Among the Stars

By Randy Wade

Published on Jul 27, 2023


This story is fictional, though some events and places may be real. The characters and events surrounding them are completely fictional. This story does not, in any way, denote the sexuality or opinions of any non-fictional persons or places. This story has no bearing on the opinions of said places or known people or events. If homosexual content offends you, you might not want to read this story.


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Among the Stars

Chapter 26 addtion


I tried to stretch a little but with Cody draped over my body it wasn't easy. I didn't mind his weight or anything but I had to pee. With Cody's head on my chest, arm across the opposite shoulder and his leg pinning me down there was no way I could disengage him without waking him. I kissed the top of his head.

"Hmm, nice." He mumbled.

"I have to pee Cody," I whispered.

"No. Too comfy." still mumbling, as he held me tighter.

"Alright but don't BITCH at me when I pee on you," I said giggling.

"Ok. I won't," he said as he snuggled his head into my neck.

"Cody. I really have to go, babe. If you don't let me go now, you'll be getting a golden shower in bed."

"Kinky." He said as he kissed my neck.

"Uhg, get off me, you perv," I said pushing him off. He laughed as I ran to take a piss.

I smiled as he stood next to me and started to pee. His head on my shoulder. My big hunky macho stud is really a big baby at times. I didn't mind, though. We shook off the last drops and leaned into each other in a hug. We shared a sweet kiss or I thought we did.

"Eww. Camel breath," Cody said waving his hand in front of his face.

"I agree babe, You really need to brush your teeth and use all that mouthwash babe." I giggled turning the comment on to him.

"You're lucky I love you or I'd give you a comeback." He said handing my toothbrush and putting toothpaste on his.

"You don't have one do you?" I said in return.

"Nope, Not a one." He smiled at me then shoved his toothbrush in his mouth and went to work.

We went out into the living area of the suite. I smiled when I saw the twins watching CNN. Duke was growling and cussing at Donald Trump on the screen. I thought to myself these are the weirdest fifteen years olds Instead of wanting to watch horror or superhero movies they watched CNN. They each had a niece or nephew in their lap.

Cody and I looked at each other and just shook our heads. "They are so weird." He laughed.

"They're our weirdos, loveable but definitely weird." I agreed.

"Right here guys. We can hear you." Luke said not moving his eyes off the TV.

"Yeah, anyway what's the FUCKER saying now?" Cody asked as he poured himself a cup of coffee and handed it to me.

"Talking shit about how Jas and the Liberal CNN news misinterpreted his comments about him." Duke said.

"What's to misinterpret? He said it on CNN. What a FUCKTARD." Cody said sipping his own coffee. Taking Riley from Luke.

"Did you enjoy the Premiere and the After Party guys?" I asked changing the subject.

"Oh yeah, man the party was great. I got to meet Angela Jolie, Nina Dobrev, Vanesa Hudgens and..." Duke was saying.

"Duke shut up man. You also met George Clooney and Brad Pitt along with a lot of other Actors and Directors. There's more to life than tits and ass." Luke interrupted him.

"Dude don't be hatin' because there weren't no HOT guys hanging on you like the chicks were hanging on me." Duke said. I watched as Luke stormed off.

"You know Duke you just don't know when to shut up." I said as Cody went to check on Luke.

"SHIT. I didn't think. I'm sorry Jase." Duke said sincerely.

"Don't tell me. Tell Luke."

Duke nodded and got up and went to the half open door to the bedroom they shared. I watched as he stood there then turned around. He looked at his feet as he walked out onto the balcony. I followed him. I heard the sobs and saw the tears drop to the floor. I put my hand on his shoulder and he turned and buried his head against my shoulder and cried. I wrapped my arms around him as he cried.

"He hates me." he said between sobs.

"Why do you think he hates you?." I said rubbing his back. As big and hunky the twins are, it's easy to forget they are just fifteen.

"I heard him say it." he said and cried harder.

I reached up and lifted his head up to look him in the eyes while holding his face still. "Listen Babyboy. Luke is angry. When we are angry we say things we don't mean. You know Luke loves you."

"I know, but it hurts to think he doesn't." He said the sobs stopping but the tears still flowing.

"I know it does Duke. Though you have to remember that sometimes we say shit we don't mean. Did you mean to hurt Luke when you said what you did earlier?"


"It still hurt him though didn't it?"

"Yeah, I know. I guess I was a jerk in all of this."

