All Grown Up

By B.E. Kelley

Published on Jan 9, 2012



This story is a work of FICTION. The events described are my own invention. Any similarities to actual events or persons are strictly coincidental. The author retains the copyright, and any other rights, to this original story. You may not publish it or any part of it without my explicit authorization.

This story contains depictions of consensual sexual acts between teenage males. It is intended for mature audiences only. If you find this type of material offensive or if you are under the legal age to read said material; please proceed no further.

While not exactly a sequel, this story follows the lives of characters from The Boogeyman, you might want to read that first. This story is dedicated to a great friend who gave life to Bobby.

Comments welcome at

All Grown Up

As we enjoyed our after dinner stroll through Boston Common, I kept thinking of that old nursery rhyme, "no more pencils, no more books, no more teacher's dirty looks..." It was late May and Kevin and I had just finished our first year of college, Harvard for me, Boston College for him. We had gone out to dinner at one of our favorite restaurants and had decided to stop by the Common, on our way home, to walk and take advantage of the warm spring evening.

Kevin and I are both 18, just a couple of months shy of our 19th birthdays, and we've been together since birth. We were born just a few days apart, lived across the street from each other our entire lives and by age 12 we'd fallen in love. Our relationship has endured a lot, most notably my encounter with Charlie Beckett, the notorious Boogeyman of Boston. We'd only been 15 at the time; we'd snuck out to go to a college party in the city and paid a terrible price. I won't bore you with the details but I was attacked and almost killed by one of the most prolific serial killers in Boston history.

The encounter strained our relationship. Kevin blamed himself for what had happened and it took a while for me to convince him that it wasn't his fault. He became distant and withdrawn while also being fiercely protective. The day he pounced on one of our friends for the crime of simply bumping into me, was the last straw. I confronted Kevin, told him I would be ok, that I wasn't going to break, and then I made love to him for the first time, to prove my point. It was a tough time for me too, after all, how do you get over almost being murdered? The body heals quickly, I only have a tiny scar on my neck from the massive puncture wound that almost caused me to bleed to death, but the mind takes time. Even now, three years later, I still have the occasional nightmare. As they say, time heals all wounds and if anything, the experience has brought us closer together. We found the courage to come out to our families, who have been very supportive, we graduated high school, got accepted to great colleges and are happily sharing our first apartment. If I had to name the emotion I was feeling, as we walked through the park, I'd call it happiness; at the very least I was content. Life couldn't get any better, or so I thought.

We were talking about Kevin's summer school class as we approached the Boylston Street T-Station. There was a crowd coming from the station and someone broke through the throng, speeding in our direction. I should have been paying closer attention, I turned, too late to do anything other than absorb the impact, of the 14 year old boy who plowed right into me. The boy practically bounced off of me and ended up sprawled out on the ground.

"Hey man, where's the fire?" I asked, as I extended my hand to help him up.

The boy took my hand and scrambled to his feet, he looked over his shoulder and tried to make a run for it but I held on to him.

"Come on man, let me go," he bellowed.

"What's your deal kid?" I asked.

I was annoyed that he'd run right into me and hadn't even thought to apologize, but that quickly changed.

"Please, he's coming, let me go," said the boy, as he struggled to free his wrist from my grasp.

"Whose coming?" asked Kevin.

"Him," cringed the boy, as he looked back and pointed at a large man charging up the lane.

"Hey, hold on to that kid," he shouted.

"Please, don't let him get me," said the boy, as he stopped struggling and instead threw his arms around me and held on for dear life.

When the man reached us, he slumped over and rested his hands on his knees while he tried to catch his breath. He had to be in his mid-forties, he was balding, tall but chubby and out of shape. He looked like one of the thousands who commute to the city from the crummier suburbs.

"Come here you," he shouted, as he lunged for the boy.

The boy constricted his grip on me, and shook like a frightened rabbit. Kevin stepped in front of us, blocking the boy from the commuter's grasp. Kevin pushed him back, gently but firmly.

"Easy mister," Kevin advised, "you wanna tell me what this is all about?"

"That little bastard ripped me off," he shouted.

"Is that true?" I asked, as I looked down at the boy.

He shook his head, no.

"Kid says he didn't do it," I stated.

"Check his pockets, he's got twenty-bucks he stole from me," said the sweaty commuter.

I looked down at the boy; he didn't look like the kind of kid that steals from someone. He was on the short side, about 5'5" maybe 110-115 pounds; he had short, strawberry blond hair and bright green eyes to compliment his innocent, baby face. He was wearing jeans, a t-shirt and a nice pair of sneakers. There are kids, in Boston, who would cut your throat for twenty bucks; this definitely didn't look like one of them. I looked up at Kevin, his eyes met mine and we communicated in silence.

"Look, here's your twenty," said Kevin, as he pulled his wallet out of his pocket and handed over the bill, "I suggest you take it and go home or I'll have to call the cops."

"Hmph," grumbled the commuter, as he snatched the bill out of Kevin's hand and turned back toward the T-Station.

The boy continued to hold on to me, he didn't let go until the old man was out of sight. Once I could breathe again, after being squeezed nearly in half, we took the boy over to a bench and sat him between us, in case he decided to try making a run for it.

"So, did you take the old bastards twenty?" I asked.

"Not exactly," said the boy.

There was a slight prairie twang to his voice, it was subtle, you probably wouldn't notice it after a while, but it was distinctly not local.

"What's your name?" I asked.

"Bobby Connor," he replied.

"Bobby, my names Tucker Sutherland and my friend here is Kevin O'Brien; do you think you might want to tell us what's going on?" I asked.

"Yeah, why did you take the guy's money, you don't look like a thief," added Kevin.

"I-I was hungry," said Bobby.

"Where are your parents?" asked Kevin.

"Texas," Bobby replied.

That explained the accent.

"How did you end up here?" I inquired.

"I took the bus, this was as far as I could get with the money I had," said Bobby.

"So you're a runaway?" asked Kevin.

"Let's worry about that later," I stated, "right now I want to know what happened with that asshole."

"I was sitting in that subway station over there," he pointed, "and he sat down and started talking to me. He was nice at first, he asked if I was hungry and I said I was and he told me that he'd give me twenty-bucks if I helped him out with something. He even gave me the money upfront, he said so I could trust him."

"What did he want you to do?" asked Kevin, as he gazed angrily in the direction of the T-Station.

"He led me into a bathroom stall and tried to push me down on my knees. I knew what he was trying to do and I got scared and ran," said Bobby.

"That mother-fucker," Kevin exclaimed, as he reached for his cell phone, "I'm calling the cops."

"No, don't, please," shouted Bobby.

"Why not?" I asked, "That man was going to..."

"I know," said Bobby, "but he's gone now and if you call the cops, they'll send me back, please just let me go."

"Why don't you want to go home?" asked Kevin.

Bobby sat there looking down at his feet. It was obvious he wasn't ready to tell us why he'd run away from home and for the moment, I thought it would be best to let it go.

"Do you have a place to sleep tonight?" I asked. Bobby shook his head, no. Kevin and I communicated with another look.

"Ok, let's go," I stated as I stood up. Bobby was quiet as we started to walk. In a few minutes we were walking up to Kevin's BMW.

"Hop in the back," said Kevin.

"Are you going to take me to the cops?" asked Bobby.

"Not now," I replied.

"Then where are you taking me?" asked Bobby, nervously.

"We can't let you sleep out on the streets," I replied, "Unless you have a better offer, you can sleep on our couch tonight."

"Really?" Bobby, asked excitedly.

"We don't really have much of a choice," said Kevin, "We're not going to let you sleep in the park."

"Thanks, that's really nice," said Bobby.

"Don't worry about it," I replied with a wink.

