." Monica said with a saucy attitude while Brandy merely smirked.

Danielle huffed and pulled her train out from under Brandy and Monica's feet and started back at Lance. "Oh now she's askin' for it." Brandy commented as Monica nodded to agree. As the two best friends watched Danielle march away, they slowly turned their rings so that the diamonds would face out and removed their earrings.

"How dare you ruin my wedding?!?!?!" Danielle screamed. She raised up her hand and took a swing at Lance, only to have him grab it. ` "Sorry Danielle, you ruined it the minute you let the notion of sleeping with Howie creep into your mind." He then tightened his grip and threw Danielle back. Danielle flew a good three feet before landing on her butt.

By this time, the church was in an uproar. The Bass side began to argue with the Fishel side. Soon enough, the fists began to fly. Lance began to make his way off the altar. JC took to his side. "Are you okay Lance?" He asked.

"I shouldn't be... I know that I should be hurting... but... I'm not." Lance calmly replied.

"You must be delirious with grief or someth..."

"I'm fine JC." And with that Lance casually slipped away.

"Where are you...?" JC called out, but it was too late, Lance was already out the door. JC huffed, deciding that it was best if he would give Lance time to sort things through. "Well this is perfe... WHOA!!!" JC quickly ducked as a bible came flying from the pews. JC turned towards the direction the holy book came from and saw Nick Carter holding a stack of them as Brian Littrell and Kevin Richardson threw them at Howie, cursing him out at the same time.

"Fuck this shit! Let me at him!" A voice called out. Brian, Kevin, Nick, Howie, and JC turned to see Alexander McLean, taking off his jacket. As AJ began to roll up his sleeves, JC took notice of how his once bony arms have grown to those of a NBA All-Star. "You fucking son of a bitch! This is exactly what you did to me with Veronica!

"AJ! I thought that was behind us." Howie weakly replied.

"It was behind you! Every time I look at your fucking face I just want you dead! We were suppose to be married, just like Lance and Danielle, and now you go and sleep with her too?!?!?!"

"AJ... I... I..." Howie began to back up as he tried to muster up the words to defend himself. Nothing came out.

"I'll beat the shit out of you just like I should've done two years ago!" AJ raised his fist, but not before Howie had turned around and ran out of the chapel. JC followed in amazement as Howie's former band mates chased him to his Corvette, and still pursued him in their cars afterwards.

"Stupid BITCH!!! AHHHHH!!! MY HAAAAAAAAAIIIIR!!!!!!" A piercing scream sounded from the chapel. JC quickly turned around as he heard a voice, like Danielle's, scream in pain. As he ran back into the chapel, he saw Danielle face down, with Monica on her back, pulling her badly colored hair out by the roots.

"Silly SKANK!!! I'm gonna beat so much shit out of you your gonna need a hot glue gun and staples to put yourself back together!!!" Monica screamed. Mrs. Fishel ran up to the altar to try to defend her daughter but was pulled into a fistfight with Diane Bass, Lance's mother.

Monica continues to pummel Danielle until JC ran over to her and pulled her off. "What the fuck? JC! Put me down!!! I need to teach that bitch a lesson!!!" Monica screamed, pounding her fist on JC's back and kicking her legs.

"You need some time out Mon!" JC explained, as Monica continued kicking and screaming.

"But Josh! That BITCH!!! THAT SKANKY BITCH!!! I was gonna play 'Mr. Potato Head' with her face!!!" JC promptly left the chapel with Monica flung over his shoulder, continuing her verbal assault on Danielle.

Danielle quickly regained her composure and thought it would be wise to leave before she becomes some else's target. As Danielle stood up, she was quickly brought back down to the floor by a quick backhand to the face.

"Where are you going Danielle? That 'bitch slap' is only a premonition of things to come!" Brandy warned. Her shadow loomed over Danielle like Death over the elderly. At first Danielle just wanted to give up but decided that if it was a fight Brandy wanted, it was a fight she was gonna get.

"You don't really want to fight me Brandy," Danielle chuckled as she wiped her chin with the back of her hand to check for blood. "You don't want me to show everyone those twigs of yours when I rip off that five credit weave you got from the back of a car trunk," Danielle giggled as Brandy's face turned red. Danielle nonchalantly stood up and walked away, thinking she won the battle. Brandy merely scoffed in response until Danielle badmouthed her hair. Fire flared in her eyes as her fist clenched.

"HOLD UP Ms. 'Would be bald if it wasn't for Rogaine for Women!!!'" Brandy shouted, stopping Danielle in her tracks. Danielle slowly pivoted on her feet and turned to face Brandy with a wicked smirk. "I know you didn't just talk about my hair like that. Because if you did, then I'd have to mess you up so bad they'd need to check your license to see what your face use to look like before I laid the smack down on it!"

"Oh... Such big words... Twigs!" Danielle responded, stepping up to Brandy. Brandy immediately got into Danielle's face, meaning that she had to crouch down a little to get eye to eye.

"What was that?" Brandy asked, now looking Danielle square in the face.

"I called you Twigs... BITCH!" Danielle repeated in an even cockier tone.

"That's what I thought." Within a split second, Danielle's face had a meeting with Brandy's fist and rings. The blow came swift and hard, with a cracking sound upon impact. Danielle instantly collapsed onto her knees and clutched her nose with her hands.

"That's for Lance!" Brandy shouted. She then reached back again. Another hand came swooping down towards Danielle and slapped her as she crouched on her knees, knocking her to the floor. "That's for me!" Brandy laughed as she reached back again. "And this if for..."

Before Brandy could finish, Danielle got back up and slapped her bouquet across Brandy's face. Rose petals flew in all directions as braids twirled around Brandy's head. "Don't fight with me bitch! I took four years of Tae-Kwon-Do!!!" Danielle warned as she straightened herself up.

"That's SHIT! I'm a black woman from Los Angeles!" Brandy shouted as she ran for her handbag. Danielle pounced on Brandy like lion, grabbed her calves and sinking her claws into Brandy's gown, tearing it to ribbons. "MY DRESS BITCH!!!!" Brandy screamed as fell to the floor.

"That's right! And I'm gonna make you eat every last thread!!!" Danielle laughed as she clawed her way up Brandy's body, striding for her braids once more.

"EAT THIS!!!" Reaching into her handbag, Brandy pulled out a canister of mase, which she sprayed in Danielle's mouth. With tear-filled, bloodshot eyes, Danielle doubled up in a fit of coughing and hacking, collapsing onto the floor. Brandy loomed over her in a fit of laughter. "That's right! Don't mess with a woman from a city where you had to schedule in time for a mugging everyday!"

