All Alone in Love

By JT Poole

Published on Apr 21, 2003


Warnings and Disclaimers:

  1. If reading this is in any way illegal in your town, state or zip code because of your age, religion, or other government rules you shouldn't read this.

  2. If you don't want to read about male/male gay sexual relationships, go away. You shouldn't waste your time with this story.

  3. I don't know any of the members of 'N Sync, or any other celebrities that may be mentioned in this story. This story in no way is meant to imply anything about 'N Sync, and any other celebrities sexualities, personalities, or anything else. This is a work of pure fiction.

Questions and commentary can be sent to "". I want to hear from everyone out there that is reading this story, tell me what you think whether it is bad or good.

====================================== All Alone in Love -- Chapter 13 by JT Poole

// Jive Music Entertainment Building -- Conference Room //

"Nick just calm down. The officer said that since Kevin started this, that' s why they are holding him. Until they find Lance, they are going to continue to hold him. If you think you know or have any idea where they could have taken Lance, tell us please." Chris stated sitting in front of Nick.

"I have already told you guys I don't know. I wish I did know so this would be all over with." Nick stated, holding his head in his hands.

"We aren't accomplishing anything! Lance can be dead for all we know. We are wasting valuable time. We should be out there looking for him!" Joey stated, as he got up and started pacing around the room.

"Joe calm down. The police are doing what they can. They don't have much to go on right now." Chris stated.

"They are not doing a good job. This is my fault. I should have went with him to the car." Joey stated.

"No it isn't your fault. I think we have established whose fault it was already." Justin stated, getting up to hug Joey.

"I can't take this, I need to go." Joey stated as he pushed away from Justin and walked towards the door.

"You are not going anywhere Joey. Until all of this gets under control we are not letting any of you out of our sights." Johnny stated. "You might as well get used to seeing my face because you are going to stay right here until the Compound is ready again." Johnny stated.

// Orlando, FL - An Abandoned Building (Not To Far from Disney) //

"Where the hell am I? What have you done to me?" Lance asked as he woke up tied to a beam in the center of the room.

"Shut the fuck up!" Bill stated. "You are not in any position to ask any questions."

"Who the fuck are you?" Lance asked.

"I'm the guy that's making sure you stay alive, so you best be nice to me." Bill stated.

"You guys kidnapped me! How are you making sure I am staying alive?" Lance asked.

"You are safer in here. If you want, I can put you back out there with the other guy and he will definitely have his way with you again." Bill stated.

"What do you mean have his way with me again?" Lance asked.

"While you were unconscious, he fucked you, and from the smile on his face while he's asleep, I can say you must have been a good fuck." Bill stated.

"No!!!!" Lance screamed, thinking to himself that this is the second time he's been violated.

"Oh yes, if I would have left you out there any longer, he would have done more to you. He can get quite kinky when he wants too." Bill stated.

"Why do you guys want me, I haven't done anything to any of you." Lance stated.

"That's none of your business." Bill stated. "All you need to know is that you had this coming to you."

"I had this coming to me?" Lance asked. "You are trying to say that I wanted you guys to kidnap me?"

"No! I am not saying that at all. All I am saying is that someone wants you and you brought it on yourself. That's all you need to know. You are here because of something you did." Bill stated.

"Look I will pay you to let me go. I will not tell anybody about you or this place." Lance stated.

"Not interested." Bill stated.

"I will double whatever the person is paying you." Lance stated.

"Still not interested." Bill stated. "Be quiet before you wake my partner up and he comes in here to get more of your ass."

"Help!!!!!!!!!!!" Lance screamed at the top of his lungs as Bill ran over to him to cover his mouth.

"What the hell is going on in here?" Jake asked walking into the room.

"Nothing. Everything's alright, he just decided to call for help." Bill stated.

"Well shut him up or I will give him something to scream about." Jake stated walking over to Lance while he was holding his crotch.

"Did you have sex with me while I was unconscious?" Lance asked.

