All You Need Is a Little Love

By Ren

Published on Jul 1, 2007


Okay here is number four, leave me comments if you still want more. Ha. Anyway thank all y'all who left comments much appreciated. Anyway this one is just crazy, fighting, bitching, very emotional cause I can be emotional sometimes :D. You know the drill da story is mine, so don't take it and you gotz to be 18* over to read it, and I aint even gonna bother with you guys who don't like lesbian stuff, cause I don't know how you got this far.

Love, Anger, Jealousy all at the same time.

I woke up feeling dazed I was still naked under the covers, I smiled at remembrance of what, and Jay had just done to me. I put my arm over to where she was meant to be but she wasn't there. I sat up and saw Jay sitting down on the chair writing something.

"Hey baby what you doing," I smiled. She looked back at me her eyes were red, I could tell she had been crying, I grabbed my big shirt then put it on before jumping off the bed.

"Jay, what's wrong?" I asked coming up behind her putting my resting my hands on her shoulder. She let a sigh, and then stood up.

"Lex, we cant be together anymore, its not working for me," she mumbled to me. I felt like I had been hit by a ton of bricks. Something was up, she cant just come up with that shit. Nah someone had got to my girl.

"Baby," I said putting my hand on her cheek. I could see her fighting back tears. There had to be something she wasn't telling me. "Sit down and lets talk about what's not working for you," I said taking her hand and dragging her to the bed. "Talk to me," I was on the verge of tears by now, because she had this grave look on her face.

"Your gonna get hurt and..... I cant let that happen," she sobbed.

"What, and you think you leaving me isn't gonna hurt, your breaking my heart there is nothing worse than that,"

"I.... don't............. Love you anymore," she gasped. Now I felt like I had been shot, I looked in her eyes and all I saw was love, she was lying. WHY WOULDN'T SHE JUST TALK TO ME. Tears were streaming down my face, floods of tears.

"Bull shit, look me in my eyes and say that to me," I sobbed. "Fucking say it then, then I'll let you go, fuck. I would lay down life for you in a second and now you're coming up with this B.S, fuck that, you aint leaving this room, if you don't look me in the eye and say it," I yelled at her, getting up and standing in front of the door. She wiped her eyes clean, and slowly walked over to me, at that moment I thought she was going to say it. She had her bag of clothes for the weekend on her shoulder. She took a deep breath and looked me straight in the eye.

"Move," she said in a strong but shaky voice. She stared at me her eyes were spurring with different emotions.

"No," I replied.

"Look I don't want to have to put my hands on you," she said softly to me.

"I don't care if you fucking kill me cause that's the only way to get me to move from this door," I said. She looked at me then stepped into me, leaving no space between us, then she bent down and kiss me it was a kiss like no other, it was full of longing, love, passion it was a kiss of forever. When she pulled away I bucked, moving out the front of the door which she opened and rushed out of. I gained posture quickly and went after her. She was just at the front door. I was at the other end, of the room too far away to stop her.

"Please," I sobbed. At that moment she stopped in her tracks and I thought that was it. She turned around and looked at me tears streaming down her face.

"I..... I'm sorry, sacrifices have to be made to protect the ones you love," she said then turned to leave. I broke down at that moment as my heart broke into pieces and my world crashed before my eyes. She was my everything, the reason, I lived, breathed and... Loved.

When I got home I went upstairs to my room, a new era of problems formed in my head, Monique would want sex, what was I going to do? I know its over between me and Lex but I couldn't have sex with someone, no way, I'd just have to tell Monique wasn't ready.

Lex, what was I going to do, I couldn't avoid her, because we were going to basketball practise and she was my training partner, this was drama on so many levels.

School. What can I a say, it was painful, hard, sad every other depressing feeling you could imagine.

"So who's your new girl, if the sex was that bad you could've just said it instead of pulling some dramatic act," Lex said taking a far end shot which she missed. This caused everyone to stop and stare because girl ha never missed a far off shot.

"I was trippin'," she announced letting out a dry laugh. She tool another shot and it went clean through and it seemed everyone started breathing again. She walked really close to me; she had passed the personal space line.

"Hey hand off my girl," a voice said, which was obviously Monique's.

"This is a closed practise," Miss Manson yelled across the hall.

"Yeah I won't be a second, I'm just checking up on baby girl," Monique said walking over to me. She took into her arms, this once upon a time use to make me melt, but it just made me feel sick. She kissed me on my neck. I gave Lex a pained look but she wasn't looking at me she had a very hateful stare aimed at Monique.

"I don't know you, and I don't want to know you just get your hands of my girl," she growled. This made Monique laugh and when she did she caused me to wince.

"Oh I see girl hasn't told you, go on tell her baby," she said letting go of me. Everyone including Miss Manson was staring at me, and I saw Shanice was holding Jaydene back.

"Well..... I.... I'm with Monique," I mumbled, not looking in her eyes because I knew what would happen, I'd probably burst and run into her arms. Then there was a sudden up roar, Jaydene had burst out Shanice's grip and she was rushing towards Monique who quickly rushed behind me. Shanice ran up to Jaydene and dragged her with a lot of effort away to the locker room.

"That's right, girl left you for me, what was the reason again that's it she left you to protect your little ass, smart decision if you ask me," Monique laughed. At this moment I grabbed her by the arm and dragged her out of the gym.

"You said you wouldn't hurt her, that you'd stay away fro her," I fumed.

"Now I didn't go near her she started, and how do you expect me not to flaunt you, you are pure black beauty," she exclaimed bending down and kissing my neck. When I was with Monique she noticed my neck was my turn on spot and she seemed to remember that.