"Schedule this!" Danielle screamed as she grabbed Brandy's leg and brought her to the floor. Still coughing and wheezing, Danielle climbed on top of the R&B diva and began ripping her hair out. "Cheer up B! Once I get through with you, you won't need to go through all that hassle to get your braids tightened!" Brandy screamed in agony as Danielle continued in pulling on her hair, having a tough time getting even one braid out. Having enough, Brandy reached back and got a fist full of Danielle's own hair and pulled with all her might. Danielle rolled onto the floor, still clutching Brandy's braids.

The two rolled around, ripping up both of their dresses. Not being able to take the pain anymore, Danielle let go of Brandy's braids and grabbed her head trying to get it away from Brandy's claws. Brandy once again got the upper hand and while holding tight to Danielle with her left hand, her right hand made a fist and socked Danielle square in the jaw. One of the rings Brandy was wearing left a small gash across Danielle's face as her hair flew back.

Danielle quickly positioned herself so that her leg would be scrunched into her stomach and her feet would be on Brandy's torso. With one quick movement, she pushed with her legs and Brandy flew across the altar. "AHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!" Danielle screamed clutching her head. In Brandy's hand still remained a fist full of blond hair. Looking at her "trophy," Brandy smirked. "You should really get a better person to work on your roots bitch!" Brandy commented as she saw each strand of hair get darker the closer they got to the roots.

"FUCKING BIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIITCH!!!!!" Danielle screamed as she got up and charged Brandy. Brandy got the wind knocked out of her as Danielle plowed into her stomach. Brandy fell hard, hitting the back of her head on the wooden altar. The two laid there motionless, except for Danielle's coughing. Within a few minutes Brandy began to move and regain consciousness. She threw Danielle off of her and stood up. Looking around, she saw the Fishel/Bass riot still going strong. Beneath her, Danielle still laid on the ground, slowly beginning to move also.

Suddenly the door to the immediate right of the altar began to shake violently. Everyone's attention immediately shifted to the rattling door. With brute force, the double wooden doors flew open. Standing behind it was Monica wearing the same sweats and sneakers she arrived in.

"ALRIGHT BITCH!!! IT'S GAME TIME!!!!" Monica marched up to the altar but only to find a slain Danielle, struggling to get up, and Brandy limping towards her. "Looks like you had fun." Monica commented as Brandy came towards her.

"Yeah... ow... ow...." Brandy replied painfully as she hobbled on one leg. Monica reached out and caught her long time friend before she fell off the altar. From where they were standing, it seemed as if the riot among the pews was dying down as family and friends laid on the ground unconscious, ran out and sped away in their cars, or continued fighting.

"Uh oh... the bitch-whore cometh." Monica said as she pointed to Danielle, slowly standing up.

"Looks like you're gonna have your chance with Danielle after all!" Brandy laughed as she stepped out of Monica's path. Monica took Brandy's suggestion and marched herself towards Danielle's struggling body.

Kneeling down, Monica took a handful of Danielle's golden mane and lifted her head. Danielle screamed in agony as Monica picked her up.

"MONICA!!!" A voice shouted from the audience. All heads turned to Diane Bass. Lance's mother slowly made her way towards Monica and Danielle. "That's enough of that girls. If anyone is going to have the last hit of this bitch it's going to be me." Mrs. Bass explained. Monica sighed and reluctantly stood Danielle up. Mrs. Bass took a long hard look at her former, would-be daughter-in-law. "I never liked you Danielle," Mrs. Bass started, "I'll tell you that right now. I only put up with you because my son said he loved you. That's it. Well, it sure doesn't look like he loves you anymore, does it?" Danielle weakly shook her head. "I'm washing my hands of you Danielle. If I ever catch you around Lance, the Bass family, or any of his friends again, you'll be hearing from me! You hear?" And with that, Mrs. Bass finished her speech with a spit in Danielle's face, which shocked both Brandy and Monica, never seeing Mrs. Bass to angry before. "Do what you want with her Monica, I'm done with this tramp."

As Diane started to walk away, she vaguely heard Danielle mumble something. As she turned around to face her, fire gleamed in her eye. "One more thing." In one fail swoop, Mrs. Bass' hand gave Danielle five across the eyes. The hit was so hard that Danielle flew out of Monica's grip and back onto the floor.

"YOU GO MRS. BASS!!!" Brandy shouted in excitement as she saw Danielle hit the floor. In sheer "Dynasty" elegance, Mrs. Bass straightened out her hair and gown and strolled out of the chapel.

"I think she's had enough." Monica sheepishly commented as she looked down at Danielle. Brandy nodded in agreeance.

"Lunch?" Brandy asked.

"ANGEL!!!" A strong southern voice screamed.


"Angel! What the hell are you doing?" Reginald Valmont asked as he stepped into Justin Timberlake's bedroom. Reginald Valmont, a very handsome, middle-age man with ashy gray hair, a stern face and imposing aura. Reginald is head of the most powerful law firm on the island. His clients include, but are not excluded to, Chris and Mariah Kirkpatrick, Joey Fatone, Joshua Chasez, Lance Bass, and Justin Timberlake.

"Dad! I'm... I'm ..." Angel tried to gather the words to explain himself, but came up short. He frantically tried to button his shirt as his dad made his way into Justin's penthouse.

"Shut up Angel! I know exactly what you're doing!" Reginald shouted.

Angel looked down to Justin who was fast asleep. Probably due to the liquor. "Dad... I can explain!" Angel retorted.

"You don't have to explain anything! Look at you! First dropping out of law school to work in entertainment, and now sleeping with every queer that comes your way! Fucking fag!" Reginald shouted as he raised his hand and punched Angel across his face. Angel collapsed on the ground clutching his stomach. "Who is this? Another fag friend of yours?" Reginald scoffed, "I can still smell the liquor on him!" Reginald reached down to flip Justin, who had been sleeping on his face over. Angel quickly stood up and threw his father's hand away from Justin.

"He's no one dad! Just a friend of mine!" Angel weakly spoke, trying to recover from the blow.

"Oh, so you just happen to bring to "nobody" into Justin's penthouse?"

"Well... Justin's not here and... this is his friend. We were both here and Justin stepped out to the store and we..." Angel knew that his explanation was flimsy at best, but Reginald seem to buy it.

"Well, I'll just let Justin deal with you sleeping with his friends. Your faggot ways aren't the reason I came over here anyway." Reginald explained as he straightened out his hair and suit.

"What is it dad?" Angel asked as he began to straighten himself out.

"I just came to tell you that I'm cutting you off. Entirely." Reginald replied with a smirk on his face.

