Among the Stars

By Randy Wade

Published on Jul 7, 2023


This story is fictional, though some events and places may be real. The characters and events surrounding them are completely fictional. This story does not, in any way, denote the sexuality or opinions of any non-fictional persons or places. This story has no bearing on the opinions of said places or known people or events. If homosexual content offends you, you might not want to read this story.


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Among the Stars

Chapter 15

Kimmy signed the papers giving up legal rights to Riley Alana Dawson-Christos. Jason then signed the documents officially adopting Her. He then signed the adoption papers for Jason Cody Dawson-Christos. Cody also signed the papers. They were now both proud parents of a daughter and a son.

As soon as Cody sat down next to Jason in the hospital as he held the baby he knew where it would lead. He was on board automatically. He didn't need to be asked. Jason looked at him as the nurse took the baby back to the nursery. He just nodded and Jason smiled.

Being wealthy had its perks it didn't take much to get the adoption agency to push the paperwork through. The fact that Jason was now a billionaire and a few greased palms was all it took. The next step was to have bedrooms redone for the kids. It was decided to just use one for a nursery for both for the time being. I nanny was hired, after passing a heavily done security check. No Lindbergh baby here was Jason's comment.


The day we did all the paper work for the adoption the celebrity media was a buzz about the press release regarding Lydia Christos. I read it and smiled. I cut out the article and placed in and album I had started regarding Jason Chris. I read the article again after I placed it in the book.

I need to let my fans and the media know that after much soul searching I have to say I have not been completely honest about my mother. When I was six years old she left me with my grandfather while she abused drugs and alcohol. I grew up happy though. My grandfather or as I often referred to him Pop's was a strict man but he was also very loving and understanding.

Jason's press release;

My mother did not surface again until I was signed by Disney. Though I don't know exactly what happened as I was only eight at the time. She received a substantial amount of money to keep out of the picture. When I came out to the public about my sexuality at age fifteen she once again came and threatened to expose the pay off. Through my Pop's I agreed to give her an annual income and a home to live in if she remained out of the picture.

Over my wedding she again surfaced. Though done with the drugs and alcohol she took on a new passion. She is a follower of the Westboro church teachings. Though not a member as far as I know she preaches the hate. As to why I am now telling this is because I have decided to cut her off. I cannot support any person that creates and fuels hate of others for any reason. As a new parent I believe that no matter what you love your child and want their happiness. Unfortunately, she saw me as a cash cow. I hope that my fans and the media forgive me for this deception of the truth.

I re read the article again. I smiled and wrote on the slip of paper 'Jason's Freedom'. I slipped into the book above the article. I smiled at it. and thought of the smile it brought to Jason this morning. The lawyers had to have a Sherriff remove Lydia from the house. We also had found out she was trying to sell the house. Most of the art work and fixtures had been sold off. As far as I know the lawyers are working with the Orlando district attorney on charges.

We had been home for a month with the kids. Our life had become somewhat routine. We liked that though. It was a nice change of pace. Jason did though go down into his recording studio in the basement few a few hours a day. Life for us now was nothing but peaceful and tranquil. I was going to enjoy it while it lasted.

The movie I was scheduled to make in February was rescheduled to start to start in March. That gave me more time with the kid, Cody and to finish the album I started while I was on tour. I was once again asked to perform at the Olympics this time in Rio which this time I agreed to. But that was almost a year away.

Cody and I discussed the baptism of the kids. After much discussion we decided that Harry would be godfather to Riley along with Kimmy and Ellen. For JC it was decided Josh Chasez and Justin Timberlake along with Mama monster, Lady Gaga. We decided on March 14th for the christening. Of course grandparents would be there. Cody's parents had warmed up to the idea of his sexuality, would be there. My Father whom I talked to weekly if not more would be there.

It was going to be a small affair. Family and friends. Cody Insisted on inviting Brad and Angela, along with their kids. I also invited William and Kate. They of course couldn't make it because Kate was pregnant again. I was happy for them but sad they wouldn't be there. They had a real loving relationship. So in total it would be about twenty people. We decided on a Bar-B-Q and pool party.


I was as nervous as chicken looking at a fox. This was the first time my parents and granny would meet my husband. It took a lot of talking from Granny to get them to come. Somehow she got them to come. I had to promise Granny Jason would sing the one song she liked that he did, Some People.