"You weren't the only one Duke. You both need to apologize to each other. On the other side of the picture though, you need to try to be a little more sensitive to the fact that Luke is not yet comfortable with his sexuality. You're both going through puberty still so emotions and hormones are running high. Understand what I am saying?" I explained to a tear-stained face.

"Okay, I will be Mr. Sensitive with that."

"Don't go overboard with it. Just be willing to listen to him and show support."

"Ok but like you said my emotions and hormones are high too so who's gonna support me?" he said with a smirk.

"Luke, Tony, Cody, me and your hand." I smiled while using the stroke motion with hand.

"Dude, my hand and dick are lovers." He said laughing.

"On that note, I am going to check on Cody and Luke."



I walked in and saw Luke lying on his back on the bed staring at the ceiling. He was frowning and I could tell he was holding it all back. I would see his body shiver every few seconds. I laid down next to him. I didn't say anything. I wasn't the one good at this stuff. Normally this was Jason's area of expertise. I knew Jason was more like Luke and I was more like Duke.

"I hate Duke. He's an asshole." Luke said. I looked up and saw Duke standing there in the doorway. He lowered his head and turned around and left.

"No you don't bro. Though he can be an asshole." I said rolling on my side to face him.

"Yes I do. He doesn't give a shit about anyone but himself." Luke said. Tears running down his face.

"You know that's not true. Wasn't him who got you away from mom? Didn't he stand up to those guys who made those hate comments.? Come on, Luke he loves you and you know he cares about you." I reminded him.

"Yeah I guess." He whined.

"You're not really made at him are you?" I asked.

"No. It's just that he gets all those girls attention and...." he said not finishing his comment.

"I get it, I think. You want a boyfriend."

"Not just that it's just that I feel like I am nothing. If I was straight I'd would be something."

"You know when I first met Jas. I tried to deny how I felt. I always thought of myself as straight. I think if it was anyone other than Jas I'd be straight. I don't think of myself as homosexual or straight neither does Jas."

"What Cody is trying to say. Is don't let your sexuality define who you are or your happiness." Jason said from the door.

"I know. It's just hard because I don't have anyone yet. You have each other." Luke said. I could hear in his voice he was moving towards a better outlook.

"You will in time bro. The moment I saw Jas; I was in love. It just took me a little longer to admit it." I said as I stared at my husband.

"Yeah, I guess you're right. If a DICKHEAD like you can find a boyfriend, I should have no problem." Luke laughed.

"Meanwhile, Luke there's a guy on the balcony hurting because he thinks you hate him." Jason said.

"Why would he think I hate him? He's my brother I love him." Luke asked

"He heard you say you HATE him earlier bro." I said.

Luke got up off the bed and walked through the suite to the balcony. Jas and I followed him to the living area. We watched as the twins talked and then hugged. They came back in shoving each other. They were back to being not only brothers and best friends but also each other's best BUDS and confidants.

"You know we still have two weeks before we have to register the teen brats for school. What do you say we get out of here and go stay in Malibu?" Jas said in a stage whisper to me.

"That's cool .. we .. me .. no .. us." Said Duke after mentally conferring with Luke with eye contact.

"Like you asses have any say." I said seriously. Not really but WE got to fuck with you. "I don't know dude. We have to do a lot of back to school shopping for them. That alone will take some time. I think we should head back to the Compound." I said.

"Your right as usual sweetheart. I'll charter a small plane for tonight." Jason said with all seriousness. He grabbed my hand and squeezed it letting me know he knew I was full of shit.

The twins did everything they could to convince us we could stay here. "Come on we can shop here." Said Duke.

"Yeah, Rodeo Drive has some cool shops." Said Duke.

"Rodeo Drive huh? Do you know how expensive the store is on there? By the time you're done, you'll have spent all the money you got from the movie." Jason said.

"We have to pay for it?" Duke asked.

Jason and busted out laughing. The twins stared at us then smiled they mirrored each other with fist pumps. Go pack asswipes." I told them.

We had now six security guys. So with all our bags, the three Chevy Tahoe's were packed with luggage and people. The twins rode with Tony in the lead vehicle as we pulled out of the parking garage. There were Paparazzi outside. Most didn't follow us. Those that did didn't do what the ones in Gibraltar did. They kept their distance.

