All I Have to Give

By shawn george

Published on Jun 14, 2008


Disclaimer : I do not know The Backstreet Boys , *Nsync , Aaron Carter or any other Celebrity that appears in this story. This story is fiction and does not imply on anyones sexual preferences. If you are under age DO NOT READ

Lance 's P.O.V :

Damn , I can't believe it's finally happening. The Guys and I are getting back together for a new album and tour. It's been so long since we've done anything together and I must admitt my nerves are getting the better of me right now. I hope the fans are willing to embrace the " New " us. Especially since I'm now a Proud Gay Man. Honestly I don't even know what I'm worried about we're Co-Headlining this Tour with The Backstreet Boys and Kevin and Nick are not only out but dating as well. I pulled into the Parking Lot and Parked my car and went into Johnny's Management building. After Checking in at the Reception Desk I walked down to the Conference room. I stood outside the door befor taking a huge breath and walking inside

Looking around the room I saw that all the Guys Including BSB were already here. I just stood there for a moment taking in the scene they were all talking and laughing. Never thought I would see the day when *Nsync would be having fun and Laughing with The Backstreet Boys. Joey was the first to notice me as he looked up from his conversation with Josh and AJ

" Pez , You made it " all eyes were Immediately on me as Joey walked over to me and gave me a hug

" Hey Joe. What's up everybody ? " I said as I walked further into the room and gave all my Group mates hugs and shook hands with the members of BSB

" Nothing Much. Just ancious to get this meeting stuff over with " Nick answered

" Nicky , Baby stop being so impatient. We're gonna start in a little bit " Kevin said as he grabbed his hand trying to soothe him. I looked around for Johnny but didn't see him

" Where's Johnny ? "

" He's finishing up with another client. He'll be in here in a minute " Justin said

" Oh Ok. So ya'll excited about the Tour ? "

" Yeah " came the collected reply

" I'm just excited Kev's back for this Tour " Nick said smiling as Kevin Winked at him

" Calm down you two. You can't spend the whole Tour ravishing each other. There's work to be done " AJ said as we all laughed

" Laugh all you want but he's right. We got a lot of work to do " We all turned around to see Johnny walking into the room. He took a seat at the head of the conference table as we all took our seats.

" So , how is everybody doing ? " Johnny asked

" Good " we all replied

" Wonderful , I hope everybodys well rested bacause like I said we got a lot to do. The first order of business is the Albums. You Guys only have three weeks to complete them so we need to get both groups in the studio in the next couple of days. Have you Guys decided on the direction of your albums ? "

" Well they Guys and I have talked and we came up with our Title and Concept so we're ready to go " Kevin said

" Ok . What about you guys Josh ? "

" We know where we wanna go as far as our sound but we're not gonna pick a title untill after the album is complete " Josh answered

" Ok well I'm gonna schedule sessions for both groups day after tomorrow. Is everybody ok with that ? "

" Yeah " we all said

" Ok, now the Tour . The first date is in St. Louis in a month. So dance rehersals will probably start next week. I'm gonna get together with Kevin and Lance later this week to discuss the budget "

" Ok well, Chris and I are gonna work on the Stage design. We already got some great Ideas " Howie said

" Good. Let me know when you Guys finish with that asap. Now does anyone have any ideas on opening acts ? "

" I was talking with Brian yesterday and I was telling him that Aaron is working on a new album and wanted to tour. So maybe he can open for us " Nick said

" How does everybody feel about Aaron as the Opening Act ? " Johnny asked

" I think it makes sense. It's his comeback album as well. Plus he can bring a younger demographic to the Tour " Justin said as we all quickly agreed

" Alright, Aaron it is. Well I think that's it for now. Enjoy today and tomorrow because after that the work begins " Johnny said as we all laughed.

The Meeting ended and we all began to leave. As I was hurrying to my car I heard someone call my name. I turned around and saw Joey running up to me

" God Pez , Where's the fire ? " he said to me smiling

" I'm just anxious to get home " I replied

" Why ? What's at home ? "

" My bed . I'm tired Joe "

" To tired come hang out with your bestfriend ? "

" Never to tired for that " I tell him as he smiles again

" Alright , well lets go then " he said winking at me

" I'll follow you " I told him

We got in our Cars and began to drive to Joey's house. As I drove I couldn't help but wonder what was up with the way Joe was looking at me. It was almost like he was flirting with me. Nah , just my wishful thinking Joey's not gay

End of P.O.V

AJ's P.O.V :

Having gotten home from the Meeting a little while ago. I was currently cuddled up on the couch watching a movie with my Husband of eight days. Josh and I had been together for three and a half years and they've been the best years of my life. I never thought I could love another human being this much but Josh is the other half of my soul. Eight Days ago we made it official. Josh and I got married in a very , very private ceremony. So private in fact the only people at our special day were our Parents. We didn't invite the Guys because none of them know about us. I mean yeah the Guys of BSB know I'm gay and they don't care. Hell so are Nick and Kevin but they have no idea about me and Josh's relationship. We always figured the less people that knew about us the better because we weren't ready to come out just yet. We have Careers to protect and even though we love each we love what we do as well. Only problem is I think we might have to come clean about us to the

Guys and our Manager Johnny Wright at least. I mean the Tour's gonna be hell on us if we don't and I AM NOT sleeping in a seperate Hotel room from my Husband

" Babe , We need to talk " I tell him

" What about Baby ? "

" I think we need to tell the Guys and Johnny about us " I say

" You What ! Alex we already talked about this. The more people who know about us the quicker it'll leak to the madia and with the Tour and Reunion albums coming up we can't chance it "

" I know babe but think of how horrible the Tour is gonna be if we don't at least tell the guys. We're never gonna be able to be ourselves when they're around and they'll put us in seperate hotel rooms " He thought about this for a moment then quietly said

" They wouldn't if we asked to room together "

" We're not in the same group. They're gonna wanna know why we want to room together so we might as well tell them before hand. Plus I'm starting to feel like your best kept secret " I said as a few tears fell from my eyes

" Alex , Baby don't cry. You know you are the most Important person in my life. I love you " He said pulling me into his chest and holding me tight

" I know. I love you too but sometimes it feels like you love your Career more " I said sobbing

" Baby , you know that's not true. I love you more than anything in the world. I just don't want to ruin either of our careers. Plus we have the guys to think about. I mean I couldn't bear it if they got caught in the cross fire of the press finding out about us " He said

" Me neither , but I can't bear the thought of having to sleep without your arms around me for the next five months either " I sadi quietly as he sighed

" Ok. We'll tell them "

" Really ? "

" Yes, really. Anything for you baby but I'm going on record as saying that if this ends badly I'm gonna have your ass "

" If I'm lucky " I said smiling

He smiled back as he bent down and kissed me passionately. I couldn't help but be happy. I was amazed at the things he would do to make me happy and show me how much he loved me. I just hope everything works out alright

End of P.O.V

Ok, so thats part 2 of this story. What do you guys think ? Drop me a line at and let me know. For the few people that's reading this and are asking the sex is coming. I just wanted to establish the story before I got into that. Also who do you guys think should be the first to have sex in the story : Kevin/Nick , Brian/Justin , Joey/Lance or Josh/AJ ? Let me know

Next: Chapter 3

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