I Jumped when I heard Jason's phone ring. "Sup Grans?" he answered.

"Ok' I'll tell him. Looking forward to meeting you too." He said.

"Code, they are almost at the gate." He smiled at me.

I ran to through the big house which was actually bigger than his castle in England. I tram out the front door and waited at the top of the steps that lead down to the driveway. Three minutes later I saw a black Doge Nitro come up the drive towards the house. By the time it stopped in front of the house I was at the bottom of the steps. Jason had bought the car along with a gas card for Granny and the family. Mostly Granny though.

Behind them was a '90 Ford truck with a back cab. The truck belonged to my sisters and brother-in-law. My brother-in-law Is true redneck. Not to mention ad foul mouthed bigot. When Granny got out of the back seat of the Nitro I smiled. Her eyes still had that twinkle. My parents and one of twin younger brother got out too. From the truck poured out my sister and her family along with the other twin brother.

I was pulled into a hug by Granny. Then one by my mother and sister. My father shook my hand. I saw my parents go stiff. I turned and saw Jason and His father standing at the top of the steps between two of the two story stone columns. I smiled at him. He was smiling down at me. I motioned him down.

"Jason, Christof I'd like you to meet my family."

I then introduced my father and mother, Martin and Mary Dawson. My Granny, Mae Dawson. My twin brothers Luke and Duke Dawson. My sister and her husband. Emily and Billy Crudle and their two kids Billy Jr .and Mae. Jason and Christof shook hands and greeted my family warmly. Granny pulled him to a hug.

"Yue's a foreigner ain't cha." Said Billy shanking Christof's hand.

"I am from Denmark Mr. Crudle."

"Ain't that down near Blackville.?" Billy asked.

"Billy shut your mouth, you're an idiot. Demark is country in Europe." Said Granny swatting him in the back of his head.

"They named a country after Denmark, South Carolina?" he said.

Granny shook her head and rolled her eyes at Billy. "Billy just grab our bags. Luke and Duke you help Billy." She shooed them off to grab their bags. As Mr. Kane came down the stairs with his son.

"Hey Jeeves's, I want you to meet my family. Well some of them." I said looking at Billy.

After introductions were made again we walked into the house. I could tell my family was intimidated. I knew the feeling I was when I first saw the inside. Jeeves's showed everyone their rooms. The twins wanted to share a room. Which didn't surprise me at all. They were almost fifteen and as most twins especially identical twins they were close.


In all honesty I didn't know what to make of most of Cody's family. Granny Mae and the twins were pretty open books. The others seemed a bit standoffish. Except for maybe Billy who after his comments, I took him as uneducated or a bit slow. Not that, that made me dislike him. He seemed harmless.

Billy was the first to come into the Family room in the back of the house, across the hall from the Library. This is the only section of the main floor I altered. I took out a few rooms to enlarge both rooms and modernize them in a retro classic look. Billy didn't seem to care one way or another once I offered him a beer from the tap. If he was intimidated, he didn't show it.

The next to come in was the twins. They seemed like kids in a candy shop looking around the room. I smiled to myself at that because once they found out about the game room below us we'd probably not see them for hours at a time.

Granny led the way with Mr. and Mrs. Dawson, Emily and the two little ones they were about six or seven. You could tell Granny Mae was the boss of the group or as my Dad referred to her in private the 'matriarch' before they started to file down. Emily was quiet and fidgeting. I could tell she wasn't comfortable in her surroundings. I could understand that. I noticed the twins became more sedate when they entered.

His parents though I Knew were going to be a bit of an issue. They were quiet and a bit sullen. I knew that they were not accepting our marriage. They both seemed to be not just standoffish. They seemed have a slight hostile edge to them. Especially when I tried to talk to them. I offered them each a drink. Mr. Dawson took a beer like Billy. Mrs. Dawson and Emily both took a glass of wine. The kids and the twins all took a coke.

"So where is my Grandbaby." Said Mrs. Dawson.

"The babies are taking their naps Momma." Said Cody.

"We don't care about the spic baby. Just our baby." Said Mr. Dawson. Before I could react though, granny Mae stood up and let her opinion be known.

"I didn't raise you to be an ignorant rude bigot. Martin. How dare you come to someone's house and say such things about their child. Either you apologize or I am gonna take a strap to your behind."