When we pulled into the gated area where the house was located the Paparazzi couldn't follow. We pulled into the drive of the Malibu mansion. The twins jumped out and went towards the house. "hey guys grab your bags." Jason yelled.

"The servants will get them." Luke called back.

"We created spoiled monsters." I said "there are no servants, get your fucking luggage." I yelled at them.

They trudged back and got their luggage and dragged the bags to the door. I laughed as they made two more trips. "so we have to cook our own food and clean this place too?" Duke asked us.

"There's a cleaning crew that comes in twice a week but we do have to buy and cook our own food. Though it would be nice if you picked up after yourselves and did your own laundry" Informed Jason.

"Damn manual labor, what's the world coming to when I am a SuperStar." Said Duke feigning the horror of it all.

"One movie and he's a SUPERSTAR." I said, laughing at his dramatics.

I watched as they took their clothing into the house. Jason and I pulled our luggage out of the back of the SUV. Together we had six bags and each a garment bag holding tuxes. Together we had half of what the teens had. I thought back to when I was that age. Yeah I had just as much clothing. Still do. Jason and I we're both clothing whores but we learned to travel light, picking up what we needed along the way.

I stood back and looked at the house. I liked this house. It was a two-story Spanish-Style design. Jason had told me that he had told them he wanted the house to be non-typical though. They did just that. The first floor had a random stone finish. The second story though was a peach stucco with five bedrooms. The floors were separated by a wood trim that went around the house. It had a gabled style front and hip roof which housed and attic and several more rooms which would be used by the security.

The house stood back a good one hundred feet from the road. Being a gated community there was no walls or gates just hedges. The house was surrounded on three sides with palm trees and gardens. The back of course was the Santa Monica bay. From what Jason told me he had bought three houses and had them torn down. The Trees though stayed. The best thing about the house was it was still homey.

"You coming babe?" Jason called from the door breaking into my thoughts. I smiled, picked up my bags and went in with him.

As we were taking our bags upstairs to unpack the twins came racing down in board shorts. "We're hitting the beach!" called back Duke.

"You guys unpack?" Jason called back. the twins braked at the bottom of the steps and trudged back up the stairs past us. Tony and Aaron laughing as they carried the twins up behind them.

"Party pooper." I said to Jason, giggling as we followed the other four guys up.

"Someone has to be adult around here." He smiled at me.

"Your right. Know where we can hire one?" I said as we walked into our room.

"Don't need one. I have one right here. A big masculine one too." Jason said grabbing my crotch and kissing me. the kiss turned into a deep passionate one. Not unusual for us.

"Geez, get a room." We heard behind us. I groaned as Jason broke the kiss and stepped back laughing.

"We have one and you happen to be in it." I said turning towards the invading twins. I was rock hard in my desert camo cargo shorts. There was no hiding it either but I didn't care either.

"Yeah I know but we need another dresser. We only have room for our shit in the closet and dresser and that tall one." Said Luke.

"Ever think about each taking a room instead?" I said. You might have thought I said that Easter Bunny and Santa are not real to a two-year-old with the looks they gave me.

"I'll make a call and see if I can get the furniture company to bring you guys a new bedroom set." Jason said. "Do you want a big king or two queens?" he then asked.

The twins looked at each other. Luke smiled and nodded. "How about one of those oversized bunk beds and a matching single bed?"

"It's freaky when they do that shit." I said to no one in particular. The twins just grinned.

"Ok but we have to go shopping for it now though so I can get then to deliver it today."

We jumped into the Cadillac Escalade with just Tony and Aaron. I headed North on the Pacific Coast Highway. I turned into Tomas's Furniture. The six of us went into the store. We set the twins loose in their board shorts. Us four adults walking behind them. we lost sight of them as went around a corner shoving each other.

I wasn't surprised to hear a Salesperson yelling. What I didn't like was what he sale. "Listen you fucking assholes. This is not a playground. Go back to the Beach or whatever Trailer Park you came from."

"Ahem." Jason clearing his voice.

The guy turned around ready to cuss out a parent of the boys. "Listen if you can't control your kids." He stopped when he saw Jason standing there. The guy's face went white. I looked at Jason and I could see why. That look would have scared me too.

"I am so sorry I thought they were from one of the Trailer Parks down the road. I didn't know they were with you Jason." Said the forty-something guy in a designer suit.