Bobby smiled for the first time. He really is a cute kid. I felt bad that something was troubling him, something bad enough that he'd run away from home. He could sleep on the couch tonight but he'd have to tell us what was going on so that we'd be able to find him a long term solution. It didn't take us long to drive home. Normally we'd walk to the park, we only had the car because we'd gone out for dinner. Our place is on Mt. Vernon Street, on Beacon Hill, just a few blocks from the Common and the Statehouse. Beacon Hill isn't a neighborhood populated with college students; it's one of the most exclusive sections of Boston. The apartment belonged to my parents; it was a one bedroom, one bath that they'd bought shortly after my dad graduated from law school. They'd lived there for a few years, until my mom got pregnant with my older sister, at which point they moved out to the posh suburb of Winchester, where I grew up. They'd kept the apartment through a succession of renters and as luck would have it, it was vacant when Kevin and I started college. It was a perfect location for us, it was a 15 minute drive to Harvard and about 15 minutes to BC, there were also conveniently located T-Stations which helped with the commute.

Beacon Hill is one of the most historic neighborhoods in a city rife with history. It's made up of Federal-Style mansions and row houses, gas-lit streets and brick sidewalks. Our apartment is on the ground floor of one of those row houses. It's got wood floors, high ceilings, two fireplaces and it's nicely furnished. Bobby looked a little subdued as Kevin parked the car out front.

"Wow, this is where you guys live?" asked Bobby, once we walked inside.

"Home sweet home," I smiled.

"Are you guy's rich?" he asked bluntly.

The apartment belonged to my parents but I had also inherited a lot of money on the passing of my grandfather. I wasn't sure how to answer Bobby's question, he was after all, a stranger and a runaway, and while I didn't think he'd rip us off in the night, hey, you never know.

"Uh..."I stuttered.

"I thought you were hungry," said Kevin, changing the subject.

"Yeah, starving," Bobby groaned.

"Come on, let's go into the kitchen and get you something to eat, while Kevin makes up the couch," I stated.

Bobby followed me into the kitchen while Kevin headed to the linen closet. Over the course of half an hour, Bobby consumed leftover lasagna, Chinese food from the day before, a sandwich and chips, two glasses of milk and some ice cream. I had no idea where he put all of it and I wondered how long it had been since his last meal.

"When was the last time you ate?" I asked.

"A lady gave me an apple on the bus, that was a couple of days ago," said Bobby.

My heart went out to him. This wasn't the type of kid who was prepared for life on the streets. He'd obviously been well cared for, even loved. Something had to have happened with his parents. I looked at my watch and as it was almost midnight, I thought I should save my questions for tomorrow.

"Are you tired?" asked Kevin.

"Yeah," Bobby yawned.

"Well, the couch is all made up, the bathroom is right over there, why don't you get ready for bed," I suggested.

"Ok, thank you," said Bobby.

"You're welcome," said Kevin and I, in unison.

Bobby grabbed his backpack and trotted off to the bathroom, a moment later I heard the water running.

"So now what do we do?" asked Kevin.

"Bedtime, aren't you sleepy?" I smiled.

"Tucker, you know what I mean," Kevin rolled his eyes.

"I know, we'll deal with it tomorrow, I didn't exactly plan this you know," I yawned.

"Fair enough," Kevin agreed.

Just then Bobby came out of the bathroom in just his white Hanes briefs. He had a cute shape, nice tight little body and a perfect bubble butt. We were both a little surprised at how casually he wondered around in front of us, total strangers, in just his underpants.

"Well, the couch is already," said Kevin.

"Ok, thanks," said Bobby, as he walked over to the couch and got under the sheet. "Where are you guys going to sleep?"

"Our room's right over here," I pointed.

"You guy's share a room?" he asked.

"Uhhh..." Kevin and I struggled for words.

"Oh, I get it," smiled Bobby.

"So good night then?" said Kevin.

"Aren't you guys going to tuck me in?" he asked innocently.

Kevin and I traded a look then walked over and tucked Bobby in.

"Good night Bobby, we'll see you in the morning," I stated.

"Night," smiled Bobby, before rolling on his side and closing his eyes.

Kevin shut the light off, we walked into our room and stripped down for bed. Kevin fell right to sleep, he's always been able to do that, he just clears his mind and drifts off. I had a harder time, I kept thinking about what we we're going to do with Bobby, not to mention, it's hard to get to sleep if you don't fall asleep before Kevin, he snores. An hour after we'd gone to bed, Kevin was blissfully sawing logs, and I almost didn't hear the faint cries coming from the living room.

I got up and looked for my pajama bottoms but when I couldn't find them, I just walked out in my underwear. Bobby was lying on his side, crying into his pillow. I didn't know what to do but I had to comfort him. I walked over and sat next to him on the couch, he instantly sat up and put his arms around me, resting his head on my shoulder. It was an intimate gesture but I didn't think of it that way, I was too concerned about the boy to think of how cute he was or how good he felt against me.

"What's the matter, Bobby?" I asked gently.

He continued to cry, he didn't answer.

"Thinking about your mom and dad?" I asked.

This time he nodded, yes. Not knowing what else to do, I started to stand up.

"Come on, get up," I stated.

"Please don't kick me out, I'll stop crying, I promise," sniffled Bobby.

I hugged him tightly.

"I'm not kicking you out, come on," I replied as I helped him to his feet.

I guided Bobby to my room and had him climb in bed, between me and Kevin, then I climbed in next to him. I had the bedside lamp on and sat against the headboard.

"Come here, I want to share something with you," I stated.

"Won't we wake him up?" asked Bobby, as he scooted in close and gestured at Kevin.

"Are you kidding?" I chuckled, "KEVIN THE HOUSE IS ON FIRE!"

"KEVIN, SOMEONE'S TAKING YOUR CAR!" I shouted, Kevin continued to snore.

"See, he might as well be dead to the world," I smiled.

"Damn," muttered Bobby.

"Now, would you believe that someone tried to kill me once?" I asked Bobby, as he rested against me.

"No way!" Bobby exclaimed.

"I wish I was joking but it's true. I had a real hard time dealing with it and I used to wake up with these nightmares. My mom gave me something that always made me feel safe and I wanted to share it with you," I explained.

"Yeah, I could use that," said Bobby.

I pulled my journal from its' hiding place, in my nightstand, and pulled out a piece of paper, which I unfolded:

"May the blessing of light be upon you,

Light on the outside, light on the inside

With God's sunlight shining on you,

May your heart glow with warmth like a turf fire that welcomes friends and strangers alike.

May the light of the Lord shine from your eyes like a candle in the window, welcoming the weary traveler.

May the blessing of God's soft rain be on you, falling gently on your head, refreshing your soul with the sweetness of little flowers newly blooming.

May the strength of the winds of Heaven bless you, carrying the rain to wash your spirit clean, sparkling after, in the sunlight.

May the blessing of God's earth be on you and as you walk the roads, may you always have a kind word for those you meet.

May you understand the strength and power of God in a thunderstorm in winter, the quiet beauty of creation and the calm of a summer sunset.

And may you come to realize that insignificant as you may seem in this great universe, you are an important part of God's plan.

May He watch over you and keep you safe from harm."

"That was really nice," said Bobby, "your mom gave that to you?"

"Yeah, and now I want you to have it," I replied as I handed him the paper.

"I can't take this," said Bobby.

"Yeah you can, I have another copy somewhere, and I think you need it," I stated.

"Thanks," said Bobby, "I uh, don't have any pockets."

"Right, I almost forgot, you don't have any pants," I smiled, "I'll just put this here on the nightstand for you."

After that, Bobby snuggled up next to me and drifted off to sleep. By morning, I was spooned in behind him, my morning wood resting against his pert bottom. Bobby's presence in our bed came as a bit of a shock for Kevin, he rolled over to kiss me good morning and Bobby almost got it smack on the lips.

"What is it?" I asked groggily as Kevin shook my arm.

"I thought you stopped sleeping with a teddy bear when we were 8," chuckled Kevin.

"Huh," I asked as I rubbed the sleep out of my eyes with my free hand.

Kevin just pointed at Bobby, I looked down and found him snuggled in my other arm.

"Oh, yeah, about that, he was having a rough night so I brought him in here," I explained, as I extricated myself from the boy and got out of bed.

"Sure, I bet you were just concerned about him," Kevin giggled as he pointed at my morning wood.