I figured Cody needed time to spend with his family. I decided to go for a run around the estate or the 'Compound' as Cody called it. The twins jumped up and asked if they could go too.

"Sure if want but I thought you'd want to spend time with your brother?" I said.

"We have all week to hang with him." Said Luke or was it Duke. "Yeah and I don't want to be around for this crap." Added the other one. Cody told them to get on their running shorts. My dad following my lead excused himself, stating he had a few business calls to make and went to the library. Whether or not he did I don't know.

The twins followed me up a back flight of stairs. "Um Jason, we don't have running shorts will regular shorts do?"

"Sure, though if you want I can lend you some." Both boys smiled. as they followed me to Cody's and Mine's bedroom. The boys seemed more relaxed away from their parents. It was if you just let them out of cage for the first time and they could now run free for the first time.

I went to the closet and pulled out three pairs of running shorts. I tossed the boys theirs. To my surprise they stripped off their khaki pants and their white dress shirts right there. Though only just short of fifteen they had good builds. Like Cody they had hairy legs. I stripped down and pulled on a jock.

I glanced over at the boys who had on their running shorts. Sticking out of the bottom of the shorts were their boxers. I stifled a giggle and pulled out two Jock straps still in their packages and tossed them to the guys. They smiled and dropped their shorts and boxers. Yep, they are definitely Cody's brothers. I thought to myself when they were naked. We finished dressing for our run.

I led them down the main stairs and out the door. One of the features I added to the estate was a track around the property. One time around the estate is about seven miles. Cody and I ran every day. This was my second run for the day. We usually ran early in the morning before we had breakfast and our showers. Usually though the older Mrs. Kane would chase us up to take a shower first.

Not much to my surprise the twins kept up with me. We passed the ever present paparazzi but luckily they couldn't get a picture because of the large Boxwood hedges. I knew they were there even if they didn't know I was, they could be heard though. The twins talked and pointed to different things on the property.

The other smaller house near the gate came into view though by some standards would be huge. It was definitely larger than the house I grew up in. I explained that was where the Kane's lived. There were also a few workshops and also where security was housed. We came around the north west corner and headed west townds the main house. We ran up along the back of the estate.

We came up towards the marble gazebo where Cody and I posed for a few wedding pictures. The boys turned and ran backwards staring at the structure. "That thing looks like it came from Mount Olympus." Said one. I figure to be Luke. "How would you know. You ever been there? No. so shut up." said Duke.

I had figured out how to tell them apart. Duke was more relaxed and had a ready smile. While Luke was a little leery and smirked instead of smiled. Duke was relaxed and comfortable with himself whereas Luke seemed the opposite. Looks wise though they looked like mirror copies.

We came up to the garage that was behind the main house. I smiled to myself. I knew how to get the sullen look of Luke's face. Every kid liked cars. I stopped when I reached the door. The builders had started on the construction of the addition to the garage. They had dug down about fifteen feet for the lower part. When the addition was done the garage would be able to hold a hundred and forty cars.

The guys followed me into the garage. I heard their gasps as they looked at the cars. I looked at them and had to laugh. Their eyes were wide and their mouths hung open. They were almost drooling. They took a hesitant step forward and stopped. Duke turned around and looked at me and smiled.

"Can we look at them up close?" he asked.

"You can do better than that you can get in any of them you want." I said smiling at their enthusiasm.

I watched as they got in and out of different cars. They both loved the 2014 Bugatti and Lamborghini. My mechanic came over and answered all their questions. "How fast does the Bugatti go." Asked Luke.

"It can go up to two-hundred and sixty-eight miles per hour. Though it will use all its gas in about five minutes if it does that."

Ten minutes later we were heading up to the house. I decided to enter the indoor pool entrance. I smiled at the guys as we went into the pool area. I dove in. The guys did the same. After a good five-minute swim, we got out and went up the steps that lead up to the second floor. They went to their room and changed and I went to mine.

After a quick shower I went down stairs. It was about four in the afternoon. I expected Harry to show up any time now. He was would be here until the Sunday after the baptism at Saint Timothy's which was two days away. As if on cue the guard called the house to inform me that Harry was driving up from the back gate.

I walked down and joined Cody and family in the family room. Harry's here." I whispered to Cody.