"I don't remember telling you that you may be so familiar and secondly what difference does it make where these boys are from for you to treat them with respect?" he said as he stepped two inches from the man's face. The venom in Jas's voice sent chills up my spine. I heard Tony giggle.

"Don't worry bro he's not as pissed as he looked." He whispered.

"Find me another sales person now or I walk along with a few other celebrities."

"I am not a salesman Mr. Chris. I am the proprietor of this establishment." Said the man

"Let's go guys. There's nothing I want from this man." Jason said and started back towards the door with the twins right behind him with heads down. I caught up with Jass and he was holding back his laughter.

It didn't take us long the find another store the guy was cool and he promised to deliver all the furniture with-in the next two hours. We headed back to the house. the boys took off and ran through the house around the pool and down the long step to the beach. Jason and I had some semi-alone time with Riley and JC. Riley was starting to be able to stand with the help of furniture. JC was already standing and walking with support.


We decided to hit the Beverly Center which is a high-end mall, to do some of the back-to-school shopping for the twins. I also had another reason. Something that I knew the guys would like which included Cody, Tony and Aaron.

I told Cody I had an errand to RUN and to stick with the twins. I made my way up to the seventh level and went into Tiffany's. I looked at the display cases and saw what I wanted. I made my purchases and left with the bodyguard in tow.

I found the rest of our crew and hour later we were leaving after spending six thousand dollars and only two bags each. I had one of them. we then decided to just hit a regular mall. Within three hours we had spent another two thousand but we had twelve bags this time. The twins made a trip out to the escalade halfway through our shopping to drop off bags.

We had a good two weeks at the beach house but I was ready to head home to Lynnwood. I have to admit though, being out on the beach with its summer breeze was better than Philly's humid summers. The twins had all over tans. I came out one day to see to naked hunky teens sunning in the nude. Cody laughed then dropped his shorts and joined them beside the pool. Oh well when in Rome. So here we are tanned head to toe.

We boarded the Embraer Legacy 600 long range jet. It was perfect for us when we didn't need the big 747. Though it only seated thirteen and our group consisted of fourteen we just double up the kids in a seat. Once they loaded our luggage we taxied out on the Runway at Hawthorne Municipal Airport. We were cleared for takeoff and soon we were on our way to Philadelphia. The five-hour flight wasn't too bad nor was the landing. Being we were in a smaller jet we landed in Northeast Philadelphia airport.

The Limo was waiting and surprising us was that Billy was our chauffeur. We piled into the Limousine our luggage was loaded along with the security in three other SUV's. The parade of vehicles took off for home. As we came up to Lynnwood I smiled. I thought I saw someone in the bushes lurking. When I turned around to look again they seemed to have disappeared. I shrugged it off as shadows playing tricks.

The next few days Jason was pulling strings and getting the twins registered into the Philadelphia High School for Creative Arts. Being that Lynnwood was not in the city I used the Condo's address. We also set a schedule to take and pick them up from the school. We got a tour of the school. I was impressed. I wished I had gone here myself.

The Principal assured Tony that the school had excellent Security but Tony still wanted a bodyguard assigned to each of them. After a little discussion of some of the past issues they had to deal with the principal agreed it was a good thing. The twins left smiling happily and enthusiastic about starting school in two weeks.

Again when we entered the gates I saw the shadow. I didn't mention it to anyone. I just decided to have the bushes and trees cut back a little. The family united again at home. My father asked if he could visit with his wife and two sons. I of course said yes. They were to come the week after the guys started school.


Aaron, Tony and I researched Security Schools for training potential bodyguards. None of them really fit our needs. We played with the idea of training our own. I mentioned it to Jason and he thought it was a great idea. So we looked for a building which we found in North Philadelphia near an old Amtrak Station. We met with realtor and with the money that Jason fronted us we purchased the building. The thing is it needed a lot of work.

At Jason's suggestion we met with an architect firm. We told them what we needed and they went to work. We just now had to wait. Meanwhile we decided to start looking for what we wanted in trainers. Aaron suggested we hire a trainer in the Secret Service Academy.


Jason and Cody decided that they would take us to school the first day together. We were smiling ear to ear when we pulled up to the school on South Broad Street in the '36 Cord Convertible with Jason Chris driving. We of course had lots of attention. Some looking at the car but mostly at seeing Jason. We leaped out onto the sidewalk side of the car. They purposely hugged Jase and then Cody saying our goodbyes and promised to not cause trouble for our bodyguards. They parked their car and met us. Jason promised to pick us up after school and then they pulled off into the traffic.