"What?!?! You can't!!!" Angel exclaimed.

"I can, and I will!" Reginald laughs as he exited Justin's penthouse. Angel began to get furious. Clenching his fists, he ran into the hall after his father.

"Why?!?!" He shouted.

"Because you're worthless Angel!" Reginald shouted back. "You had the potential to be the greatest lawyer this side of the Mississippi, just like me. I gave you everything on account that you stay in law school."

"But I quite school a year and a half ago!" Angel cried out.

"I know that! I just haven't had the time to deal with it until now. Look at yourself Angel! You're a worthless fag! I don't even know why I'm talking to you! Everyday you spend thousands of MY credits. That is going to stop, starting tomorrow morning!" Reginald replied devishly.

"Dad! You can't do this to me!!! How am I going to live on the island?!?!"

"Well, isn't that the big problem?!?!? Doesn't you V.P. position at Elenem pay you enough to live here?" Reginald sarcastically asked.

"No... I'll have to live on the main land!" Tears began to fill his eyes. Angel fell to his knees and grabbed his father's leg, begging for reason.

"Too bad!"


"I'm cutting you off! Maybe one of your faggot friends will help you!"

"YOU SON OF A BITCH!!!" Angel shouted.

"Now Angel, I've taught you better manners than that!" Reginald spitefully replied. Turning around, Reginald reached out and pressed the button for the elevator. As the door opened, Reginald stepped in and faced front. Looking onto his son, his facial expression turned sympathetic. "Oh Angel," Angel looked up, full of hope, "One more thing... You're out of my will too."

"BASTARD!!! I'M YOUR SON!!!" Angel shouted in anger.

"And you'll always be my son. Burn in hell faggot." And as if on cue, the elevator door closed, leaving Angel alone.

"I'M NOT THE ONE WHOSE GONNA BURN YOU SON OF A BITCH!!!!" Angel cursed, "You'll be there long before I will. I'll make sure of that."

After a few solemn moments, Angel got back onto his feet and made his way back down to Justin's penthouse. Stepping in, Angel realized why his dad didn't recognize it was Justin on the couch. The living room was too dark to make out any distinct features, only vague shapes and shadows.

Angel left the living room and went into Justin's bedroom. As he opened the door, a cold breeze blew over his body. Upon entering, Angel almost fell when his feet got tangled in a pile of clothes that were strun around the room. Angel prevented a disastrous fall when he steadied himself with the nearby chair. "Lights!" Angel shouted. Nothing happened. "Lights?" Still nothing happened. "On?" Angel thought he would have to make due in the dark when he remembered that Justin always liked to use big words. "Illuminate!" Slowly, almost dawn-like, the room began to fill with light. Angel looked around and witnessed a disaster area. "He's more worse off than I thought!" Angel slowly began to make his way over to Angel's bed when he noticed a calendar on his nightstand. "February fourteenth, two-thousand... Oh! That's why!"

Angel immediately remembered. It's been five years, exactly, since the incident occurred. Justin gets worse off every year. "This year," Angel thought, "is the worse I've ever seen him." Next to the calendar, Angel noticed an envelope peeking out from under Justin's clock. Angel carefully removed the envelope and opened it. Pulling out the contents, Angel recognized it as a card... an invitation. But it wasn't the regular, "What, where, when," invitation that interested him. Angel was more interested in the letter that accompanied the invite.

Dear Justin,

How have you been? We haven't kept in touch like we promised. God I miss you. More than you can ever know. Well, if you haven't read the card this letter came in, I'm getting married. Yep, I'm getting married to Danielle. I hope you and Britney come. It's been so long since I've seen you two. Over five... almost six years now. It would really mean a lot to me if you come and stand by my side as my best man. And Britney as Danielle's maid of honor. Come to think of it, how is Britney? Like you can answer right now. Tell me when you come.

There's also something I want to tell you, but I'll leave that to when I see you in person.

Love, James Lance Bass

"Wow, this probably didn't help his condition much either." Angel thought. Angel put the letter back into the wedding invitation and replaced it under Justin's clock. Looking up, he caught site of a few pictures on Justin's dresser. Angel quickly gathered the blanket he came to get and tucked it under his arm. Walking over to his dresser, Justin noticed that the pictures were of 'N SYNC. Everyone was accounted for in the large group picture. JC, Chris, Joey, and Lance with his arms wrapped around Justin. The picture next to it was one of Justin and Lance alone. In the picture, Lance was giving Justin a piggyback ride. The two looked so happy, Angel thought. Next to that picture was one of Lance. A solo picture. Angel gazed deep into Lance's hypnotic eyes. "They really must have been close. I wonder why Justin had never mentioned him."

Angel shrugged his shoulders and was about to step out of the bedroom when he noticed something on the floor. It was a picture frame, face down. Angel kneeled down, blanket still tucked under his arm, and picked up the picture. The shock came immediately. Angel quickly dropped the frame and promptly left the room.

"It didn't mean anything. It's just cuz it's the anniversary... Yeah, that's it." Angel repeated in his mind, trying to convince himself that what he saw was just an isolated incident. "Or maybe it fell, I mean look Angel! The room was a mess! Yeah... that's what happened." A sigh of relief came from Angel as he went back into the living room.

Justin was still asleep on the sofa. The smell of vodka still on his breath. Angel draped Justin's body with the comforter and tucked him in. Kneeling down, Angel slowly ran his hands through Justin's soft, golden curls and kissed him on the forehead. Looking down upon the serene Justin, Angel felt safe and secure. The memory of his father pushed even further back into his mind. "I'll never leave you Justin. No one will ever make me leave you... Not even dad." He said softly.

Suddenly the anger returned to Angel. "Father..." he murmured. Angel quickly stood up and left Justin's penthouse, closing the door behind him. And walked across the hallway, to his door, and fumbled for the key card, all the while mumbling rubbish.

As the door closed behind him, Angel let out a forceful scream. Angel's frequent screams would commonly indicate frustration, stress, or anger. This time it was all three. Every time he would have and encounter with his dad, his screams would be all three. The screams were apart of his self-laid therapy. If that didn't work, and when it involved his father, it usually didn't... Angel had another therapy. Angel stomped his way to his desk and picked up the phone. He quickly pressed the seventh speed-dial button marked, "Therapy #2." After a couple rings, the line picked up.

"Hello?" A voice asked.

"Dave?" Angel asked.


"It's me. Are you alone?" Angel asked.

"Yeah... why? Oh wait, let me guess. You want to..."