"Oh shut up, you know that happens almost every morning," I grunted.

"Yeah, I'm sure having a cute boy rubbing his butt on you had nothing to do with it," he smirked.

"You might think that, I couldn't possibly comment," I teased, causing Kevin to laugh.

"Come on, let's go in the kitchen before we wake him up," I suggested.

Kevin followed me into the kitchen where I started the coffee, it was still early but Kevin had a summer school class and had to get ready. We strolled into the kitchen in our underwear as was the norm, Bobby was asleep and he didn't seem to be the shy type anyway.

"So have you thought about what we are going to do?" asked Kevin.

"I have a general idea. He's obviously not a street kid, something must have happened between him and his parents, I'm going to get him to tell me what that is," I replied.

"Think he'll open up to you?" asked Kevin.

"I think so, he was crying last night and I comforted him, we had a little bonding moment, we'll see what happens," I stated.

"Ok, but we have to come up with some kind of solution, I mean he's a 14 year old run away, I don't want us getting into trouble," said Kevin.

"I know, I've been thinking about that too. I think he'll open up after having had a good night's sleep. I think he wants to talk but needs to feel us out a little," I stated.

Just then we were interrupted by Bobby.

"Morning," he yawned, still in just his underpants.

"Hey sleepy head," I smiled.

"Sleep good?" asked Kevin.

"Yeah, haven't slept that good in a long time," said Bobby.

"I know what you mean, I always sleep better when he snuggles with me too," Kevin giggled, causing Bobby to blush.

"Want some breakfast?" I asked, changing the subject.

"Yes, please," said Bobby.

I grabbed him a bowl of cereal and I could have sworn he was checking me and Kevin out. I can't say that I blame him, Kevin has always been cute and he'd only gotten better with age. His hair is jet black, his eyes are as green as emeralds and his body is a finely tuned machine, conditioned by his years as a football player and runner. I like to think I'm pretty cute too, I'm blond and blue eyed, 6 feet tall and about 160 pounds. I'm a little leaner then Kevin, I used to play football too but after I'd almost been killed, my parents wouldn't let me play anymore. They were afraid I'd get hurt. I turned my energy to swimming and it really did wonders for my body.

"Ok guys, I'm going to jump in the shower, I don't want to be late," said Kevin.

He walked by Bobby, ruffled his hair then disappeared into the bathroom.

"Do you have any clean clothes?" I asked Bobby.

"I only have what's in my back pack," said Bobby, "I've got a pair of clean socks and underwear, but my other change of clothes is kind of gross."

"Ok, when Kevin's done, why don't you hop in the shower and I'll toss your stuff in the wash, I'll leave some clean clothes for you on the bed," I stated.

"You don't have to do that, really, you've already done so much," Bobby objected.

"It's no big deal, I have to do a load anyway, I'll just toss your stuff in with mine," I explained.

"Thanks," said Bobby.

I just smiled at him. Kevin came out, dressed and ready to go. He kissed me on the cheek and grabbed his backpack.

"Bye guys, see you when I get home," said Kevin, as he walked out the door.

Bobby chuckled into his cereal.

"What?" I asked.

"Nothing," he smirked.

After that, I went into my room and rummaged through my drawers, looking for something that would fit Bobby. Lucky for him, I'm a bit of a pack-rat when it comes to clothes, and I found an old pair of gym shorts and a t shirt that should work. I was just about to come back to the kitchen when Bobby walked in, carrying his clothes.

"Oh, let me take those for you," I offered, "I put some clean clothes on the bed for you to put on after your shower.

"Thanks," Bobby smiled.

He handed me his small pile of laundry then did something that surprised me. He took off his briefs and looked at me.

"Want these too?" he asked.

"Uh, yeah, thanks," I smiled as I took his underpants and got my first look at his naked body.

His cock was about 4 inches, circumcised, perfect for a boy his age and size and his ass was damn near perfect. He looked over his shoulder, caught me looking at his butt, then smiled and trotted into the bathroom. I stood there like a slack-jawed moron for a moment, then shook my mind clear of the images of his cute butt and took his clothes to the washing machine. I was putting his clothes in the machine when something tumbled out of one of his pockets and fell on the floor. I finished putting his clothes in the washer then bent down and picked up what turned out to be a pair of red bikini panties. That definitely sent my mind to wondering.

While I was doing laundry, Bobby was letting the water heat up, while he examined his body in the mirror. He knew that he would have to tell me his secret today, but seeing Kevin and I interact, seeing how comfortable we were in our relationship, would make it easier for him to tell us he was gay. We were fellow travelers after all. The hard part would be explaining how his parents had reacted when they found out. Bobby took a deep breath and sighed, then he spotted something interesting in the mirror.

Bobby turned around and looked at our dirty clothes hamper. Kevin is kind of a slob and the boxerbriefs he'd been wearing that morning were sticking out of the hamper. Bobby made sure the door was locked, then grabbed the underwear. He brought Kevin's undies to his face and breathed deeply, he found the aroma of my boyfriends cock and balls to be intoxicating. His cock was standing at attention and he began to stroke it while he sniffed Kevin's shorts. Bobby continued to inhale Kevin's masculine odor and was soon cumming into his hand. When his load was spent, Bobby licked the cum off his fingers and returned the underpants to the hamper.

Bobby climbed into the shower and let the water wash over him. For the last few weeks, he'd been forced to take sponge baths in truck stop bathrooms, while he made his way to Boston. The hot water felt good on his lithe body and he tried not to think about everything that had happened. The one bright spot in the last few weeks had been meeting Kevin and I. Bobby didn't know what he'd have done if he hadn't run into us, he was sure that sweaty, middle-aged commuter would have hurt him, maybe worse.

What Bobby hadn't told us was that he'd run out of money and had gotten so hungry that he'd actually agreed to suck the man's dick for twenty dollars, just so he could get something to eat. When the time had come to do the deed, Bobby got grossed out. He was eager to suck a dick, but not one so old, and not in a subway bathroom, not like a whore. He'd simply taken the money and run.

Despite his youth, Bobby had always been a good judge of people and he felt safe with Kevin and me. Based on what we'd done for him so far, Bobby resolved to let us help him. It didn't hurt that he thought we were attractive either. Bobby stayed in the shower until the water started to cool, then put on fresh underpants and the clothes I'd left for him. I was sitting on the couch, watching something on the History Channel, when he came out in my grey t-shirt and black gym shorts.

"Feel better?" I asked.

"Yeah, a little," Bobby admitted.

"Think you're ready to talk?" I inquired.

"I have to, don't I?" asked Bobby.

"We just want to help you Bobby, we can't do that if we don't know the whole story," I explained.

"Ok," Bobby sighed, then sat next to me.

"How long have you and Kevin been together?" asked Bobby.

"Oh, uh, geez, forever," I smiled.

"Really, how long?" asked Bobby.

"I was serious, Kevin was born a few days before me, we lived across the street from each other," I explained.

"Yeah, but how long has he been your boyfriend?" Bobby clarified.

"Since we were 12," I answered.

"Wow, and your parents were ok with that?" He exclaimed.

"They didn't know until we were 15," I explained.

"Oh, how did you finally get the nerve to tell them?" asked Bobby.

"You remember how I told you someone tried to kill me?" I replied.

"Yeah," Bobby nodded.

"Well, after that, nothing scared me anymore, at least not anything as small as whom I loved. Kevin was always the brave one on that subject and since we were both ready, we just told our parents," I explained.

"What did they say?" asked Bobby.

"They didn't really say anything, it was kind of anti-climactic, almost as if we'd asked them to pass the salt, not told them we were gay," I smiled.

"Sounds like you were lucky," sighed Bobby.

"Yeah, it doesn't always work out that way for everyone I'm afraid," I stated.

"Didn't for me," said Bobby, in almost a whisper.

"That why you ran away? You're gay?" I asked.

"My parents didn't take it too well," said Bobby.

"How did they find out, did you tell them?" I inquired.

"Uh, no," Bobby blushed.

"So what happened?" I pushed.