"This should be interesting." He said as he lo0oked over to his parents who were each holding a baby. Much to my surprise. Mr. Dawson was holding and smiling to the bundle that was JC in his arms. Granny Mae had a knowing smirk of her face. Riley was being fawned over by Mrs. Dawson and Emily. The boys came bounding into the room. The looked at the babies.

"Oh thank God she ain't got them big ears of yours Code." Said Duke. Luke was now back to that sedated attitude.

"I ain't got big ears do I babe?" he said to me.

"Mate those are not ears. They're handles." Said a voice from the doorway. Cody laughed and got up and did slight jog-fast walk over to Harry and gave him a bro hug.

"You know for a Prince you really know how to show your ass bro." Cody said lightly punching Harry.

"Wouldn't be the first time Code man." Harry chuckled. Which made Cody and me both laugh.

Cody introduced his family to Prince Harry. He used Harry's military name Harry Wales. This of course really didn't fool anyone. Granny Mae took a shine to the prince and he took one to her.

It was evident by the time we all sat down to dinner in the larger dining room that Cody's parents were still not accepting of our marriage or even thinking it was real. Cody are you going to marry Riley's mother?" Said Mrs. Dawson.

Cody choked on his food when Harry answered. "I don't that's going to happen Mrs. Dawson. He seems to be already legally married and very happy with whom he married." I could kiss Harry for saying that.

The look on Mr. Dawson's face was she anger. He was about to say something when Granny Mae jumped in. "Jason I am glad that your part of the family now. You have made my grandson happy and for me that's all that matters. I think as a parent that's all that should matter."

"As I am to have Cody in mine." said my father Prince Christof.

The rest of the meal was eaten somewhat quietly well Mr. and Mrs. Dawson and Emily were quiet. Billy the twins and Granny Mae all talked with between my father, Harry, Cody, myself and each other. We all ignored the tension coming from the other three.

After diner Cody and I fed our kids. At almost two months old they were getting big. The nurse/nanny said they were very healthy and that it was due to the love they were getting. Cody and I both doted on both of them. Normally we would have waited until they were three or four month's old to be baptized but the doctor told us they were equal too three months old babies.

For JC this was really big as he was premature. He had grown quickly and seemed very healthy. I was willing to bet he'd be six foot or taller. Riley seemed to thrive off of JC's presence. When he wasn't near she would start wailing. This worked the other way around too. We had learned to keep them near each other.

We had decided that when they would be old enough for their own rooms we'd have to devise a way for them to be close enough. We had time though for that. Cody and I will think it out eventually. Until then they will share the nursery. This of course did not set well with Mrs. Dawson.

"It's not right to have a boy and girl share a bedroom. Who knows what will happen." She said as all the Grandparents went with us to put them to bed for the night.

"Mrs. Dawson. I have can take your comments regarding my marriage. I will not however allow you to talk about how we raise our children." I said to her. I saw Cody's eyes widen up.

"You will not talk to my wife like that." Mr. Dawson said stepping up to me.

Cody took a step forward. I put my hand up to stop him. "First off you both our guests in our home. I have tolerated your insults since you have been here. I think I have been a good host. I have thrown people out of my home for less. In respect for Cody I have not done so. I will say as a guest you have been not." I said staring the man down.

"That's it we be leaving these faggots to live in sin in their fancy whore house." said Mrs. Dawson.

"No we are not. Jason is right. We have been rude. On behalf of my wife and I, I apologize." Said Mr. Dawson offering his hand to me. which I shook. It was easy to see he was being sincere.

"Speak for yourself. I refuse to apologize or even think to except this sinful living arrangement. Not alone this sham of a marriage." Said Mrs. Dawson.

"The only sham is that you call yourself my mother. We have had senators and the President himself here to witness our Legal marriage. The fact that you were too busy to see your son married said a lot." Cody yelled at her.

"President? He ain't my President he is a."

"Mary. I have tolerated you because my son married you. I wasn't happy about it. Your bigotry and self-righteous crap is no longer acceptable. I think you need to leave." Said Granny Mae from the open door.

"Fine, come on Martin." She said throwing her head up.

I Almost laughed when Mr. Dawson said. "She said you should leave, not me."

"You don't come now don't come later. I am taking your car Mother." She said as she walked past Granny Mae.

"Actually it's not my car, it's in Jason's name. Even if it was in my name I tell you what to kiss." Said Granny smiling sweetly.

"I'll call you a cab." Said Cody.

