All or Nothing for Love

By N. Ammons

Published on Feb 15, 2013


Disclaimer: This is a story about 2 teenage gay guys that fall in love. There is no violence or abuse and it is purely fictional!! If this is not the type of story you wish to read then please go back and find another one!!!

Note from the author: I wrote this story totally from my imagination and my own fantasies. Please let me know what you think of it. I'd love to get some feedback from everyone that reads it. Enjoy!! Write to with any comments and/or feedback.

All or Nothing For Love Chapter 1

As I packed my things into suitcases and boxes I kept going back to the conversation with my social worker Gina from yesterday.

"Theo, I know this is really going to be hard to believe but we really found him...We really found your father!!"

I looked around the room that had been mine for nearly a year now, and I remember the awesome times I've had here with the Nelsons. They have treated me like family since day one and now that I finally found myself happy and ready to just be normal, or as normal as I can be, I get this bomb dropped on me and its time to pack again. I'm sure you're wondering what I'm talking about or trying to make sense of the ramblings of a barely 16 year old guy so let me break this down for you...

My name is Theo and I'm 16...just turned 2 months ago. I've been in the foster system since my mom was arrested when I was 4. I barely remember her. I heard that a few months after I was taken she managed to get some "hard stuff" on the inside and overdosed. I never knew my grandparents, they died when mom was 18, and she was an only child with no cousins, aunts, uncles, no family at all. I went from group homes to foster homes of and on for years. Sometimes I would get set up with a nice family, other times they were only nice in front of the social workers and then would either beat me and treat me like a slave or watch me in the shower, if you know what I mean. So I'm sure it goes without saying that its been pretty rough for me. With all that said though, I've learned to be self reliant and tough so I'm proud of that. The Nelsons have been pretty great to me though. They were told about my hard life and all the things I'd already seen and been through and yet they wanted to take me into their home and have treated me like one of their kids ever since.

Life here has been great and I was excited from the moment I met Bob and Carol. I was happy that I was going to a home where there was another teenage guy around my age. Carol met me at the door of the house on move in day and while she and my social worker talked about my schedule for therapy and appointments and all that boring crap, her son Devin and I walked upstairs so that he could show me my room. I walked into a large room with a queen bed and a walk-in closet. Devin pointed out that we had a bathroom and conjoined our rooms together with a big tub and a separate shower stall. Devin and I clicked right away. We had similar styles of dress, except I had clothes that had been donated or bought from the Good Will store by the group homes I'd been in. Devin helped me go through my things and I noticed him looking at the tags in my clothes when we were putting them into the large oak dresser.

"Man I'm sure my clothes are around you size but I doubt you'll wanna wear my stuff when I'm sure you've got much better threads than these 2nd hand things."

Devin frowned up his face and walked away with a huge stack of my jeans in his hands, and when he came back he had a big garbage bag in his hand. He walked to the dresser drawers that we had already put clothes into and pulled them all out and threw them on the bed.

"Dude let's go through this stuff and you pick out the main items that you just can't do without and the rest is gonna be tossed out and you and I will share clothes until mom and dad can take you shopping and get you some real clothes."

I was blown away that he would share his stuff with me and we had only just met.

"Dude that is so cool of you, Devin, no one has ever been that nice to me before"

"Theo man I know you've had all kinds of craziness in your life, the folks and I have talked about it...I want you to feel like you and I are real brothers."

With that said we shook hands and started sorting thru my things. It didn't take long to pick the few pieces that I really did like and then the others were just put into the bag and we stuck it into the back of the closet in a corner so not to be thought of or seen again anytime soon. Once that was done then we went thru the one box I had brought with me that just had a few personal things of mine that I had managed to hang on to over the years. I explained to Devin that while these items may have looked simple, but in my life where stability was something few and far in between it really meant a lot to be able to hold on to anything. Devin got up off the floor and walked into his room for a few moments and when he came back he had a small trunk. He placed the trunk in front of me and handed me this really cool iron key....