"Yeah I did and you were so good." Jake stated.

"I'm hungry." Lance stated. "Can I have something to eat?"

"No, you are going to starve pretty boy." Jake stated as he walked out of the room leaving Lance and Bill alone.

"You guys are going to starve me?" Lance asked.

"If you be nice I will get you something to eat." Bill stated. "But you have to promise me something."

"What?" Lance asked.

"That you will be quiet and not make him mad. As long as you are quiet, you will be fine. Just be quiet and I will go get you something to eat, but you have to be quiet." Bill stated.

"Fine I will be quiet." Lance stated.

"Good, now be a good little boy while I go get you something." Bill stated placing a blindfold over Lance's eyes and then leaving the room.

// Orlando Police Dept. //

"Look I have told you guys over and over, I don't know anything else. I have asked for my lawyer four times, the next time I ask, I will be suing you guys for not letting me call my lawyer." Kevin stated.

"Your lawyer is here, but he refuses to come in to see you." The officer stated.

"What? Why not?" Kevin asked.

"Ask him yourself." The officer stated.

"How am I supposed to ask him if he won't come in the room?" Kevin asked.

"Pick up the phone right there, he's outside of this room." The officer stated.

"Why aren't you taking care of this?" Kevin asked.

"I was instructed by Nick to let you stay here. He said that you were safer here and that you wouldn't get into trouble if you were behind bars." The lawyer stated.

"He said what?" Kevin stated. "If you are not going to get me out of here, find me a lawyer that will."

"Okay Mr. Richardson." The lawyer stated as he said his goodbyes.

// Jive Music Entertainment Building -- Conference Room //

"We just received a ransom letter. The people that have Lance says they want ten million dollars by 12 o'clock tomorrow, or they will kill him and we will never see him again." Johnny stated entering the room again.

"What! No. We don't have that kind of money." Joey stated. "Where are we going to get ten million dollars by tomorrow?"

"We would have to sale everything we owned plus some to get that kind of money." Chris stated.

"Look we are not going to give in to their demands. The police have professionals looking at all the stuff that has happened and all of the evidence." Johnny stated.

"That's not going to work. What if they don't find anything? We don't have that kind of money Johnny. Those creeps are going to kill my baby!" Joey stated still pacing the room and crying.

"I don't think they are going to kill him. I think they will hold out long enough to get what they want. If Lou is behind this, I don't think he would stoop low as to murder Lance." Johnny stated.

"Johnny, Lou was ruthless when we had to deal with him in court. He didn't pull his punches at all. Lou did what he could to get the upper hand." JC stated.

"I know. I remember all the things he did, but he didn't stoop to trying to kill any of you guys." Johnny stated.

"No, but I bet he was thinking about it at the end." Justin stated.

"I just can't stay here and do nothing! We must go find Lance." Joey stated making a run for the day, as Chris and JC tackled him and lead him back to a chair and both of them sat on him.

"You are not leaving this room. Didn't you hear Johnny say that we couldn't leave?" Chris asked.

"I don't care. I must find Lance before something happens to him. If something bad happens to him I am holding all of you responsible." Joey stated pushing Chris and JC to the floor.

"Ouch! You didn't have to push me down." Chris stated getting up off the floor.

"Alright guys, someone will be up here soon to escort all of you to the Compound. Just calm down and chill out." Johnny stated hanging up the phone.

"Like that's going to solve our problem at hand." Joey stated.

"Is Nick coming with us?" JC asked. "He needs protection too, from what Kevin says, if Lou's plans went wrong he would be after him too."

"Yes he is. We are going to contact the other Backstreet Boys and get them there too, to make sure he doesn't try to get them if he can't get any of you." Johnny stated as the police officers walked into the room. "Okay fellas, let's roll out."

====================================== TO BE CONTINUED...

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E-Mail: Yahoo: johntpoole AIM: SwainsboroGuy1 ICQ #: 146925768

Next: Chapter 16

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