My heart was breaking a thousand more times than I thought it ever could, I went after Jay and I saw Monique kissing her neck, Jay pushed her away and I think this is how it went.

"Stop, Monique, just stay away from her keep your end of the deal and I'll keep mine," she sighed.

"I love you Jay," Monique very randomly said. Jay stared at her then let out a sigh.

"If you loved me you would want me to be happy, you would want me to be with the one I love," Jay cried.

"I..... I cant, if I can't have you no one will take it or leave it," Monique said walking away. Jay slumped against the floor and broke into tears, shit there has been so much crying going on, and I'm tired of it, that bitch was not going to ruin the best thing that happened to me. I walked up to Jay who was on the floor crying your eyes out.

"Get up girl, and stop crying I never ever want to see you cry again, I don't want or need your protection all I need is you," I said to her holding out my hand, looking down at her. She looked up at me and tried to speak.

"Sssh wipe your eyes baby girl and don't cry everything is gonna be alright," I half sung kneeling down before. She took me into a hug, so there we were in the middle of the school hall hugging but not crying because there had been enough of that.

"You know it's funny in about two weeks we've broken up twice and got back together within that week," I said casually. We were sitting in her room because we'd just had a serious basketball session and I was too tired to walk home.

"Hmm," she replied. Hmm that meant girl was thinking I swear girl thinks too much.

"And it's all your fault," this got a confused stare from her.

"Probably," she smiled.

"You think too much that's your problem we need more action and less thinking," I said smiling.

"And what kind of action would that be," she smiled a grin that said one thing in my mind lets have sex.

"Well you do owe me a whole weekend," and she was on top of me in a second. "No way girl, my idea so I get first taste," I whispered in her ear, and with that I flipped her on to her back. I kissed her softly and lightly, and it seconds her eyes were hazy with lust. I kissed down her neck because I learned that was her turn on spot then I took of her top, bra, pants and panties and I got her naked in seconds, I took of my top and bra too, she reached up but I swatted her hand away. "Uh uh baby, this is all about you," I said before bending down for to get another dos of her luscious lips, I kissed down her neck, and down to he breast I took her nipple in my mouth and sucked on it soon after I went and pleasured the other one, Jay breathing had gotten heavier, and I kissed lower twirling my tongue in her belly button, I took my time to build up anticipation, and then I got down to her pussy, I sat up and then went back and kissed her whiled I ran my fingers over her wet lips, soaked with her juices. I parted her lips then slowly pressed my finger in going deeper, and then I hit her hymen.

"Take it," she whispered, I didn't think I heard her properly.

"What?" I asked withdrawing my finger, which made give out a groan of frustration.

"I want you to take it," she said.

"Don't you want to think about it, I know I want you to take mine I just want make sure this is what you want,"

"I've done enough thinking remember and I know this is what I want," she smiled. So I bent down and kissed her and then our kiss deepened and then she opened her mouth and I stuck my tongue in as we kissed I slowly ran my hand down her sides then across her thigh then to the insides, I slowly ran them higher, I was getting light moans, I think I just found another turn on spot and one Monique definitely didn't know about because she hadn't had sex with Jay, I was Jay's first and this made me happy. Anyway I slowly ran my had up her thighs up to her pussy wear she was still wet and ready, I parted her lips then stuck my finger in I went deeper until I hit the hymen I continued to push against the wall, I got sharp gasp from her, her eyes were still hazy with lust but I know it hurt.

"Do you want me to stop," I whispered in her ear.

"No keep on going," she whispered back. So I did, she was breathing deeply and moaning, then finally I got past it and my finger went deeper that it had gone and it seemed to fill her better.

********************************************************* The most precious gift are always shared with the ones you love. *********************************************************

I began to fuck her slowly and soon her moans turned into one of pure ecstasy, and she urged me to fuck her harder.

"Oooh baby, harder faster," she moaned. I added a finger to the first and fucked her harder and I gently flicked her clit and that set her off she just kept on cumin, it was an amazing sight, I kissed her slowly as she came back round.

Wow girl certainly rocked my world. Now it was time for me rock hers. I deepened are kiss.

"Thank you baby now it your turn," I whispered in her ear. I got a nice shiver than seem it alert my senses.

We changed positions; I slowly took of her clothes taking in every inch of her body, she was perfect and looking at her just, made me hot and touching her made me burn with passion and love. I ran my hands down her chest, all the way to her crotch cupping her mounds, and kissing her neck, then I pressed my finger against her lips, they were wet and ready for all the action, my finger went deeper, then it stopped cause she still had her virgin wall.

"Keep going baby," she whispered.

"No where, else to go," I said back.

"Stop playing, you are getting me sexually frustrated; just take it baby I want you to have it," she sighed and with that I pressed on, her breathing became heavier as I pushed harder and it no time I was pass the barrier and filling the void, pleasuring her, she was moaning and panting it was also erotic. I added another finger and pumped in and out of her with my two fingers, using my thumb to rub against her clit.

"Oooooh baby, I'm coming," she yelled, and with that she erupted on my hand, there was tiny bit of blood but most of it was come. I hugged and kissed her.

"Thank baby that was amazing it just keeps getting better," she sighed.

"I know," I whispered before falling into the most satisfying sleep. No worries of Monique on my mind just me and Lex here together.

Before you say anything it aint over they still gotz to take Monique down, I just decided not to leave it on a cliff hanger because it drives a certain somebody insane ;). And we can't have that now can we.

Iyt peace out and if you don't forgot to send comment good, bad, crazy, dis girl wanna hear it.

Next: Chapter 5

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