"Promise you won't think I'm a freak?" asked Bobby, with pleading eyes.

"Bobby, it's ok, you can tell me," I said, soothingly.

"My uh, dad, came home early from work, and he uh, walked in on me wearing a pair of panties," said Bobby, blushing a deep red.

"Oh," I replied.

"See you do think I'm a freak," Bobby huffed.

"No, no it's not that, it just explains the pair of panties that feel out of your pocket while I was putting your clothes in the washer," I winked.

"Oh man, that's so embarrassing," Bobby winced.

"Don't worry about it, it's not that weird, lots of boys experiment like that," I comforted.

"I'm not a cross dresser or anything," said Bobby, "I just like how they feel sometimes, and I don't know, I think I look cute in them."

"I'm sure you do, you're a pretty cute guy," I smiled, eliciting a smile from Bobby in return.

"Thanks," he blushed, again.

"So what did your dad say?" I continued.

"He flipped out, started calling me a faggot and I snapped, I said yeah, I am a faggot, what are you going to do about it," said Bobby, his eyes welling up with tears.

At that point, I put my arm around him and waited for him to continue the story.

"He beat me so bad," Bobby sniffled, "then he locked me in the closet for two days."

My stomach started to turn. I didn't understand how someone could do that to a sweet boy like Bobby. I could understand being upset, I'm sure walking in on your 14 year old boy in a pair of girls panties would be a real shock, but beating him, locking him in a closet, who could be that cruel?

"What did your mom say?" I asked.

"When dad let me out of the closet, mom was there. He asked me if I still wanted to be a faggot. I told him I couldn't change who I was, then he beat me again while she watched. He threw me out of the house and told me never to come back," said Bobby, tears rolling down his face.

"It's ok," I comforted, rubbing my hands up and down his back as I held him.

"I know you're not going to want to hear this but I think you need to call them," I stated.

"What, no way," Bobby exclaimed.

"I know you don't want to, and I don't blame you, but it's been a few weeks now, I think they would at least want to know you're alive. It will give us an idea of what we can do," I explained.

"Please Tucker," Bobby sniffled, "please don't make me."

"Ok, why don't I call them and if that goes well, then you can talk to them," I offered.

"You won't tell them where I'm at?" asked Bobby.

"That all depends on what they have to say for themselves and what they did to you," I explained, "beating you and throwing you out isn't something they just get a pass on."

I didn't know how I'd back that up but I was sure of one thing, if they didn't show any remorse, there was no way in hell I was letting them hurt Bobby again.

"You want to do it now?" Bobby asked.

"Well, you're upset, why don't we wait until after lunch, so you can calm down a bit," I offered.

"Yeah, that will be good, thanks," said Bobby, as he hugged me tightly.

I held him in my arms for a moment and enjoyed the closeness. I'd never had a little brother and it felt good to be there for someone like this. I made us some lunch and got to know Bobby a little better.

Back in Texas, Bobby had been on the football team. I was kind of surprised by that, he's a little guy but then again Kevin and I weren't much bigger when we started playing. Bobby also liked music, singing, and computers. He had a charming personality and I found myself truly enjoying his company. I laughed to myself when I thought of him wearing the panties I'd found. I would have never guessed he'd done something like that, he was such a boy. Bobby started to get quiet as we finished our lunch, I assured him that everything would be ok, that I just needed to hear what his parents had to say for themselves, then he gave me his home number.

Bobby didn't want to be in the room while I spoke to his dad, so I had him watch TV in the living room, while I used the phone in the bedroom. I dialed the number and Mr. Connor picked up on the third ring.

"Hello?" He answered, pleasantly enough.

"Mr. Connor?" I asked.

"Yes, who is this?" he replied.

"My name's Tucker Sutherland, I'm calling about your son, Bobby," I answered.

"I don't have a son," said Mr. Connor.

I sighed, this wasn't going to be easy.

"Sir, Bobby gave me your number, he's here with me," I replied.

"You're not listening buddy, that little faggot isn't my son, he's dead to me," spat Mr. Connor.

Now I was mad.

"How can you be so cruel, he's your kid, I haven't known him long but he's a sweet boy, is being gay that big a deal to you?" I shot back.

"He's an abomination, and if you're ok with that you're probably a bigger queer then he is, you can keep him," shouted Mr. Connor, who then hung up.

I sat there dumbfounded. I had taken Bobby's story with a grain of salt, not that he wasn't believable, I just couldn't comprehend any parent doing that to their own child. Now I understood that Bobby hadn't exaggerated at all, his father was the abomination. Anyone who could take a sweet kid like Bobby and beat him, then throw him out in the cold, just because he turned out to be gay, didn't deserve the benefit of the doubt. I collected my wits, then went back out to the living room.

"Come here Bobby," I asked.

"What happened?" asked Bobby.

I pulled him into a hug and held him tightly.

"I'm sorry I doubted you," I replied.

"He was pretty bad huh?" Bobby sniffled.

"It's not that I didn't believe you, I just don't understand how anyone could be such a bastard," I answered.

"It's ok, I figured you just needed to see for yourself," said Bobby.

"Well, one thing's for certain, you're not going back there," I stated.

"What's going to happen to me now?" asked Bobby.

"I don't know but I don't want you to worry. For now you'll stay with Kev and me, until I figure something out," I answered.

"I'm so glad I ran into you," said Bobby, as he buried his face in my chest.

I thought for a moment about what might have happened to him had he not run into me and Kevin. It hasn't even been 24 hours yet but I can feel myself bonding with Bobby. I want to help him but more than anything I want to protect him. These were strange feelings for me, I'm only 18, I'm not ready to be anyone's parent, and I don't know if that's the proper feeling either. I was attracted to Bobby, he wasn't that much younger than me, and he was cute. This was an entirely unique situation and in the absence of clarity, I decided that the best thing to do would be to maintain the status quo, while I figured things out. Bobby would stay with us until we figured out our next move, he had nowhere to go and I had no desire to see him get hurt again, no matter what my feelings for him might be. I stood there with Bobby in my arms, thinking about our situation until the buzzer went off on the dryer, snapping me back to reality.

I brought the laundry into the living room and started folding it while Bobby watched TV.

"Oh, here's your panties," I laughed, as I tossed them at him.

"Uh, thanks," he blushed.

I smiled and ruffled his hair.

"You wanna see how they look on me?" Bobby grinned mischievously.

I nearly choked on my water.

"No, that's ok," I laughed.

Bobby was more relaxed now that he knew I wouldn't be sending him home, I don't know if that's why he joked about modeling his panties for me or if he was serious. I watched TV with Bobby for the rest of the afternoon and we just kind of forgot about his problems, we were two guy's hanging out. We were watching Beavis and Butthead bag on the Jersey Shore cast when Kevin got home.

"Honey, I'm home," Kevin announced, that was sort of our running joke.

Bobby just laughed. He'd never been around other gay people and he was amused by the normalcy of our relationship.

"How was your day?" I asked.

"Summer school sucks," Kevin groaned, "How was yours?"

"It was interesting, would you believe that Bobby here is playing for our team?" I asked.

"No kidding?" said Kevin, "I'd never have guessed."

"Yeah, I'm gay," Bobby blushed.

"You don't have to be embarrassed," said Kevin, "I'm sure you figured us out right away."

"Yeah, I figured it out when you went to bed and only had the one room," chuckled Bobby.

"So, no more blushing about being gay, nobody here but us queers," Kevin smiled.

"Cool," Bobby laughed.

"So that's why you ran away?" asked Kevin.

"Yeah," Bobby replied, more subdued.

"It's not exactly that simple, Bobby, do you mind telling Kevin everything you told me?" I asked.

"Yeah, ok," said Bobby.

Bobby proceeded to share his story with Kevin. I saw anger flash in Kevin's eyes as Bobby shared the details of his beating.

"You're shitting me!" Kevin exclaimed.

"I wish," said Bobby.

"I thought he might be exaggerating, just because it sounds so bad, but I talked to his dad, what an asshole," I added.

