Al Fresco Spanking

By kevin thompson

Published on Apr 18, 2021



I am posting the following because I was told to, by a Man in the US who I correspond with and I always do as He says. He has tutored me and helped me express my experiences into stories.

For anyone reading this I would be grateful for any feed back at the email address

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I had met the man online and after a few emails we had agreed to meet, it was not the first time I had been spanked outdoors but it does raise issues when you're meeting a stranger.

Still I arrived early at the car park, just so I could check out the area and plan an escape route should i need it. The Car Park was on the edge of the Pine woods, it would be in theses woods he would spank me. While the outdoors has its issues it also adds to the excitement and my heart was racing as i looked around.

I did my normal of hiding a spare car key behind the front wheel, in the car were spare clothes and of course the car was facing towards the exit. I enjoy taking risks as it adds to the excitement but like to think I have a plan if things go wrong.

I could hear a car approaching so I walked slowly towards a netted climbing frame at one end of the car park. The sort you see on films that army recruits have to climb up, he had explained the woods had various exercise equipment around it, so people could go running and keep fit as they came across the equipment.

A car pulled up and parked and the man got out, he was about fifty, thickset and had the worst pair of glasses Id seen on anyone. Still this was my Spanker or Fesser as they call themselves and i had to be respectful and compliant. There was not going to be any role play, it was to simply be him spanking me and not with a lot of conversation because my French was not that good.

We did chat and I was very nervous but I tried to put on a bouncy sort of attitude, I mean I was up for being spanked but I did not want to show any fear or concerns I had. His profile online had been clear about what he wanted and others had given positive feedback, which was good but the theme that run through all the feedback was it was a very hard spanking.

As we said hello and chatted i did notice he had massive hands and hands that did manual work, he was repeating to me what he liked to do and while i thought it odd I was agreeing to it yet again. He got a bag out of his car and told me to strip, which I did very quickly and threw my clothes in my car and then handed him the keys. He had stipulated that as part of the spanking I must surrender my car keys to him and he would return them when the spanking had finished.

Yes yes I know, it was a silly, stupid and reckless thing for me to agree to. But it also excited me beyond belief, how many have had that fantasy/nightmare of being found naked and locked out of your room or house. I was worried about what if another car turned up or someone for a walk appeared from the woods. But now I was very eager to get into the safety of the woods away from prying eyes and maybe that was his thinking.

It was early October, so still mild in this coastal area and the leaves had started to fall. But this was a pine woods and it had a sort of sandy ground I suppose because it was so close to the coast. I became a bit agitated as i was now naked in a car park and wanted to get into the relative safety from discovery by other people.

Off he set and I quickly followed behind him, I was looking from side to side for any other people and suddenly realising that bare foot in a woods was not such a great idea. As i was now more or less hopping from foot to foot, but the feeling of being naked outdoors with a total stranger had me transfixed on what was going to happen.

I then realised that he did not know these woods, well he did not know in which direction he should go. Within minutes he was lost and he was just looking for somewhere suitable to spank me, that annoyed me but it also gave me a brief period of relief from thinking he was a potential nutter. We were deeper in the woods now and the paths would just run out and finish so we would have to turn around. But I was now enjoying the feeling of the autumn air on my naked skin, even if it had got a bit chilly in the woods.

Then he decided to go off the path and I stopped as walking through bracken and brambles naked was not good. He came back to me as i said I could not walk naked through all the bushes, but he signalled me to be silent and i thought that someone else was nearby. But he pulled from his bag a bit of cord and within a couple of seconds it was around my wrists, he pulled me and simply said go back now or come with me.

His assertive behaviour towards me, made me tingle and I realised I had beads of sweat on my forehead. Perhaps from the quick walk through the woods or me just being turned on by the entire situation. So I sort of half followed him and he half pulled me through the bushes and then finally he stopped in front of a fallen tree.

He was now just looking at me and inspecting me with his eyes and then he smiled, not a smirk or evil smile but a smile of anticipation. I gave a start as he touched my hands and he slipped the cord off my wrists as quickly as it had gone on. He was looking around i suppose checking it was a good place and i did the same.

He did not say anything but put his bag on the ground and pulled out a small blanket, folding it he put it across the trunk of the fallen tree and patted it. I nodded a thank you as I thought how kind my spanker is as I bent over the tree, he did not want the bark and twigs of the tree to scratch my stomach and chest. Ill be honest I'd never had a spanker be that considerate towards me before and as i settled down I was really enjoying things.