"Dude put these things in here and lock it up so that you will always know its safe and sound and put the key on the key ring that mom and dad are gonna give to you."

Just as I put my keepsakes into the trunk and locked it and pushed it under the bed, Gina, Bob, and Carol walked into the room. Devin and I both jumped to our feet and snickered, the three of them looked at us like we were 2 kids with our hands stuck in the cookie jar.

"I see these two are teaming up already and being sneaky...he he he he"

With that comment Carol and Bob took Devin downstairs so that Gina and I could take alone.

"Theo I know things have been really hard and crazy for some time now and I wish I could say that it won't be like that anymore. Your last case worker left a big mess for me to clean up and I know it's taken a while for me to do that, but I feel like this will be a good place for you."

"I know Gina, and I have that same feeling too...and who knows this may be the family I've been looking for."

That night was kinda weird for me... I laid my head down on the comfortable pillow on my big queen size bed and starred up at the blades of the ceiling fan reflecting the glow from the street lights outside. My mind wandered from thought to thought with no real path at all. Suddenly my hand found its way down my chest and stomach to the waistband of my shorts. I slipped my fingers inside my shorts and found my favorite "toy" to help me relax and clear my head. I was already semi hard when my hand got to my dick and it took no time once I'd grabbed it to come to a fully erect 7.5 thick inches....

Now let me take a moment and give the rundown of my looks ...Ok now I know I'm not the hottest hunk walkin these days, but I'm nothing to be ashamed of either. I'm 16 years old and stand 5'11" tall with naturally tan skin, emerald green eyes and sandy blonde hair that I wear in kind of a "surfer boy" look to go with the tan. I've always been on the muscular side and used a lot of my quiet free time in the group homes and places like them to exercise...this left me with a really well defined look to my body including a nice pair of pecs that I could "bounce" alittle bit, well toned arms, and a slightly sexy 6 pack ...I got a 32" waist and a bubble butt to fill out my clothes and like I said earlier...I got a nice thick 7.5 incher to fill in the crotch too...So all in all I think I'm pretty easy on the eyes if I do say so myself...Now back to the story....

As I laid there feeling waves of pleasure sweep my body I allowed my mind to wonder to a more "teenage" path of thinking...I was at that age where everything was a turn on to me, but what I hadn't expected was the shock I got a few weeks ago. I was back in yet another group home with several other teenage guys and went into the bathroom to take a shower. I shared a room with 2 other guys that were the same age as me and we were all athletic types. Having been used to dressing in and out as well as showering with other guys around, nothing bashful here at all. Anyway, I was in the process of showering when one of my roommates, Carlos, knocked on the door kind of frantically and yelled

"Theo, man I gotta come in or Imma pee in my shorts bro!!!"...

I just laughed and jumped outta the shower long enough to unlock the door and then jumped back in. I heard him charge into the room and then I could hear the flood of "pee" over the shower running. "Dude how long you been holding that in?"

He laughed..."Man we just got back from the store and I've had to go since we left."

Natural curiosity got the better of me and I peeked out the curtain to see what had to have been the most magnificent piece of uncut Latin meat I'd ever seen. As I stood there silently admiring it, my hand found its way south to my own steadily growing meat. Then I suddenly snapped back to reality and realized that I, a guy, was checking out my roomie/buddy , also a guy, while he was peeing. WTF?!?!?!?!?!?! Later that night I laid in bed thinking about what I had done and starting getting hard again. I tried to turn over but it didn't help at all. As I tossed and turned, Carlos laughed out of nowhere and asked what my issue was...

"I don't know man I just cant seem to get comfortable." He just laughed again but the laugh didn't seem like he was laughing at me...its hard to explain or describe.

Then came the shocker..."You must me thinking about how much you like staring at my big latin sausage in the bathroom earlier while you were in the shower."

My mouth went dry and I couldn't speak I just laid there terrified and starred at the ceiling. Our roommate, Todd, was gone to see his family for the weekend so it was just us in the room. I sat up in bed and looked at him?.