"Well, he can't go back there," Kevin stated flatly.

I traded a look with Kevin. That's one of the many things I love about him, he's kind and compassionate, and we were on the same wavelength, he was just as eager to protect Bobby as I was.

"So what do we do now?" asked Kevin.

"I told Bobby that for the time being, he can stay with us and we'll figure out what to do from there," I replied.

"Hmm..." said Kevin.

"That's ok, isn't it?" asked Bobby, nervously.

"Yeah, yeah, of course it is, I'm just thinking about a long term solution," said Kevin.

"I haven't thought of one either, so for now we'll just take it one day at a time," I answered.

That settled things for now but I knew Kevin would have more to say later. This was a big, unexpected complication to our lives and we'd have to figure out something soon. The matter was complicated by Bobby's runaway status, we needed options but had to be careful, least we get in some kind of trouble for harboring a runaway. The bright side of that was Bobby's parents hadn't reported him missing, that much was clear from my chat with his father.

For now, I sat back and watched Kevin and Bobby interact. They were cute together, playing Need for Speed on the PS3 and joking like they'd been life-long friends. Bobby is an interesting contrast, he has a mature sense of humor and you can have a sophisticated conversation with him and yet he still has this innocence about him. Maybe it's his boyish good looks. We didn't talk about Bobby's problems the rest of the day, Kevin and I thought that he needed a break, so after their game, we ordered some pizza and watched a couple of movies. If you didn't know the back story and happened to be looking in our window, you'd have probably assumed we were just a couple of guys hanging out with their little brother until mom and dad got home.

At bed time, Bobby once again pranced around in his underpants, without any hint of modesty. Kevin and I stripped down as well, and just as I was about to climb into bed, he hugged me then kissed me passionately.

"I love you," smiled Kevin.

"I love you to," I smiled back.

"This has been so weird, you know with Bobby," said Kevin.

"Yeah, fun though, I mean at least this evening," I added.

"Yeah," Kevin agreed, "I was kind of annoyed when this all started but it's been really cool having him around."

"Annoyed?" I asked.

"Maybe concerned is a better answer, I mean we still have to find a long term home for him but I'm glad he's here for now," Kevin explained.

"I'm not letting him go to a foster home, I've heard too many horror stories," I stated.

"We won't let that happen," said Kevin, "It might take you a few days, but I'm sure you'll come up with some brilliant idea."

"Awe, thanks for the vote of confidence, babe," I smiled.

"Now, in the mean time..." Kevin began, as he leaned in for another kiss then groped me through my boxerbriefs.

"Oh, feeling frisky?" I teased.

"Yup," giggled Kevin, who then pushed me back on the bed and jumped on top.

Kevin and I kissed passionately, our tongue's dueling in each other's mouths, our hands running up and down each other's bodies. Kevin rolled over, pulling me on top of him. I started to grind my cock against his ass and it seemed this was exactly what he wanted. We usually take turns topping but it had been a few days since I'd last fucked Kevin and the way he was spreading his legs and moaning told me everything I needed to know about his current desires.

I kissed my way down Kevin's athletic body, stopping only to twirl my tongue in his belly button. His eagerness to get fucked turned me on and I practically tore his boxerbriefs off. I took his cock in my mouth and sucked it briefly but we both knew what we wanted and I quickly resorted to rimming him, getting him ready for my cock. I flicked my tongue in and out of his hole then lifted his legs over my shoulders and pushed my cock into him. Once I'd slid in deep and felt my pubes brushing his bottom, I began to fuck him, building speed and strength with each thrust.

Kevin and I were both grunting and moaning, our sexual energy was totally uninhibited and we were about to find out just how thin our walls were. In the living room, Bobby overheard the sounds coming from our room and he got hard just thinking about what was going on inside. He reached down and rubbed his boner then grew bolder. He got off the couch and crept across the room and down the hall to our bedroom door. He reached for the knob and held his breath as he turned it, hoping it wouldn't make a sound. He pushed the door open, just a crack, and peered inside. Bobby stuck his hand in his briefs and started jerking off as he watched me fuck Kevin.

Bobby continued to lean forward, trying to see everything he could, when all of a sudden he lost his balance and came crashing into the room.

"Bobby," I shouted, a little louder then I'd planned, as my head snapped around in response to the noise.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to, I heard noises," Bobby spluttered.

"Like what you see?" asked Kevin with a grin.

I turned back and looked at Kevin, slightly shocked at his question. He just flashed me a mischievous grin, and gave me a wink.

"Yeah," Bobby replied and looked down at his feet, embarrassed. His boner hadn't gone down a bit.

"Come here," said Kevin, as he patted the bed.

Bobby's head snapped up and he looked at us with apprehension.

"Really?" he asked.

I looked at Kevin again, he flashed me a wicked smile.

"Sure, why not," I chuckled. "I can't believe we're doing this."

"He's curious, we may as well give the boy a lesson," Kevin smirked.

Bobby climbed up on the bed and sat on his knees. I smiled at him and he smiled back, then I resumed fucking Kevin. Kevin stunned Bobby by reaching over and groping his balls. Bobby jumped at first, then relaxed as Kevin continued to fondle him. It was clear that Bobby had never been touched like that before, he closed his eyes, tossed his head back and let Kevin's hand roam all over his package. After a few moments, Kevin pulled Bobby's briefs down to his knees and started to masturbate him while I fucked.

I don't know who was moaning louder, Bobby or Kevin. Watching Kevin manipulate the younger boy's cock turned me on in way's I can't explain. It didn't take long for me to start spraying Kevin's insides with my cum. Kevin had also been jerking on his own cock while he stroked Bobby, the two of them began their orgasms simultaneously. Bobby collapsed against my pillow and Kevin licked some of his cum off my his hand, then extended his digits to me. I licked some of the sweet boy cream off his fingers and delighted in the flavor.

"I can't believe that just happened," Bobby panted, while pulling up his briefs.

"Yeah, maybe we shouldn't have done that," I scolded Kevin.

"But it was fucking awesome," Bobby exclaimed, "I've never cum like that before."

"So you're ok with it?" I confirmed.

"Totally, fuck that was hot," said Bobby.

"Good," smiled Kevin, "I thought you could use a treat. Now come here."

Kevin opened his arms and Bobby snuggled up next to him. I smiled at how cute they were, then I spooned in behind Bobby.

"See, this is the best part," Kevin explained.

"It feels pretty nice," Bobby smiled.

"I'm glad you had fun, now let's get some sleep," I added, then kissed Bobby on the cheek.

Kevin kissed him on the forehead and Bobby closed his eyes, looking more content then I'd yet seen. I think we all slept like babies that night. In the morning, I woke up hard and felt a warm tongue on my cock. I opened my eyes and discovered that Kevin was still asleep, when I looked down, I found Bobby, slurping on my knob while he jerked on Kevin's dick.

"Uh, having fun?"I asked.

Bobby looked up, smiled and nodded, all without dropping my dick from his mouth. I reached over and nudged Kevin.

"What is it?" he groaned.

I gestured at Bobby, just as he pulled off of my dick and switched to Kevin's.

"Holy shit, that's a hell of a way to wake up," Kevin moaned.

Bobby was surprisingly adept for someone who had never sucked a dick before. He bobbed up and down, used his tongue to massage our shafts and was careful not to nick us with his teeth. Kevin came first and Bobby swallowed his load then took mine. He sat up with a satisfied grin and wiped his mouth.

"I'm gonna be late," Kevin exclaimed as he scrambled out of bed.

He punched Bobby on the shoulder, good naturedly, then grabbed his pants. He was still getting dressed as he raced for the door. I pulled Bobby back down and snuggled him.

"Bobby, you need to ask before doing stuff like that," I admonished.

"Are you mad," he frowned.

"I'm not mad, I just think we should be careful about doing this kind of stuff, I don't want to take advantage of you," I explained.

"But I'm the one who did it," he replied, somewhat confused.

"I know, but technically Kevin and I are adults, we don't want to get in trouble," I stated.

"So you're not going to do anything else with me," Bobby whined.