Cody followed his mother out the door to call her a cab. Granny stepped forward and looked into the crib. She giggled at the sight. Riley seemed to be holding JC's hand. The look on his face was a happy one.

"So do you know any good divorce Lawyers?" said Mr. Dawson.

I laughed as did he. "Seriously though, I have had enough. If you know a decent lawyer that's affordable I'd appreciate it."

"If your serious I will have the law firm I have on retainer represent you." I told him. We both laughed when we heard Granny Mae mumble. "Took fucking long enough to divorce the bitch."

"The only good thing to come out of that marriage is my grandchildren." She said smiling.


The next day it was peaceful. Even Emily seemed more relaxed. I was surprised my father was talking to a lawyer about divorce. When I thought back to growing up I realized that it wasn't him whom was the calling the shots but her. I was even more surprised when he, Billy and Jason seemed to hit it off.

Billy was in awe of the car collection. He pointed out each make and mostly got the years right too. I wasn't surprised by that. Billy was a great mechanic. Book smarts he didn't have. he made good money as a mechanic though. People came from all around South Carolina to get their cars fixed or overhauled by him.

Granny was in love with 1935 Auburn Phaeton convertible. The car of the Stars as she put it. Billy was just as excited about it. he told me all about the car. He lifted the hood and whistled. "It's got and original engine."

"Not exactly, but they are all parts from Auburn though. There's one place that can restore it."

"Tulsa, Oklahoma." Said Billy.

What happened next surprised the fuck out of me. Jason grabbed the keys and tossed them to Billy. "Take Granny Mae for a ride."

The twins and dad saw them pull out of the garage. The twins came barreling down to the garage followed by Dad at a fast walk. Jason reading their minds grabbed the keys to the Bugatti Veyron and tossed them to my dad. The twins had to share a seat but they didn't care. They going to ride in the fastest street car made.

Emily was in the kitchen with the Kane women. Harry was out with Christof. Who knew where. Our kids when down for their naps. Well they were down a lot for naps. Either way we could relax. I looked at Jason and smiled. He looked at me ran for the house. I took off and passed him.


Cody gave me that look. I smiled and took off towards the house. he passed me. I went in through the pool house while he went the long way in. I ran up the stairs and down the hallway made right at the second story foyer. I Knew Cody would be racing into the foyer any second as I ran down the south hall towards the master bedroom. I stripped as I went along.

By the time I was in the master bedroom suite. I was kicking off my shoes and stripping off my pants socks and under wear. I jumped onto the bed as heard Cody running towards the doors. When Cody busted into the room I was laying on my back naked as the day I was born. Though unlike that day I my cock was sticking straight up.

He stopped and stared at me. It dawned on him that I came in through the pool house doors. "You cheated!" he said as pulled his shirt up over his head.

"Nope I just was smarter." I said as he bet over and took off his shoes and socks. He stood up. and pulled off his belt. He looked so hot in his tight Levi jeans. The bulge of his cock was evident.

"Stop! Don't." I said as I crawled to bottom of the bed. I ran my hand over the length of his cock in his jeans. He moaned softly. I leaned forward and pressed my cheek against his jeans covered cock. As I did this my fingers massaged where the head was.

I leaned back and saw a wet spot at where the tip of his dick was. I leaned forward and sucked on the spot. I could taste the precum and jeans. I massaged the bulge some more as I licked at the hair running from his belly button down to disappear into his jeans.

"Baby Please." he moaned. I knew he was in sexual bliss and agony. I also knew he wouldn't stop or rush me. for a while. He loved this. What guy doesn't like to have his body worshiped. For me worshiping Cody's body was easy and natural. He was hot, built like a Greek god, and sexy as fuck. Well at least to me was sexy.

I worked my way back up all the way to his nipples. I was now kneeling on the bed. I flicked my tongue over both until they both were hard. All the while rubbing his cock through his jeans. His gasps and moans were getting me harder to the point where I could feel myself dripping too.

His hands were on my shoulders and my back as I worked my way up to his neck. I knew this would drive him into pure heaven. I didn't linger though. I ran my hands up his sides lift up his huge biceps. I Licked on each. Whispering how hot he was. After licking one then the other I looked into his eyes. They were glossed over in ecstasy.

Smiling I sat back on my feet and licked down that sexy hair trail from his belly button. The spot in his jeans was no longer the size of a quarter. I went back up and licked his belly button as I undid his jeans. I worked my way back down as I pulled his jeans and boxer briefs down together exposing his muscular hairy butt.

