Ali Baba Baths

Published on Nov 6, 2011


Ali Baba Baths 10 By Bald Hairy Man

This is a story for adult men. It depicts gay sex. If this offends or bothers you, DO NOT READ IT. It is a fantasy and is not a sex manual, or a discussion of safe sex. If you have any comments send them to

Robert wanted to talk. Bobby was a friend and Robert had questions that were too embarrassing to ask in front of a friend. Like most men in our situation, we were uneasy about sex, and nothing in our backgrounds of education suggested we could speak openly about sex. If sex was a problem, sex with other men was even more so.

Robert had long labored under the misunderstanding that he was the only man in the world who had these sexual feelings and drives. He was deeply ashamed of them and terrified someone would find out. As a child, schoolmates had teased him about his small stature and he thought perhaps he was meant to be a woman.

"Well, if you were meant to be a woman, you would be the woman with the biggest cock I have even seen!" I said. Robert burst out laughing. "Not only would it win an award for the biggest locally grown cock at the county fair, but I can assure you it is in full working condition. It's in tip-top shape!"

I had one advantage over Robert. My father's emphasis on the Classics meant I had a full background in Greek Literature and knew of Greek love. Robert had a more modern education. I assured him that many men shared our tastes. Robert was relieved. He then told me had thought his tastes were due to his hot-house flower type education. "Farmers, working men and mechanics don't have these feelings," he told me.

I told him about the Ali Baba Baths. This was a complete revelation to him. I explained the baths served men of greatly varied backgrounds and all the members shared similar sexual tastes. "Let me assure you that laborers on a construction site like cock too!" The fire warmed the room well and we were lying naked on top of the bedclothes. Robert's cock was a thermometer indicating his state of excitement and arousal.

When it told him about the baths, his cock twitched and oozed. He was most excited. Naked man can't hide anything, and Robert had no secrets. I licked his cock. He twitched and oozed for me. We were soon mouth to cock. He could take my entire organ. As I was sucking his cock at the same time. I soon shot off and he took my load. This too induced an increase in his sweet cock juices. It clearly excited him.

Bobby woke up and joined in. While one of us was usually recovering from an orgasm, the other two continued to play. I discovered neither man was aware of his prostate's potential. I gently worked a finger in their asses and massaged the little pleasure gland. They weren't too enthusiastic at first, but the prostate doesn't allow detachment.

I soon realized Bobby and Robert we in love. As I massaged the little gland in their asses, they kissed and hugged in wild, romantic abandon. This excited me. Sex at the Ali Baba was for fun and release. It was rarely romantic. Robert had a tight ass and I had only one finger stroking his prostate. With two fingers in Bobby I gave his gland a real workout. I felt his it turn rock hard. I was close enough to take the first spurts. Some splattered on Robert's hairy body. That was enough to send him over the edge. I was able to get each man's cock head in my mouth and savor their man juices.

I didn't swallow and then I kissed them. Bobby was pleased when he discovered my cream filled mouth. Robert was shocked, but he ejaculated again when he realized it was his lover's sperm. By now, it was getting late and the storm was getting worse. They left for home before dark. It had been a good day.

I had to get back to New York, but Bobby asked if he could visit me sometime. Of course, I said yes. Robert also dropped by and made the same request. He said he had to visit New York at the end of January and might have some free time. I told him I would love to see him again. "Do you think you might be able to take me to the bath you mentioned?" he asked. I told him I would enjoy that.

When I returned to New York I found a small apartment near the school. My father had been a frugal man, and with the modest inheritance, I was able to afford more comfortable place than the rooming house I had lived in. I sent for some furniture to be shipped to me from my father's house. I was at a loss as to what to do with the house itself. It was the family home, but I had no desire to live there. New York now was my home.

A week later, I received word that a fire had burned and portion of the "French Village." This was the part of town inhabited by French Canadians, including Mme. Desjardins. It destroyed her home. I sent a telegram offering her the use of my house until she could get back on her feet. I knew she was a widow and supported several children.