"No, I don't know, I want to but..." I replied.

"Don't worry, I won't tell anyone, I'm having fun," said Bobby.

"Well, just ask first, ok?" I asked.

"Ok, I can do that," he smiled.

I gave him a little peck on the lips, which brought a smile to his face, than we slept for another hour before getting up and facing the day. I showered and dressed first, letting Bobby sleep. I was just getting the coffee going when I heard the shower running, announcing he was awake. I had cereal and toast waiting for him when he joined me in the kitchen.

"Is that the only other outfit you've got?" I asked.

"Yeah, I couldn't take much when I left, just two changes of clothes and some extra socks and underwear," said Bobby.

"Well, at least that answer's what we're doing today," I smiled.

"What do you mean?" asked Bobby.

"You'll see, eat up," I replied.

"So where are we going," asked Bobby, as I led him out to my car, after breakfast.

"You'll see," I smiled, as I got behind the wheel.

Bobby climbed into the car and since it was such a beautiful day, I put the top down on my Audi A4, which he thought was cool. We headed for Copley Place, or more specifically the Copley Place Mall. It's a short drive and it has a wide range of the stores I like. Bobby didn't have much with him in the way of clothes and though what he had was fine, if he was going to be hanging out with me, I had to show him how to dress like a local. More than anything, he was cute and I thought it would be fun to play dress-up with him.

"What are we doing here," Bobby asked, when I pulled into the mall's parking garage.

"Bobby, you're in Boston now, you can't spend all your time in jeans and t-shirts," I smiled.

"No I guess not, but I don't have any money for shopping," said Bobby.

"Don't worry about it, I got ya covered," I replied.

"No, no way, I can't let you do that," said Bobby.

"Why not?" I asked.

"Because, Tucker, you guys are already letting me stay at your place and eating your food, I can't let you spend any more money on me," stated Bobby.

"But I want to, it'll be fun," I objected.

"Yeah but..." Bobby began.

"Look, you know how you asked me the other day if we were rich?" I asked.

"Well, yeah," Bobby replied.

"Well, my grandpa and I were very close and he was a pretty rich guy. He left me and my sister a lot of money when he died and I don't think he would mind a bit if you and I spent some of it," I smiled.

"But he didn't know me," Bobby objected.

"No, but he would have liked you, you're a lot like me when I was 14," I replied.

"Come on, this will be fun," I stated, while getting out of the car.

"Ok," Bobby agreed, reluctantly.

We walked into the mall and right away, Bobby seemed a little subdued.

"This place is pretty fancy," said Bobby.

"Yeah, most of the stores are geared toward rich old ladies but they'll have everything we need here too," I explained.

Our first stop was the Ralph Lauren store. I like to go there for shirts and I immediately went to work grabbing polo shirts in various colors. Bobby walked behind me with his arms crossed, not angrily but more as a way to make himself small and unnoticed.

"How about this one?" I asked, holding up a pink polo.

"Pink?" Bobby replied.

"I think it would look good on you, with your skin tone and hair color," I smiled, as I tossed him the shirt.

"Tucker, this shirt is eighty bucks, no way, it's too expensive," Bobby complained.

"Listen Bobby," I said, pulling him aside, "you're a good guy, you deserve nice things, you're not putting me out at all, I just want you to have fun."

"Ok," said Bobby, "I'll try it on."

I patted Bobby on the back and continued selecting shirts. When we had a substantial pile, I took him to the dressing room and had him try things on. Bobby was good about modeling everything and he was smiling and having fun by the time he'd tried on a dozen shirts.

"So which ones did you like?" I asked.

"I liked them all but I think the pink one and the green one were my favorites, you were right, that color was nice on me," said Bobby.

"Great, we'll take them all then," I smiled.

"Tucker, I don't need a dozen shirts," said Bobby.

"I know," I smiled.

Bobby just rolled his eyes as I put my arm around his shoulder and headed for the checkout counter.

"Is that you're little brother?" smiled the sales girl.

"Yeah, we're just out doing some shopping for his birthday," I lied.

We hadn't really thought about questions like that and no one would be hurt by such a little white lie.

"Isn't that sweet, is he always this nice to you?" she asked Bobby.

"Oh yeah, Tucker's the best, you want his number?" Bobby smirked.

"Uh, uh, uh," stuttered the sales girl.

"Come on twerp, mom's probably waiting," I said, as we grabbed Bobby's bags.

"Very funny," I added, as we left the store.

"She was hot for you," Bobby giggled.

I dragged Bobby to the Gap, and JCrew after that, he needed shorts to go with his shirts, some shoes and a light jacket for those summer rain storms. He was in a much better mood after his little joke at the sales girl's expense and by the time we'd finished shopping he was all stocked up. He seemed most excited about the new underwear we'd picked out at Neiman Marcus. He'd selected his usual tighty whities but we'd upgraded the brand to Calvin Klein and 2xist.

"Trust me, they're really soft," I winked at him, before he could object at the price.

We completed Bobby's mini makeover with a stop at the salon for a haircut. I think the stylist was flirting with him because I saw him blush a deep red as she was washing his hair. When he was done, he took one of his new outfits into the restroom and when he came out he looked like a million bucks.

"Wow, you look like you just escaped from Choate or Exeter," I smiled.

"Cool, uh, is that good?" asked Bobby.

"It's great, you look really cute," I smiled, "How do you feel?"

"I feel great, thanks for this," said Bobby.

"Don't mention it, I'm happy to do it. Let's grab some lunch," I offered.

Bobby told me about his life in Texas, prior to his parents finding out he was gay, while we had lunch.

"I don't know how you play football in that weather," I stated, "it's hotter than hell down there."

"Yeah but the heat isn't the worst part, it's the humidity that kills you," Bobby agreed.

I looked at my watch, then Bobby and I headed over to the BC campus to pick up Kevin. I'd noticed his car was still parked, when we left to go shopping, he must have taken the T to school so that he wouldn't have to fight for a parking space. We pulled up just as he was walking out onto Commonwealth Avenue.

"Hey sexy, you need a ride?" I laughed as I honked the horn.

"Where did you get the preppy?" Kevin shot back, referring to Bobby's new look.

"We did a little shopping," I explained, while Kevin hopped in the back.

"I like it, it's a good look for you," said Kevin, while he ruffled Bobby's hair.

When we got home, Bobby took his things and stored them in our room. The one thing that no one mentioned throughout the day was what had happened in the morning. Bobby had clearly enjoyed sucking our dicks and was eager to do more, Kevin and I were just as eager but I wasn't sure how far we should take things. I didn't care that Bobby was a few years older than us, but what would other people think? Then again, it wasn't like we planned to tell anyone.

"So am I back on the couch tonight?" Bobby asked.

"No, you can sleep with us again," said Kevin, after trading a look with me.

Kevin and I stripped down to our boxerbriefs while Bobby was brushing his teeth. When he came out, he was wearing a pair of the new 2xist briefs I'd picked out for him. They were cut a little smaller then his Hanes, and fit a little tighter, he looked fantastic.

"You're right, these are softer," Bobby smiled.

"Let me feel," Kevin, grinned slyly.

Bobby walked over and stood in front of Kevin with his legs slightly apart. Kevin cupped his balls and massaged Bobby's hardening penis. I stood back and watched but couldn't resist the temptation, I reached out and felt Bobby's tight ass.

"You know, he did suck our dicks this morning, don't you think we should return the favor?" asked Kevin.

"I think so, but maybe we should ask him what he'd like to try," I replied.

"I want to do everything," said Bobby, "anything you guys are willing to do with me."

"So this is ok then?" I asked, as I leaned down and kissed him on the lips.

It was a soft kiss, I held my lips against his and felt him push back.

"Mmm, yeah, that's definitely ok," he smiled.

We took Bobby down on our bed, Kevin and I lying on either side. I kissed him again and rubbed his chest. This time, he parted his lips and I probed his mouth with my tongue. Kevin sucked on Bobby's nipple and continued to rub between his legs, until it was his turn to kiss. We took turns introducing Bobby to the joys of French kissing, then licked our way down his slender frame. Kevin kissed Bobby's balls through his soft underpants while I nibbled on the head of his cock.