When his jeans were down far enough his big cock smacked me in the face leaving a huge glob and trail of precum. I couldn't take the scent of his cock and precum. A lot of people would tell you that it doesn't have much smell. Cody's though did and I loved the scent.

I leaned forward and engulfed his cock. The taste was as good as his scent. I went all the way down on his cock. It took me a long time to be able to deep throat Cody. I now had it down to perfect. He grabbed the back of my head and pushed into his public hair. Unlike a lot of guys his pubic hair was thick and silky against my nose. I breathed in through my nose as he started to fuck my throat.

He grunted. I could tell he was beyond stopping the impending explosion of cum in my throat. He trusted deeper while holding my head steady on his cock. He Yelled my name. as I felt his cock expand in my throat and mouth. I felt the cum gush down. He let up on the back of my head and I pulled back halfway so I could taste his juice.

He knew I loved to taste his cum. I was a turn on for me. so he let up and pulled his cock out a bit so I could. As a lover Cody was the best. Not only did he enjoy the sex we had he made sure I got what I wanted too.

I sucked the last drop of cum out of his tool. I sat back and smiled as I savored the flavor that is Cody. He was looking down at me and smiling. Before I knew what was happening. He pushed me backwards on the bed. He buried my cock into his throat. I am nowhere near as big as Cody but I'm not small either.

Cody played with my balls as he expertly sucked on my cock. He would flick his tongue over the tip every o0ften. I was thrashing on the bed but he held me down with his free hand on my abs. just as I was about to cum Cody pulled off and gave me a Cheshire grin.

He pushed my legs back against my chest and shoved his face and then tongue into my ass. Again he had me pinned down as he drove me crazy with his mouth. His tongue dove into my hole. I groaned and moaned with every thrust of his tongue into me. Going deeper each time.

He pulled his tongue out of my hole and gave it another lick before he leaned upward. His cock pressed against my hole. I moaned and pushed against it impaling myself on him. He moaned as his cock went in deep inside of me. he moved in and out and trusted deeper and deeper each time. He increased his pace as he pushed forward and kissed me as fucked my ass.

Each trust hit the button. It drove me over the edge. I could feel My cock shoot cum out like a cannon hitting Cody's chin and covering both our chests and abs with cum. The tightening of my hole around Cody's cock had him cum just as I shot my last load. To say he filled me up was would be wrong. He overflowed my ass with his cum. He fell on top me.

His weight of two hundred pounds of muscle was heavy but I loved the feeling of him on top of me. Especially when his cock was still in me. he knew this too. He kissed my neck before lifting his head and kissing me deeply. He pulled back after a long romantic kiss as his cock popped up of me.

"I love you so much Jason." He said. I saw a tear in the corner of his eye. For being a big tough marine, he was a big old romantic. The dude cried at Disney movies.

"I love you more."

"Impossible to love me more than I love you." he said as he stood up and pulled me up with him.

"Sure there is I love more than there are stars in the sky." I said as he pulled me into the shower.

"how stars are there?" he asked as he started the water pushing me under the cold spray. I jumped and squealed at that ice cold water. He laughed.

"Asshole your right you love you more because right now I hate you." I said trying to get away from the cold water that was now turning warm. He hit the other jets. And soon we were being hit from every angle with water.

"Nope you love me and you know it." he said as he pulled my cheeks apart and more of his cum came out of me. Once he was satisfied that all the cum was out that was coming out he washed my ass lovingly. By now I was resting my cheek against his chest and my arms were around his neck.

I loved having him wash me. I loved the gentle caring way his bug hands soaped and caressed me. I also loved washing his beautiful body. This wasn't so much sexual for us at times like this. It was caring and taking care of and showing each other how much we loved the other. It was our sweet moment.

Cody washing Jason was great and having him wash me was awesome I loved his touch. Moments like this were special to me. I never got hard at times like this. I would plump up a bit as he would wash my dick and balls. Unfortunately, all good things must come to an end as we heard the beep from the phone telling us that the others were coming through the gate.