"Dudes, Are you friends with Jason Chris?" said some Latino guy in camo pants and a green Tee.

"He's our brother's husband so he's our brother-in-law." Said Duke.

"Oh so your brother is a FAG too." Said the guy.

"Yo bro, who you calling a FAG?" Said Duke stepping up the guy.

Carmen, my bodyguard, stepped forward as did Dukes, Keith. I smiled when they stood with us and the kid back away. "Hey back up. I meant no offense." Said the kid.

"Really bro? That word is offensive man." Duke said looking the guy in the eye.

"Sorry bro, it just a word. You people are too sensitive over shit." The guy said he was getting ashy looking.

"Just a word? How would you feel if I referred to all Latino people as WETBACKS?"

"That's racist bro." said the guy getting angry.

"It's just a word bro. Isn't that what you said about FAG." I said.

"It's different man. I ain't got no choice." He said.

Keith stepped forward. "No bro. It's no different. If we as minorities don't want to be called derogatory names. We have to practice the same thing. Respect gets respects. As far as sexuality is concerned who in their right mind would choose to be discriminated against." Keith put his hands on our shoulders.

"Come on boys don't waste your time with this kid." said Carmen and escorted us through the grounds to the door.

We went into school, we already had our schedules. At Jason's suggestion our creative studies would include Dance, Music and Acting besides our normal studies of English, Math, History and Science. We went to our homeroom. Though we had the same h]Home Room and Creative Classes our schedule varied from there, except for lunch.

We took our seats. We created a lot of stir outside and we created on in our homeroom. We were new guys, related to a celebrity, and we were hot looking. Yeah stuck up much but just stating the fact. The girls were smiling and most of the guys were eying us sizing up how much a threat we are to them. We took seats right beside each other.

"Hi, Magnus Berg." Said the guy beside me. I turned and looked at him. He was fucking hot. Blonde curly shoulder length hair. Nice tan and gray with little silver flecks in them. His face was strong and masculine. His body from what I could see was that of an athlete.

"Luke Dawson." I said shaking the offered hand.

"What's your schedule like?" asked Magnus.

I showed him my schedule. He pulled his out of a notebook and compared it to his. He smiled. "We have the same schedule except for the Creative Arts. How about your brother?"

"We only have the same Creative Schedule and lunch together." I got out. He made me nervous. Not in a bad way though.

"Well we do have one Creative together. Music." he said looking at the extended schedule.

The teacher came in and introduced himself Mr. Tony Garofello. He then went over the roll call.

"Okay, now that's over with. I have one rule be in here by the end of homeroom to be marked present. That done with I want you all to understand that, here as students, you all have extraordinary creative skills in the arts. It doesn't matter what that art is. They are equally important. That means they all deserve your respect. It doesn't matter if you have already recorded a song or record made a movie or commercial. Been in a dance troop. You are here to learn. To refine your skills, to become better." He said looking at everyone in the room.

"As far as your regular courses, you have to keep at least a C average. If you do not, you will not be allowed to partake in any other activities. I don't care what role you have. I will make sure it's enforced as will the Principal and Arts Instructors. In your Art classes you have to maintain a C average or you will be dropped from that class. Any questions?" he finished.

"What if the instructor doesn't like you?" asked the black kid who gave us attitude outside.

"Well Akeem, I suggest you find a way to make them like you. Most of the art especially the performing arts have only one instructor."

"Akeem is music and refuses to perform what he calls white man music." Magnus whispered.

"He hates gays too." I said not thinking.

"Yeah. He has a lot to say about everyone."

"My brother and brother-in-law would trash him." Said Duke joining into the conversation."

"I don't know he is pretty connected in Philly." Said Magnus.

"So are they bro. I'm Duke. If you haven't noticed, we are twins." He said grinning.

"Who are they. I'll tell if they are connected enough."

"Jason and Cody Dawson-Chris." I told him.

"As is Jason Chris?" he asked. I nodded yes.

"Yeah I think you guys have him beat."

The bell rang signaling the end of homeroom and four minutes to next class. "Come on let's get moving. What's your next class Duke? I'll give you directions."

"Thanks bro, but Kelly here has the same class as me. So I'm cool." Duke smiled at the pretty red head with big boobs next to him. The dork even wiggled his eyebrows.

"Ok then. Let's go Luke."