"Carlos man I can explain... I was just...ah...well...I was...."

"You were checking out my dick is what you were doing Theo...and I knew it so I just took my time pissing and let you have as long a look as you wanted."

Again I was dumbfounded and just sat there looking at him. Just then he reached over and turned on the small nightlight plugged in next to his bed and looked up at me and smiled.

"You wanna see it again...maybe a little closer up?"

I couldn't speak and just sat there and why I did it I don't know but I nodded my head "yes". Without hesitation Carlos stood up and walked over to the edge of my bed. His tight white briefs bulged in the crotch where his massive meat rested. He looked down at me and smiled again and then guided my hand up to the waistband and winked..."Pull these bad boys down as far you want papi".

I couldn't even think I just acted on instinct and started pulling them down slowly until his massive dick fell out onto my hand and just hung there. I continued to pull until the briefs were around his ankles and then he just kicked them off. I sat there and looked dreamingly at his body, certain parts more than others of course. I guess I took too long to act, so Carlos pulled the blanket back and told me to slide over. I did it, again without thinking, and he got on his knees next to me in bed.

"Wanna see an even better sight than this..." I just looked at him confused and asked "What could be better than that thing?"

He leaned over the got on all 4's laying across me and smiled at me and said: "This is" and he looked back at his ass. He wasn't lying was perfectly smooth and round and popped out in this perfect bubble.

"It's been a while since I saw my cousin, but he used to love my ass...he used to get me naked at the time before I came here and he'd eat it like crazy and he fucked me lots of times...and man he'd cum inside me and I'd shoot buckets all over the place...I loved being fucked!!!"

Well you can guess where this is going so to go ahead and sum this part up I got naked he blew each other and then I ate the hell outta that hot ass and fucked him senseless. So after all that happened that night I figured out that I was at least Bi. We fucked a couple more times before I got placed and came here. I let my mind wander to those times and before I knew it I was ready to shoot, but just as I had nearly reached the point of no return, Devin walked into my room and asked if I was awake sense he couldn't see me in the darkness.

"Yea man wassup.."

"Nothing I just cant sleep, and I heard you moving around in here so I figured maybe you were having the same problem"?..

I laughed alittle to myself and said" Yea I'm stuck awake too".

Devin came over and flopped down across the end of the bed and I freaked because my shorts were down around my ankles at this point. He just laid there started talking about going to school on Monday and how he hoped that we would have some classes together and how he would show me around and introduce me to his friends and how much they would like me and I'd fit right in. All the time my dick stayed raging hard and was leaking all over my thigh. I knew if I didn't unload soon my balls would be black and blue tomorrow. So I thought for a minute and then told Devin that I had to go to the bathroom and it wasn't gonna be a "quiet one" either.

He just laughed and said "No biggie bro?.just turn the fan on and light the candle in there and all will be cool and if you turn the sink on the water will drown out alittle more of any noise too"?.with that said he got up and went thru the bathroom to his room and shut the door behind him.

I jumped up and pulled my shorts up and hurried into the bathroom locking both doors before I'd even turned on the light. I immediately dropped my shorts to the floor and leaned over the sink and took my dick in hand the fiercely started stroking. I could feel the jizz burning in my balls and couldn't wait to feel that awesome release when it shot out. It only took a few moments of good stroking to get it back to that breaking point when the , what I had thought to be a locked, door to Devin's room flew open. There I stood naked at hell dick raging hard in hand and leaking leaned over the sink.

Devin didn't speak he just looked at me and smiled?."I thought so?I knew that slapping sound was your balls hitting your thigh"

I just looked at him afraid to speak or move until he walked over to me and pushed me gently back from the sink til I was against the wall and, to my shock, kissed my lips with a kiss that took my breath. He moved my hand from my cock and broke the kiss and just dropped to his knees in front of me and said

" Please allow me? need to waste a load from that awesome monster."