"Oh my God, that's so good," moaned Bobby, as he bit his lip.

I was still working on his cock while Kevin kissed down to his thighs and sucked on the tender flesh. I took hold of Bobby's briefs and pulled them down his legs then Kevin lapped at his balls while I sucked on the cute pink head of his cock. I licked the shaft of his four inches, painting the small trunk. I sucked it to its base and massaged it lovingly with my tongue. Kevin washed Bobby's balls, sucking each of them, then taking both in his mouth. Bobby let out content moans that grew as the pleasure increased.

I switched positions with Kevin, letting him take our young ward's love muscle in his mouth. I licked Bobby's balls for a time but as I've mentioned before, I'm not a big ball fan. Instead, I spread Bobby's legs and kissed around the rim of his tightly puckered opening. I flicked my tongue at the opening then pressed against it, entering him ever so slightly. Bobby shrieked in delight and I ate his hole vigorously.

"Mmm, fuck me, god please fuck me," moaned Bobby, at which point, I pulled back.

"Please fuck me," said Bobby, almost pleadingly.

"What do you think?" asked Kevin, pulling off of Bobby's cock.

"Wow, I don't know," I replied.

"Come on, please guys, I want it so bad," Bobby begged.

"You're really tight down there, it could hurt you, and besides, I'm not sure if it's right for us to do it," I explained.

"I've read all about it, I know it might hurt a little, and there's nothing wrong with you guys doing it, you're not that much older than me, geez," argued Bobby.

"What do you think?" I asked Kevin.

"He seems to know what he wants, I'm willing to try it," said Kevin.

"But, I want you both," whined Bobby, flashing me his puppy dog eyes.

"Ok, you win, just stop giving me that look," I laughed at Bobby.

"Awesome," smiled Bobby.

"Do you always get your way with that look?" I asked.

"Usually," said Bobby.

I started kissing Bobby again, while Kevin got into position. He lifted Bobby's legs and started to rub his cock against our boy's freshly licked hole. Bobby tensed at Kevin's touch but only briefly, he started to relax and got what he wanted, the head of Kevin's cock popped inside. Kevin pushed slowly but lost his balance at one point and slipped in hard.

"Ah," Bobby winced, "it hurts."

"Do you want him to stop?" I asked.

"No, just don't go so hard, it hurt," Bobby whimpered.

"I'm sorry bud, it was an accident," Kevin apologized.

"Be gentle with him," I admonished.

Kevin resumed his invasion of Bobby's hole and was soon balls deep in the younger boy. Bobby felt fuller then ever in his life. He'd experimented with cucumbers and even tried a rather thick pen he'd acquired, nothing felt as good as Kevin's man-sized cock inside of him. When Bobby told Kevin that it was ok, Kevin pulled back and began to rock his hips back and forth, slowly fucking him. Bobby moaned and grunted at the invasion, I kissed his lips and opened my mouth, allowing him to probe me with his tongue and help him forget the initial pain of this new sensation. Bobby was so tight that Kevin only fucked him for a few minutes before depositing his load. Then it was my turn.

Kevin and I switched positions and he kissed Bobby while I entered him. Any sense of trepidation I might have had, vanished when the head of my cock entered the tightest ass I'd ever encountered. I had fucked anything this tight since Kevin and I had been boys, and even then, I don't think either of us had as perfect an ass as Bobby. I fucked Bobby as hard as I felt I could without hurting him and pulled out just as I was about to cum. I took my dick in my hand and jerked it furiously, as Bobby jerked himself. Once I saw him cumming I lost control and shot my well aimed cum, right where Bobby's lips met Kevin's.

"That was fucking amazing," Bobby exclaimed.

"So you enjoyed it?" I asked.

"Fuck yeah, I've wanted that for so long," Bobby exclaimed.

We kissed, all three of us. We licked my cum off of each other's lips and then settled down to sleep, exhausted by our rather athletic sexual encounter.

In the morning, I woke up before the others, I looked at Bobby's sweet, innocent face as he lie sleeping and I stroked his hair.

"What are you thinking?" asked Kevin.

"Oh, I didn't know you were up," I replied.

"I was being quiet, I wanted to watch you for a moment," smiled Kevin, "He's so cute, and you're so beautiful, I just wanted to enjoy the view."

"Thanks," I blushed.

"You've been really good with him the last few days," said Kevin.

"Thanks, it's been fun, I always wanted a little brother," I replied.

"You know we can't keep him, right?" asked Kevin.

"I know," I sighed, "I thought about it, we could put him in a private school out in Cambridge, take him on camping trips, couch little league..."

"That all sounds great, there's just one problem," said Kevin.

"Yeah, us," I agreed.

"We're not ready to have a kid, someday, but not now, I don't think we're mature enough," said Kevin.

"No?" I asked.

"Sure there are certain things we can do for him, and he'd probably be ok but what do we do when he comes home with a black eye some day because a kid at school doesn't like queers, or when some boy breaks his heart?"asked Kevin, "Those are mom and dad problems, we don't have the skills for that yet."

"Not to mention, we fucked him," I replied.

"There wasn't anything wrong with that. He's younger than us but he's not a baby, he was very clear what he wanted," said Kevin.

"I know, but how can we have that kind of relationship with him and try to be parents, it just doesn't work, but then, what do we do?" I asked.

"He needs real parents Tucker, good parents, like ours," Kevin replied.

That comment sent my mind into high gear. An idea materialized and as it became clearer, I could have kicked myself for not thinking of it before.

"I know that face, what are you thinking?" asked Kevin.

"It's just an idea right now, I have to test it out, then I'll tell you," I smiled.

"Ok, where are you going?" asked Kevin, as I climbed out of bed.

"I need to take a shower, Bobby and I are going to take a little drive when he wakes up," I smiled.

"So where are we going?" asked Bobby an hour later, as we drove out to the suburbs.

"This is Winchester, where I grew up, I thought you might want to meet my parents," I replied.

"Oh, cool," said Bobby, "How come Kevin didn't come?"

"He had homework, you see that house over there," I pointed.

"Yeah," Bobby nodded.

"That's where Kevin's mom and dad live, and this is my house," I answered, pulling into the driveway.

"Wow, this place is really nice," said Bobby, "what do your mom and dad do?"

"Oh, my dad's a judge and my mom's a pianist," I replied.

"That's really cool," said Bobby, "my parents aren't poor or anything but this is a really nice neighborhood."

"I'm glad you like it," I smiled.

I parked my car in front of the house then we walked up to the door. I used my key and let myself in.

"Mom, dad, I'm home!" I shouted.

My parents, George and Caroline Sutherland, came into the foyer and hugged me. Bobby was being shy and hiding behind my back.

"Well, who is this?" asked my mom.

"This is Bobby, he's a friend of mine," I smiled.

"It's very nice to meet you Bobby, I'm Tucker's mom, Caroline, and this is his father, George," Mom smiled.

"Pleased to meet you, ma'am, Mr. Sutherland," said Bobby, with his own friendly smile.

My dad shook Bobby's hand and eyed him somewhat suspiciously. Dad has been a federal judge for as long as I can remember, I'm sure he was curious to know who Bobby was and how the hell I had hooked up with him, I'm not known for having many friends in the 9th grade. My parents led us into the den and before my dad could start asking questions, our English Sheep Dog, came bounding into the room.

"Hey, who's this?" Bobby giggled, as the dog attacked him with kisses.

"This is Barkley, he's Tucker's dog," mom replied.

"He's so cute," Bobby exclaimed.

"Here," I said, picking up a ball from a basket, "this is his ball, why don't you take him out back and play with him for a bit, he'll love you forever."

"Ok, but aren't you coming?" asked Bobby.

"Yeah, I'll be there in a minute, I just need to talk to my mom and dad for a minute," I replied.

Bobby and Barkley took off for the yard while my parents and I took our seats.

"So who's the boy, sweetheart," asked mom.

