After the Caribbean Cruise

By Ghettorod

Published on Sep 27, 2006


This story is totally fictional, but I have used the characters from the previous series 'Caribbean Cruise', found in the Gay Male/Encounters section. As always, some of the sexual scenes do not portray safe sex. Just be sure to practice safe sex in the REAL world. This is my first attempt to wander into the bisexual area.. I hope those who followed the previous story, as well as any new readers enjoy the continuing story.

After The Caribbean Cruise: Part Three

I had just gotten out of the shower, after my wonderful time with Betty, when Gerald knocked on the door. "Can I come in?' He asked. He had a couple of drinks in his hand.

"Of course," I said. "I wanted to talk to you anyway." We sat down in a couple of chairs and Gerald handed me my drink.

"What did you want to talk about?" He asked. "If it's about what just happened with you and Betty, let me assure you, it's OK. Betty and I had talked about it and I was in full agreement with her wishes. I have NO hangups and trust Betty completely, as she does ME."

"Are you SURE?" I asked. "Gerald, I...I had NO idea that was coming, but I gotta tell you...It was FANTASTIC!" Betty made me feel things I thought were long dead. I just wouldn't want ANYTHING to come between our friendship. You two are special to me."

"We feel the same," Gerald replied...Really...It's OK, Jordan. Normally, Betty and I only play in threesomes together, but this was an exception. We know how hard the loss of your wife hit you, and Betty knew you were hurting."

When I started to speak, Gerald held up his hand, "Betty and I felt that if you had the chance to experience lovemaking with a a completely normal situation, maybe you would realize that you were not ready to give up on women. You have found a new outlet in man to man fun, and hopefully you won't lose that option. It's just that...if you can still enjoy sex with women as well, your life will be open to every kind of enjoyment possible. That's where Betty and I are, and we felt you were too special to limit yourself."

I sat there, digesting what Gerald had told me. It felt like a huge weight had been lifted from my shoulders. "I don't know what to say Gerald. I've never had two friends I've shared so much with. You two are much more than just friends, and I am very thankful that we met on the cruise. You and Betty have changed my life...for the better!"

"We feel the same way, Jordan. Betty and I think of you as part of our family."

"Now...On a more serious note, don't think this changes anything between you and ME! I still plan on swinging on that cock, and getting into that ass of yours some more."

I laughed, relieved and offered, "You know it's yours whenever you want it. I'd take you on right now, but your wife wore me out!"

Gerald laughed and said, "Yeah, she's good at that. Actually, she told me YOU gave HER a pretty good ride too. She's conked out in our bed...very satisfied. I figure this wasn't the only time you'll have a chance to enjoy more of the same...either alone again, or with the two of us."

"Damn, who could ask for anything more?" I said.

"Actually," Gerald smirked, "You already DID!"

"Huh?" I asked confused.

"You said you would like a chance to see two women go at it. Well, I met a couple while I was out. I stopped in a local bar for a drink and met this couple from Georgia. They're here on vacation for the next three weeks. We got pretty friendly and, to make a long story short, they're both bi and interested in maybe having a little group fun with us. Whaddya think? Sound good?"

"Wow!" I said. "I don't know HOW you do it Gerald. You seem to have a sixth sense for these things. Of COURSE it sounds sounds too good to be true. When can they come over?"

"We exchanged phone numbers. They're staying in the Radisson, here in Lauderdale. Actually they're within walking distance. I told them I would check with you and get back to them. How's tomorrow night sound? I asked Betty and she's ready to go."

"That would be great," I replied. "We can fix the rest of the fish we caught and make an evening of it. There's plenty of room on the patio and we're completely private."

"Yeah, I know. We determined THAT last night in the pool...or have you forgotten it already?" he scoffed, looking hurt.

Hell no," I replied, "I've just had so much sex in the last week, my brain is sorta in neutral."

"Only kidding," Gerald laughed, "Only kidding. think you'll be recovered enough for a little romp with me tonight?"

"Oh yeah, " I said. "Just you be sure and keep it hard for me."

"No problem there," Gerald grinned as he rose and leaned over to kiss me deeply. "Guess I'd better go see if Betty has recovered enough for a quickie. See you tonight." With that he left, leaving me slightly overwhelmed with the possibilities tomorrow night offered.

The three of us chatted over dinner, talking excitedly about the upcoming get together with the couple Gerald had met. "What did they look like?" I asked.

Gerald smiled and said, " I think you'll BOTH be pleased. They are in their early forties. His name is Adrian and his wife's name is Marianne, Mary for short. They both are personal trainers and are in great shape...Adrian has grey hair and is about the same height as me. Mary is a busty little thing with strawberry blond hair and a great pair of legs...almost as sexy as YOURS Sweetheart!" He added quickly."