A full moon hung high in the sky by the time Reginald returned to his beachfront mansion. A towering, three story, chateau over looking the waterfront. His limo pulled up to the gate of the long driveway adjacent to the house. The chauffer automatically rolled down his window and took off his sunglasses. "Retina scan." The I.D. box said as a red laser scanned across the chauffeur's eyes. "Entry permitted."

The limo waited as the imposing gates slowly opened. The limo pulled up to the front door of the house. Greeted by two roaring stone lion, Reginald waited for the driver to open his door for him. Stepping out, Reginald straightened up his suit and preceded inside. Immediately, Reginald's night shift of servants greeted him. Reginald took off his coat and threw it at one of his butlers before going up stairs. Reginald walked down a long hall way to his bedroom.

The master bedroom was painted in a magnificent royal blue with Louis XVI style. It was ornate, with gold accents and fixtures. The room was pitch black, the only light being hindered by heavy curtains. Without even turning on the light, Reginald felt the presence of another in his room.

"Who's there?" Reginald asked the darkness.

"'Who's there?' Is that any way to speak to me?" A voice asked.

"Sorry my dear, I didn't know..."

"Of course you didn't. It's darker than the smog covering the mainland in here." The voice replied, interrupting Reginald.

"Well I know, but..."

"Shut up and get over here." The voice commanded, cutting Reginald off.

"I've got something to tell you first Mariah." Reginald said as she turned on a desk lamp. The dim light barely illuminated the room. Reginald had to take a few moments to let his eyes adjust to what light there was before he continued. Has he glanced on the bed, the frame of a person came into view. It was a woman, by no doubt was it otherwise. No man could achieve the curves of the magnificent creature, spread out on his silk sheets.

Mariah was dressed, or undressed as the case may be, in only a sheer black brazier and black panties. Around her neck was a diamond neck from her own collection that would be fit for a queen. Mariah was clearly a tempting image, but Reginald resisted. A stern look grew on his face as he looked at Mariah.

"What? I've gotta get home in a little over an hour." Mariah said as she noticed the Reginald's facial features grow serious.

"That's right, back to Chris." Reginald commented.

"You're not jealous are you? We've already had this discussion." Mariah answered with a taunting smirk. She rolled her body around on the bed and positioned herself so that she would be upright and sitting on her calves.

"I know, but... Mariah, be my wife."

Now, if this was chess Mariah would be in "check." The move she makes would be the most important one. It would make or break her. She'd have to plan it carefully. It was common knowledge on the island that Reginald Valmont was a very good "chess player."

"You're wife?" Mariah began to giggle at the silliness of the suggestion. "Didn't you hear me? I'm married to Christopher Kirkpatrick, Mayor of Los Angeles!"

Good move, but was it good enough?

"Speaking of your illustrious husband. How would he feel to know that his wife had been sleeping around with a pillar of Los Angeles society, not to mention one of his closest friends and business partner." Reginald blackmailed.

"You wouldn't!" Mariah exclaimed.

"Wouldn't I?" Reginald asked with a sinister tone.

"But... do you have any idea what's at stake?" Mariah asked.

"Nothing of mine."

"What about me? I have my career, my record label, and my husband!" Mariah screamed out with frustration. What had she done? At that moment, she knew that something like this would happen. Karma, what goes around, comes around. She just didn't expect that cheating on her husband would come back as a threatening blackmail from the man she had been sleeping with.

"Then leave him. Mariah... you know what you can have if you come with me?"

"I don't want it."

"Mariah... it's not like you have a choice in the matter." Reginald chuckled wickedly.

Mariah's eyes widened as her hand slapped Reginald across his face. "Fuck you Reginald!" Mariah yelled as she gathered her clothes.

Reginald stood back up and grabbed Mariah by the arm and pulled her to him. "Just for that, you have three days to decided the rest of your life." Mariah once again raised her hand and began to beat at Reginald's chest. Reginald tightened his grip of Mariah's arm and flung her back. Mariah flew back a couple feet and collapsed on the ground, sobbing into her blouse.

"Three days Mariah." Reginald repeated as he left the room, closing the door behind him. Mariah kept her position on the floor as she thought over her situation.


From where she sat, she could hear the faint sound of whispers coming from out in the hall. It was the servants. Mariah knew that they probably heard everything that went on in the room. Then, from outside, she could hear a car pulling out of the driveway. She slowly got onto her feet and slowly walked to the window that looked out to the driveway. The same window she stood at moments earlier, waiting for Reginald to come home. From there, she could see a small red sports car pull out and drive away.

"Three days... Three day until my life is over," Mariah said to herself as she delicately dressed herself. "I won't let him take it away from me!" Mariah stormed out of Reginald's beachfront mansion cursing herself for ever getting involved with such a man. As the flung opened the heavy brass doors that lead into the front garden, she let out a ferocious scream. "YOU WON'T TAKE MY LIFE AWAY FROM ME REGINALD!!!" Tear flooded her eyes as she stopped in the middle of the garden.

Mariah stood in place as the cool ocean breeze caressed her caramel skin. Her wavy brown hair fluttered as a gleam appeared in her eyes. It all became clear to her. A strong gust blew like a foreboding omen to accompany the images that began to flash though Mariah's mind. The bushes in the large, formal garden rustled violently in the wind as if there were little children running though them, creating a muck.

Mariah placed her hands in front of her face, looking a them complexly. She pulled down the last three fingers of her left hand, leaving only the index and thumb cocked. She then did the same with her right hand and clasped the two hands together. Pointing her hands forward, she said the words that had been festering in her mind for the last fifteen minutes. Calmly, she said, "You won't take away what I've worked so hard to get Reggie, I'd kill you before you even reach Chris' office"

Desperate times, call for desperate measures.

Dave's heart began to racing, Angel could clearly hear his excitement increase with the prospect of receiving another blowjob. He moved his head lower, his tongue searching every sinew on the journey over the length of Dave's body.

Dave sighed deeply.

Angel licked Dave's balls. Blood pumped into the excited cock, filling and firming the flesh. Reaching his cock hair, Angel buried his nose into the freshly showered curls, sucking in their soapy smell. Then, after biting the base of Dave's cock, he moved to the head. Dave, anticipating a hot mouth swallowing his penis, place his palm onto Angel's head and pushed down, releasing a gasp of delight as his cock vanished into the voluptuous mouth.

The ferociousness with which Angel sucked his cock sent a salvo of sexual eruptions exploding in Dave's groin, and at one point he thought he might come. But Angel continued to suck, forgetting he wanted to screw, eager to savor his juices.

"Don't you want to fuck me first?" gasped Dave, again fearing he was about to shoot. "You'd better stop now if you do."

