All I Want Is You

By JT Poole

Published on Apr 10, 2003


Warnings and Disclaimers:

  1. If reading this is in any way illegal in your town, state or zip code because of your age, religion, or other government rules you shouldn't read this.

  2. If you don't want to read about male/male gay sexual relationships, go away. You shouldn't waste your time with this story.

  3. I don't know any of the members of 'N Sync, or any other celebrities that may be mentioned in this story. This story in no way is meant to imply anything about 'N Sync, and any other celebrities sexualities, personalities, or anything else. This is a work of pure fiction.

Questions and commentary can be sent to "". I want to hear from everyone out there that is reading this story, tell me what you think whether it is bad or good.

====================================== All I Want Is You -- Chapter 9 by JT Poole

All I want is you...Come over here baby All I want is you...You know you make me go crazy All I want is you...Now baby don't be shy, you better cross the line I'm gonna love you like it's all I wanna do

*** Copyright `Come On Over (Single Remix)' Christina Aguilera

// Toronto, Ontario Canada -- The Campbell Family Estate //

"I see that you two are on a happy note. Come on guys, dinner's ready." Neve stated as she turned and headed back to the main house.

"Come on baby, let's go have dinner, we have so much to catch up on." Christian stated as he and Justin walked towards the main house as well.

"Yes we do baby. But before we catch up on old times, there's some things I need to tell you first." Justin stated.

"I don't like the way you said that, is it bad?" Christian asked.

"Well I don't want it to be bad, but it probably will be." Justin stated.

"Well why don't we save it for after dinner and we can go somewhere and just talk." Christian stated.

"Okay baby." Justin stated as they entered the house.

// Chris' House -- The Swimming Pool //

"Baby, wait right here, I need to go inside and get something." Chris stated as he got out of the pool, grabbed a towel and walked back into the house.

"I wonder what he needs to get? I am glad he stopped, I was getting scared, I don't think I will be able to fit that thing in my ass." Lance spoke aloud. "I don't want to hurt his feelings are make him think I am a wimp, but I am scared."

"Okay baby, I got what I was looking for." Chris stated walking back outside to the pool.

"What is it?" Lance asked.

"It's a condom for you." Chris stated.

"A condom for me? Why did you get a condom for me?" Lance asked.

"Because you are going to be using it." Chris stated as he stepped back into the pool and started kissing Lance.

The two of them kissed passionately for what seemed like an eternity. When Chris noticed that Lance's cock was rock hard, he tore open the condom and slipped it on Lance's dick underwater. Shocked at what Chris had done, Lance hesitated.

"Baby why did you do that?" Lance asked.

"I wanted us to make love. I want to feel you in me Lance." Chris stated as he led Lance over to the step of the pool and he sat on the highest step, opening his legs, inviting Lance in.

"Chris are you sure about this?" Lance asked.

"I have never been sure about anything else like I am sure about this. I love you Lance and I want to show you how much." Chris stated.

"I love you too Chris." Lance stated as he leaned in and kissed Chris on the lips. "Chris honey, I have never done this before. I don't think you are going to get the results that you wanted."

"I am quite sure I will." Chris stated. "If you know how to masturbate, I am quit sure you can make love to me."

"That's something I have a lot of experience doing." Lance stated laughing.

"Making love to who?" Chris asked, looking upset.

"No silly, I have lots of experience masturbating. You are my first Chris." Lance stated as the shocked look faded from Chris' face.

"Well you are my second." Chris stated, Lance looking at him in shock.

"Your second? Who was the first?" Lance asked.

"Can we not talk about this now. I would rather us be talking about me and you and making love instead of talking about someone else." Chris stated.

"Well I would like to know who it was Chris." Lance stated, turning to move away from Chris.

"Lance baby, please...where are you going?" Chris asked.

"I am going to dry off and put my clothes on." Lance stated.

"But why?" Chris asked.

"'Cause you won't tell me who it was that you slept with." Lance stated.

"If I tell you, will you promise not to get mad with me and be upset about it?" Chris asked.

"Yes I promise. I don't want any secrets between us Chris. That's all I want to know." Lance stated.

"You sure? I don't want you getting mad with me and then breaking up with me when you find out who it is." Chris stated.

"You make it sound like you slept with someone close to me or something." Lance stated.

"I did." Chris stated.

"You what! Who?" Lance asked.

"You promised you wouldn't be mad, or get upset." Chris stated.

"I am not mad, and I am not upset." Lance stated. "Who was it?"

"It was Justin." Chris stated.