I received a telegram from Father Sullivan accepting the offer and thanking me profusely. A week later Mme, Desjardin sent me a letter thanking me profusely. There was a portion of the letter in French that Mme. Desjardin wrote herself. The house problem was resolved for a while.

I got a nasty letter from a friend of my Father's saying he would be rolling in his grave to have a French Canadian working-woman living in the house my mother had lived in. I sent a curt letter back saying my father had never looked down on a hard working person in his life, least of all a widow in need. Becoming settled in my new apartment took much work, so I was busy.

My classes were going well and the parents had asked if I could teach additional classes in more advanced scientific subjects. I was pleased to do this but it did involve extra work. I also became the schools contact with Mr. White and the building contractors repairing the dormitory. I got along well with them and seemed to have a better understanding of the construction process than did the headmaster.

I was shocked when I got a telegram form Robert saying he would be in New York in a few days. I had been so busy, I had forgotten about that. He asked me to recommend a hotel. I responded that I had an extra bed in my apartment and he was welcome to use it. I didn't provide meals, but the room was available. This was fine for him.

I met him at the station and we took a cab to my apartment. Robert was familiar with Boston, but had never been to New York. He was attending meetings at Columbia University during the day, but was free at night. Columbia's new campus on Morningside Heights was a marvel. Mr. White's partner had done the design and it was impressive in every way. Robert had dinner at Columbia and then met me after dinner at my apartment. The second day he was there we went to the Baths.

I introduced him to Omar, who greeted him warmly and to Murad, Omar's friend. Murad escorted us to the locker room. When I first visited the baths almost a year and a half earlier, the men were reserved and discrete until they came to know me. Since Robert was my guest they assumed he was open minded. No one at the Baths was what you would call standoffish, but Robert brought out their welcoming nature.

Robert wore a towel for the first ten or fifteen minutes in the steam room, but it slipped off and he wrapped it around his neck where it wouldn't slip off. This left his hairy body and genitals exposed to view. I would hate to think the men at the baths were superficial and only interested is sexual pleasure, but Robert excited them. Robert was small, young and very masculine and hung like a prize stallion. Any one of these characteristics was enough to make the men at the baths friendly. All of those characteristics rolled into one man could have caused a stampede.

The men in the bath were not overly forward, but partial erections made clear their interest. A man in the corner gave his friend's cock some oral attention. Robert was excited, but a bit overwhelmed. "There is a pool too, would you like to swim some?" I asked. He nodded. There weren't many men in the pool at first, but after Robert's entrance, attendance grew dramatically. Aldred and George were there as was the sculptor Homer Macmillan, Roscoe and the Russian Ivan. All admired Robert's firm, furry body and his oversized organ.

While the men all swam, they would sit on the edge of the pool and chat. Anyone in the pool talking with them had a good view of their equipment. Electric lights illuminated the room, but it was still a bit dim. Under the surface of the water, one could discretely explore without being overt. Of course, this was a polite fiction. All shared the same interests and drives, but it made it easier for Robert.

Kenbridge Wells and Maximilian Smith, the two handsome sculptors, joined us. They rarely came to the pool and I assumed Robert's presence in the pool interested them. They were always interested in new men. Most of the men at the baths were average in appearance, attractive, but not exceptional. The sculptors were handsome men. After a quick lap of the pool they came over to Robert and greeted him. I knew them well enough to know there was one greeting above the water's surface and another below.

Later Robert told me he thought that man-with-man sex might be just an alternative sexual outlet for men who were not attractive enough to find a wife. Clearly Kenbridge and Max could have taken any woman they wanted. Robert was flattered they wanted him. Roscoe joined them. He was the least attractive man in the group, although impressively endowed.