Angel reluctantly withdrew his feasting mouth and began rubbing his palm over his own stiff shaft. "Suck me first." Angel suggested. Dave nodded.

The two went back to kissing, Angel pulling Dave's hands to his own shaft and raising his legs, allowing his cock to be caressed and his bottom to be fingered.

Angel didn't really like to be fucked, but he did like to have the occasional finger up his ass. Dave instinctively pushed a finger into the hotness of the hole. Seductively he seduced the opening, first using one finger, then two; slowly at first, then faster. Angel yelped and moaned in delight as the fingers penetrated.

Moving below the duvet, one hand gently fingering Angel's backside, the other caressing his cock as he kissed the soft stomach, Dave found his mouth close to Angel's dick. Excited by his lover's stiff shaft, he couldn't resist pushing his mouth over the bulbous head. It was only three deep thrusts but it was enough to send a dribble of cum climbing from Angel's balls.

"Mmm... tastes good." Dave moaned out as his lips created a seal around the base of Angel's cock.

Angel was unable to restrain himself any longer. "Let's fuck now. I'm ready." He reached for his jacket lying on the chair.

"What are you doin'?" Dave asked.


"It's like the fifth time we've done this!" Dave huffed, feeling that Angel was killing the moment.


Dave grunted and rolled onto his stomach, his stiff cock pressing hard against his stomach, pre-cum sliding below his navel. Angel parted Dave's legs, pushed two fingers deep into the hole, then, holding his dick firmly, began pressing it between Dave's cheeks.

"Shit!" screamed Dave, his shrill cry bouncing off each wall.

Angel stopped instantly, thrown back in shock.

"Fuck that hurt! I don't think I can do it this time. You're dick's huge!"

"Thanks," laughed Angel, trying to humor Dave's pain away.

"I'm serious! We don't fuck in a couple of months and you grow a horse's dick?"

Angel collapsed in laughter as Dave watched on. Angel turned on the bedside lamp, its red bulb painting the room with a glowing warmth, turning Dave's shiny brown hair into a kind of auburn. Dave looked somewhat dejected, as if he'd failed in some way, his sexual prowess dented. "It's okay. I've got the solution right here," consoled Angel.

Angel spat on his palm, lubricating his cock. Dave decided more was needed and added his own mouthful of fob, causing Angel to grimace. Cock well moistened, the two began again.

The weight of Angel's body felt fantastic as Dave lay face down ready to receive his stud. This time, the entry was smooth and only slightly painful. Forcefully, Angel penetrated. Pushing further and further into his friend. Dave sighed, the deepest of sighs, as the final inch slid between his buttocks, sending his head spinning in a euphoria the like of which he'd never experienced before.

Angel continued thrusting and withdrawing his cock in slow smooth strokes. He loved it that way. The sensation was incredible.

Dave was in total bliss as Angel passionately seduced him, begging Angel to give him more. Begging him to push harder, fuck him deeper. To take him to a blissful world beyond the bedroom. To take him to heaven.

"I'm coming!" both men yelled in unison, slamming their mouths together, sending tongues rapidly between them. Angel's cum gushed from his cock, while Dave's squirted between their naked bodies, slipping and sliding on their abs as they rubbed together.

"Oh shit! Oh fuck!" they excitedly released, parting their mouths the hurriedly locking them back together as their bodies shuddered and they emptied their cocks.

Rolling off of Dave, Angel collapsed on his back, still coming down from his orgaism. Dave was doing the same.

Moments passed as the two of them laid in bed, silent. Angel looked over to the Dave's bedside clock as saw that it was almost one in the morning.

"So let me guess... your dad?" Dave asked, turning to face Angel. Angel turned around to face Dave.

"What else?" He replied. "You know... Sometimes, it would be so easy for me to kill him."

"You're not serious are you?" Dave asked in shock.

"Oh yeah. I think about it every day. I even dream about it sometimes. He doesn't give a shit about me. He even says so. I swear, everytime I see that son of a bitch I just want to bash his head in with whatever's around," Angel began to point the gun towards different places on the wall in front of them. "Just one pull of the trigger... Say Dave... Don't you have a gun?" Angel asked with his seductive grin. Dave was reluctant, but resist Angel's smile. It wouldn't hurt if he just SAW it.

"Umm..." Dave hesitated, "check in the nightstand."

Angel turned around and pulled open the drawer. Inside was a small PP7, the one used by James Bond. "I only use it as a defense." Dave commented as Angel pulled it out. "Careful, it's loaded, but the safety's on." Angel spun the little gun around his index finger a couple of time, like a professional, or a cowboy, and looked at the gun.

"Safety?" Angel flipped the switch and cocked the gun.

"What the Hell?!?!? Shit Angel!!!" Dave yelled, jumping out of bed, naked.

"Don't worry so much!" Angel smiled, waving his left hand. Dave looked at Angel's waving hand and found the magazine, withdrawn from the gun. "Slide of hand Dave," Angel laughed. "I took it out before I cocked it, when you weren't looking."

"So I take it you've played with guns before?" Dave asked.

"Depends on what you mean by gun." Angel smirked, grabbing his cock through the blanket with his left hand.

"You know what I mean."

"I've only played with fake ones. They're really all the same. I've just never shot one."

"You know how to turn off the safety, take out the magazine, and spin the gun like a pro but you don't know how to shoot one?" Dave asked in confusion. Angel nodded. Dave sighed and got back in bed. He crawled behind Angel, who had both of his hands on the gun and was pointing it towards the wall in front of them. Dave lined up his arms with Angel's and pressed his body to Angel's, cock to back. "Alright, now there's nothing to it. Just keep your arms straight, both eyes open, and pull the...



"Oh shit!" Angel screamed as he just realized what he had done. The gun fired a bullet into the wall, hitting a picture of Joey that was hanging on the wall, right between the eyes. "Umm... Sorry man."

Dave's yanked the gun away from Angel and flipped the safety switch. "Slide of hand huh?"

Angel shrugged his shoulders as Dave stared.

"Excuse me. Excuse me Mr. Bass?"

Lance shifted in his seat to obtain a more comfortable position, trying his best to ignore whoever was talking to him. It's been a long day for James Bass, and the last thing he needed ruined was his sleep. A few more moments passed in peace for Lance, but once again, the woman returned.

"Excuse me Mr. Bass."

Lance turned his head and slowly cracked open his eyes. A blurred vision of the flight attendant slowly came into view. "Yes?" Lance asked in a groggy voice.

"We're beginning our decent into Los Angeles-Mainland. Would you please fasten your safety belt?"

