All Alone in Love

By JT Poole

Published on Apr 11, 2003


Warnings and Disclaimers:

  1. If reading this is in any way illegal in your town, state or zip code because of your age, religion, or other government rules you shouldn't read this.

  2. If you don't want to read about male/male gay sexual relationships, go away. You shouldn't waste your time with this story.

  3. I don't know any of the members of 'N Sync, or any other celebrities that may be mentioned in this story. This story in no way is meant to imply anything about 'N Sync, and any other celebrities sexualities, personalities, or anything else. This is a work of pure fiction.

Questions and commentary can be sent to "". I want to hear from everyone out there that is reading this story, tell me what you think whether it is bad or good.

====================================== All Alone in Love -- Chapter 12 by JT Poole

// Jive Music Entertainment Building -- Conference Room //

"What's wrong Joey?" Chris asked.

"Something's wrong with Lance! That was him on the phone. He was trying to tell me that he needed help then some guy got on the phone and said that I would never see him again!" Joey screamed as he fell to his knees and started crying.

"Johnny! Guys! Something has happened to Lance!" Chris yelled into the room.

"What!" Justin screamed. "This is all your fault!"

"Haven't we done enough finger pointing for one day? I told you guys my reasons for doing what I did, I am not taking the blame for his disappearance too." Kevin stated as the police officer sitting at the table radioed for more officers to come to Jive.

"What's happening to my baby?" Joey continued to cry.

"Everything's going to be okay Joe. We will find him, everything's going to be okay Joe, just calm down." Chris stated, trying to console him.

"You didn't hear that guy on the phone! He sounded like he was going to kill Lance. Sounded like I heard him slap or punch him to make him be quiet." Joey stated, crying harder now.

"Justin, JC, could you guys take Joey somewhere and calm him down?" Johnny asked.

"I don't know what good it's going to do. I feel like killing Kevin right now. If he wouldn't have started none of this, we wouldn't be in this mess now!" Justin stated walking out of the room.

"Fuck you Justin!" Kevin stated.

"You fucking wish asshole!" Justin shouted back as he sat on the floor besides Joey. "Joey the police will find Lance and he will be okay too. Don't worry about it, okay."

"I have no choice but to worry. That man is going to kill my baby." Joey stated, speaking through his sobs.

"Okay Kevin, you need to tell this officer everything you know. This is getting hectic and going too far." Johnny stated.

"I don't know much. All I know is that Lou wants revenge against them. If he doesn't get what he want from them, he's going to take it out on me and Nick." Kevin stated.

"What is it that he want?" Johnny asked.

"I don't know. The last thing he had planned was for me to blackmail someone else in the group and try to get more stuff from them." Kevin stated.

"Honey are you sure that's all you know?" Nick asked.

"That's all I know. Whose side are you on anyway honey?" Kevin asked turning to look at Nick.

"Right now I am on their side. Kevin you should have known better than to get tangled up with Lou Pearlman." Nick stated. "As long as Lou is out there on the loose you are going to be alone in this game."

"What do you mean by that Nicky?" Kevin asked.

"I am not on your side, I don't think I even want to be around you anymore." Nick stated as he walked out of the room.

"Nicky wait!" Kevin yelled getting up, as the police officer grabbed him by the arm and pulled him back down in the chair. "What the hell is your problem mister?"

"You are not going anywhere sir. As of this moment you are an accessory to the crime of kidnapping." The police officer stated.

"What the hell do you mean I am an accessory to the crime of kidnapping? I didn't kidnap anybody!" Kevin shouted.

"Until you can prove you didn't have anything to do with this, you are under arrest." The police officer stated as everyone in the room gasped.

"What! No, I had nothing to do with it. I didn't know about any of that stuff." Kevin stated.

"But you did blackmail Mr. Bass did you not?" The police officer stated.

"I did, but I had no choice but to do it." Kevin stated as more police officers arrived.

"Mr. Fatone was the person that received the call. Take his cell phone and have all the calls traced." The police officer stated to one of the other officers.

"Is it necessary to arrest Kevin?" Johnny asked.

"Yes. Right now he is the only lead we have on this case. If he hadn't blackmailed Mr. Bass already, then there wouldn't be anything we could hold him for, but he admitted to blackmailing him and on that note, we have something to hold him for until he either proves he didn't do it, or the real culprit is found." The police officer stated as another office came in and took Kevin away.

"Where are they going with Kevin?" Nick asked coming back into the room.

"He's been arrested for Lance's kidnapping." JC stated.

"What! Kevin didn't kidnap Lance. He was here when Joey got the phone call. Kevin's innocent!" Nick stated as Kevin and the officer walked down the hall out of Jive.

"Well until he can give us some proof that he isn't responsible, then he's all we have to go on until Mr. Bass is found or he turns over some new evidence against this Lou Pearlman fellow." The police officer stated.

"Well I overheard the phone calls, and I have the number where the calls came from." Nick stated. "Would that help Kevin?"

"Not really. We need to know where Mr. Bass was taken to, or where he's going." The police officer stated.

// Orlando, FL - An Abandoned Building (Not To Far from Disney) //

"What the hell are we going to do with him?" The driver asked.

"The boss said that we were supposed to keep him here until he says otherwise." The man stated.

"Look Jake..." the driver trailed off.

"Don't call me that. Call me J, we don't need him identifying us if something goes wrong." Jake stated.

"Well call me B then, I don't need him identifying me either." The driver stated.

"Is he still unconscious Bill?" Jake asked.

"Yeah he's still out, I checked his pulse to make sure he was still alive. You know you hit him mighty hard." Bill stated.

"Well later I am going to have some fun with him. The boss told me that he was one of the gay ones. I am going to fuck the hell out of him, he's a cute one." Jake stated.

"Well you have fun by yourself. I am not going down for rape too." Bill stated. "Besides, he's too pale for me."

"Who cares...look at that ass on him and look at the front of his pants, I bet he's packing a canon down there between them legs of his." Jake stated.

"I don't know and I don't care." Bill stated.

"Move out of the way wimp. I really want to see what he's hiding in those pants." Jake stated as he laid Lance flat in the back of the van and started undoing his pants.

"I don't think you need to do that man. What if the boss finds out?" Bill stated.

"He just finds out. I will just say that he was asking for it." Jake stated.

"Well you have fun, I am going to go walk outside, let me know when you are done." Bill stated as he left Jake alone with Lance.

====================================== TO BE CONTINUED...

Comments or Suggestions Contact Information

E-Mail: Yahoo: johntpoole AIM: SwainsboroGuy1 ICQ #: 146925768

Next: Chapter 15

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