With that said he took my fully hard dick in his mouth and deep throated in like it was nothing. He continued to do this over and over until I passed that point of shock and started pumping in and out of his mouth. He sucked like a starving pup and soon enough I felt that burn again

I quickly warned him "Here it comes man?.if you don't want a mouth full you'd better pull off!!!"?.He didn't stop he just moaned and started sucking harder and taking it deeper?.And suddenly it happened?..As I started to shoot I grabbed his head and pushed my dick down his throat that last thrust and shot a huge load. As I did he whimpered and I looked down to see him working his own impressive dick with his other hand and shooting all over the tile floor. He sucked me dry before he pulled off and stood up and kissed me again. I could taste his sweet lips and my own salty jizz and it was the best taste ever.

He pulled away and smiled at me?."how was that big guy??"?..

"Devin dude where the hell did that come from??"

?."Theo if you think my throat feels good?work that monster up and hard again and feel my tight ass?..I'm no fairy but I am gay as hell and love a thick hot piece of meat in my little bottom boy ass"

Just those words alone got me going again and he just stood up and bent over the sink and pushed his underwear completely off and arched his back so that his sexy ass cheeks separated and I was able to see his hot little hole. I got behind him and guided my monster in line with that perfect little hole and before I knew what he had done, Devin threw his ass back and plunged me deep inside him. After a few seconds of what had to be blinding pain for him, I felt him loosen up around me and he began to move his hips back and forth making my dick go in and out of his tight boy hole. I was on cloud 9 at that point and Devin just threw his head back and took all I had to give and more. I grabbed those sexy smooth hips and plowed into his tight hole over and over and over again. His ass was so hot and tight and before I knew what was happening I felt his tight hole pulsing around my dick and looked down to see him shooting all over the sink and the floor. That sent my own load shooting into his hot wanting ass in seconds. Once our orgasms had subsided, he fulled off of my now softening dick, and turned around to kiss me yet again. We kissed for a few moments and then cleaned up the mess he'd made. I looked over at the clock on my nightstand to see "2:34 AM" and I laughed?.

"Devin, dude we gotta go to bed it's almost 3 in the morning?..we're gonna be dead on our feet tomorrow."

"OMG seriously?!?!?!?!"?.."Yep"?.and with that said I stole one more kiss and headed towards my room. I saw no reason to put my shorts back on but I did at least pick them up off the floor and take them back into my room. I pulled the blanket back and started to lay down when Devin pushed by me and crawled into my bed?

"I like sleeping on this side of the bed if that's not a issue for you"?..he laid down on his side with his perfect ass facing towards me.

"Nope?.No issue at all?" I just climbed in and pulled him to me and wrapped my arms around him and put my face again his neck??just then I felt him nudge his ass against me and I stiffened up in seconds again??"now that's what I was hoping for baby" ??

That night he enjoyed each other 3 other times before we finally collapsed arm in arm from total exhaustion. Devin laid his head on my chest and within moments we were passed out. By a simple stroke of luck, my eyes happened to pop open at 6:40 the next morning and I could hear Carol's footsteps coming up the stairs. I grabbed Devin's shoulders and woke him as quick as possible?.

"Dude get up and get to your bed!!!....Your mom is on her way up here!!!"

Devin was up and out of my bed and through the bathroom and into his room within 2 seconds flat. I heard his bed "jar" as he jumped onto it and pulled the blankets up around his neck. Seconds later, Carol opened the door and called for Devin to wake up.

My heart was pounding as he spoke?."I'm awake mom, I'll be up in a second ok??" Next I heard her footsteps walking thru the bathroom and I knew she was headed to my room.

"Theo?..time to get up sweetie"?.."c'mon now we gotta get you registered in school today."??

"Ok Carol?.give me just a second or two to clear my head and I'll be up and at it"??..With that Carol walked back into Devin's room and called to him again?

"Devin UP NOW!!!"??.