He was adjusting the blanket and getting things out of his bag, but I remained bent over and looking straight ahead into the woods around us. He kicked my legs apart and had me spread my kegs wide, then he was at my ankles. I looked around but could not see what he was doing but soon realised it was a leg spreader, it turned out later to be home-made like a lot of his equipment.

It was a section of a telescopic sea fishing rod on either end was a bit of cord that went around the ankles. He was very adept at knots and i found out later a keen fisherman, but now with my legs spread i knew at some point he might fuck me. He had told me he wanted to inspect my hole and take my anal temperature during my spanking, that had been the odd request he had insisted on.

That had been one of his must haves and I had agreed to it, rather bemusedly and I could not understand what he got from doing that. Then he was standing in front of me and again my hands were tied together, but this time the cord was longer and he past it back under the tree to my ankles. Without warning he tighten the cord and my arms were pulled down towards the ground and i was secured to the tree.

For some reason I was not scared or worried, yet I was excited and he put a pen and note pad next to me on the tree and so my anal temperature readings started. But again, he was very kind and showed me the thermometer and him cleaning it with a sterile solution. Then in it went and he was looking at his watch as he would many times during my spanking, I just dropped my head and looked at the ground thinking to myself what on earth are you doing.

His hands felt rough as he removed the thermometer and he showed it to me, before jotting down the temperature in his note book. I had not been able to read the temperature but I was looking at his old note book and how many pages had already been used. i was wondering was I about to become yet another entry in his spanking book of anal temperatures and how many other men were listed before me.

But I was bought back to reality when his hand made contact with one of my buttocks, I let out a small cry some from shock and some from how hard he had hit me. Then the other buttock and so on, each one was not a slap but more like an open palmed punch and I found myself gasping with each one. He would change the Rhythm, speed and routine of the spanking, doing one buttock time and time again, then the other buttock, then alternating his hits and never any less than a full-on punch like slap.

With each slap, not only did I cry out and the heat in my buttocks increase but I was actually physically moved with the force he hit me with. My restraints kept me from moving too much and I could feel the cord around my ankles and wrists bite in. My vision was a little blurred now from the tears developing in my eyes, I was not in floods of tears yet but close to it and my pleas for him to be gentler went unanswered, but my cock was giving a different indication.

He stooped and ran his hand over my bum, i could feel the heat as he picked up his thermometer and in it went again. I was feeling a bit ashamed at how easy a thermometer went into my hole, but while he was ticking the seconds away on his watch, I could feel his body close to me and it felt good. I tried to relax and take into account how I was feeling, could I take more or do I chicken out. He showed me the thermometer and then jotted down the reading in his note book, nodding as if the results had just confirmed his thoughts.

Now he was very close to me and leaning over me, stroking my back with one of his rough hands. In the other he was holding a small whip and showing it to me, I had never seen one like this before and he explained it was a Martinet. It had a wooden handle of about 10" to 12" with about 10 or 12 leather tails on the end. After showing it to me had laid the Martinet on my back as he talked quietly to me "more" he asked me and I nodded.

I had not come all this way to just take a hand spanking I was thinking to myself, I need to prove to him and myself I could take more. The first few strokes across my arse were rather exhilarating, they seemed to bring life back into me and were not as painful as I first thought they would be. But as he continued, I started to realise they were painful, but also enjoyable. With each stroke I would raise my head as a result of the impact and give out this sort of low growl.

You know when you get into a very hot Bath and as you lower yourself you hesitate as its too hot, then wanting that experience of the water as it surrounds your naked body, you give out that sign of satisfaction as you lower yourself in. Well I was giving out a sigh satisfaction with a low growl, I was enjoying it and he picked up on that. So I found the Martinet now making contact with my boy hole, across the tops of my legs and the odd hit on my balls.

Its strange how i would clench each hand into a fist, as if that would steel me for the next onslaught as my body would squirm from side to side but was restrained by the cords. With one blow he swung the tails up between my legs making contact with my cock and I let out such a cry of pain and started begging for mercy. But all that did was turn his attention to my back and a new area for him to play with. None of my begging or pleading ever stopped him and now I was crying uncontrollably.

I was again exhausted and slumped my head down when he stopped, shaking my head from side to side and I tried to hold back my sobbing and yet still trying to thank him. Oh having to thank him was part of the rules, part of our agreement. It was after all me that had sort him out, I had found a man to punish me and freely gave myself to him. So I thanked him as yet again he took my anal temperature and entered it in his note book.