We quickly rinsed off and dried each other. Somethings even in a hurry we still like do like drying each other off. We quickly dressed in jeans and Tees and walked out the bedroom door. We walked to the main staircase. Not bothering to look out over the balcony to look into the foyer. If we had, we would have been more prepared. We walked hand in hand down the marble stairs. Sitting in the foyer on a rich paisley embroidered sofa was Stefani Germanotta better known as Lady Gaga was sitting there with the twins.

"About time you fuck bunnies came up for air." she said laughing.

I could feel the blood rush to my face as I looked at the twins smirking. "Your just jealous because Cody bopping your ass." Jason said. I could feel my face get redder.

"Your probably right about that to a point but I don't know about my ass." She said with a quick comeback.

She got up and gave Jason a big hug and kiss then gave me one. "Relax sweetie, the boys know more than they should." She whispered in my ear.

She was probably right about that. My brothers were always into the internet. They probably have all kinds of porn hidden on the laptops. Jason had made sure they had laptops and internet at home. I smiled at my brothers. They seemed relaxed both did even Luke. He was always a moody kid. He still has that melancholy about him though.

By the time it was dinner Justin and Jessica, JC Chasez and Kimmy had gotten there. Ellen DeGeneres and her wife Porsha would arrive early tomorrow. Harry was his normal goofy self. He pulled a prank on Justin Timberlake that had us all in stitches including Justin.

At one point when they were down at the stables Justin jokingly told Harry to eat shit. Harry had a melted Milkyway bar in his pocket that he was going to put in the fridge for later. Instead he waited for Justin to turn his back. As he turned around harry was squatting on a stall. He came over and saw harry eating the melted Milkyway.

"What are you eating?" he asked Harry.

"You told me to eat shit mate. So I am eating shit." Harry said seriously. I almost believed him myself.

Justin gagged and ran and barfed into a trash drum in the corner. JC Chasez fell on the floor laughing so hard. I thought he was gonna hurt himself. Jason and I were laughing pretty hard too. Harry was still keeping a straight face though which made it even funnier.

After we all calmed down somewhat Harry handed Justin the candy wrapper. He just stared at it then it dawned on him what happened. "If you were a normal guy I'd kick your ass." Justin said laughing.

"I don't know friend. When I look in the mirror naked I look pretty normal to me." Harry said smiling.

From what I saw in those Vegas pictures you looked pretty normal to me but maybe not as normal as Cody." said Jason.

"Hush you." Harry said flipping off Jason.

"You know somethin Justin that was a long time coming after all the pranks you pulled on us back in the day." said Josh Chasez.

"True enough bro." said just as Jessica and Lady came into the stables.

"what was a long time coming." She asked

"Prank payback." Josh said then told her what Harry did.

"Wish I was here to see that."

"See how she treats me?" Justine said as we made our way back to the house.

Dinner was as usual great. Our kids were the main attraction. We all retired early that night. We were eating breakfast as Ellen and Porsha arrived. They enjoyed coffee and tea and some toast. After breakfast we all went up and got dressed for church and the baptism.

The baptism was pretty much without incident. Paparazzi was present as always but we really didn't have as much a problem with them as we did at our wedding. As this wasn't advertised or announced event. The day was unusually warm but not warm enough for a cook out. but we had a pool party at the indoor pool.

Our guests left the next day. it was a quiet day. Jason and just cuddled up in front of the TV all day. It was almost ten and we both were yawning. I decided to make a snack Jason followed me when the phone rang he answered it. Jason went to the library to talk to Kathy as I made a snack for us before bed.

I walked into the room and Jason was smiling as he talked away on the pho0ne. "Sounds like fun but I want to go on my honeymoon first." He said.

" Babe We have wait on that with the kids anyway." I whispered to him. He nodded he understood that now.

"Ok well let me talk it over with Cody." He told Kathy. He said good bye and hung up.

I looked at him. "Well?"

"Disney wants me to make a musical called Disney Dreams. That's just a working title."

"When?" I asked.

"Not until June Hun." He said.

We climbed the marble staircase after setting the alarm for night mode. We checked on the Kids. The nanny was sitting in a chair. "They just nodded off." We smiled and peeked into the crib. We tried using one crib but that just caused them to wail.

We went to our bedroom and stripped down and curled into bed after we took a piss together. We cuddled up as usual I spooned Jason. I loved holding him like that. If this was hell as my mother said I was living in as a sinner. Then I don't want to leave it. I love my husband. I thought as I dozed off to join Jason's soft snores.

Thanks for editing Sam!

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