I watched as Robert's hands discovered Roscoe's organ and found Kenbridge's hand already stoking it. I hear Kenbridge say, "There's room enough for two." All three men broke into laughter. Eventually we returned to the steam room. Robert was still excited, but now was at ease with the men of the Ali Baba baths.

He certainly was able to make friends quickly. Aldred and George, the fireman, liked him. When George was on the floor sucking Aldred, George opened his ass. Robert understood what George wanted. Robert's cock head was at George's ass pucker , and he gently eased his cock into the burly fireman's hole.

I hadn't seen George take a cock in the ass in the steam room before. He had relaxed. Robert had a large cock, but it seemed to slip into George fairly easily. His worship of Aldred's cock increased as Robert's rhythmic attack on his ass continued. Aldred liked the view. It was very intense, but not frenzied.

Robert suddenly tensed up and stopped thrusting. I knew he was filling George's ass with his man seed. The three men were happy. Homer, who on the other side of the room, was chatting with a man I had never seen, Col. Windner and Frank. Homer waved me over.

Homer had a wide range of friends in both the artistic and more conventional worlds. He was not like some of the society artist such as Mr. Gibson, or Mr. Montgomery Flagg. They painted or drew only handsome men and beautiful women. Homer preferred models who had more character. While their bodies and faces weren't prefect, they were distinctive and individual.

Homer introduced his new friend as Bill. Bill was a friend of Col. Windner. He was an older man, thin, wiry man with a flamboyant mustache and goatee. He had a countrified accent and it took me a few minutes to realize he was Buffalo Bill. He was in New York trying to arrange a return engagement at Madison Square Garden. His previous visit had been a stunning financial and popular success. Buffalo Bill was most outgoing and pleasant. He seemed quite unaffected and frankly interested in all the naked men and wasn't shy about looking.

We talked for a while. When Buffalo Bill was talking with another man, Windner took me aside. "Bill has had a difficult trip." Homer whispered. "The negotiations aren't going well. He seemed to take a fancy to you, and wondered if you were willing to spend some time with him? I need to apologize to you now. I mentioned you were an accommodating man."

I told him I would be glad to get to know Buffalo Bill better. I glanced at Bill. He winked at me. I smiled. He stroked his cock. I assume Buffalo Bill and I would go to a quiet corner of the baths, but I forgot Bill was a great showman. He had also visited the baths during his last trip to New York and knew he could trust Omar's digression. Bill didn't have a shy bone in his body a possessed what his called his one-eyed snake. The one-eyed snake was a crowd pleaser.

"Wally, you know I'm an old bronco breaker, the best in the West when I was younger," he said. "Now I like to play the bronco and let younger men do the riding. Are you up for it?" I nodded. "The last time I was here, one man got me to shoot just by wiggling his pretty ass and doing a wild dance on the snake!"

"I can try, but I can't promise anything," I said. Omar put a bench in the middle of the steam room and covered it with soft towels.

"By popular demand I will get giving bronco riding lessons today," he announced in his best circus barker's voice. "These training lessons are for real men, not for those whose idea of a good time is going to church twice on Sunday rather than once." There was laughter. "Wally has volunteered to be the first, but I need someone to wake up the one-eyed snake!" He shook out his cock. "Do I have any volunteers?"

"I'd be glad to help a man in need," a voice said. It was Robert. He was nowhere near as shy as I thought!

"Hot damn," Buffalo Bill exclaimed. "Bear cubs are my favorite!" Buffalo Bill got on the bench and Robert bent over and began to suck bill's organ. It was six inches long soft, but it didn't stay soft for long. Erect it may have been nearly a foot long. It was hard to tell. Robert was so small the cock looked longer in contrast. He was also able to swallow the entire organ.

"That boy is a sword swallower!" a man exclaimed. When Robert pulled off, I straddled Bill's cock and sat on it. It was really easy to take, but it didn't stop. I just went deeper and deeper into my body. Finally, my ass ring sat on Bill's bush. he wasn't a hairy man, but he haad a pize winning pubic bush.