"You let Justin have sex with you!?" Lance asked as he shouted at Chris.

"Calm down Lance." Chris stated. "It's not that bad."

"Not that bad!" Lance shouted again. "You had sex with Justin!"

"Come on baby, please calm down. Please don't blow this out of proportion." Chris stated again.

"Out of proportion, I didn't sleep with Justin you did." Lance stated as he claimed out of the pool and walked into the house.

"Lance, Lance...please don't leave me." Chris stated wading in the water crying.

// Toronto, Ontario Canada -- The Campbell Family Estate //

"Okay baby, out with it. What is it that you wanted to tell me?" Christian asked.

"Well uh...well." Justin stuttered.

"You can tell me anything." Christian stated.

"I don't think you would want to hear this, but I have to tell you. What I tell you might make you want to hate me, but I have to tell you." Justin stated.

"I won't hate you baby. I don't think there is anything that you could ever do to make me hate you." Christian stated.

"After I tell you what I have to tell you, you would never want to be with me again." Justin stated as he started to cry.

"Come on baby don't cry. Whatever it is, it can't be that bad." Christian stated.

"I slept with Chris and someone else." Justin stated.

"Chris, as in the Chris of the band?" Christian asked.

"Yes him. After I left you, I got depressed and he came to me one night and tried to cheer me up." Justin stated.

"That's not bad Justin. We weren't together then. That doesn't matter." Christian stated.

"That's not all. During that time I started hanging around the bars and picking up men. I was out of control. I basically would sleep with anyone that I could go home with." Justin explained.

"Why Justin? I know you said that you left me because of your mother's words, but now I am starting to think that maybe you didn't love me, you just wanted sex." Christian stated turning around and walking towards the den.

"I loved you, I still love you Christian, I have never stopped loving you. If I didn't love you, do you think I would be here now, telling you this, crying, trying my best to get you to be my husband?" Justin stated as Christian turned around, starring at Justin intently.

"To be your husband?" Christian asked.

"Yes. I want you to be my husband. I love you very very much Christian, I love you so much that I am willing to drop my career for you." Justin stated walking over to Christian and wrapping his arms around his waist.

"Oh Justin...I...I can't" Christian stated.

"Why not? I love you, I would do anything for you." Justin stated.

"How do I know that you won't drop me again and listen to what your mother or anyone else says?" Christian asked.

"I won't do that, I promise you that." Justin stated.

"I am already out Justin. If you are seen around me, with me, people would put two and two together and figure out that you are gay." Christian stated as his tears started to flow freely now.

"Cris please. If I have to come out to be with you, to have you as my husband, then I will do that. I love you and I will do anything for you." Justin stated kissing Christian passionately.

"I don't know Justin. I love you, but I don't want to go through that hurt again." Christian stated. "Do you know I almost lost my mind over you?"

"Lost your mind? How?" Justin asked.

"The constant crying, being depressed about you, screaming all the time, and basically shutting down for not having you." Christian stated. "My whole world came crashing down when you left me."

"I know it did, mine did too. But I promise you, that won't happen again. Please give me another chance." Justin pleaded.

"Justin I need to think about this." Christian stated. "I just can't say `yes' when you can just leave me when you want."

"I won't leave you. I will stay here in this spot forever if I have too. I love you Christian and I will always love you." Justin stated. "Will you please marry me?"

"Yes he will marry you!" Neve stated walking into the room.

"Neve what are you doing in here? We are having a private conversation." Christian stated.

"Private my ass. We can all hear you two down at the end of the hall talking. So what if he left you in the past, he's back now. Give him a chance. If a guy told me that he was going to drop his career for me, that would be a clear sign that he loved me." Neve stated. "You still love him and you know you do, give him that chance and make us all happy. Marry


"This isn't your decision to make Neve, it's mine." Christian stated.

"Arggghhhh!!!! Either you marry him or I will ask mom and dad to go ahead and have you committed, you must be crazy." Neve stated.

"You are not going to threaten me into marrying him." Christian stated as Justin's eyes ticked back and forth between the two of them arguing.

"For the last year living with you has been hell! You will marrying Justin or I will kick your ass then have you committed." Neve stated as she walked out of the room slamming the door behind her.

"Ohkay, I think I better be quiet now." Justin stated.

"Justin, I guess that's my clue to marry you. The answer is yes." Christian stated as Neve, his mother and father came into the room clapping.

====================================== TO BE CONTINUED...

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E-Mail: Yahoo: johntpoole AIM: SwainsboroGuy1 ICQ #: 146925768

Next: Chapter 10

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