"Oh, sure thing." Lance did what he was told and sat back in his seat. As the plane circled around, awaiting ground clearance, Lance fumbled though a couple of mail order catalogs that were stuffed into the back pocket of the seat in front of him.

As he flipped through the pages, all he could think about was what had happened yesterday. His wedding was ruined, he spent the rest of the day driving around Orlando, and spent most of the night sleeping in his Jag roadster.

Bored, he placed them back. The plane was taking an awfully long time he thought. The flight attendant soon came back to his seat and asked him if he'd like any breakfast since it seemed as if they were going to have to keep circling until the smog clears. Lance only requested a glass of orange juice and a few slices of fruit. As the flight attendant wrote them down, she suggested that Lance look outside to side to see the gorgeous sunrise. Lance leaned over and to the window and slowly lifted the shade.

She was right. The sunrise was utterly gorgeous. The rays of light coming from the east and bouncing off the blanket of smog covering Mainland Los Angeles was like ballet, a graceful light show.

As the plane circled out into the Pacific, Lance noticed a large island in the distance. A secluded paradise. "So that's my new home eh?" Lance asked himself. "I knew that the day after my wedding would be something else, but... I guess this is 'something else'. I wonder what's Justin's doing?"

Finally, Lance's plane had clearance to land and began descending into Los Angeles. The place pierced though the blanket of smog that was the complete opposite of the serene heaven above. Under the cloud of smog laid a dark, sprawling metropolis. It seemed like Los Angeles was cursed with perpetual twilight. 10 am. seemed like 10 pm. "It's amazing," Lance thought, "this was once, one of the most beautiful cities in the world and now you can barely see anything anymore, a cess pool."

The plane touched down without any problems, as Lance stood up to get the bags he had packed for his honeymoon out of the overhead compartment, the captain came over the intercom. "I'd like to welcome everybody onboard to Los Angeles, the current time is 10:35 am., Pacific. Please check your area for any belongings and enjoy your stay."

Lance hurriedly gathered his bags and proceeded off the airplane. As he arrived in the terminal, he was immediately greeted by a tall woman in some sort of militaristic uniform. "Island or Mainland?" She asked.

"Island." Lance answered coyly.

"Please proceed to your left." She replied with a stern face. Lance followed his directions but kept turning his head back to see if anyone was heading for the mainland and what the fuss was all about. He saw a family take a right and transfixed his eyes on them. As the walked, they were handed gas masked that they immediately placed over their heads.

"It's because of the air quality." A voice informed Lance.

"Excuse me?" Lance asked, turning his head to see that person that was talking to him.

"The air on the mainland's so bad that gas masks with built in purifiers are mandatory." The man was in his early thirties, like Lance. The man was burnt a dark brown and his crinkly blond hair was a couple of shades darker than Lance's. There was definitely something in this guy that Lance liked, but right now, people were the one thing Lance didn't need. No matter how suave they were, and this one was very suave. "Richard Sherwood, but everyone calls me Dickie." He chuckled, extending his hand.

"Pleasure." Lance replied as he took Dickie's hand, still keeping a fast pace. Lance didn't like staying in public places. The idea of getting seen and swamped still resonated from his days with 'N SYNC. He began to rush away towards "Baggage" not giving another thought to Dickie Sherwood. "HEY! Maybe I'll see you again on the island!" He heard Dickie shout from a distance. Lance still kept pace. "Maybe..." He thought.

The wait at the baggage claim seemed to take forever, but in about an hour, Lance was on a boat headed towards the island of Los Angeles.

The boat approached Palmero harbor, a small inlet where all visitors to the island docked and registered. It moved in slowly and tentatively, nosing its white prow gently through the waves. Only a two-hour boat trip away from the mainland, Lance noticed a striking difference from Old Los Angeles. The island was clean and the sun was shining.

Upon arriving, Lance was immediately greeted by the island's welcoming committee. A see of perpetually happy people who probably spent their entire lives listening to pop music. "So these are the people I have to thank for my success." Lance thought as he stepped onto the dock. As Lance proceeded into the registrar's office, he looked back and noticed that Dickie wasn't on the boat with him. "Oh well."

"Where do you suggest is a good place to stay?" Lance asked the woman behind the counter as she signed his paperwork.

"Well..." She began, not taking her eyes off the work at hand. Obviously, this wasn't the first time some had asked this question. "The Cortina is always a favorite, and if you like gardens, then the Plaza has excellent ones, but for you..." she looked up. Silence followed. A lump grew in Lance's throat. He could see it in her eyes. She knew who he was. Lance quickly brought his index finger to his mouth. The girl nodded and leaned forward. "Are you really James Bass?" She whispered. Lance nodded. The girl gasped.

"I think I'll be staying at the Plaza, will you please have my bags sent there? I want to site see a little before I retire." Lance smiled. The girl nodded. "Thanks." Lance replied and winked.

"OH MY GOD!!!! JAMES LANCE BASS JUST WINKED AT ME!!!!" The girl screamed. Terror filled Lance's eyes as he grabbed the papers off of her desk and ran off before anyone had a chance to stop him.

Lance jumped into a taxi and screamed at the driver to get him out of there. The screech of tire on pavement made everyone in the vicinity cover their ears. Lance sat back in his seat as he felt relief.

"Where to buddy?" The driver asked.

"Anywhere..." Lance began, still trying to catch his breath, "Actually... do you know where I could possibly run into Justin Timberlake?"

"Justin Timberlake? The singer?" The driver asked.


"Umm... He's everywhere really. The Grind, Crossroads... but he usually spends the afternoons at Sunset Beach." The driver explained.

"That's sounds good, take me there."

"Sunset Beach it is."

Brandy and Monica sat in the First Class lounge at the airport terminal as they waited for JC to return. The two were both seated on a sofa watching the Miss Universe pageant on television. "I don't know why they call this the Miss Universe pageant," Brandy commented, "None of the other planets are represented... and if they are, I don't think they have this many girls representing them."

"I don't know B. Miss Sweden's complexion kinda reminds me of the lunar surface!" Monica laughed as Brandy joined in.

"So how's fake?" Brandy asked, wiping the tears from her eyes.

"No... that's game's not fun anymore. The challenge is gone." Monica protested.

"Okay... Who's real?"

"Now that's a game worth playing!" Monica giggled.

The two watched attentively. Disgruntled expressions grew on their faces as they watched each contestant introduce themselves.

"I don't think any of them are real." Brandy said as Monica nodded.

"Dang! Miss Kenya's got some bright smile!" Monica exclaimed as she shielded her eyes from the television. Brandy did the same.