Next he showed me a strap he had made, it was about 12" long and 3" wide bit of a leather belt attached to a handle. I recognised the handle as that of a fishing rod and thought I wonder if that came from the fishing rod keeping my legs spread. I'll be honest and believe that now I was starting to lose a bit of a grasp on reality, I was not in sub space oh no but think that he adrenalin in my body and whatever else the brain produces in these situations was taking hold of me.

He was standing in front of me now and had removed his shirt, he had a lovely hairy chest and stomach. The stomach was a bit large but there again what did I care and he was sweating, then he had me suck his finger. Then suddenly pulled it out and slapped my twice across my face, leaning forward he asked "more" and i nodded.

The strap was painful, but it seemed to be over very quickly and I knew I was close to the end of what I could take. This time after taking my temperature again, he then inserted something into my pussy. I later found out it was the handle of the strap and he stood in front of me smoking a cigarette as I tried to come back to earth and regain control of my breathing.

He turned and started looking around and i looked up and could hear what I thought was a Wood Pigeon somewhere in the woods. I suddenly thought I wonder if anyone else is in these woods and wonders what the sounds are they could hear as he punished me. Had some Bird watcher thought that sounds like a woodpecker but why is it crying. My mind was not on what was happening to me, I was drifting in and out of the situation like it was a dream.

Then he produced a paddle from his bag, it was like an elongated Ping Pong Bat, but no rubber cover on it. One side was smooth and on the other side running the length of the bat was a strip of that black sandpaper they use on a sanding block. Again I could see it was home made and yet another of his DIY projects, it was smaller maybe 18" in length. I hesitated for a while and he said nothing, he put the paddle on my back and walked behind me and removed the handle from my pussy. i do so hate that feeling of an empty hole and was hoping he might put his cock in.

But he leaned over me and I just nodded and said yes before he asked the question and within seconds, I was regretting it. The Paddle was worse than his hand spanking, I guess I should have realised that before and with each whack I let out a big cry or half scream. My Buttocks were getting a server pounding and now I was losing all contact with what was happening around me. Then he stopped and started to sand paper my balls, up and down on my balls he dragged the paddle, with of course a light tap with the paddle from time to time.

Then back to my buttocks for a few more whacks and then my balls again, for anyone that has been kicked in the balls your know the sensation. That sort of metal taste in your mouth when he hit them and the soreness the sandpaper inflicted was horrible. But he stopped and after taking my anal temperature walked around to be in front of me, I could not really focus now because of the tears in my years and my sobbing, my butt and balls were on fire and I was dripping with sweat and yet cold with the autumn air.

He dropped the paddle on the ground and lifted my head up, I just shook my head from side to side and tried to say no more. But he waited and stood there smoking another cigarette, as I tried to gain my composure. Finally, I was able to look up and just asked would he stopped now please, I even apologised saying i was sorry i could not take any more.

I did not really understand what he said in reply, I know it was an insult and called me a baby and he undid his trousers. He was wearing briefs, ones that had seen better days and had a big wet patch at the front. The briefs also had some nice bulges in them and when he pulled them down a nice set of hairy balls appeared behind a fat cock. Of course I was still tied and i tried to suck but all his cock was now in my mouth and he gave me one of the gentlest face fucks i have ever had.

I did gag a few times, but the thing was I was still trying to breath deeply to recover from my punishment and we all know breathing with a nice fat cock in your mouth is difficult at any time. Still my gags seemed to please him and he would push his cock deeper into my throat, I just adore that initial spasm a cock gives as it sends the contents of the balls up the shaft for delivery.

He was now making those man noises, those moans and groins a man makes when he cums, along with some sort of macho verbals. Of course I'm a slut and going to swallow his seed, why waste your breath to tell me that. I now had in my throat what I had wanted for days, his seed and I was swallowing fast.

It did distract me from my burning bum and balls for a while, but after as he untied me that pain returned. I stood rubbing my bum but he told me to stop and stay still, then once he had packed up he gave me the bag to carry and had me walk in front of him back to the cars. I suppose he was admiring the view of my back and his handy work, at the edge of the car park i stopped and checked no one was around. He took the bag from me, threw my keys on the ground and left.

He was in his car and out of the car park, before I had even got to my car. My journey home was slow and very painful and i made a mental note to bring a cushion another time. The marks lasted about a week, but the bruising for nearly two weeks and i decided that perhaps I had maxed out on my spanking limits now.


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