"Ok mom but if I get outta bed this very second you're gonna see what all the girls at school talk about filling out the back of my jeans !!!"??

"Devin are you sleeping naked again?!?!?!?"

"Yep?.it got hot in here to me last night and I stripped out my briefs?.so like I said unless you want a free show and a full moon close the door behind you and I'll get up"

Carol didn't say anything she just laughed and closed the door?.Seconds later I heard Devin's feet hit the floor and sneak thru the bathroom?.

"Hey big dick!! gonna get up and come help me shower and get cleaned up??"

I didn't even need to think I was up and in the bathroom in a flash?.The hot water felt awesome running down my back as I pinned Devin against the tile wall of the shower and kissed him deeply. I reached down and grabbed a handful of Devin's perfectly round bubble butt in each hand and pulled him into me until he broke the kiss and turned his back to me and began rubbing my extremely hard dick up and down the crack of his ass. This continued for a few seconds until he reached down and guided the head of my dick to his tight hole yet again and pushed back against me until it slid into him. Devin took it all the way in and immediately started "bucking" his hips. He reached back and placed his hand on my neck and pulled me to him and we continued kissed and I pounded into his tight ass relentlessly. In minutes I was unloading another load of my jizz into his waiting hole and how it did pump me dry. I felt his hole begin to pulse and I looked down to see stream after stream of hot cum shooting out of his dick. I pulled out slowly enjoying my last few seconds inside of him and we cleaned up quickly and dried each other's bodies.

After a few stolen kisses while we dressed for school, we headed downstairs to breakfast. Carol and Bob both talked about the school and the classes I'd need to take and all kinds of other things, but all I knew was that Devin kept playing "footsie" with me under the table and "smirking" at me over and over again. The ride to school was not bad at all and once we arrived Devin headed off to class while Carol took me into the office to meet with the guidance counselor and get my class schedule. I was overjoyed to find out that all except for one of my classes would be with Devin, and that one class was my elective class. Devin had told me yesterday that his class was full but if I took the art class then I'd be right beside his class anyway. The counselor, Ms Bain, called Devin down to her office and explained that we would be in all of each other's classes. Devin couldn't hide his excitement very well and immediately smiled from ear to ear. He showed me around all day from class to class and took every opportunity to cop a feel of my bulge when no one was looking. So I think it's safe to say that life was pretty freakin awesome right now. Devin and I slept together every night either in his bed or mine. We fucked like horny teenage boys?cause lets face it that's what we were??and all the while we were falling in love totally and completely. We did come very close to getting caught several times by either Carol or Bob or sometimes both but we always seemed to get it together just in time. One night stands out in my memory?. Bob and Carol we having a date night and Devin and I had been left at home alone. We watched as the car pulled out of the drive way and headed out of the neighborhood. Seconds later Devin was on his knees in front of me pulling my basketball shorts down and getting my dick in his mouth. We were both in so much ecstasy that neither one of us heard Carol come back into the house to get her jacket. Thankfully she dropped her keys on the floor in the hallway alerting us that we were not alone and I was able to get my shorts up and Devin was able to get off the floor and jumped on the bed just as she opened the door and walked in.

"Hey guys we're outta here now?..I forgot my jacket"

"Ok mom you guys have fun!!!"?.Devin's voice sounded weird?..maybe because he'd just had my dick shoved down his throat.

We made sure that they had left again?.and even locked the deadbolts on both doors and turned on the alarm just in case. Devin texted Carol to let her know that we were staying in for the night and had locked up and set the alarm. The next 2 wonderful hours consisted of totally naked cuddling...and the two of us fucking like crazy until we had no energy left whatsoever. And then we collapsed on Devin's bed. We had set the door chimes in the hallway to maximum volume so that it would go off as soon as the alarm was disarmed and again when the doors opened. Man what a night.

**So that's the end of Chapter 1. If you've gotten to this point hopefully that means that you like what you're reading and will not only be ready for chapter 2, but will also let me know what you think?.

Next: Chapter 2

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