"These digital televisions ARE lifelike huh?" Brandy commented.


"Bad news ladies." JC announced as he took the empty seat next to his girlfriend.

"What is it?" Monica asked as she playfully ran her hand across JC's face.

"There's no more planes heading to Los Angeles right now. The next one will be flying at eight this evening." JC explained.

"Damn!" The two girls said in unison.

JC sighed in disappointment. He then looked up at the television and his eyes bugged out. "Oh my! Who bashed Miss Sweden's face with an ugly stick?!?!?"

At sundown, just the our when the Los Angelinos and everybody else in the village had gathered at the sidewalk tables of the cafes, freshly showered and rested, staring at everybody and everything that passed by, eager for whatever entertainment the island could offer, Lance walked onto the Sunset Beach boardwalk wearing a white sports coat, white khakis, and a baby blue oxford on the inside. His pants were cuffed at the end, which revealed a pair of walking shoes and no socks. The change of clothes came when Lance discovered that the Plaza hotel was right on Sunset Beach. Lance merely paid for his room, and awaited his luggage to arrive.

Feeling refreshed Lance began to stroll down the boardwalk.

"Watch out!" A youthful voice screamed from behind. Lance quickly turned his head to see a Frisbee fly towards him. With a cat's reflexes, Lance reached up and grabbed the toy. Giving a sigh of relief, Lance looked up to see two lithe boys, around the age of 18, come running up to him.

"Here ya go." Lance smiled as he handed the boy back the Frisbee.

"Thanks." The boy smiled as he took the toy. Lance quickly gave the two young men a once over. The one holding the Frisbee had ashy-brown hair, light brown eyes, and a body of swimmer. The other had dark, black hair and an athletic build. As Lance's eyes met with the one holding the Frisbee, he noticed that that one was carefully looking at him too.

The lump again developed in Lance's throat.

"Are you... You're not... Oh my God! You are!!!!" He exclaimed. The other looked strangely onto his friend.

Lance was ready to run but something about these two told him to stay.

"You probably don't recognize me but you saw me when I was very young. I sure remember you! You were friends with my dad and Uncle Joe, and you had blonder hair, and you have the bass voice, and you use to buy me stuff when I was a kid, and..." The excitement in his voice was thrilling, but Lance stopped listening when the boy mentioned "Uncle Joe."

"Uncle Joe?" Lance asked.

"You know! My foster dad! Joseph Fatone!!!" He screamed.


"Yeah Joey!!!"

"So you must be... GAVIN!!!" The two beamed brightly as Lance swooped up Gavin in a huge hug. "God Gavin! The last time I saw you, you were like five years old! And now! Now look at you! You're like..."


"Whoa... eighteen! Almost a man." Gavin blushed. He then turned and took his friend by the hand and pulled him over to Lance.

"Lance? This is Ricky, my boyfriend." Ricky looked at Gavin with a shocked expression. Lance was thrown back a little but one look in Gavin's eyes told Lance that there was a lot between them. Lance smiled and shook Ricky's hand.

Lance wasn't sure, but he could swear he heard a sigh come out from the both of them. "So what are you doing here? The last I heard, you were going to marry... what's her name? She's on re-runs of Boy Meets World..." Gavin turned to Ricky for assistance.

"Umm... I think Danielle Fish." Ricky answered.

"Danielle Fishel." Lance corrected. He could feel the blood rush to his head every time that name was uttered.

"Yeah... So... What happened?" Gavin asked.

"It didn't work out. Let's leave it at that," Lance suggested. "So where is your dad?"

"He's working at the Crossroads."

"That's the coffee shop right?" Lance asked.

"It's more than a coffee shop! It's like the social spot on the island. Like what Cafe DuMonde is to New Orleans."

"Then let's go!"

"Sure, Ricky?" Gavin asked, turning to Ricky for approval.

"Fine with me." Ricky smiled.

Gavin and Ricky walked Lance to Gavin's convertible BMW. "You know, I have one just like this." Lance commented.

"You do?" Gavin said.

"Several." Lance smiled. On that note, Gavin pulled out of the beach's parking lot and headed towards Sunset Boulevard.

The humming of the plane's turbines sang Brandy to sleep as she, Monica, and JC flew home, to Los Angeles. Brandy stretched out on a row in first class as Monica and JC sat next to each other, across from the sleeping beauty. The plane was currently flying over Houston, Texas, when the flight attendant arrived with the couple's after dinner drinks.

"A Vegroni for you ma'am," the flight attendant handed Monica a glass filled with a mixture of Campari and Sweet Vermouth gin, shaken. "...and a Manhattan for you sir." She smiled as she placed a glass with bourbon, vermouth, bitters, and a Maraschino cherry. "Enjoy."

As the flight attendant walked away, Monica took a sip of her drink and commented on the taste. "Okay, this is almost as good as the one they serve at the Hotel Excelsior Vittoria in Sorrento, Italy, but just looking at yours Hon, I know it's not going to be as good as the Manhattan they serve at the Hotel Intercontinental in New York." Awaiting a comment, Monica looked up at JC. "Josh?" She asked.

JC was distant. Something was on his mind. JC looked out the window, into the dusk sky. "Josh? Baby, what's wrong?" Monica asked, taking JC's hand in hers and rubbing the top with her thumb. "His face is so sad." She thought to herself.

"Is this because I tied you up at the chapel yesterday? I'm sorry, but Danielle needed as serious beat down and..."

"It's not that Mon. I can always expect you to do something like that." JC chuckled. Monica playfully slaps him on the arm as she acts as if she took offense. "Please Mon, you know when you want something, or want to do something, nothing's going to stop you. You're so hard headed... like me." Monica grabs JC's arm and begins to snuggle next to him, after giving him a playful, yet loving kiss.

"What was that kiss for?" JC asked.

"You're the first man I've met to ever admit to being hard headed." Monica laughed. "So what IS on your mind then." Monica sincerely asked.

"Lance... who else? I'm just wondering about how he's dealing. He's one of my best friends. You get kinda attached to a person you spend a big chunk of your life with, you know?" Reminiscent images of his days with 'N SYNC started to flash through JC's head as he talked to his love. It was a wonderful time for him. One in which he'll never forget.

"Lance'll be fine! He's a big boy Josh, you don't have to be his father figure anymore." JC took a sip of his Manhattan and leaned back to let the liquor take over.

"I know that, but that doesn't mean that I'll stop caring about, even loving him. He'll always be my brother." JC finished off his liquor and laid back. Monica laid her head on JC's firm chest and began to pat his stomach to comfort him.

"I know baby... I know... Now go to sleep."