"Ok, it's a long story and I'm asking that you just hear me out before you yell at me," I began.

"Go ahead," said Dad, a stern expression on his face.

I'm not surprised he didn't look happy, I've started conversations like this before and it's usually an indication that I've done something I shouldn't. I quickly explained how Kevin and I found Bobby in the Common and how he'd been chased by a man that had tried to pay him for sex.

"That poor baby," mom gasped.

"Jesus, Tucker, why didn't you call the police?" dad exclaimed.

"I would have, that was my first instinct but Bobby begged me not to, you see, it's complicated," I replied.

"We're listening," dad urged me on.

"Bobby ran away from home, down in Texas," I explained. "His parents found out that he was gay and his father beat him. They locked him in the closet for two days and asked him if he was still gay and then they beat him again then kicked him out. He made it up to Boston on the money he had before it ran out."

"Are you sure he's telling the truth?" asked dad, "I don't mean to seem harsh but sometimes kids make things up when mom and dad don't let them have their way."

"It's not a harsh question, I thought the same thing," I explained, "but, Bobby gave me his home number and I spoke to his dad. I think the son of a bitch would have signed away his parental rights and spit in my face had I been there in person."

"So why didn't you call social services?" asked dad.

"I thought about that, I've been wrestling with that the last few days, but dad, there is no way I could do that to him, let them stick him in some foster home or worse, send him back to Texas," I explained.

At that point, my mom got up and walked out to the backyard. I could see Bobby come over and sit next to her, on the garden retaining wall. I was sure she wanted to hear the story from him and try to comfort him as only a mom could.

"So what do you want to do about this mess, son?" asked dad.

"I don't know," I confessed, "That's why I came here. I'm in over my head dad, I don't know what to do."

My dad let out a deep breath then stood up.

"Let your mother and I talk to the boy for a minute," said dad.

Dad joined mom and Bobby out in the backyard and I watched them intently. I could tell Bobby was explaining how his parents had found out about him being gay, it was clear by the expression on his face. When Bobby looked down and started to cry, my mom took him in her arms and rocked him back and forth, I thought I even saw tears in her eyes. I looked at dad and his expression had gone from stern to angry. Like me, he was wondering what kind of bastard does something like that to his own son. After a moment's hesitation, dad reached over and put his hand on Bobby's shoulder.

That's a powerful gesture coming from my dad, it's one he's always used to comfort me when times get tough. It's reassuring, it always let me know that no matter what happened, my dad would support me. I sat there watching the three of them and as my parents exchanged a look, I knew that the decision, the right decision, had been made.

Six months later, Christmas Eve.

"MOM, DAD, TUCKER AND KEVIN ARE HERE," shouted Bobby, he watched from the den as Kevin pulled the car into the driveway.

Bobby put his book down and ran to the front door, he had it open before we could knock.

"What took you so long?" asked Bobby.

"Gee, nice to see you too," I smiled, as I hugged him in greeting.

"Sorry, we've been waiting," said Bobby, while Kevin hugged him.

"Well, you know how it is, Kevin's lived here his whole life and still can't drive in the snow," I grinned.

"Moving on," said Kevin, rolling his eyes, "Look at you, all prim and proper."

Bobby looked down theatrically at his outfit.

"It's going to that school, I've got to keep up with the rich kids, don't I?" Bobby smirked.

Bobby's hair was still cut short and neatly styled. He wore a white button down and a blue cashmere sweater, a pair of pressed khaki's and some penny loafers. Gone was the scruffy Texan we'd met in the Commons, the boy looking back at me was a proper New England gentleman.

"It's a good look for you, you look great," I smiled.

"Thanks," Bobby smiled back, "come on, mom and dad are in the kitchen."

Barkley came out to greet us, then he followed as Bobby led us into the kitchen. Mom was putting the final touches on Christmas Eve dinner while dad chatted with Kevin's parents, and stole tastes when mom wasn't looking. My sister wouldn't be joining us this year, she's a reporter for CNN and would be spending the holiday on assignment. Kevin's brother, Kyle, lived in New York but he would be driving up on Christmas Day.

"Hey boy's," dad greeted, "What took you so long?"

"Kevin drove," Bobby answered for us.

"Oh," said the parents in unison.

Kevin rolled his eyes, I smiled at him and he winked back. We traded hugs and kisses with everyone and Bobby took our coats. When he came back into the room, mom announced that dinner was ready and we moved into the dining room. Dad led us in a prayer and just as we were about to dig in, he tapped his spoon against his class to draw our attention.

"Before we enjoy this marvelous feast that Caroline and Lisa (Kevin's Mom) have worked so hard on, we have a special gift we'd like to present," said dad, pulling an envelope from his coat pocket. "Bobby, this is for you."

"What is it?" asked Bobby, excitedly.

"Open it and find out, sweetheart," smiled mom as she took dad's hand and squeezed it.

"Do you know what this is?" Kevin whispered to me.

"No idea," I replied.

Bobby tore the envelope open, extracted the contents and unfolded them. He read for a moment then bit his lip and tears started to fall from his eyes. He threw his arms around dad and then mom.

"Thank you so much," I heard him whisper.

"It's alright," smiled dad, "It makes us very happy too."

"Will someone tell me what was on that paper, the suspense is killing me," I exclaimed.

"It's a new birth certificate," sniffled Bobby, "Look, Robert Connor Sutherland."

"Bobby's adoption was finalized yesterday morning," dad smiled.

"That's awesome," I exclaimed, as I stood up to hug my parents, "Thank you dad."

"Thank you son, we're so happy to have him," said dad.

"How did this happen," asked Kevin, "I thought it was going to be another three months?"

"Well, Judge Winslow is a friend of George's," mom explained, "He did us a little favor and we thought this would make a nice gift for Bobby."

"It's the best, I'm so happy," Bobby beamed.

I don't think there was a dry eye in the room.

"This is all very touching," Kevin smiled, "but can we eat, I'm starving!"

Kevin's dad smacked him in the back of the head.

"Right, dig in everyone," dad announced.

I watched Bobby throughout diner and the night's festivities and I'd never seen someone look so happy before. I felt warmth inside of me like I'd never known before. This was my first real good deed, or maybe that's not an accurate description, after all, getting Bobby as a little brother was a gift and a true good deed has to be selfless. Later that night, when everyone was asleep, I stumbled down to the kitchen. I was startled when I found Bobby standing there, in his bathrobe and pajama's, staring out the window.

"Geez, you scared me," I exclaimed, "Why aren't you sleeping?"

"Sorry, I just come down here to think sometimes," he replied.

"What are you thinking about?" I asked as I stood next to him.

"I've never seen a white Christmas before," he remarked.

"Yeah, I guess they don't get snow down in Texas," I agreed.

"That's not all I'm thinking about," Bobby admitted.

"No?" I asked.

"I don't know how I can ever repay you Tucker," said Bobby.

"What?"I asked, taken by surprise.

"You've given me so much, I have a whole new life thanks to you, a new home, new school, new name, you even gave me your parents," Bobby gushed.

"Well, for the record, I didn't give them to you, they're OUR parents now, and I certainly don't mind sharing," I smiled.

"I just think God for the day I met you," said Bobby as he hugged me.

"That makes two of us little brother, you've given me a lot too," I explained.

"Like what?" he asked.

"I always wanted a little brother," I giggled, "If I knew that you could catch them at Boston Common, I'd have started hanging out there years ago."

"Tucker," Bobby whined.

"Ok, seriously though, I have always wanted a little brother and then I met you and you needed help. It took me a few days to figure it out but something told me we belonged in each other's lives," I stated.

"I still don't know how I can say thank you, it's not enough," said Bobby.

"You've got a second chance at life, use it, do good with it, become the best person you can be, that's all I want from you," I answered. "Think you can do that?"

"I'll try my best," Bobby replied.

"I couldn't ask for more," I smiled.

I stood there, holding my new little brother in my arms and looked out over the backyard. Snow started falling, adding itself to the ground cover and as we stood there, I felt that this was indeed a merry Christmas.

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