Center City traffic was a bitch. Especially when you get those People who don't know what turn signals are for. I was glad when we hit the expressway. What normally would have been a forty-minute drive turned out to be over an hour. Cody and I agreed that the first week we would take the boys to school. From then on it would be security.

Again I saw that shadow as we pulled into the gates of Lynnwood. I have to talk to the gardeners about trimming the bushes and tree back. That shadow doesn't do much to relax me. Though we do get the occasional Paparazzi stalking the grounds it's been quiet.

Cody went off to the library to work on the security company they named NASSA or National Armed Special Security Agency. They ran their idea's by me, not that I have any actual ideas on security other than they are good to have. They did it mostly because I am footing the bill and will be my company. They will just run it.

They decided to hire people the following categories. Military expertise: all branches that meet the standard, Police with special training, FBI, CIA or Secret Service agents. All must be American Citizens. Their hiring policies were based on that and nothing else. They also decided to hire a Special Tactics Training Personnel. They got one from the Secret Service and a one from the Navy Seals to start with. They also hired Specialist in Intelligence dealing with the Internet and computers in general. I gave them a room in the sub-basement to work in until their building is done.

The week went fast. Luke seems to have a crush on some jock named Magnus. Duke was into some redhead named Kelly. They both asked if they could spend the weekend with us. Magnus was able to but Kelly's parents said an outright no. which of course pissed off Duke.

My Dad, and his family were going to be arriving in the Morning from Denmark. I offered to send them my jet but they declined the offer. I was a bit nervous about meeting his wife and my half siblings. Though his wife knew about me. The kids didn't until Gibraltar incident. So I can assume there was going to one of two things open arms or complete resentment from them.

I was driving the Escalade to pick up the boys and Magnus. Cody was in a meeting with some technical guys with Aaron and Tony so I said good-bye with a kiss and drove out. With security behind me. We got onto the Blue route and went down to the route 76 interchange. As I went down the ramp I felt a jolt. I don't know what happened other than I woke up looking out the side window and everything was upside down. I smiled as the security agent worked and pulled on the door. It opened and I felt a breeze or air come in. Then everything went black again.


We stood outside the school waiting to be picked up. Our Security Guards there with us. Magnus and Luke were looking at his laptop at some video on YouTube when Carmen's and Keith's phone rang. "We have to go now!" She said to us.

The look on her face told me something was not right. "Why isn't Jason and Cody here did something happen?"

"There was an accident. Jason's alright though."

"What about Cody?" I asked.

"He wasn't in the car." Keith said as he shut the door on us.

"Here look."

"Fox news reports that a Cadillac Escalade driven by POPSTAR Jason Chris has overturned. There are reports that insinuate that there may be more to this a just an another accident. Could it be that the so-called squeaky clean Jason Chris was under the influence of alcohol or drugs? It wouldn't be the first time a celebrity pop star has hidden secret drug abuse."

"Turn that shit off." I told Magnus.

"That's BULLSHIT Jason doesn't drink much and wouldn't drive if he did. The DRUG shit is complete BULL FUCKING SHIT."

"Hey where are we going?" asked Luke

"Guys, I am taking you to Jefferson Hospital. Cody is coming on the chopper." Informed Keith.


"According to police reports the Cadillac Escalade driven by Jason Chris was hit by a rocket launched hand grenade at approximately two pm today. Police reports are that they have apprehend a suspect and several others. As to the identity of those suspects the only thing that was forthcoming was that they are all American born citizens. As to The condition of Jason Chris we have received conflicting reports this much we do know he was unconscious when he was removed from the vehicle. Stay tuned as we find out more."

"We just received more information regarding the Jason Chris incident earlier today. According to Sources Aryan Republican Army has taken responsibility for the attack. Pennsylvania State Police have verified that Homeland Security and FBI have taken over the case."


"Anderson Cooper reporting from Philadelphia. We have just been informed that Jason Chris has passed at 10:40 this evening do to his injuries. His family has asked that we respect the family's privacy at this time. We here at CNN will respect that request. This has been a very emotional time as I consider Jason Chris as good friend. So back to you Wolf as I take some time to deal with my own loss of a friend."

"How was that?" Asked Anderson.


Thanks for editing Rick!

Though I will miss Sam.

For any comments please contact me at:

If this story gets your interest read Hazard in the high school or rural sections.

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Next: Chapter 28

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