"Alright, night Angel."

"Night baby.

As Gavin drove down Sunset Boulevard, Lance was in awe of the futuristic surroundings. It was familiar, but totally different at the same time! People were everywhere. Los Angeles now had the feeling of a busy European city. Hundreds of people sitting outside watching other people go about their lives. Gavin pulled into the Crossroads' parking lot and turned off the engine.

"So this is Crossroads." Lance commented as he got out of the car.

"Yup." Gavin replied proudly. The three proceeded to enter the cafe, but was stopped by Gavin. He took a short moment and turned to Lance with a beaming smile. "Lance, can you wait outside for a moment? I want to surprise him."

"Oh okay." Lance chuckled.

Gavin and Ricky went ahead and entered the cafe.

"Gavin!" Joey called out. Gavin ran up and gave Joey a hug behind the counter. "Hey dad! I got a surprise for you." Joey gave Gavin a questionable look.

"Will I like this surprise?" Joey asked, "because the last surprise you gave me came in the form of a pink ticket from the city."

"You'll like it." Gavin answered, biting his lower lip.

Gavin turned to Ricky who was standing at the door. Ricky got the signal and opened the door. Lance slowly stepped into the cafe and closed the door behind him.

Joey felt as if his heart stopped. There before him was a man he hadn't seen in years.

"Well aren't you going to say something?" Lance asked, smiling at his long time friend.

"Lansten!" Joey yelled joyfully as he ran up and gave Lance a backbreaking hug.

"Good to see you too!" Lance elated.

"So how'd you like your surprise?" Gavin asked as he watched Lance and Joey hug.

"I like it very much." Joey smiled. He let go of Lance and invited him to take a seat in the booth they were standing next to. "Gavin, can you take over while I talk with Lance?"


"Oh, and Ricky. I know you don't work today, but if you don't mind, Marge is sick and we could really use the help."

"No problem Joe."

"Thanks." Joey nonchalantly turned to Lance and smiled. The two of them took a moment to look at each other. "You don't look like you've changed bit Lance. And I mean that! Looks like all that bleaching made you believe you're still a blond." Joey teased.

"Hey! It's a look! But obviously the trendy thing to do while on Los Angeles is to gain ten or twenty p..."

"Hey hey hey! Okay, you got me." Joey said, giving up.

"That's right, Lance: one, Joey: zero." Lance laughed.

"So Lance. Okay, the first question. Aren't you suppose to be married to Danielle right now?"

"It's a long story Joey. I'll tell you about it some other time." Lance said, trying to avoid that uneasy topic.

"Well, no time like the present. It looks like you've got some things to get off your chest." Joey pried

"Well, long story short... Danielle's been cheating on me with Howie." Lance stated frankly.

"Howie... Backstreet Boy Howie?" Joey asked, astonished.

"Backstreet Boy Howie."

"Oh my. So you called the wedding off?"

"Well yeah. I mean, I really didn't love her in the first place." Lance explained.

"What? What do you mean?" Joey asked with a bewildered expression.

"Nevermind. So I see you're doing pretty well for yourself."

"Yeah. Going into business with Justin's the best thing I've ever done since joining 'N SYNC." Joey said proudly. Lance began to look around the cafe and noticed that it was filled with 'N SYNC memorabilia. Pictures, albums, souvenirs, concert shirts, everything. Right above where they were sitting at was a picture of Justin Timberlake and Britney Spears a few weeks after their honeymoon. Lance looked at the picture strongly.

"Who's that with Justin?" Lance asked.

"That?" Joey pointed, "don't you recognize Britney?"

"That's Brit... Britney Spears?!?!" Lance asked, standing up on his seat to get a better look.


"Wow! I mean WOW!!! She's changed so much!" Lance said as she took a closer look.

"I know, she's really grown as a woman since the last time you've seen her." Joey laughed.

"It's only been ten years or so." Lance smiled as he got down.

"A lot can happen in ten years Lance," Joey sighed, "you have no idea." Joey sighed.

"Well, I'll tell you this, if I saw Britney was sitting right next to me, right here, right now, I would not have recognized her." Lance confessed.

"Well you won't have to worry about that." Joey whispered.


"Oh nothing. So, where are you staying? Does anyone else know you're here? Where's JC?"

"I'm staying at the Plaza Hotel. It's really nice. Um, no one knows I'm here. I want to keep it on the down low for a little while, you know, press and everything, and JC... I have no idea where JC is. The last time I saw him was right before I left for L.A." Lance answered.

"Well you could always stay with me. I have a house right on the beach. You can stay there free of charge until you find somewhere permanent." Joey offered. "You are going to be a permanent resident of the island aren't you? I mean, that's what I've heard."

"Well you heard right. Mariah wants the music and motion picture companies to be closer so I'm moving my half of Elenem to the island. It'll be up and running in a couple of weeks." Lance clarified.

"That's great." Joey smiled.

Lance still couldn't get his eyes off the picture of Britney hanging above him. It sort of resembled the Britney he once knew, but older, more mature.

"Did she get some work done or something?"



"Britney? No! I don't think so."

"Oh, then I guess it's been longer than I thought."

"Yeah. So I guess you haven't had the chance to visit..." But before Joey could finish his question, the door to the cafe opened. In stepped a tall, slim man wearing a gray trench coat, gray pants, and a ocean blue shirt inside, unbuttoned at the top to reveal his upper chest and collar bone. Lance immediately recognized the man as he came in, blond curls shimmering in the light of the setting sun. Lance got up out of his seat and stood in the aisle. Joey followed and stood behind Lance.

"Hey Joey! I left my keys to the club in Angel's car, so can I..." The man stopped dead in his tracks as he looked over to Joey and Lance. He tilted his sunglasses down to get a better look.

"James?" The man asked.

"Hello Justin."

Geeze! It's like they never get to finish a sentence in the future! LOL! Again, I hoped you like this chapter of After 'N SYNC. Like the first one, I incorporated some old scenes with a whole lotta new ones, and as you read in the first scene, I also did a little re-vamping. I know a lot of people liked the first bitch fight, and I was just gonna "cut and paste," but writing those can be so fun! If JM's reading this, you know what I mean.

So anyway, any comments/criticisms can be sent to < > It is greatly appreciated. It should also be noted that the more e-mail I get, the faster my story gets out there. I'm sure all other authors would agree that a certain kind of inspiration comes to them after reading a LONG, IN-DEPTH e-mail. But don't get me wrong. A "Great story! Keep up the good work! Bye!" e-mail works just fine too. (^_^)

Until next time! Phil

Next: Chapter 3

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