"Nice recovery there stud," Betty remarked with a stern look on her face that didn't quite ring true.

"Anyway," Gerald went on, "Seems they are into the same things we are. They have the opportunity to be very selective in choosing their partners. They generally play together, Betty and me, sometimes play separately.

I'd say there's a good chance you might get a little new pussy before it's over.

'Just as long as I get MY share of that pussy too," Betty piped up. "Maybe I'll get a little strange cock too."

"I think we ALL will get a little strange cock and pussy," Gerald added.

With that, we finished our meal and cleared the table. I started loading the dishwasher when Gerald came up behind me and grabbed my ass. I almost dropped the dish in my hand. "I'll see YOU shortly," He whispered as he groped my bulge with his other hand. He headed for his room patting Betty's ass as he went. She looked over her shoulder and grinned at me as if to say 'Get ready'.

I showered and undressed, climbing into bed naked. It wasn't more than five minutes later that Gerald quietly entered the room and shut the door. He was wearing a short robe, which he discarded, leaving him naked also. His hard cock led the way as he joined me.

He immediately fused our mouths together. We battled to see who's tongue could force its way into the other's open mouth. Gerald stroked my cock to full hardness as he moved his hot mouth to my nipples. "Mmmmm...I've been hot for you ever since Betty told me how much she liked your cock."

"Ahhhh...I love tasting her and feeling her cunt swallow my cock," I groaned, "But I've been waiting for your dick all afternoon. Turn around and feed it to me."

We settled into a very enjoyable 69, licking and sucking each other. Gerald slid a finger into my ass and finger fucked me along with his cocksucking. He had learned how much this turned me on and had become quite adapt at bringing me right to the edge, then backing off. I groaned in frustration as he repeated his little game again and again.

I came off his dick long enough to beg him to stop teasing. "I want something besides your fingers in me. Please don't make me wait any longer." I handed him the KY and watched him smear it liberally over his cock.

I turned over and put a pillow under my hips, raising my butt up and wiggled it at him. C'mon Babe...GIVE it to me!" He smeared a large gob in my hole and found me ready.

His knees spread my legs and his cock pressed against my rosebud. He teased me a little, rubbing the tip around my pink hole. Just as I was about to beg him to let me have it...He let me HAVE it. All 8" rammed into me at once, not stopping until his pubes slammed against my ass. He must have knocked me a foot forward with the force of his stroke.

"Arrgggh...Oh, God...Give it to me Gerald...Fuck me hard!" I rotated my butt and clamped down of his hard cock as he withdrew to the edge and then slammed back home. "Unnnggh...Unnnggh...That's it...Fuck me deep!" I wanted him to take me hard this time. I was primed and ready for a good hard fuck and Gerald was giving it to me.

We couldn't go on like this for long. The sound of his hips pounding into my butt filled the room. My ass was so filled up that his cock made a loud squishing sound every time he rammed it in, and a slurpy sound as he withdrew. We fucked in silence, letting the sounds carry us to the edge.

"Cum in me...I want it," I croaked, "Cum for me...Oh Yes...That's it...Your cock is throbbing."

Gerald fucked me even faster as his cock throbbed again and began spurting its load into me. I felt five powerful shots before they trailed off into a few more weaker offerings. He lay against my back, using his elbows to keep most of his weight off me. I milked his cock that was hard and still buried in me, not wanting to end it.

Gerald rolled over onto his side, taking me with him and staying in me. We lay there, trying to catch our breath. His cock was still fairly hard and he made it jerk against the slick walls of my channel. I clenched my ass and made him groan.

Finally, his cock slipped wetly out and he kissed the back of my neck, then when I turned my head, locked onto my mouth and ran his tongue over my lips.

He stroked my hard cock and moved to take it in his mouth. He didn't have to wait long as I was primed from the fucking he had given me.

I was propped up on my elbows watching his mouth working my dick, until I felt my climax approaching. "I'm cumming...Yess...Yess...Here it comes!" My cum floded his mouth.

"Damn that was good," He whispered, licking his lips, "I don't think I've EVER enjoyed a fuck as much as with you, and I love to suck you off."

"I'm gonna miss this cock when you two go back to Michigan," I complained. "I hope you and Betty will consider visiting...maybe over the Christmas break?" I asked hopefully.

"You can count on it," Gerald murmured. Betty and I hate to spend the holidays alone and I can't think of a better place to spend them than here with you...and IN you."

One more round of hot kisses and Gerald rose to gather up his robe and slip out the door. I soon fell asleep, dreaming about the upcoming get together with Adrian and Mary.

End Of Part Three. Part Four coming soon. Comments welcome at

Next: Chapter 4

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