All I Have to Give

By shawn george

Published on Jan 28, 2012


Disclaimer : I do not Know The Backstreet Boys,*Nsync, Aaron Carter or any other Celebrity in this story. This story is pure fiction and is not meant to imply anything about anyone's sexual preferences. If you are underage DO NOT READ !!!!

All I Have To Give

Prt. 15

Aaron's P.O.V :

"What -The -Fuck are you doing here ?!?!?!" I yelled again at my visitor

"I came to see you" he said back

"Well you've seen me. Goodbye !" I said shutting the door. An arm came up quickly to stop me.

"Aaron please, It's important. You have to listen to me. Let me explain" he begged

" Like HELL I do !!! After what you did to me ? To Kevin ?? Give me one good reason why I shouldn't call Nick right now and have him rip you apart???" I seethed

" Because you at one point really loved me and even though I fucked up you would never intentionally do something to hurt me" He said. I stared into those beautiful blue eyes I used to love so much and felt my heart flutter. Cocky bastard had a point. There was a time when I would have died for him if I had to but that's all over now because he couldn't keep it in his pants. He cheated on me with Kevin's ex- wife Kristin. Breaking my heart and ruining Kevin's marriage in the process. The only good thing to come out of it was Nick and Kevin falling in love with each other. Me though I've never really gotten over it comparing every guy I met to one Ashley Parker Angel.

"Aaron please" he asked again interrupting my train of thought.

"You've got five minutes" I said opening the door wider to let him in.

He walked in and sat on the couch. I closed the door and went and sat across form him in a chair. We just stared at each other awkwardly for awhile. Neither wanting to start this conversation. Finally I couldn't take the silence anymore.

"I thought you wanted to talk ? If your just gonna stare at me then you can get the hell out now ! " I said with a little more venom than I intended but given the situation I needed to keep my guard up.

" I'm sorry. I just don't know where to start" he said

"How about you start with why you felt the need to show up at my door seven years after you broke my heart"

" okay but to do that I need to start at the beginning . I still love you Aaron I never stopped. The thing with me and Kristin wasn't what you thought. I don't want her. Hell I don 't even like her but I had to be with her to protect you, protect us. When I first met her in a club I didn't know she was Kevin's wife. She had just found out he was bi. I don't know how but she did and she offered to pay me to seduce him so she could divorce him and take half his money but I refused. I couldn't do that to him knowing he means something to you and your brother and I couldn't just cheat on you like that " I snorted at that. Like hell he couldn't. He did!

"I'm serious AC. I couldn't but then she started stalking me showing up at our shows and at clubs we were at. Do you remember when we started getting those weird calls at home ?" He asked. I nodded my head

"that was her she got my number through the label. One day she showed up backstage and Told me if I didn't do what she wanted she would end me. Apparently she recognized your voice one of the times she called and you answered. She put two and two together and figured we were together. So she gathered proof. Baby she was gonna expose us. Kevin, you and me. So I did what I could to protect you I went along with what she wanted. I'm not proud of it and I've hated myself everyday for hurting you but I didn't know what else to do" he said pleading for me to understand

" If what your saying is true and don't even think for one second I'm completely sold on it ! Why now ? Why not come confess when Kev and Nicky came out ?"

" I wanted to believe me I wanted to but she had just had Mason and If I had of left she would have taken it out on Him and I couldn't let that happen. He's just a kid "

"Mason ? Are you telling me you had a kid with that Bitch !?!?!?" I asked outraged

" He's not mine Aaron. At least not biologically. I've been raising him though"

"Who 's child is he then ?" I asked feeling a sense of dread in my stomach " Kevin 's" he said back

"Wait Kevin has a son ?!"

"Yeah. He doesn't know though. Kris was pregnant when they divorced and she never told him"

"Where is he ?"

"Dan's watching him for me. Kris is out of town. Not that I would leave him alone with her. Since Kevin and Nick got together she's been a total bitch to him because he looks like him. She's been even worse since the engagement. Right now she's out of town meeting up with Leighanne and her partner. So I dropped him off at Dan and Trevor 's and came to see you "

"Wait Leighanne as in Brian's Leighanne ?" I asked

"Yes. They're working on something with a partner. They're out to get you guys I don't know all the deets but I know they're planning on ruining Nick and Kevin's wedding. Which is why I needed to talk to you so badly. You have to believe me baby " he said

"You don't get to call me that ! And why after everything you put me through should I believe anything that comes out of your mouth ?"

"Because You know me Aaron better than I know myself and of all the things I've done I have never intentionally lied to you. You take one look in my eyes and If you still think I'm lying I'll leave and won't bother you again" He said. I stared him in his eyes searching for any signs of deceit but found nothing but truth, love and shame for what he'd done. I got up and walked over to the phone and dialed a number


"Nicky cancel your appointment. Grab Kevin and the other guys and get over here" I told my brother

"Why Aaron? What's wrong ?" He questioned

"We've got a problem Big Bro"


Author's Note :

Okay don't kill me !!! Lol I know I haven't updated in forever and a day but I had just kinda lost interest in writing and reading stories. The boyband archives have become dead ln the last few years so I just kinda didn't write anything either but I was thinking about this story and wanted to update it. Depending on if anyone's still interested I'll update again soon. Send all feedback to Later

Next: Chapter 16

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