I just sat there for a little while, then I started wiggling my ass and rotating it in a circular movement. His cock was comparatively thin so I could grab it tightly with my sphincter. I bounced up and down a few times. "Ride him cowboy!" Windner cried. Buffalo Bill moaned. It wasn't a theatrical moan; it was a genuine moan of sexual pleasure. We were off to the races.

This may sound odd, but Buffalo Bill was an entertainer, and his cock was designed to please both his playmate and the audience. While his penis probed places deep in my body, the men gathered around us could easily see his organ and my ass. I would sit up so only Bill's knob was in my ass and then sit back. The audience applauded as the organ slid into me.

I hadn't intended to make a show of myself, but the pleasure was intense. The open excitement and pleasure of the men watching added to my enjoyment. Buffalo Bill was having a great time. I must admit pleasing a famous man was exciting too.

After about ten minutes, Omar came in and lifted me off the long cock. "You need a rest," he whispered.

Bill sat up. "Do we have another man willing to ride the one eyed snake?" he asked. I was a little surprised when Aldred came forward. By the standards of the Ali Baba baths he was reticent and almost demure. He straddled the thin probe and took it well. No one at the baths was a virgin and most had not been virgin for a long time. Buffalo's long probe was a novelty. There may well have been virgin territory deep in our rectums. Buffalo Bill explored that territory.

Aldred did what appeared to be a belly dance on Bill's cock. Aldred was unexpectedly graceful and elegant. He sat on the cock using a corkscrew like motion. This pleased Bill and he always made his pleasure known. I assumed that was a part of his success with the Wild West shows. Bill was always excited and enthusiastic. He was generous with his praise.

I sat on the bench on the edge of the room to catch my breath. A man I didn't know sat next to me. "You put on a good show," he said in a Western drawl.

"I didn't intend to be on display, it just happened," I said. "Buffalo Bill seems to inspire men."

"I've noticed that," the man agreed. "I'm Dusty, Bill's sidekick."

"Have you been in the position I was in?" I asked.

"Once or twice," he said. "It was good, but I like the top too. I don't mind Bill's had me downs, but they are usually worn out by the time I get them." He looked me over. "It looks to me that you still have some life in you yet."

Dusty was lanky and tall, but had a thick, stubby cock. "You are pretty thick," I observed.

"Somehow, I have the impression that wouldn't be a problem at all for you," he said.

"Did someone say that?" I asked.

He laughed. "No, I know men pretty well. I picked you as one of those quiet types, who is a bit adventurous. I'm a loud and brash type, but I like to see how long I can make it last. If that ten or twenty seconds before you shoot off can last five or ten minutes, I'm a happy man."

I smiled. "I think I'd like that too." He was fully erect now. His cock was six inches long and thick with a big cock head. His cock curved toward his body.

"Take a seat and let's see what we can do," he said. I got up. "Sit facing me with your legs on the bench. That usually works best."

"I might fall," I complained.

"Don't worry about that. I'll hold you in place," he said. Excited naked men filled the room, but all the attention was on Buffalo Bill, so we were in a quiet corner. Dusty's cock was thicker than it looked, but I took it without too much trouble. The thickest part of his organ was in contact with my prostate. Every movement he made sent electric shivers of excitement through me.

Dusty knew what he was doing. I was skewered on the cock of a master fucker. He knew a lot about the anatomy of a man's ass. His curved probe explored my ass and found everything wasin just the right place. He also seemed to know when it was time to alter his technique. I would be almost use to his cock in one place when he shifted to another. After almost fifteen minutes, I was a worn out, a wet dishrag. He suddenly shifted me so my back was on the bench, and pounded men hard. He and I shot off together. We were perfectly synchronized.

When my mind cleared o saw Robert on Buffalo Bill's cock. Robert was short and small. It looked as if the one-eyed snake would skewer him and you would see it poking out of Robert's mouth. Robert and Bill were in heaven.

Next: Chapter 11

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